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I'm thinking, OK, you got a dessert place immediately next door. Will this impact that business? 00:00:00
We have a tomato place that opened down the street. We have one across the street. 00:00:07
Are we? 00:00:12
Are we doing enough diversification of? 00:00:13
Well, no. 00:00:16
Because I have literally 5 pharmacies in the village. 00:00:18
No. 00:00:23
No. 00:00:24
There is a land use control table that in the village. It's quite open. 00:00:26
However. 00:00:31
If you have a storefront right on Murray Holiday Rd. 00:00:32
Or on Holiday Blvd. 00:00:36
Has to be retail. 00:00:38
That storefront has to have a cash register. That was the city council's intent. 00:00:40
Way back when, we created a small area master plan for the village. 00:00:44
Was to require that we maintain our commercial tax base. 00:00:47
That was in a time when we knew that the Conwood Mall was going downhill, and we did. We were starting to lose commercial tax 00:00:52
revenue from there. But. 00:00:56
Anything that has a storefront right up on right on 2300 days, Toledo Blvd. Murray, Holladay Rd. Has to have a retail component. 00:01:01
That's really the main. 00:01:09
Land use criteria for this type of property but. 00:01:10
No compatible uses I don't regret. We don't regulate so over saturation of ice cream markets as well within the purview as long as 00:01:14
it meets the land use much to the. 00:01:19
Detriment of my health is, is there such thing as too much experience? 00:01:25
Only if you're lactose intolerant, I guess. 00:01:31
Yeah. 00:01:33
John, I had one question about the the doors on this. So are we looking at basically the the design elements in these pictures 00:01:35
here or right so you have a concept design and then a material palette board which will be your next page down? 00:01:42
So I just was curious on the doors they they look like almost like bank iron go away doors. To me it just first glance on it and I 00:01:51
don't know if that's just because of the artist rendering on there, but I I just wasn't sure if it's that a solid door or they 00:01:56
just like a really fancy architecturally glass door. 00:02:02
I think, yeah, I think those are. 00:02:08
It's a, remember. Can you zoom in on that a bit? Carry it might lose its. 00:02:12
I think they're glass with millions. 00:02:20
In there. I don't know if they're real million, but they could be fake. 00:02:22
But I'm pretty sure they're glass. They're you can see through it, OK. 00:02:25
Is there something they're officially calling an amenity? 00:02:30
An amenity, the public amenity. 00:02:35
For the I don't think so. You know, usually you have a park bench or something like that. 00:02:37
Something that can be added to the front. 00:02:43
At a larger scale, Harmons added. You know the little patio with the. 00:02:47
The really cool fish supposed to be a bike rack. I don't think anybody's used it as a bike rack. 00:02:53
Scroll through. 00:02:59
Yeah, yeah, it's a photo up. 00:03:00
And then most of the village buildings have had little benches and things across the front. 00:03:03
That would be something that could definitely be added very easily here. 00:03:07
As a public amenity. 00:03:11
I don't know if you would call. 00:03:13
The landscape parts. 00:03:14
A public amenity people put their cigarettes out in them. 00:03:16
So, John, this is outside the purview of the Planning Commission, but I just wonder. 00:03:21
And maybe this is a business Advisory Board? 00:03:26
Issue, but I wonder at what point? 00:03:30
We get concerned about businesses cannibalizing each other. In other words, maybe you can have too many Gelato shops. 00:03:33
But you know, when do we get concerned about this where there's not enough diversity of businesses, of retail businesses in the 00:03:42
village? 00:03:46
Yeah. When you have a market that's sort of free in the village or any municipality, it's very highly unlikely you've got. 00:03:50
Highly concentration of uses that. 00:03:59
Needs to be overrun or regulated by the city. 00:04:02
You know, a chamber could take a look at that. 00:04:05
However, if if the Chamber felt as though they needed to exert pressure on A. 00:04:08
Landowner to only at least 2 certain tenants. 00:04:14
That won't go very far legally. 00:04:17
Of course. 00:04:24
So I mean, really what we're doing is approving the facade. 00:04:28
And not anything inside. But did I miss it? Do we know? 00:04:31
Is the Fox Market? Do we know what's? 00:04:35
Business there. 00:04:38
Putting in there. 00:04:39
It's yeah, So it's retail boutique, so they'll be. 00:04:40
Locally sourced bakery goods. So does bakery. It's not like clothing boutique. There will be some clothing items in there too, 00:04:45
from what I understand. 00:04:50
Kara will be able to. 00:04:56
Explain that a little bit better than I could. 00:04:59
I just want to ohh, I see it right here. Right there. Yeah. 00:05:01
OK. 00:05:05
Do we just Would you mind just? 00:05:10
I think there might be. 00:05:14
Only one planning, Commissioner. 00:05:16
