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A lot of people don't start the first. | 00:00:00 | |
But there's about 10,000 people each time in a major election that vote against all the judges for whatever reason. | 00:00:02 | |
And if you are, if you're one of those cities that already has a Pretty Little doubt agenda, it might get pushed back months, | 00:00:09 | |
right? | 00:00:11 | |
OK. | 00:00:18 | |
Ready. Ready. Ready. | 00:00:19 | |
Go. | 00:00:28 | |
Good evening. My name is Marty Banks. I'm. | 00:00:30 | |
Like Dennis. | 00:00:34 | |
Yeah. | 00:00:35 | |
Good evening, My name is Marty Banks and I'm. | 00:00:36 | |
Acting as vice chair of the. | 00:00:39 | |
Holiday Planning Commission meeting this evening. | 00:00:41 | |
Thank you all in attendance for attending. We appreciate your your your interest and your participation. | 00:00:44 | |
A few comments before we get started, and particularly for those who may not be familiar with the process. | 00:00:50 | |
There will be following tonight. The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board. | 00:00:56 | |
Whose action is to review land use plans and other special studies and make certain recommendations to the City Council. | 00:01:02 | |
We do not initiate land use applications, rather we act on applications and proposals that are submitted. | 00:01:10 | |
The Commissioners, we on the Commission attempt to visit each property on the agenda tonight. We don't have any particular | 00:01:18 | |
properties that issue so. | 00:01:23 | |
That's not particularly relevant this evening, but nevertheless the decisions that are made by the Commission are based on | 00:01:27 | |
observations, planning, staff recommendations, the city's general plans. | 00:01:34 | |
The applicable zoning ordinance, if any, and of course all of the both oral and written comments submitted. | 00:01:41 | |
By the public. | 00:01:49 | |
And all of that becomes part of the public record. | 00:01:51 | |
The This evening we have a brief agenda. We are going to address a text amendment that affects certain bonding and financial | 00:01:55 | |
assurance issues in connection with a recent state statute enacted by the state legislature and that the city is proposing | 00:02:02 | |
adopting. | 00:02:08 | |
Will also be approving some minutes on under under our action items, so we'll move, if we can, the last item, the Planning | 00:02:15 | |
Commission election to the rear of the agenda if that's OK with staff. | 00:02:23 | |
And we'll jump then right into the text amendment. | 00:02:32 | |
Again, for those who may not be familiar with our process, we'll ask. | 00:02:36 | |
Our staff Kerry Marsh to give us a brief presentation on that text amendment that staff has proposed for our consideration and | 00:02:41 | |
ultimate recommendation to the City Council. | 00:02:48 | |
And then we'll welcome and receive public comment. | 00:02:56 | |
Let me say in advance though, for those who are here this evening, if any of you are interested in providing comments at the when | 00:03:00 | |
the time comes, if you would kindly come right up to the podium. | 00:03:06 | |
And state your name and your address for the record. | 00:03:12 | |
And then share with us any comments that you care to. | 00:03:16 | |
Convey. | 00:03:19 | |
With that, Miss Marsh, if you give us a presentation on the text and proposed text amendment. | 00:03:21 | |
Thank you, Commissioner Banks. | 00:03:34 | |
So this text amendment is a legislative action, so the Planning Commission will make a recommendation and then it will go to City | 00:03:36 | |
Council for their review and. | 00:03:42 | |
Approval if if they. | 00:03:49 | |
Sodium. So the request is for. | 00:03:52 | |
Amending title 13 of the Land Development Code. | 00:03:56 | |
These amendments have been reviewed by an interdepartmental team that consists of public works legal. | 00:04:01 | |
Community Development and the Public Utilities departments. | 00:04:08 | |
The purpose of the code amendment is to implement new state legislation that was enacted last year in 2023 that is related to. | 00:04:11 | |
Improvement, completion, assurances or bonding. | 00:04:22 | |
This will comply with the provisions of lemma. | 00:04:26 | |
And those proposed code changes. | 00:04:29 | |
Effectively remove requirements to bond for on site, landscaping and amenities unless it is for public improvements. | 00:04:33 | |
Public landscaping. | 00:04:43 | |
And anything that's essential for public health and safety. | 00:04:45 | |
The proposed code changes also set forth the administrative procedures and requirements for improvement agreements and financial | 00:04:50 | |
assurance. | 00:04:54 | |
For those construction improvements prior to recording a plat or obtaining a building permit. | 00:04:59 | |
Um. | 00:05:05 | |
So the authority of the municipality, then, is limited to the use of bonding only for infrastructure improvements that are public | 00:05:06 | |
and essential. | 00:05:11 | |
Required to meet building code, fire code, flood or stormwater management provisions, St. and access requirements or other | 00:05:15 | |
necessary public safety improvements. | 00:05:20 | |
This will bring the city's code into compliance with the new state law provisions. | 00:05:25 | |
Of the changes are outlined in the attached packet. | 00:05:32 | |
Umm. | 00:05:37 | |
It was removal of large sections with a rewrite to outline those pieces of where bonding is required and removing areas where | 00:05:39 | |
bonding cannot be required by by state outline. | 00:05:46 | |
