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OK, Welcome everybody to. | 00:00:03 | |
Holiday City Council meeting Thursday November 16th, one week from Thanksgiving. | 00:00:07 | |
Day. | 00:00:16 | |
No. Five days, 05 days. That's right, Five days from Election Day. So everybody get out and vote. | 00:00:19 | |
And we have to welcome the chief back to he's been convalescing. | 00:00:28 | |
So we're not used to seeing you in your city, so. | 00:00:33 | |
So welcome back. OK, we are going to get going. We'll start with our pledge. | 00:00:37 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. | 00:00:49 | |
And to the Republic for which it stands. | 00:00:54 | |
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:57 | |
OK. Thank you. We have, we're going to go to public comment just shortly. We do have one public hearing on proposed budget | 00:01:06 | |
amendments and I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's probably not anybody here to address the budget amendments, but there | 00:01:11 | |
may be. | 00:01:15 | |
But if you are here to address the budget amendments, wait just a moment till we get through with public comment. So we'll open up | 00:01:20 | |
public comment. Anybody here to address the Council on any issues other than the budget amendments? | 00:01:25 | |
There being none, we will close public comment and move to item number 4. This is the public hearing on proposed 2023-2024. | 00:01:35 | |
Budget amendments, that the budget amendments are in your Packet Council. | 00:01:44 | |
I believe Gina did kind of review what these were going to be at the last council meeting and they're enclosed in the packet, so. | 00:01:50 | |
Questions from the council Well, you know what, Gina, Why don't you just walk through them with us briefly and then we'll see if | 00:01:59 | |
we have questions. | 00:02:03 | |
I printed them out and then failed to bring them. | 00:02:10 | |
So we have this is it for our city of very large budget amendments affecting 4 different funds. I'll start with a general fund. | 00:02:13 | |
We have a couple of changes in the general fund. One reflects the direction I had from the Council. | 00:02:22 | |
Due to Cheryl Gilliland's retirement, the council discussed. | 00:02:31 | |
Converting the Arts Council executive director, which is a part-time position to an arts and culture. | 00:02:38 | |
Manager position as a full time position, and so this budget amendment reflects that change. | 00:02:46 | |
And a portion I've made an allocation of 75% of that position going to the Arts Council and 25% remaining in the general fund. | 00:02:54 | |
Associated with the historical Commission and our historic experience. And so you see those increases there in next year's budget, | 00:03:09 | |
we'll see larger increases. This really reflects 7 years of that or seven months of that increase. | 00:03:16 | |
We also have had a staff resignation in our building services area in community and economic development. | 00:03:26 | |
And our employee was out for a period of time which resulted in the need for increased contract inspection services. | 00:03:36 | |
And that is reflected in this budget amendment as. | 00:03:46 | |
So those are the general fund changes asking for the use of $57,000 in fund balance from the general fund to fund those changes. | 00:03:51 | |
In the capital projects fund we are would be amending the budget. | 00:04:04 | |
And. | 00:04:10 | |
$905,000 of fund balance, although I realized that I left out another line item so would be a little over $950,000 with that | 00:04:12 | |
included. | 00:04:17 | |
And that's for a number of. | 00:04:24 | |
Expenses. Last year the council had authorized Sumser escaping of islands on Highland Drive and that was meant to be completed in | 00:04:28 | |
the last fiscal year. The contractor did not get started on that until after July 1, and so money that you had previously | 00:04:35 | |
appropriated. | 00:04:42 | |
Was not used and became will become part of this year's fund balance. We're just asking for it to be used. | 00:04:51 | |
To reflect that time difference. | 00:04:59 | |
Then the council has previously talked about a study for the spring potential Spring Lane Park. | 00:05:03 | |
And so we're asking for $100,000 for concept design and in public engagement for that project. | 00:05:12 | |
We have an RFP that has been issued in the last week or so for that work. | 00:05:20 | |
And so at this point, that $100,000 is really a placeholder pending a better number in response to that RFP. | 00:05:27 | |
Then we have. | 00:05:37 | |
We have a grant funded project for sidewalk improvements on 27th East. | 00:05:41 | |
That is a program that requires a large match, and so we'll be using two or asking for $200,000. | 00:05:49 | |
Of match from the Capital Projects fund to be transferred to the Grants fund to be used as a match for that project. | 00:05:59 | |
There's an offset. We had $100,000 set aside for sidewalk improvement projects. | 00:06:07 | |
We're using 100,000 of that money, so it's really a net increase of 100,000 from from balance. | 00:06:13 | |
Then. | 00:06:24 | |
We have. We are ready to enter into a contract for our historic experience. | 00:06:26 | |
That is a project that is $850,000 and previously. | 00:06:36 | |
As you're aware, we received a grant of $600,000 from Salt Lake County Track funds. | 00:06:43 | |
And the council in this year's budget, had appropriated $100,000 to be used as that match. | 00:06:50 | |
Which leaves a difference of $150,000. | 00:06:57 | |
Our intention is to continue fundraising for. | 00:07:03 | |
That $150,000. | 00:07:08 | |
But I am reluctant to enter into a contract without that money secured and I'm hoping that the council well, I'm really raising | 00:07:11 | |
this with the council. | 00:07:17 | |
To make sure that in absence of those funds being raised, you're still comfortable you'd be comfortable. | 00:07:24 | |
Filling that gap with capital projects fund. | 00:07:33 | |
So I think that's a discussion for the Council to have, but I prepared the budget amendment anticipating that the council would | 00:07:38 | |
want to basically fund that match at a full 250. | 00:07:45 | |
We have also received a. | 00:07:55 | |
Grant from the federal government for $6.7 million. | 00:07:59 | |
For bridge. | 00:08:07 | |
Upgrades on a bridge over Cottonwood Creek on Highland Drive, we have a very small match in relationship to the overall project | 00:08:09 | |
cost, but it's still $480,000 and that transfer is reflected in the capital projects fund appropriation as well. | 00:08:18 | |
And. | 00:08:30 | |
Umm. | 00:08:34 | |
We have received corridor preservation dollars for a right of way purchase on holiday circle. | 00:08:37 | |
There are some costs that are not eligible for. | 00:08:47 | |
Reimbursement through that grant and that's about $10,000. And so this budget amendment also reflects transfer to cover that those | 00:08:51 | |
additional costs. And then finally I wanted to ask. | 00:08:59 | |
The council about some historic signs for the Cottonwood area. | 00:09:07 | |
And and Mayor, I don't know whether you want to, we have time in the work session to talk about. | 00:09:14 | |
The budget amendment specifically, and I've got some photos to share. I don't know if you'd rather. | 00:09:22 | |
Have those photos shared now or in the work session? In the work session OK. | 00:09:28 | |
So those are the capital projects fund amendments. | 00:09:36 | |
The amendment that I forgot to include from Capital Projects fund is $50,000 that the Council has previously indicated they were | 00:09:41 | |
supportive of. | 00:09:46 | |
To do some cost estimates on the size well on the building remodel project. | 00:09:52 | |
So I would add $50,000 to this budget amendment prior to your approval of it. | 00:09:59 | |
To cover those costs, do we need to have, well, we need a separate public hearing for that. | 00:10:06 | |
OK, so when we see this come up for. | 00:10:12 | |
There will be an additional 50,000 we'll have to take. | 00:10:16 | |
Revenue up from the fund balance $50,000 and then add that in as a line item. That's right. | 00:10:20 | |
I've got some questions, but I think it's probably more appropriate that I ask them in the work session where we have this agenda. | 00:10:26 | |
That sounds good. | 00:10:30 | |
Then in terms of the grants account, you'll see the recognition of. | 00:10:35 | |
Both our track fund, our state funding for 27th East and our corridor preservation grant as well as the transfer from capital | 00:10:43 | |
projects for all those projects I just described. | 00:10:50 | |
And then on the Arts fund, you'll see the transfer from the general fund for the increase in the salary and benefits associated | 00:10:59 | |
with our Arts and Culture manager. | 00:11:05 | |
So that one we have that transfers. | 00:11:13 | |
The General fund, the General Fund. But the 8012 is not part of that. No, that stays in the General Fund for the historic. | 00:11:17 | |
Commission doesn't have a separate fund like Arts does. It's a it's a enterprise fund and so it has to move. | 00:11:29 | |
Gotcha. | 00:11:35 | |
Any so we do have this agenda for the work session, so if we've got any questions we can dig into it but any? | 00:11:39 | |
Questions you want to ask Tina before we open the public hearing. | 00:11:47 | |
OK. | 00:11:54 | |
Thanks Tina. And with that. | 00:11:55 | |
We will open up the public hearing on proposed 2023-2024 budget amendments, Anybody wishing to address the Council on the budget | 00:11:58 | |
amendments. | 00:12:02 | |
As posted on the in the pack. | 00:12:07 | |
OK, there be none. We will close that public hearing. Then we move to item number 5 on the agenda. This is. | 00:12:12 | |
This is a cell tower we lease we have up in the Stratton Park area. | 00:12:19 | |
And there's just been, it sounds like there's been an additional expansion. I'm going to let Todd and. | 00:12:25 | |
Gina, whoever you would like Gina cover kind of the the overview of what this is and. | 00:12:31 | |
Then we can take it to a vote or. | 00:12:37 | |
Any of you? | 00:12:40 | |
So at the top of the strategic argument. | 00:12:44 | |
Installation. | 00:12:49 | |
Verizon. | 00:12:52 | |
The city to expand that site and also the compensation of the city. | 00:12:55 | |
The area that's being proposed to be expanded into is already. | 00:13:05 | |
Your wife wants to know when you're going to be home for dinner. | 00:13:15 | |
That's surrounded by existing gravel area that's already sort of semi used by the utility company or the telecommunication | 00:13:23 | |
companies. | 00:13:27 | |
Parking the trucks and things. | 00:13:31 | |
So they're requesting to expand that fence up area by 24 by 12 foot section. | 00:13:33 | |
More cabinetry for their own equipment. | 00:13:43 | |
There will be in addition to the tower antenna array, but not an additional. | 00:13:46 | |
This usually isn't related to. | 00:13:53 | |
Space. | 00:14:00 | |
Yeah. | 00:14:05 | |
Drew may be familiar with this site, I don't know if anybody else. | 00:14:07 | |
Right next to the freeway, Yeah. | 00:14:11 | |
You know, when I was talking to Tanjina about it, this is. | 00:14:16 | |
Valuable property to the city and there's a little park there that's not used a lot, but my understanding is that. | 00:14:20 | |
That what they're asking for doesn't even encroach on. | 00:14:28 | |
That park space, so this is insignificant in terms of its impact from. | 00:14:31 | |
From a land perspective, at least in my opinion, to the city, and there's already an existing easement for them to get in to the | 00:14:36 | |
cell site and maintain it so. | 00:14:41 | |
All it does is add revenue to the current. | 00:14:47 | |
We have a current lease rate coming in that I think is a couple $1000 a month. This adds another 800 something like that. | 00:14:50 | |
To that lease rate. So that's the usual impact. | 00:14:57 | |
Chain. | 00:15:02 | |
Probably the top would be barbed wire inside. You'll see. | 00:15:03 | |
Very utilitarian type metal cabinets with door walking doors. | 00:15:07 | |
But it's sort of behind the landscaped area. | 00:15:13 | |
Some buffered by some. | 00:15:16 | |
And so the changes are all on the ground level, not on the tower itself. There will be an additional array on the tower. | 00:15:20 | |
Existing. They usually replace what's there, or they'll. | 00:15:28 | |
OK. | 00:15:33 | |
OK. Any more questions for John? | 00:15:39 | |
Happy to take a motion. | 00:15:49 | |
Mr. Mayor, I move approval of. | 00:15:53 | |
Resolution 2023-31 approving the 3rd Amendment to the cell tower lease agreement with. | 00:15:56 | |
CCMILC. | 00:16:04 | |
Do I have an? | 00:16:08 | |
Agenda. I have it as 30. | 00:16:10 | |
The one I picked up in the halls was 31. Pardon when I picked up in the hall says 31. OK, so this one is 31 and the court is 32. | 00:16:25 | |
So the motion is correct. | 00:16:29 | |
And it's been seconded. OK, hold on a second because I'm getting, I'm getting a funny face from Gina down there. Will you approve | 00:16:37 | |
the resolution that's in the packet without a number and direct us to number it accordingly, just in case we did 31 at the last | 00:16:41 | |
council meeting? | 00:16:46 | |
Do you want me to rest? | 00:16:55 | |
If you can just restate as. | 00:16:57 | |
Ask. That'll be fine. | 00:16:59 | |
Because Stephanie knows what I'm asking. | 00:17:02 | |
So I'm still a bit confused. | 00:17:06 | |
If you'd move approval of the resolution without a number, OK. | 00:17:10 | |
All right, Mr. Mayor. | 00:17:14 | |
Urge approval of resolution. | 00:17:19 | |
Yet to be. | 00:17:22 | |
Approving the 3rd amendment to the cell tower lease agreement with CCMI LLC. I'll second. OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll | 00:17:24 | |
go to vote on this one, Council member. | 00:17:29 | |
Brewer, Council Member Fotheringham, yes. Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Quinn, yes. Councilmember Gibbons, yes and | 00:17:34 | |
chair votes, yes. | 00:17:38 | |
That lease amendment is approved. Thank you. So I assume we're going to have this, we'll do that in the same motion on this one as | 00:17:44 | |
well, just number it later. So this is just the recertification of the holiday Justice Court and I'll let either Todd or Jean or | 00:17:50 | |
whoever would like just give us an overview of why we're doing this and what it means. | 00:17:56 | |
Every four years, the state law requires that we go through a process to. | 00:18:02 | |
I guess assure that we're meeting the requirements of law for the operation of our Justice Court. We are coming into that four | 00:18:08 | |
year cycle now. I've provided an opinion letter to you. There's a packet of information that we're required to submit back to the | 00:18:13 | |
state. | 00:18:18 | |
Division of Courts. And we're asking for your approval of this resolution so that we can recertify our Justice Court. | 00:18:24 | |
Any questions for? | 00:18:33 | |
Mr. Mayor, I'll make this motion. I went through this three times when I was the judge, so I move adoption of the resolution, yet | 00:18:36 | |
to be numbered, requesting the recertification of the holiday Justice Court. | 00:18:41 | |
Second OK, motion in a second. We'll go to vote Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. Councilmember Durham | 00:18:48 | |
yes. Councilmember Quinn yes. Councilmember Gibbons and Chair vote yes. And that recertification is approved. | 00:18:55 | |
Thank you, Council, and we'll move right to Gina for city manager. | 00:19:02 | |
It would be totally reasonable for every Member of this Council to think that our spares projects may never. | 00:19:12 | |
I wondered. | 00:19:20 | |
More concerned about your receptionist with the check. | 00:19:22 | |
Contract. | 00:19:49 | |
As. | 00:19:56 | |
Have another couple of pieces of good news to share. We have extended and offer that has been accepted for our arts and culture | 00:20:01 | |
management. | 00:20:05 | |
Subject is the current number of. | 00:20:13 | |
Sounds like a rock group. | 00:20:24 | |
Sounds like they're working on the stairs again. | 00:20:27 | |
They want to be done by Thanksgiving. | 00:20:32 | |
And finally, we're we're. | 00:20:36 | |
Anything for Gina before she sits down. | 00:20:57 | |
OK. Thanks, Tina. | 00:21:02 | |
We'll move to council reports. Dan, why don't we start with you and we'll work our way down the line. | 00:21:03 | |
Boy, that's a nice groove, whatever it is. | 00:21:11 | |