That has been here long enough to know the unique nature of the holiday village. 00:05:18
Maybe Paul's done a little more. 00:05:23
Checking I don't know but. 00:05:24
Just why are we, why is the Planning Commission approving architecture for this particular thing in the holiday village? So maybe 00:05:26
you could address that, yeah. 00:05:29
So almost for the same reason that Commissioner Font actually. 00:05:34
Mentioned is that. 00:05:39
The village in a sense when they were looking at a small area of Master Town and when what the feel of downtown village should be. 00:05:41
There were elements of. 00:05:49
Well, we understand and hope that this area will be something that would be. 00:05:51
Taken as a very highly prized part of the city. 00:05:56
That might be overrun by franchises. 00:06:01
It might be overrun by a big box type situation. 00:06:05
Larger retailers that would come in and just drop their own brand down. 00:06:08
And have a feel that does not reflect what? 00:06:12
People in their own mind's eye thought that the village was for them. 00:06:15
40s and 50s, even in the 30s. 00:06:19
Walking up and down the halls here, you'll see. 00:06:22
Elements of what the village was at the time. 00:06:25
As a crossroads for this area getting further South into the more orchard and farmland agricultural areas. 00:06:29
A lot of services out of mom and pop shops that were smaller. 00:06:35
Maybe there was a gas station, but. 00:06:39
Pedestrian field, pedestrian scale. 00:06:42
Not catering to the vehicle situation was something that the council wanted strongly at the time. 00:06:45
Especially as part of incorporation, because that was some pressure that the county was exerting. 00:06:52
In this area specifically with their zoning scheme. 00:06:58
Which was high density commercial. 00:07:01
Strip retail. 00:07:03
Was. 00:07:05
Name of the game. 00:07:05
And that's definitely something that the community council at the time did not want. 00:07:07
And on so on top of that went away all. 00:07:11
Allowances for franchise colors, franchise use, signage, regulations. 00:07:15
And standards went for aesthetics went very high. 00:07:21
Recently you were proposed. 00:07:25
Had been proposed to modify or sign ordinance for 7/11. 00:07:27
We have some very high standards for internally illuminated type signs. 00:07:32
That aren't allowed in the village, that are allowed elsewhere. 00:07:36
It's a unique spot. 00:07:39
And the architecture is one of those things that. 00:07:41
Can make or break a retail area. 00:07:45
And so that's really the only spot that we have this type of process. 00:07:48
Is in the village center and more recently now in the holiday crossroad zone. 00:07:53
Which is down 62 and Highland Drive. 00:07:58
If that area were to be redeveloped, it would follow the same process for sort of more of a higher architectural control. 00:08:00
However, you know, on the flip side of that, at the state side, legislators are looking at. 00:08:08
Municipalities role in governing architecture. 00:08:14
They've limited municipalities rights to review for especially residential multifamily developments. 00:08:17
Because the process is so minute and it it kind of slows it down a little bit. 00:08:24
Let's take a look at how the pedestrian, how this building presents itself at the street to the pedestrian rather than trying to 00:08:30
grab your attention from a car flying. 00:08:34
40 miles an hour down on State Street. 00:08:38
The village is not like that. It's not a vehicle oriented situation. 00:08:41
So just for the village itself, these are the reasons why you have architectural standards. 00:08:47
And your design review board is. 00:08:53
The group of individuals you want to lean on. 00:08:56
To be the professionals where you don't have to be that professional, I mean not that you. 00:08:59
Could. 00:09:03
That's definitely fall into that role. It's a. 00:09:04
We're secure. 00:09:07
And so they if we have other projects like for example the other two corners. 00:09:10
Ever go to tear down or rebuild? 00:09:15
You lean on them to review the architects, rendering her iteration of what the village standards and guidelines should be. 00:09:18
We have had situations where the planning commissions remanded some designs back. 00:09:28
For clarification, which is not uncommon and it's definitely your purview. 00:09:32
So that that responsibility is still yours, but you allow the design review board to be the design professionals. 00:09:37
Who not only made-up of architects and. 00:09:44
You know. 00:09:48
Home designers there? 00:09:50
Have been interior designers. There have been landscape architects on that board. 00:09:52
We now are are looking and thankfully we now have my old professor from the University of Utah from the Department of Architecture 00:09:58
that that's moved into the city. That's good. That's hopefully gonna be on this board and do a great job for that. Thanks. 00:10:03
So. 00:10:09
High hopes so for your to to prove. 00:10:10