Thank you very much. | 00:05:56 | |
We'll invite the public if any are interested. | 00:06:00 | |
Stand and come up and. | 00:06:03 | |
Provide any comments that you're inclined to share. | 00:06:05 | |
Marty, just make sure you open the public hearing. | 00:06:10 | |
Just make sure you open the public hearing. Thank you. | 00:06:13 | |
For the record. | 00:06:17 | |
Commissioner Banks moves to open the meeting as a public hearing. | 00:06:20 | |
And with that we would invite any members. | 00:06:24 | |
Of the public that are with us tonight to come forward and give any comments that you care to share. | 00:06:27 | |
If any. | 00:06:32 | |
And I would remind you all when you come up to. | 00:06:40 | |
Limit your comments to 3 minutes if you would and also. | 00:06:44 | |
We talked about the name and address. | 00:06:48 | |
And of course, combine your comments to the topic at hand. Thank you. | 00:06:51 | |
Ron Hilton, 2394 Murray Holiday Rd. | 00:06:56 | |
I guess I just kind of have a question. | 00:07:01 | |
I noticed one of the changes was increasing the. | 00:07:06 | |
Bonding requirement from 25% of the cost to 100%. | 00:07:09 | |
If I was reading that correctly. | 00:07:14 | |
And. | 00:07:16 | |
Is that a requirement of the state law? | 00:07:17 | |
And. | 00:07:20 | |
If not, you know, is that something that might ought to be reconsidered just because it? | 00:07:22 | |
Places a burden on the. | 00:07:29 | |
On the developer to essentially pay for 100% of something then. | 00:07:31 | |
Pay for it again to actually do it. | 00:07:35 | |
Before it can be refunded it, it could be burdensome. | 00:07:38 | |
So that's just a question. | 00:07:42 | |
I'm sorry, I didn't follow your thought about paying for it and then paying for it again. You elaborate on upfront pay of a bonded | 00:07:44 | |
amount equal to 100% of the cost of doing it. | 00:07:49 | |
And that's not refunded until you actually do it. So you have to. | 00:07:55 | |
You know, the cash flow can be burdensome. I think you have to essentially be out twice as much. | 00:07:58 | |
At least that's my understanding, maybe flawed. | 00:08:04 | |
So the the short answer to that is it could be long winded but the short answer of that is. | 00:08:07 | |
So you don't have to bond. | 00:08:14 | |
Right, you can install the the stuff, the improvements before. | 00:08:16 | |
You record, but if you want to record today, you have to put up a bond for 100% of the cost of improvements, so the developer has | 00:08:21 | |
that flexibility. | 00:08:24 | |
But it's it has to be 100%, because there's no reason that. | 00:08:29 | |
The rest of the residents of the city should be paying for public improvements for a development that they're not going to benefit | 00:08:34 | |
from. | 00:08:36 | |
So that's I mean that that is the state law. | 00:08:40 | |
So you the option is instead of paying for it up front and coming up with security interest or something, to provide the city an | 00:08:42 | |
assurance that you can. | 00:08:46 | |
Do that is to just start putting the improvements in. | 00:08:50 | |
And you never have to bond for them, but you can't record until they've been signed off on. | 00:08:54 | |
And you could do that. | 00:08:58 | |
You can do that before or after this this amendment. | 00:09:01 | |
I see. | 00:09:05 | |
So you. | 00:09:06 | |
But you just. I mean when you record that means you have a marketable title. | 00:09:09 | |
To a piece of property right when you've subdivided so you can get approval for. | 00:09:12 | |
The improvements before recording. | 00:09:17 | |
Correct. | 00:09:19 | |
OK. | 00:09:20 | |
Yeah, I just noticed that changed and I just yeah, but you can't, you can't. The issue. So this has happened in the past of why | 00:09:22 | |
they're doing it this way. | 00:09:26 | |
Is because. | 00:09:30 | |
And most recently in 2008, there were a whole bunch of companies that were doing development and trying to get it in and. | 00:09:31 | |
Were too late and they. | 00:09:38 | |
They put up a security bond, right? It's just you buy a bond from a security bond company. | 00:09:41 | |
And. | 00:09:45 | |
They don't give up their money without litigation. | 00:09:47 | |
Right. So it became very difficult and so many in some some security bonding companies went out of business because there were so | 00:09:50 | |
many security bonds that they had sold and so many developers that went out of business. | 00:09:55 | |
That they couldn't pay for the improvements, and so it left cities holding the bag to try to fix. | 00:10:00 | |
The issues and taxpayers were stuck trying to fix the issues that were never finished. | 00:10:05 | |
So. | 00:10:09 | |
Cities have adopted really strict requirements. | 00:10:11 | |
To make sure that they're not. | 00:10:13 | |
City and taxpayers, by extension, aren't holding the bag on. | 00:10:15 | |
Developments that weren't finished. | 00:10:18 | |
OK. Anyway, that was my only question. Thanks. | 00:10:20 | |
Thank you, Mr. Hilton. | 00:10:23 | |
Commissioner Banks, I have a questions. Commissioner Prince. | 00:10:26 | |
Um. | 00:10:29 | |
Mr. Kristofferson, does that mean that the 100%? | 00:10:30 | |
Is in the state. | 00:10:35 | |
Law that was passed, yes, that's part of the state law. It it puts a cap of 100% of the improvements, puts a cap on it. But that's | 00:10:37 | |
right. That comes from the state. OK, you can't. And so there are. | 00:10:42 | |
I will say, and I can't give you an example of which ones, but I know that there are a few cities that were held up as examples of | 00:10:48 | |