I don't. I don't have anything good to be back. I've been gone a bit health wise and. | 00:21:16 | |
I do. I am pleased to see that the speed signs the the. | 00:21:22 | |
Fixed speed signs on 6200 S are both working. | 00:21:28 | |
And they're great. I think it's already slowed the traffic down. I don't. | 00:21:32 | |
Decrease in complaints, but very grateful to see those up and anyway, that's all I've got. | 00:21:37 | |
Good to have you back. Good to. | 00:21:43 | |
Thank you. I have attended community council meetings at Driggs Elementary and Churchill Junior High. | 00:21:46 | |
At Driggs, I told them about the sidewalk project the city will be putting. | 00:21:54 | |
A sidewalk along 27th East, along the east side of the street. It'll take three years. It'll happen in three sections. | 00:22:00 | |
When I told the principal and the community council, they were absolutely thrilled and they said to pass along their their. | 00:22:09 | |
Really excited about it. | 00:22:16 | |
It might be somebody'd cell phone. It's like, you know, cell phones will do that sometimes, don't they? If they're close to | 00:22:23 | |
something that transmits, maybe, maybe just move them away from the mics, I don't know. | 00:22:27 | |
Was it mine? | 00:22:36 | |
OK. And then Ed Churchill. | 00:22:46 | |
They are really excited about the rankings that came out recently there. | 00:22:50 | |
I'm very. | 00:22:55 | |
That they're quite a bit on top as far as other junior highs in the area, so they're excited about that both of. | 00:22:58 | |
Meetings. There was a portion talking about dogs and. | 00:23:07 | |
Not only. | 00:23:11 | |
Valentine's left behind. | 00:23:13 | |
But also even dog owners bringing their dogs. | 00:23:15 | |
Onto the playground. | 00:23:20 | |
During school hours, which of course, is completely prohibited. | 00:23:21 | |
I've talked to Chief Hoyle and as usual, he'll be right on us. | 00:23:26 | |
Actually a number one priority for a lot of people I've talked to. | 00:23:33 | |
For the new Spring Lane Park is to have a dedicated. | 00:23:37 | |
Fenced off dog park where dog owners can bring their dogs and. | 00:23:42 | |
Have it to themselves and not be worried about getting kicked off. | 00:23:47 | |
And that's all I have. | 00:23:52 | |
OK. | 00:23:54 | |
I had I attended this Skyline Community Council meeting this morning and had a similar experience with. | 00:23:58 | |
What Drew just described They're really happy about their rankings and did very well compared to their peer. | 00:24:04 | |
Institutions and I also got some great feedback on Drew. | 00:24:11 | |
Some of the people there were also on the Churchill Community Council and they mentioned what a great representative Drew was. | 00:24:18 | |
Well, thank you. Yeah, So that was really nice. | 00:24:21 | |
This past Saturday, the tree committee did a service project at the Pines Park. | 00:24:28 | |
And we clean things up a little bit, did a little bit of pruning, but mostly cut back some sod around some of the trees and put in | 00:24:33 | |
some mulch to kind of help them get a little more water and. | 00:24:38 | |
Nutrition and that was a really great thing. We had about 8 or 10 volunteers there and spend about an hour and a half or two hours | 00:24:45 | |
doing that. | 00:24:49 | |
It was a nice day and everything went really well, so that was great and that's my. | 00:24:53 | |
Thank. | 00:24:58 | |
First, first thanks to John. He's been working with me on a problem remodel house in our in our neighborhood. | 00:25:01 | |
It's kind of an ongoing trouble. It's not that the problem is solved, but we're trying to deal with some constituent issues for | 00:25:11 | |
neighbors around the problem house, but. | 00:25:16 | |
Appreciate his assistance in giving me information that I could share with. | 00:25:21 | |
With the neighbors. | 00:25:26 | |
Also, just prior to coming here, I went to the Mill Creek City Hall, open house. Wow. It's kind of a Taj Mahal down there. It's | 00:25:29 | |
impressive. It's a lovely building. So congratulations to Mayor Silvestrini. | 00:25:34 | |
And the Mill Creek City Council. I had a nice long talk with John Miller, their city engineer. | 00:25:40 | |
And and a number of other staff down there and. | 00:25:48 | |
One interesting thing I just kind of gathered from those conversations is there's just a lot of good feeling. | 00:25:53 | |
Among the Mill Creek City staff with the partnership they have with Holiday City and the Holiday staff. | 00:25:59 | |
They all seem to be very. | 00:26:05 | |
Happy with the partnerships that we have and that it's been very mutually productive for both of us. And on the course I, I, I | 00:26:07 | |
shared that same feeling that we, we feel similarly that they're a great sister city to partner with on a lot of issues. | 00:26:14 | |
And they were particularly grateful for their ability to move their Justice Court services to us, so that cut their costs in half | 00:26:20 | |
essentially. | 00:26:24 | |
And it was just they were ecstatic to be able to work with us on that instead of who they had to deal with with the county and | 00:26:28 | |
such and. | 00:26:32 | |
And but a lot of those conversations were all just extremely positive and delighted to be working as much as they do with the city | 00:26:37 | |
of Holiday. So there's a lot of mutual fan club there. | 00:26:41 | |
Among the city, I also noticed though they've got gobs of offices with nameplates of all kinds of programs, that they just must | 00:26:46 | |
have some serious budget over there and. | 00:26:51 | |
I. | 00:26:57 | |
Desire to replicate that size of of. | 00:26:59 | |
You know program and edifice, I mean we're we're half their size. | 00:27:04 | |
Anyway, I don't know what the size of their budget is relative to ours, but I thought. | 00:27:08 | |
Lots of stuff going on over there that I don't think we necessarily need at this point, but that's probably more editorial comment | 00:27:13 | |
that we need to share, but. | 00:27:17 | |
Lastly, also I wanted to echo. | 00:27:21 | |
Gina's. | 00:27:25 | |
Announcement and my pleasure at being able to announce that Megan Aderman is our new executive. | 00:27:28 | |
Director of the Arts Council. She's been a fairly new member of the Arts Council. | 00:27:35 | |
She helped take on the the Children's Theatre piece. That's kind of her area of expertise, but. | 00:27:41 | |
Until she interviewed and provided a resume, I had no idea how how deep her connections are in the county arts infrastructure and | 00:27:48 | |
community. | 00:27:52 | |
And I believe she's going to be able to bring or extend our arts program to our citizens to include county arts programs and | 00:27:58 | |
perhaps be able to also draw in resources from the county arts program into the city, so. | 00:28:04 | |
I think she's she's an excellent choice and I think we're going to get a whole lot of quality value out of that higher. So I'm | 00:28:11 | |
excited about it. That's all I have. | 00:28:15 | |
So far so good. I'll be careful. | 00:28:26 | |
I don't have a lot to to say this week other than I'll just. | 00:28:29 | |
Echo the thanks expressed to Chief Hoyle for his responsiveness. | 00:28:34 | |
To citizen complaints. | 00:28:39 | |
We've had some speeding questions along Holiday Blvd. just on the West side of the City Hall here that he's been very responsive | 00:28:40 | |
on. | 00:28:44 | |
Some dog issues. | 00:28:48 | |
I wonder how far people will, practically speaking travel to go walk their dogs. And so I don't know how how beneficial Springland | 00:29:21 | |
to be from that. But it is an issue and it's it's something for I think to all. | 00:29:26 | |
Not top of mind, but in mind anyways as we're trying to do that. So that's all I have this week. | 00:29:33 | |
Well, hopefully. | 00:29:42 | |
Part of the $100,000 or? | 00:29:44 | |
Kind of allocating to bring on a consultant to help us really study and vet that with the community and see what's possible. So, | 00:29:47 | |
but it's going to be a great fun opportunity to look into that, just a couple of things. | 00:29:53 | |
UH Paul came to the interfaith service Sunday. We held it over at the. | 00:30:01 | |
LDS Stake Center on BE. | 00:30:06 | |
It was. I thought it was very good. | 00:30:10 | |
Terrific couple. | 00:30:13 | |
Very impressive youth speaker. | 00:30:14 | |
Holiday attends the Ames Academy at Cottonwood High School and then Sydney Dr. Sydney Shorter spoke. She is the CEO of the Black | 00:30:18 | |
Chamber. Moved here about a year and a half ago from Baton Rouge, LA. Jason Woodland introduced me to her and we started up a | 00:30:25 | |
conversation like you should speak at our interfaith service and she, I thought knocked it out of the park and the Cottonwood | 00:30:33 | |
madrigals performed and it was just it was just a wonderful event, great way to start the holiday season. | 00:30:41 | |
Rob Neidiger, you know well, I actually think you're related to Rob, right? | 00:30:50 | |
Rob, Rob said we had about 450 to 500 people there for the event, which is typically about what we're drawing, but. | 00:30:54 | |
The the facility I thought was great. | 00:31:03 | |
And you know, they had some folks there that set it up, which we weren't anticipating when we got that result ready to go. And so | 00:31:07 | |
it was just a great. | 00:31:10 | |
You know, great event, great way to. | 00:31:15 | |
You know, great way to shepherd in Thanksgiving and a great way to kind of kick off the holiday season. So kudos to Bridgette | 00:31:17 | |
Weir, who chairs the Interfaith Council and all the all the members that participated. | 00:31:24 | |
Like some of you, I finally got to a Cottonwood High School Community Council meeting, met, met Mike Douglas, their principal, and | 00:31:32 | |
got to sit in and listen to some of the the challenges they're going through at Cottonwood High School and things they're doing. | 00:31:37 | |
And so it was good to link up with them. | 00:31:42 | |
And just a couple of events. A Cresty Elementary this week had a Ruby Bridges walk which I was not really familiar with. I hate to | 00:31:49 | |
admit that, but it but I learned a lot about. | 00:31:54 | |
She was one of the first to integrate schools in Louisiana back in 1960, and so they celebrated that with a walk of their | 00:32:01 | |
elementary schools. Matt was out of town or would have been there. He was working. | 00:32:06 | |
And. | 00:32:13 | |
And then they are having also the ribbon. | 00:32:14 | |
I believe on Monday. | 00:32:17 | |
They have. | 00:32:20 | |
An amount of money to allow them to put a fully accessible playground in at Crestview Elementary. It's really quite an inspiring | 00:32:25 | |
story. They had a student there who had some disabilities and wasn't able to get on the playground and so these parents got | 00:32:31 | |
together and. | 00:32:36 | |
Called me on a zoom call and said how can we raise the money and I said well you can do it privately but essentially said. | 00:32:43 | |
How much we raised here, I said good luck if you want to raise $100,000, but that's how you have to do it and they've done it. | 00:32:50 | |
And I think it's just absolutely incredible. And so I think their ribbon cutting is going to be on Monday. I'll be there. I think | 00:32:58 | |
it's Monday. I'll look and see, but. | 00:33:02 | |
Anyway. | 00:33:08 | |
A couple of the couple of the the parents involved both received. | 00:33:10 | |
Helping Hands awards Lauren Anderson and Barbara. | 00:33:15 | |
Thompson, Thompson, Barbara. Thompson. I think. | 00:33:20 | |
I mean, just an incredible community to be able to rally around an issue like that. | 00:33:23 | |
And to go raise that kind of money. | 00:33:29 | |
To make sure that that playground is accessible to anybody who would like to play on it, I thought was really neat. And they're | 00:33:32 | |
going to, they're going to name it after the. | 00:33:37 | |
I think he's at Olympus Junior now and I can't remember his name, but anyway, I just thought it was really, really cool. | 00:33:42 | |
Anyway, and that's all I have so. | 00:33:50 | |
With that, I would take a motion to recess, council to a work session and we'll go right into the business Advisory Board. | 00:33:53 | |
Mr. Mayor, I move. We adjourn City Council and reconvene in a work session. | 00:34:01 | |
Second OK, Motion is second. All in favor, say aye. | 00:34:06 | |
And we are recessed to the work session. | 00:34:11 | |
And so item A is, I think everybody knows we've been working on this. | 00:34:15 | |
Business Advisory Board and putting that together and I'm going to ask Anne Francis Garcia to come up who economic development and | 00:34:22 | |
housing director. She's been kind of charged with this. | 00:34:28 | |
Working on this project and let her kind of give you a little bit of an overview and then we'll get into some introductions. | 00:34:34 | |
Good evening. | 00:34:52 | |
Yes, we've been working. We had our interviews. We had about 20 people apply for the business Advisory Board. | 00:34:55 | |
We interviewed. | 00:35:04 | |
And we accepted 10. We're down to 9/1. | 00:35:07 | |
Commit. So we have 9 board members on the Business Advisory Board. We had our first meeting on October 26th. | 00:35:13 | |
So we developed our bylaws, scheduled a calendar for their meetings. It's going to be the third Wednesday of. | 00:35:24 | |
Every. | 00:35:33 | |
And. | 00:35:34 | |
We have our nine, actually 27, that are here tonight. Two are out of town, so I will. | 00:35:37 | |
All of them up, one at a time. We'll have Jill font and they'll give a little information about themselves. | 00:35:49 | |
And why they joined the business Advisory Board kind of what their goal is and being a part of the board? | 00:35:56 | |
So Jill, do you want to come up? | 00:36:04 | |
I think you guys might remember Jill as being introduced as a planning commissioner too, so she's now got two non paying jobs in | 00:36:11 | |
the city. | 00:36:15 | |
That just shows you how valuable I am. | 00:36:21 | |
I share that same value, so well, good evening. | 00:36:26 | |
So I love this little town. I've been here for 3 1/2 years or so and I I've got a careers worth of business experience. | 00:36:31 | |
But I'm retired now. | 00:36:44 | |
And I wanted to contribute to this town in some way. So I met with Mr. Mayor and said, you know, here's my experience I've got. | 00:36:46 | |
30 years of owning a business and a lot of years as an executive coach and management consultants in several years running a non | 00:36:59 | |
not-for-profit organization, actually the US Tennis Association. And so with all of that what could I do? I had no idea what was | 00:37:05 | |
available and and he said, well I have two ideas maybe the the Planning Commission and this business Advisory Board that we're | 00:37:12 | |
forming. | 00:37:19 | |
And so much to my delight I I applied for both and I was selected for both. So it's really been a pleasure. It's been the the | 00:37:26 | |
Planning Commission is a bit of a heavy lift because I don't know anything about city planning, but I'm learning quickly. The | 00:37:35 | |
business Advisory Board is just delightful and I I think we've we're off to a fast start. I think we are really going to make a | 00:37:43 | |
difference in this community. It's just a delight to serve with Anne and with Jason at the helm. So I'm just. | 00:37:52 | |
Just tickled to be part of it. So thank you. So Jill, could you, I mean, sorry not to take too much time, but. | 00:38:01 | |
Just briefly talk a little bit about the bulk of your professional career, which I thought was interesting and Paul might since he | 00:38:08 | |
worked at the support small for many, many years at the sports mall really. So I ran a tennis, an association for racquet sports | 00:38:16 | |
retailers and even though it was a trade association, I owned it and it was, we had 7000 members worldwide. We had an office here | 00:38:25 | |
in the United States and we had an office in the UK, an office in Tokyo and an office in Melbourne, Australia. | 00:38:33 | |
I own that for 20 years and sold it and then thought at that point I would finish my career. But I was 45 years old and I wasn't | 00:38:41 | |
ready to be finished. So I did some executive coaching and management consulting for 10 years and then decided I wanted to get my | 00:38:49 | |
arms wrapped around A-Team again. So there was a position that came available with the US Tennis Association and I went back and | 00:38:57 | |
and was hired as the Chief Operating Officer for the. | 00:39:05 | |
