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Oh, that's not very late. 00:00:00
OK, we are recording. 00:00:11
Welcome everybody to our final meeting of the calendar year, our holiday meeting. 00:00:17
Whereas we've got agenda in item number 11. 00:00:25
I'm sure some of you are here. I know Dan's family is here, some members of his family. 00:00:30
To to recognize him for his service, which we'll do, is the last item on the agenda tonight. 00:00:35
We give him a nice send off for the holidays. 00:00:42
So welcome everybody that's come for that particular event. I also want to welcome. 00:00:46
Emily Gray, who is the council Member Elect for Dan Seat District #5, is here with us, so she will be sworn in on January 4th, but 00:00:51
she's been attending a number of the meetings. 00:00:57
And we'll be happy to welcome her to the Council on January 4th. And thanks for attending. I should also congratulate Drew and 00:01:03
Matt for. 00:01:08
Their re elections. 00:01:12
They went through some. 00:01:14
Difficult campaigns. 00:01:16
But we'll be happy to swear them in on the 4th as well. 00:01:20
As is our tradition, we always start with the Pledge, and I'll ask Dan if you would lead us in the pledge. 00:01:24
I pledge allegiance to the flag. 00:01:32
Of the United States of America. 00:01:35
And to the Republic for which it. 00:01:38
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:41
Thank you. 00:01:48
OK, we have no public hearings this evening. So any anybody that wishes to address the council on anything that's on your mind? 00:01:53
Will be during public comment. There is going to be a few people that are going to have a few presentations for Dan when we get to 00:02:00
that point in the in the on the council agenda. So public comment period is now open. We'll start with Trudy and then anybody else 00:02:06
that wants to address the council can follow Trudy. 00:02:12
Just state your name and address when you come to the podium. 00:02:19
Trudium from the library. 00:02:23
I just wanted to let you know that we're going to be closed on Monday the 25th and Monday the 1st. 00:02:26
We'll just do a few things here at the end of December since we're going to be back here January 4th. On Monday the 18th, we're 00:02:33
having a blood drive from one to seven. And there is also a program called Cocoa and Wrapping Paper. You'll make your own wrapping 00:02:38
paper in your own gift bags from 6 to 8. 00:02:44
Tuesday the 19th there is a special Nutcracker music and movement for the preschool age group to come to and Lego Club on January 00:02:51
3rd because Legos never take a Wednesday off. 00:02:57
And that's what's going on at the library between here and the 4th. 00:03:05
Fabulous. Thank you. Any questions for Trudy? 00:03:11
OK, public comments still open. Anybody that would like to address the council before we close public comment? 00:03:15
Going once. 00:03:25
OK. With that, we'll close public comment and we'll move to item number four on the agenda, which is our audit report at 3:00 this 00:03:28
afternoon. Myself, Councilmember Paul Fotheringham, who's kind of the committee to review the audit along with Tina Chamness went 00:03:34
through the audit report that I believe was forwarded to all the council members this afternoon. In the packet, Rob Wood is here 00:03:40
from HBME to kind of review some top level items with the council and see what see if we have any questions. So Rob, I'll turn it 00:03:46
over to you. 00:03:52
Thanks for having me tonight. Pleasure to be with the city again, perform these services that's required by the state. So you guys 00:03:59
can submit your report by the end of this month. 00:04:03
And be in compliance with state code. We've worked hard, obviously you've got the draft statement, hopefully before you we've left 00:04:08
it in draft just in case you notice any comments or whatnot that need be made. And then we'll try and finalize that report, give 00:04:12
it to management. 00:04:17
So they can submit next. 00:04:22
Like the mayor said, we met at 3:00 with Gina. Paul is in part of that group. 00:04:24
And went through various aspects of the financial. 00:04:29
Where the city is currently standing at, what funds are available for future projects and so forth and then also talked about. 00:04:34
Some of the state code requirements that are there and budgets to actual. 00:04:42
Did the city stay within the appropriated budget? You, as a City Council said and so forth. So I'll cover some of those quick 00:04:47
highlights. Stephanie's gonna scroll for me on the financial statements. So, Stephanie, if we go to page #1. 00:04:54
Page #1 on the actual report is the independent auditors report. This is what other organizations, the state, they're going to 00:05:02
look for. What's the results of the audit? Happy to report this is an unmodified opinion. It's the best opinion I as an auditor 00:05:09
and my firm can give your city. We do. Don't feel there's any material misstatements. 00:05:16
We don't feel there's any significant deficiencies as reported within the statements. We have made adjustments. Now obviously we 00:05:24
can't give complete assurance those things could still exist because we can't test every single transaction. 00:05:30
That the city does. But one of the things that we do as an auditor and as a firm, we do confirm a lot of the stuff with outside 00:05:37
parties such as the state Tax Commission for what they're giving you in taxes and other taxing stuff that they collect. We confirm 00:05:42
with Dominion and Rocky Mountain Power as far as property taxes that they remit to the city and make sure those agree with your 00:05:47
records. 00:05:53
Utah Department of Transportation for your BNC Rd. taxes. We also confirm information with your bank, so not only the bonds. 00:05:58
That are held and still outstanding, but what bank balances they hold both as a restricted level and an unrestricted level in your 00:06:06
checking accounts and holiday bank and trust for your developer and customer deposits. 00:06:12
And so forth. So we make sure those records are good and then we do a lot of stuff via sampling. 00:06:18
Techniques with a lot of heavy focus, more on material type transactions to the city. Now materiality varies among functions 00:06:23
because we look at, I say yeah this is city of holiday, but each fund represents an individual business, so each fund is analyzed 00:06:28
a little bit different. General fund is going to be a lot different than the debt service fund because the general fund is a lot 00:06:33
bigger. 00:06:38
Your main operating account. So we do all of those procedures and making sure that the fund. 00:06:44
And that are well prepared and are presented properly within this financial statement. 00:06:48
So that's our opinion that we can give you. There is an unmodified opinion on the statement. Maybe just some quick highlights in 00:06:54
the management discussion and analysis. Stephanie, if you go to Page #7. 00:07:00
In the Management Discussion and Analysis section, it's prepared by Dave Sanderson and Gina. 00:07:07
Here at the City now, this is the only spot on the financial statements that you're going to find a quick summary comparison 00:07:13
information between what happened in 2023 compared to what happened in 2022. 00:07:18
So on the summary information for governmental activities, that's all your governmental funds together and then your business type 00:07:24
activity, you guys only have one it's the stormwater fund. 00:07:29
Let me just point out on the stormwater fund. If you look in the 2022 column, page 7. 00:07:34
OK, on page #7, it really just indicates. 00:07:45
Last year, if you remember right, you just started the stormwater fund. Well, they issued out some bonds and had bond issuance 00:07:48
costs. 00:07:51
That attributed to more expenditures in that fund than you actually received in revenue on just a part time. I think you only had 00:07:54
the fund available for half a year, they went into a deficit. 00:07:59
Net position. 00:08:04
Happy to report because they also received the ARPA funding for $1.79 million this year, so that combined with a full year of 00:08:05
operations gave them a $2.5 million increase. So they're now at a positive. 00:08:12
That position, your governmental activities, has grown by about $5 million. 00:08:19
In their respective net. 00:08:23
But let's talk about the stuff that's more applicable to what you as. 00:08:26
Council look at as that's more on the fund level, that's what you guys appropriate on your fund balance. You look at probably more 00:08:30
budget actuals. 00:08:34
On those levels. So if we look at page 15. 00:08:37
15 is this balance sheet for the governmental funds. Now one of the things that's interesting on the bottom is really you look at 00:08:43
what's the net, what is the fund balance for each of our funds. 00:08:47
If you go across the board, the general fund is sitting at 7.6 million, the capital project at 21.4. 00:08:52
Our redevelopment agency is now in a positive position in an aggregate of 562,000 and debt service has $1.8 million. 00:09:00
The states interested in your general fund. They say you're unassigned and assigned balances in your general fund need to be 00:09:09
between 5 and 35% of your current general fund revenues for the year. 00:09:16
When you do the math between pages 5 and 17, you're sitting at 25.96%. 00:09:23
On your fund balance percentage, so you do have some funding available. You're right in the middle. They raise that to 35% when 00:09:29
COVID hit. So you're not at the Max level, but you're not down at the 5% minimum level either. 00:09:34
So I know the Mayor and Paul and Gina and I talked about what's available for the city, not only in your capital project fund, but 00:09:40
in your general funding. You do have some resources to consider for potentially renovation of this building. I think there's the 00:09:46
park project that you're talking about and some other exciting stuff going on in the city. Plus you still have a lot of the bond 00:09:52
funding available that was done for storm water and road projects. 00:09:58
If we flip categories, let's look at page 17. 00:10:05
On the net. 00:10:10
Changes in fund balances towards the bottom. 00:10:11
Right there. So the general fund had a slight decrease. The only reason they had a decrease is they transferred a bunch of funds 00:10:15
over to the capital project fund to fund future capital projects that are on the docket for the city. So the capital project fund 00:10:20
actually had a 3 million. 00:10:24
Dollar increase, the one fund I'm excited about RDA. RDA had an $800,000 change in fund balance this year or a net income, which 00:10:30
allowed them to break their 220, two $141,000 deficit from the previous year. So they're now sitting in an aggregate 562,000. Now 00:10:37
one of the things we did talk about, they still do have a $3.7 million debt because they borrowed funds from the capital project 00:10:45
fund that's been on the book since before my firm. 00:10:52
Became involved at the city, but that's still out there. We've talked about options that you could do. 00:11:00
As far as the budget to actual, the general fund stayed within budget, as did all of your other governmental and the stormwater 00:11:04
fund, so we have no issues to report there. 00:11:09
The final two reports are in the back of the book. One is on your internal controls over financial reporting. 00:11:14
I know your compliance with laws, regulations, federal grants, contract agreements. 00:11:21
And so forth. We didn't find any discrepancies. It's not an opinion, but we didn't find any significant deficiencies or material 00:11:26
weaknesses that need to be reported before this body. 00:11:31
The final report is on the state compliance. The state auditor's office puts out a state compliance audit guide. 00:11:36
Some of those requirements or we need to audit every year, such as do you adopt A budget? Are you staying within your fund balance 00:11:43
percentages? What's happening at the Justice Court? Do they have separation of duties and stuff being done in a manner that's in 00:11:48
accordance with the AOC? 00:11:53
Governmental fees, the setting of those, how you handle restricted taxes and so forth. There's also. 00:12:00
The fraud risk assessment I think is presented to you guys each January. That state hasn't gotten rid of that requirement. Open 00:12:06
and Public Meeting Act and so forth, happy to report. As we looked at those informations in the city's compliance, we found no 00:12:11
issues. So you're getting a clean opinion from us on your compliance with state code. 00:12:17
So with that in. 00:12:24
Enough of a hopefully high level overview. Does the Council have any questions I can answer? 00:12:27
To get you as a council and management to think about what controls do you have in place at the city? With technology and other 00:13:07
stuff changing, it's good to look at how do we receive money? How do we do our payroll transactions? Who approves it? Who inputs 00:13:13
it? Who updates our hourly rates in the system? Same with vendor disbursements. Who can set up a vendor? Who can approve payments? 00:13:20
Who issues out the checks? Who does the bank reconciliations? Who can do journal entries in the systems? Are those journal entries 00:13:26