why they had to make this amendment because some were charging 125%. | 00:10:53 | |
Of what the improvements cost in order to? | 00:10:58 | |
And part of it it's just. | 00:11:01 | |
Some would say that makes them bad actors. Others would say they're being conservative to protect their residents and their | 00:11:05 | |
taxpayers in their city. | 00:11:08 | |
Right. So what it would be, it wouldn't be that they wouldn't get their money back. It was just oftentimes you're dealing with | 00:11:12 | |
engineers estimates. | 00:11:15 | |
Of what things cost and over the last five years. | 00:11:18 | |
Those engineers estimates may have been prepared a year before. | 00:11:23 | |
The bond came up. | 00:11:26 | |
And so. | 00:11:28 | |
With the cost and difficulty of supply chains and getting getting pipes and getting infrastructure in place. | 00:11:29 | |
Cost of Labor, all of that stuff went. | 00:11:36 | |
Way beyond what the original engineer's estimate had. | 00:11:39 | |
So anyway, now what? They're tightening up those requirements, so the city is gonna require the engineers estimate be current. | 00:11:42 | |
And it and it and it agree with the city engineers engineers estimate. | 00:11:50 | |
So thank you. | 00:11:55 | |
And. | 00:11:57 | |
Mr. Carson, do you have a market feel for the? | 00:11:58 | |
Premium percentage for most of these type of bonds. | 00:12:02 | |
Purchase price. | 00:12:06 | |
It's usually a percentage of the engineers estimate two or three, 10 or 12. | 00:12:09 | |
So so. | 00:12:15 | |
My recommendation as a city attorney is not to use the security bonds. | 00:12:18 | |
Because getting them, if there's an issue, getting them our way, it's way expensive and takes, you know, the city's got to put out | 00:12:23 | |
a lot of money to get it solved and get a problem and then wait to litigate to get their money back. | 00:12:29 | |
So it's just. | 00:12:35 | |
It just saves, you know? I mean it effectively. | 00:12:37 | |
Security bonding companies are putting themselves out of business. | 00:12:40 | |
Because they make it so hard to give up any money. | 00:12:44 | |
That cities say, well, we're not going to accept that as collateral anymore as a bond. To deal with this, we'll accept a letter of | 00:12:46 | |
credit or we'll accept a cash bond. | 00:12:50 | |
For the full amount of the projected improvements. | 00:12:54 | |
But then with those same things, kind of like an escrow agreement. It's a bonding agreement, right? And you can have an escrow | 00:12:56 | |
agent hold the money sometimes. Most often the cities will hold the money, but then they'll release the money if so. For example, | 00:13:00 | |
if. | 00:13:04 | |
They got if the developer put up $1,000,000. | 00:13:08 | |
And you had, you know, the. | 00:13:11 | |
The utilities within the roadway have been installed and then you've got your dry utilities in the public utility easement and | 00:13:13 | |
that's 50% of the cost. So then. | 00:13:18 | |
The city, the city inspector comes out, City engineer comes out and inspects those. | 00:13:23 | |
Then they will release and approves them. Then 50% of that money will be released back to the developer right then. | 00:13:26 | |
Right and then. | 00:13:32 | |
Then it comes on to the street improvements, stormwater grant. You get all that stuff in, and then the city will release up to 40% | 00:13:34 | |
usually, and they'll hold 10% back until everything's. | 00:13:39 | |
Been, you know, for a warranty period for one year. | 00:13:45 | |
Kind of thing. | 00:13:48 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:50 | |
Any other questions? | 00:13:52 | |
Any other members of the public care to provide comment this evening? | 00:13:55 | |
I presume that not seeing any we will. | 00:14:09 | |
Clothes are. | 00:14:15 | |
Public hearing. | 00:14:17 | |
And. | 00:14:19 | |
Address amongst ourselves any inclinations, questions, concerns. | 00:14:21 | |
Does this motion require findings? | 00:14:31 | |
Yeah. | 00:14:33 | |
I don't think so. Was there findings in the report? | 00:14:35 | |
No, she's making a recommendation, recommendation to City Council for the city, and I just wanted to know if we had to. | 00:14:39 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:14:45 | |
I think all my questions were addressed during the work meeting and. | 00:14:48 | |
My Staffs thorough. | 00:14:52 | |
Report on this. | 00:14:54 | |
I mean, you can get into the nitty gritty if you wanted to, but. | 00:14:55 | |
This is a 2 step process. Because this is part of Ladma and land use related regulation, Planning Commission has to review it | 00:14:59 | |
before the City Council can and has to have a public hearing in Planning Commission. | 00:15:05 | |
And then the process moves the City Council to. | 00:15:10 | |
You know, modify him and accept. | 00:15:13 | |
Pass. | 00:15:16 | |
Remand if you want to send back to staff to fix or whatever. | 00:15:17 | |
Notwithstanding their recommendation nature of the decision that is there a reason the staff suggested. | 00:15:22 | |
Specific recommendations on this one. | 00:15:29 | |
The. | 00:15:33 | |
Is there Was there a particular reason why the staff recommended that the? | 00:15:34 | |
And. | 00:15:38 | |
Suggest that we make findings to justify the recommendation. | 00:15:40 | |
As far as I know, there's not. There wasn't a particular reason. | 00:15:45 | |
Um. | 00:15:50 | |
Yeah, it's just that it's in compliance with Lemma and. | 00:15:54 | |
Outlines that it's in or. | 00:15:59 | |
In line with the general plan, yeah, you could say if you want to make a finding, you could say that we find that this is. | 00:16:01 | |