Eastern section of the USTA. | 00:39:14 | |
So I did that for the last few years of my career. So most of my career was spent in racquet sports and primarily in tennis. So | 00:39:16 | |
now most of the work I do, my volunteer work and board work, is involved in some manner of of the tennis industry. So I'm really | 00:39:23 | |
happy to branch out and be involved in community work here on holiday. | 00:39:30 | |
Find. | 00:39:38 | |
OK. Thank you. | 00:39:40 | |
Our next board member is Ken Melby. | 00:39:47 | |
Hi. | 00:39:55 | |
I'm Kenneth Melby. | 00:39:56 | |
Yesterday I'm representing Melbie Management Holiday Village in my Pie Pizza. | 00:39:59 | |
But I really feel like what I'm representing is holiday. | 00:40:05 | |
I love this town and my goal in joining. | 00:40:10 | |
Was, you know, I'm already heavily involved. I wanted to. | 00:40:13 | |
Have a formal position where I could offer some expertise and some help to those in the community. | 00:40:18 | |
And frankly, I'm already talking to a lot of these business owners anyway. | 00:40:24 | |
And it would be it's. I've noticed that. | 00:40:29 | |
There can be a gap between. | 00:40:32 | |
What they're seeing and. | 00:40:34 | |
Holiday might be hearing from them I. | 00:40:37 | |
I would like to see a conduit where there's a more open communication between some of the business owners in this community and | 00:40:41 | |
this group here and the Planning Commission and some of the city staff and. | 00:40:46 | |
Frankly, Anne's doing a fantastic job setting that up. So thrilled to be a part of this and really looking forward to helping out. | 00:40:52 | |
Yeah. Thank you. Thanks absolutely. | 00:41:03 | |
Next we have Suresh or Sam. | 00:41:09 | |
All right, my name is Suresh Rohas, also known as Sam. I own Code Ninja. Here. In holiday, we just. | 00:41:18 | |
One center after successful after a great success in Draper. And what we do is provide technology education to kids from | 00:41:27 | |
elementary and middle school kids. | 00:41:32 | |
I've been in technology carrier for last 30 years, build a lot of products for NASA, Navy, Army, Air Force and I'm trying to bring | 00:41:38 | |
that education to the early age kids because they are very creative. | 00:41:44 | |
One fine day I received an e-mail from Ann regarding this position and I thought, what a great opportunity to be part of it. | 00:41:50 | |
And that's how I applied and I'm here and I'm very, very excited to be part of the board. Couple of meetings that we had. I'm | 00:41:58 | |
learning quite a bit and I think I can contribute quite a bit to the success of this city. | 00:42:04 | |
Thank you. Thank you. | 00:42:11 | |
Next we have Isabella Miller. | 00:42:17 | |
Good evening. Thank you for having us here tonight. I am an owner of a small home business called Growing Curiosity. I am a | 00:42:24 | |
leadership coach and a trainer, and I also have 15 years of public and private experience, mostly in. | 00:42:34 | |
Leadership as well. | 00:42:44 | |
When similar to what Sam just said when I got the e-mail. | 00:42:47 | |
It was like, wow, what a great opportunity to contribute to the community. I've been in holiday for only five years, but it feels | 00:42:53 | |
for me like home. | 00:42:58 | |
I always wanted to be part of something bigger and what a beautiful chance it is for me to contribute the knowledge that I gain | 00:43:05 | |
the mentoring I received and now pass it to other businesses and. | 00:43:11 | |
Minimize the gap then maybe exists between the city, the businesses and all of us who use those businesses every day. | 00:43:18 | |
So I'm excited for this opportunity and. | 00:43:27 | |
To be part of it. Thank you. | 00:43:30 | |
Next we have Diane. | 00:43:38 | |
Thank you for letting me come this evening. | 00:43:48 | |
My name is Diane Hazen. I'm on Diamond's Custom Jewellers and Holiday. I've had the same location for 30 years. I've spent my life | 00:43:52 | |
since I was 16 years old in a jewelry store. | 00:43:57 | |
Certified in everything, so I feel pretty good. I moved here from Boise 35 years ago to be district manager for Park City | 00:44:03 | |
Jewelers, of which we opened one of the stores at Cottonwood Mall. | 00:44:08 | |
And we opened one on Main Street. | 00:44:14 | |
Spent five years with that program and decided, you know, I live in the Valley. | 00:44:18 | |
I want to open my. | 00:44:23 | |
And ten years ago I was lucky enough to buy my commercial building on 60th Highland Drive. | 00:44:25 | |
I feel very blessed and privileged to be on this committee and that's why I applied for it. I think I've seen my friends go out of | 00:44:31 | |
a Cottonwood mall and now they're wanting to come back. I belong to Lifetime Fitness out in South Jordan. It's unbelievable | 00:44:37 | |
fitness center. | 00:44:44 | |
And they're really excited about joining. | 00:44:50 | |
In fact, I hear it's going to be the nicest lifetime. | 00:44:55 | |
So I visited the one in Phoenix and in Scottsdale they have rooftop pools. I don't know how they're going to do that, but it was | 00:45:00 | |
pretty cool. | 00:45:04 | |
But I feel very blessed. I I think we have something in holiday that is far superior to anything I've ever seen. | 00:45:10 | |
I have lots of family in Boise and Boise has grown, Salt Lake's grown. It's just an incredible place to live and having spent the | 00:45:17 | |
time I spent in Park City and still spend up there, I like to golf. | 00:45:24 | |
And I. | 00:45:31 | |
An exciting venture that we have for the businesses here. | 00:45:34 | |
And every one of those businesses in Cottonwood Mall. | 00:45:38 | |
I know they will have the new Council support. | 00:45:42 | |
And I'm just totally thrilled to be part of this. | 00:45:46 | |
Thanks. Thank you. Welcome. | 00:45:53 | |
OK, before I bring the chair and vice chair up, there were two individuals that weren't able to make it. One was Mike Hill with | 00:46:01 | |
Mike Hill Consulting and the other one is Jonas Perch. He's the president and COCEO of OFS Interiors. They're located right next | 00:46:07 | |
to Layla Mediterranean Restaurant. | 00:46:14 | |
They definitely want to come and meet you, so they might come to another council meeting and introduce themselves to you at that | 00:46:22 | |
point. So next I'll invite Raylan Potts. | 00:46:26 | |
And she is our vice chair. | 00:46:31 | |
Good evening. It's great to be with you today. I wanted to start my remarks with. | 00:46:40 | |
A common occurrence that happens in my shop, which is just down the street from you all here. | 00:46:47 | |
I have customers that come in and say, oh, how long have you been in business? And I say eight years And they say what? Why didn't | 00:46:54 | |
we ever hear of you? | 00:46:59 | |
And I say, when you're small, it's hard to make a big noise. | 00:47:05 | |
So this is what I think this council can contribute. | 00:47:10 | |
Is helping those of us who are small make a bigger noise. | 00:47:15 | |
So that people can know and understand the services that we have. | 00:47:19 | |
And so that's one of the outreach programs that we've already. | 00:47:23 | |
Started is is each board member going out into the community and talking with businesses and so we'll learn what kind of a noise | 00:47:28 | |
we need to make on their behalf. | 00:47:34 | |
So I'm very excited about that aspect of the. | 00:47:40 | |
Of our. | 00:47:45 | |
The second part is, when you're small like I am, you kind of feel like you're a little lone sailboat in the middle of an ocean | 00:47:47 | |
with big luxury liners going by. | 00:47:54 | |
That you're trying to compete with. | 00:48:01 | |
And so again, I see this council as a sorry Advisory Board. | 00:48:04 | |
As a tether between all of us small boats. | 00:48:11 | |
So we can tether together with resources, with ideas, with information. | 00:48:16 | |
So that we can all kind of sell maybe a little faster together. | 00:48:23 | |
So thank you for this opportunity. I'm excited to be part of it. | 00:48:29 | |
And excited about contributing to holiday. Thank you. | 00:48:34 | |
Thank you. | 00:48:38 | |
And now we have Jason Woodland. He's our chair for the board. | 00:48:44 | |
Sorry, what's your name again? | 00:48:52 | |
Mayor and esteemed members of the City Council, it is a sincere pleasure and honor to be speaking with you this evening, as well | 00:48:57 | |
as the wonderful city employees. | 00:49:02 | |
This evening I'm also a collector of non paying jobs. I think I've become a professional at that. | 00:49:07 | |
So currently. | 00:49:16 | |
President of the Holiday Chamber of Commerce, which we are in the process of dissolving, and I've been honored and blessed to have | 00:49:18 | |
been elected by my peers to be chair for the ensuing year for this new organization. | 00:49:25 | |
As Mayor remembers in mid 2020 when we had the conversation about this all to begin with and it's a sincere. | 00:49:32 | |
It's a humbling experience to see this finally come to fruition. | 00:49:40 | |
And to be a different part of the holiday community, for the last year we put the holiday chamber to rest. So we didn't want to | 00:49:44 | |
have that ramp back up before we brought on a new employee and Francis, which was a phenomenal decision on behalf of the city. | 00:49:50 | |
She's done phenomenal work so far. | 00:49:56 | |
I currently own 4 businesses. My main two are Woodland Advisors and WA Mentoring. | 00:50:04 | |
I also wrote her children's book on Bitcoin and blockchain technology about four years ago. That was an interesting endeavor. | 00:50:11 | |
But what I see in this board, first of all, I think that everybody has been chosen for this board is absolutely phenomenal and | 00:50:18 | |
extremely excited to serve with each and everyone of you. So I wanted to make sure I gave them a shout out. But what I see us | 00:50:25 | |
doing is I I think Ray Lynn, I mean you nailed it. I mean the, the. | 00:50:32 | |
Idea is an example that she used with tugboats and so forth. I think is phenomenal. So I definitely see us doing a lot of really | 00:50:40 | |
tight. | 00:50:43 | |
Connection within the community, being able to build those relationships. | 00:50:47 | |
Tighter and I think even more importantly is being able to pull them into our fold to see exactly what we can do to help them on a | 00:50:51 | |
deeper and more granular level. | 00:50:56 | |
So those are a few things that I wanted to share. | 00:51:01 | |
And I think in the wise words of Dave Chappelle, I'll go ahead and wrap this gavel up unless there's any further questions on | 00:51:05 | |
behalf of the Council. Thanks. I've heard Dave Chappelle and I'm glad you said it that way. | 00:51:11 | |
We are recording. | 00:51:18 | |
Oh, I know. I I know how to choose my audience. | 00:51:21 | |
OK. | 00:51:25 | |
All right. Any. | 00:51:26 | |
Awesome. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thanks, Jason. | 00:51:28 | |
And just one more note, I did send an invite to everybody with our transition from the Chamber. We're doing the Chamber | 00:51:35 | |
Appreciation Luncheon on December 1st, Friday. | 00:51:40 | |
It's being catered by Myers Catering, so please if you are interested in attending, let me know, we can add you to the list. | 00:51:47 | |
One more question. You said you're on the third Wednesday of each month. The third Wednesday At what time? At 4/4 to 6/4 to six? | 00:51:58 | |
In what room? In the Mount Olympus room? | 00:52:04 | |
The Arts Council. | 00:52:10 | |
5. | 00:52:12 | |
So 4 to 534 to 6. | 00:52:14 | |
Because you don't have a problem with Arts Council because they start usually 530 in that room. I don't know it, I reserved the | 00:52:17 | |
Olympus room. | 00:52:20 | |
For until 2024. | 00:52:25 | |
OK. It was available. Well we're we're as you know we're kind of transitioning Arts Council a little bit, so maybe something in | 00:52:29 | |
reserve, but historically we've been in there from 5:30 to 6:30 on the third Wednesday. So just wanted to make sure there wasn't a | 00:52:34 | |
conflict. So thanks. | 00:52:40 | |
And then one thing I wanted to add, you may be wondering why these positions are not coming to you right now for advice and | 00:52:46 | |
consent, because this is a new board and a new concept for us. We've formed the board as an executive committee. We want to make | 00:52:54 | |
sure we have the structure right. And then if we do, we'll bring that back to you with an amendment to Title 2 and add this | 00:53:01 | |
committee to the list of. | 00:53:08 | |
Positions that require your advice and. | 00:53:16 | |
OK. | 00:53:20 | |
Just I. | 00:53:22 | |
You're probably all going to get up and leave as soon as we get done with this, and if you don't, I'm going to question your | 00:53:25 | |
judgment. | 00:53:28 | |
But I do. | 00:53:33 | |
I just want to say a few words. One is I want to thank Jason for his work with the Chamber for a number of years. He has worked | 00:53:35 | |
very hard to try to get that going and. | 00:53:40 | |
But small chambers nationwide are becoming very difficult for all sorts of reasons we don't need to discuss here. | 00:53:46 | |
And I think one of the frustrations we had was that many of the people that were coming were not holiday businesses. | 00:53:54 | |
And not holiday res. | 00:54:01 | |
And. | 00:54:04 | |
That's really what we wanted to focus on. So the primary, I think the primary mission and you'll correct me if I'm wrong and I'm | 00:54:07 | |
sure it's more, I'm sure it's more appropriately as stated in a mission statement you'll come up with. But really it's pretty | 00:54:11 | |
simple it's. | 00:54:16 | |
As everybody says, we have a very. | 00:54:21 | |
Community Holiday is a very unique community. We want to keep it that way and it's but it's mostly built around small businesses. | 00:54:24 | |
And so it's just this idea of how can we get to know our businesses better. | 00:54:32 | |
And what can we do as a? | 00:54:38 | |
To help them thrive. | 00:54:40 | |
That's really kind of what we're after here. And so we're really excited to get started on this. And I have to thank the people | 00:54:43 | |
that are here because obviously these are successful business people. | 00:54:49 | |
That. | 00:54:55 | |
Time is of a premium to them. So the one thing everybody said when they got up here was they love holiday. I think that's the one | 00:54:56 | |
thing we all have in common. And they have a passion about wanting to make Holiday a better place to live, which we're lucky to | 00:55:03 | |
have all sorts of people like that in this city. So I want to make sure you know how much we appreciate your willingness to spend | 00:55:10 | |
your very valuable time and to share your unique talents and your expertise. | 00:55:17 | |
With Anne Francis and and our council to help us figure out how we can. | 00:55:24 | |
Be of help to the businesses in this city and make sure holiday continues. | 00:55:30 | |
To be a great place to. | 00:55:35 | |
A great place to work and a great place to do business. So thank you very much to all of you. | 00:55:38 | |
Anybody else want to? Amen? | 00:55:46 | |
I just want to say I don't think I've ever seen a board or Commission composed of such creative, courageous people. | 00:55:50 | |
What a great group we have here. Thank you so much. | 00:55:59 | |
Maybe you can educate me, where I'm still relatively new on the council. | 00:56:07 | |
With the Chamber having that, you know, not really been convenient during this time that I've been on, how does it work as far as | 00:56:12 | |
the City Council is concerned? You know, you know how we all have our different. | 00:56:16 | |
Liaison. Yeah. Liaison is that type of a thing. How does that work with respect to this? You know, that's good. Quite. We haven't | 00:56:22 | |
really. | 00:56:26 | |
I think that's part of what Gina was talking about is whether we want to make this a formal legislative committee within the city. | 00:56:30 | |
But regardless, I think we probably ought to talk about because typically on all of our committees, whether they're legislatively | 00:56:38 | |
formed or not, like the Interfaith Council is not a legislatively formed. | 00:56:43 | |
Am I saying that right, Gina of the city? It's just a? | 00:56:49 | |
It's a council. | 00:56:54 | |
Was put together and formed and they operate, but they're. | 00:56:56 | |
They're not appointed through advice and consent of the council, but I serve as the liaison to that council and we and everybody | 00:57:00 | |