reviewed by anybody else? 00:13:32
Or is it just one account and they can make any change that they? 00:13:39
Part of that process is you as a council are involved in that. 00:13:42
Process because you look at budgets to actual as do the department heads each each year. So we look at the design of those 00:13:46
controls and then like you said is we don't stop there, we look and say okay, you designed it now are you implementing that 00:13:51
design, are you doing something completely different? 00:13:56
So we'll look and make sure that those procedures are taking place and within the thing with at least one or multiple 00:14:02
walkthroughs. If we find a discrepancy or something doesn't make sense, then we'll expand and say. 00:14:08
This is just an isolated instance that we found in AIR. Or do we have a potential problem? I need to make a recommendation for a 00:14:14
change. 00:14:17
And for context, I'm sorry. And just for context, I this is the first year I've been on the council where we haven't had at least 00:14:22
a couple of. 00:14:26
Of those notes of areas we need to improve, this is the first time we've had a completely clean slate. Now, not to raise a huge 00:14:30
alarm about in the past because they were fairly minor, you know, procedural issues, but we always took them seriously enough to 00:14:36
go ahead and address them, so I'm delighted to. 00:14:42
To have a blank this year. It's the first time since I've been on the audit committee, so. 00:14:48
Great. We also have the option say as we get in when we move into next year. 00:14:53
If the Council. 00:14:59
Specific areas that we would like tested. 00:15:01
We can certainly request that as they go into the audit as. 00:15:04
Good question. Correct. You like in the past I think was a year or two, I think was about two years ago you requested, hey, can 00:15:08
you take a look at our compensated absences? 00:15:12
And the procedures that we have over that information, are we using in the hours and staying within our? 00:15:17
City policy, You got a policy on what can be carried over for vacation, so we look at that. 00:15:23
And say are you? You know when the hours are used up or Max and you have to go below. Are they? Are they being adjusted? 00:15:29
For those employees that are over. 00:15:36
Now I know that's an area where the accounting standards are going to change. 00:15:38
How that's done going forward, I don't remember if that's this coming year you're following. They're going to change how you look 00:15:43
at sick leave. 00:15:47
And all sick leave for this city is not something that's paid out, but it's something that's going to be looked at more from an 00:15:51
actuarial. 00:15:54
Type basis because there are certain cities that have a payout if you retire with sick leave and right now we as auditors don't 00:15:57
have a crystal ball to say hey three of you are going to stay and you three are some at some point going to lead the city. 00:16:04
So they're going to have to use more assumptions or estimates as. 00:16:12
How is that going to be calculated rather than just assuming everybody that's here is going to retire with that benefit? 00:16:17
Welcome to the accounting standards that does keep changing every year. 00:16:24
Well, I think. 00:16:28
Everybody's received the AUD. 00:16:31
All we're doing today is kind of accepting the audit, correct. Pardon the draft, the draft. 00:16:33
So if you go through that and you've got any questions, certainly reach out to Gina, we can get those clarified, but. 00:16:40
Generally, the city is. 00:16:48
Responsibly managing our budget to our means. In fact, we've done a great job every year of bringing in. 00:16:50
Bringing in the budget under what we actually budget and created a growing fund balance. Our fund balances are very healthy as Rob 00:16:57
stated, we didn't, he didn't note any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the audit. I think Gina and Diane are to 00:17:04
be commended on the job they're doing to give us clean audits and and to manage, manage our city within its means. So thank you 00:17:10
for that. 00:17:16
Yeah. So going back really to your question, we do look at payroll transactions. We'll look at deposit here on the city. You don't 00:17:24
have as much I know Rocky Mountain Power collects your collects and remits all your storm water. So you don't have really a 00:17:30
cashiering, it's done up front, but you do receive some like permit fees, plan check fees, stuff like that. 00:17:36
Those go through a process. We look at that process to make sure they seem to be proper and in alignment with what's going on. And 00:17:44
then you look and say, hey, that comes in, do you have a bank reconciliation and who's doing the bank reconciliation? Is the bank 00:17:48
reconciliation reviewed by somebody independent? 00:17:53
That doesn't have access to do on the deposits because there's usually 4 chairs on a separation of duties. Will you look and say 00:17:59
we're a smaller city, Do we have enough resources to pay for people? 00:18:04
To do all that stuff, well, no, the cost doesn't outweigh the benefit. But really looking and say OK, well if somebody's sitting 00:18:10
in two or three of those chairs, do we have mitigating controls to offset? 00:18:15
Potential conflicts of. 00:18:21
We haven't found any discrepancies. 00:18:23
OK, great. Thank. 00:18:28
Any other questions for Rob or Gina or Dian? 00:18:31
OK. Thank you. We don't need to vote on this. OK. No, that probably leads into just one final question is. 00:18:35
During the audit, we gave a separate letter. I don't know if you've received that, but I just sent the letter about 30 minutes 00:18:41
ago. In that letter, it's just a template letter that's required at the end of an audit. At the back of that, there's 3 pages of 00:18:46
journal entries. 00:18:50
That when I got the trial balance compared to when we finished the audit, there's some reclass said trees, which are more just for 00:18:55
the statement presentation. 00:18:59
And then there's some adjustments. I think there was about 7 or 8 adjusting entries that we had to do in reference to debt and 00:19:03
some other stuff. So you can take a look at those. We did find some adjustments that need to be made on the city's books, but 00:19:08
management agreed and has made all of those adjustments. 00:19:13
Thanks again. I forwarded that letter to Stephanie and Stephanie. You can circulate that to the council if you want. 00:19:19
OK. Thank you. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. 00:19:25
OK, moving on to item number 5, this is the. 00:19:30
Budget for the amendment to this year's budget. 00:19:35
Those amendments we went through at the last Council meeting, again, it's in your packet. So Gina, any clarifications for the 00:19:39
Council? 00:19:44
Any questions from the Council for Gina regarding the budget amend? 00:19:50
Mr. Mayor, I move that the Council adopt resolution 2023-30, Excuse me 2023-16, amending the. 00:20:00
Ordinance 20/23/16 amending the budget for the fiscal year beginning July. 00:20:08
1/20/23 and ending June 30th, 2024. 00:20:14
Second, OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll go to vote Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember 00:20:18
Fotheringham, yes. Councilmember Quinn yes. Councilmember Gibbons Chair votes, yes. Those budget amendments are approved. Thank 00:20:24
you, Council. Item number six on the agenda is our requirement to adopt A meeting schedule for. 00:20:31
Calendar year 2024. It's in your packet. 00:20:38
Any clarification Stephanie for the? 00:20:42
It's not a second Thursday. 00:20:49
So just ignore. 00:20:53
Every other. 00:20:55
Every other week schedule. 00:20:57
Mr. Move Approval of Resolution 2023-35, adopting the 2024 meeting schedule. 00:21:07
2nd. 00:21:13
We have a motion and a second we'll go to vote. Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, 00:21:14
yes. Councilmember Quinn, Council Member Gibbons, Chair votes yes. And the 2024 meeting schedule is approved. Thank you and thank 00:21:20
you, Stephanie. 00:21:25
Item number seven is an update on the GIS program. I'll turn this one over to Gina. 00:21:31
So council members, you'll remember in your retreat last February or March, I asked for your support of additional resources, 00:21:36
which at the time I was asking for an additional position to start this coming March. 00:21:44
To support our GIS needs in the city and council agreed to fund that. 00:21:54
We have not yet hired a position, but in the meantime we hired someone into our community and economic development department with 00:22:01
the skill set. And I just wanted to give him the opportunity to show you what he has put together in a very short period of time 00:22:09
and then talk about whether or not we need that additional position that I argued so strenuously for less than a year ago. 00:22:18
I know this guy. 00:22:34
Right. Good evening. 00:22:37
OK, so I'm here to give a brief overview of what we've got going on the city's GIS portal. 00:22:40
Well, at the start of the year we had just three maps. 00:22:48
On the. 00:22:52
Now the city compost of more than 50 maps. 00:22:54
On the portal. 00:22:58
So we have that interactive maps. 00:23:00
In these interactive maps, it gives. 00:23:03
General citizens and anyone who access these maps. 00:23:06
The opportunity to, you know, just play around with the maps and the data that we have. 00:23:10
So for instance, for the zoning map, you can actually. 00:23:15
Scroll through. You can do a toggle of which zones you want to see. Specifically, it pulls out the property information. 00:23:19
Including the address, the land size, the the built. 00:23:28
Structures on the property as well. 00:23:33
We have a transit connections map to which also allows our residents to just. 00:23:36
Click based off of. 00:23:42
Location and see that transit connect. 00:23:44
Available to them in terms of the transit rout. 00:23:48
And the bus stops. The number of bus stops. 00:23:51
That is also available to them within a specific range. 00:23:54
So you can adjust the. 00:23:59
To 0.1 miles or 0.2 miles, or whichever range that you want to do. 00:24:02
So that's also one additional resource that. 00:24:08
We also currently have. 00:24:12
An update on the ongoing construction projects in the city. 00:24:15
So any resident of the city or any member of the public could just access this map and see the ongoing construction projects in 00:24:19
the city. 00:24:24
So by just clicking on the address or searching for the address you would know. 00:24:30
The type of construction that is going on in the city, which department approved that construction? 00:24:36
As well as their locational details and. 00:24:42
Zoning as well. 00:24:46
So those are the general interactive maps that we have. 00:24:48
For the city when you move down, we also. 00:24:52
A compiled data set. 00:24:56
Which is the dashboard for the city that gives a generic outlook. 00:25:00
The data on Holiday City based off of the report from the American Community Survey. Now what we have here is the most updated. 00:25:05
Report from the census report, which is 2022, so we have the summaries for. 00:25:16
Demography in the city we have employment and. 00:25:23
Some key indicators in the city and we plan to adjust this data every year based off of when and how the ACS releases that data 00:25:28
for. 00:25:34
That year. 00:25:40
So outside the dashboard too we also. 00:25:42
Readily available maps for the public to also download. 00:25:46
And those are also in teams, so for planet maps, those are the categories. 00:25:50
Of maps that we have for plan N we have. 00:25:55
Maps. 00:25:59
Engineering. We have maps for transportation. 00:26:00
You have maps for public. 00:26:03
So that is the categories for planning we. 00:26:06
Historic areas. 00:26:11
Open spaces, the zoning map there. 00:26:13
Future land? 00:26:15
For planning scrolling. 00:26:18
We have. 00:26:21
Course golf, course location. 00:26:22
In the. 00:26:27
Zones. You Scroll down a little bit, Stephanie. 00:26:29
We also have a Category 4, the transportation related. 00:26:33
In. 00:26:37
So you talk about trans? 00:26:39
The local St. circulation. 00:26:41
We also was able to. 00:26:43
The crash data from. 00:26:47
That the state, so we compiled data that was available from 2015. 00:26:49
To the most recent 2020. 00:26:54
Generate a hotspot. 00:26:57
For crashes within. 00:26:59
And we also plan to get an update as we get more data from the state. 00:27:01
So that's for transportation moving down, we have administrative. 00:27:07
So these are generic maps that shows the boundaries for instance. 00:27:12
City Hall locations for holiday. 00:27:16
And neighboring cities. So for instance if someone walks. 00:27:20
Asking for such locations. Those are also readily available. 00:27:25
Justice Court jurisdictions. 00:27:29
Moderate income housing, zip code maps, Census Block. 00:27:32
All those are readily available. 00:27:36
The public and our res. 00:27:38
And I think the last category is the public works and safety maps. 00:27:41
Which also shows that water providers the distribution of. 00:27:45
Health care facilities in the city. 00:27:49
Fire response stations, fire hydrants, distrib. 00:27:53
