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Welcome to the Holiday City Council meeting on November 2nd. 00:00:00
You'll notice that we're missing two of our council members. We've had a few. 00:00:04
Challenge healthcare challenges. So they're they're doing great, but. 00:00:09
Are not going to be joining us tonight, so we have a very short agenda. There's a couple of things. 00:00:14
Item number seven we I'm not 7. 00:00:19
Yes. 00:00:23
We are going to push to another meeting and. 00:00:25
What we were going to cover in work session, the ACE program is not going to be covered. So we won't even be going into work 00:00:28
session tonight, I don't think. 00:00:32
So it's going to be a very quick agenda. 00:00:37
And so with that, we will still start with the pledge, if everybody please write. 00:00:40
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:00:48
And to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:53
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:56
Thank you very much. We do have one public hearing item number four on the agenda. 00:01:05
Which is naming rights for the city. So if you're here to address the council on that, you can wait till we open up that public 00:01:10
hearing. 00:01:14
Any other issues you would like to address with the council, we'll start with public comment, which will be now. So, Trudy, we'll 00:01:18
start with you. 00:01:21
Trudy from the library. 00:01:30
I'm so glad to be here at the beginning of the month because we've got so many fun things. Saturday is the day to be at the 00:01:32
library. We will be working in conjunction with the tree committee. There is a tree talk at 1130 from 11 at two. We have an open 00:01:37
move with people there to help you get ready to vote. So if you need to update your registration or get registered to vote, come 00:01:42
to the library from 11:00 to 2:00 on Saturday. 00:01:48
And then at 1:30 we also have in honor of. 00:01:53
Native American Heritage Month. We have Larry Cess Pooch coming. He's giving us a lecture on wisdom from the Medicine Wheel at 00:01:58
1:30. 00:02:03
Should be fascinating. He's a really interesting speaker. 00:02:07
We will, of course, be closed on the 11th for veteran's day. 00:02:12
And then the week after that we have great, great beats where that's for 8 to 12 year olds. 00:02:17
They'll be discussing and doing crafts around starfish by these. 00:02:24
And Dungeons and Dragons for beginners on the FIF. 00:02:28
Will work in conjunction with the Happy Healthy Holiday Coalition. On the 18th. We're having a QPR suicide prevention training at 00:02:32
11:30 at the library. 00:02:37
And then of course on the 21st. 00:02:42
Come and vote as we will be a polling location. Please come in and. 00:02:44
For the 22nd, we'll be closing early for the holiday for Thanksgiving and we'll be closed the 23rd and 24th, but we will be open 00:02:49
on Saturday the 25th. 00:02:53
Happening in the library among. 00:02:59
Any questions? 00:03:02
All right. Thanks so much. Thanks for coming. 00:03:06
Anybody else for public comment? 00:03:09
There being then we'll close public comment and move to the public hearing on proposed Amendments Title 3 to add naming of city 00:03:13
assets. This was an issue we discussed. 00:03:18
At the last, last Council meeting in terms of putting a policy in place for opportunities for citizens or businesses or 00:03:24
organizations to donate and what our policy was going to be. 00:03:29
Any any questions for Todd or Gina before we open the public hearing? 00:03:35
It looked like it had been done before because it seemed very comprehensive to me. Yeah, this is a wealth travel pattern, I guess. 00:03:44
Probably borrowed some language. We think we borrowed some language other many other communities have done this. So we're trying 00:03:52
to take the best of what they have and. 00:03:56
Incorporated into our own code. 00:04:00
If there's no questions, let's open up the public hearing. Anybody to address the council on? 00:04:04
The naming rights. 00:04:09
Ordinance. 00:04:12
OK, there be then we'll close the public hearing. 00:04:15
This will appear on the agenda for vote, I assume on the 16th of November. 00:04:19
We may hold it. I realized we don't have a discussion of any in kind donations in the ordinance and that may be something we want 00:04:27
to add. 00:04:33
OK. Yeah, I don't think this is real pressing issue and I would be fine if you want to just if we want to put it on the work 00:04:39
agenda on the 16th and add something and see if there's any. 00:04:44
Tweaks to the language in there, it is a pretty. 00:04:51
Policy or. 00:04:54
Ordinance, so make sure everybody's OK with it and. 00:04:55
Vote when we're ready. 00:04:59
With Well, with that then I will close the public hearing. 00:05:03
So that public hearing is closed. 00:05:07
So we are moving on to consideration of resolution 2023-28, this is. 00:05:11
Advice and consent for the appointment of Bryant Behrendt as member of the Planning Commission. We're going to this will be this 00:05:17
is a District One appointment. 00:05:22
I. 00:05:29
OK, so before we vote this, we always like usually we have a work session prior to this, but the agenda was so short and we were 00:05:30
missing two people. We went right to council, but would you mind coming up and introducing yourself and just telling us a little 00:05:35
bit about? 00:05:40
You and your family and your profession and see what questions council has. 00:05:45
Disqualified. 00:05:51
It's nice to be with the council tonight, so I'm Brian. 00:05:54
My wife and I moved into. 00:05:58
1. 00:06:01
So all of our kids are grown and living around the country. 00:06:03
We've got 9 grandchildren. 00:06:07
I did most of my career in. 00:06:11
Public Administration and. 00:06:13
Economic development, Community development. 00:06:16
When I finally stopped working, I was the assistant City manager for midfield. 00:06:20
So. 00:06:27
Do. 00:06:30
Helping in any way I could with the city and. 00:06:31
This opportunity came up. 00:06:34
So I appreciate their endorsement. 00:06:36
And help the. 00:06:40
Is there any other questions or? 00:06:44
Whereabouts in District One do you live? 00:06:47
OK. 00:06:51
Carry houses. 00:06:53
I want to say in the cheapest house and expensive neighborhood. 00:06:58
Very good. 00:07:07
So you have no excuses. You know exactly what you're getting into. 00:07:08
So. 00:07:18
Be leaning on the other commissioners, Heav. 00:07:20