A good board that will assist you in those roles if and when those projects come down the. 00:10:13
And John, I do want to say Commissioner Cunningham had a great suggestion about the the amenity part of that. I mean if we said 00:10:19
hey, the the 4th planner under the lamp would make a better bench than a planner, is that? 00:10:25
Something that's within our purview through this process, yes. 00:10:31
So. 00:10:36
Well, especially if it's a new business, you want to have people sitting there eating their ice cream and saying ohh. 00:10:37
There's a new store or a place for it and that I I think nothing attracts a walking community more than people sitting outside and 00:10:43
using the, you know. 00:10:49
The, the, the and it's definitely used. 00:10:55
When they want to sit outside and so when we've talked in the past about not just benches but. 00:10:59
The concrete chest table. 00:11:05
You know something like that, that people can be outside and enjoying? 00:11:08
The streetscape. I think you stalled enough. 00:11:12
Right. 00:11:17
All right, well, I is this our applicant that has arrived? 00:11:19
Hey. 00:11:23
Ohh yeah. 00:11:24
We're just talking about this, this really great project and it's traditional for applicants usually to come forward and. 00:11:25
Add anything that they might want to to. 00:11:33
Make sure the Planning Commission is aware of. 00:11:36
So just in closing. 00:11:41
If there were to be a redevelopment here, you would have a site plan approval that would be. 00:11:44
And maybe a conditional use? 00:11:49
That goes with it. That would be a public hearing. 00:11:51
If it were just a design and reface. 00:11:53
It's just an accent action item for you. 00:11:56
And what triggers these are either a change of use? 00:11:59
Or if they're remodeling more than 50% of the floor area. 00:12:02
That's what triggers an update of the front of the building. 00:12:05
So that's why you're That's why you're saying it. 00:12:09
Now. 00:12:12
Gotcha. 00:12:13
And we're subbing for the Design Review board. 00:12:14
On this one, is that right? We we have subbed for the Design Review Board, you can still tell us where to go. 00:12:18
Alright, perfect. Alright, well with that then we'll go ahead and invite the applicant. Looks like we have Kara Fox listed. 00:12:28
Then early. 00:12:35
I am not care box. 00:12:37
What I can present? 00:12:38
What was your name and address then? My name is Brigham Ricks. I do work at 2290 E Murray Holladay Rd. The Fox Group, just down 00:12:40
the street. 00:12:44
OK, Brigham. Thank you. 00:12:50
And so we were just talking about the the, the design review and Mr. Tarling gave an excellent kind of rundown of the the holiday 00:12:52
village zone and some of the requirements of changing and updating the facade of the building there. 00:13:00
Would you like to kind of just give us a quick rundown of of what you guys are thoughts are? On? 00:13:08
Yes, Sir. So essentially before this, this was Myers chicken. We've changed it to the Fox market. We have a Fox shop, which is 00:13:13
just down the street. 00:13:18
My understands that's more or less the same idea. 00:13:23
Is just going to be a boutique store where you can buy lighting. 00:13:25
You can buy blankets, rugs, even local goods. I do believe we have some local ice cream. 00:13:29
That's going to be sold there as well and any stuff like that. 00:13:36
OK. If you want, I also have the floor plans and engineering. Would you like me to pass that along as well? 00:13:41
Does anyone need to see? I don't know. That would impact our decision on the the facade of the building. I appreciate the offer. 00:13:47
Any questions for the applicant at this time? I don't know if you heard our little discussion about an amenity like seating 00:13:55
outside or? 00:13:58
Cafe tables or something we. 00:14:03
We look for an amenity in those kinds of projects and we think that would attract business if people. 00:14:06
Realized that there was something inside those doors and then, so just a thought from us I guess. 00:14:12
OK. Seating or some kind of other art or amenity. Like for example, would you be willing to to swap out one of the the tree pots 00:14:18
for a bench? 00:14:23
I can't speak on behalf of the party, but I'm sure they would not mind. 00:14:27
Gotcha. 00:14:32
Could could you come up to the mic so you're on the record? 00:14:38
And your name please. 00:14:42
And Bonnie. 00:14:44
Honey, do you have a last name? England. England. Thank you. 00:14:45
So we have talked about putting little. 00:14:49
Like 2 seater cafe tables outside with chairs and obviously those would go inside. 00:14:51
At night and then underneath the awning, we've ordered. 00:14:57
Fairly sizable signs. 00:15:03
That are front and back, so people as they're driving by can see kind of what's in there. 00:15:05
And then we'll have. 00:15:10
Potentially things like a sign outside or something that draws people in so they have. 00:15:12
A clear understanding of what that is. 00:15:17
So there will be, if we can fit it, there will be seating outside. 00:15:20