And all the maps that are related. 00:27:57
Safety and the Public Works Division. 00:28:01
And I think for the last bit of. 00:28:04
Maps that we have So this is a story map on one of our most recent transportation projects. 00:28:11
In the city, so that's a story. 00:28:16
Anyone who is interested. So as the department and the city gets more project, we expect to create story maps for anyone 00:28:19
interested in knowing more about these projects to also just learn more about that. 00:28:26
Yeah. So that's basically what we've got going. 00:28:34
On the city's GIS. 00:28:37
Mr. Mayor, I'd like to declare that that's cool. 00:28:42
I was about to say. Is that all? 00:28:46
So this was just a serendipitous find for us. Is that what? What's your day job, Justice. 00:28:49
Justice was your name, is that? 00:28:56
Great. Awesome. 00:28:58
What we hired you to do. 00:29:05
So I'm one of the planners in. 00:29:08
Community and Economic Development Division. 00:29:11
Which means I get the opportunity to work with John Tierling. 00:29:14
Very wonderful guy. You guys probably know that already. 00:29:19
Yeah. So I'm one of the planners and I also take on that GIS request. 00:29:23
From the various divisions in the city as it stands now, so. 00:29:28
That's basically what I do I. 00:29:32
Do in school. 00:29:35
I mean the pH. D program at EU. 00:29:38
City. 00:29:40
So yeah, what's the distribution of your work between planning work and GIS work? 00:29:42
I would say it. 00:29:47
210 I do 90% planning and 10% GIS. 00:29:50
Wow, what are we missing? 00:29:59
I think we were very fortunate to find justice and to have him build this incredible. 00:30:03
That system in such a short period of time, I don't think I'll be looking to hire someone else before March. 00:30:11
We're set for. 00:30:20
We agree. 00:30:25
We. 00:30:28
Right. Thank you. Thanks, Justice. Appreciate it. 00:30:31
It's awesome. 00:30:34
OK. We are on the consent agenda, the minutes from October 5th, 19 and November 2nd. Any questions, comments or edits to any of 00:30:38
those three sets of minutes? 00:30:44
Mr. Mayor, move approval of minutes for October 519 and November 2nd. 00:30:54
Second motion is second all in favor say aye, aye Any opposed. 00:31:00
Thank you. The consent agenda is approved City manager. 00:31:06
Updates for the Council On Tuesday of this week, Holly and I met with Rick's Ward, who is a consulting company that we was 00:31:14
selected to. 00:31:19
Work with us on our historic exhibit experience. We had a very productive all day meeting that included Megan Aderman, our new 00:31:27
Arts and Culture Manager. 00:31:32
And we are looking for stakeholder meetings, including with the Council on January 30th and 31st, so please keep that. 00:31:39
In mind and let me know if you have any potential conflicts that day. 00:31:52
I'd also be really interested if you have names of individual residents or organizations that you'd like to see invited to those 00:31:56
stakeholder meetings. 00:32:01
To begin that engagement and exhibit process. 00:32:06
Riggs Ward really specializes in interpretive history and I'm really looking forward to working with them. 00:32:10
What time of day would those meetings be? 00:32:19
Pardon me, are they in the evening? We're going to, I think we're looking at afternoon and evening on the 30th and morning to 00:32:21
early afternoon on the 31st. Thank you. 00:32:27
Second item, as you all know, several years ago we entered into a contract with UFA to provide support for our Emergency 00:32:36
Management function. 00:32:40
And this year we budgeted about $55,000 for two to purchase 2 days of support for that function. The contract has been primarily 00:32:47
for planning services. 00:32:52
So over the course of the last year, we've been meeting regularly with UFA Emergency Management to talk about the support we 00:32:58
needed for that function and I think jointly have decided that our needs have evolved and that going forward it makes sense for us 00:33:03
to bring that function in house. 00:33:09
So our plan at this point is to terminate that arrangement with UFA as of December 31st and then to begin advertising for a part 00:33:15
time person to work with us directly after the first of the year. We want to make sure we can respond effectively now that a lot 00:33:25
of that planning work that our UFA Emergency Manager helped us with has been done. 00:33:34
This is being done, like I said, with the full support of UFA Emergency Management and we expect a really good productive working 00:33:44
relationship to continue. 00:33:48
With that going forward? 00:33:53
I also don't think that we'll need a budget adjustment. I think we'll be able to find a part-time person in that same range. 00:33:55
And then third, just wanted to let the council know that due to an illness with our. 00:34:04
Website contractor with your project manager. There's been a change of project managers and that's put us behind on our launch 00:34:11
relaunch of our website by about a month. 00:34:17
And so we're looking at February 1 for that new launch date now. 00:34:23
That's my update. Any questions? 00:34:28
Will we be able to see the website before it launches? Like I kind of have a preview of it at all or anything like that? Yeah, I 00:34:31
think we could be able to do that. 00:34:35
But actually launching your thinking February Ish kind of a thing or later, we're thinking February 1st, 1st. 00:34:40
Anything else for Gina? 00:34:48
OK. 00:34:51
We'll move on to council reports. We'll start with Councilmember Brewer and move our way down the line. 00:34:53
I guess this is a community function to on the and you I know you were their mayor. 00:35:01
Handles Messiah Sunday. 00:35:08
I've never been before. I didn't know if we used to go to the singing down at the Bravana Hall and that kind of a thing. And 00:35:10
Stephanie had circulated that invitation. I thought, oh, this would be a good chance to go. We had gone down there. 00:35:16
And I commented to you, I think on the way out that it's remarkable the talent that there is in a, you know, and I'm sure it drew 00:35:22
from a little bit beyond our city borders. But I think I said in a city of 31 or 32,000, however many we are, and it looks like 00:35:27
it's 31,738 according to justices. 00:35:33
Deal. But it it blew my mind actually. The the the the the music and I love to just see an interfaith effort like that. They did a 00:35:40
a beautiful tribute to the conductor. Mr. Ashton I believe is his last name and and what a neat it's 30 years. Is that what it was 00:35:48
that this has been going It was just a really neat deal. I'll be making it a family tradition. So it's great. 00:35:56
I agree. 00:36:05
I don't really have anything this week, Paul. Just briefly, this Friday the Arts Council has their Bell Ringers event. Do we know 00:36:06
if there's still tickets available or if it's sold, sold out? OK, well that's Friday and then the mayor and I enjoyed the annual 00:36:13
holiday Rotary Club holiday party. 00:36:19
When was that last night? Last night? It's last night so not anyway my point being the Rotary Club, I like to give them a plugs of 00:36:26
being a great service organization in the city. So any citizen apology who's looking to maybe has a little bandwidth and maybe 00:36:32
contribute some additional service to the city, I'd encourage looking into joining Rotary Club. That's. 00:36:38
Thank you, Drew. Just one item I have talked I think. 00:36:45
In our last meeting about the sidewalk project that people are really excited about on 27th East. 00:36:50
We did have. 00:36:56
One person that's not exactly excited about it because the fact that a good chunk of their front yard is going to be turned into 00:36:59
sidewalk. 00:37:03
And that's the way it is. I mean, it benefits a lot of people and some people unfortunately have to make a little bit of a 00:37:07
sacrifice. 00:37:12
The reason I mention this is. 00:37:17
Jared here. 00:37:20
Jared and his team. 00:37:22
Really amazingly. 00:37:24
The way they handled this issue was. 00:37:28
Was very good and I just wanted to point that out to everyone. 00:37:32
How good he is. Jared is so even tempered. 00:37:37
I was very impressed with how this situation was was handled and and we're going forward, so just wanted to. 00:37:41
A thanks to him and his team. 00:37:49
I don't have anything other than there's a few Sep items, but I'm sure Emily can handle those in January, so. 00:37:53
Just send them to Emily privately. 00:38:00
Very quickly. 00:38:04
The Interfaith Council had a roundtable of various members of the Interfaith team that they're going to try to do once a month 00:38:07
where they just discuss. 00:38:11
Items of interest. They're going to have another one in January for those that are interested. Surprisingly, they had about 20 00:38:15
people show up, which I was kind of shocked for their first shot at it, but it was very interesting. I'll circulate that date if 00:38:19
you want it. 00:38:23
We meaning me and Ann and Holly, but mostly Ann. 00:38:29
Put together very quickly this comfort. 00:38:36
What's the proper title and? 00:38:39
Community Comfort Drive. 00:38:43
Benefiting Huntsman Cancer Institute. And we had probably, I don't know, 12 or 14 beautiful Christmas bags that they had loaded up 00:38:46
with. 00:38:50
Hats and blankets and socks and pencils and art gear for kids and. 00:38:55
It was really amazing and so we took that up there on Monday night. 00:39:02
And delivered it, Got a full tour of the Huntsman Cancer Institute. It was really, really a wonderful event. But and that that was 00:39:07
really your effort and so kudos to you for putting that together on very short notice and I think it was a great. 00:39:15
Holiday Endeavor. Hopefully we can repeat it or something like that again next year. Maybe we'll pick a different charity, but 00:39:23
we'll do it again. But thank you for your efforts with that. 00:39:28
And that's all I have. 00:39:34
So we are moving now to item number 11, which is why everybody is here. 00:39:38
The presentation Recognition for outgoing Councilmember Dan Gibbons. 00:39:42
I said a few words at that event we had for the council and some of the members of the staff on December 5th about your service. 00:39:48
And I'll say a few words later, so I want to get right to it. 00:39:56
Eventually we're here to celebrate Dan's four years of service on the council for this particular term of service. But I think a 00:40:00
lot of you know that Dan was an initial founding member of Holiday City back in 1990 and I don't know how long you served. I'm 00:40:06
assuming you transition to Justice Court judge during that term. 00:40:12
So we did a couple of years as a council member, then transitioned to be our first Justice Court judge, I believe for 10 years. 00:40:19
And now came back. That wasn't enough, so we had to come back for more. Ran again and just finished up four years. So we want to 00:40:28
make sure we. 00:40:31
Celebrate and honor your service to the city. And we we have a few few presentations to be made. I'm going to start with police. 00:40:37
And how about you stay up here for now. And then when we get to Drew's presentation, we'll move you down and make a few more. But 00:40:44
let's start with police and we'll go to fire. And then we'll we'll take it from there. So, Lieutenant Ackerman, your first step. 00:40:51
First thing I know Chief Hoyle really wanted to be here. Unfortunately he had another engagement, so I get the opportunity to be 00:41:01
able to do this presentation. One thing I've got to say is that we have really appreciated a council member, Gibbons, for the long 00:41:07
time that we've been able to work with him. For the vast majority of my career I've been in the Holiday precinct and I had the 00:41:12
opportunity to be here while he was the Justice Court judge. 00:41:18
Your honor, may I approach the bench? 00:41:54
Awesome. Yeah. Wow. 00:42:04
I'll come back. 00:42:09
Maybe we should send him down there and make him stand in front of everybody for sure. OK, sure. Do you mind? 00:42:13
Do you want to get another one? And with those two and then and then we'll bring Captain Brown up for UFA. 00:42:24
Council member, I'm going to miss your Sep jokes. Hopefully that everybody else can continue that when it's their last. On behalf 00:42:43
of our Fire Chief Dominic Burchett, we we just like to appreciate your your service at the City of Holiday. And me personally, I'd 00:42:48
like to. 00:42:54
Recognize your professionalism. 00:43:01
UFA sends a candidate or or representative to all the council meeting, all the council meetings and the councils that we represent 00:43:03
and whether agreement or disagreement, and this goes for all the Council and the Mayor. 00:43:08
I don't think anybody treats each other as well or works as well together, whether an agreement or disagreement than you all do. 00:43:13
And so you're a big part of that and we appreciate it. And so I just have a little certificate of appreciation and then a 00:43:19
challenge going from our Fire Chief, the office of the Fire Chief and it's our our highest honor as far as challenge Queens go so. 00:43:25
Pam. 00:43:42
Right now is Dan still chair? Did you get relieved of your duties? 00:43:46