Well, we just, you know, we always like to make sure that people that do volunteer for these positions, how much we appreciate it. 00:07:23
The Planning Commission is an important piece of. 00:07:27
What goes on administration that goes on as you well? 00:07:33
Feel very fortunate to have, you know, compet. 00:07:38
Passionate people willing to volunteer their time to do the work. So thank you very much. 00:07:41
Agreed thank. 00:07:47
OK. 00:07:49
I told you we wouldn't keep you. 00:07:51
The silence is deafening. 00:08:01
I would take a motion, oh, I don't have the. 00:08:03
Mr. Mayor, I would move that we. 00:08:10
Let's see this one right here. 00:08:15
That we What is the right? 00:08:19
That we that we approve Resolution 2023-28 granted the advice and consent for the appointment of Brian Burnt as her Baron. 00:08:22
As member of the Planning Commission. 00:08:30
OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll go to vote on this. Council Member Brewer, Yes, Council Member Durham, Yes. Council Member 00:08:33
Quinn yes and chair vote yes. 00:08:37
You are a member of the Planning Commission. Thank you very much. 00:08:42
One of your fellow new appointees is back there as well, Jill. 00:08:47
All right. We are moving right along here. We also have advice and consent for the appointment of members of the Design and Review 00:08:52
Board. We have 6 new appointees to the Design Review board. I have them as Martha Bradley, Chris Ensign, Ashley Atkinson, Alyssa 00:08:59
Lloyd, Heidi Brewer and Chris Layton, I recognize. 00:09:06
Three or four of those names is being passed, planning commissioners. 00:09:14
So that's a good, good group of people to serve on the the DRB. 00:09:18
Any questions or comments from staff or the council? 00:09:24
I noticed they were staggered when I was looking at the. 00:09:29
Resolution. There's staggered appointments 1/3. 00:09:32
Three and three, so they'll a year apart so we don't lose them all at once. 00:09:37
All right, well, if there aren't any, I'd be happy to take a motion on this item as well. 00:09:41
I move. 00:09:46
Approval of Resolution 2023, Dash 29. 00:09:48
Granting advice and consent for appointment of the members indicated to the Design Review Review Board. 00:09:53
I second. OK We have a motion to 2nd Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Quinn. Yes, and chair 00:09:59
Vote Chess. So all those appointments are approved. Thank you. 00:10:05
As I stated the agreement with Rocky Mountain Power. 00:10:11
And various entities for. 00:10:15
Am I on the right one? Yeah, that's the right. 00:10:18
Yeah. 00:10:21
OK, hold on a second. Pushing that to next. 00:10:24
Item number 8 is the one we're pushing. So we are. So my apologies. So we are on to the. 00:10:31
Issue, Drew that you reviewed with us last Council meeting in terms of the next step in our. 00:10:38
Effort to join into the Rocky Mountain Power Community Renewable Energy Program, which we need to vote as a council for signature. 00:10:45
Right. 00:10:55
Anything we need to review? 00:10:57
Does anyone have any questions about how this works? 00:11:00
Have there been any changes since the last time we spoke? No. 00:11:05
It's just the same. 00:11:10
I think we're ready for a motion on this one as well. Then, Mayor, I would move that we approve Resolution 2023-30. 00:11:12
Approving a program agreement with Rocky Mountain Power and various entities relating to the Community renewable energy. 00:11:20
Community renewable energy. 00:11:27
The agreement for payment of third party expertise and payment for opt out notices. 00:11:30
2nd. 00:11:35
Is that OK? 00:11:39
OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll go to vote on this when Council Member Brewer yes, Council Member Durham yes, Council 00:11:40
Member Quinn yes, and chair vote chest. 00:11:45
Congratulations, we have how many more steps? 00:11:49
Just one. Just one I. 00:11:53
1 1/2 OK. 00:11:58
Got to kind of get the pricing and yeah, pricing will be the big one. Yeah, the next the next step that the. 00:12:01
City will need to take is after the Public Service Commission. 00:12:08
Approves it and sets the rates. I mean that is what is everybody has been waiting for is how much is this all going to cost. That 00:12:11
will happen hopefully. 00:12:16
In the. 00:12:21
Summer. I don't know how long it will take them, but. 00:12:23
Once all that information, once we have all that information and the city will need to make a final decision of whether or not we 00:12:26
are going to. 00:12:31
Continue our participation. So that will be you know that will dictate the percentage of increase. 00:12:37
For those that are going to not opt out of the program, correct. 00:12:43
So. 00:12:48
That's the biggie, that is. 00:12:50
So item 8 is the franchise agreement that we're not quite ready for yet. So we'll push that to the 16th or whenever we are ready. 00:12:54
To address that particular issue. 00:13:01
On item number 9, we have minutes from actually August 17 and 21st, September 7th, which is not, which is on the consent agenda. 00:13:04
It was not in the packet. So we'll approve those at a later date. 00:13:10
So are there any questions or comments or edits to minutes from August 17th and September 21st? 00:13:17
And if there aren't, I would take a motion on the consent agenda. 00:13:27
Mr. Mayor, I move that we approve the minutes for. 00:13:31
August 17th and September 21st. 00:13:34
I second. OK, motion and a second all in favor, say aye. Aye. Any opposed And those two minutes are approved. Thank you. Moving 00:13:39
right along. City manager report. 00:13:44
I have 5 items but I'll try and be quick. 00:13:52
You got We have plenty of time. We're almost done. 00:13:56
Offices on Thursday, November 9th from 4:30 to 6:30. 00:14:09
For our joint thirty night S trail open. 00:14:14
As a reminder, we've received some funding from Salt Lake County along with Mill Creek South Salt Lake. 00:14:20
To plan an active transportation. 00:14:32
Trail along 39th South. 00:14:36
30%. 00:14:40
Not yet funded, so for several years away from this project coming to fruition. 00:14:45
But the project team is going to share. 00:14:52
So. 00:14:58
Districts along the night. 00:15:03
Did you say 434? Thirty OK on the 9th. 00:15:10
Are. 00:15:21
I can't wait. 00:15:24
We have we are working on executing a contract with a firm that we are negotiating with to execute our historic experience. 00:15:30
And we're hoping to have that kick. 00:15:43