You know necessary to comply with HB 406. | 00:16:07 | |
What's the statute again? HB 406. Got it. | 00:16:12 | |
That's probably the only. | 00:16:20 | |
Real important one. | 00:16:21 | |
And we care to make a motion. | 00:16:23 | |
What's that? | 00:16:27 | |
This is Commissioner Prince. | 00:16:30 | |
I motion to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposal by holiday city staff. | 00:16:33 | |
To amend various sections of title 13. | 00:16:39 | |
Of the city of holiday land use code. | 00:16:43 | |
As they relate to a required improvement, completion, assurances and warranties. | 00:16:46 | |
Based on the need to comply with House Bill 406. | 00:16:51 | |
Commissioner Roach, I'll second the motion. | 00:16:57 | |
All in favor, Commissioner Schinsky. | 00:17:00 | |
Cunningham. Aye, aye. | 00:17:04 | |
Aye, aye. | 00:17:07 | |
Commissioner. | 00:17:10 | |
Aye. | 00:17:12 | |
And Commissioner Banks both eye as well. The motion carries unanimously. | 00:17:13 | |
Who? | 00:17:18 | |
Let us turn now to approval of the Minutes. | 00:17:24 | |
Second agenda item. | 00:17:28 | |
I believe we had. | 00:17:31 | |
4 batches. | 00:17:33 | |
Let's start with the 1st. | 00:17:35 | |
Chair banks. | 00:17:37 | |
Chair banks quickly, so on this you can. | 00:17:39 | |
Approve them one by one, or you can prove them all at once. | 00:17:43 | |
It's the discretion of the Planning Commission. | 00:17:46 | |
Let's let's gauge whether any of the Commission members have a substantial number of separate comments. | 00:17:49 | |
Or before collections of minutes. | 00:17:56 | |
I don't, but I was only present for two of the meetings, so I don't know if that makes a difference. That said. | 00:18:00 | |
In considering all four, the the minutes from all four of the subject meetings. | 00:18:06 | |
Are there any substantive comments or recommendations with respect to any of them? | 00:18:13 | |
None of the commissioners have any specific recommendations or corrections, and as such I'll entertain a motion to approve | 00:18:24 | |
collectively. | 00:18:29 | |
The minutes from all four of the meetings were referenced on the agenda. | 00:18:34 | |
Mission. | 00:18:38 | |
You have to make the motion that you just make it. | 00:18:43 | |
I'll entertain a motion though. | 00:18:47 | |
Make the motion to go ahead and approve those minutes. | 00:18:50 | |
From the border. | 00:18:52 | |
Record. | 00:18:54 | |
This is Commissioner Prince. I'll second that motion. | 00:18:56 | |
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. | 00:19:00 | |
The motion carries unanimously by all five of the commissioners in attendance, and. | 00:19:04 | |
Therefore, as approved. | 00:19:11 | |
With that. | 00:19:13 | |
If I didn't already, we'll close the public meeting. | 00:19:16 | |
And move to the last item on our agenda this evening. | 00:19:20 | |
Which is the Planning Commission election. | 00:19:24 | |
In that regard, we've had a number of recent vacancies on our Commission. | 00:19:29 | |
And we're about to have another one. I've served my. | 00:19:34 | |
Three-year term I think as at the end of this month and I'm happy to. | 00:19:37 | |
Um. | 00:19:43 | |
Stay on this role unless until we can get our new members in place and until we can. | 00:19:46 | |
Formulate new officers of the Commission or representatives. | 00:19:53 | |
With that, do we have any motions for? | 00:19:58 | |
Designating a new chairperson and Vice Chair. | 00:20:02 | |
Person. | 00:20:06 | |
To the Commission. | 00:20:07 | |
This is Commissioner Prince. | 00:20:10 | |
I would suggest that we consider Commissioner Roach as Chairperson. | 00:20:12 | |
Of our council. | 00:20:17 | |
I would second that motion. | 00:20:18 | |
All in favor. | 00:20:20 | |
Say aye, Aye. The motion carries unanimously I although I didn't quite get the vote from Commissioner Roach. | 00:20:22 | |
What happened to my 123? Nodded strategy. | 00:20:31 | |
In any event, whether unanimously or by majority, the motion carries. | 00:20:37 | |
With that, do we have any motions for vice chair of the of the Commission? | 00:20:44 | |
This is Commissioner Roach and I feel it's only fair that I would nominate Commissioner Prince as Vice Chair and I again would | 00:20:52 | |
second that motion. | 00:20:57 | |
And. | 00:21:03 | |
And hearing no amendments to that, suggested amendments, I'll call for a vote all in favor of that. | 00:21:04 | |
Of that motion, please indicate it by eye. | 00:21:12 | |
And again, the motion carries. | 00:21:17 | |
Unanimously, all right. | 00:21:19 | |
Thank you very much for those motions. One quick clarification, does this take effect at the next meeting? Is that the intent or | 00:21:22 | |
is? | 00:21:25 | |
Or the beginning of October, and I will make a motion to. | 00:21:28 | |
Make that. | 00:21:33 | |
Um. | 00:21:35 | |
Motion effective as of the close of this meeting, IE the start of the next. | 00:21:36 | |
Umm. | 00:21:43 | |
Planning Commission Scheduled meeting. | 00:21:44 | |
That's fine. | 00:21:46 | |
I guess so. | 00:21:48 | |
Just so it's clear, thank you. Thank you for the reminder. | 00:21:49 | |
With that. | 00:21:54 | |
Staff Miss Marshall asked if there are any other items I overlooked in the meeting tonight. | 00:21:57 | |
No, that is all. | 00:22:03 | |
With that, I'll make my own motion to. | 00:22:05 | |
Adjourn this meeting at approximately 625. | 00:22:09 | |
On Thursday, September 4th. | 00:22:14 | |
And this meeting stands adjourned. | 00:22:17 | |
Thank you. | 00:22:19 | |
OK. | 00:22:21 |
