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32. 00:00:00
And we will get started with our work meeting in committee or in attendance tonight is everyone. 00:00:01
Which is great. We all didn't have anything planned for our holidays. So the entire Commission is here and we have our legal 00:00:09
counsel and both city staff here as well. So we are excited and we have three public hearing items because #4 has been rescheduled 00:00:16
and then approval of minutes. 00:00:22
And the calendar, yes, thank you. Can't forget the important meeting scheduled for next year because we want to tweak that maybe. 00:00:30
So with that we will jump right in and ask Miss Marsh if you would want to cover the first item for us. 00:00:37
OK, so the first item is Country Pine View subdivision of PUD. This is the landscaping plan amendment. 00:00:47
Regarding the trees that are in the. 00:00:56
West N northwest corner of the property on the PUD. Those were designated as remaining on the site, the applicant submitted. 00:00:58
Assessment by. 00:01:11
They're AR. 00:01:13
It's when they went to go and start removing trees that the arbors did their assessments, so that's why they came back to amend 00:01:15
the landscape plan. 00:01:18
The amendment that I sent over yesterday does have the new landscaping plan in it. 00:01:23
Does anyone have any questions on this one? I don't know if I got a chance to Scroll down. Could you just pull that up before us 00:01:31
real quick so I can see it? 00:01:35
And this is the one where they're taking out. They propose taking out some trees because they're diseased or near utility lines or 00:01:44
leaning or whatever, but they're going to add back more than. 00:01:50
They were. 00:01:57
Their original plan I. 00:01:59
Was replacing more than they were removing. This new plan is replacing the same amount that they're removing OK? 00:02:01
So they had some cushion that was already built into their prior approved. 00:02:11
I think we've got one more page. 00:02:17
So are they not proposing to replace that Grove then? 00:02:19
They are. 00:02:23
With the same number of trees, because that looks like fewer. 00:02:24
Because on the arborist report that calls for this Grove to be removed, there are, if I remember correctly, 16 trees in total I 00:02:30
count. 00:02:35
Seven now in that corner, right? 00:02:39
That seems like half. 00:02:42
My mistake. And if they put the tree somewhere else. 00:02:45
I believe they added some more up in the front. 00:02:48
Unless you have additional requirements to meet one. For one, it's the canopy spread 1:00 to 1:00. 00:02:53
So that old clump of trees met 900 square feet and they have the seven trees that. 00:02:59
At full maturity will equal that 900 square feet. That's the ordinance. But this is a PUD. 00:03:05
You've already granted flexible setbacks. 00:03:11
To this project so conditional uses. 00:03:14
Flexibility to requests are warranted. 00:03:18
It's up to you. 00:03:21
OK. I mean, I'm OK with less trees, Do we? What are the trees they're planning to put in there? A whole bunch of Norway maples? 00:03:22
And what are the larger ones? 00:03:27
Let me zoom in on that the London plane. 00:03:32
Which is a Sycamore tree which gets anthrax in the entire city is riddled with problems with those. 00:03:35
Unless they get the disease resistant variety, which I don't think has been invented yet. 00:03:43
Such an interesting knowledge base I have. Just random stuff when it comes to trees. Sorry, it's that arborist in me. 00:03:49
And there's their canopy notes on there. So 12,513 square feet of canopy removed and 13,522 to be replaced. 00:03:56
So just about 1000 square feet more is what they're proposing back in. 00:04:06
So have the trees been removed? 00:04:13
The ones that were originally permitted to be removed have been so the neighbor whose comments were in the report. 00:04:16
Said it. 00:04:24
He basically took everything out. I'm just curious if we. 00:04:26
We typically want them to get this type of approval before they start chopping those things down, right? Right. And he went in and 00:04:29
started removing the trees that we already approved to be removed on the site plan. 00:04:35
Thanks for that clarification. 00:04:42
This property does have four housing units being placed on it and then kind of a unique shape with it being narrow at the bottom, 00:04:45
so. 00:04:49
What was reviewed? 00:04:54
Preliminary kind of the placement of the houses around existing trees. 00:04:56
I think there were not a lot of trees that were going to remain on there just based off the coverage and the amount of units that. 00:05:03
Were permitted for the. 00:05:11
Memory serves, this was two or three meetings ago, but one of the conditions or one of the requests for the PUD and the setbacks 00:05:15
to be allowed to be moved like that wasn't just for the aesthetics, but also because they initially were talking about wanting to 00:05:21
protect this Grove of trees, right? 00:05:27
There is the trees and then also angling houses so that there's more open space. That's common, right? So they wanted it 00:05:34
aesthetically for the house placement and. 00:05:39
Secondly, for this Grove of trees, which now the person who has removed all the trees says, Oh my gosh, these trees are sick too. 00:05:43
You should let me remove them. 00:05:47
Essentially, right, right. 00:05:52
Carrie, at what point do we concern ourselves with Canopy, in other words? 00:05:55
He can replace trees. 00:06:00
But if he replaces them with saplings? 00:06:03
The canopy. 00:06:05
Not going to. 00:06:08
Reveal itself for many years, right? Our ordinance does say that they have to have the same canopy at maturity. 00:06:09
So they're replaced with 1 1/2 diameter caliper trees. 00:06:17
That's the requirement. So it is specified in our code that they have to be at least 1 1/2 inch caliper tree. That's measured at 00:06:24
chest height. 00:06:28
And then the canopy has to reach the maturity of what was removed, so that could be 20 years. 00:06:34
Right. 00:06:43
19 proposed. 00:07:06
So are they 3000? 00:07:08
Square feet short. 00:07:11
So those were initial calculations that I had off of their original before they submitted their what their actual landscape plan 00:07:15
was. It was here's kind of a rough estimate of these trees that they're now proposing to be removed, but I didn't have actual 00:07:21
square footage from them yet. 00:07:27
Brad, did you have a? 00:07:35
Yeah, just just to give you some maybe a little bit of insight here. So this is the. 00:07:36
In my experience, the most aggressive progressive tree preservation plant in the state. 00:07:43
Ordinance in the state. I'm not saying there's no room for improving anything. I'm just telling you that this. 00:07:49
Is, I would say and I remember. 00:07:55
I'm going to forget his name. He used to be on the council. He is an attorney. 00:08:00
Yeah, Steve Gunn, he was a big proponent of this. He was assigned to the tree committee and I remember doing quite a bit of 00:08:04
research for him on this particular issue and turning it over all to him. And then he helped, you know, take that research and 00:08:10
provided. 00:08:15
Created a draft, you know him and I worked together and creating a draft for that tree preservation ordinance and then it went 00:08:21
through several. 00:08:24
Iterations and revisions at the tree committee, and that's how we ended up with this, but it is. 00:08:28
We tried to make sure it was constitutional so we could do, we could regulate in the way we did and you know, unfortunately you're 00:08:35
it's really difficult to transplant a 50 year old tree. 00:08:41
And have it survive. 00:08:47
And so we are taking out old trees and mature, replacing them with. 00:08:48
But overtime? 00:08:53
It should you know main. 00:08:55
And potentially increase the the actual tree canopy in the city. So anyway just wanted to give you a little bit of background on 00:08:59
that, but. 00:09:03
I think after our pre meeting that Commissioner Roche. 00:09:08
Chair Roach has some ideas on how to strengthen or some he wants to make some requests to strengthen this so that we can 00:09:13
potentially avoid these kind of things. Yeah, I think I'll I'll wait and do a little bit of fact finding with the applicant to to 00:09:19
ensure my understanding and comprehension of how this was put together before I move forward with any recommendation or requests. 00:09:26
And I think as as you as we talked in the pre meeting, I think it is perfectly. 00:09:32
Within the Commission's purview to request staff to come back with some ways that we could strengthen this, I've got. 00:09:40
You know, we talked, we identified a couple of ideas and I think they're. 00:09:48
You know, I'm almost certain there are probably some that we didn't think about. So anyway, perfect, thank you. What would that 00:09:52
mean from a practical standpoint? 00:09:55
With regard to what we're facing tonight. 00:10:00
You know that when you're taking out this number of trees and there is a question on whether or not. 00:10:04
For example, the Arborist report went into sufficient detail and provide sufficient evidence. 00:10:12
That the trees actually are diseased or dying, I. 00:10:20
Is there an opportunity for the city to challenge that or to, you know, at the city's expense, get their own expert to review? 00:10:24
That report, maybe you could beef up what the report requires. 00:10:31
When they're taking out, I mean the larger the Grove that you're taking out, the larger number of. 00:10:35
The more detailed the report has to be. 00:10:40
Things along those lines are kind of things that were kind of discussed. 00:10:42
So perhaps we would want to continue this. 00:10:46
So here's where I would say that there's. 00:10:50
Potentially. 00:10:55
I'm not saying there's not a hill that's worth fighting for. 00:10:59
But the particular tree species might play into that and whether this is the right hill. 00:11:05
In other words, we are talking about a Grove of Russian olives and Siberian Elms. Siberian Elms, which are not regarded as the 00:11:11
most aesthetic. 00:11:16
And highly invasive in some areas in fact. So it's not necessarily the quality of what's there, it's just the fact that it's there 00:11:24
and we're going to lose it and is there. 00:11:30
Enough justification based on someones opinion who works for a tree removal company to justify removing a Grove of trees in our 00:11:36
city. This just may not be the. I'm not saying there's not a hill that is worth. 00:11:43
Looking into that, but we need it would help to have a strengthened ordinance in addition to. 00:11:50
Finding the right hill, right. Well, yeah, I think if I might just clarify, up until this point you've been presented with 00:11:56
documents that. 00:12:01
Is providing a development pattern which hinges on the preservation of this growth of trees or more. 00:12:06
When you get to a point where you're like where your shovel hits the dirt and you start realizing. 00:12:14
Well, this house might be placed in a way that we can't get to those trees. If they do die or if they need to be maintained 00:12:19
another way, let's address them now. 00:12:23
And we're backtracking. That's what we're doing right now. We're backtracking it back into a preliminary level review. 00:12:28