Gotcha. 00:15:23
OK. 00:15:24
Excellent. Appreciate it. Thank you very much. 00:15:25
Commissioners, any other questions for the applicants? 00:15:27
No. 00:15:30
Alrighty, go ahead and have a seat. Thank you. 00:15:31
Thank you. 00:15:33
All right. And with that we can go ahead and just do any any questions in general back to city staff or or? 00:15:35
Comments before we are ready to perhaps entertain a motion on this. 00:15:42
I like what it looks like. 00:15:46
The you know. 00:15:48
The sensitivity to the. 00:15:50
How special the village zone is? 00:15:53
I just would. And you know, so I've got 4 kids I'm thinking about what would draw me here. 00:15:55
And so I like the idea of this shade. 00:16:01
And some seating outsiders are just as a person who would like. 00:16:04
Use it. But you don't want my kids eating ice cream in your boutique blankets. 00:16:07
You know just just a thought that that I like the idea of out outdoor seating and it sounds like you're. 00:16:11
Thinking about how to how to work that. 00:16:17
Did you have something? Did you want now that we have the architect here, did you want to have him detail that the door was in 00:16:21
Windows situation? Ohh yeah that would be fantastic. 00:16:25
So we did just have a I had a question about the the doors and windows. I wasn't sure. Based on this rendering we were looking at 00:16:31
here, it almost looked like a giant iron door. It was very like foreboding, but I I guess it's actually just. 00:16:37
Like a really ornate design around a glass door. Is that right? 00:16:44
Yes Sir, it's a lot more decorative than a little. 00:16:48
Bird cage. I promise that I do not have the details of that, but I feel like I can forward that to you. 00:16:51
Well, I think on the next slide or further down, we had kind of an example we zoomed in on. It was just a point of clarification 00:16:58
because like I said, I wasn't sure if. 00:17:02
I was. Maybe it's my eyes, but you know. 00:17:07
Looking at that rendering correctly detailed, it's more circular, more ornate than just crossbars going like a jail cell. Yeah, 00:17:10
but they're they're definitely transparent. There's some transparency there with glass or something. Yeah, I think there's more. 00:17:17
I want to say they're called like fish scales. I want to say at the top and in each little rail, if that makes sense. 00:17:24
OK. 00:17:31
But it was mostly just the glass, right? Like that. That was the part I wasn't sure because I'm looking at it and it's like I 00:17:32
don't see a store through that. So is this a solid door with? 00:17:36
Ornate crossbars? Or is this a glass door with, like, you know, custom? 00:17:41
Work on the outside of the glass. Yes, Sir. So that's that was my question, because we want to see the ice cream inside. Exactly. 00:17:46
Yes, ma'am. I want to see the lamp before I buy it. 00:17:51
The. 00:17:58
Any other questions or clarification? 00:18:00
OK. We'll invite you. Sit back down. Thank you. Thank you so much. 00:18:04
Alright. And with that, unless there's any other discussion elements, I think we're at a point where we probably could. 00:18:07
Entertain a motion. 00:18:16
If anybody would like to. 00:18:17
Maybe. 00:18:19
Make that. 00:18:20
Or. 00:18:27
I don't. I don't. 00:18:28
Someone puts on the screen for us. I'm sure we could do that. I think this is Commissioner Roach then. Or Chairman Roach. I'll go 00:18:29
ahead and make a motion on this that I move to approve the amended building design for 4708 S Holiday Blvd. 00:18:36
In the HV zone. 00:18:43
Finding that design. 00:18:45
Meets. 00:18:47
All of the elements listed in the. 00:18:48
Staff report that's been presented to us. 00:18:51
2nd. 00:18:57
Hello. 00:18:58
2nd From Commissioner Font So we'll call for a vote. Commissioner Cunningham aye. Commissioner Wilchinski, Commissioner Gong, 00:18:59
Commissioner Font and Chair Roach votes. Aye, so it passes unanimously. 00:19:05
Thank you very much. 00:19:13
And with that, we'll move to the last agenda item, which is just approval of the minute meeting or meeting minutes. 00:19:14
For September 5th meeting and September 19th meeting. 00:19:22
And I believe. 00:19:26
Most of us were here for that. 00:19:28
I've had a chance to read through those. They looked intact and accurate to me. Did anyone have anything that they felt needed to 00:19:31
be adjusted before those were finalized on either of those meetings? 00:19:37
I was not at either meeting, so I think I need to abstain. 00:19:43
You can vote if you just wouldn't have any change, with the caveat that I wasn't. 00:19:47
Right. 00:19:53
So with that, we'll just make a motion all in favor to approve those minutes, Say aye. Aye. All right. And those minutes have been 00:19:54
approved. And that is everything we had on the agenda. So unless there's anything else from city staff, I will entertain a motion 00:19:59
to end the meeting. 00:20:05
So moved. 00:20:11
Right on favor. 00:20:13
Hi, meeting adjourned. Thank you very much. 00:20:15
You're in time for your. 00:20:20