serves on some committee. We haven't assigned anybody to work with Ann Francis and the Advisory Board yet. So I guess we could | 00:57:08 | |
maybe we could address that in January when we kind of go through our slate of who's going to do what, but we will. | 00:57:17 | |
Have somebody from the Council to liaise with the Advisory Board and and directly. | 00:57:25 | |
So that there's a connection there. | 00:57:32 | |
Is that your question? Yeah, that's exactly. | 00:57:35 | |
And if somebody has a passion for it, wants to get involved. | 00:57:38 | |
They'll usually get it or will arm wrestle or whatever. If there's a number of people that want to do it, very good. | 00:57:42 | |
Thank you so much for coming. We're going to continue with the agenda and if you get up and you walk out, we will not be offended | 00:57:52 | |
at all. | 00:57:56 | |
Thank you. | 00:58:03 | |
So as they make their way out, we're going to move to B, which is the discussion on. | 00:58:11 | |
The ACE program. | 00:58:17 | |
I don't even know what that. | 00:58:20 | |
The. | 00:58:23 | |
A stands for Administrative Code Enforcement. OK, so it's basically a discussion on. | 00:58:24 | |
Code and enforcement and how aggressive we want to be. So yeah, all. | 00:58:30 | |
Turn this over to who's ever going to lead. Lead out the discussion on this. | 00:58:36 | |
So, mayor and council, one of the things that I get to talk about when I train public officials all over the state when they're | 00:58:48 | |
first elected, is in your powers and duties, what's important in a city. | 00:58:53 | |
And how far your regulatory power can and maybe even should extend in some cases? | 00:58:59 | |
And code enforcement is one of the really, I think, significant areas. | 00:59:06 | |
Of regulation in a lot of communities where. | 00:59:12 | |
You see significant public. | 00:59:16 | |
About. | 00:59:21 | |
How extensive that power is and should be exercised, and how far we ought to go. | 00:59:22 | |
Several years ago there was a fairly warm debate in this state about the cities use of code enforcement powers broadly. | 00:59:29 | |
And West Valley City was the first city to develop what I really think was kind of a comprehensive, administrative approach to | 00:59:39 | |
code enforcement. | 00:59:43 | |
Before that, the criminal process was used. I think the criminal misdemeanor process was used most commonly. | 00:59:48 | |
In West Valley, for a host of reasons, decided to get away from that and started with a civil enforcement kind of a model. | 00:59:56 | |
Since that time, ordinances around the state have evolved. Practices have, I guess. | 01:00:06 | |
In some ways evolved in the pendulum swings back and forth. When I first started as a criminal prosecutor with Salt Lake City back | 01:00:11 | |
in the very early 90s, we were doing code enforcement cases in the old circuit courts of this state. | 01:00:19 | |
So if a person had a Clearview triangle in the yard that wasn't appropriately trimmed and they had ignored a notice. | 01:00:27 | |
They'd get cited for a criminal misdemeanor. | 01:00:34 | |
That misdemeanor citation would be handled in the circuit. | 01:00:37 | |
Of this. | 01:00:41 | |
Umm. | 01:00:43 | |
With the move to more of an administrative process. | 01:00:44 | |
Those things ended up. | 01:00:48 | |
An enforcement process in beside the city and usually in front of some kind of a hearing officer with an assessment of a civil | 01:00:51 | |
penalty. | 01:00:55 | |
And there's been a debate for years and years and years about what is the best approach. | 01:01:00 | |
Code enforcement? Is it a criminal? | 01:01:06 | |
A criminal approach? | 01:01:09 | |
Is it a civil approach with the internal things that go with it? Is it kind of a mixture of both? | 01:01:12 | |
In certain circumstances. | 01:01:20 | |
And. | 01:01:22 | |
There's a fair amount of, I guess. | 01:01:24 | |
In those decisions about how you want to do that. | 01:01:28 | |
Your regulatory authority as a city can be extensive. | 01:01:32 | |
If you think about using a criminal misdemeanor process. | 01:01:38 | |
Things that happen on somebody's property for the condition of the property. | 01:01:43 | |
Has the ability to be exercised kind of in a heavy-handed way in some cases and it feels, I think, compulsory in a way that's | 01:01:48 | |
maybe a little bit different. | 01:01:53 | |
Than the civil enforcement. | 01:01:58 | |
And over the years, I've just. | 01:02:00 | |
Tell you, I have advised most of my clients that if you were asking me from a policy perspective, I like the criminal process | 01:02:03 | |
better. | 01:02:06 | |
And the reason why I've always liked that better is because. | 01:02:10 | |
The civil process when we impose a fine on somebody. | 01:02:14 | |
Then. | 01:02:17 | |
There's the issue of how do we collect it. | 01:02:18 | |
And those processes tend to be just a little bit more administratively burdensome. | 01:02:22 | |
On the city, they require more staff time. | 01:02:28 | |
In some cases more resources and then. | 01:02:31 | |
Make the city whole for that in the criminal process. It's a little quicker. It can be a little simpler. | 01:02:34 | |
And. | 01:02:40 | |
Those finds that a judge imposes. | 01:02:42 | |
Tend to be easier to collect. | 01:02:46 | |
Uh. | 01:02:48 | |
There's so I always like that process. | 01:02:49 | |
Policymakers like you tend not to. | 01:02:53 | |
Because of how heavy-handed it can seem. | 01:02:56 | |
But we're at a place now where the city has built up internally. | 01:02:58 | |
An excellent code enforcement program. | 01:03:03 | |
From the ability of identifying and starting to pursue. | 01:03:06 | |
The correction of conditions that are in violation of your code. | 01:03:11 | |
What we're looking for from the Council at this point is kind of that policy direction of. | 01:03:15 | |
From your seat. | 01:03:21 | |
What is the best way for us to? | 01:03:23 | |
These kinds of situations. | 01:03:25 | |
I think John wants to talk a little bit about this. We have folks from UPD who are doing the actual day-to-day code enforcement | 01:03:28 | |
who are here and can talk to you about it. | 01:03:32 | |
But we we want to have this discussion with you tonight and hopefully over the course of time get some direction from you about | 01:03:38 | |
what you think the best approach is. | 01:03:43 | |
And to clarify, right now our processes is primarily administrative. | 01:03:52 | |
Your ordinance authorizes a criminal process. If you were to choose to use it, it authorizes the issuance of citations that are | 01:03:58 | |
Class B misdemeanors. | 01:04:03 | |
I'm not aware that that has been utilized except in a couple of really limited circumstances. | 01:04:10 | |
That were, I guess, what I would call. | 01:04:16 | |
Egregious cases of repeat violations where we just couldn't get compliance any other way. | 01:04:19 | |
So. | 01:04:27 | |
Can you help give us a little bit of guides in terms of what you're hoping? | 01:04:28 | |
Pull out of this meeting tonight. | 01:04:33 | |
What would you, what would be helpful to get from the council? So from my perspective and John can certainly chime in as well, but | 01:04:35 | |
from my perspective, I think it would be useful to have an idea of you know, Todd mentioned this pendulum that kind of swings back | 01:04:42 | |
and forth of where the council. | 01:04:49 | |
Is philosophically on that pendulum in terms of approach. So over the course of the summer, I'll just think of a couple of | 01:04:56 | |
examples and Councilman Father and Kim I know has raised a concern repeatedly. | 01:05:04 | |
Although I think this problem might have have been solved, but a homeowner who was not properly maintaining their property, it was | 01:05:14 | |
attracting rats. There was fruit on the ground. | 01:05:20 | |
And that's something that I think happened over and over and over again. | 01:05:27 | |
I know that our code enforcement officer was in frequent contact with that property owner. | 01:05:33 | |
But it was difficult to enforce so using that as one example. | 01:05:41 | |
Where it What is the approach that council is comfortable with from your end as policymakers? Are you hearing pushback from | 01:05:49 | |
residents about the length of time that it takes to resolve those code enforcement issues? And if you are? | 01:05:58 | |
Are you comfortable moving forward with? | 01:06:08 | |
Heavier handed. Well, just for the record, I did cut down that fruit tree, so I don't think the rest. | 01:06:12 | |
So say, I think, does everybody know? I'm assuming everybody knows Warren. | 01:06:20 | |
Officer DALL. | 01:06:26 | |
Yes, OK. All right. I just wanted to make sure. | 01:06:27 | |
You know, we've talked about this before, but I think the reason we're looking at this is. | 01:06:33 | |
There seems to be some frustration with. | 01:06:38 | |
On the from the enforcement side, is that fair? | 01:06:41 | |
I think that's fair. I think we hear occasionally, we hear what sounds like frustration from from you all and from residents as | 01:06:48 | |
well. | 01:06:52 | |
Yeah, I think, I think that's just the length of time and. | 01:06:58 | |
That it takes to resolve issues and. | 01:07:03 | |
I don't know. | 01:07:08 | |
Warren, if you're having that, if you have that frustration. | 01:07:09 | |
Do you want to speak to this at all or? Well, come on up. And while he's approaching, one of the things I'll tell you is the | 01:07:13 | |
city's ordinance on this, The administrative code enforcement part of it, I think is relatively well formed. | 01:07:19 | |
There's not really great parameters around. | 01:07:27 | |
A criminal enforcement option in the ordinance right now, I don't think it's very clearly stated. I think it needs to be revised. | 01:07:32 | |
And I think there's some revision that we need to do even on the civil side in some of the penalty sections to to help that | 01:07:39 | |
administration run more smoothly and then to get some clarity with recent revisions to state law that have happened in the last | 01:07:44 | |
three to five years. | 01:07:50 | |
So we're going to need to amend some ordinances to get us in the place we want to go. We also need policy direction from the | 01:07:56 | |
Council about at the end of the day, how we. | 01:08:00 | |
Apply the ordinance from sort of an internal policy standpoint. | 01:08:05 | |
I just want to take a quick opportunity to. | 01:08:16 | |
Let you understand that the relationship that we've been having with UPD has been extremely eye opening I think for my department | 01:08:20 | |
and is how we address enforcement matters. | 01:08:24 | |
Historically, this has been obviously an administrative process. | 01:08:29 | |
With a civil staff member who has had an extensive experience trying to. | 01:08:35 | |
Enforce our ordinances, however, when they've changed and evolved over the past 20 years. | 01:08:42 | |
Some specific zoning ordinances standards. | 01:08:49 | |
In particular, short term rentals, tree removals, those types of things. | 01:08:53 | |
Don't fall into the category of maintaining compliance. Over time, what's done has been done. | 01:08:58 | |
And I think Warren has done an excellent job trying to figure out how to use our tools that's been provided UPD. | 01:09:03 | |
In a way that still is very respectful to the. | 01:09:11 | |
And still provides the public health, safety and welfare parameters, at least for the city so. | 01:09:14 | |
I think he's got a good idea as to what tools will become better available to you and does an excellent job of giving you that | 01:09:20 | |
background, but I just wanted to make sure that. | 01:09:24 | |
It's from the city and the updates relationship is pointed. Point of view has been exceptional over the. | 01:09:29 | |
Two years. | 01:09:36 | |
Three years. So I just want to make sure that. | 01:09:39 | |
Thanks, John. | 01:09:44 | |
So kind of as John was saying and Todd, I'll just throw 2 examples that we were talking about earlier matching real quick. | 01:09:47 | |
So the first would be like the tree removals. | 01:09:58 | |
You you cut down a tree you're not supposed to cut. | 01:10:00 | |
And based on the administrative process that we have now, yes, we can impose fines. | 01:10:03 | |
According to state law, whether we do an administrative citation or an abatement notice of violation. | 01:10:11 | |
I am required to give because there's no clear underlying exigency to this situation. I have to provide 10 days warning to the | 01:10:17 | |
homeowner to essentially put the tree back that's already been cut down, if that makes sense. Which it doesn't make sense. | 01:10:25 | |
To me. And so that's part of the issue. Another mentioned Clearview. You know, a criminal citation for for a Clearview violation. | 01:10:33 | |
But if you take the triangle at an intersection and not just a driveway where you're encumbering the, you know, the view of | 01:10:41 | |
oncoming traffic at an intersection, that becomes more of. | 01:10:46 | |
More of a safety issue and our ordinance. Now we can do a criminal citation for parking so many feet from a stop sign. But if | 01:10:53 | |
there's not a stop sign there, you know, I've had some of our officers calling me like, well, there's not an actual stop sign and. | 01:11:00 | |
And they're correct. And so situations like that I think is. | 01:11:07 | |
Where we're kind of heading in or where like to see. | 01:11:14 | |
Not removing. | 01:11:19 | |
That civil process from code enforcement, because I definitely think that that is primarily a. | 01:11:20 | |
The more appropriate way to handle most of the code enforcement issues that I encounter. | 01:11:31 | |
But adding that tool of the criminal citation and we're in a very unique situation in this city right now because. | 01:11:37 | |
If Mill Creek runs into a situation where they want to issue a criminal citation for, you know, a parking situation or anything | 01:11:46 | |
else, they have to call in UPD, which I mean UPD is great at responding and helping out with those. But in our situation, I'm | 01:11:52 | |
there I can. | 01:11:58 | |
Handle that while I'm there this. | 01:12:04 | |
In my mind, broadens that ability. It's not. I don't view this as something where I'm going to go out and start issuing criminal | 01:12:07 | |
citations to everybody. | 01:12:11 | |
But as Todd mentioned, it I think can be a very useful tool. And as Todd stated there, there has been language that allows us to | 01:12:16 | |
use that as an option. And yes, we have used it in successfully in some very egregious cases. It was not challenged at all in | 01:12:23 | |
these cases. | 01:12:30 | |
What I've been working pretty diligently at, and I don't know if you I didn't send it to you. I don't know if you've seen it, but | 01:12:40 | |
I've. | 01:12:44 | |
Sort of. | 01:12:49 | |
Got some language that incorporates what you're talking. It just defines, it defines that criminal citation process level of | 01:12:51 | |
offense is the penalties that go along with it as something that maybe just to add into our ACES program rather than replacing. | 01:12:59 | |
All right, so program. | 01:13:07 | |
And so with that. | 01:13:09 | |
From the day that I started in this process, it has been very interesting wearing this uniform and doing mostly civil enforcement, | 01:13:14 | |
sort of. | 01:13:18 | |
Kind of. | 01:13:23 | |
Because wearing those two hats, you have to be very careful obviously wearing this uniform and and our Constitution and and it's | 01:13:25 | |
been. | 01:13:28 | |
It's been I'm still learning stuff. | 01:13:32 | |
Every single day. I'm almost four years into it and I'm still learning stuff every. | 01:13:35 | |
But it's been, it's been great and I think that this process would help just improve the enforcement across the board. | 01:13:40 | |
So we say this process where what specifically are we talking about just transitioning some things from civil to criminal like | 01:13:50 | |
going through our ordinances and just relooking the whole thing and and. | 01:13:56 | |
I don't know necessarily that we're looking for. | 01:14:03 | |
A criminal process every time for this character of violation in a civil process every time for this character of violation. I | 01:14:10 | |
don't. | 01:14:14 | |
I don't know that necessarily that. | 01:14:18 | |
Kind of the way we're slanted, but what we want to know. | 01:14:20 | |
Are you comfortable with the criminal process in certain situations? | 01:14:23 | |
Yes. And I think that's an important kind of a threshold that we need to cross. | 01:14:27 | |