I'm still officially. 00:43:50
Yeah, the Sep hasn't been passed yet. 00:43:52
You better tell our attendees what Sep is. 00:43:56
All right, Dan, the board adopted a resolution, as you know, on November 13th. And I'm going to save everybody and not try to read 00:44:01
through it. But what I want to say is your four years has been greatly appreciated by me, our team and the board members. 00:44:09
We navigated through the pandemic through changing the scrap program through many challenges. 00:44:17
Yeah. 00:44:25
Yeah. So thank you very much for your great work. Yeah, the local district. I really appreciate it. Your diplomatic approach. I've 00:44:26
taken notes. 00:44:30
So I have to say that I don't always talk trash, but when I do, when I do, I try to, you know, ease it in with diplomacy. So I 00:44:35
wanted to present you with the the resolution. I know you already got the class award, but I also of course, have to add my own 00:44:41
touch. 00:44:48
And present some Harley gifts. And this is to keep your head warm as you walk to and from your office. So yeah, there's that. 00:44:55
Yeah, try it on. I kept the tags on so you could be hip, right? 00:45:05
And then I have a LED Christmas light. I wanted to give this. 00:45:11
It's nice. 00:45:20
Julie on the 13th And then of course it's Christmas time, so we have to have a Harley ornament on your tree. 00:45:21
Thank you so much. 00:45:30
Thanks, Pam. 00:45:41
And next we have Lyman Loci, who's going to make a presentation on behalf of our historical Commission. 00:45:43
We're sorry that. 00:45:57
The head of our Commission can't be here, but Sandy Meadows is out of town on some family events down in Saint George, so she's 00:45:59
having a better time than we've been having, I think. 00:46:05
But Dan has been so good to attend. 00:46:11
The majority of our meetings historical Commission and. 00:46:16
Being able to keep us out of trouble with the community and with. 00:46:21
You've done a good job at doing that, I think. 00:46:26
He knows everything and done everything, it seems. 00:46:29
And but. 00:46:33
Such a wonderful person we're. 00:46:36
Privilege to have him in our our community. 00:46:39
So what we'd like to present to him. 00:46:43
A couple of history books and then a picture. 00:46:45
Of some of us that you can turn against the wall if you wish. 00:46:49
He loves books and history, and it's just obvious. 00:46:55
Thank you very much. 00:46:59
And also feel free in the future. 00:47:01
If you have a good idea that, we might. 00:47:04
Please contact. 00:47:08
Hassan. 00:47:18
Lyman, thanks for coming to do that. We appreciate it. 00:47:20
Next, as is our common tradition, we have a street sign that's going to be presented by. 00:47:24
Council member. 00:47:32
I don't know. 00:47:34
So Dan's always served at the left hand of Drew for the past four years, so we thought we'd have her give the sign. 00:47:40
So this is a tradition I discovered when I was here four years ago. 00:47:51
Cool, But anyway, Dad gets his long straight side. 00:47:58
It's been really fun. 00:48:11
Sitting next to you. 00:48:13
Especially when I found out that Dan was the judge. 00:48:14
Daughter got a speeding ticket. 00:48:19
And I can put this on any street I want. 00:48:36
Lakewood. 00:48:40
That would be great. And tell them to slow down. 00:48:43
It's the only St. and holiday where people speed is Lakewood Dr. I've been told that by the residents. 00:48:45
OK. And the city has a special gift that we like to present. I think Gene is going to present that. 00:48:54
Is this legal by the way? 00:49:04
You won't care on January 4th, you won't care. Won't be. 00:49:08
How much I have enjoyed giving to you. 00:49:20
But more than that, I really have appreciated your kindness. Again, gratitude. 00:49:30
OK. And we? 00:49:50
Before I come down and make a final presentation and then you can say a few words if you'd like. 00:49:52
The Council has prepared a resolution that Councilmember Fotheringham is going to read. 00:49:57
Right City of Holiday Resolution recognizing Dan Gibbons for his dedicated service to the City of Holiday. 00:50:04
Whereas Dan Gibbons has served as a member of the City Council of the City of Holiday, representing District 5. 00:50:10
For one term after previously serving as a member of the initial City Council of the City of Holiday upon incorporation. 00:50:17
And whereas during Councilmember Gibbons term of service, he has provided extraordinary and committed leadership for committees of 00:50:25
the City, including the Historical Commission of the City. 00:50:30
And has additionally served as the cities appointee and as the chair of the board of the Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling 00:50:36
District and. 00:50:40
Whereas with the committed service of Councilmember Gibbons, the Historical Commission has been able to expand its offerings and 00:50:44
contributions within the city to include a forthcoming historical experience, exhibits project to be constructed at City Hall, 00:50:50
Park, City Hall and key community centers. 00:50:55
And whereas Council Member Gibbons commitment to the thorough discussion of policy questions facing the Council has resulted in a 00:51:02
fully transparent and accessible process of governing in the city that has provided confidence and understanding for the cities 00:51:07
residents. 00:51:12
And where? 00:51:17
Councilmember Gibbons relationship with the other members of the governing body of the City has provided a basis for committed and 00:51:19
open discussion on significant issues facing the city. 00:51:24
And has provided a great benefit to other members of the governing body and residents of the city. 00:51:29
And whereas this council recognizes that the city will greatly miss Councilmember Gibbons, talents and commitment to good 00:51:35
government. 00:51:38
And now, therefore, let it be resolved by the City Council of the City of Holiday. 00:51:42
That Councilmember Gibbons be commended for his committed and dedicated service to the citizens and the City of Holiday. 00:51:47
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council Member Gibbons BE commended for his distinguished leadership, his great friendship and his 00:51:54
commitment to the citizens of Holiday, which have contributed significantly to the continued increase in the high quality of life 00:52:00
within the community. BE IT further resolved that the City Council, the City of Holiday and its citizens wish Council Member 00:52:06
Gibbons and his family great success and happiness in their future endeavors. Signed Holiday City Council. 00:52:13
I'm going to invite the council down. We're going to make one more presentation and get a couple of photos and then Dan, if you 00:52:28
want to say any words. 00:52:31
Welcome. 00:52:38
So I've already said some kind words about that, but we have really enjoyed having you on the Council here. 00:52:48
Just a great example of what needs to be a public service. 00:52:56
Not just for this term, but as we mentioned earlier about founding the city and your and your services as a. 00:53:00
So we love working with you and wish you and your family all the best. 00:53:07
But before you get out of here, as I've said on many. 00:53:11
So I'm looking at my wife here. This is her third event this week. 00:53:16
At night and Lisa's here, Paul's. 00:53:20
And when she's not in an event, a lot of times I'm gone. A lot of people don't see that, but. 00:53:24
I attended a lot of. 00:53:29
The point is, when you get into public service like this, it's a family affair, it's a team sport. It's not just the person 00:53:31
serving and sacrifices. 00:53:35
It's the family as well. 00:53:40
And I know not just through your public service here, but also through your church service. 00:53:41
Talked a lot about. 00:53:46
Three years, I think three years he spent over in Russia and Siberia and Ukraine. 00:53:48
And that's a team sport too. So we wanted to make sure that we invited Julia. We have some flowers for you, and we wanted to 00:53:53
recognize and celebrate your service as well. 00:53:58
So you can. 00:54:04
I'll be brief, even though I'm a lawyer. 00:54:43
I've it's been a great privilege for me to serve. 00:54:47
I was really impressed at our retreat earlier this year. 00:54:51
Mayor Daley posed this question to the City Council, He said. Why just respond one by one? Why did you all? 00:54:56
How did you all get involved in? 00:55:03
And it was interesting in every single instance. 00:55:06
I believe all of the current members of the council and the mayor himself. 00:55:10
First came into service because they. 00:55:14
Invited to do so by someone else. 00:55:18
It might have been a legislator or a City Council member or a citizen. 00:55:21
But the point is that none of them really had it in mind. Oh, I'm I'm. I have this ambitious goal to to become a leader. They were 00:55:26
invited to do so. 00:55:32
I think there's something special about that. 00:55:38
And I recently read a book of letters that the writer JRR Tolkien wrote to his son during World War 2. 00:55:41
And in one of the letters he was commenting on the political situation and he said. 00:55:51
That only one in a million. 00:55:55
Even a saintly person, only one in a million, can become a boss of other men. 00:56:00
And least of all those who seek for the opportunity or hunger for the opportunity themselves are qualified to serve. 00:56:06
And I think that's so true. And I, I, I view this council, they are all one in a million individuals. 00:56:13
And I've had the privilege of working with all four mayors of of Holiday City. 00:56:20
And it's been a privilege to work extensively with each one. And Mayor Daly's now served 10 years. I think you're you're passing 00:56:26
10 years of service. 00:56:30
He's still a young looking guy, but I think we're very, very. 00:56:35
Grateful and blessed to have have Mayor Daley serving in the position he's in and. 00:56:39
He's guided this ship of this city. 00:56:43
Very, very well. We're grateful that he has at least another two years, and maybe Joni can convince him to run for a fourth term. 00:56:46
That would be wonderful. But anyway, I'd just like to thank everyone. The staff is magnificent. Gina, you and your staff, city 00:56:52
attorney, all of our department heads are just amazing and it's just been a privilege to serve. I was actually involved with some 00:56:57
of the key hires early in the city. 00:57:03
I was first sworn in on November 30th, 1999. 00:57:09
And so I've been around a long time, so it's time for me to step aside and do other things and have a new generation, literally a 00:57:14
generation or more younger than me take my place. So anyway, I just applaud each of you and thank you so much. 00:57:21
Before we adjourn, you're not done yet. 00:57:36
Ty and Matt, I want to give you the opportunity, if you want to say a few words and then we'll adjourn. And there's refreshments 00:57:40
across the hall, so don't leave after we adjourn. 00:57:44
It's been a really great opportunity to serve with Dan I. 00:57:52
I came on as a new Council member at the same time he came on as a returning council member and he was a really a great example of 00:57:57
preparation and and his institutional knowledge of the city is really remarkable. 00:58:04
He's always a gentleman, always very kind in the way he expresses himself. 00:58:12
And his commitment to the city and important aspects of it like historical Commission and other things have been really admirable. 00:58:18
I didn't know Dan before being on the committee and we've, he pointed out some connections that we had with our families. And so 00:58:24
it's been great to get to know him. I'll miss seeing him at City Council meetings, but hopefully we'll still hear from him during 00:58:30
public comment or something. 00:58:35
Dan pointed out some family connections with me as well. Who would have thought that someone that is a teenager with his friends 00:58:44
that had let a snake loose in my wife's grandmother's Cadillac would have gone and done on, gone on to do all the great things 00:58:50
that that Dan has has done. It was an accident, right? That it got it. 00:58:56
Got away. 00:59:02
I had to echo what has been said Dan, you've stood out to me as a just a very thoughtful good steward and I've appreciated the 00:59:05
just the care and concern that you've demonstrated is you appreciate what holiday has to offer and and the rich heritage that it 00:59:13
has I think and you've been you've been great at helping to preserve that image and that and and that. 00:59:21
Just that component I guess of the culture of holiday that I think that I think is a beautiful thing. Been a great example and 00:59:32
appreciate all that you've done. 00:59:35
Thank you. 00:59:39
OK, with that, on behalf of this Council, we want to wish all of you and your families. 00:59:44
A wonderful holiday season, a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. And with that, and remember, there's a 00:59:51
refreshments across the hall. Don't leave. Come and and shake hands with Dan and his family. On the way out. I take a motion to 00:59:56
adjourn, Mr. Mayor. Move to adjourn. 01:00:02
All in favor? Aye, aye. We're adjourned. Thank you. Thanks, everyone. 01:00:10