The firm that we're negotiating with has targeted November 30th. 00:15:48
To host a series of two or three sessions. 00:15:53
To begin this conversation. So if you have suggestions about who you would like to include. 00:16:00
In those work sessions. 00:16:11
I think it's at a minimum we're going to include a current and some past members of historical Commission. 00:16:18
Certainly all of you will be invited to a session. 00:16:28
Anyone else that you think? 00:16:32
3rd, I wanted to update you on the status of our conversations with Spring Lane and how that work is likely to proceed. 00:16:39
In September, we talked about a time frame for that work. 00:16:50
And. 00:16:55
Doubt to send to the Granite School District, signaling our intent. 00:16:58
To begin some work on what? 00:17:02
They have responded in the last few weeks. 00:17:08
With one qualification to the terms that we laid out and that is. 00:17:12
At a suggestion of Councilmember Gibbons, we had asked for a 40 year lease. 00:17:17
What they would like instead of like 25 year lease. 00:17:23
Get to that point. 00:17:28
35 year. 00:17:31
So generally the same term. 00:17:32
The verbiage would be a little different. 00:17:39
So. 00:17:42
Based on your conversation in September, what we're planning to do is issue an RFQ in the next couple of weeks. 00:17:43
That would look for someone to help us with a master plan and the concept design for that site. 00:17:52
And possibly include some revenue generating options and then help us identify what the terms of the contract should be? 00:18:00
We hope to have proposals back to the city by December 15th and then engage that. 00:18:17
January so? 00:18:25
Budget. 00:18:29
Do you have any idea what on those extensions, what that would mean exactly as far as is it? 00:18:33
Rate you know, whether it be leasing, escalators or just what, what what all would be involved with with? 00:18:40
Consultant would help us deter. 00:18:51
So affording your lifespan, we feel, we felt pretty confident we could get a reasonable return on our investment at 25 years. We 00:18:54
don't know, and we're hoping to have them help us figure out what that would mean. 00:19:00
The terms for. 00:19:10
School district to compensate us in some way for our investment at 25 years versus. 00:19:12
If they were to want to cancel it at that point, got it OK. 00:19:20
Who do we anticipate responding to the RFP? Is this? Are these like architectural firms? 00:19:24
Some, certainly. 00:19:34
Economic analysis support whether that is either in house and there are a number of homes that you. 00:19:40
So. 00:19:48
I mean to. 00:19:50
Take it from an LOI to an actual lease. 00:19:52
But does it? Is it also the component of going out to the community to figure out? So it's both to help us put the whole package 00:19:56
together. So hopefully we have. 00:20:00
Something that we can execute on in terms of a lease, but also we can budget for. 00:20:06
In April and May in terms of what we think we want to do. 00:20:12
Right. 00:20:16
Right, OK. And they facilitate that, the whole community feedback thing and all that. Yeah, got it. 00:20:20
Talking about a budget amendment that we will see. 00:20:29
Public. 00:20:36
And then? 00:20:40
Weeks, but this will be a large bunch of them, which is kind of unusual for us to. 00:20:44
But we've got a number of things that we've talked about that will need to be included. 00:20:50
1. 00:20:56
Tiny thing we had anticipated last year that we would have. 00:20:57
Escaped in the last fiscal year and that's how we budgeted for them. 00:21:05
And that had just become part of all fund balance for last fiscal year and which is appropriate? 00:21:15
For this year. 00:21:22
We have talked about some funding for space. 00:21:24
You have given direction for us to get that started, so you have a question on that approving that funding. 00:21:30
Similarly, you'll have an amendment that will take our Arts and Culture Manager to full time. 00:21:38
We have also. 00:21:47
Both are building official and. 00:21:53
And responding to that resignation. 00:21:57
Some funding around. 00:22:03
And so you'll see that as part of the budget amendment as well. 00:22:07
Funding for the spring conceptual work that we just discussed. 00:22:11
British. 00:22:17
Earlier this year. That was not anticipated at the timing of their budget together. 00:22:21
And then we. 00:22:29
We believe we're going to receive a portal presentation grant or some purchase of right of way in the city and we'll anticipating 00:22:33
that that will be included in First Amendment as well. 00:22:38
An existing gap in our funding for our historic. 00:22:50
Ex. 00:22:56
So the way we budgeted for that this year, you'll remember that. 00:22:57
We received $600,000 from track funding for that project and and council that satisfied another $100,000. 00:23:05
From Fund Balance for the match. 00:23:15
The. 00:23:20
To execute a contract. 00:23:26
Comfort. 00:23:29
That. 00:23:31
So this. 00:23:39
Necessarily a budget adjustment for this year it's more. 00:23:41
You want a thumbs up from the council? 00:23:45
In the event that we come up short that during next year's budget discussion, we're going to fill that gap. 00:23:48
Because we won't finish that this year. 00:23:54
What? 00:23:57
General amount of the gap. 00:24:00
And then a couple of small things. We need to also budget for a match for 2017. 00:24:08
Side. 00:24:16
District. 00:24:21
What kind of science? 00:24:30
Did we budget anything? We didn't budget anything for that. So that. 00:24:34
New. 00:24:39
Regardless of what we choose, it's going to require a budget amendment. Yeah, I mean, I think. 00:24:39
With a traditional. 00:24:47
That is small enough that we could just do that in our regular. 00:24:49
Where will these be placed? 00:24:56
So I think there are three locations identified that historical Commission has believed. 00:24:58
But it's historic. Cottonwood got it. 00:25:21
OK. 00:25:26
That's just a flavor. 00:25:28
Questions under. 00:25:36
And then finally office for my. 00:25:39
Here. 00:25:49
And that's four to six, OK. 00:25:54
Any questions for Gina? Anything else? 00:26:00
OK, moving right along to council reports. Why don't we? Drew, why don't we start with you? Thank you. 00:26:04
Last week I went to the Morningside Elementary Community Council meeting. 00:26:11
The principal. 00:26:18
Said. And I feel bad that Chief Oil isn't here. 00:26:20
She wanted to express. 00:26:24
Gratitude for the continual police. 00:26:26