And if the council does have some comfort with that, then at some point we'll be bringing you ordinance amendments a little more | 01:14:34 | |
clearly. Define what that is and that will help you flesh out from a policy standpoint, have we provided enough protections around | 01:14:38 | |
that that you're comfortable with it? | 01:14:42 | |
It may be that this Council wants to develop. | 01:14:48 | |
You know, with input from Warren and John. | 01:14:51 | |
Policy and internal policy about the circumstances where criminal enforcement. | 01:14:54 | |
Is acceptable and that that's a fine line because there. | 01:14:59 | |
An issue of discretion with your criminal prosecutors that we don't want this council jumping into. We want the prosecutors to | 01:15:03 | |
have that kind of discretion. | 01:15:07 | |
But I think a broader policy that would identify. | 01:15:11 | |
Not really specific, but circumstances where criminal prosecution. | 01:15:17 | |
Is something the Council could accept from a policy. | 01:15:23 | |
Would be helpful. | 01:15:27 | |
You know, I mean we had a situation in Drews district that went on for. | 01:15:29 | |
15 years. Yeah, 15 years. | 01:15:35 | |
That was a really flagrant violation of the law. | 01:15:39 | |
But it was difficult to get out for a number of reasons. Well, that was an appropriate time to. | 01:15:42 | |
To use a criminal sanction, I think, and I don't know that anybody in the Council necessarily would have a problem with that one. | 01:15:47 | |
But there are other situations that it may not warrant that right, and we understand that, but we'd like to hear from the Council. | 01:15:53 | |
Enough that at least. | 01:16:01 | |
Broadly an idea of how the ordinance amendment ought. | 01:16:03 | |
And if there's a corresponding policy that we need to develop internally that guides our action, either down a criminal route or a | 01:16:07 | |
civil route. | 01:16:11 | |
Kind of what that is Todd, if you wouldn't mind for those of us that don't have a background really in criminal justice or law. | 01:16:15 | |
You know can you explain just some I've, I've got ideas of what the main differences are but could you just take a second and just | 01:16:21 | |
explain the yeah, when you go to a Criminal Court on a on a citation for an issue on your property. | 01:16:27 | |
A court can impose a fine up to $1000 plus surcharges. I think right now that ends up being, what, 1900 or $2000 ish. | 01:16:34 | |
And up to six months in jail. | 01:16:44 | |
Now, they never do that for a code violation on your property, right? | 01:16:46 | |
But the advantage of being in a Criminal Court, from my standpoint, when I was an old prosecutor and doing code enforcement cases | 01:16:51 | |
for Salt Lake City, was. | 01:16:54 | |
If somebody. | 01:16:57 | |
The finding of the court and the judgment they were guilty of maintaining a code enforcement issue on their property. | 01:17:00 | |
We could notice up a review hearing in front of a judge, and judges have this weird thing where they don't like people to disobey | 01:17:05 | |
their orders. | 01:17:09 | |
And if their order is clean up your property and you haven't done that, then they have an additional sanction they can impose. | 01:17:13 | |
That's rare. | 01:17:16 | |
Right. And they can tell somebody. | 01:17:20 | |
I ordered you to do this. You didn't do this. I'm going to impose more of the fine than I did potentially last time, and if you | 01:17:23 | |
don't do it within the next 30 days. | 01:17:27 | |
Then you may spend three nights in. | 01:17:31 | |
That's weird for a property violation. | 01:17:33 | |
But if you're getting continually not getting compliance at some point and the system is getting frustrated and neighbors are. | 01:17:37 | |
Living with a problem that sometimes is health and safety related, whatever. So that's what the criminal process can look like, | 01:17:43 | |
the civil process. | 01:17:47 | |
Is somebody comes to a hearing? | 01:17:51 | |
At the city, not in the courtroom, but probably in the Mount Olympus room, sometimes this room. And they sit in front of a single | 01:17:54 | |
hearing officer who's not wearing a judicial. | 01:17:59 | |
You know and they. | 01:18:05 | |
What looks like in a lot of ways. | 01:18:08 | |
A less formal trial on the code enforcement issue, It's probably not as structured. | 01:18:11 | |
As the criminal one, but it has some of the trappings and the earmarks of that. And at the end of that time, a hearing officer | 01:18:17 | |
will say, yeah, I find that you violated this part of the ordinance and here's the the fine that's being imposed on you. | 01:18:24 | |
Sometimes it's close to the same thing you would see in a criminal proceeding. | 01:18:31 | |
But then for the city to enforce? | 01:18:35 | |
We don't have the same kinds of mechanisms. | 01:18:37 | |
That a court does to enforce it. We're sort of counting on a property. | 01:18:40 | |
To honor the authority of the city to impose a civil fine. At some point we sometimes can get in certain kinds of violations A | 01:18:45 | |
lien authority where we can place a lien on property. | 01:18:51 | |
For the payment of a fine like that, but not in every violation, in every condition can we get that lane authority. So those are | 01:18:58 | |
kind of the differences in the process, I will tell you administratively. | 01:19:03 | |
Most people pay their administrative citation funds they. | 01:19:09 | |
That I don't know that everybody does who conducts those hearings. | 01:19:14 | |
The city has retained hearing officers to do. | 01:19:17 | |
Council member Quinn used to be a hearing officer for the. | 01:19:22 | |
Currently we have two hearing officers who I think. | 01:19:25 | |
Rich Catton and Frank Nakamura who are? | 01:19:29 | |
We're both city attorneys for different cities in the community and they're both excellent hearing officers. They do an | 01:19:33 | |
outstanding job, so. | 01:19:36 | |
So is the but is the choice or are the the available pathways to us on this? | 01:19:41 | |
Code violation happens and it either takes a civil route and forever there or criminal route or forever there Or is it? | 01:19:50 | |
Start civil and if it's continued to be ignored, it it jumps to shark over to criminal. It can go the route you talked about. | 01:19:57 | |
Second, it can sometimes transition from civil to criminal. | 01:20:02 | |
Is that kind of the the what we're talking about is that? | 01:20:08 | |
Is we want to be able to add that provision where it canmore easily jump over that shark as it were. | 01:20:12 | |
From civil to criminal when there's non compliance, yeah, in some ways, yes. | 01:20:19 | |
So we don't have to make the choice at the beginning. It can jump later if there's non compliance, so we can start out soft. | 01:20:25 | |
But then bring the hammer if it's There are some circumstances where it may be appropriate, however, to forego the civil route at | 01:20:32 | |
all and to go directly to a criminal route. If you've got significant risk to public health and safety from a violation, sure. | 01:20:38 | |
Gross negligence, and an owner has refused to talk to Warren or to John's office about any part of it. | 01:20:44 | |
And and we've sent them letters and notices and they've just ignored. | 01:20:52 | |
In those circumstances, it may be appropriate to go first directly to a criminal process, but that's kind of we want your feel for | 01:20:56 | |
those things. | 01:21:00 | |
Yeah, I understand. My feeling is that, yeah, we there's an opportunity to solve it easily and civilly. | 01:21:04 | |
Use that word many ways. | 01:21:11 | |
But to have teeth when? | 01:21:15 | |
When we need it, but to not bear those teeth unless we need it. | 01:21:17 | |
Because also, I'd hate. | 01:21:21 | |
Start right out on criminal if it's otherwise not necessary, because then what kind of consequences are to a citizen who then has | 01:21:23 | |
a criminal misdemeanor on their record and and what there are there? | 01:21:30 | |
Unintended consequences that happen to a citizen when that occurs. | 01:21:38 | |
That that we don't care about, but. | 01:21:42 | |
Can be impactful for the citizen in ways that we don't care about, but certainly they do. | 01:21:46 | |
And so my feeling is that, yeah, I'd like to be able to have those provisions, but I'd also like to. | 01:21:51 | |
Have the philosophy be that we stay on the civil side? | 01:21:56 | |
As long as it makes sense, but then have the option to jump to criminal when. | 01:22:01 | |
When they ask for it, it's totally a matter of degree, right? I think that. | 01:22:06 | |
I'm open to the idea of a criminal enforcement mechanism, but I think the discussion is all about the details of. | 01:22:14 | |
When that kicks in and when it doesn't, because we want to be really careful that we're not being too heavy-handed as you, as you | 01:22:21 | |
mentioned. | 01:22:24 | |
I think the fact that we've, I agree completely with what's been said, especially Paul's comment that we want to, we want to solve | 01:22:29 | |
the problem. | 01:22:33 | |
In the easiest way, we don't want to bring the hammer down and I think we've already made as far as a policy. | 01:22:38 | |
Motion from the movement, from this council, we've already. | 01:22:44 | |
Gone that direction by by officer Dallas employment and assignment period, 'cause I think that's probably a little unusual to | 01:22:48 | |
have. | 01:22:52 | |
To have a UPD officer do our code enforcement. | 01:22:57 | |
And I appreciate so many times the way that you've finessed things, handle things, it's been. | 01:23:01 | |
It's been great and I'm former justice Court judge so I don't know that the jet I don't know that the court I don't I don't know | 01:23:09 | |
we we want to pull Judge Chin or the prosecutor but my feeling would be they don't necessarily want to see their docket. | 01:23:16 | |
Stacked up with code enforcement issues, they want to work the problem. I don't think we amend the ordinances though to take away | 01:23:25 | |
the teeth. | 01:23:29 | |
I like the way it's it's proceeding now with with Officer Dallif kind of out on the front lines. You're the shock absorber kind of | 01:23:34 | |
you know trying to work the problem either getting voluntary compliance or or moving civil, but you know able to bring the hammer | 01:23:40 | |
down. But that that's my feeling is that we just continue on the path we're on. | 01:23:47 | |
Unless, Council, you think there's some tweak we need to make to the ordinance or if there's some category of violation that you | 01:23:54 | |
think we ought to amend or delete or beat up, I think there are definitely two weeks to the ordinance we need to make. I don't | 01:24:00 | |
think there's any question about that, but your direction is helpful to us as we start to make those revisions to the ordinance. | 01:24:07 | |
I want to bring something back to you that's dead on arrival from a policy standpoint. | 01:24:14 | |
Yeah, that'd be. I think that would be great to have council take a look at our ordinance and and and advise us look this is too | 01:24:18 | |
heavy-handed. We ought to have more teeth in this. I think there may be there are certain violations that may be a of particular | 01:24:26 | |
they they particularly stick in the craw of of residence and and one may be misuse of property for example. | 01:24:33 | |
Running running a rental. | 01:24:41 | |
In an area where that's not permitted. | 01:24:45 | |
You know animal violations may be another one where there's, you know whether there's where there's animals loose. But I don't, I | 01:24:49 | |
don't. I don't know if what other categories there are drug. | 01:24:54 | |
You know, drug sales on a property, there may be maybe a property violation if you're permitting that kind of. | 01:25:00 | |
You know, prostitution or drug use, whatever it is, or drug sales. | 01:25:08 | |
But I really, really like the model we've got where. | 01:25:13 | |
I don't necessarily want to tout Cottonwood heights. | 01:25:19 | |
Police Department per SE, but they do like their model work the problem you know on on all the bumpers of their vehicles and I | 01:25:22 | |
think that's exactly what what we're doing is, is even though we don't have that a model, I think you're working the problem. | 01:25:27 | |
You're the shock absorber kind of. | 01:25:32 | |
Using the whole panoply of all of our tools to just fix the problem without having to go too far. So that's my thought. | 01:25:38 | |
It will be good to somehow. | 01:25:48 | |
Into. | 01:25:52 | |
Into a written. | 01:25:54 | |
What we've talked about tonight, but also mention that. | 01:25:58 | |
A lot will be to the up to the discretion of the code enforcement officer. | 01:26:03 | |
I think that's that's an important piece as well because Detective Dallas has done such a great job. | 01:26:09 | |
And all of the UPD officers. | 01:26:15 | |
That are working this problem or have done a really nice job too. | 01:26:21 | |
I don't want to the council give. I think there will be two pieces of it. I think the ordinance amendments are necessary and | 01:26:26 | |
important. We need to do that. They really are going to apply, I think. | 01:26:31 | |
They'll define the criminal process and the available penalties in a way that's more clear. | 01:26:37 | |
That they may relate a little bit better to streamlining some of the administrative process too. | 01:26:42 | |
From an internal policy perspective, sort of directing our approach either. | 01:26:48 | |
Civilly or criminally at the very outset. | 01:26:52 | |
I don't want to suggest a. | 01:26:56 | |
That is very detailed. | 01:27:00 | |
I think it's important that we have a policy with that that's kind of a 30,000 foot. | 01:27:02 | |
Because I don't want to interrupt the discretion of the code enforcement officers, I think that's important and. | 01:27:08 | |
You know, overtime these are things we're going to revisit because code enforcement. | 01:27:14 | |
Swings from a policy standpoint like so many issues in municipal governance do. | 01:27:18 | |
My guess is in a few years we may be back talking about other things. There may be new problems developing with land uses. We | 01:27:23 | |
don't know what it'll be. | 01:27:27 | |
But I think these. | 01:27:31 | |
These conversations happen with relative frequency, and they're important. | 01:27:33 | |
Your direction is helpful. Tonight we'll try to bring back an ordinance amendment that addresses this and some internal structure. | 01:27:38 | |
That. | 01:27:45 | |
The way we apply the ordinance. | 01:27:48 | |
Can I just weigh in a little bit? I don't know. I think everybody pretty much did. | 01:27:52 | |
I I'm all for having you know I think you need to have the tools available to to ultimately get compliance. I also believe that we | 01:27:57 | |
should our our approach should be hopefully this is I think this probably is. | 01:28:03 | |
To have as civil an approach as possible and and then go that direction as needed. | 01:28:10 | |
I think oftentimes I used to we we used to be in the in business I had we were a lender for car dealers used car dealers and. | 01:28:16 | |
Always with people that aren't. | 01:28:59 | |
Whether they're building skate ramps in their backyard with their kids or whatever it might be. | 01:29:00 | |
That's one example. This way is this where I turn around and? | 01:29:05 | |
I I I can honestly say I didn't know who you were at the time. No, no, no. | 01:29:10 | |
That's the honest truth. He wasn't. I wasn't on the City Council that he wasn't who he was then. | 01:29:17 | |
So can I just say that that that example is? | 01:29:24 | |
How I primarily approached, you know, enforcement is is on that civil issue because you're right, most people just don't know. | 01:29:29 | |
And taking that education approach first, I mean, quite often it doesn't even require a notice of violation, it requires me to | 01:29:38 | |
knock on their door. | 01:29:42 | |
Instead of sending them a letter in the mail and saying did you know that this is a violation? Most of the time they don't know | 01:29:46 | |
and most of the time they take care of it. | 01:29:52 | |
But and I just want to. | 01:29:57 | |
Reiterate again. | 01:30:01 | |
I'm fully in support of. | 01:30:04 | |
This process. | 01:30:07 | |
Adding another. | 01:30:09 | |
I don't want the Council to have any impression that that is going to be primarily a tool that I will go to. | 01:30:11 | |
Because it it is not I I also agree that that civil approach, I think what we've been doing mostly has been working mostly, but | 01:30:19 | |