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Oh, that's not very late. 00:00:00
OK, we are recording. 00:00:11
Welcome everybody to our final meeting of the calendar year, our holiday meeting. 00:00:17
Whereas we've got agenda in item number 11. 00:00:25
I'm sure some of you are here. I know Dan's family is here, some members of his family. 00:00:30
To to recognize him for his service, which we'll do, is the last item on the agenda tonight. 00:00:35
We give him a nice send off for the holidays. 00:00:42
So welcome everybody that's come for that particular event. I also want to welcome. 00:00:46
Emily Gray, who is the council Member Elect for Dan Seat District #5, is here with us, so she will be sworn in on January 4th, but 00:00:51
she's been attending a number of the meetings. 00:00:57
And we'll be happy to welcome her to the Council on January 4th. And thanks for attending. I should also congratulate Drew and 00:01:03
Matt for. 00:01:08
Their re elections. 00:01:12
They went through some. 00:01:14
Difficult campaigns. 00:01:16
But we'll be happy to swear them in on the 4th as well. 00:01:20
As is our tradition, we always start with the Pledge, and I'll ask Dan if you would lead us in the pledge. 00:01:24
I pledge allegiance to the flag. 00:01:32
Of the United States of America. 00:01:35
And to the Republic for which it. 00:01:38
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:41
Thank you. 00:01:48
OK, we have no public hearings this evening. So any anybody that wishes to address the council on anything that's on your mind? 00:01:53
Will be during public comment. There is going to be a few people that are going to have a few presentations for Dan when we get to 00:02:00
that point in the in the on the council agenda. So public comment period is now open. We'll start with Trudy and then anybody else 00:02:06
that wants to address the council can follow Trudy. 00:02:12
Just state your name and address when you come to the podium. 00:02:19
Trudium from the library. 00:02:23
I just wanted to let you know that we're going to be closed on Monday the 25th and Monday the 1st. 00:02:26
We'll just do a few things here at the end of December since we're going to be back here January 4th. On Monday the 18th, we're 00:02:33
having a blood drive from one to seven. And there is also a program called Cocoa and Wrapping Paper. You'll make your own wrapping 00:02:38
paper in your own gift bags from 6 to 8. 00:02:44
Tuesday the 19th there is a special Nutcracker music and movement for the preschool age group to come to and Lego Club on January 00:02:51
3rd because Legos never take a Wednesday off. 00:02:57
And that's what's going on at the library between here and the 4th. 00:03:05
Fabulous. Thank you. Any questions for Trudy? 00:03:11
OK, public comments still open. Anybody that would like to address the council before we close public comment? 00:03:15
Going once. 00:03:25
OK. With that, we'll close public comment and we'll move to item number four on the agenda, which is our audit report at 3:00 this 00:03:28
afternoon. Myself, Councilmember Paul Fotheringham, who's kind of the committee to review the audit along with Tina Chamness went 00:03:34
through the audit report that I believe was forwarded to all the council members this afternoon. In the packet, Rob Wood is here 00:03:40
from HBME to kind of review some top level items with the council and see what see if we have any questions. So Rob, I'll turn it 00:03:46
over to you. 00:03:52
Thanks for having me tonight. Pleasure to be with the city again, perform these services that's required by the state. So you guys 00:03:59
can submit your report by the end of this month. 00:04:03
And be in compliance with state code. We've worked hard, obviously you've got the draft statement, hopefully before you we've left 00:04:08
it in draft just in case you notice any comments or whatnot that need be made. And then we'll try and finalize that report, give 00:04:12
it to management. 00:04:17
So they can submit next. 00:04:22
Like the mayor said, we met at 3:00 with Gina. Paul is in part of that group. 00:04:24
And went through various aspects of the financial. 00:04:29
Where the city is currently standing at, what funds are available for future projects and so forth and then also talked about. 00:04:34
Some of the state code requirements that are there and budgets to actual. 00:04:42
Did the city stay within the appropriated budget? You, as a City Council said and so forth. So I'll cover some of those quick 00:04:47
highlights. Stephanie's gonna scroll for me on the financial statements. So, Stephanie, if we go to page #1. 00:04:54
Page #1 on the actual report is the independent auditors report. This is what other organizations, the state, they're going to 00:05:02
look for. What's the results of the audit? Happy to report this is an unmodified opinion. It's the best opinion I as an auditor 00:05:09
and my firm can give your city. We do. Don't feel there's any material misstatements. 00:05:16
We don't feel there's any significant deficiencies as reported within the statements. We have made adjustments. Now obviously we 00:05:24
can't give complete assurance those things could still exist because we can't test every single transaction. 00:05:30
That the city does. But one of the things that we do as an auditor and as a firm, we do confirm a lot of the stuff with outside 00:05:37
parties such as the state Tax Commission for what they're giving you in taxes and other taxing stuff that they collect. We confirm 00:05:42
with Dominion and Rocky Mountain Power as far as property taxes that they remit to the city and make sure those agree with your 00:05:47
records. 00:05:53
Utah Department of Transportation for your BNC Rd. taxes. We also confirm information with your bank, so not only the bonds. 00:05:58
That are held and still outstanding, but what bank balances they hold both as a restricted level and an unrestricted level in your 00:06:06
checking accounts and holiday bank and trust for your developer and customer deposits. 00:06:12
And so forth. So we make sure those records are good and then we do a lot of stuff via sampling. 00:06:18
Techniques with a lot of heavy focus, more on material type transactions to the city. Now materiality varies among functions 00:06:23
because we look at, I say yeah this is city of holiday, but each fund represents an individual business, so each fund is analyzed 00:06:28
a little bit different. General fund is going to be a lot different than the debt service fund because the general fund is a lot 00:06:33
bigger. 00:06:38
Your main operating account. So we do all of those procedures and making sure that the fund. 00:06:44
And that are well prepared and are presented properly within this financial statement. 00:06:48
So that's our opinion that we can give you. There is an unmodified opinion on the statement. Maybe just some quick highlights in 00:06:54
the management discussion and analysis. Stephanie, if you go to Page #7. 00:07:00
In the Management Discussion and Analysis section, it's prepared by Dave Sanderson and Gina. 00:07:07
Here at the City now, this is the only spot on the financial statements that you're going to find a quick summary comparison 00:07:13
information between what happened in 2023 compared to what happened in 2022. 00:07:18
So on the summary information for governmental activities, that's all your governmental funds together and then your business type 00:07:24
activity, you guys only have one it's the stormwater fund. 00:07:29
Let me just point out on the stormwater fund. If you look in the 2022 column, page 7. 00:07:34
OK, on page #7, it really just indicates. 00:07:45
Last year, if you remember right, you just started the stormwater fund. Well, they issued out some bonds and had bond issuance 00:07:48
costs. 00:07:51
That attributed to more expenditures in that fund than you actually received in revenue on just a part time. I think you only had 00:07:54
the fund available for half a year, they went into a deficit. 00:07:59
Net position. 00:08:04
Happy to report because they also received the ARPA funding for $1.79 million this year, so that combined with a full year of 00:08:05
operations gave them a $2.5 million increase. So they're now at a positive. 00:08:12
That position, your governmental activities, has grown by about $5 million. 00:08:19
In their respective net. 00:08:23
But let's talk about the stuff that's more applicable to what you as. 00:08:26
Council look at as that's more on the fund level, that's what you guys appropriate on your fund balance. You look at probably more 00:08:30
budget actuals. 00:08:34
On those levels. So if we look at page 15. 00:08:37
15 is this balance sheet for the governmental funds. Now one of the things that's interesting on the bottom is really you look at 00:08:43
what's the net, what is the fund balance for each of our funds. 00:08:47
If you go across the board, the general fund is sitting at 7.6 million, the capital project at 21.4. 00:08:52
Our redevelopment agency is now in a positive position in an aggregate of 562,000 and debt service has $1.8 million. 00:09:00
The states interested in your general fund. They say you're unassigned and assigned balances in your general fund need to be 00:09:09
between 5 and 35% of your current general fund revenues for the year. 00:09:16
When you do the math between pages 5 and 17, you're sitting at 25.96%. 00:09:23
On your fund balance percentage, so you do have some funding available. You're right in the middle. They raise that to 35% when 00:09:29
COVID hit. So you're not at the Max level, but you're not down at the 5% minimum level either. 00:09:34
So I know the Mayor and Paul and Gina and I talked about what's available for the city, not only in your capital project fund, but 00:09:40
in your general funding. You do have some resources to consider for potentially renovation of this building. I think there's the 00:09:46
park project that you're talking about and some other exciting stuff going on in the city. Plus you still have a lot of the bond 00:09:52
funding available that was done for storm water and road projects. 00:09:58
If we flip categories, let's look at page 17. 00:10:05
On the net. 00:10:10
Changes in fund balances towards the bottom. 00:10:11
Right there. So the general fund had a slight decrease. The only reason they had a decrease is they transferred a bunch of funds 00:10:15
over to the capital project fund to fund future capital projects that are on the docket for the city. So the capital project fund 00:10:20
actually had a 3 million. 00:10:24
Dollar increase, the one fund I'm excited about RDA. RDA had an $800,000 change in fund balance this year or a net income, which 00:10:30
allowed them to break their 220, two $141,000 deficit from the previous year. So they're now sitting in an aggregate 562,000. Now 00:10:37
one of the things we did talk about, they still do have a $3.7 million debt because they borrowed funds from the capital project 00:10:45
fund that's been on the book since before my firm. 00:10:52
Became involved at the city, but that's still out there. We've talked about options that you could do. 00:11:00
As far as the budget to actual, the general fund stayed within budget, as did all of your other governmental and the stormwater 00:11:04
fund, so we have no issues to report there. 00:11:09
The final two reports are in the back of the book. One is on your internal controls over financial reporting. 00:11:14
I know your compliance with laws, regulations, federal grants, contract agreements. 00:11:21
And so forth. We didn't find any discrepancies. It's not an opinion, but we didn't find any significant deficiencies or material 00:11:26
weaknesses that need to be reported before this body. 00:11:31
The final report is on the state compliance. The state auditor's office puts out a state compliance audit guide. 00:11:36
Some of those requirements or we need to audit every year, such as do you adopt A budget? Are you staying within your fund balance 00:11:43
percentages? What's happening at the Justice Court? Do they have separation of duties and stuff being done in a manner that's in 00:11:48
accordance with the AOC? 00:11:53
Governmental fees, the setting of those, how you handle restricted taxes and so forth. There's also. 00:12:00
The fraud risk assessment I think is presented to you guys each January. That state hasn't gotten rid of that requirement. Open 00:12:06
and Public Meeting Act and so forth, happy to report. As we looked at those informations in the city's compliance, we found no 00:12:11
issues. So you're getting a clean opinion from us on your compliance with state code. 00:12:17
So with that in. 00:12:24
Enough of a hopefully high level overview. Does the Council have any questions I can answer? 00:12:27
To get you as a council and management to think about what controls do you have in place at the city? With technology and other 00:13:07
stuff changing, it's good to look at how do we receive money? How do we do our payroll transactions? Who approves it? Who inputs 00:13:13
it? Who updates our hourly rates in the system? Same with vendor disbursements. Who can set up a vendor? Who can approve payments? 00:13:20
Who issues out the checks? Who does the bank reconciliations? Who can do journal entries in the systems? Are those journal entries 00:13:26