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I'm thinking, OK, you got a dessert place immediately next door. Will this impact that business? 00:00:00
We have a tomato place that opened down the street. We have one across the street. 00:00:07
Are we? 00:00:12
Are we doing enough diversification of? 00:00:13
Well, no. 00:00:16
Because I have literally 5 pharmacies in the village. 00:00:18
No. 00:00:23
No. 00:00:24
There is a land use control table that in the village. It's quite open. 00:00:26
However. 00:00:31
If you have a storefront right on Murray Holiday Rd. 00:00:32
Or on Holiday Blvd. 00:00:36
Has to be retail. 00:00:38
That storefront has to have a cash register. That was the city council's intent. 00:00:40
Way back when, we created a small area master plan for the village. 00:00:44
Was to require that we maintain our commercial tax base. 00:00:47
That was in a time when we knew that the Conwood Mall was going downhill, and we did. We were starting to lose commercial tax 00:00:52
revenue from there. But. 00:00:56
Anything that has a storefront right up on right on 2300 days, Toledo Blvd. Murray, Holladay Rd. Has to have a retail component. 00:01:01
That's really the main. 00:01:09
Land use criteria for this type of property but. 00:01:10
No compatible uses I don't regret. We don't regulate so over saturation of ice cream markets as well within the purview as long as 00:01:14
it meets the land use much to the. 00:01:19
Detriment of my health is, is there such thing as too much experience? 00:01:25
Only if you're lactose intolerant, I guess. 00:01:31
Yeah. 00:01:33
John, I had one question about the the doors on this. So are we looking at basically the the design elements in these pictures 00:01:35
here or right so you have a concept design and then a material palette board which will be your next page down? 00:01:42
So I just was curious on the doors they they look like almost like bank iron go away doors. To me it just first glance on it and I 00:01:51
don't know if that's just because of the artist rendering on there, but I I just wasn't sure if it's that a solid door or they 00:01:56
just like a really fancy architecturally glass door. 00:02:02
I think, yeah, I think those are. 00:02:08
It's a, remember. Can you zoom in on that a bit? Carry it might lose its. 00:02:12
I think they're glass with millions. 00:02:20
In there. I don't know if they're real million, but they could be fake. 00:02:22
But I'm pretty sure they're glass. They're you can see through it, OK. 00:02:25
Is there something they're officially calling an amenity? 00:02:30
An amenity, the public amenity. 00:02:35
For the I don't think so. You know, usually you have a park bench or something like that. 00:02:37
Something that can be added to the front. 00:02:43
At a larger scale, Harmons added. You know the little patio with the. 00:02:47
The really cool fish supposed to be a bike rack. I don't think anybody's used it as a bike rack. 00:02:53
Scroll through. 00:02:59
Yeah, yeah, it's a photo up. 00:03:00
And then most of the village buildings have had little benches and things across the front. 00:03:03
That would be something that could definitely be added very easily here. 00:03:07
As a public amenity. 00:03:11
I don't know if you would call. 00:03:13
The landscape parts. 00:03:14
A public amenity people put their cigarettes out in them. 00:03:16
So, John, this is outside the purview of the Planning Commission, but I just wonder. 00:03:21
And maybe this is a business Advisory Board? 00:03:26
Issue, but I wonder at what point? 00:03:30
We get concerned about businesses cannibalizing each other. In other words, maybe you can have too many Gelato shops. 00:03:33
But you know, when do we get concerned about this where there's not enough diversity of businesses, of retail businesses in the 00:03:42
village? 00:03:46
Yeah. When you have a market that's sort of free in the village or any municipality, it's very highly unlikely you've got. 00:03:50
Highly concentration of uses that. 00:03:59
Needs to be overrun or regulated by the city. 00:04:02
You know, a chamber could take a look at that. 00:04:05
However, if if the Chamber felt as though they needed to exert pressure on A. 00:04:08
Landowner to only at least 2 certain tenants. 00:04:14
That won't go very far legally. 00:04:17
Of course. 00:04:24
So I mean, really what we're doing is approving the facade. 00:04:28
And not anything inside. But did I miss it? Do we know? 00:04:31
Is the Fox Market? Do we know what's? 00:04:35
Business there. 00:04:38
Putting in there. 00:04:39
It's yeah, So it's retail boutique, so they'll be. 00:04:40
Locally sourced bakery goods. So does bakery. It's not like clothing boutique. There will be some clothing items in there too, 00:04:45
from what I understand. 00:04:50
Kara will be able to. 00:04:56
Explain that a little bit better than I could. 00:04:59
I just want to ohh, I see it right here. Right there. Yeah. 00:05:01
OK. 00:05:05
Do we just Would you mind just? 00:05:10
I think there might be. 00:05:14
Only one planning, Commissioner. 00:05:16