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A lot of people don't start the first. | 00:00:00 | |
But there's about 10,000 people each time in a major election that vote against all the judges for whatever reason. | 00:00:02 | |
And if you are, if you're one of those cities that already has a Pretty Little doubt agenda, it might get pushed back months, | 00:00:09 | |
right? | 00:00:11 | |
OK. | 00:00:18 | |
Ready. Ready. Ready. | 00:00:19 | |
Go. | 00:00:28 | |
Good evening. My name is Marty Banks. I'm. | 00:00:30 | |
Like Dennis. | 00:00:34 | |
Yeah. | 00:00:35 | |
Good evening, My name is Marty Banks and I'm. | 00:00:36 | |
Acting as vice chair of the. | 00:00:39 | |
Holiday Planning Commission meeting this evening. | 00:00:41 | |
Thank you all in attendance for attending. We appreciate your your your interest and your participation. | 00:00:44 | |
A few comments before we get started, and particularly for those who may not be familiar with the process. | 00:00:50 | |
There will be following tonight. The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board. | 00:00:56 | |
Whose action is to review land use plans and other special studies and make certain recommendations to the City Council. | 00:01:02 | |
We do not initiate land use applications, rather we act on applications and proposals that are submitted. | 00:01:10 | |
The Commissioners, we on the Commission attempt to visit each property on the agenda tonight. We don't have any particular | 00:01:18 | |
properties that issue so. | 00:01:23 | |
That's not particularly relevant this evening, but nevertheless the decisions that are made by the Commission are based on | 00:01:27 | |
observations, planning, staff recommendations, the city's general plans. | 00:01:34 | |
The applicable zoning ordinance, if any, and of course all of the both oral and written comments submitted. | 00:01:41 | |
By the public. | 00:01:49 | |
And all of that becomes part of the public record. | 00:01:51 | |
The This evening we have a brief agenda. We are going to address a text amendment that affects certain bonding and financial | 00:01:55 | |
assurance issues in connection with a recent state statute enacted by the state legislature and that the city is proposing | 00:02:02 | |
adopting. | 00:02:08 | |
Will also be approving some minutes on under under our action items, so we'll move, if we can, the last item, the Planning | 00:02:15 | |
Commission election to the rear of the agenda if that's OK with staff. | 00:02:23 | |
And we'll jump then right into the text amendment. | 00:02:32 | |
Again, for those who may not be familiar with our process, we'll ask. | 00:02:36 | |
Our staff Kerry Marsh to give us a brief presentation on that text amendment that staff has proposed for our consideration and | 00:02:41 | |
ultimate recommendation to the City Council. | 00:02:48 | |
And then we'll welcome and receive public comment. | 00:02:56 | |
Let me say in advance though, for those who are here this evening, if any of you are interested in providing comments at the when | 00:03:00 | |
the time comes, if you would kindly come right up to the podium. | 00:03:06 | |
And state your name and your address for the record. | 00:03:12 | |
And then share with us any comments that you care to. | 00:03:16 | |
Convey. | 00:03:19 | |
With that, Miss Marsh, if you give us a presentation on the text and proposed text amendment. | 00:03:21 | |
Thank you, Commissioner Banks. | 00:03:34 | |
So this text amendment is a legislative action, so the Planning Commission will make a recommendation and then it will go to City | 00:03:36 | |
Council for their review and. | 00:03:42 | |
Approval if if they. | 00:03:49 | |
Sodium. So the request is for. | 00:03:52 | |
Amending title 13 of the Land Development Code. | 00:03:56 | |
These amendments have been reviewed by an interdepartmental team that consists of public works legal. | 00:04:01 | |
Community Development and the Public Utilities departments. | 00:04:08 | |
The purpose of the code amendment is to implement new state legislation that was enacted last year in 2023 that is related to. | 00:04:11 | |
Improvement, completion, assurances or bonding. | 00:04:22 | |
This will comply with the provisions of lemma. | 00:04:26 | |
And those proposed code changes. | 00:04:29 | |
Effectively remove requirements to bond for on site, landscaping and amenities unless it is for public improvements. | 00:04:33 | |
Public landscaping. | 00:04:43 | |
And anything that's essential for public health and safety. | 00:04:45 | |
The proposed code changes also set forth the administrative procedures and requirements for improvement agreements and financial | 00:04:50 | |
assurance. | 00:04:54 | |
For those construction improvements prior to recording a plat or obtaining a building permit. | 00:04:59 | |
Um. | 00:05:05 | |
So the authority of the municipality, then, is limited to the use of bonding only for infrastructure improvements that are public | 00:05:06 | |
and essential. | 00:05:11 | |
Required to meet building code, fire code, flood or stormwater management provisions, St. and access requirements or other | 00:05:15 | |
necessary public safety improvements. | 00:05:20 | |
This will bring the city's code into compliance with the new state law provisions. | 00:05:25 | |
Of the changes are outlined in the attached packet. | 00:05:32 | |
Umm. | 00:05:37 | |
It was removal of large sections with a rewrite to outline those pieces of where bonding is required and removing areas where | 00:05:39 | |
bonding cannot be required by by state outline. | 00:05:46 | |