reviewed by anybody else? 00:13:32
Or is it just one account and they can make any change that they? 00:13:39
Part of that process is you as a council are involved in that. 00:13:42
Process because you look at budgets to actual as do the department heads each each year. So we look at the design of those 00:13:46
controls and then like you said is we don't stop there, we look and say okay, you designed it now are you implementing that 00:13:51
design, are you doing something completely different? 00:13:56
So we'll look and make sure that those procedures are taking place and within the thing with at least one or multiple 00:14:02
walkthroughs. If we find a discrepancy or something doesn't make sense, then we'll expand and say. 00:14:08
This is just an isolated instance that we found in AIR. Or do we have a potential problem? I need to make a recommendation for a 00:14:14
change. 00:14:17
And for context, I'm sorry. And just for context, I this is the first year I've been on the council where we haven't had at least 00:14:22
a couple of. 00:14:26
Of those notes of areas we need to improve, this is the first time we've had a completely clean slate. Now, not to raise a huge 00:14:30
alarm about in the past because they were fairly minor, you know, procedural issues, but we always took them seriously enough to 00:14:36
go ahead and address them, so I'm delighted to. 00:14:42
To have a blank this year. It's the first time since I've been on the audit committee, so. 00:14:48
Great. We also have the option say as we get in when we move into next year. 00:14:53
If the Council. 00:14:59
Specific areas that we would like tested. 00:15:01
We can certainly request that as they go into the audit as. 00:15:04
Good question. Correct. You like in the past I think was a year or two, I think was about two years ago you requested, hey, can 00:15:08
you take a look at our compensated absences? 00:15:12
And the procedures that we have over that information, are we using in the hours and staying within our? 00:15:17
City policy, You got a policy on what can be carried over for vacation, so we look at that. 00:15:23
And say are you? You know when the hours are used up or Max and you have to go below. Are they? Are they being adjusted? 00:15:29
For those employees that are over. 00:15:36
Now I know that's an area where the accounting standards are going to change. 00:15:38
How that's done going forward, I don't remember if that's this coming year you're following. They're going to change how you look 00:15:43
at sick leave. 00:15:47
And all sick leave for this city is not something that's paid out, but it's something that's going to be looked at more from an 00:15:51
actuarial. 00:15:54
Type basis because there are certain cities that have a payout if you retire with sick leave and right now we as auditors don't 00:15:57
have a crystal ball to say hey three of you are going to stay and you three are some at some point going to lead the city. 00:16:04
So they're going to have to use more assumptions or estimates as. 00:16:12
How is that going to be calculated rather than just assuming everybody that's here is going to retire with that benefit? 00:16:17
Welcome to the accounting standards that does keep changing every year. 00:16:24
Well, I think. 00:16:28
Everybody's received the AUD. 00:16:31
All we're doing today is kind of accepting the audit, correct. Pardon the draft, the draft. 00:16:33
So if you go through that and you've got any questions, certainly reach out to Gina, we can get those clarified, but. 00:16:40
Generally, the city is. 00:16:48
Responsibly managing our budget to our means. In fact, we've done a great job every year of bringing in. 00:16:50
Bringing in the budget under what we actually budget and created a growing fund balance. Our fund balances are very healthy as Rob 00:16:57
stated, we didn't, he didn't note any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the audit. I think Gina and Diane are to 00:17:04
be commended on the job they're doing to give us clean audits and and to manage, manage our city within its means. So thank you 00:17:10
for that. 00:17:16
Yeah. So going back really to your question, we do look at payroll transactions. We'll look at deposit here on the city. You don't 00:17:24
have as much I know Rocky Mountain Power collects your collects and remits all your storm water. So you don't have really a 00:17:30
cashiering, it's done up front, but you do receive some like permit fees, plan check fees, stuff like that. 00:17:36
Those go through a process. We look at that process to make sure they seem to be proper and in alignment with what's going on. And 00:17:44
then you look and say, hey, that comes in, do you have a bank reconciliation and who's doing the bank reconciliation? Is the bank 00:17:48
reconciliation reviewed by somebody independent? 00:17:53
That doesn't have access to do on the deposits because there's usually 4 chairs on a separation of duties. Will you look and say 00:17:59
we're a smaller city, Do we have enough resources to pay for people? 00:18:04
To do all that stuff, well, no, the cost doesn't outweigh the benefit. But really looking and say OK, well if somebody's sitting 00:18:10
in two or three of those chairs, do we have mitigating controls to offset? 00:18:15
Potential conflicts of. 00:18:21
We haven't found any discrepancies. 00:18:23
OK, great. Thank. 00:18:28
Any other questions for Rob or Gina or Dian? 00:18:31
OK. Thank you. We don't need to vote on this. OK. No, that probably leads into just one final question is. 00:18:35
During the audit, we gave a separate letter. I don't know if you've received that, but I just sent the letter about 30 minutes 00:18:41
ago. In that letter, it's just a template letter that's required at the end of an audit. At the back of that, there's 3 pages of 00:18:46
journal entries. 00:18:50
That when I got the trial balance compared to when we finished the audit, there's some reclass said trees, which are more just for 00:18:55
the statement presentation. 00:18:59
And then there's some adjustments. I think there was about 7 or 8 adjusting entries that we had to do in reference to debt and 00:19:03
some other stuff. So you can take a look at those. We did find some adjustments that need to be made on the city's books, but 00:19:08
management agreed and has made all of those adjustments. 00:19:13
Thanks again. I forwarded that letter to Stephanie and Stephanie. You can circulate that to the council if you want. 00:19:19
OK. Thank you. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. 00:19:25
OK, moving on to item number 5, this is the. 00:19:30
Budget for the amendment to this year's budget. 00:19:35
Those amendments we went through at the last Council meeting, again, it's in your packet. So Gina, any clarifications for the 00:19:39
Council? 00:19:44
Any questions from the Council for Gina regarding the budget amend? 00:19:50
Mr. Mayor, I move that the Council adopt resolution 2023-30, Excuse me 2023-16, amending the. 00:20:00
Ordinance 20/23/16 amending the budget for the fiscal year beginning July. 00:20:08
1/20/23 and ending June 30th, 2024. 00:20:14
Second, OK, we have a motion in a second. We'll go to vote Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember 00:20:18
Fotheringham, yes. Councilmember Quinn yes. Councilmember Gibbons Chair votes, yes. Those budget amendments are approved. Thank 00:20:24
you, Council. Item number six on the agenda is our requirement to adopt A meeting schedule for. 00:20:31
Calendar year 2024. It's in your packet. 00:20:38
Any clarification Stephanie for the? 00:20:42
It's not a second Thursday. 00:20:49
So just ignore. 00:20:53
Every other. 00:20:55
Every other week schedule. 00:20:57
Mr. Move Approval of Resolution 2023-35, adopting the 2024 meeting schedule. 00:21:07
2nd. 00:21:13
We have a motion and a second we'll go to vote. Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, 00:21:14
yes. Councilmember Quinn, Council Member Gibbons, Chair votes yes. And the 2024 meeting schedule is approved. Thank you and thank 00:21:20
you, Stephanie. 00:21:25
Item number seven is an update on the GIS program. I'll turn this one over to Gina. 00:21:31
So council members, you'll remember in your retreat last February or March, I asked for your support of additional resources, 00:21:36
which at the time I was asking for an additional position to start this coming March. 00:21:44
To support our GIS needs in the city and council agreed to fund that. 00:21:54
We have not yet hired a position, but in the meantime we hired someone into our community and economic development department with 00:22:01
the skill set. And I just wanted to give him the opportunity to show you what he has put together in a very short period of time 00:22:09
and then talk about whether or not we need that additional position that I argued so strenuously for less than a year ago. 00:22:18
I know this guy. 00:22:34
Right. Good evening. 00:22:37
OK, so I'm here to give a brief overview of what we've got going on the city's GIS portal. 00:22:40
Well, at the start of the year we had just three maps. 00:22:48
On the. 00:22:52
Now the city compost of more than 50 maps. 00:22:54
On the portal. 00:22:58
So we have that interactive maps. 00:23:00
In these interactive maps, it gives. 00:23:03
General citizens and anyone who access these maps. 00:23:06
The opportunity to, you know, just play around with the maps and the data that we have. 00:23:10
So for instance, for the zoning map, you can actually. 00:23:15
Scroll through. You can do a toggle of which zones you want to see. Specifically, it pulls out the property information. 00:23:19
Including the address, the land size, the the built. 00:23:28
Structures on the property as well. 00:23:33
We have a transit connections map to which also allows our residents to just. 00:23:36
Click based off of. 00:23:42
Location and see that transit connect. 00:23:44
Available to them in terms of the transit rout. 00:23:48
And the bus stops. The number of bus stops. 00:23:51
That is also available to them within a specific range. 00:23:54
So you can adjust the. 00:23:59
To 0.1 miles or 0.2 miles, or whichever range that you want to do. 00:24:02
So that's also one additional resource that. 00:24:08
We also currently have. 00:24:12
An update on the ongoing construction projects in the city. 00:24:15
So any resident of the city or any member of the public could just access this map and see the ongoing construction projects in 00:24:19
the city. 00:24:24
So by just clicking on the address or searching for the address you would know. 00:24:30
The type of construction that is going on in the city, which department approved that construction? 00:24:36
As well as their locational details and. 00:24:42
Zoning as well. 00:24:46
So those are the general interactive maps that we have. 00:24:48
For the city when you move down, we also. 00:24:52
A compiled data set. 00:24:56
Which is the dashboard for the city that gives a generic outlook. 00:25:00
The data on Holiday City based off of the report from the American Community Survey. Now what we have here is the most updated. 00:25:05
Report from the census report, which is 2022, so we have the summaries for. 00:25:16
Demography in the city we have employment and. 00:25:23
Some key indicators in the city and we plan to adjust this data every year based off of when and how the ACS releases that data 00:25:28
for. 00:25:34
That year. 00:25:40
So outside the dashboard too we also. 00:25:42
Readily available maps for the public to also download. 00:25:46
And those are also in teams, so for planet maps, those are the categories. 00:25:50
Of maps that we have for plan N we have. 00:25:55
Maps. 00:25:59
Engineering. We have maps for transportation. 00:26:00
You have maps for public. 00:26:03
So that is the categories for planning we. 00:26:06
Historic areas. 00:26:11
Open spaces, the zoning map there. 00:26:13
Future land? 00:26:15
For planning scrolling. 00:26:18
We have. 00:26:21
Course golf, course location. 00:26:22
In the. 00:26:27
Zones. You Scroll down a little bit, Stephanie. 00:26:29
We also have a Category 4, the transportation related. 00:26:33
In. 00:26:37
So you talk about trans? 00:26:39
The local St. circulation. 00:26:41
We also was able to. 00:26:43
The crash data from. 00:26:47
That the state, so we compiled data that was available from 2015. 00:26:49
To the most recent 2020. 00:26:54
Generate a hotspot. 00:26:57
For crashes within. 00:26:59
And we also plan to get an update as we get more data from the state. 00:27:01
So that's for transportation moving down, we have administrative. 00:27:07
So these are generic maps that shows the boundaries for instance. 00:27:12
City Hall locations for holiday. 00:27:16
And neighboring cities. So for instance if someone walks. 00:27:20
Asking for such locations. Those are also readily available. 00:27:25
Justice Court jurisdictions. 00:27:29
Moderate income housing, zip code maps, Census Block. 00:27:32
All those are readily available. 00:27:36
The public and our res. 00:27:38
And I think the last category is the public works and safety maps. 00:27:41
Which also shows that water providers the distribution of. 00:27:45
Health care facilities in the city. 00:27:49
Fire response stations, fire hydrants, distrib. 00:27:53