So if this if you believe that this consideration hinders the way you approve the setbacks for this PUD. 00:12:33
That's in play. 00:12:41
So not necessarily the type of tree, or, you know, whether it's diseased or not. You developed a development pattern. You created 00:12:47
a contingent development pattern upon trees that were supposed to be protected. 00:12:53
So, you know, does the layout of the trees now in this configuration warranty the flexibility and setbacks? 00:13:00
That that could be a way that some considerations to think about. 00:13:07
Nobody on this Commission thought they'd spend this much time talking about tree placement, did they? It's great. 00:13:13
I see this as an opportunity to get rid of a lot of bad trees. 00:13:20
Especially ones that are power lines that we're all spending our money. 00:13:25
I had a house like that right before the cities ordinance went and we pulled all the trees out. 00:13:31
Power lines in the corner for the same reason it was not worth. 00:13:38
In there. 00:13:42
At some point, trees. 00:13:48
Agreed. 00:13:51
Good option to do that when. 00:13:55
I absolutely agree and please don't regard me as the the tree hugging hippie that thinks to save them all. I just. 00:14:00
Well, one thing that I might from a personal arborist. 00:14:10
Perspective challenge in this particular situation. 00:14:22
Is there a larger tree further into the lot line that doesn't actually impact power lines and is that really that disease and sick 00:14:26
based on the arborist report or are we talking about slime flux on a branch that was found at the top of the tree and now this 45 00:14:32
foot established tree needs to come out? 00:14:39
A word that's allowed for. 00:14:47
City evaluation. 00:14:49
An evaluation. 00:14:51
Right. With all of that said, I I just think it's important as long as tree discussion is within our purview that we remember that 00:14:54
the tree canopy is one of the things that sets holiday apart. 00:15:00
But I will say this, I am pro property rights and I don't want anyone to tell me I can't cut down a tree I don't like on my 00:15:08
property or a disease sick tree. But I will comply with city code if required to put it back or get a permit to do so. And in this 00:15:15
particular case, I think it warrants A heavier discussion than just a simple property ownership, property rights situation because 00:15:22
of the meeting we had three meetings ago or two meetings ago. 00:15:28
Regarding the request. 00:15:35
To adjust the PUD and the placement of the homes based contingent on aesthetics and the trees. 00:15:37
So with that, sorry, but any other questions about this one before we move to the next item? 00:15:45
All right, roll into #2 carry. 00:15:51
All right, #2 is for a building footprint size for an existing building. Currently, the building is over the allowed footprint 00:15:54
size For an accessory building. They're making some modifications on the footprint, and with the modifications, it does require a 00:16:00
conditional use permit. 00:16:06
So the footprint is detailed. There's a area that's being removed and then area that's being added. 00:16:13
Any questions on this? 00:16:24
Is the. 00:16:26
The home that was removed from this site, is that in a plan to be put back in and this will still continue to be an accessory to 00:16:28
this 'cause, I mean at this point this is kind of the main building at this right? They do have a building permit for a for a 00:16:34
residence. Primary use of the property is residential. 00:16:40
So this will continue to be accessory building. 00:16:48
Under the building footprint maximum, I was looking at each of the size of the properties they had to be. Is there a maximum the 00:16:53
accessory building can be? There's not a maximum. OK, so as long as the conditional use permit, you could go well beyond. 00:17:01
Right. What would come into play is lot coverage. Percentage structures can only cover a certain percent of the setbacks and so 00:17:09
forth. Would kick in, and that would kind of restrict how big ultimately could be. But it still has to get a conditional use for 00:17:16
being over the maximum outright permitted. 00:17:23
What is the percentage of lot size that can be covered by an accessory building? 00:17:31
Generalities I mean. 00:17:39
10%, twenty percent, 50% Usually for a structure it. 00:17:41
As the property size increases, then your percentage goes down. I want to say for an acre it's 30. 00:17:46
35%. 00:17:54
John Gino off the top of your head. 00:17:56
That's why I don't memorize these things. I'm looking at our discussion. I'm just recognizing that it's a 10 acre property, so. 00:17:59
Strikes me. 00:18:07
There's a lot of percentage to work with there. 00:18:09
1% is 10,000 square feet, so I might have missed it, but is there? 00:18:12
A picture of where it's going to be on the lot. I could see the lot and I could see the building up, but I I might it's not a full 00:18:20
picture of the of the site, but this does show the property boundary that is on. 00:18:27
The oh, I'm not sure what side of the property it's. 00:18:35
Oh, I see. I didn't recognize that as a property. Yeah, so the solid line is a property boundary. So this is where the building 00:18:40
is. They're already very close to the property line, and they're making it bigger. They're pretty far from the property line. So 00:18:47
here's where the building is. The property line is out here. Oh, I see. Yep, I see it now. Got it. 00:18:54
Thank you. 00:19:01
And looking at this diagram just so I have my bearings straight and I know I'm looking at it right, the. 00:19:03
House that was there, The estate house was to the right of this. Yes. OK. 00:19:07
Commissioner Prince, yes, I think we already presumed it was. It's a large number, but it's. 00:19:13
20% of the lot size that's owned can be covered in structures. 00:19:19
For this works out to be 87,000 square feet. So we're. 00:19:23
I believe so. Good to know well based on what the building footprint for the house and then the existing other two houses that are 00:19:28
on that right And we do evaluate that lot coverage when building permits are submitted. 00:19:33
OK, good. 00:19:39
Any other questions on this one? 00:19:42
The other thing to note there is that I believe two or three trees are being removed. That's on this plan. 00:19:46
They're small XS on here. They're a little bit hard to see. 00:19:55
Do they have a replacement 1 here? 00:20:01
On this corner. 00:20:04
And then there's a couple of down here. And so their landscape plan is this next plan. 00:20:06
You can see an addition of trees here. They're planting multiple trees across the site. 00:20:12
But that can be a specific condition of trees being removed by this addition to the building be replaced on the site. Is that in 00:20:19
the? 00:20:24
Suggested motion. I don't believe I have a suggested motion for the tree. You can note that if that is something you'd want to 00:20:30
consider. 00:20:34
And that's also something that we check for on the on the building permit. So with the building footprint affecting trees being 00:20:40
removed, those ones would be required to be replaced. 00:20:47
Which it sounds like they're putting 2 to one if they're putting those six out front, OK. 00:20:54
All right, perfect. Any other questions on item 2? 00:20:59
All right. And then lastly is item 3, the text amendment that we're all excited to hear you've been working on. 00:21:04
Yes, So this is for home occupations, the basic. 00:21:11
Outline of this is one thing that we wanted to address was parking that became an issue for one of our prior conditional use 00:21:16
permits. Also being able to approve home occupations with a set list of standards instead of having them be reviewed by the 00:21:22
Planning Commission with a conditional use permit. 00:21:29
So additional languages added. There's some highlighted portions. 00:21:36
That there's some flexibility on any other things that you'd want to add. 00:21:42
Can be added in. We just note that and that would then go to planning or to City Council. If there was a positive recommendation, 00:21:49
you could have the conditions of with language. 00:21:54
Specific, You know, outline whatever you wanted to add in or change in the proposed language. 00:22:00
Kind of. The key points on this are hours. 00:22:11
7:00 AM to 10:00. 00:22:14
Not exceeding 6 people at A. 00:22:16
The on street parking would be approved in certain conditions or circumstances. 00:22:20
Usually if there's an unsafe circumstance or property access, that can be tweaked if that is something that you feel would be 00:22:26
unreasonable. 00:22:30
Off site parking agreements can be utilized. 00:22:36
And I added in a temporary exceedance of the allowed parking on site can occur twice within a month. 00:22:40
So that accounts for like recitals or graduations or other kinds of big larger group events that require more people to be there. 00:22:50
That can be adjusted as well or removed entirely. 00:22:58
I'm only concerned with that and we can talk about that in the work meeting might just. 00:23:02
How does that work from an enforcement standpoint like who's out there measuring you know like what's what's looky loo neighbor or 00:23:07
we encouraging to track it was more than twice that they had more than one car out front. 00:23:13
You could add in language about a single event permit being required if they were to have an event associated with their home 00:23:20
occupation. 00:23:24
So you're saying that the items that are highlighted in green are the items that we have an opportunity to weigh in on, Those are 00:23:28
some that are identified, any anything else is open to discussion as well if there's particular pieces that you'd like to see 00:23:34
added or pieces that you'd like to see removed. 00:23:40
Can you give us an idea on the parameters for the on street parking? 00:23:49
What if they want to have? They'll say the parking is a block away. 00:23:55
To me it doesn't do any good unless there is a distance to the site so that. 00:24:00
So what are what are you thinking as far as letting the? 00:24:05
Director make that approval. 00:24:10
But what is that based on? It is just. 00:24:12
I don't see any parameters by which they have to be measured by to make sure that. 00:24:18
They're in compliance and makes the directors position, so he's not just changing. 00:24:23
So we could say within a distance of 100 feet or. 00:24:30
There's or immediately adjacent to the property owner's property, or if that's not available then across the street or one house 00:24:36
down. Because you do run into issues sometimes with corner properties where you can't park right in front of the house, so then it 00:24:43
would have to be adjusted. That's one of those safety issues. 00:24:51
But we could put a distance on that. I think that would be reasonable. 00:25:00
OK, good catalog. 00:25:04
All right. Any other questions on item three? Yeah, one more. How much of the parking can they have on street? Are you thinking 00:25:08
the entire requirement they could use on street parking? 00:25:13
Or is. 00:25:19
They would have to have specific circumstances that they detail in their application in order for. 00:25:21
On street parking to be approved. 00:25:28
The parking is detailed that it has to be has all parking has to be on site. 00:25:31
Except if there are circumstances where there's personal property. 00:25:36