Thank you very much. | 00:05:56 | |
We'll invite the public if any are interested. | 00:06:00 | |
Stand and come up and. | 00:06:03 | |
Provide any comments that you're inclined to share. | 00:06:05 | |
Marty, just make sure you open the public hearing. | 00:06:10 | |
Just make sure you open the public hearing. Thank you. | 00:06:13 | |
For the record. | 00:06:17 | |
Commissioner Banks moves to open the meeting as a public hearing. | 00:06:20 | |
And with that we would invite any members. | 00:06:24 | |
Of the public that are with us tonight to come forward and give any comments that you care to share. | 00:06:27 | |
If any. | 00:06:32 | |
And I would remind you all when you come up to. | 00:06:40 | |
Limit your comments to 3 minutes if you would and also. | 00:06:44 | |
We talked about the name and address. | 00:06:48 | |
And of course, combine your comments to the topic at hand. Thank you. | 00:06:51 | |
Ron Hilton, 2394 Murray Holiday Rd. | 00:06:56 | |
I guess I just kind of have a question. | 00:07:01 | |
I noticed one of the changes was increasing the. | 00:07:06 | |
Bonding requirement from 25% of the cost to 100%. | 00:07:09 | |
If I was reading that correctly. | 00:07:14 | |
And. | 00:07:16 | |
Is that a requirement of the state law? | 00:07:17 | |
And. | 00:07:20 | |
If not, you know, is that something that might ought to be reconsidered just because it? | 00:07:22 | |
Places a burden on the. | 00:07:29 | |
On the developer to essentially pay for 100% of something then. | 00:07:31 | |
Pay for it again to actually do it. | 00:07:35 | |
Before it can be refunded it, it could be burdensome. | 00:07:38 | |
So that's just a question. | 00:07:42 | |
I'm sorry, I didn't follow your thought about paying for it and then paying for it again. You elaborate on upfront pay of a bonded | 00:07:44 | |
amount equal to 100% of the cost of doing it. | 00:07:49 | |
And that's not refunded until you actually do it. So you have to. | 00:07:55 | |
You know, the cash flow can be burdensome. I think you have to essentially be out twice as much. | 00:07:58 | |
At least that's my understanding, maybe flawed. | 00:08:04 | |
So the the short answer to that is it could be long winded but the short answer of that is. | 00:08:07 | |
So you don't have to bond. | 00:08:14 | |
Right, you can install the the stuff, the improvements before. | 00:08:16 | |
You record, but if you want to record today, you have to put up a bond for 100% of the cost of improvements, so the developer has | 00:08:21 | |
that flexibility. | 00:08:24 | |
But it's it has to be 100%, because there's no reason that. | 00:08:29 | |
The rest of the residents of the city should be paying for public improvements for a development that they're not going to benefit | 00:08:34 | |
from. | 00:08:36 | |
So that's I mean that that is the state law. | 00:08:40 | |
So you the option is instead of paying for it up front and coming up with security interest or something, to provide the city an | 00:08:42 | |
assurance that you can. | 00:08:46 | |
Do that is to just start putting the improvements in. | 00:08:50 | |
And you never have to bond for them, but you can't record until they've been signed off on. | 00:08:54 | |
And you could do that. | 00:08:58 | |
You can do that before or after this this amendment. | 00:09:01 | |
I see. | 00:09:05 | |
So you. | 00:09:06 | |
But you just. I mean when you record that means you have a marketable title. | 00:09:09 | |
To a piece of property right when you've subdivided so you can get approval for. | 00:09:12 | |
The improvements before recording. | 00:09:17 | |
Correct. | 00:09:19 | |
OK. | 00:09:20 | |
Yeah, I just noticed that changed and I just yeah, but you can't, you can't. The issue. So this has happened in the past of why | 00:09:22 | |
they're doing it this way. | 00:09:26 | |
Is because. | 00:09:30 | |
And most recently in 2008, there were a whole bunch of companies that were doing development and trying to get it in and. | 00:09:31 | |
Were too late and they. | 00:09:38 | |
They put up a security bond, right? It's just you buy a bond from a security bond company. | 00:09:41 | |
And. | 00:09:45 | |
They don't give up their money without litigation. | 00:09:47 | |
Right. So it became very difficult and so many in some some security bonding companies went out of business because there were so | 00:09:50 | |
many security bonds that they had sold and so many developers that went out of business. | 00:09:55 | |
That they couldn't pay for the improvements, and so it left cities holding the bag to try to fix. | 00:10:00 | |
The issues and taxpayers were stuck trying to fix the issues that were never finished. | 00:10:05 | |
So. | 00:10:09 | |
Cities have adopted really strict requirements. | 00:10:11 | |
To make sure that they're not. | 00:10:13 | |
City and taxpayers, by extension, aren't holding the bag on. | 00:10:15 | |
Developments that weren't finished. | 00:10:18 | |
OK. Anyway, that was my only question. Thanks. | 00:10:20 | |
Thank you, Mr. Hilton. | 00:10:23 | |
Commissioner Banks, I have a questions. Commissioner Prince. | 00:10:26 | |
Um. | 00:10:29 | |
Mr. Kristofferson, does that mean that the 100%? | 00:10:30 | |
Is in the state. | 00:10:35 | |
Law that was passed, yes, that's part of the state law. It it puts a cap of 100% of the improvements, puts a cap on it. But that's | 00:10:37 | |
right. That comes from the state. OK, you can't. And so there are. | 00:10:42 | |
I will say, and I can't give you an example of which ones, but I know that there are a few cities that were held up as examples of | 00:10:48 | |