there have been situations that having that ability to issue a criminal citation. | 01:30:24 | |
I think would help resolve some issues. | 01:30:31 | |
Days rather than. | 01:30:35 | |
Cases where there are things that might be unreasonable and I hope that residents know that they can approach their their | 01:31:10 | |
representatives if in in cases where things may be. | 01:31:15 | |
Don't seem just or or whatever. So do you all receive much by way of? | 01:31:20 | |
I see you're quitting. Yeah. Judas, Short term rentals, right, Drew? | 01:31:27 | |
Reynolds and things in the yard. | 01:31:33 | |
Yeah. | 01:31:36 | |
Cars parked in the but that ends up coming across your desk though. | 01:31:37 | |
Sometimes. | 01:31:47 | |
But I think I mean what I'm hearing is that. | 01:31:49 | |
We're OK. | 01:31:53 | |
Adding the criminal tool to the toolbox. | 01:31:55 | |
At least going down this path to try to memorialize this and then we get a chance to look at it, make sure we're OK with it. | 01:31:58 | |
With the understanding that that's going to be a. | 01:32:06 | |
That's going to be a small percentage. | 01:32:08 | |
People that that's, it's a last resort. It's like look, I've tried. | 01:32:12 | |
To gain compliance the right way and. | 01:32:16 | |
I don't want to continue to waste all this time and resource I need to. | 01:32:20 | |
Pull this tool out of the toolbox. | 01:32:25 | |
Yeah, I think there are. There are very few, but I think also there are. | 01:32:28 | |
Some very egregious violations that. | 01:32:34 | |
It may be appropriate as Todd was saying that that may be the way I approach it. | 01:32:39 | |
But again, every. | 01:32:45 | |
Yes, is different and depending on the circumstances, there have definitely been cases that have been so egregious that we just | 01:32:47 | |
have to have the confidence that if that constituent calls. | 01:32:52 | |
We know. | 01:32:58 | |
You've used that tool because you felt like it was your last resort and that the council is going to be OK with that. Because when | 01:33:02 | |
I was talking to Gene and Todd about, it's like this all sounds great until you do it and then it can somebody calls up and they | 01:33:07 | |
complain about it, then we come back and want to change it again. So I just want to make sure that we're all kind of on board | 01:33:13 | |
with. | 01:33:18 | |
With going down this path and starting to take up staff's time to look at our ordinances and then come back to the council and | 01:33:24 | |
present it that we're OK. | 01:33:28 | |
Moving in that direction, at this point, it sounds like you are, yeah. And the key to that though is that we have good records. | 01:33:32 | |
You know that we have record of this happened. This happened, this happened, this happened. So and then the constituent calls and | 01:33:40 | |
says you just violated my rights. Please OK here's the process you went through and here's how you screwed up so that that can be | 01:33:46 | |
an excellent defense is good records. And I was just going to bring that up to you. They a criminal citation issued would be done | 01:33:53 | |
through the UPD, through Upd's records system. And then we obviously have, you know, I work through the city. | 01:34:00 | |
In the case of a criminal citation, I would be doing 2 entries. One would be. | 01:34:08 | |
You know, on the PD side, I would still put an entry and I work that refers to that. And in the case of a criminal citation, | 01:34:11 | |
obviously your preponderance on a criminal case is is much higher than on a civil case. But it also comes with more documentation. | 01:34:17 | |
So if there's ever a criminal citation issued, we can issue a traffic ticket. There's not really much documentation required for a | 01:34:23 | |
traffic ticket. Maybe a couple of notes. | 01:34:29 | |
If I'm in, you know, in not even a report format necessarily, but if I'm issuing A misdemeanor citation or even an infraction | 01:34:36 | |
citation. | 01:34:41 | |
For something like a land use violation or anything outside of traffic that there's going to be a detailed report on UPD side and. | 01:34:48 | |
Would be very shouldn't be very difficult for council. | 01:34:59 | |
Access. | 01:35:03 | |
Those reports there would be. | 01:35:06 | |
Documentation on that but. | 01:35:09 | |
You know as far as the report of the incident, but you're right leading up to if there were, you know, if there were warnings | 01:35:12 | |
giving given or prior, you know, that's another thing prior history. We have repeat offenders that repeat every year until I knock | 01:35:16 | |
on their door. | 01:35:21 | |
I'm not going to do anything until code enforcement shows up because. | 01:35:26 | |
I know I don't have to do it until they show up and. | 01:35:30 | |
Having this ability would. | 01:35:37 | |
Help this Welch those. | 01:35:40 | |
A bit. | 01:35:43 | |
If you ever needed help, and again this is kind of taking a more civil approach at helping people with the issues, you know that | 01:36:16 | |
where you find cases like that, please bring those. I would just say please bring those to my attention and I would imagine my | 01:36:21 | |
colleagues would probably feel the same where we could maybe. | 01:36:26 | |
Have an outreach to different people. There are a lot of organizations that look for service opportunities and that kind of a | 01:36:33 | |
thing And so I don't know how often that comes up or or or maybe you're already doing that some and but but certainly feel free to | 01:36:38 | |
to reach out to me in that case in my district. So yeah. | 01:36:43 | |
I've got one right now, but it's in Jerusalem district. | 01:36:50 | |
It's not the one you're thinking about. | 01:36:56 | |
It's a whole, yeah. Well, it's been ongoing for quite a while. It is actually one of the cases that's kind of prompting this as | 01:37:00 | |
well. | 01:37:03 | |
Because it's I am looking. | 01:37:08 | |
You know, a physical abatement of some property. | 01:37:11 | |
Vehicles which I've yet. | 01:37:14 | |
To have to do in my capacity, I've sometimes it does take me a little longer. But my goal in this position is enforcement. It's | 01:37:16 | |
not to issue somebody a citation. It's not to collect a fine from somebody. In fact, I don't. | 01:37:23 | |
Really issue fines very often, I really. | 01:37:31 | |
Because that's not my goal. My goal is to get them to comply. | 01:37:35 | |
Once in a while I get the ones. | 01:37:39 | |
In this particular case there is a bit of a hardship, but it's also been an ongoing problem that they're very much aware of, and | 01:37:42 | |
so this may reach a level where criminal citation would be. | 01:37:47 | |
Absolutely warranted. | 01:37:54 | |
Just as one example, but I. | 01:37:57 | |
Back and forth to this house since well, there was a bit last year, but since. | 01:38:01 | |
Yeah, about March this year trying to get compliance again, so. | 01:38:09 | |
I do agree there is the. I haven't been over gotten the update yet, but the. | 01:38:15 | |
Container the 40 foot container, It's gone. | 01:38:21 | |
And that was another situation. I got a text from. I got a text from the. OK, but that's a funny one too. That's another, you | 01:38:24 | |
know, it's like. | 01:38:28 | |
I got a text. Hey, did you say something to that neighbor? They're a little cold to me now. | 01:38:32 | |
No, I didn't say anything to him. But you can't complain about something and then when we do something about it, then complain. I | 01:38:37 | |
mean, it's like. | 01:38:40 | |
If you just want to complain, tell me you just want to complain and do not do anything about it. | 01:38:45 | |
That was that was an excellent example though of I mean. | 01:38:50 | |
There was a definite hardship there, a reasonable hardship, right? And. And if it's a reasonable hardship, I have no issue working | 01:38:54 | |
with them as long as it's within reason for a reasonable hardship. | 01:38:59 | |
As has been as long as it's in good faith right and and if they're working towards it you know and give them a a deadline but | 01:39:06 | |
there's some that won't and. | 01:39:09 | |
Or say they will and they never do. And I think those cases would present an excellent, an excellent opportunity. | 01:39:14 | |
To get them in front of a judge who has a little bit more than I do sometimes. | 01:39:22 | |
As far. | 01:39:29 | |
Yeah, gaining that compliance when they refuse. | 01:39:31 | |
Detective, what's that? I said. Not if you're wearing that uniform. | 01:39:34 | |
Well, yeah, the reception in the community has been mostly phenomenal, but there are a few that wanna know why the cops are at | 01:39:38 | |
their house for their weeds. | 01:39:42 | |
It's been it's actually been really good. It's been a great experience I've enjoyed. | 01:39:48 | |
I've done things in this. | 01:39:55 | |
Capacity. | 01:39:56 | |
Never did in 15 years prior long. | 01:39:58 | |
I love the model we've got for for this system and tweaking it. | 01:40:02 | |
Going to be great, but I just really, really like what we're doing. | 01:40:08 | |
Well, I think, I think we got. | 01:40:12 | |
Or is that, did you get what you were after John and everybody? | 01:40:14 | |
We'll wait to hear what the next iteration is then, in terms of what you bring back to the council. But anyway, thanks Warren, | 01:40:20 | |
Thanks for your good works for the city too. | 01:40:24 | |
OK, pressing along here, I think the next one is the budget amendments, right? | 01:40:29 | |
Were. | 01:40:36 | |
Any questions or clarifications on the budget amendments? I had one question but it got answered. | 01:40:38 | |
Where is holiday circle? | 01:40:45 | |
Is the property that we've discussed on 45th and Highland. | 01:40:46 | |
Southeast corner, yeah. Corner. OK. Thank you. | 01:40:52 | |
What's the impact? | 01:40:58 | |
At the end of the day, on the fund balance. | 01:40:59 | |
So for the capital projects fund, it will be nearly $1,000,000 of reduction. We have and I think Stephanie has our last fund | 01:41:03 | |
balance totals. | 01:41:10 | |
Which she'll pull. | 01:41:17 | |
Our balance sheet in our last. | 01:41:24 | |
Umm. | 01:41:26 | |
Audit shows. | 01:41:28 | |
In the capital projects, fund A. | 01:41:30 | |
Fund balance of 14.7 million. We need to reduce that by the outstanding loan from the RDA. | 01:41:34 | |
So really we have about 11,000,000 spendable in that fund balance with a number of projects coming up. | 01:41:46 | |
Including Spring Lane, our Rd. projects because the idea was to balance to balance our Rd. projects overtime in addition to the | 01:41:54 | |
the bond proceeds that we have, we know we'll need some investment in this building Highland Drive and then potentially temporary | 01:42:02 | |
space. So even with all those projects I think we we have sufficient fund balance. | 01:42:11 | |
To use $1,000,000. | 01:42:20 | |
And then this is kind of tangential, but. | 01:42:24 | |
Timeline on the RFP for spring lane, Yeah, so it was issued earlier this week. | 01:42:27 | |
We have a pre submittal meeting on November 30th and I believe. | 01:42:34 | |
Proposals are due to the city on December 8th, which is a Friday. | 01:42:42 | |
And then from there we hope to have interviews soon after the new year with a selection maybe the second week in January and | 01:42:48 | |
hopefully. | 01:42:53 | |
Hope to have someone under contract as soon as possible after that. | 01:43:00 | |
And what guidance have we given them on? | 01:43:04 | |
What we're looking for? | 01:43:06 | |
So I don't have the RFP in front of me, but we have a pretty detailed program. One of the first steps. | 01:43:08 | |
That we're asking and I and I can certainly distribute that to council members. | 01:43:17 | |
One of the first steps we would ask is for that group to come to council and have you select a menu of possible items, and let's | 01:43:23 | |
just take the dog park as an example. If that is on a menu of options you want to hear from the public about, I think that would | 01:43:30 | |
be valuable information. | 01:43:37 | |
Or if that's something you decide ahead of. | 01:43:45 | |
There's no way that we're going to have. | 01:43:49 | |
Let's see outdoor pickleball courts, for example. | 01:43:53 | |
That would be valuable information for for them to know. | 01:43:59 | |
OK. Thanks. | 01:44:03 | |
Gina, on that bridge on Highland Drive, this is substantial, right, with this federal fund, this federal funding. I don't know if | 01:44:05 | |
I wasn't here for the meeting when that may have been talked about previously, but can you just describe a little bit about that | 01:44:09 | |
and why I'm guessing that has to do with? | 01:44:13 | |
Is it to make it less of a problem for potential floods down the road or can you speak to them? So it that bridge has been on a | 01:44:18 | |
lift and I don't think Jared is here, It's been on a list of. | 01:44:24 | |
Needs improvement for a while. The state udot compiles that list, and so we were aware that that was a problem and had applied for | 01:44:32 | |
a grant. | 01:44:39 | |
Maybe 2 1/2 years ago. | 01:44:47 | |
At a cost of three and a half million dollars at that time when the award came after a couple of years. | 01:44:51 | |
We were surprised at the both, the inflationary element. | 01:44:59 | |
That was included, which took that from 3 1/2 to $7 million. | 01:45:05 | |
But it's like been we know what the cost is at this point and this is what our share will be and all of that is that all? | 01:45:11 | |
So they have made the award based on an engineers cost estimate essentially we haven't yet bid it. Our share is I think it's 6.77% | 01:45:19 | |
of the overall cost of the project. So that'll that could be less, but it's up to that match. | 01:45:28 | |
Thanks. | 01:45:38 | |
Just one comment on the Grants account, which is up on the screen right now. I just think it's. | 01:45:41 | |
It's so important that we prime that pump and with all of the matching funds in the various categories and that seems to be the | 01:45:47 | |
most absolute no brainer of any of these budget amendments we're we're leveraging. | 01:45:54 | |
For the benefit of our population. | 01:46:01 | |
So many projects just through in some cases a you know fairly small percentage of the total cost and. | 01:46:05 | |
That seems to be to me to be great financial stewardship on our part to to use that as much as we can and that that would include | 01:46:13 | |
the one item about the historical Commission where there was talk of fundraising and we still want to secure that because we're | 01:46:18 | |
we're in that case also leveraging. | 01:46:23 | |
Grant funds there too. So we don't want to miss out on that. So if we needed to provide feedback on that line would be, yeah, | 01:46:29 | |
let's proceed with guaranteeing those funds. | 01:46:34 | |
Regardless of our success and the fundraising side, yeah, I mean, we can't. | 01:46:40 | |
We got to press forward with that project and we have an obligation on that match and we can't. | 01:46:44 | |
There's an opportunity funded and if we get some, if we get donations, that's great. We'll reduce the amount that that and it'll | 01:46:51 | |
flow in the fund balance, right? But we have to make it. We have to make a commitment. They might come later in the process and we | 01:46:58 | |
need to be putting money up front. They'll be naming rights potential, but that would come later in the process. | 01:47:05 | |
So yeah. | 01:47:12 | |
Just for my. | 01:47:16 | |
Interest The 2700 E project is. This is the sidewalk project it is. | 01:47:19 | |
And is this right at Driggs? Is this across from Driggs Elementary on the east side, East side? The first phase is closer to 39th | 01:47:25 | |
South, so I think between 39th and. | 01:47:30 | |
No, not not Lincoln. Not all the way to Lincoln. Maybe. Camille. Morningstar. Morningside. | 01:47:39 | |
How much? How much? How much sidewalk does $300,000 get? | 01:47:47 | |
Not as much as you would think. | 01:47:52 | |
I apologize, I remember the exact length, but that's a detail I can provide to the council. I I I recall years ago it was like you | 01:47:57 | |
can count on 20 or $30,000 to do a house or something. I don't know if that's correct or not, but. | 01:48:04 | |
Anyway. | 01:48:12 | |
But needed. | 01:48:14 | |
Is it is this like for safe walking? | 01:48:16 | |
School stuff or. | 01:48:19 | |
Needed for safety along that stretch. I think that's right. And this is one of those projects that the council had prioritized. | 01:48:22 | |