That has been here long enough to know the unique nature of the holiday village. 00:05:18
Maybe Paul's done a little more. 00:05:23
Checking I don't know but. 00:05:24
Just why are we, why is the Planning Commission approving architecture for this particular thing in the holiday village? So maybe 00:05:26
you could address that, yeah. 00:05:29
So almost for the same reason that Commissioner Font actually. 00:05:34
Mentioned is that. 00:05:39
The village in a sense when they were looking at a small area of Master Town and when what the feel of downtown village should be. 00:05:41
There were elements of. 00:05:49
Well, we understand and hope that this area will be something that would be. 00:05:51
Taken as a very highly prized part of the city. 00:05:56
That might be overrun by franchises. 00:06:01
It might be overrun by a big box type situation. 00:06:05
Larger retailers that would come in and just drop their own brand down. 00:06:08
And have a feel that does not reflect what? 00:06:12
People in their own mind's eye thought that the village was for them. 00:06:15
40s and 50s, even in the 30s. 00:06:19
Walking up and down the halls here, you'll see. 00:06:22
Elements of what the village was at the time. 00:06:25
As a crossroads for this area getting further South into the more orchard and farmland agricultural areas. 00:06:29
A lot of services out of mom and pop shops that were smaller. 00:06:35
Maybe there was a gas station, but. 00:06:39
Pedestrian field, pedestrian scale. 00:06:42
Not catering to the vehicle situation was something that the council wanted strongly at the time. 00:06:45
Especially as part of incorporation, because that was some pressure that the county was exerting. 00:06:52
In this area specifically with their zoning scheme. 00:06:58
Which was high density commercial. 00:07:01
Strip retail. 00:07:03
Was. 00:07:05
Name of the game. 00:07:05
And that's definitely something that the community council at the time did not want. 00:07:07
And on so on top of that went away all. 00:07:11
Allowances for franchise colors, franchise use, signage, regulations. 00:07:15
And standards went for aesthetics went very high. 00:07:21
Recently you were proposed. 00:07:25
Had been proposed to modify or sign ordinance for 7/11. 00:07:27
We have some very high standards for internally illuminated type signs. 00:07:32
That aren't allowed in the village, that are allowed elsewhere. 00:07:36
It's a unique spot. 00:07:39
And the architecture is one of those things that. 00:07:41
Can make or break a retail area. 00:07:45
And so that's really the only spot that we have this type of process. 00:07:48
Is in the village center and more recently now in the holiday crossroad zone. 00:07:53
Which is down 62 and Highland Drive. 00:07:58
If that area were to be redeveloped, it would follow the same process for sort of more of a higher architectural control. 00:08:00
However, you know, on the flip side of that, at the state side, legislators are looking at. 00:08:08
Municipalities role in governing architecture. 00:08:14
They've limited municipalities rights to review for especially residential multifamily developments. 00:08:17
Because the process is so minute and it it kind of slows it down a little bit. 00:08:24
Let's take a look at how the pedestrian, how this building presents itself at the street to the pedestrian rather than trying to 00:08:30
grab your attention from a car flying. 00:08:34
40 miles an hour down on State Street. 00:08:38
The village is not like that. It's not a vehicle oriented situation. 00:08:41
So just for the village itself, these are the reasons why you have architectural standards. 00:08:47
And your design review board is. 00:08:53
The group of individuals you want to lean on. 00:08:56
To be the professionals where you don't have to be that professional, I mean not that you. 00:08:59
Could. 00:09:03
That's definitely fall into that role. It's a. 00:09:04
We're secure. 00:09:07
And so they if we have other projects like for example the other two corners. 00:09:10
Ever go to tear down or rebuild? 00:09:15
You lean on them to review the architects, rendering her iteration of what the village standards and guidelines should be. 00:09:18
We have had situations where the planning commissions remanded some designs back. 00:09:28
For clarification, which is not uncommon and it's definitely your purview. 00:09:32
So that that responsibility is still yours, but you allow the design review board to be the design professionals. 00:09:37
Who not only made-up of architects and. 00:09:44
You know. 00:09:48
Home designers there? 00:09:50
Have been interior designers. There have been landscape architects on that board. 00:09:52
We now are are looking and thankfully we now have my old professor from the University of Utah from the Department of Architecture 00:09:58
that that's moved into the city. That's good. That's hopefully gonna be on this board and do a great job for that. Thanks. 00:10:03
So. 00:10:09
High hopes so for your to to prove. 00:10:10