why they had to make this amendment because some were charging 125%. | 00:10:53 | |
Of what the improvements cost in order to? | 00:10:58 | |
And part of it it's just. | 00:11:01 | |
Some would say that makes them bad actors. Others would say they're being conservative to protect their residents and their | 00:11:05 | |
taxpayers in their city. | 00:11:08 | |
Right. So what it would be, it wouldn't be that they wouldn't get their money back. It was just oftentimes you're dealing with | 00:11:12 | |
engineers estimates. | 00:11:15 | |
Of what things cost and over the last five years. | 00:11:18 | |
Those engineers estimates may have been prepared a year before. | 00:11:23 | |
The bond came up. | 00:11:26 | |
And so. | 00:11:28 | |
With the cost and difficulty of supply chains and getting getting pipes and getting infrastructure in place. | 00:11:29 | |
Cost of Labor, all of that stuff went. | 00:11:36 | |
Way beyond what the original engineer's estimate had. | 00:11:39 | |
So anyway, now what? They're tightening up those requirements, so the city is gonna require the engineers estimate be current. | 00:11:42 | |
And it and it and it agree with the city engineers engineers estimate. | 00:11:50 | |
So thank you. | 00:11:55 | |
And. | 00:11:57 | |
Mr. Carson, do you have a market feel for the? | 00:11:58 | |
Premium percentage for most of these type of bonds. | 00:12:02 | |
Purchase price. | 00:12:06 | |
It's usually a percentage of the engineers estimate two or three, 10 or 12. | 00:12:09 | |
So so. | 00:12:15 | |
My recommendation as a city attorney is not to use the security bonds. | 00:12:18 | |
Because getting them, if there's an issue, getting them our way, it's way expensive and takes, you know, the city's got to put out | 00:12:23 | |
a lot of money to get it solved and get a problem and then wait to litigate to get their money back. | 00:12:29 | |
So it's just. | 00:12:35 | |
It just saves, you know? I mean it effectively. | 00:12:37 | |
Security bonding companies are putting themselves out of business. | 00:12:40 | |
Because they make it so hard to give up any money. | 00:12:44 | |
That cities say, well, we're not going to accept that as collateral anymore as a bond. To deal with this, we'll accept a letter of | 00:12:46 | |
credit or we'll accept a cash bond. | 00:12:50 | |
For the full amount of the projected improvements. | 00:12:54 | |
But then with those same things, kind of like an escrow agreement. It's a bonding agreement, right? And you can have an escrow | 00:12:56 | |
agent hold the money sometimes. Most often the cities will hold the money, but then they'll release the money if so. For example, | 00:13:00 | |
if. | 00:13:04 | |
They got if the developer put up $1,000,000. | 00:13:08 | |
And you had, you know, the. | 00:13:11 | |
The utilities within the roadway have been installed and then you've got your dry utilities in the public utility easement and | 00:13:13 | |
that's 50% of the cost. So then. | 00:13:18 | |
The city, the city inspector comes out, City engineer comes out and inspects those. | 00:13:23 | |
Then they will release and approves them. Then 50% of that money will be released back to the developer right then. | 00:13:26 | |
Right and then. | 00:13:32 | |
Then it comes on to the street improvements, stormwater grant. You get all that stuff in, and then the city will release up to 40% | 00:13:34 | |
usually, and they'll hold 10% back until everything's. | 00:13:39 | |
Been, you know, for a warranty period for one year. | 00:13:45 | |
Kind of thing. | 00:13:48 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:50 | |
Any other questions? | 00:13:52 | |
Any other members of the public care to provide comment this evening? | 00:13:55 | |
I presume that not seeing any we will. | 00:14:09 | |
Clothes are. | 00:14:15 | |
Public hearing. | 00:14:17 | |
And. | 00:14:19 | |
Address amongst ourselves any inclinations, questions, concerns. | 00:14:21 | |
Does this motion require findings? | 00:14:31 | |
Yeah. | 00:14:33 | |
I don't think so. Was there findings in the report? | 00:14:35 | |
No, she's making a recommendation, recommendation to City Council for the city, and I just wanted to know if we had to. | 00:14:39 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:14:45 | |
I think all my questions were addressed during the work meeting and. | 00:14:48 | |
My Staffs thorough. | 00:14:52 | |
Report on this. | 00:14:54 | |
I mean, you can get into the nitty gritty if you wanted to, but. | 00:14:55 | |
This is a 2 step process. Because this is part of Ladma and land use related regulation, Planning Commission has to review it | 00:14:59 | |
before the City Council can and has to have a public hearing in Planning Commission. | 00:15:05 | |
And then the process moves the City Council to. | 00:15:10 | |
You know, modify him and accept. | 00:15:13 | |
Pass. | 00:15:16 | |
Remand if you want to send back to staff to fix or whatever. | 00:15:17 | |
Notwithstanding their recommendation nature of the decision that is there a reason the staff suggested. | 00:15:22 | |
Specific recommendations on this one. | 00:15:29 | |
The. | 00:15:33 | |
Is there Was there a particular reason why the staff recommended that the? | 00:15:34 | |
And. | 00:15:38 | |
Suggest that we make findings to justify the recommendation. | 00:15:40 | |
As far as I know, there's not. There wasn't a particular reason. | 00:15:45 | |
Um. | 00:15:50 | |
Yeah, it's just that it's in compliance with Lemma and. | 00:15:54 | |
Outlines that it's in or. | 00:15:59 | |
In line with the general plan, yeah, you could say if you want to make a finding, you could say that we find that this is. | 00:16:01 | |