Access issues or unsafe conditions then we could look outside of that on site requirement. 00:25:43
So at this point in time, you're not sure if it'll be all acceptable off the site, I mean. 00:25:48
They can park on the street 100% or half and OK there would be some circumstances that that may occur where. 00:25:54
All of their parking would be on. 00:26:04
You said, Do you see the difficulty? I don't want to put you guys into another type of thing where you're having to try and figure 00:26:07
out what's the best way to interpret the codes. I think we want to make it as simple as possible. 00:26:13
Because you're not going to be able to meet everybody. 00:26:20
You know, difficulty with having on site parking. 00:26:24
Would it be acceptable to do limited to one on street parking space? 00:26:27
Are you asking me? 00:26:34
Yes. 00:26:36
So I know that. So we had a we had an issue a couple of months ago if you remember that is kind of driving the state law changes, 00:26:38
but there's also. 00:26:42
A couple of other issues that are changing kind. 00:26:47
Creating the catalyst for bringing this out. 00:26:50
And it's kind of, I don't want to say it's an unintended consequence, but it's a consequence that. 00:26:54
May be encompassing too much. How about that? 00:27:00
And so there are particular situations, for example, a corner lot. You can't park in front of a corner lot without violating 00:27:06
Clearview, right? So. 00:27:10
Are you basically saying, well the person on the corner because they can't violate peer review therefore, and they only and they 00:27:15
have a shared driveway. They can't have a home based business period and a discussion move on next person. 00:27:20
Right. I mean, that's kind of the situation that we're trying to address in this particular thing. 00:27:25
The default. 00:27:31
Isn't on street parking. That's not the default. The default is off street parking, and it leaves the director some flexibility if 00:27:33
there are some circumstances that make it impossible to comply. 00:27:39
With the on site parking. 00:27:45
So that's kind of and if there's suggestions in language and we want to tighten something up, I mean certainly. 00:27:48
There's an opportunity to look at that and make some recommendations. 00:27:54
Making some adjustments or changes to that, I mean that's certainly within your purview. 00:27:58
As. 00:28:03
But that's kind of the idea behind this is we had a situation where. 00:28:04
A particular home that has. 00:28:09
The way the code is written, she can't comply. 00:28:11
End of discussion. I mean, she either has to move. 00:28:14
Or do offsite parking, or get some parking across parking arrangement with the neighbor. 00:28:17
Basically, and so it's. 00:28:25
And this was for a music lessons, if you recall. I know most of you are here. 00:28:28
But so this. 00:28:33
And the other thing. 00:28:36
How much, how much regulation should we have on? So certainly we have a safety issue when plowing needs to happen, right? 00:28:40
But we have an aesthetic issue. 00:28:47
Not necessary safety issues, aesthetic issue, if everybody's parking on the street as well, right? And we know that's a problem 00:28:49
and we know that number one, one of the biggest. 00:28:53
Complaint generators in that city is on street parking. 00:28:58
So, but we're trying to come up with some with a kind of a regulatory. 00:29:03
Pattern that. 00:29:08
Has some flexibility, but doesn't open. 00:29:09
The floodgates to create even more. 00:29:13
Complaints, but allows for individuals. 00:29:15
That are doing music less. 00:29:19
They live on a corner. 00:29:21
But we also have language elsewhere in the document about. 00:29:22
Less in home. 00:29:26
For up to six people. 00:29:28
So what do we do in that case if we've got six students at a time? 00:29:30
Do we? I mean, does the teacher have to suggest carpooling? Yeah, And that's I'm going to have you table that question until we 00:29:35
actually get to the discussion on the the. 00:29:40
Agenda in the full formal meeting because it sounds like we've got some great jumping off points for that discussion. So hold on 00:29:45
to those, don't lose them because we'll we'll come back to them here. But with that, any other questions during our work meeting 00:29:51
before we roll into the official meeting? 00:29:56
OK. And just real quick. Well, with that we'll go ahead and close the work meeting. Does anyone need a quick brief recess for any 00:30:04
reason before we start the work meeting? 00:30:08
All right, we're ready to rock'n'roll. 00:30:14
So with that we will get started. It is 6:02 PM. 00:30:16
And welcome to the Holiday City Planning Commission on December 19. 00:30:20
We are going to go through three different public hearing items today and then we have approval of meeting changes and minutes 00:30:26
after those. 00:30:31
As with every meeting, we have a list of things which we read to the public, and I have asked Commissioner Barron if he would do 00:30:38
that for us. 00:30:43
The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special 00:30:48
studies, make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning, map and ordinance changes, and approve conditional uses and 00:30:54
subdivisions. 00:31:00
The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications. 00:31:06
Rather acts on the applications as they are submitted. 00:31:09
Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at publicly noticed meetings. 00:31:13
Commissioners attempt to visit attempt to visit each property on the agenda. 00:31:18
Where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, existing structures and uses related to the proposed use are proposed chain 00:31:24
are noted. 00:31:29
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the city's general plan, zoning 00:31:33
ordinance and other reports by all verbal and written comments. 00:31:39
And evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public record. 00:31:46
Excellent. Thank you very much for that, Commissioner Barron. And with that we will get started on our meeting. We have on item 00:31:51
number one country Pineview Landscaping plan amendment. 00:31:57
And we will ask city staff if they will go ahead and walk us through the particulars before we invite the applicant up for that. 00:32:03
Thank you, Chair Roche. The first item is a subdivision plan amendment or PUD plan amendment for a landscaping plan. This PUD was 00:32:19
approved with a Grove of trees on the northwest side of the property that was going to stay on the lot. 00:32:28
The applicant went in and started removing trees that were approved to be removed on their PUD plan and their arborist. 00:32:39
Provided an assessment stating that trees on that northwest corner that were originally. 00:32:51
Designated to remain on the property were had various disease or other issues with them and recommended removal. So on the OR the 00:32:57
applicant submitted that assessment by their arborist and a new landscaping plan and I will have the applicant come up and they 00:33:05
can detail that. Great. Thank you very much. And do we have Grant Harrison here today as the applicant. 00:33:14
I'm going to defer to my son who is a little more. 00:33:23
Excellent. If you'll state your name and address for the record and go ahead. Good evening. Mark Harrison, obviously grandson, I'm 00:33:28
the general contractor and developing partner that will actually be building the homes on this site. 00:33:33
Like Carrie said. 00:33:39
We're here to ask for an addendum to the existing proposed or approved plan. As we started the project, we removed the items that 00:33:41
were scheduled to be removed. 00:33:46
But in the process we were left with this Grove of trees in the corner. 00:33:52
We approached our tree experts, which were diamond tree experts, were actually doing the removal and said to them, you know, what 00:33:56
can we do with this Grove of trees that is in this corner to make it look? 00:34:01
Good. Beneficial. 00:34:07
In this corner consists 15 trees, roughly. 00:34:10
13 Siberian Elms, 1 box elder and an apple tree. 00:34:14
Roughly. 00:34:18
These trees have not been touched in probably over 50 years extremely. 00:34:20
Unmaintained. 00:34:26
There is a lot of deadfall consistent in the trees right now. The Northside of the property is being topped by Rocky Mountain 00:34:28
Power, trying to keep their power lines safe. 00:34:33
There's. 00:34:39
Large trees hanging over the neighbor's property. We just we wanted to see, you know, can we can we trim them up? Can we lift them 00:34:41
up? Can we prune them? Can we make them look good? They just don't believe that it's worth the effort to try and save the trees. 00:34:47
We would propose that we come in, take out the existing trees, plant an equal number of trees to replace those just like we are 00:34:54
with the previous ones that we have removed. 00:35:00
And try and make that a little bit. 00:35:07
More quality trees than box. 00:35:10
You know those type of trees? 00:35:14
We understand that the tree ordinance, you know, holiday is holiday because of the tree cover, the canopy that they do have. We 00:35:17
want to maintain that, but we just don't feel that these trees that have not been touched in 60 years and pose A relative amount 00:35:24
of danger to property owners. 00:35:30
And the and we just don't believe. 00:35:37
We can do better. We can replace them. They've kind of reached their lifespan and we can do better and have them be something 00:35:41
beneficial for this property that is going to be. 00:35:46
Appreciate that. And if you do have any questions, we do have the arborist here that did the report and he can answer the disease 00:35:53
questions. Well, the first question I'd like to ask you, if I May is what was the date of, I did not see it on the arborist report 00:35:59
that was submitted to us. What was the date of this assessment? 00:36:05
Before we started removing any trees, it doesn't have a date on it. 00:36:13
But it. 00:36:19
It was. 00:36:20
Do you remember what day we did that, November 16, 1116? 00:36:23
OK. I appreciate that. And if perhaps city staff can just refresh my member. 00:36:33
What was the date we approved the PUD? 00:36:40
Request for this October 24th, October 24th, OK. 00:36:45
So this was just a couple weeks later. 00:36:50
And to also clarify. 00:36:53
Diamond Tree is who you've contracted with. They were contracted to do the removal on all the other trees and then at that time 00:36:56
provided you with this assessment. 00:37:01
Appreciate that. 00:37:09
Commissioners, do we have any other questions for the applicant at this time? 00:37:11
Just because I'm new, Wendy anticipates starting construction on the. 00:37:15
Homes. We still have the development to do so we've just cleared the lot. We just demoed the house and demo the trees and that's 00:37:20
where we are. 00:37:23
So typically in this kind of situation, I'm not the expert. Do you plant now in the winter or wait till the spring? 00:37:26
Probably planting will happen after the houses are built. OK. OK. That's kind of what I was going. So, all right, thank you. As a 00:37:35
general rule of thumb, it's, it's difficult for the trees if there's heavy equipment and you know those. 00:37:42