I mean, Morningside has small streets and a lot of parents dropping kids off. 00:26:31
And picking them up. And she said it's been such a huge. 00:26:36
Makes such a huge difference on the days when the officers are there and she's just really. 00:26:43
Really grateful for the police presence around the school, especially on in the morning on drop off when it's kind of crazy. 00:26:50
And that's it. 00:26:57
Just a couple of things one. 00:27:02
I wish Chief Hoyle who were here too, because I wanted to tell him we're really grateful for some of the code enforcement that's 00:27:04
been going on with respect to some short term rental property on Ferromo's and they've been out looking at that and we really 00:27:09
appreciate that. 00:27:14
And then the tree committee. I was going to mention the tree talk this weekend, but truly covered that. 00:27:20
They're also recruiting members, and especially true in your district if you know of anyone who might be. 00:27:26
Interested. They're looking for someone in your in your district. 00:27:32
They're also looking for people who want to be involved, not. 00:27:36
Voting committee members necessarily, but just as. 00:27:41
Participant Volunteer. 00:27:45
Committee. 00:27:47
Umm. 00:27:49
And then John, I wanted to thank for his willingness to engage with the committee on. 00:27:50
The flip the strip issue, we talked a little bit today about some of the questions that we have. So you can expect a list next 00:27:56
week of questions and we really appreciate your taking a look at that. 00:28:01
And that's all for me. 00:28:07
Mr. Brewer. 00:28:10
Interestingly you know there's been a lot of reference to Chief Hoyle this since we last met. I've had I'm surprised that the 00:28:14
number of inquiries speeding you know issues that he, he is fantastic by the way about responding and his his bedside manner with 00:28:19
with people and. 00:28:25
In helping to see the efforts that we take and try to make data-driven decisions and all of that is just fantastic. So really 00:28:31
appreciate having him, him here and and the way he interfaces with our residents but I. 00:28:37
But then I for whatever reason, I don't have much that ends up going the code enforcement route. But between Chief Oil and then 00:28:44
poor Jared, wherever Jared did he leave? 00:28:49
We with sidewalks and St. lights and just different things like that. A lot of inquiries along those lines. There has been a 00:28:55
little bit of a of an uptick in thefts in my district. Some break in some home break INS and that kind of a thing which has been 00:29:03
disconcerting. But I have to say it's it's also I was sitting in my office answering the door on Halloween night with trick or 00:29:10
treaters and that and I saw more than one police car coming through. I've never seen this before where they have the lights on. 00:29:17
But not like flashing and just like solid lights on, just kind of slowly driving through the neighborhood. And somebody else had 00:29:25
made a comment to me this last week about what seems like they said it seems like there's more police presence, I guess. 00:29:32
And I know that's not the case. I don't think we're hiring anymore officers or anything, so. 00:29:39
What they want it to be and hopefully have something here in the next few months anyways, so. 00:30:17
Give a little bit of share that knowledge with the rest of my guests members. 00:30:22
That's it. 00:30:26
Just a couple of quick things, as Gina mentioned. 00:30:30
The Holly and Jared presented to the Public Works Committee. 00:30:34
And the application was approved with the with the for the Corridor Preservation award of 64,000 was a request. 00:30:39
Piece on 45th and Highland Drive, the turn pocket. So it will go to the COG, what's called the COG, the Council of Governments, 00:30:49
which is the approving body on the 16th, but I fully anticipate that will be approved. 00:30:56
I've never seen them. 00:31:03
Approve what is recommended from the Public Works Committee, especially since. 00:31:05
We were able to fully fund all of the eligible applications, so. 00:31:09
That was that was nice. So I think that's a good thing. 00:31:14
I did go to Crestview Elementary to present the award to Lauren Anderson for The Helping Hands. You'll recall she wasn't able to 00:31:19
make it, and it was really, really fun. It's always fun meeting with the elementary kids you always feel. 00:31:25
Good about the future of the country when you go to the elementary schools. 00:31:33
And. 00:31:39
We had a just as an FYI, we had kind of a follow up, what I would call meeting with UPD officers, Unified Police officers out at 00:31:44
the headquarters this afternoon at 1:00. 00:31:50
And they're meeting again at 7:00 tonight. I'm obviously not. Well, I guess I could make it. 00:31:56
Just to keep the communication channels open about the work that's being done in terms of all that's required to reorganize. 00:32:02
In this reorganization. 00:32:10
So. 00:32:12
Not a lot of questions, I think. I think we're doing pretty well in terms of passing information up and down the ranks. 00:32:14
Both sworn and civilian within Unified Police, so I think that is going well. 00:32:20
Just a reminder everybody that the interfaith service will be a week from Sunday the 12th at the LDS Stake Center on. 00:32:25
OK. 00:32:37
Right, kind of by the post office there. And 7:00 PM it'll be a nice service, about an hour and 10 minutes Max. 00:32:38
But it's always a nice way to start the holidays. For those that are interested, I think it's going to be a great event. 00:32:46
Sidney Shorter, who chairs the black chamber. 00:32:52
Recently relocated here from Louisiana about 2 1/2 years ago. Is going to be the keynote and then we've got the speaker is. 00:32:56
A young lady from Cottonwood. Height from Ames actually. 00:33:03
Which is housed at Cottonwood High School, so and the Cottonwood madrigals are going to sing. It's going to be a great event, so 00:33:06
for those if anybody is interested. 00:33:10
Come on out for the interface service. It's a really fun event. 00:33:14
And. 00:33:17
That's all I have for now. We don't recess to work meetings, so unless we have closed session, I think we're done. 00:33:20
With emotion, move to. 00:33:27
Second all in favor? Aye. We're adjourned. Thanks, everybody. 00:33:30
As quick as Council meeting I've ever been a part of, I have to say. 00:33:36
You brought Matt's record. See you there. I don't have to hear it anymore. 00:33:40