A good board that will assist you in those roles if and when those projects come down the. 00:10:13
And John, I do want to say Commissioner Cunningham had a great suggestion about the the amenity part of that. I mean if we said 00:10:19
hey, the the 4th planner under the lamp would make a better bench than a planner, is that? 00:10:25
Something that's within our purview through this process, yes. 00:10:31
So. 00:10:36
Well, especially if it's a new business, you want to have people sitting there eating their ice cream and saying ohh. 00:10:37
There's a new store or a place for it and that I I think nothing attracts a walking community more than people sitting outside and 00:10:43
using the, you know. 00:10:49
The, the, the and it's definitely used. 00:10:55
When they want to sit outside and so when we've talked in the past about not just benches but. 00:10:59
The concrete chest table. 00:11:05
You know something like that, that people can be outside and enjoying? 00:11:08
The streetscape. I think you stalled enough. 00:11:12
Right. 00:11:17
All right, well, I is this our applicant that has arrived? 00:11:19
Hey. 00:11:23
Ohh yeah. 00:11:24
We're just talking about this, this really great project and it's traditional for applicants usually to come forward and. 00:11:25
Add anything that they might want to to. 00:11:33
Make sure the Planning Commission is aware of. 00:11:36
So just in closing. 00:11:41
If there were to be a redevelopment here, you would have a site plan approval that would be. 00:11:44
And maybe a conditional use? 00:11:49
That goes with it. That would be a public hearing. 00:11:51
If it were just a design and reface. 00:11:53
It's just an accent action item for you. 00:11:56
And what triggers these are either a change of use? 00:11:59
Or if they're remodeling more than 50% of the floor area. 00:12:02
That's what triggers an update of the front of the building. 00:12:05
So that's why you're That's why you're saying it. 00:12:09
Now. 00:12:12
Gotcha. 00:12:13
And we're subbing for the Design Review board. 00:12:14
On this one, is that right? We we have subbed for the Design Review Board, you can still tell us where to go. 00:12:18
Alright, perfect. Alright, well with that then we'll go ahead and invite the applicant. Looks like we have Kara Fox listed. 00:12:28
Then early. 00:12:35
I am not care box. 00:12:37
What I can present? 00:12:38
What was your name and address then? My name is Brigham Ricks. I do work at 2290 E Murray Holladay Rd. The Fox Group, just down 00:12:40
the street. 00:12:44
OK, Brigham. Thank you. 00:12:50
And so we were just talking about the the, the design review and Mr. Tarling gave an excellent kind of rundown of the the holiday 00:12:52
village zone and some of the requirements of changing and updating the facade of the building there. 00:13:00
Would you like to kind of just give us a quick rundown of of what you guys are thoughts are? On? 00:13:08
Yes, Sir. So essentially before this, this was Myers chicken. We've changed it to the Fox market. We have a Fox shop, which is 00:13:13
just down the street. 00:13:18
My understands that's more or less the same idea. 00:13:23
Is just going to be a boutique store where you can buy lighting. 00:13:25
You can buy blankets, rugs, even local goods. I do believe we have some local ice cream. 00:13:29
That's going to be sold there as well and any stuff like that. 00:13:36
OK. If you want, I also have the floor plans and engineering. Would you like me to pass that along as well? 00:13:41
Does anyone need to see? I don't know. That would impact our decision on the the facade of the building. I appreciate the offer. 00:13:47
Any questions for the applicant at this time? I don't know if you heard our little discussion about an amenity like seating 00:13:55
outside or? 00:13:58
Cafe tables or something we. 00:14:03
We look for an amenity in those kinds of projects and we think that would attract business if people. 00:14:06
Realized that there was something inside those doors and then, so just a thought from us I guess. 00:14:12
OK. Seating or some kind of other art or amenity. Like for example, would you be willing to to swap out one of the the tree pots 00:14:18
for a bench? 00:14:23
I can't speak on behalf of the party, but I'm sure they would not mind. 00:14:27
Gotcha. 00:14:32
Could could you come up to the mic so you're on the record? 00:14:38
And your name please. 00:14:42
And Bonnie. 00:14:44
Honey, do you have a last name? England. England. Thank you. 00:14:45
So we have talked about putting little. 00:14:49
Like 2 seater cafe tables outside with chairs and obviously those would go inside. 00:14:51
At night and then underneath the awning, we've ordered. 00:14:57
Fairly sizable signs. 00:15:03
That are front and back, so people as they're driving by can see kind of what's in there. 00:15:05
And then we'll have. 00:15:10
Potentially things like a sign outside or something that draws people in so they have. 00:15:12
A clear understanding of what that is. 00:15:17
So there will be, if we can fit it, there will be seating outside. 00:15:20