Construction conditions, that's why my question. Yeah, good question. Thank you. One thing I might just add is we do, we are 00:37:49
required to put in a large French grain system that is on the West side of the property and if you go to, I don't know if you can 00:37:54
pull up page 4. 00:37:59
Of not the landscape plan but the regular plan. I don't have those, but I can pull it up. There is a large French drain that we 00:38:05
have to put in and. 00:38:09
It does encroach on that Grove of trees. We will have to put in a dry well. 00:38:13
Right on the edge of this group of trees. 00:38:19
Which is going to require a large amount of excavation. 00:38:23
And will that well impact your landscape trees that you're proposing to put in there in a way to where it will limit their ability 00:38:27
to reach that full canopy maturity over time? 00:38:34
And it's all buried and then we can plant around it. 00:38:42
Totally fine. OK. I see. All right, Commissioners, any other questions? 00:38:49
OK, we'll go ahead and have you sit. Commissioners, did we want to invite the, well, I guess should we take public comment and 00:38:54
then invite the arborist or take public comment? 00:38:59
Your purview chair. All right, well. 00:39:06
Let's. 00:39:10
All right, let's go ahead. We're going to open the public meeting and invite anyone up to the wants to make comment on the 00:39:12
landscaping plan amendment. We do ask that if you come up, you state your name and address for the record and that you try and be 00:39:19
brief and direct to the point with your comments taking no more than three or 4 minutes. And then if you are following someone 00:39:25
who's already made comments that you do not reiterate the same comments made. 00:39:31
And with that, we'll invite any members of the public that we should come up at this time. 00:39:39
Hi, I'm Megan Miller and I live at 2775 E, 4510 S which is right next door. 00:39:46
And that Grove of trees, they're terrible trees. 00:39:54
There were beautiful trees taken off that had to be taken off and those are, those are really bad trees. I can't imagine anyone. 00:39:59
Living in that in a brand new house that would want those trees in their backyard. So that's our input right next door, looking at 00:40:06
them all the time. And if you if you could just expand on that to Miss Miller, What is it that makes them terrible, Theresa? 00:40:13
They're they're kind of half dying, and they're not quality trees. They're not the kind of tree that someone would want to plant. 00:40:22
You know, if they wanted landscaping, if they'd built a brand new house, I would take them out if I built a house there. 00:40:28
OK. Thank you. I appreciate that. 00:40:34
My name is Scott Miller. I'm Megan's husband next door. Anyway, for years I've been going over there and helping Mrs. Sweet and 00:40:45
kind of maintain some of that area. 00:40:51
And in fact, I took a lot of the dead fall and I. 00:40:57
Stand them up against the fence to try to keep the deer out of there and their big large deadfalls. They just. 00:41:00
Crack off and they're just, it's just a junk tree. They're really hard to maintain and they're hard to keep clean. 00:41:07
We were all for taking him out, OK? 00:41:14
Thank you. Appreciate that. That's very helpful. 00:41:17
And with that, any other members of the public that wish to make comment on the trees at this time? 00:41:21
All right. And with that, I believe we'll go ahead and close the public hearing. They did bring the arborist. So I think it's only 00:41:28
fair that we invite the representative from Diamond to come up and make any comment on this. 00:41:34
On these terrible trees. 00:41:40
Hey everybody, My name is Sean Sortland. I am the certified arborist who works with diamond tree experts. 00:41:44
I live at 1541 S 200 W in Bountiful, UT. 00:41:49
Yeah, these trees. I agree with the Millers completely. Everyone of the Elms is exhibiting. 00:41:55
Slime flux, which is a bacterial infection. It leads to rot in the trees and it's also. 00:42:03
It's gathering right in the union of the Co dominant lead, so I'm not sure if you guys were. 00:42:11
What neighbor you are, but some of the larger trees they are compromised. 00:42:19
They all have included bark with these codominant leads. That compromises them and makes them less strong. 00:42:23
Everyone of the Elms also exhibited signs of leaf miners. 00:42:31
Which will dramatically. 00:42:35
Decrease the canopy of these trees because they feast on the leaves and then. 00:42:37
They produce little flies that fly around everywhere and, you know, make enjoying your backyard pretty tough. 00:42:44
The apple tree is totally dead. That's not coming back at all. And then the box elder after years of Rocky Mountain power 00:42:51
hammering on it. I'm sure there are many capitals and other weak unions up there too, that. 00:42:57
You know that tree should just be removed? 00:43:04
Even if they were cleaned. 00:43:08
With the hazards in the upper canopy would be pretty unsafe for you know any little kids playing in the backyard, anybody just 00:43:10
trying to enjoy their space back there. So, and I appreciate you mentioning your is a certified. I was just curious are you also 00:43:15
track certified? 00:43:20
And for anyone not aware, track is Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, which is an additional certification by ISA. 00:43:26
And so this line flux you found to be in the main trunk of the trees on everyone of them. It wasn't like higher up on branches. 00:43:34
They're kind of bad. I could e-mail you them too really quick if you wanted to bring them up on your computer, but. 00:43:44
Yeah, every single one of the Elms exhibited this. 00:43:51
Slime. 00:43:55
OK. And then as far as determining leaf miners, I'm assuming being in November, you were looking at the leaves on the ground. Well 00:43:56
you could see the the, the leaves that were still on. I mean you can see some of the little larva still inside of the leaves that 00:44:01
didn't make it out. You know it's it's pretty obvious to tell. 00:44:07
I have pictures of those too, if you'd like. OK, gotcha. All right. Any other questions for the arbors? 00:44:13
All right. We'll go ahead and have you sit down. Thank you very much. 00:44:21
All right. 00:44:24
With that, we'll go ahead and move into. 00:44:27
Discussion. 00:44:31
So I'm grateful that the applicant took the time to have the arborist take a look at these and I do like the plan that they've 00:44:33
presented to try and make sure the canopy is met. 00:44:39
And with. 00:44:46
Drainage that they have to put in, yes. The disturbance to the root zone is going to be very problematic in there and it's 00:44:48
definitely going to impact the long term survival of the trees and push them into a further decline, which it sounds like quite a 00:44:54
few of them already might may be in. 00:45:00
That being said, I do have some concerns or reservations just from the. 00:45:07
Way the ordinance is set up and written currently. 00:45:14
To allow the. 00:45:19
Assessment or. 00:45:21
To allow an arborist. 00:45:24
To be done by also a company that specializes in removal and this is not targeting any specific company, but I think there may be 00:45:28
sometimes a conflict of interest. 00:45:32
If there's financial benefit to. 00:45:38
Person conducting the report. 00:45:41
To say, well, we can also take those out for you. Um. 00:45:44
So I think it might be something looking future into our ordinance and the way it's written, it might be beneficial to have it be. 00:45:48
Done by a representative who is not in the business also of removal but specializes just in care and. 00:45:58
Preservation. 00:46:08
But obviously still take into account when removal is recommended. 00:46:11
Chair, I'm curious, are there enough companies out there? 00:46:15
That do this in terms of care and observation that are not. 00:46:20
Tree removal services or would that be a cumbersome? 00:46:26
I believe I can think of several off the top of my head that do exist. Are they as large and well established as the one the 00:46:31
applicant is used? Maybe not, but I do believe there are other companies out there that could provide that and I would just look 00:46:37
to staff if maybe there's a way to. 00:46:42
Articulate that better in the ordinance for future. 00:46:49
Amendment. 00:46:54
But I think as far as what the applicants have presented tonight. 00:46:55
Based on the tree health assessment and the fact that he does carry the track certification, which I think is very important in a 00:47:01
situation like this. 00:47:05
Safety is paramount, right? Like I'll cut down a whole forest if it means we're going to save someone from Hazard. 00:47:11
Right. So I think that's definitely something that must be considered. And again, when you talk about the grading and everything 00:47:16
that's going to go into where this was preserved. 00:47:21
I don't think the trees would handle the additional stress, so I do agree with the arborists. 00:47:28
Recommendation based on all those factors. That being said, I do think it's important because of the conversation that we had with 00:47:34
the applicant 2 months ago back on October 24th. 00:47:41
Where you know, 50% of the PUD approval for this project was based on trying to protect that Grove of trees that we hold them 00:47:49
accountable to, ensuring that they're still going to be a sufficient tree canopy of what hopefully the neighbors, the Millers next 00:47:56
door can call quality or aesthetic trees as opposed to terrible ones. 00:48:03
To be placed back in there and along with that I might make a recommendation that we also ensure that proper watering. 00:48:12
Place a factor in that as well. Not just the planting of the trees, but ensuring that proper irrigation techniques is outlined in 00:48:20
city code as far as drip systems and everything else. 00:48:25
Are added in there as well to ensure long term viability so that we do obtain that lush canopy. 00:48:30
That the terrible trees were trying to provide. 00:48:38
So that's my thoughts and with that I will open it up for other commissioner dialogue, feedback or input on this. 00:48:42
So Chair, you're suggesting that any requirements moving forward that we have a secondary assessment? 00:48:51
Not apply in this. 00:49:00
Correct. I think in this case that would be onerous and outside of what's currently in code. 00:49:03
And I don't think that's a fair requirement to put on the applicant at this time. And also. 00:49:10
Is it important moving forward that a secondary assessment be conducted by an organization that? 00:49:18
Would also be qualified to remove the trees. 00:49:28
I would be concerned about a secondary organization that specializes or profits from removal. 00:49:34
Because even though, excuse me, but even though they don't also have the same conflict of interest as would be the case here. 00:49:42
In other words, the secondary assessment wouldn. 00:49:50
Provide the conflict of interest. 00:49:53
We have here. Are you suggesting that they could go with any vendor that can provide an assessment that does removal as long as 00:49:55
they don't contract that for the applicant? 00:50:01
I would be interested in that discussion with city staff at a future time. 00:50:09
I mean, it gives us more flexibility, right? Yeah. I mean, I don't want to limit any business. 00:50:15