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Welcome to the Holiday City Council meeting on November 2nd. 00:00:00
You'll notice that we're missing two of our council members. We've had a few. 00:00:04
Challenge healthcare challenges. So they're they're doing great, but. 00:00:09
Are not going to be joining us tonight, so we have a very short agenda. There's a couple of things. 00:00:14
Item number seven we I'm not 7. 00:00:19
Yes. 00:00:23
We are going to push to another meeting and. 00:00:25
What we were going to cover in work session, the ACE program is not going to be covered. So we won't even be going into work 00:00:28
session tonight, I don't think. 00:00:32
So it's going to be a very quick agenda. 00:00:37
And so with that, we will still start with the pledge, if everybody please write. 00:00:40
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:00:48
And to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:53
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:56
Thank you very much. We do have one public hearing item number four on the agenda. 00:01:05
Which is naming rights for the city. So if you're here to address the council on that, you can wait till we open up that public 00:01:10
hearing. 00:01:14
Any other issues you would like to address with the council, we'll start with public comment, which will be now. So, Trudy, we'll 00:01:18
start with you. 00:01:21
Trudy from the library. 00:01:30
I'm so glad to be here at the beginning of the month because we've got so many fun things. Saturday is the day to be at the 00:01:32
library. We will be working in conjunction with the tree committee. There is a tree talk at 1130 from 11 at two. We have an open 00:01:37
move with people there to help you get ready to vote. So if you need to update your registration or get registered to vote, come 00:01:42
to the library from 11:00 to 2:00 on Saturday. 00:01:48
And then at 1:30 we also have in honor of. 00:01:53
Native American Heritage Month. We have Larry Cess Pooch coming. He's giving us a lecture on wisdom from the Medicine Wheel at 00:01:58
1:30. 00:02:03
Should be fascinating. He's a really interesting speaker. 00:02:07
We will, of course, be closed on the 11th for veteran's day. 00:02:12
And then the week after that we have great, great beats where that's for 8 to 12 year olds. 00:02:17
They'll be discussing and doing crafts around starfish by these. 00:02:24
And Dungeons and Dragons for beginners on the FIF. 00:02:28
Will work in conjunction with the Happy Healthy Holiday Coalition. On the 18th. We're having a QPR suicide prevention training at 00:02:32
11:30 at the library. 00:02:37
And then of course on the 21st. 00:02:42
Come and vote as we will be a polling location. Please come in and. 00:02:44
For the 22nd, we'll be closing early for the holiday for Thanksgiving and we'll be closed the 23rd and 24th, but we will be open 00:02:49
on Saturday the 25th. 00:02:53
Happening in the library among. 00:02:59
Any questions? 00:03:02
All right. Thanks so much. Thanks for coming. 00:03:06
Anybody else for public comment? 00:03:09
There being then we'll close public comment and move to the public hearing on proposed Amendments Title 3 to add naming of city 00:03:13
assets. This was an issue we discussed. 00:03:18
At the last, last Council meeting in terms of putting a policy in place for opportunities for citizens or businesses or 00:03:24
organizations to donate and what our policy was going to be. 00:03:29
Any any questions for Todd or Gina before we open the public hearing? 00:03:35
It looked like it had been done before because it seemed very comprehensive to me. Yeah, this is a wealth travel pattern, I guess. 00:03:44
Probably borrowed some language. We think we borrowed some language other many other communities have done this. So we're trying 00:03:52
to take the best of what they have and. 00:03:56
Incorporated into our own code. 00:04:00
If there's no questions, let's open up the public hearing. Anybody to address the council on? 00:04:04
The naming rights. 00:04:09
Ordinance. 00:04:12
OK, there be then we'll close the public hearing. 00:04:15
This will appear on the agenda for vote, I assume on the 16th of November. 00:04:19
We may hold it. I realized we don't have a discussion of any in kind donations in the ordinance and that may be something we want 00:04:27
to add. 00:04:33
OK. Yeah, I don't think this is real pressing issue and I would be fine if you want to just if we want to put it on the work 00:04:39
agenda on the 16th and add something and see if there's any. 00:04:44
Tweaks to the language in there, it is a pretty. 00:04:51
Policy or. 00:04:54
Ordinance, so make sure everybody's OK with it and. 00:04:55
Vote when we're ready. 00:04:59
With Well, with that then I will close the public hearing. 00:05:03
So that public hearing is closed. 00:05:07
So we are moving on to consideration of resolution 2023-28, this is. 00:05:11
Advice and consent for the appointment of Bryant Behrendt as member of the Planning Commission. We're going to this will be this 00:05:17
is a District One appointment. 00:05:22
I. 00:05:29
OK, so before we vote this, we always like usually we have a work session prior to this, but the agenda was so short and we were 00:05:30
missing two people. We went right to council, but would you mind coming up and introducing yourself and just telling us a little 00:05:35
bit about? 00:05:40
You and your family and your profession and see what questions council has. 00:05:45
Disqualified. 00:05:51
It's nice to be with the council tonight, so I'm Brian. 00:05:54
My wife and I moved into. 00:05:58
1. 00:06:01
So all of our kids are grown and living around the country. 00:06:03
We've got 9 grandchildren. 00:06:07
I did most of my career in. 00:06:11
Public Administration and. 00:06:13
Economic development, Community development. 00:06:16
When I finally stopped working, I was the assistant City manager for midfield. 00:06:20
So. 00:06:27
Do. 00:06:30
Helping in any way I could with the city and. 00:06:31
This opportunity came up. 00:06:34
So I appreciate their endorsement. 00:06:36
And help the. 00:06:40
Is there any other questions or? 00:06:44
Whereabouts in District One do you live? 00:06:47
OK. 00:06:51
Carry houses. 00:06:53
I want to say in the cheapest house and expensive neighborhood. 00:06:58
Very good. 00:07:07
So you have no excuses. You know exactly what you're getting into. 00:07:08
So. 00:07:18
Be leaning on the other commissioners, Heav. 00:07:20