And all the maps that are related. 00:27:57
Safety and the Public Works Division. 00:28:01
And I think for the last bit of. 00:28:04
Maps that we have So this is a story map on one of our most recent transportation projects. 00:28:11
In the city, so that's a story. 00:28:16
Anyone who is interested. So as the department and the city gets more project, we expect to create story maps for anyone 00:28:19
interested in knowing more about these projects to also just learn more about that. 00:28:26
Yeah. So that's basically what we've got going. 00:28:34
On the city's GIS. 00:28:37
Mr. Mayor, I'd like to declare that that's cool. 00:28:42
I was about to say. Is that all? 00:28:46
So this was just a serendipitous find for us. Is that what? What's your day job, Justice. 00:28:49
Justice was your name, is that? 00:28:56
Great. Awesome. 00:28:58
What we hired you to do. 00:29:05
So I'm one of the planners in. 00:29:08
Community and Economic Development Division. 00:29:11
Which means I get the opportunity to work with John Tierling. 00:29:14
Very wonderful guy. You guys probably know that already. 00:29:19
Yeah. So I'm one of the planners and I also take on that GIS request. 00:29:23
From the various divisions in the city as it stands now, so. 00:29:28
That's basically what I do I. 00:29:32
Do in school. 00:29:35
I mean the pH. D program at EU. 00:29:38
City. 00:29:40
So yeah, what's the distribution of your work between planning work and GIS work? 00:29:42
I would say it. 00:29:47
210 I do 90% planning and 10% GIS. 00:29:50
Wow, what are we missing? 00:29:59
I think we were very fortunate to find justice and to have him build this incredible. 00:30:03
That system in such a short period of time, I don't think I'll be looking to hire someone else before March. 00:30:11
We're set for. 00:30:20
We agree. 00:30:25
We. 00:30:28
Right. Thank you. Thanks, Justice. Appreciate it. 00:30:31
It's awesome. 00:30:34
OK. We are on the consent agenda, the minutes from October 5th, 19 and November 2nd. Any questions, comments or edits to any of 00:30:38
those three sets of minutes? 00:30:44
Mr. Mayor, move approval of minutes for October 519 and November 2nd. 00:30:54
Second motion is second all in favor say aye, aye Any opposed. 00:31:00
Thank you. The consent agenda is approved City manager. 00:31:06
Updates for the Council On Tuesday of this week, Holly and I met with Rick's Ward, who is a consulting company that we was 00:31:14
selected to. 00:31:19
Work with us on our historic exhibit experience. We had a very productive all day meeting that included Megan Aderman, our new 00:31:27
Arts and Culture Manager. 00:31:32
And we are looking for stakeholder meetings, including with the Council on January 30th and 31st, so please keep that. 00:31:39
In mind and let me know if you have any potential conflicts that day. 00:31:52
I'd also be really interested if you have names of individual residents or organizations that you'd like to see invited to those 00:31:56
stakeholder meetings. 00:32:01
To begin that engagement and exhibit process. 00:32:06
Riggs Ward really specializes in interpretive history and I'm really looking forward to working with them. 00:32:10
What time of day would those meetings be? 00:32:19
Pardon me, are they in the evening? We're going to, I think we're looking at afternoon and evening on the 30th and morning to 00:32:21
early afternoon on the 31st. Thank you. 00:32:27
Second item, as you all know, several years ago we entered into a contract with UFA to provide support for our Emergency 00:32:36
Management function. 00:32:40
And this year we budgeted about $55,000 for two to purchase 2 days of support for that function. The contract has been primarily 00:32:47
for planning services. 00:32:52
So over the course of the last year, we've been meeting regularly with UFA Emergency Management to talk about the support we 00:32:58
needed for that function and I think jointly have decided that our needs have evolved and that going forward it makes sense for us 00:33:03
to bring that function in house. 00:33:09
So our plan at this point is to terminate that arrangement with UFA as of December 31st and then to begin advertising for a part 00:33:15
time person to work with us directly after the first of the year. We want to make sure we can respond effectively now that a lot 00:33:25
of that planning work that our UFA Emergency Manager helped us with has been done. 00:33:34
This is being done, like I said, with the full support of UFA Emergency Management and we expect a really good productive working 00:33:44
relationship to continue. 00:33:48
With that going forward? 00:33:53
I also don't think that we'll need a budget adjustment. I think we'll be able to find a part-time person in that same range. 00:33:55
And then third, just wanted to let the council know that due to an illness with our. 00:34:04
Website contractor with your project manager. There's been a change of project managers and that's put us behind on our launch 00:34:11
relaunch of our website by about a month. 00:34:17
And so we're looking at February 1 for that new launch date now. 00:34:23
That's my update. Any questions? 00:34:28
Will we be able to see the website before it launches? Like I kind of have a preview of it at all or anything like that? Yeah, I 00:34:31
think we could be able to do that. 00:34:35
But actually launching your thinking February Ish kind of a thing or later, we're thinking February 1st, 1st. 00:34:40
Anything else for Gina? 00:34:48
OK. 00:34:51
We'll move on to council reports. We'll start with Councilmember Brewer and move our way down the line. 00:34:53
I guess this is a community function to on the and you I know you were their mayor. 00:35:01
Handles Messiah Sunday. 00:35:08
I've never been before. I didn't know if we used to go to the singing down at the Bravana Hall and that kind of a thing. And 00:35:10
Stephanie had circulated that invitation. I thought, oh, this would be a good chance to go. We had gone down there. 00:35:16
And I commented to you, I think on the way out that it's remarkable the talent that there is in a, you know, and I'm sure it drew 00:35:22
from a little bit beyond our city borders. But I think I said in a city of 31 or 32,000, however many we are, and it looks like 00:35:27
it's 31,738 according to justices. 00:35:33
Deal. But it it blew my mind actually. The the the the the music and I love to just see an interfaith effort like that. They did a 00:35:40
a beautiful tribute to the conductor. Mr. Ashton I believe is his last name and and what a neat it's 30 years. Is that what it was 00:35:48
that this has been going It was just a really neat deal. I'll be making it a family tradition. So it's great. 00:35:56
I agree. 00:36:05
I don't really have anything this week, Paul. Just briefly, this Friday the Arts Council has their Bell Ringers event. Do we know 00:36:06
if there's still tickets available or if it's sold, sold out? OK, well that's Friday and then the mayor and I enjoyed the annual 00:36:13
holiday Rotary Club holiday party. 00:36:19
When was that last night? Last night? It's last night so not anyway my point being the Rotary Club, I like to give them a plugs of 00:36:26
being a great service organization in the city. So any citizen apology who's looking to maybe has a little bandwidth and maybe 00:36:32
contribute some additional service to the city, I'd encourage looking into joining Rotary Club. That's. 00:36:38
Thank you, Drew. Just one item I have talked I think. 00:36:45
In our last meeting about the sidewalk project that people are really excited about on 27th East. 00:36:50
We did have. 00:36:56
One person that's not exactly excited about it because the fact that a good chunk of their front yard is going to be turned into 00:36:59
sidewalk. 00:37:03
And that's the way it is. I mean, it benefits a lot of people and some people unfortunately have to make a little bit of a 00:37:07
sacrifice. 00:37:12
The reason I mention this is. 00:37:17
Jared here. 00:37:20
Jared and his team. 00:37:22
Really amazingly. 00:37:24
The way they handled this issue was. 00:37:28
Was very good and I just wanted to point that out to everyone. 00:37:32
How good he is. Jared is so even tempered. 00:37:37
I was very impressed with how this situation was was handled and and we're going forward, so just wanted to. 00:37:41
A thanks to him and his team. 00:37:49
I don't have anything other than there's a few Sep items, but I'm sure Emily can handle those in January, so. 00:37:53
Just send them to Emily privately. 00:38:00
Very quickly. 00:38:04
The Interfaith Council had a roundtable of various members of the Interfaith team that they're going to try to do once a month 00:38:07
where they just discuss. 00:38:11
Items of interest. They're going to have another one in January for those that are interested. Surprisingly, they had about 20 00:38:15
people show up, which I was kind of shocked for their first shot at it, but it was very interesting. I'll circulate that date if 00:38:19
you want it. 00:38:23
We meaning me and Ann and Holly, but mostly Ann. 00:38:29
Put together very quickly this comfort. 00:38:36
What's the proper title and? 00:38:39
Community Comfort Drive. 00:38:43
Benefiting Huntsman Cancer Institute. And we had probably, I don't know, 12 or 14 beautiful Christmas bags that they had loaded up 00:38:46
with. 00:38:50
Hats and blankets and socks and pencils and art gear for kids and. 00:38:55
It was really amazing and so we took that up there on Monday night. 00:39:02
And delivered it, Got a full tour of the Huntsman Cancer Institute. It was really, really a wonderful event. But and that that was 00:39:07
really your effort and so kudos to you for putting that together on very short notice and I think it was a great. 00:39:15
Holiday Endeavor. Hopefully we can repeat it or something like that again next year. Maybe we'll pick a different charity, but 00:39:23
we'll do it again. But thank you for your efforts with that. 00:39:28
And that's all I have. 00:39:34
So we are moving now to item number 11, which is why everybody is here. 00:39:38
The presentation Recognition for outgoing Councilmember Dan Gibbons. 00:39:42
I said a few words at that event we had for the council and some of the members of the staff on December 5th about your service. 00:39:48
And I'll say a few words later, so I want to get right to it. 00:39:56
Eventually we're here to celebrate Dan's four years of service on the council for this particular term of service. But I think a 00:40:00
lot of you know that Dan was an initial founding member of Holiday City back in 1990 and I don't know how long you served. I'm 00:40:06
assuming you transition to Justice Court judge during that term. 00:40:12
So we did a couple of years as a council member, then transitioned to be our first Justice Court judge, I believe for 10 years. 00:40:19
And now came back. That wasn't enough, so we had to come back for more. Ran again and just finished up four years. So we want to 00:40:28
make sure we. 00:40:31
Celebrate and honor your service to the city. And we we have a few few presentations to be made. I'm going to start with police. 00:40:37
And how about you stay up here for now. And then when we get to Drew's presentation, we'll move you down and make a few more. But 00:40:44
let's start with police and we'll go to fire. And then we'll we'll take it from there. So, Lieutenant Ackerman, your first step. 00:40:51
First thing I know Chief Hoyle really wanted to be here. Unfortunately he had another engagement, so I get the opportunity to be 00:41:01
able to do this presentation. One thing I've got to say is that we have really appreciated a council member, Gibbons, for the long 00:41:07
time that we've been able to work with him. For the vast majority of my career I've been in the Holiday precinct and I had the 00:41:12
opportunity to be here while he was the Justice Court judge. 00:41:18
Your honor, may I approach the bench? 00:41:54
Awesome. Yeah. Wow. 00:42:04
I'll come back. 00:42:09
Maybe we should send him down there and make him stand in front of everybody for sure. OK, sure. Do you mind? 00:42:13
Do you want to get another one? And with those two and then and then we'll bring Captain Brown up for UFA. 00:42:24
Council member, I'm going to miss your Sep jokes. Hopefully that everybody else can continue that when it's their last. On behalf 00:42:43
of our Fire Chief Dominic Burchett, we we just like to appreciate your your service at the City of Holiday. And me personally, I'd 00:42:48
like to. 00:42:54
Recognize your professionalism. 00:43:01
UFA sends a candidate or or representative to all the council meeting, all the council meetings and the councils that we represent 00:43:03
and whether agreement or disagreement, and this goes for all the Council and the Mayor. 00:43:08
I don't think anybody treats each other as well or works as well together, whether an agreement or disagreement than you all do. 00:43:13
And so you're a big part of that and we appreciate it. And so I just have a little certificate of appreciation and then a 00:43:19
challenge going from our Fire Chief, the office of the Fire Chief and it's our our highest honor as far as challenge Queens go so. 00:43:25
Pam. 00:43:42
Right now is Dan still chair? Did you get relieved of your duties? 00:43:46
I'm still officially. 00:43:50