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32. 00:00:00
And we will get started with our work meeting in committee or in attendance tonight is everyone. 00:00:01
Which is great. We all didn't have anything planned for our holidays. So the entire Commission is here and we have our legal 00:00:09
counsel and both city staff here as well. So we are excited and we have three public hearing items because #4 has been rescheduled 00:00:16
and then approval of minutes. 00:00:22
And the calendar, yes, thank you. Can't forget the important meeting scheduled for next year because we want to tweak that maybe. 00:00:30
So with that we will jump right in and ask Miss Marsh if you would want to cover the first item for us. 00:00:37
OK, so the first item is Country Pine View subdivision of PUD. This is the landscaping plan amendment. 00:00:47
Regarding the trees that are in the. 00:00:56
West N northwest corner of the property on the PUD. Those were designated as remaining on the site, the applicant submitted. 00:00:58
Assessment by. 00:01:11
They're AR. 00:01:13
It's when they went to go and start removing trees that the arbors did their assessments, so that's why they came back to amend 00:01:15
the landscape plan. 00:01:18
The amendment that I sent over yesterday does have the new landscaping plan in it. 00:01:23
Does anyone have any questions on this one? I don't know if I got a chance to Scroll down. Could you just pull that up before us 00:01:31
real quick so I can see it? 00:01:35
And this is the one where they're taking out. They propose taking out some trees because they're diseased or near utility lines or 00:01:44
leaning or whatever, but they're going to add back more than. 00:01:50
They were. 00:01:57
Their original plan I. 00:01:59
Was replacing more than they were removing. This new plan is replacing the same amount that they're removing OK? 00:02:01
So they had some cushion that was already built into their prior approved. 00:02:11
I think we've got one more page. 00:02:17
So are they not proposing to replace that Grove then? 00:02:19
They are. 00:02:23
With the same number of trees, because that looks like fewer. 00:02:24
Because on the arborist report that calls for this Grove to be removed, there are, if I remember correctly, 16 trees in total I 00:02:30
count. 00:02:35
Seven now in that corner, right? 00:02:39
That seems like half. 00:02:42
My mistake. And if they put the tree somewhere else. 00:02:45
I believe they added some more up in the front. 00:02:48
Unless you have additional requirements to meet one. For one, it's the canopy spread 1:00 to 1:00. 00:02:53
So that old clump of trees met 900 square feet and they have the seven trees that. 00:02:59
At full maturity will equal that 900 square feet. That's the ordinance. But this is a PUD. 00:03:05
You've already granted flexible setbacks. 00:03:11
To this project so conditional uses. 00:03:14
Flexibility to requests are warranted. 00:03:18
It's up to you. 00:03:21
OK. I mean, I'm OK with less trees, Do we? What are the trees they're planning to put in there? A whole bunch of Norway maples? 00:03:22
And what are the larger ones? 00:03:27
Let me zoom in on that the London plane. 00:03:32
Which is a Sycamore tree which gets anthrax in the entire city is riddled with problems with those. 00:03:35
Unless they get the disease resistant variety, which I don't think has been invented yet. 00:03:43
Such an interesting knowledge base I have. Just random stuff when it comes to trees. Sorry, it's that arborist in me. 00:03:49
And there's their canopy notes on there. So 12,513 square feet of canopy removed and 13,522 to be replaced. 00:03:56
So just about 1000 square feet more is what they're proposing back in. 00:04:06
So have the trees been removed? 00:04:13
The ones that were originally permitted to be removed have been so the neighbor whose comments were in the report. 00:04:16
Said it. 00:04:24
He basically took everything out. I'm just curious if we. 00:04:26
We typically want them to get this type of approval before they start chopping those things down, right? Right. And he went in and 00:04:29
started removing the trees that we already approved to be removed on the site plan. 00:04:35
Thanks for that clarification. 00:04:42
This property does have four housing units being placed on it and then kind of a unique shape with it being narrow at the bottom, 00:04:45
so. 00:04:49
What was reviewed? 00:04:54
Preliminary kind of the placement of the houses around existing trees. 00:04:56
I think there were not a lot of trees that were going to remain on there just based off the coverage and the amount of units that. 00:05:03
Were permitted for the. 00:05:11
Memory serves, this was two or three meetings ago, but one of the conditions or one of the requests for the PUD and the setbacks 00:05:15
to be allowed to be moved like that wasn't just for the aesthetics, but also because they initially were talking about wanting to 00:05:21
protect this Grove of trees, right? 00:05:27
There is the trees and then also angling houses so that there's more open space. That's common, right? So they wanted it 00:05:34
aesthetically for the house placement and. 00:05:39
Secondly, for this Grove of trees, which now the person who has removed all the trees says, Oh my gosh, these trees are sick too. 00:05:43
You should let me remove them. 00:05:47
Essentially, right, right. 00:05:52
Carrie, at what point do we concern ourselves with Canopy, in other words? 00:05:55
He can replace trees. 00:06:00
But if he replaces them with saplings? 00:06:03
The canopy. 00:06:05
Not going to. 00:06:08
Reveal itself for many years, right? Our ordinance does say that they have to have the same canopy at maturity. 00:06:09
So they're replaced with 1 1/2 diameter caliper trees. 00:06:17
That's the requirement. So it is specified in our code that they have to be at least 1 1/2 inch caliper tree. That's measured at 00:06:24
chest height. 00:06:28
And then the canopy has to reach the maturity of what was removed, so that could be 20 years. 00:06:34
Right. 00:06:43
19 proposed. 00:07:06
So are they 3000? 00:07:08
Square feet short. 00:07:11
So those were initial calculations that I had off of their original before they submitted their what their actual landscape plan 00:07:15
was. It was here's kind of a rough estimate of these trees that they're now proposing to be removed, but I didn't have actual 00:07:21
square footage from them yet. 00:07:27
Brad, did you have a? 00:07:35
Yeah, just just to give you some maybe a little bit of insight here. So this is the. 00:07:36
In my experience, the most aggressive progressive tree preservation plant in the state. 00:07:43
Ordinance in the state. I'm not saying there's no room for improving anything. I'm just telling you that this. 00:07:49
Is, I would say and I remember. 00:07:55
I'm going to forget his name. He used to be on the council. He is an attorney. 00:08:00
Yeah, Steve Gunn, he was a big proponent of this. He was assigned to the tree committee and I remember doing quite a bit of 00:08:04
research for him on this particular issue and turning it over all to him. And then he helped, you know, take that research and 00:08:10
provided. 00:08:15
Created a draft, you know him and I worked together and creating a draft for that tree preservation ordinance and then it went 00:08:21
through several. 00:08:24
Iterations and revisions at the tree committee, and that's how we ended up with this, but it is. 00:08:28
We tried to make sure it was constitutional so we could do, we could regulate in the way we did and you know, unfortunately you're 00:08:35
it's really difficult to transplant a 50 year old tree. 00:08:41
And have it survive. 00:08:47
And so we are taking out old trees and mature, replacing them with. 00:08:48
But overtime? 00:08:53
It should you know main. 00:08:55
And potentially increase the the actual tree canopy in the city. So anyway just wanted to give you a little bit of background on 00:08:59
that, but. 00:09:03
I think after our pre meeting that Commissioner Roche. 00:09:08
Chair Roach has some ideas on how to strengthen or some he wants to make some requests to strengthen this so that we can 00:09:13
potentially avoid these kind of things. Yeah, I think I'll I'll wait and do a little bit of fact finding with the applicant to to 00:09:19
ensure my understanding and comprehension of how this was put together before I move forward with any recommendation or requests. 00:09:26
And I think as as you as we talked in the pre meeting, I think it is perfectly. 00:09:32
Within the Commission's purview to request staff to come back with some ways that we could strengthen this, I've got. 00:09:40
You know, we talked, we identified a couple of ideas and I think they're. 00:09:48
You know, I'm almost certain there are probably some that we didn't think about. So anyway, perfect, thank you. What would that 00:09:52
mean from a practical standpoint? 00:09:55
With regard to what we're facing tonight. 00:10:00
You know that when you're taking out this number of trees and there is a question on whether or not. 00:10:04
For example, the Arborist report went into sufficient detail and provide sufficient evidence. 00:10:12
That the trees actually are diseased or dying, I. 00:10:20
Is there an opportunity for the city to challenge that or to, you know, at the city's expense, get their own expert to review? 00:10:24
That report, maybe you could beef up what the report requires. 00:10:31
When they're taking out, I mean the larger the Grove that you're taking out, the larger number of. 00:10:35
The more detailed the report has to be. 00:10:40
Things along those lines are kind of things that were kind of discussed. 00:10:42
So perhaps we would want to continue this. 00:10:46
So here's where I would say that there's. 00:10:50
Potentially. 00:10:55
I'm not saying there's not a hill that's worth fighting for. 00:10:59
But the particular tree species might play into that and whether this is the right hill. 00:11:05
In other words, we are talking about a Grove of Russian olives and Siberian Elms. Siberian Elms, which are not regarded as the 00:11:11
most aesthetic. 00:11:16
And highly invasive in some areas in fact. So it's not necessarily the quality of what's there, it's just the fact that it's there 00:11:24
and we're going to lose it and is there. 00:11:30
Enough justification based on someones opinion who works for a tree removal company to justify removing a Grove of trees in our 00:11:36
city. This just may not be the. I'm not saying there's not a hill that is worth. 00:11:43
Looking into that, but we need it would help to have a strengthened ordinance in addition to. 00:11:50
Finding the right hill, right. Well, yeah, I think if I might just clarify, up until this point you've been presented with 00:11:56
documents that. 00:12:01
Is providing a development pattern which hinges on the preservation of this growth of trees or more. 00:12:06
When you get to a point where you're like where your shovel hits the dirt and you start realizing. 00:12:14
Well, this house might be placed in a way that we can't get to those trees. If they do die or if they need to be maintained 00:12:19
another way, let's address them now. 00:12:23
And we're backtracking. That's what we're doing right now. We're backtracking it back into a preliminary level review. 00:12:28
So if this if you believe that this consideration hinders the way you approve the setbacks for this PUD. 00:12:33