Well, we just, you know, we always like to make sure that people that do volunteer for these positions, how much we appreciate it. 00:07:23
The Planning Commission is an important piece of. 00:07:27
What goes on administration that goes on as you well? 00:07:33
Feel very fortunate to have, you know, compet. 00:07:38
Passionate people willing to volunteer their time to do the work. So thank you very much. 00:07:41
Agreed thank. 00:07:47
OK. 00:07:49
I told you we wouldn't keep you. 00:07:51
The silence is deafening. 00:08:01
I would take a motion, oh, I don't have the. 00:08:03
Mr. Mayor, I would move that we. 00:08:10
Let's see this one right here. 00:08:15
That we What is the right? 00:08:19
That we that we approve Resolution 2023-28 granted the advice and consent for the appointment of Brian Burnt as her Baron. 00:08:22
As member of the Planning Commission. 00:08:30
OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll go to vote on this. Council Member Brewer, Yes, Council Member Durham, Yes. Council Member 00:08:33
Quinn yes and chair vote yes. 00:08:37
You are a member of the Planning Commission. Thank you very much. 00:08:42
One of your fellow new appointees is back there as well, Jill. 00:08:47
All right. We are moving right along here. We also have advice and consent for the appointment of members of the Design and Review 00:08:52
Board. We have 6 new appointees to the Design Review board. I have them as Martha Bradley, Chris Ensign, Ashley Atkinson, Alyssa 00:08:59
Lloyd, Heidi Brewer and Chris Layton, I recognize. 00:09:06
Three or four of those names is being passed, planning commissioners. 00:09:14
So that's a good, good group of people to serve on the the DRB. 00:09:18
Any questions or comments from staff or the council? 00:09:24
I noticed they were staggered when I was looking at the. 00:09:29
Resolution. There's staggered appointments 1/3. 00:09:32
Three and three, so they'll a year apart so we don't lose them all at once. 00:09:37
All right, well, if there aren't any, I'd be happy to take a motion on this item as well. 00:09:41
I move. 00:09:46
Approval of Resolution 2023, Dash 29. 00:09:48
Granting advice and consent for appointment of the members indicated to the Design Review Review Board. 00:09:53
I second. OK We have a motion to 2nd Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Quinn. Yes, and chair 00:09:59
Vote Chess. So all those appointments are approved. Thank you. 00:10:05
As I stated the agreement with Rocky Mountain Power. 00:10:11
And various entities for. 00:10:15
Am I on the right one? Yeah, that's the right. 00:10:18
Yeah. 00:10:21
OK, hold on a second. Pushing that to next. 00:10:24
Item number 8 is the one we're pushing. So we are. So my apologies. So we are on to the. 00:10:31
Issue, Drew that you reviewed with us last Council meeting in terms of the next step in our. 00:10:38
Effort to join into the Rocky Mountain Power Community Renewable Energy Program, which we need to vote as a council for signature. 00:10:45
Right. 00:10:55
Anything we need to review? 00:10:57
Does anyone have any questions about how this works? 00:11:00
Have there been any changes since the last time we spoke? No. 00:11:05
It's just the same. 00:11:10
I think we're ready for a motion on this one as well. Then, Mayor, I would move that we approve Resolution 2023-30. 00:11:12
Approving a program agreement with Rocky Mountain Power and various entities relating to the Community renewable energy. 00:11:20
Community renewable energy. 00:11:27
The agreement for payment of third party expertise and payment for opt out notices. 00:11:30
2nd. 00:11:35
Is that OK? 00:11:39
OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll go to vote on this when Council Member Brewer yes, Council Member Durham yes, Council 00:11:40
Member Quinn yes, and chair vote chest. 00:11:45
Congratulations, we have how many more steps? 00:11:49
Just one. Just one I. 00:11:53
1 1/2 OK. 00:11:58
Got to kind of get the pricing and yeah, pricing will be the big one. Yeah, the next the next step that the. 00:12:01
City will need to take is after the Public Service Commission. 00:12:08
Approves it and sets the rates. I mean that is what is everybody has been waiting for is how much is this all going to cost. That 00:12:11
will happen hopefully. 00:12:16
In the. 00:12:21
Summer. I don't know how long it will take them, but. 00:12:23
Once all that information, once we have all that information and the city will need to make a final decision of whether or not we 00:12:26
are going to. 00:12:31
Continue our participation. So that will be you know that will dictate the percentage of increase. 00:12:37
For those that are going to not opt out of the program, correct. 00:12:43
So. 00:12:48
That's the biggie, that is. 00:12:50
So item 8 is the franchise agreement that we're not quite ready for yet. So we'll push that to the 16th or whenever we are ready. 00:12:54
To address that particular issue. 00:13:01
On item number 9, we have minutes from actually August 17 and 21st, September 7th, which is not, which is on the consent agenda. 00:13:04
It was not in the packet. So we'll approve those at a later date. 00:13:10
So are there any questions or comments or edits to minutes from August 17th and September 21st? 00:13:17
And if there aren't, I would take a motion on the consent agenda. 00:13:27
Mr. Mayor, I move that we approve the minutes for. 00:13:31
August 17th and September 21st. 00:13:34
I second. OK, motion and a second all in favor, say aye. Aye. Any opposed And those two minutes are approved. Thank you. Moving 00:13:39
right along. City manager report. 00:13:44
I have 5 items but I'll try and be quick. 00:13:52
You got We have plenty of time. We're almost done. 00:13:56
Offices on Thursday, November 9th from 4:30 to 6:30. 00:14:09
For our joint thirty night S trail open. 00:14:14
As a reminder, we've received some funding from Salt Lake County along with Mill Creek South Salt Lake. 00:14:20
To plan an active transportation. 00:14:32
Trail along 39th South. 00:14:36
30%. 00:14:40
Not yet funded, so for several years away from this project coming to fruition. 00:14:45
But the project team is going to share. 00:14:52
So. 00:14:58
Districts along the night. 00:15:03
Did you say 434? Thirty OK on the 9th. 00:15:10
Are. 00:15:21
I can't wait. 00:15:24
We have we are working on executing a contract with a firm that we are negotiating with to execute our historic experience. 00:15:30
And we're hoping to have that kick. 00:15:43
The firm that we're negotiating with has targeted November 30th. 00:15:48