Gotcha. 00:15:23
OK. 00:15:24
Excellent. Appreciate it. Thank you very much. 00:15:25
Commissioners, any other questions for the applicants? 00:15:27
No. 00:15:30
Alrighty, go ahead and have a seat. Thank you. 00:15:31
Thank you. 00:15:33
All right. And with that we can go ahead and just do any any questions in general back to city staff or or? 00:15:35
Comments before we are ready to perhaps entertain a motion on this. 00:15:42
I like what it looks like. 00:15:46
The you know. 00:15:48
The sensitivity to the. 00:15:50
How special the village zone is? 00:15:53
I just would. And you know, so I've got 4 kids I'm thinking about what would draw me here. 00:15:55
And so I like the idea of this shade. 00:16:01
And some seating outsiders are just as a person who would like. 00:16:04
Use it. But you don't want my kids eating ice cream in your boutique blankets. 00:16:07
You know just just a thought that that I like the idea of out outdoor seating and it sounds like you're. 00:16:11
Thinking about how to how to work that. 00:16:17
Did you have something? Did you want now that we have the architect here, did you want to have him detail that the door was in 00:16:21
Windows situation? Ohh yeah that would be fantastic. 00:16:25
So we did just have a I had a question about the the doors and windows. I wasn't sure. Based on this rendering we were looking at 00:16:31
here, it almost looked like a giant iron door. It was very like foreboding, but I I guess it's actually just. 00:16:37
Like a really ornate design around a glass door. Is that right? 00:16:44
Yes Sir, it's a lot more decorative than a little. 00:16:48
Bird cage. I promise that I do not have the details of that, but I feel like I can forward that to you. 00:16:51
Well, I think on the next slide or further down, we had kind of an example we zoomed in on. It was just a point of clarification 00:16:58
because like I said, I wasn't sure if. 00:17:02
I was. Maybe it's my eyes, but you know. 00:17:07
Looking at that rendering correctly detailed, it's more circular, more ornate than just crossbars going like a jail cell. Yeah, 00:17:10
but they're they're definitely transparent. There's some transparency there with glass or something. Yeah, I think there's more. 00:17:17
I want to say they're called like fish scales. I want to say at the top and in each little rail, if that makes sense. 00:17:24
OK. 00:17:31
But it was mostly just the glass, right? Like that. That was the part I wasn't sure because I'm looking at it and it's like I 00:17:32
don't see a store through that. So is this a solid door with? 00:17:36
Ornate crossbars? Or is this a glass door with, like, you know, custom? 00:17:41
Work on the outside of the glass. Yes, Sir. So that's that was my question, because we want to see the ice cream inside. Exactly. 00:17:46
Yes, ma'am. I want to see the lamp before I buy it. 00:17:51
The. 00:17:58
Any other questions or clarification? 00:18:00
OK. We'll invite you. Sit back down. Thank you. Thank you so much. 00:18:04
Alright. And with that, unless there's any other discussion elements, I think we're at a point where we probably could. 00:18:07
Entertain a motion. 00:18:16
If anybody would like to. 00:18:17
Maybe. 00:18:19
Make that. 00:18:20
Or. 00:18:27
I don't. I don't. 00:18:28
Someone puts on the screen for us. I'm sure we could do that. I think this is Commissioner Roach then. Or Chairman Roach. I'll go 00:18:29
ahead and make a motion on this that I move to approve the amended building design for 4708 S Holiday Blvd. 00:18:36
In the HV zone. 00:18:43
Finding that design. 00:18:45
Meets. 00:18:47
All of the elements listed in the. 00:18:48
Staff report that's been presented to us. 00:18:51
2nd. 00:18:57
Hello. 00:18:58
2nd From Commissioner Font So we'll call for a vote. Commissioner Cunningham aye. Commissioner Wilchinski, Commissioner Gong, 00:18:59
Commissioner Font and Chair Roach votes. Aye, so it passes unanimously. 00:19:05
Thank you very much. 00:19:13
And with that, we'll move to the last agenda item, which is just approval of the minute meeting or meeting minutes. 00:19:14
For September 5th meeting and September 19th meeting. 00:19:22
And I believe. 00:19:26
Most of us were here for that. 00:19:28
I've had a chance to read through those. They looked intact and accurate to me. Did anyone have anything that they felt needed to 00:19:31
be adjusted before those were finalized on either of those meetings? 00:19:37
I was not at either meeting, so I think I need to abstain. 00:19:43
You can vote if you just wouldn't have any change, with the caveat that I wasn't. 00:19:47
Right. 00:19:53
So with that, we'll just make a motion all in favor to approve those minutes, Say aye. Aye. All right. And those minutes have been 00:19:54
approved. And that is everything we had on the agenda. So unless there's anything else from city staff, I will entertain a motion 00:19:59
to end the meeting. 00:20:05
So moved. 00:20:11
Right on favor. 00:20:13
Hi, meeting adjourned. Thank you very much. 00:20:15
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