That's in play. 00:12:41
So not necessarily the type of tree, or, you know, whether it's diseased or not. You developed a development pattern. You created 00:12:47
a contingent development pattern upon trees that were supposed to be protected. 00:12:53
So, you know, does the layout of the trees now in this configuration warranty the flexibility and setbacks? 00:13:00
That that could be a way that some considerations to think about. 00:13:07
Nobody on this Commission thought they'd spend this much time talking about tree placement, did they? It's great. 00:13:13
I see this as an opportunity to get rid of a lot of bad trees. 00:13:20
Especially ones that are power lines that we're all spending our money. 00:13:25
I had a house like that right before the cities ordinance went and we pulled all the trees out. 00:13:31
Power lines in the corner for the same reason it was not worth. 00:13:38
In there. 00:13:42
At some point, trees. 00:13:48
Agreed. 00:13:51
Good option to do that when. 00:13:55
I absolutely agree and please don't regard me as the the tree hugging hippie that thinks to save them all. I just. 00:14:00
Well, one thing that I might from a personal arborist. 00:14:10
Perspective challenge in this particular situation. 00:14:22
Is there a larger tree further into the lot line that doesn't actually impact power lines and is that really that disease and sick 00:14:26
based on the arborist report or are we talking about slime flux on a branch that was found at the top of the tree and now this 45 00:14:32
foot established tree needs to come out? 00:14:39
A word that's allowed for. 00:14:47
City evaluation. 00:14:49
An evaluation. 00:14:51
Right. With all of that said, I I just think it's important as long as tree discussion is within our purview that we remember that 00:14:54
the tree canopy is one of the things that sets holiday apart. 00:15:00
But I will say this, I am pro property rights and I don't want anyone to tell me I can't cut down a tree I don't like on my 00:15:08
property or a disease sick tree. But I will comply with city code if required to put it back or get a permit to do so. And in this 00:15:15
particular case, I think it warrants A heavier discussion than just a simple property ownership, property rights situation because 00:15:22
of the meeting we had three meetings ago or two meetings ago. 00:15:28
Regarding the request. 00:15:35
To adjust the PUD and the placement of the homes based contingent on aesthetics and the trees. 00:15:37
So with that, sorry, but any other questions about this one before we move to the next item? 00:15:45
All right, roll into #2 carry. 00:15:51
All right, #2 is for a building footprint size for an existing building. Currently, the building is over the allowed footprint 00:15:54
size For an accessory building. They're making some modifications on the footprint, and with the modifications, it does require a 00:16:00
conditional use permit. 00:16:06
So the footprint is detailed. There's a area that's being removed and then area that's being added. 00:16:13
Any questions on this? 00:16:24
Is the. 00:16:26
The home that was removed from this site, is that in a plan to be put back in and this will still continue to be an accessory to 00:16:28
this 'cause, I mean at this point this is kind of the main building at this right? They do have a building permit for a for a 00:16:34
residence. Primary use of the property is residential. 00:16:40
So this will continue to be accessory building. 00:16:48
Under the building footprint maximum, I was looking at each of the size of the properties they had to be. Is there a maximum the 00:16:53
accessory building can be? There's not a maximum. OK, so as long as the conditional use permit, you could go well beyond. 00:17:01
Right. What would come into play is lot coverage. Percentage structures can only cover a certain percent of the setbacks and so 00:17:09
forth. Would kick in, and that would kind of restrict how big ultimately could be. But it still has to get a conditional use for 00:17:16
being over the maximum outright permitted. 00:17:23
What is the percentage of lot size that can be covered by an accessory building? 00:17:31
Generalities I mean. 00:17:39
10%, twenty percent, 50% Usually for a structure it. 00:17:41
As the property size increases, then your percentage goes down. I want to say for an acre it's 30. 00:17:46
35%. 00:17:54
John Gino off the top of your head. 00:17:56
That's why I don't memorize these things. I'm looking at our discussion. I'm just recognizing that it's a 10 acre property, so. 00:17:59
Strikes me. 00:18:07
There's a lot of percentage to work with there. 00:18:09
1% is 10,000 square feet, so I might have missed it, but is there? 00:18:12
A picture of where it's going to be on the lot. I could see the lot and I could see the building up, but I I might it's not a full 00:18:20
picture of the of the site, but this does show the property boundary that is on. 00:18:27
The oh, I'm not sure what side of the property it's. 00:18:35
Oh, I see. I didn't recognize that as a property. Yeah, so the solid line is a property boundary. So this is where the building 00:18:40
is. They're already very close to the property line, and they're making it bigger. They're pretty far from the property line. So 00:18:47
here's where the building is. The property line is out here. Oh, I see. Yep, I see it now. Got it. 00:18:54
Thank you. 00:19:01
And looking at this diagram just so I have my bearings straight and I know I'm looking at it right, the. 00:19:03
House that was there, The estate house was to the right of this. Yes. OK. 00:19:07
Commissioner Prince, yes, I think we already presumed it was. It's a large number, but it's. 00:19:13
20% of the lot size that's owned can be covered in structures. 00:19:19
For this works out to be 87,000 square feet. So we're. 00:19:23
I believe so. Good to know well based on what the building footprint for the house and then the existing other two houses that are 00:19:28
on that right And we do evaluate that lot coverage when building permits are submitted. 00:19:33
OK, good. 00:19:39
Any other questions on this one? 00:19:42
The other thing to note there is that I believe two or three trees are being removed. That's on this plan. 00:19:46
They're small XS on here. They're a little bit hard to see. 00:19:55
Do they have a replacement 1 here? 00:20:01
On this corner. 00:20:04
And then there's a couple of down here. And so their landscape plan is this next plan. 00:20:06
You can see an addition of trees here. They're planting multiple trees across the site. 00:20:12
But that can be a specific condition of trees being removed by this addition to the building be replaced on the site. Is that in 00:20:19
the? 00:20:24
Suggested motion. I don't believe I have a suggested motion for the tree. You can note that if that is something you'd want to 00:20:30
consider. 00:20:34
And that's also something that we check for on the on the building permit. So with the building footprint affecting trees being 00:20:40
removed, those ones would be required to be replaced. 00:20:47
Which it sounds like they're putting 2 to one if they're putting those six out front, OK. 00:20:54
All right, perfect. Any other questions on item 2? 00:20:59
All right. And then lastly is item 3, the text amendment that we're all excited to hear you've been working on. 00:21:04
Yes, So this is for home occupations, the basic. 00:21:11
Outline of this is one thing that we wanted to address was parking that became an issue for one of our prior conditional use 00:21:16
permits. Also being able to approve home occupations with a set list of standards instead of having them be reviewed by the 00:21:22
Planning Commission with a conditional use permit. 00:21:29
So additional languages added. There's some highlighted portions. 00:21:36
That there's some flexibility on any other things that you'd want to add. 00:21:42
Can be added in. We just note that and that would then go to planning or to City Council. If there was a positive recommendation, 00:21:49
you could have the conditions of with language. 00:21:54
Specific, You know, outline whatever you wanted to add in or change in the proposed language. 00:22:00
Kind of. The key points on this are hours. 00:22:11
7:00 AM to 10:00. 00:22:14
Not exceeding 6 people at A. 00:22:16
The on street parking would be approved in certain conditions or circumstances. 00:22:20
Usually if there's an unsafe circumstance or property access, that can be tweaked if that is something that you feel would be 00:22:26
unreasonable. 00:22:30
Off site parking agreements can be utilized. 00:22:36
And I added in a temporary exceedance of the allowed parking on site can occur twice within a month. 00:22:40
So that accounts for like recitals or graduations or other kinds of big larger group events that require more people to be there. 00:22:50
That can be adjusted as well or removed entirely. 00:22:58
I'm only concerned with that and we can talk about that in the work meeting might just. 00:23:02
How does that work from an enforcement standpoint like who's out there measuring you know like what's what's looky loo neighbor or 00:23:07
we encouraging to track it was more than twice that they had more than one car out front. 00:23:13
You could add in language about a single event permit being required if they were to have an event associated with their home 00:23:20
occupation. 00:23:24
So you're saying that the items that are highlighted in green are the items that we have an opportunity to weigh in on, Those are 00:23:28
some that are identified, any anything else is open to discussion as well if there's particular pieces that you'd like to see 00:23:34
added or pieces that you'd like to see removed. 00:23:40
Can you give us an idea on the parameters for the on street parking? 00:23:49
What if they want to have? They'll say the parking is a block away. 00:23:55
To me it doesn't do any good unless there is a distance to the site so that. 00:24:00
So what are what are you thinking as far as letting the? 00:24:05
Director make that approval. 00:24:10
But what is that based on? It is just. 00:24:12
I don't see any parameters by which they have to be measured by to make sure that. 00:24:18
They're in compliance and makes the directors position, so he's not just changing. 00:24:23
So we could say within a distance of 100 feet or. 00:24:30
There's or immediately adjacent to the property owner's property, or if that's not available then across the street or one house 00:24:36
down. Because you do run into issues sometimes with corner properties where you can't park right in front of the house, so then it 00:24:43
would have to be adjusted. That's one of those safety issues. 00:24:51
But we could put a distance on that. I think that would be reasonable. 00:25:00
OK, good catalog. 00:25:04
All right. Any other questions on item three? Yeah, one more. How much of the parking can they have on street? Are you thinking 00:25:08
the entire requirement they could use on street parking? 00:25:13
Or is. 00:25:19
They would have to have specific circumstances that they detail in their application in order for. 00:25:21
On street parking to be approved. 00:25:28
The parking is detailed that it has to be has all parking has to be on site. 00:25:31
Except if there are circumstances where there's personal property. 00:25:36