You know necessary to comply with HB 406. | 00:16:07 | |
What's the statute again? HB 406. Got it. | 00:16:12 | |
That's probably the only. | 00:16:20 | |
Real important one. | 00:16:21 | |
And we care to make a motion. | 00:16:23 | |
What's that? | 00:16:27 | |
This is Commissioner Prince. | 00:16:30 | |
I motion to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposal by holiday city staff. | 00:16:33 | |
To amend various sections of title 13. | 00:16:39 | |
Of the city of holiday land use code. | 00:16:43 | |
As they relate to a required improvement, completion, assurances and warranties. | 00:16:46 | |
Based on the need to comply with House Bill 406. | 00:16:51 | |
Commissioner Roach, I'll second the motion. | 00:16:57 | |
All in favor, Commissioner Schinsky. | 00:17:00 | |
Cunningham. Aye, aye. | 00:17:04 | |
Aye, aye. | 00:17:07 | |
Commissioner. | 00:17:10 | |
Aye. | 00:17:12 | |
And Commissioner Banks both eye as well. The motion carries unanimously. | 00:17:13 | |
Who? | 00:17:18 | |
Let us turn now to approval of the Minutes. | 00:17:24 | |
Second agenda item. | 00:17:28 | |
I believe we had. | 00:17:31 | |
4 batches. | 00:17:33 | |
Let's start with the 1st. | 00:17:35 | |
Chair banks. | 00:17:37 | |
Chair banks quickly, so on this you can. | 00:17:39 | |
Approve them one by one, or you can prove them all at once. | 00:17:43 | |
It's the discretion of the Planning Commission. | 00:17:46 | |
Let's let's gauge whether any of the Commission members have a substantial number of separate comments. | 00:17:49 | |
Or before collections of minutes. | 00:17:56 | |
I don't, but I was only present for two of the meetings, so I don't know if that makes a difference. That said. | 00:18:00 | |
In considering all four, the the minutes from all four of the subject meetings. | 00:18:06 | |
Are there any substantive comments or recommendations with respect to any of them? | 00:18:13 | |
None of the commissioners have any specific recommendations or corrections, and as such I'll entertain a motion to approve | 00:18:24 | |
collectively. | 00:18:29 | |
The minutes from all four of the meetings were referenced on the agenda. | 00:18:34 | |
Mission. | 00:18:38 | |
You have to make the motion that you just make it. | 00:18:43 | |
I'll entertain a motion though. | 00:18:47 | |
Make the motion to go ahead and approve those minutes. | 00:18:50 | |
From the border. | 00:18:52 | |
Record. | 00:18:54 | |
This is Commissioner Prince. I'll second that motion. | 00:18:56 | |
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. | 00:19:00 | |
The motion carries unanimously by all five of the commissioners in attendance, and. | 00:19:04 | |
Therefore, as approved. | 00:19:11 | |
With that. | 00:19:13 | |
If I didn't already, we'll close the public meeting. | 00:19:16 | |
And move to the last item on our agenda this evening. | 00:19:20 | |
Which is the Planning Commission election. | 00:19:24 | |
In that regard, we've had a number of recent vacancies on our Commission. | 00:19:29 | |
And we're about to have another one. I've served my. | 00:19:34 | |
Three-year term I think as at the end of this month and I'm happy to. | 00:19:37 | |
Um. | 00:19:43 | |
Stay on this role unless until we can get our new members in place and until we can. | 00:19:46 | |
Formulate new officers of the Commission or representatives. | 00:19:53 | |
With that, do we have any motions for? | 00:19:58 | |
Designating a new chairperson and Vice Chair. | 00:20:02 | |
Person. | 00:20:06 | |
To the Commission. | 00:20:07 | |
This is Commissioner Prince. | 00:20:10 | |
I would suggest that we consider Commissioner Roach as Chairperson. | 00:20:12 | |
Of our council. | 00:20:17 | |
I would second that motion. | 00:20:18 | |
All in favor. | 00:20:20 | |
Say aye, Aye. The motion carries unanimously I although I didn't quite get the vote from Commissioner Roach. | 00:20:22 | |
What happened to my 123? Nodded strategy. | 00:20:31 | |
In any event, whether unanimously or by majority, the motion carries. | 00:20:37 | |
With that, do we have any motions for vice chair of the of the Commission? | 00:20:44 | |
This is Commissioner Roach and I feel it's only fair that I would nominate Commissioner Prince as Vice Chair and I again would | 00:20:52 | |
second that motion. | 00:20:57 | |
And. | 00:21:03 | |
And hearing no amendments to that, suggested amendments, I'll call for a vote all in favor of that. | 00:21:04 | |
Of that motion, please indicate it by eye. | 00:21:12 | |
And again, the motion carries. | 00:21:17 | |
Unanimously, all right. | 00:21:19 | |
Thank you very much for those motions. One quick clarification, does this take effect at the next meeting? Is that the intent or | 00:21:22 | |
is? | 00:21:25 | |
Or the beginning of October, and I will make a motion to. | 00:21:28 | |
Make that. | 00:21:33 | |
Um. | 00:21:35 | |
Motion effective as of the close of this meeting, IE the start of the next. | 00:21:36 | |
Umm. | 00:21:43 | |
Planning Commission Scheduled meeting. | 00:21:44 | |
That's fine. | 00:21:46 | |
I guess so. | 00:21:48 | |
Just so it's clear, thank you. Thank you for the reminder. | 00:21:49 | |
With that. | 00:21:54 | |
Staff Miss Marshall asked if there are any other items I overlooked in the meeting tonight. | 00:21:57 | |
No, that is all. | 00:22:03 | |
With that, I'll make my own motion to. | 00:22:05 | |
Adjourn this meeting at approximately 625. | 00:22:09 | |
On Thursday, September 4th. | 00:22:14 | |
And this meeting stands adjourned. | 00:22:17 | |
Thank you. | 00:22:19 | |
OK. | 00:22:21 |