Yeah, the Sep hasn't been passed yet. 00:43:52
You better tell our attendees what Sep is. 00:43:56
All right, Dan, the board adopted a resolution, as you know, on November 13th. And I'm going to save everybody and not try to read 00:44:01
through it. But what I want to say is your four years has been greatly appreciated by me, our team and the board members. 00:44:09
We navigated through the pandemic through changing the scrap program through many challenges. 00:44:17
Yeah. 00:44:25
Yeah. So thank you very much for your great work. Yeah, the local district. I really appreciate it. Your diplomatic approach. I've 00:44:26
taken notes. 00:44:30
So I have to say that I don't always talk trash, but when I do, when I do, I try to, you know, ease it in with diplomacy. So I 00:44:35
wanted to present you with the the resolution. I know you already got the class award, but I also of course, have to add my own 00:44:41
touch. 00:44:48
And present some Harley gifts. And this is to keep your head warm as you walk to and from your office. So yeah, there's that. 00:44:55
Yeah, try it on. I kept the tags on so you could be hip, right? 00:45:05
And then I have a LED Christmas light. I wanted to give this. 00:45:11
It's nice. 00:45:20
Julie on the 13th And then of course it's Christmas time, so we have to have a Harley ornament on your tree. 00:45:21
Thank you so much. 00:45:30
Thanks, Pam. 00:45:41
And next we have Lyman Loci, who's going to make a presentation on behalf of our historical Commission. 00:45:43
We're sorry that. 00:45:57
The head of our Commission can't be here, but Sandy Meadows is out of town on some family events down in Saint George, so she's 00:45:59
having a better time than we've been having, I think. 00:46:05
But Dan has been so good to attend. 00:46:11
The majority of our meetings historical Commission and. 00:46:16
Being able to keep us out of trouble with the community and with. 00:46:21
You've done a good job at doing that, I think. 00:46:26
He knows everything and done everything, it seems. 00:46:29
And but. 00:46:33
Such a wonderful person we're. 00:46:36
Privilege to have him in our our community. 00:46:39
So what we'd like to present to him. 00:46:43
A couple of history books and then a picture. 00:46:45
Of some of us that you can turn against the wall if you wish. 00:46:49
He loves books and history, and it's just obvious. 00:46:55
Thank you very much. 00:46:59
And also feel free in the future. 00:47:01
If you have a good idea that, we might. 00:47:04
Please contact. 00:47:08
Hassan. 00:47:18
Lyman, thanks for coming to do that. We appreciate it. 00:47:20
Next, as is our common tradition, we have a street sign that's going to be presented by. 00:47:24
Council member. 00:47:32
I don't know. 00:47:34
So Dan's always served at the left hand of Drew for the past four years, so we thought we'd have her give the sign. 00:47:40
So this is a tradition I discovered when I was here four years ago. 00:47:51
Cool, But anyway, Dad gets his long straight side. 00:47:58
It's been really fun. 00:48:11
Sitting next to you. 00:48:13
Especially when I found out that Dan was the judge. 00:48:14
Daughter got a speeding ticket. 00:48:19
And I can put this on any street I want. 00:48:36
Lakewood. 00:48:40
That would be great. And tell them to slow down. 00:48:43
It's the only St. and holiday where people speed is Lakewood Dr. I've been told that by the residents. 00:48:45
OK. And the city has a special gift that we like to present. I think Gene is going to present that. 00:48:54
Is this legal by the way? 00:49:04
You won't care on January 4th, you won't care. Won't be. 00:49:08
How much I have enjoyed giving to you. 00:49:20
But more than that, I really have appreciated your kindness. Again, gratitude. 00:49:30
OK. And we? 00:49:50
Before I come down and make a final presentation and then you can say a few words if you'd like. 00:49:52
The Council has prepared a resolution that Councilmember Fotheringham is going to read. 00:49:57
Right City of Holiday Resolution recognizing Dan Gibbons for his dedicated service to the City of Holiday. 00:50:04
Whereas Dan Gibbons has served as a member of the City Council of the City of Holiday, representing District 5. 00:50:10
For one term after previously serving as a member of the initial City Council of the City of Holiday upon incorporation. 00:50:17
And whereas during Councilmember Gibbons term of service, he has provided extraordinary and committed leadership for committees of 00:50:25
the City, including the Historical Commission of the City. 00:50:30
And has additionally served as the cities appointee and as the chair of the board of the Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling 00:50:36
District and. 00:50:40
Whereas with the committed service of Councilmember Gibbons, the Historical Commission has been able to expand its offerings and 00:50:44
contributions within the city to include a forthcoming historical experience, exhibits project to be constructed at City Hall, 00:50:50
Park, City Hall and key community centers. 00:50:55
And whereas Council Member Gibbons commitment to the thorough discussion of policy questions facing the Council has resulted in a 00:51:02
fully transparent and accessible process of governing in the city that has provided confidence and understanding for the cities 00:51:07
residents. 00:51:12
And where? 00:51:17
Councilmember Gibbons relationship with the other members of the governing body of the City has provided a basis for committed and 00:51:19
open discussion on significant issues facing the city. 00:51:24
And has provided a great benefit to other members of the governing body and residents of the city. 00:51:29
And whereas this council recognizes that the city will greatly miss Councilmember Gibbons, talents and commitment to good 00:51:35
government. 00:51:38
And now, therefore, let it be resolved by the City Council of the City of Holiday. 00:51:42
That Councilmember Gibbons be commended for his committed and dedicated service to the citizens and the City of Holiday. 00:51:47
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council Member Gibbons BE commended for his distinguished leadership, his great friendship and his 00:51:54
commitment to the citizens of Holiday, which have contributed significantly to the continued increase in the high quality of life 00:52:00
within the community. BE IT further resolved that the City Council, the City of Holiday and its citizens wish Council Member 00:52:06
Gibbons and his family great success and happiness in their future endeavors. Signed Holiday City Council. 00:52:13
I'm going to invite the council down. We're going to make one more presentation and get a couple of photos and then Dan, if you 00:52:28
want to say any words. 00:52:31
Welcome. 00:52:38
So I've already said some kind words about that, but we have really enjoyed having you on the Council here. 00:52:48
Just a great example of what needs to be a public service. 00:52:56
Not just for this term, but as we mentioned earlier about founding the city and your and your services as a. 00:53:00
So we love working with you and wish you and your family all the best. 00:53:07
But before you get out of here, as I've said on many. 00:53:11
So I'm looking at my wife here. This is her third event this week. 00:53:16
At night and Lisa's here, Paul's. 00:53:20
And when she's not in an event, a lot of times I'm gone. A lot of people don't see that, but. 00:53:24
I attended a lot of. 00:53:29
The point is, when you get into public service like this, it's a family affair, it's a team sport. It's not just the person 00:53:31
serving and sacrifices. 00:53:35
It's the family as well. 00:53:40
And I know not just through your public service here, but also through your church service. 00:53:41
Talked a lot about. 00:53:46
Three years, I think three years he spent over in Russia and Siberia and Ukraine. 00:53:48
And that's a team sport too. So we wanted to make sure that we invited Julia. We have some flowers for you, and we wanted to 00:53:53
recognize and celebrate your service as well. 00:53:58
So you can. 00:54:04
I'll be brief, even though I'm a lawyer. 00:54:43
I've it's been a great privilege for me to serve. 00:54:47
I was really impressed at our retreat earlier this year. 00:54:51
Mayor Daley posed this question to the City Council, He said. Why just respond one by one? Why did you all? 00:54:56
How did you all get involved in? 00:55:03
And it was interesting in every single instance. 00:55:06
I believe all of the current members of the council and the mayor himself. 00:55:10
First came into service because they. 00:55:14
Invited to do so by someone else. 00:55:18
It might have been a legislator or a City Council member or a citizen. 00:55:21
But the point is that none of them really had it in mind. Oh, I'm I'm. I have this ambitious goal to to become a leader. They were 00:55:26
invited to do so. 00:55:32
I think there's something special about that. 00:55:38
And I recently read a book of letters that the writer JRR Tolkien wrote to his son during World War 2. 00:55:41
And in one of the letters he was commenting on the political situation and he said. 00:55:51
That only one in a million. 00:55:55
Even a saintly person, only one in a million, can become a boss of other men. 00:56:00
And least of all those who seek for the opportunity or hunger for the opportunity themselves are qualified to serve. 00:56:06
And I think that's so true. And I, I, I view this council, they are all one in a million individuals. 00:56:13
And I've had the privilege of working with all four mayors of of Holiday City. 00:56:20
And it's been a privilege to work extensively with each one. And Mayor Daly's now served 10 years. I think you're you're passing 00:56:26
10 years of service. 00:56:30
He's still a young looking guy, but I think we're very, very. 00:56:35
Grateful and blessed to have have Mayor Daley serving in the position he's in and. 00:56:39
He's guided this ship of this city. 00:56:43
Very, very well. We're grateful that he has at least another two years, and maybe Joni can convince him to run for a fourth term. 00:56:46
That would be wonderful. But anyway, I'd just like to thank everyone. The staff is magnificent. Gina, you and your staff, city 00:56:52
attorney, all of our department heads are just amazing and it's just been a privilege to serve. I was actually involved with some 00:56:57
of the key hires early in the city. 00:57:03
I was first sworn in on November 30th, 1999. 00:57:09
And so I've been around a long time, so it's time for me to step aside and do other things and have a new generation, literally a 00:57:14
generation or more younger than me take my place. So anyway, I just applaud each of you and thank you so much. 00:57:21
Before we adjourn, you're not done yet. 00:57:36
Ty and Matt, I want to give you the opportunity, if you want to say a few words and then we'll adjourn. And there's refreshments 00:57:40
across the hall, so don't leave after we adjourn. 00:57:44
It's been a really great opportunity to serve with Dan I. 00:57:52
I came on as a new Council member at the same time he came on as a returning council member and he was a really a great example of 00:57:57
preparation and and his institutional knowledge of the city is really remarkable. 00:58:04
He's always a gentleman, always very kind in the way he expresses himself. 00:58:12
And his commitment to the city and important aspects of it like historical Commission and other things have been really admirable. 00:58:18
I didn't know Dan before being on the committee and we've, he pointed out some connections that we had with our families. And so 00:58:24
it's been great to get to know him. I'll miss seeing him at City Council meetings, but hopefully we'll still hear from him during 00:58:30
public comment or something. 00:58:35
Dan pointed out some family connections with me as well. Who would have thought that someone that is a teenager with his friends 00:58:44
that had let a snake loose in my wife's grandmother's Cadillac would have gone and done on, gone on to do all the great things 00:58:50
that that Dan has has done. It was an accident, right? That it got it. 00:58:56
Got away. 00:59:02
I had to echo what has been said Dan, you've stood out to me as a just a very thoughtful good steward and I've appreciated the 00:59:05
just the care and concern that you've demonstrated is you appreciate what holiday has to offer and and the rich heritage that it 00:59:13
has I think and you've been you've been great at helping to preserve that image and that and and that. 00:59:21
Just that component I guess of the culture of holiday that I think that I think is a beautiful thing. Been a great example and 00:59:32
appreciate all that you've done. 00:59:35
Thank you. 00:59:39
OK, with that, on behalf of this Council, we want to wish all of you and your families. 00:59:44
A wonderful holiday season, a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. And with that, and remember, there's a 00:59:51
refreshments across the hall. Don't leave. Come and and shake hands with Dan and his family. On the way out. I take a motion to 00:59:56
adjourn, Mr. Mayor. Move to adjourn. 01:00:02
All in favor? Aye, aye. We're adjourned. Thank you. Thanks, everyone. 01:00:10
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