Access issues or unsafe conditions then we could look outside of that on site requirement. 00:25:43
So at this point in time, you're not sure if it'll be all acceptable off the site, I mean. 00:25:48
They can park on the street 100% or half and OK there would be some circumstances that that may occur where. 00:25:54
All of their parking would be on. 00:26:04
You said, Do you see the difficulty? I don't want to put you guys into another type of thing where you're having to try and figure 00:26:07
out what's the best way to interpret the codes. I think we want to make it as simple as possible. 00:26:13
Because you're not going to be able to meet everybody. 00:26:20
You know, difficulty with having on site parking. 00:26:24
Would it be acceptable to do limited to one on street parking space? 00:26:27
Are you asking me? 00:26:34
Yes. 00:26:36
So I know that. So we had a we had an issue a couple of months ago if you remember that is kind of driving the state law changes, 00:26:38
but there's also. 00:26:42
A couple of other issues that are changing kind. 00:26:47
Creating the catalyst for bringing this out. 00:26:50
And it's kind of, I don't want to say it's an unintended consequence, but it's a consequence that. 00:26:54
May be encompassing too much. How about that? 00:27:00
And so there are particular situations, for example, a corner lot. You can't park in front of a corner lot without violating 00:27:06
Clearview, right? So. 00:27:10
Are you basically saying, well the person on the corner because they can't violate peer review therefore, and they only and they 00:27:15
have a shared driveway. They can't have a home based business period and a discussion move on next person. 00:27:20
Right. I mean, that's kind of the situation that we're trying to address in this particular thing. 00:27:25
The default. 00:27:31
Isn't on street parking. That's not the default. The default is off street parking, and it leaves the director some flexibility if 00:27:33
there are some circumstances that make it impossible to comply. 00:27:39
With the on site parking. 00:27:45
So that's kind of and if there's suggestions in language and we want to tighten something up, I mean certainly. 00:27:48
There's an opportunity to look at that and make some recommendations. 00:27:54
Making some adjustments or changes to that, I mean that's certainly within your purview. 00:27:58
As. 00:28:03
But that's kind of the idea behind this is we had a situation where. 00:28:04
A particular home that has. 00:28:09
The way the code is written, she can't comply. 00:28:11
End of discussion. I mean, she either has to move. 00:28:14
Or do offsite parking, or get some parking across parking arrangement with the neighbor. 00:28:17
Basically, and so it's. 00:28:25
And this was for a music lessons, if you recall. I know most of you are here. 00:28:28
But so this. 00:28:33
And the other thing. 00:28:36
How much, how much regulation should we have on? So certainly we have a safety issue when plowing needs to happen, right? 00:28:40
But we have an aesthetic issue. 00:28:47
Not necessary safety issues, aesthetic issue, if everybody's parking on the street as well, right? And we know that's a problem 00:28:49
and we know that number one, one of the biggest. 00:28:53
Complaint generators in that city is on street parking. 00:28:58
So, but we're trying to come up with some with a kind of a regulatory. 00:29:03
Pattern that. 00:29:08
Has some flexibility, but doesn't open. 00:29:09
The floodgates to create even more. 00:29:13
Complaints, but allows for individuals. 00:29:15
That are doing music less. 00:29:19
They live on a corner. 00:29:21
But we also have language elsewhere in the document about. 00:29:22
Less in home. 00:29:26
For up to six people. 00:29:28
So what do we do in that case if we've got six students at a time? 00:29:30
Do we? I mean, does the teacher have to suggest carpooling? Yeah, And that's I'm going to have you table that question until we 00:29:35
actually get to the discussion on the the. 00:29:40
Agenda in the full formal meeting because it sounds like we've got some great jumping off points for that discussion. So hold on 00:29:45
to those, don't lose them because we'll we'll come back to them here. But with that, any other questions during our work meeting 00:29:51
before we roll into the official meeting? 00:29:56
OK. And just real quick. Well, with that we'll go ahead and close the work meeting. Does anyone need a quick brief recess for any 00:30:04
reason before we start the work meeting? 00:30:08
All right, we're ready to rock'n'roll. 00:30:14
So with that we will get started. It is 6:02 PM. 00:30:16
And welcome to the Holiday City Planning Commission on December 19. 00:30:20
We are going to go through three different public hearing items today and then we have approval of meeting changes and minutes 00:30:26
after those. 00:30:31
As with every meeting, we have a list of things which we read to the public, and I have asked Commissioner Barron if he would do 00:30:38
that for us. 00:30:43
The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special 00:30:48
studies, make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning, map and ordinance changes, and approve conditional uses and 00:30:54
subdivisions. 00:31:00
The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications. 00:31:06
Rather acts on the applications as they are submitted. 00:31:09
Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at publicly noticed meetings. 00:31:13
Commissioners attempt to visit attempt to visit each property on the agenda. 00:31:18
Where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, existing structures and uses related to the proposed use are proposed chain 00:31:24
are noted. 00:31:29
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the city's general plan, zoning 00:31:33
ordinance and other reports by all verbal and written comments. 00:31:39
And evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public record. 00:31:46
Excellent. Thank you very much for that, Commissioner Barron. And with that we will get started on our meeting. We have on item 00:31:51
number one country Pineview Landscaping plan amendment. 00:31:57
And we will ask city staff if they will go ahead and walk us through the particulars before we invite the applicant up for that. 00:32:03
Thank you, Chair Roche. The first item is a subdivision plan amendment or PUD plan amendment for a landscaping plan. This PUD was 00:32:19
approved with a Grove of trees on the northwest side of the property that was going to stay on the lot. 00:32:28
The applicant went in and started removing trees that were approved to be removed on their PUD plan and their arborist. 00:32:39
Provided an assessment stating that trees on that northwest corner that were originally. 00:32:51
Designated to remain on the property were had various disease or other issues with them and recommended removal. So on the OR the 00:32:57
applicant submitted that assessment by their arborist and a new landscaping plan and I will have the applicant come up and they 00:33:05
can detail that. Great. Thank you very much. And do we have Grant Harrison here today as the applicant. 00:33:14
I'm going to defer to my son who is a little more. 00:33:23
Excellent. If you'll state your name and address for the record and go ahead. Good evening. Mark Harrison, obviously grandson, I'm 00:33:28
the general contractor and developing partner that will actually be building the homes on this site. 00:33:33
Like Carrie said. 00:33:39
We're here to ask for an addendum to the existing proposed or approved plan. As we started the project, we removed the items that 00:33:41
were scheduled to be removed. 00:33:46
But in the process we were left with this Grove of trees in the corner. 00:33:52
We approached our tree experts, which were diamond tree experts, were actually doing the removal and said to them, you know, what 00:33:56
can we do with this Grove of trees that is in this corner to make it look? 00:34:01
Good. Beneficial. 00:34:07
In this corner consists 15 trees, roughly. 00:34:10
13 Siberian Elms, 1 box elder and an apple tree. 00:34:14
Roughly. 00:34:18
These trees have not been touched in probably over 50 years extremely. 00:34:20
Unmaintained. 00:34:26
There is a lot of deadfall consistent in the trees right now. The Northside of the property is being topped by Rocky Mountain 00:34:28
Power, trying to keep their power lines safe. 00:34:33
There's. 00:34:39
Large trees hanging over the neighbor's property. We just we wanted to see, you know, can we can we trim them up? Can we lift them 00:34:41
up? Can we prune them? Can we make them look good? They just don't believe that it's worth the effort to try and save the trees. 00:34:47
We would propose that we come in, take out the existing trees, plant an equal number of trees to replace those just like we are 00:34:54
with the previous ones that we have removed. 00:35:00
And try and make that a little bit. 00:35:07
More quality trees than box. 00:35:10
You know those type of trees? 00:35:14
We understand that the tree ordinance, you know, holiday is holiday because of the tree cover, the canopy that they do have. We 00:35:17
want to maintain that, but we just don't feel that these trees that have not been touched in 60 years and pose A relative amount 00:35:24
of danger to property owners. 00:35:30
And the and we just don't believe. 00:35:37
We can do better. We can replace them. They've kind of reached their lifespan and we can do better and have them be something 00:35:41
beneficial for this property that is going to be. 00:35:46
Appreciate that. And if you do have any questions, we do have the arborist here that did the report and he can answer the disease 00:35:53
questions. Well, the first question I'd like to ask you, if I May is what was the date of, I did not see it on the arborist report 00:35:59
that was submitted to us. What was the date of this assessment? 00:36:05
Before we started removing any trees, it doesn't have a date on it. 00:36:13
But it. 00:36:19
It was. 00:36:20
Do you remember what day we did that, November 16, 1116? 00:36:23
OK. I appreciate that. And if perhaps city staff can just refresh my member. 00:36:33
What was the date we approved the PUD? 00:36:40
Request for this October 24th, October 24th, OK. 00:36:45
So this was just a couple weeks later. 00:36:50
And to also clarify. 00:36:53
Diamond Tree is who you've contracted with. They were contracted to do the removal on all the other trees and then at that time 00:36:56
provided you with this assessment. 00:37:01
Appreciate that. 00:37:09
Commissioners, do we have any other questions for the applicant at this time? 00:37:11
Just because I'm new, Wendy anticipates starting construction on the. 00:37:15
Homes. We still have the development to do so we've just cleared the lot. We just demoed the house and demo the trees and that's 00:37:20
where we are. 00:37:23
So typically in this kind of situation, I'm not the expert. Do you plant now in the winter or wait till the spring? 00:37:26
Probably planting will happen after the houses are built. OK. OK. That's kind of what I was going. So, all right, thank you. As a 00:37:35
general rule of thumb, it's, it's difficult for the trees if there's heavy equipment and you know those. 00:37:42
Construction conditions, that's why my question. Yeah, good question. Thank you. One thing I might just add is we do, we are 00:37:49