Last year you set up some criteria and I wish I could. I'll see if I could remember they are. | 01:48:30 | |
School priority routes. | 01:48:38 | |
Access to transit. And then there's a third route. There's a third priority as well, but 27th East certainly met all of those | 01:48:40 | |
criteria. | 01:48:45 | |
One thing I would mention as well. | 01:48:52 | |
27th East is the boundary. | 01:48:56 | |
Not, not the entire length of it, but. | 01:49:00 | |
27 pieces, a lot of the boundary between Morningside and. | 01:49:04 | |
And now with parents being able to pick whichever school they want to go to. | 01:49:08 | |
People in the area, you know, it's a huge challenge if your kid has to. | 01:49:14 | |
Either cross or walk along 20. | 01:49:23 | |
So I think this is going to be a huge benefit when I told the community council about it at Driggs. | 01:49:27 | |
Julie Jackson was. | 01:49:35 | |
You know our granite representative? | 01:49:38 | |
And everyone was excited and she said you tell your city that this is huge and that the district really appreciates it. So that's | 01:49:41 | |
what she said. | 01:49:46 | |
I think you should take full credit. I try to. | 01:49:52 | |
So one item I think we might want to spend a moment on is our historic area signs. | 01:49:58 | |
When we last had. | 01:50:05 | |
Our Historical Commission and and Dan you may have brought this issue up as far as we had agreed to I think place three different | 01:50:09 | |
signs identifying the Cottonwood Historic District. | 01:50:17 | |
And I think at the time we were anticipating something like this. This is similar to what Cottonwood Heights has. | 01:50:26 | |
Identifying historic Butler, there is another option. | 01:50:35 | |
Which is you're looking at here, which is more similar to what Salt Lake City has done in the Yale Crest area. | 01:50:40 | |
The first signs that you saw are about $300.00 each. | 01:50:50 | |
The second signs are about $5000 each. | 01:50:55 | |
So just wanted to get feedback from the council on which you would prefer. | 01:51:01 | |
I'd like the second one at the first price. | 01:51:08 | |
I'll second that. | 01:51:13 | |
Did we go out for multiple bids on those? | 01:51:18 | |
We did. | 01:51:21 | |
Yeah, Holly has priced the signs from two different vendors. | 01:51:23 | |
One of the vendors is the same foundry that produced the art piece. The art piece. | 01:51:29 | |
And they were. | 01:51:36 | |
$150.00 of each other, so I think we feel pretty good about the range we have. | 01:51:39 | |
Good grief. | 01:51:46 | |
You know, since since the historical Commission is going to come under the umbrella of a of a bigger cultural. | 01:51:48 | |
Umbrella of the city. | 01:51:56 | |
I think it would be, you know that first sign is just looks like a parking, you know, it's like a parking sign. I think it would | 01:51:59 | |
be nice to have something that that is branded similar to what we have here in the Village Center. I don't know I'm in I'm in | 01:52:05 | |
favor of spending more money and having, I don't know about $5000 but. | 01:52:11 | |
In the vast scheme of themes, things. | 01:52:18 | |
And a significant amount of money when we're only talking a few science, I mean there's only did they identify spots where they | 01:52:21 | |
would go they have what spots were those. So I believe there's a spot on Cottonwood Lane, there's a spot on Murray Holiday sort of | 01:52:28 | |
adjacent to the liquor store area and then a spot I believe on 6200. | 01:52:36 | |
I mean, yeah, so we're we're not talking you know 10 signs, we're just talking a handful of signs. I I would, I would opt for | 01:52:45 | |
something that's a little more. | 01:52:49 | |
Uniformly branded with other. | 01:52:53 | |
Things we have in the cities in the village center, in fact, if we could have the same artists do. | 01:52:57 | |
Those signs as we had. | 01:53:02 | |
Village center. That would be fantastic. I'm in favor of the second option. | 01:53:07 | |
I grew up in the Elk Crystal area myself and sorry, what was it that these will say? | 01:53:12 | |
So they'll say, I think welcome to. | 01:53:17 | |
Historic Cottonwood in all three places, because that's marking the boundary of where historic Cottonwood was. Is that what it is? | 01:53:23 | |
Yes. Although I don't think there will be a sign at each boundary. These are just kind of an indication of the overlay. | 01:53:31 | |
This is something the historical Commission has been. | 01:53:41 | |
Pushing for for a number of years and and to. | 01:53:45 | |
On us, our council really hasn't been. | 01:53:49 | |
That open to it, but I think we finally kind. | 01:53:52 | |
Succumb to the passion that they have for identifying this historical area in and have agreed to it. | 01:53:56 | |
But. | 01:54:04 | |
The secession movement as well. | 01:54:06 | |
Did I say that out loud? Are we recording? | 01:54:10 | |
But they are the ones that we, I think we've basically said look, we can. | 01:54:14 | |
We can afford to do three of these. You pick where and they are the ones that have picked the place because the last thing I want | 01:54:19 | |
to do is do it and then have them come back and say, well that's not where we want to be. Like we wanted them to pick the | 01:54:25 | |
locations they thought were most appropriate for the three signs and if they want 4. | 01:54:30 | |
In my you know, I think they're fine. They can fundraise for that 4th. | 01:54:36 | |
We'd probably be happy to put it up depending on where it is. But anyway we've kind of agreed to the three. Let me let me give | 01:54:41 | |
just a little brief history to of this issue. So when when we incorporated. | 01:54:47 | |
The city was incorporated as Holiday Dash Cottonwood. That was the official name. In fact, when when we filed our articles of | 01:54:53 | |
incorporation Secretary of State, that's what the city was named. | 01:54:58 | |
It's holiday Cottonwood and one of the early motions made in City Council meetings, in fact, in the in the early weeks. And this | 01:55:04 | |
is by Ed Lont, who was. | 01:55:08 | |
You know, in our. | 01:55:13 | |
Previous District 1 Ed recommended just for ease of. That's just weird to have a hyphenated name, just for ease of reference, we | 01:55:15 | |
ought to have. | 01:55:20 | |
Just a name, a short name and a holiday. And we all agreed. But I was since I lived in the Cottonwood area, I said OK, but let's | 01:55:26 | |
do something to honor this. | 01:55:31 | |
This part because it really were two settlements, it was holiday and then there was Cottonwood historically. So let's do something | 01:55:36 | |
to honor Cottonwood. And we did a couple of things. One, we renamed 6200 S officially as Big Cottonwood Rd. And then I can't | 01:55:43 | |
remember if it was then or if it was in a subsequently. We actually created an historic district that that is already in our, I | 01:55:49 | |
think it's in our general plan. | 01:55:56 | |
And but we never I think we always intended that there would be some kind of signage but we never followed through with it and so | 01:56:03 | |
so I don't know that there's you know I I don't know that anyone wants to leave. | 01:56:09 | |
Holiday or anything like that, But it would be nice to kind of put, you know, put the cherry on top of the cake and and just to | 01:56:16 | |
honor that piece of holiday's history as Cottonwood, because it was kind of a compromise that we actually shortened the name to | 01:56:21 | |
holiday. | 01:56:27 | |
So I'm in favor for all of those reasons. | 01:56:33 | |
And I would love to have the more expensive science right. Is there something? | 01:56:36 | |
205,000% perhaps, Yeah, that's what I was gonna ask. Is this one cast iron or or This is a bronze and I've stayed out of this | 01:56:40 | |
because I didn't wanna inject my. | 01:56:46 | |
But I'm with Dan on this one I. | 01:56:55 | |
I just think if we're going to do something, it's like our brick monuments that are probably very expensive, but they're beautiful | 01:56:58 | |
and I think they're keeping in character with the city. And I'm like. | 01:57:03 | |
If we're going to do it, that's just my opinion. If we're going to do it, do it in a way that we can be proud of it, not. | 01:57:09 | |
Historic Butler Ville sign That looks like a parking right? Exactly. It looks like an afterthought of OK, you want that? Here you | 01:57:17 | |
go. | 01:57:20 | |
Right, so this would be bronzed and whatnot. I would just want to make sure that. | 01:57:25 | |
We worked and agreed on exactly what the wording was going to be because once it's done, that's going to be done, that's going to | 01:57:30 | |
be cast in bronze, but. | 01:57:34 | |
Anyway, so I'm I'm with Dan on this, but I also didn't want to. | 01:57:39 | |
I didn't want, I wanted to hear what the other council members had to say because it's a lot of money and if somebody felt | 01:57:43 | |
strongly that was too much money, I probably wouldn't fight it too hard. | 01:57:48 | |
I think if it's where we're talking about designating an historic area, we want it to be. | 01:57:53 | |
An impressive sign. | 01:57:59 | |
And so I mean, I think I would be open to looking at something. | 01:58:00 | |
Less expensive, but I think it should be in kind of the spirit of the second sign for sure. | 01:58:05 | |
I support doing it. If we're going to do it, I want to do it right as well. | 01:58:12 | |
I won't object. | 01:58:17 | |
I'll put it that way. | 01:58:19 | |
Well, I just asked if there was something kind of in between. | 01:58:23 | |
The second. | 01:58:28 | |
The more expensive sign is beautiful. | 01:58:30 | |
Out of respect for staff's time. | 01:58:37 | |
Would anybody be totally object to just going forward with? | 01:58:40 | |
The budget amendment and yeah. | 01:58:45 | |
Getting this one starting. | 01:58:47 | |
Get it into production. I'm in. | 01:58:50 | |
No objection, Your Honor. | 01:58:53 | |
Sure, that. | 01:58:56 | |
Todd and Jean are whispering now, so. | 01:59:01 | |
Your mic was on. I'll listen to it on the recording on Monday. | 01:59:07 | |
So I think we're good with that. It's just I would want to make sure that the historical Commission, they weigh in on exactly what | 01:59:13 | |
they want that verbiage to be and they have, we do have that language and they have specific ideas about location as well. We | 01:59:19 | |
might have right away challenges in a couple of them, but we'll work through that. | 01:59:26 | |
Expect those Cottonwood folks to step up in the fundraising element of the other historical Commission stuff. That's right. | 01:59:34 | |
I'm going to get that's a that's an Sep. I'm going to get Emily Gray onto that. | 01:59:40 | |
All right. OK, We're pushing along now to. | 01:59:48 | |
Skate park update. | 01:59:51 | |
And I will have Chief Hoyle newly returned. Provide this update. | 01:59:54 | |
In Plain Clothes Out There has made a number of arrests for different violations, whether it's fighting, whether it's drugs, | 02:00:35 | |
whether it's. | 02:00:38 | |
Disorderly conduct, things of that nature. | 02:00:43 | |
As some of you know, we have met with members of the skate community. Gina and I have met with members from other cities who have | 02:00:46 | |
had involvement with other skate parks as well. I've also had that detective go around to some of the skate parks around. | 02:00:53 | |
This kind of Salt Lake County and and surrounding areas and look at what they have talked to their police departments and see | 02:01:01 | |
what's been done because some of the concerns that have come up. Should we put up fencing? | 02:01:05 | |
Should we put up different signage? Should we run chains across the across the the ramps out here when there's been nefarious | 02:01:11 | |
behavior that we aren't able to control? Some of the other concerns that have come up from our local businesses, from thefts to | 02:01:18 | |
vandalisms to, you know, a number of those vandalism. And this detective has been meeting regularly with our businesses, more so | 02:01:25 | |
from the village north to the village South and then some of the villages or some of the businesses here just to the West of us. | 02:01:32 | |
As he's gone out, he's met with he's gone and done personal site visits in Park City. He's talked to the Police Department. He's | 02:01:41 | |
looked at what they have up there as far as their fence skate park. There's no cameras up there. He's gone to Lehigh. He's met | 02:01:47 | |
with their Police Department as well. They do have theirs fenced off as well. There's no cameras. They reported typical issues | 02:01:52 | |
that you would have at a skate park, probably similar to what we're seeing. He's been to Sandy, who does close their skate park | 02:01:58 | |
every night. | 02:02:04 | |
When there is that behavior that would keep people from being able to skate on as a way of temporarily closing it for those | 02:02:43 | |
behaviors and then we can look at it and evaluate next summer. Obviously we're coming now into the cooler season when we're not | 02:02:48 | |
going to see as many people out there skateboarding and and we haven't had many issues the last couple of weeks to my knowledge | 02:02:52 | |
while I've been off. | 02:02:57 | |
But that would be kind of my recommendation, we can kind of evaluate if we need to take other steps or go other direction maybe | 02:03:02 | |
next summer and see if what the behaviors like. | 02:03:07 | |
Anything you'd like to add that we discussed? The only other thing that I would add is that there are the skate parks like ours | 02:03:14 | |
are have proven to be really popular and another a lot of other communities. | 02:03:21 | |
Are getting ready to open them. Bountiful has opened a skate park within the last three weeks and maybe it's coincidence, but I do | 02:03:28 | |
wonder whether some of our skaters are moving to newer parks and they were the shiny new toy. | 02:03:36 | |
There's one in Bluffdale I think as well that recently opened. | 02:03:45 | |
Or not. Not too. Yeah. So I think, yeah, West Jordan is building a massive new facility. | 02:03:49 | |
And Mill Creek has one plant as well. I think there is some of that shiny new toy thing because I think when we were talking with | 02:03:57 | |
Jeff. | 02:04:00 | |
Some of the information we were getting. | 02:04:05 | |
95% of the problems were being generated by 5% of the skaters, who mostly were not from holiday exactly, and so maybe they. | 02:04:09 | |
Move on to someplace else. That takes care of part of the problem, but I still think we're going to have to stay on top of it all | 02:04:19 | |
the time in terms of. | 02:04:23 | |
You know, we don't want the businesses to be impacted too much and we want to make sure it stays. | 02:04:27 | |
A. | 02:04:34 | |
You know, absolutely Amen. | 02:04:35 | |
And so regardless of some of those people who've done, I think we're just going to always have to stay on top of it. But what | 02:04:38 | |
about the fencing? | 02:04:41 | |
That seemed to be a. | 02:04:45 | |
Input I got I think from Herman and Sandy. Both said that they have. | 02:04:48 | |
Fence and one of their best tools was they just close it. | 02:04:52 | |
They will close it for a week and. | 02:04:56 | |
We've had way too many complaints. We're closing it for a week, we're going to take the time out and. | 02:04:59 | |
See if we can get the problem, whatever. So I don't know if that's part of the discussion we want to have as we start with the | 02:05:05 | |
lighting design and. | 02:05:09 | |
Assuming that's kind of what we're going down the road now is we've got the funding through TRCC and the donations I like I like | 02:05:13 | |
to see, sorry the, you know the chain option I think is a great idea and I think just having word out that the prospect of it | 02:05:20 | |
closing my son skates quite a bit and he's been like. | 02:05:27 | |
Profusely mentioning that you know to everyone that he can is just like, look, if things, if things don't clean up, then they'll | 02:05:34 | |
shut it down. You know, that kind of thing. And I think that that possible threat, it can be on the fencing side. I will tell you | 02:05:40 | |
from what I understand the Guthrie skate park, which is in Cottonwood Heights. | 02:05:45 | |
And it kind of lights us over that way over by Butler Middle School area. They recently took out their fencing as well as I | 02:05:51 | |
believe it was one in Saint George. There were two here within the last like two months I believe that I was told had removed | 02:05:58 | |
their fencing. Fencing is kind of a controversial approach I I guess and and so I personally like to see the chain option pursued | 02:06:05 | |