To host a series of two or three sessions. 00:15:53
To begin this conversation. So if you have suggestions about who you would like to include. 00:16:00
In those work sessions. 00:16:11
I think it's at a minimum we're going to include a current and some past members of historical Commission. 00:16:18
Certainly all of you will be invited to a session. 00:16:28
Anyone else that you think? 00:16:32
3rd, I wanted to update you on the status of our conversations with Spring Lane and how that work is likely to proceed. 00:16:39
In September, we talked about a time frame for that work. 00:16:50
And. 00:16:55
Doubt to send to the Granite School District, signaling our intent. 00:16:58
To begin some work on what? 00:17:02
They have responded in the last few weeks. 00:17:08
With one qualification to the terms that we laid out and that is. 00:17:12
At a suggestion of Councilmember Gibbons, we had asked for a 40 year lease. 00:17:17
What they would like instead of like 25 year lease. 00:17:23
Get to that point. 00:17:28
35 year. 00:17:31
So generally the same term. 00:17:32
The verbiage would be a little different. 00:17:39
So. 00:17:42
Based on your conversation in September, what we're planning to do is issue an RFQ in the next couple of weeks. 00:17:43
That would look for someone to help us with a master plan and the concept design for that site. 00:17:52
And possibly include some revenue generating options and then help us identify what the terms of the contract should be? 00:18:00
We hope to have proposals back to the city by December 15th and then engage that. 00:18:17
January so? 00:18:25
Budget. 00:18:29
Do you have any idea what on those extensions, what that would mean exactly as far as is it? 00:18:33
Rate you know, whether it be leasing, escalators or just what, what what all would be involved with with? 00:18:40
Consultant would help us deter. 00:18:51
So affording your lifespan, we feel, we felt pretty confident we could get a reasonable return on our investment at 25 years. We 00:18:54
don't know, and we're hoping to have them help us figure out what that would mean. 00:19:00
The terms for. 00:19:10
School district to compensate us in some way for our investment at 25 years versus. 00:19:12
If they were to want to cancel it at that point, got it OK. 00:19:20
Who do we anticipate responding to the RFP? Is this? Are these like architectural firms? 00:19:24
Some, certainly. 00:19:34
Economic analysis support whether that is either in house and there are a number of homes that you. 00:19:40
So. 00:19:48
I mean to. 00:19:50
Take it from an LOI to an actual lease. 00:19:52
But does it? Is it also the component of going out to the community to figure out? So it's both to help us put the whole package 00:19:56
together. So hopefully we have. 00:20:00
Something that we can execute on in terms of a lease, but also we can budget for. 00:20:06
In April and May in terms of what we think we want to do. 00:20:12
Right. 00:20:16
Right, OK. And they facilitate that, the whole community feedback thing and all that. Yeah, got it. 00:20:20
Talking about a budget amendment that we will see. 00:20:29
Public. 00:20:36
And then? 00:20:40
Weeks, but this will be a large bunch of them, which is kind of unusual for us to. 00:20:44
But we've got a number of things that we've talked about that will need to be included. 00:20:50
1. 00:20:56
Tiny thing we had anticipated last year that we would have. 00:20:57
Escaped in the last fiscal year and that's how we budgeted for them. 00:21:05
And that had just become part of all fund balance for last fiscal year and which is appropriate? 00:21:15
For this year. 00:21:22
We have talked about some funding for space. 00:21:24
You have given direction for us to get that started, so you have a question on that approving that funding. 00:21:30
Similarly, you'll have an amendment that will take our Arts and Culture Manager to full time. 00:21:38
We have also. 00:21:47
Both are building official and. 00:21:53
And responding to that resignation. 00:21:57
Some funding around. 00:22:03
And so you'll see that as part of the budget amendment as well. 00:22:07
Funding for the spring conceptual work that we just discussed. 00:22:11
British. 00:22:17
Earlier this year. That was not anticipated at the timing of their budget together. 00:22:21
And then we. 00:22:29
We believe we're going to receive a portal presentation grant or some purchase of right of way in the city and we'll anticipating 00:22:33
that that will be included in First Amendment as well. 00:22:38
An existing gap in our funding for our historic. 00:22:50
Ex. 00:22:56
So the way we budgeted for that this year, you'll remember that. 00:22:57
We received $600,000 from track funding for that project and and council that satisfied another $100,000. 00:23:05
From Fund Balance for the match. 00:23:15
The. 00:23:20
To execute a contract. 00:23:26
Comfort. 00:23:29
That. 00:23:31
So this. 00:23:39
Necessarily a budget adjustment for this year it's more. 00:23:41
You want a thumbs up from the council? 00:23:45
In the event that we come up short that during next year's budget discussion, we're going to fill that gap. 00:23:48
Because we won't finish that this year. 00:23:54
What? 00:23:57
General amount of the gap. 00:24:00
And then a couple of small things. We need to also budget for a match for 2017. 00:24:08
Side. 00:24:16
District. 00:24:21
What kind of science? 00:24:30
Did we budget anything? We didn't budget anything for that. So that. 00:24:34
New. 00:24:39
Regardless of what we choose, it's going to require a budget amendment. Yeah, I mean, I think. 00:24:39
With a traditional. 00:24:47
That is small enough that we could just do that in our regular. 00:24:49
Where will these be placed? 00:24:56
So I think there are three locations identified that historical Commission has believed. 00:24:58
But it's historic. Cottonwood got it. 00:25:21
OK. 00:25:26
That's just a flavor. 00:25:28
Questions under. 00:25:36
And then finally office for my. 00:25:39
Here. 00:25:49
And that's four to six, OK. 00:25:54
Any questions for Gina? Anything else? 00:26:00
OK, moving right along to council reports. Why don't we? Drew, why don't we start with you? Thank you. 00:26:04
Last week I went to the Morningside Elementary Community Council meeting. 00:26:11
The principal. 00:26:18
Said. And I feel bad that Chief Oil isn't here. 00:26:20
She wanted to express. 00:26:24
Gratitude for the continual police. 00:26:26
I mean, Morningside has small streets and a lot of parents dropping kids off. 00:26:31