required to put in a large French grain system that is on the West side of the property and if you go to, I don't know if you can 00:37:54
pull up page 4. 00:37:59
Of not the landscape plan but the regular plan. I don't have those, but I can pull it up. There is a large French drain that we 00:38:05
have to put in and. 00:38:09
It does encroach on that Grove of trees. We will have to put in a dry well. 00:38:13
Right on the edge of this group of trees. 00:38:19
Which is going to require a large amount of excavation. 00:38:23
And will that well impact your landscape trees that you're proposing to put in there in a way to where it will limit their ability 00:38:27
to reach that full canopy maturity over time? 00:38:34
And it's all buried and then we can plant around it. 00:38:42
Totally fine. OK. I see. All right, Commissioners, any other questions? 00:38:49
OK, we'll go ahead and have you sit. Commissioners, did we want to invite the, well, I guess should we take public comment and 00:38:54
then invite the arborist or take public comment? 00:38:59
Your purview chair. All right, well. 00:39:06
Let's. 00:39:10
All right, let's go ahead. We're going to open the public meeting and invite anyone up to the wants to make comment on the 00:39:12
landscaping plan amendment. We do ask that if you come up, you state your name and address for the record and that you try and be 00:39:19
brief and direct to the point with your comments taking no more than three or 4 minutes. And then if you are following someone 00:39:25
who's already made comments that you do not reiterate the same comments made. 00:39:31
And with that, we'll invite any members of the public that we should come up at this time. 00:39:39
Hi, I'm Megan Miller and I live at 2775 E, 4510 S which is right next door. 00:39:46
And that Grove of trees, they're terrible trees. 00:39:54
There were beautiful trees taken off that had to be taken off and those are, those are really bad trees. I can't imagine anyone. 00:39:59
Living in that in a brand new house that would want those trees in their backyard. So that's our input right next door, looking at 00:40:06
them all the time. And if you if you could just expand on that to Miss Miller, What is it that makes them terrible, Theresa? 00:40:13
They're they're kind of half dying, and they're not quality trees. They're not the kind of tree that someone would want to plant. 00:40:22
You know, if they wanted landscaping, if they'd built a brand new house, I would take them out if I built a house there. 00:40:28
OK. Thank you. I appreciate that. 00:40:34
My name is Scott Miller. I'm Megan's husband next door. Anyway, for years I've been going over there and helping Mrs. Sweet and 00:40:45
kind of maintain some of that area. 00:40:51
And in fact, I took a lot of the dead fall and I. 00:40:57
Stand them up against the fence to try to keep the deer out of there and their big large deadfalls. They just. 00:41:00
Crack off and they're just, it's just a junk tree. They're really hard to maintain and they're hard to keep clean. 00:41:07
We were all for taking him out, OK? 00:41:14
Thank you. Appreciate that. That's very helpful. 00:41:17
And with that, any other members of the public that wish to make comment on the trees at this time? 00:41:21
All right. And with that, I believe we'll go ahead and close the public hearing. They did bring the arborist. So I think it's only 00:41:28
fair that we invite the representative from Diamond to come up and make any comment on this. 00:41:34
On these terrible trees. 00:41:40
Hey everybody, My name is Sean Sortland. I am the certified arborist who works with diamond tree experts. 00:41:44
I live at 1541 S 200 W in Bountiful, UT. 00:41:49
Yeah, these trees. I agree with the Millers completely. Everyone of the Elms is exhibiting. 00:41:55
Slime flux, which is a bacterial infection. It leads to rot in the trees and it's also. 00:42:03
It's gathering right in the union of the Co dominant lead, so I'm not sure if you guys were. 00:42:11
What neighbor you are, but some of the larger trees they are compromised. 00:42:19
They all have included bark with these codominant leads. That compromises them and makes them less strong. 00:42:23
Everyone of the Elms also exhibited signs of leaf miners. 00:42:31
Which will dramatically. 00:42:35
Decrease the canopy of these trees because they feast on the leaves and then. 00:42:37
They produce little flies that fly around everywhere and, you know, make enjoying your backyard pretty tough. 00:42:44
The apple tree is totally dead. That's not coming back at all. And then the box elder after years of Rocky Mountain power 00:42:51
hammering on it. I'm sure there are many capitals and other weak unions up there too, that. 00:42:57
You know that tree should just be removed? 00:43:04
Even if they were cleaned. 00:43:08
With the hazards in the upper canopy would be pretty unsafe for you know any little kids playing in the backyard, anybody just 00:43:10
trying to enjoy their space back there. So, and I appreciate you mentioning your is a certified. I was just curious are you also 00:43:15
track certified? 00:43:20
And for anyone not aware, track is Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, which is an additional certification by ISA. 00:43:26
And so this line flux you found to be in the main trunk of the trees on everyone of them. It wasn't like higher up on branches. 00:43:34
They're kind of bad. I could e-mail you them too really quick if you wanted to bring them up on your computer, but. 00:43:44
Yeah, every single one of the Elms exhibited this. 00:43:51
Slime. 00:43:55
OK. And then as far as determining leaf miners, I'm assuming being in November, you were looking at the leaves on the ground. Well 00:43:56
you could see the the, the leaves that were still on. I mean you can see some of the little larva still inside of the leaves that 00:44:01
didn't make it out. You know it's it's pretty obvious to tell. 00:44:07
I have pictures of those too, if you'd like. OK, gotcha. All right. Any other questions for the arbors? 00:44:13
All right. We'll go ahead and have you sit down. Thank you very much. 00:44:21
All right. 00:44:24
With that, we'll go ahead and move into. 00:44:27
Discussion. 00:44:31
So I'm grateful that the applicant took the time to have the arborist take a look at these and I do like the plan that they've 00:44:33
presented to try and make sure the canopy is met. 00:44:39
And with. 00:44:46
Drainage that they have to put in, yes. The disturbance to the root zone is going to be very problematic in there and it's 00:44:48
definitely going to impact the long term survival of the trees and push them into a further decline, which it sounds like quite a 00:44:54
few of them already might may be in. 00:45:00
That being said, I do have some concerns or reservations just from the. 00:45:07
Way the ordinance is set up and written currently. 00:45:14
To allow the. 00:45:19
Assessment or. 00:45:21
To allow an arborist. 00:45:24
To be done by also a company that specializes in removal and this is not targeting any specific company, but I think there may be 00:45:28
sometimes a conflict of interest. 00:45:32
If there's financial benefit to. 00:45:38
Person conducting the report. 00:45:41
To say, well, we can also take those out for you. Um. 00:45:44
So I think it might be something looking future into our ordinance and the way it's written, it might be beneficial to have it be. 00:45:48
Done by a representative who is not in the business also of removal but specializes just in care and. 00:45:58
Preservation. 00:46:08
But obviously still take into account when removal is recommended. 00:46:11
Chair, I'm curious, are there enough companies out there? 00:46:15
That do this in terms of care and observation that are not. 00:46:20
Tree removal services or would that be a cumbersome? 00:46:26
I believe I can think of several off the top of my head that do exist. Are they as large and well established as the one the 00:46:31
applicant is used? Maybe not, but I do believe there are other companies out there that could provide that and I would just look 00:46:37
to staff if maybe there's a way to. 00:46:42
Articulate that better in the ordinance for future. 00:46:49
Amendment. 00:46:54
But I think as far as what the applicants have presented tonight. 00:46:55
Based on the tree health assessment and the fact that he does carry the track certification, which I think is very important in a 00:47:01
situation like this. 00:47:05
Safety is paramount, right? Like I'll cut down a whole forest if it means we're going to save someone from Hazard. 00:47:11
Right. So I think that's definitely something that must be considered. And again, when you talk about the grading and everything 00:47:16
that's going to go into where this was preserved. 00:47:21
I don't think the trees would handle the additional stress, so I do agree with the arborists. 00:47:28
Recommendation based on all those factors. That being said, I do think it's important because of the conversation that we had with 00:47:34
the applicant 2 months ago back on October 24th. 00:47:41
Where you know, 50% of the PUD approval for this project was based on trying to protect that Grove of trees that we hold them 00:47:49
accountable to, ensuring that they're still going to be a sufficient tree canopy of what hopefully the neighbors, the Millers next 00:47:56
door can call quality or aesthetic trees as opposed to terrible ones. 00:48:03
To be placed back in there and along with that I might make a recommendation that we also ensure that proper watering. 00:48:12
Place a factor in that as well. Not just the planting of the trees, but ensuring that proper irrigation techniques is outlined in 00:48:20
city code as far as drip systems and everything else. 00:48:25
Are added in there as well to ensure long term viability so that we do obtain that lush canopy. 00:48:30
That the terrible trees were trying to provide. 00:48:38
So that's my thoughts and with that I will open it up for other commissioner dialogue, feedback or input on this. 00:48:42
So Chair, you're suggesting that any requirements moving forward that we have a secondary assessment? 00:48:51
Not apply in this. 00:49:00
Correct. I think in this case that would be onerous and outside of what's currently in code. 00:49:03
And I don't think that's a fair requirement to put on the applicant at this time. And also. 00:49:10
Is it important moving forward that a secondary assessment be conducted by an organization that? 00:49:18
Would also be qualified to remove the trees. 00:49:28
I would be concerned about a secondary organization that specializes or profits from removal. 00:49:34
Because even though, excuse me, but even though they don't also have the same conflict of interest as would be the case here. 00:49:42
In other words, the secondary assessment wouldn. 00:49:50
Provide the conflict of interest. 00:49:53
We have here. Are you suggesting that they could go with any vendor that can provide an assessment that does removal as long as 00:49:55
they don't contract that for the applicant? 00:50:01
I would be interested in that discussion with city staff at a future time. 00:50:09
I mean, it gives us more flexibility, right? Yeah. I mean, I don't want to limit any business. 00:50:15
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