first and it's obviously less expensive and. | 02:06:11 | |
Aesthetically better and you know, I think from a you know, not creating putting up a wall necessarily so much and making it seem | 02:06:18 | |
so. | 02:06:22 | |
Adversarial. | 02:06:28 | |
And I remember the gentleman we we talked to on the zoom call kind of saying that too. But was there any consensus around if we're | 02:06:30 | |
going to put these light poles up about we talked about putting cameras? | 02:06:35 | |
And I think that's what Chief Hoyle was saying. Maybe we see how it goes next summer before we decide on, yeah, with all these | 02:06:44 | |
other skateboards opening, if if the problems do go away, we certainly want to invest in these. | 02:06:51 | |
Solutions for a problem that may no longer exist. | 02:07:00 | |
Exactly. Other than just I would even say I'm going to put the lighting and we at least wire and prepare for that. So in the event | 02:07:03 | |
that we want to put cameras up up there and just kind of see how it goes. But I know I don't see why we wouldn't do cameras | 02:07:07 | |
personally. | 02:07:11 | |
That's my take and and frankly I would invest in good like that. To me that's one that seems like an almost a no brainer. But you | 02:07:17 | |
know I love this idea of a temporary closure if to to to nip problems in the ****. In fact it occurred to me maybe that's a | 02:07:22 | |
solution. | 02:07:28 | |
For the school dog issue. | 02:07:34 | |
What if What if the schools? | 02:07:36 | |
Chained locked up their playgrounds for a week and put signs up and said hey, we've had too many problems with dogs are not | 02:07:38 | |
permitted loose and we've had problems with it, so we're closing this for a week or something that would get the word out. | 02:07:45 | |
I don't think most fields are, for instance, though that's true. Cottonwood is, I think. | 02:07:53 | |
I think Cottonwood is Cottonwood Elementary could could. | 02:08:00 | |
They have just a couple of openings. | 02:08:04 | |
I'm going to reach out to the school district next week and have a conversation with them about it and kind of explain some of the | 02:08:06 | |
concerns that we've been seeing there as well, see what we can work together on. | 02:08:10 | |
Thank you. Thanks for your work. | 02:08:19 | |
Thanks for continuing to stay on this too. Absolutely. And we'll continue to keep working on this all through the winter. I mean | 02:08:21 | |
we know it gets used and it's an ongoing issue. So if you do have, if you guys are receiving complaints and concerns from your | 02:08:26 | |
constituents, please let me know as as always and we'll we'll address them. | 02:08:31 | |
Thank you. OK. | 02:08:37 | |
See Council meeting, 714th legislative meeting. So 4:00 we're going to. | 02:08:44 | |
4/30. | 02:08:50 | |
Will we be? We will not. | 02:08:52 | |
Having dinner I'm. | 02:08:55 | |
Or sandwiches. | 02:08:58 | |
For everybody, I guess. Yeah, sandwiches would be great. And so 4:30 to 6:00. | 02:09:00 | |
Our legislators are coming in for kind of a pre legislative session or whoever can make it, but I think most of them are going to | 02:09:05 | |
be here. | 02:09:09 | |
Umm. | 02:09:15 | |
The tree lighting November 27th. That will be just as an FYI. | 02:09:16 | |
We're. | 02:09:20 | |
Light up the 10. | 02:09:22 | |
AM. | 02:09:25 | |
Can I say? | 02:09:26 | |
Been out there, so yeah, they're testing it, but we're going to be lighting up the 10 trees inside the Plaza, as well as we're | 02:09:29 | |
going to create a lighted a tree, a Christmas tree made out of lights, right? | 02:09:35 | |
Instead of a real tree that we can put in the center of the Plaza. | 02:09:41 | |
So we don't have to anchor it. We're having a harder time finding trees and we're going to try to test this and light up the Plaza | 02:09:45 | |
a little bit more. Where I should have asked Ken Melby about, I haven't heard from him yet about lighting the buildings. He hasn't | 02:09:49 | |
responded yet. | 02:09:54 | |
Putting some lights up on the perimeters of the all the office buildings in Harmons and. | 02:09:59 | |
Beef up the lighting of the paws a little bit and see what kind of reaction we get to that. | 02:10:05 | |
And then you know, Jody and I are looking forward to hosting whoever wants to come on the 5th at the Cottonwood Club. | 02:10:11 | |
That's just going to be more of a casual buffet, nothing special, Jared told me. | 02:10:17 | |
Jared Bunch told me Rachel's not coming. If there's not going to be dancing, she wants a dance. | 02:10:21 | |
I'm like, what time does that start? | 02:10:28 | |
I think it's 6:00, just kind of a little social at six and for those that are coming, it's certainly it's not mandatory you know | 02:10:33 | |
that and but it's just gonna be buffet not a sit down this time but it'll be nice and if you have never been to the Cottonwood | 02:10:39 | |
Club, it might be kind of fun to drop by and a way to kind of bring in the holidays. | 02:10:44 | |
And Board of Canvassers. | 02:10:52 | |
5th or 6th? | 02:10:54 | |
OK. | 02:11:00 | |
And no closed session. | 02:11:02 | |
So. | 02:11:06 | |
Not yet, because I've got to say this, because I at the Interfaith Council. | 02:11:08 | |
Or at the interfaith meeting. | 02:11:13 | |
Both speakers gave. | 02:11:17 | |
Fabulous. | 02:11:19 | |
Created fabulous messages around gratitude. That's what the whole thing is about. And. | 02:11:21 | |
You know, they were both like, you can't just feel it, you got to say it. So I'm going to. | 02:11:26 | |
That I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with all of you. You're all incredibly competent. | 02:11:30 | |
Committed people. I feel lucky to work with all of you, and especially my colleagues on the Council. | 02:11:37 | |
You're busy. | 02:11:42 | |
And I appreciate the fact that you would, you know, give your time to do this good work. | 02:11:44 | |
And I'm just grateful for all of the and I hope all of your families have. | 02:11:50 | |
Fabulous Thanksgiving weekend. | 02:11:54 | |
Yeah, cheers. | 02:11:59 | |
Likewise, yeah. Thank you. Move to. | 02:12:01 | |
Second all in favor? Aye. Happy Thanksgiving, You too. | 02:12:05 |
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OK, Welcome everybody to. | 00:00:03 | |
Holiday City Council meeting Thursday November 16th, one week from Thanksgiving. | 00:00:07 | |
Day. | 00:00:16 | |
No. Five days, 05 days. That's right, Five days from Election Day. So everybody get out and vote. | 00:00:19 | |
And we have to welcome the chief back to he's been convalescing. | 00:00:28 | |
So we're not used to seeing you in your city, so. | 00:00:33 | |
So welcome back. OK, we are going to get going. We'll start with our pledge. | 00:00:37 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. | 00:00:49 | |
And to the Republic for which it stands. | 00:00:54 | |
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:57 | |
OK. Thank you. We have, we're going to go to public comment just shortly. We do have one public hearing on proposed budget | 00:01:06 | |
amendments and I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's probably not anybody here to address the budget amendments, but there | 00:01:11 | |
may be. | 00:01:15 | |
But if you are here to address the budget amendments, wait just a moment till we get through with public comment. So we'll open up | 00:01:20 | |
public comment. Anybody here to address the Council on any issues other than the budget amendments? | 00:01:25 | |
There being none, we will close public comment and move to item number 4. This is the public hearing on proposed 2023-2024. | 00:01:35 | |
Budget amendments, that the budget amendments are in your Packet Council. | 00:01:44 | |
I believe Gina did kind of review what these were going to be at the last council meeting and they're enclosed in the packet, so. | 00:01:50 | |
Questions from the council Well, you know what, Gina, Why don't you just walk through them with us briefly and then we'll see if | 00:01:59 | |
we have questions. | 00:02:03 | |
I printed them out and then failed to bring them. | 00:02:10 | |
So we have this is it for our city of very large budget amendments affecting 4 different funds. I'll start with a general fund. | 00:02:13 | |
We have a couple of changes in the general fund. One reflects the direction I had from the Council. | 00:02:22 | |
Due to Cheryl Gilliland's retirement, the council discussed. | 00:02:31 | |
Converting the Arts Council executive director, which is a part-time position to an arts and culture. | 00:02:38 | |
Manager position as a full time position, and so this budget amendment reflects that change. | 00:02:46 | |
And a portion I've made an allocation of 75% of that position going to the Arts Council and 25% remaining in the general fund. | 00:02:54 | |
Associated with the historical Commission and our historic experience. And so you see those increases there in next year's budget, | 00:03:09 | |
we'll see larger increases. This really reflects 7 years of that or seven months of that increase. | 00:03:16 | |
We also have had a staff resignation in our building services area in community and economic development. | 00:03:26 | |
And our employee was out for a period of time which resulted in the need for increased contract inspection services. | 00:03:36 | |
And that is reflected in this budget amendment as. | 00:03:46 | |
So those are the general fund changes asking for the use of $57,000 in fund balance from the general fund to fund those changes. | 00:03:51 | |
In the capital projects fund we are would be amending the budget. | 00:04:04 | |
And. | 00:04:10 | |
$905,000 of fund balance, although I realized that I left out another line item so would be a little over $950,000 with that | 00:04:12 | |
included. | 00:04:17 | |
And that's for a number of. | 00:04:24 | |
Expenses. Last year the council had authorized Sumser escaping of islands on Highland Drive and that was meant to be completed in | 00:04:28 | |
the last fiscal year. The contractor did not get started on that until after July 1, and so money that you had previously | 00:04:35 | |
appropriated. | 00:04:42 | |
Was not used and became will become part of this year's fund balance. We're just asking for it to be used. | 00:04:51 | |
To reflect that time difference. | 00:04:59 | |
Then the council has previously talked about a study for the spring potential Spring Lane Park. | 00:05:03 | |
And so we're asking for $100,000 for concept design and in public engagement for that project. | 00:05:12 | |
We have an RFP that has been issued in the last week or so for that work. | 00:05:20 | |
And so at this point, that $100,000 is really a placeholder pending a better number in response to that RFP. | 00:05:27 | |
Then we have. | 00:05:37 | |
We have a grant funded project for sidewalk improvements on 27th East. | 00:05:41 | |
That is a program that requires a large match, and so we'll be using two or asking for $200,000. | 00:05:49 | |
Of match from the Capital Projects fund to be transferred to the Grants fund to be used as a match for that project. | 00:05:59 | |
There's an offset. We had $100,000 set aside for sidewalk improvement projects. | 00:06:07 | |
We're using 100,000 of that money, so it's really a net increase of 100,000 from from balance. | 00:06:13 | |
Then. | 00:06:24 | |
We have. We are ready to enter into a contract for our historic experience. | 00:06:26 | |
That is a project that is $850,000 and previously. | 00:06:36 | |
As you're aware, we received a grant of $600,000 from Salt Lake County Track funds. | 00:06:43 | |
And the council in this year's budget, had appropriated $100,000 to be used as that match. | 00:06:50 | |
Which leaves a difference of $150,000. | 00:06:57 | |
Our intention is to continue fundraising for. | 00:07:03 | |
That $150,000. | 00:07:08 | |
But I am reluctant to enter into a contract without that money secured and I'm hoping that the council well, I'm really raising | 00:07:11 | |
this with the council. | 00:07:17 | |
To make sure that in absence of those funds being raised, you're still comfortable you'd be comfortable. | 00:07:24 | |
Filling that gap with capital projects fund. | 00:07:33 | |
So I think that's a discussion for the Council to have, but I prepared the budget amendment anticipating that the council would | 00:07:38 | |
want to basically fund that match at a full 250. | 00:07:45 | |
We have also received a. | 00:07:55 | |
Grant from the federal government for $6.7 million. | 00:07:59 | |
For bridge. | 00:08:07 | |
Upgrades on a bridge over Cottonwood Creek on Highland Drive, we have a very small match in relationship to the overall project | 00:08:09 | |
cost, but it's still $480,000 and that transfer is reflected in the capital projects fund appropriation as well. | 00:08:18 | |
And. | 00:08:30 | |
Umm. | 00:08:34 | |
We have received corridor preservation dollars for a right of way purchase on holiday circle. | 00:08:37 | |
There are some costs that are not eligible for. | 00:08:47 | |
Reimbursement through that grant and that's about $10,000. And so this budget amendment also reflects transfer to cover that those | 00:08:51 | |
additional costs. And then finally I wanted to ask. | 00:08:59 | |
The council about some historic signs for the Cottonwood area. | 00:09:07 | |
And and Mayor, I don't know whether you want to, we have time in the work session to talk about. | 00:09:14 | |
The budget amendment specifically, and I've got some photos to share. I don't know if you'd rather. | 00:09:22 | |
Have those photos shared now or in the work session? In the work session OK. | 00:09:28 | |
So those are the capital projects fund amendments. | 00:09:36 | |
The amendment that I forgot to include from Capital Projects fund is $50,000 that the Council has previously indicated they were | 00:09:41 | |
supportive of. | 00:09:46 | |
To do some cost estimates on the size well on the building remodel project. | 00:09:52 | |
So I would add $50,000 to this budget amendment prior to your approval of it. | 00:09:59 | |
To cover those costs, do we need to have, well, we need a separate public hearing for that. | 00:10:06 | |
OK, so when we see this come up for. | 00:10:12 | |
There will be an additional 50,000 we'll have to take. | 00:10:16 | |
Revenue up from the fund balance $50,000 and then add that in as a line item. That's right. | 00:10:20 | |
I've got some questions, but I think it's probably more appropriate that I ask them in the work session where we have this agenda. | 00:10:26 | |
That sounds good. | 00:10:30 | |
Then in terms of the grants account, you'll see the recognition of. | 00:10:35 | |
Both our track fund, our state funding for 27th East and our corridor preservation grant as well as the transfer from capital | 00:10:43 | |
projects for all those projects I just described. | 00:10:50 | |
And then on the Arts fund, you'll see the transfer from the general fund for the increase in the salary and benefits associated | 00:10:59 | |
with our Arts and Culture manager. | 00:11:05 | |
So that one we have that transfers. | 00:11:13 | |
The General fund, the General Fund. But the 8012 is not part of that. No, that stays in the General Fund for the historic. | 00:11:17 | |
Commission doesn't have a separate fund like Arts does. It's a it's a enterprise fund and so it has to move. | 00:11:29 | |
Gotcha. | 00:11:35 | |
Any so we do have this agenda for the work session, so if we've got any questions we can dig into it but any? | 00:11:39 | |
Questions you want to ask Tina before we open the public hearing. | 00:11:47 | |
OK. | 00:11:54 | |
Thanks Tina. And with that. | 00:11:55 | |
We will open up the public hearing on proposed 2023-2024 budget amendments, Anybody wishing to address the Council on the budget | 00:11:58 | |
amendments. | 00:12:02 | |
As posted on the in the pack. | 00:12:07 | |
OK, there be none. We will close that public hearing. Then we move to item number 5 on the agenda. This is. | 00:12:12 | |
This is a cell tower we lease we have up in the Stratton Park area. | 00:12:19 | |
And there's just been, it sounds like there's been an additional expansion. I'm going to let Todd and. | 00:12:25 | |
Gina, whoever you would like Gina cover kind of the the overview of what this is and. | 00:12:31 | |
Then we can take it to a vote or. | 00:12:37 | |
Any of you? | 00:12:40 | |
So at the top of the strategic argument. | 00:12:44 | |
Installation. | 00:12:49 | |
Verizon. | 00:12:52 | |
The city to expand that site and also the compensation of the city. | 00:12:55 | |