And picking them up. And she said it's been such a huge. 00:26:36
Makes such a huge difference on the days when the officers are there and she's just really. 00:26:43
Really grateful for the police presence around the school, especially on in the morning on drop off when it's kind of crazy. 00:26:50
And that's it. 00:26:57
Just a couple of things one. 00:27:02
I wish Chief Hoyle who were here too, because I wanted to tell him we're really grateful for some of the code enforcement that's 00:27:04
been going on with respect to some short term rental property on Ferromo's and they've been out looking at that and we really 00:27:09
appreciate that. 00:27:14
And then the tree committee. I was going to mention the tree talk this weekend, but truly covered that. 00:27:20
They're also recruiting members, and especially true in your district if you know of anyone who might be. 00:27:26
Interested. They're looking for someone in your in your district. 00:27:32
They're also looking for people who want to be involved, not. 00:27:36
Voting committee members necessarily, but just as. 00:27:41
Participant Volunteer. 00:27:45
Committee. 00:27:47
Umm. 00:27:49
And then John, I wanted to thank for his willingness to engage with the committee on. 00:27:50
The flip the strip issue, we talked a little bit today about some of the questions that we have. So you can expect a list next 00:27:56
week of questions and we really appreciate your taking a look at that. 00:28:01
And that's all for me. 00:28:07
Mr. Brewer. 00:28:10
Interestingly you know there's been a lot of reference to Chief Hoyle this since we last met. I've had I'm surprised that the 00:28:14
number of inquiries speeding you know issues that he, he is fantastic by the way about responding and his his bedside manner with 00:28:19
with people and. 00:28:25
In helping to see the efforts that we take and try to make data-driven decisions and all of that is just fantastic. So really 00:28:31
appreciate having him, him here and and the way he interfaces with our residents but I. 00:28:37
But then I for whatever reason, I don't have much that ends up going the code enforcement route. But between Chief Oil and then 00:28:44
poor Jared, wherever Jared did he leave? 00:28:49
We with sidewalks and St. lights and just different things like that. A lot of inquiries along those lines. There has been a 00:28:55
little bit of a of an uptick in thefts in my district. Some break in some home break INS and that kind of a thing which has been 00:29:03
disconcerting. But I have to say it's it's also I was sitting in my office answering the door on Halloween night with trick or 00:29:10
treaters and that and I saw more than one police car coming through. I've never seen this before where they have the lights on. 00:29:17
But not like flashing and just like solid lights on, just kind of slowly driving through the neighborhood. And somebody else had 00:29:25
made a comment to me this last week about what seems like they said it seems like there's more police presence, I guess. 00:29:32
And I know that's not the case. I don't think we're hiring anymore officers or anything, so. 00:29:39
What they want it to be and hopefully have something here in the next few months anyways, so. 00:30:17
Give a little bit of share that knowledge with the rest of my guests members. 00:30:22
That's it. 00:30:26
Just a couple of quick things, as Gina mentioned. 00:30:30
The Holly and Jared presented to the Public Works Committee. 00:30:34
And the application was approved with the with the for the Corridor Preservation award of 64,000 was a request. 00:30:39
Piece on 45th and Highland Drive, the turn pocket. So it will go to the COG, what's called the COG, the Council of Governments, 00:30:49
which is the approving body on the 16th, but I fully anticipate that will be approved. 00:30:56
I've never seen them. 00:31:03
Approve what is recommended from the Public Works Committee, especially since. 00:31:05
We were able to fully fund all of the eligible applications, so. 00:31:09
That was that was nice. So I think that's a good thing. 00:31:14
I did go to Crestview Elementary to present the award to Lauren Anderson for The Helping Hands. You'll recall she wasn't able to 00:31:19
make it, and it was really, really fun. It's always fun meeting with the elementary kids you always feel. 00:31:25
Good about the future of the country when you go to the elementary schools. 00:31:33
And. 00:31:39
We had a just as an FYI, we had kind of a follow up, what I would call meeting with UPD officers, Unified Police officers out at 00:31:44
the headquarters this afternoon at 1:00. 00:31:50
And they're meeting again at 7:00 tonight. I'm obviously not. Well, I guess I could make it. 00:31:56
Just to keep the communication channels open about the work that's being done in terms of all that's required to reorganize. 00:32:02
In this reorganization. 00:32:10
So. 00:32:12
Not a lot of questions, I think. I think we're doing pretty well in terms of passing information up and down the ranks. 00:32:14
Both sworn and civilian within Unified Police, so I think that is going well. 00:32:20
Just a reminder everybody that the interfaith service will be a week from Sunday the 12th at the LDS Stake Center on. 00:32:25
OK. 00:32:37
Right, kind of by the post office there. And 7:00 PM it'll be a nice service, about an hour and 10 minutes Max. 00:32:38
But it's always a nice way to start the holidays. For those that are interested, I think it's going to be a great event. 00:32:46
Sidney Shorter, who chairs the black chamber. 00:32:52
Recently relocated here from Louisiana about 2 1/2 years ago. Is going to be the keynote and then we've got the speaker is. 00:32:56
A young lady from Cottonwood. Height from Ames actually. 00:33:03
Which is housed at Cottonwood High School, so and the Cottonwood madrigals are going to sing. It's going to be a great event, so 00:33:06
for those if anybody is interested. 00:33:10
Come on out for the interface service. It's a really fun event. 00:33:14
And. 00:33:17
That's all I have for now. We don't recess to work meetings, so unless we have closed session, I think we're done. 00:33:20
With emotion, move to. 00:33:27
Second all in favor? Aye. We're adjourned. Thanks, everybody. 00:33:30
As quick as Council meeting I've ever been a part of, I have to say. 00:33:36
You brought Matt's record. See you there. I don't have to hear it anymore. 00:33:40
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