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Welcome. | 00:00:03 | |
We'll just get started. We have a first item is a zone map amendment. | 00:00:04 | |
This is for a rezone at 2051 and 2061 E 2 separate parcels. | 00:00:10 | |
Separate LLC ownership. | 00:00:17 | |
Rezoning both of those from RM2PO. So RM is a residential multifamily zone, PO is a professional office zone. | 00:00:21 | |
The zone PO was set up in 2019, designed to move. | 00:00:29 | |
Office use that is in the room zone into the PO zone that's detailed in your packet with both the code. This section also has | 00:00:35 | |
additional support in the General plan as a mixed-use zone. | 00:00:42 | |
Any questions on this one? | 00:00:50 | |
All. | 00:00:54 | |
And that. So I asked what I wanted to ask again with everyone else here so the PO zone would allow for. | 00:00:56 | |
Residential comp. | 00:01:04 | |
Yes. | 00:01:06 | |
Yes. So in the PO zone there is a conditional use for a planned unit development, so you could do a mixed. | 00:01:08 | |
Professional and residential redevelopment. | 00:01:15 | |
I read. | 00:01:19 | |
They're combining 2 lines for whatever reason, but one lot is going to stay. | 00:01:22 | |
As a business at. | 00:01:27 | |
For now, right. | 00:01:29 | |
And then? | 00:01:32 | |
And they replaced the one house. | 00:01:33 | |
A whole bunch of hous. | 00:01:35 | |
Right. So it will be the potential redevelopment because we don't have a redevelopment application at this point because that | 00:01:37 | |
would not be allowed in the zone that it currently is in, but potential redevelopment would be a new structure that combined | 00:01:42 | |
residential and office uses. | 00:01:48 | |
So one of them, sorry, one of the main differences that you'll see in the residential multifamily zone versus the professional | 00:01:54 | |
office zone, it was designed specifically as we're sorry, the professional office zone was designed as a buffer between major | 00:02:01 | |
uses. So like the commercial uses larger roadways. | 00:02:08 | |
As a buffer between those uses and residential properties. So in that we increased the set back from residential properties for to | 00:02:17 | |
be 30 feet. | 00:02:23 | |
In the professional office zone as opposed to 20 feet in the multifamily zone. | 00:02:29 | |
The height difference is 35 feet in the multifamily zone, 40 feet in the professional office zone. | 00:02:35 | |
So, so just a couple of clarifying questions for me. The scope tonight is just the rezoning, we're not. | 00:02:43 | |
Looking at their proposed plan, even though it sounds like they have a pretty concrete idea of what they're planning to do, right, | 00:02:51 | |
but that's a separate, yes, that's a separate thing. And so that that plan I mean we've. | 00:02:56 | |
There's a lot of public input on it. That plan could still be modified even after rezone, which we've done this kind of rezone | 00:03:02 | |
before. Yes, Yeah, this is a pretty standard rezone. We've done it for multiple properties on Highland Drive. We did one last year | 00:03:09 | |
for a office building that was on Highland Drive. | 00:03:15 | |
The I'm trying to think if there was. I know there's been a few. | 00:03:24 | |
But in the code specifically where it talks about the professional office zone, there's three standards for a rezone. And so | 00:03:29 | |
that's kind of what the analysis was on this one is here doesn't meet these things that were already pre designed for rezone. | 00:03:36 | |
And this is a rezone that pertains just to this property. It's not part of a an overall plan for excuse me for this. | 00:03:45 | |
Magnificent Half Mile or whatever it's referred to, right. So in the general Plan, you have future land uses and those future land | 00:03:57 | |
uses are a guide for future development. So with the redevelopment or rezone, so first looking at a rezone for this. | 00:04:06 | |
The PO zone is one of those zones that are identified. | 00:04:16 | |
In that in that strip of land between the holiday village and royal holiday hills. | 00:04:21 | |
So I guess I'm not clear about what we're voting on. In other words, we're voting on a rezone. | 00:04:28 | |
If we. | 00:04:37 | |
To rezone this property, Are we also voting? | 00:04:39 | |
For what's been proposed for this property, no, we wouldn't evaluate any sort of redevelopment until we get an application for the | 00:04:44 | |
redevelopment. | 00:04:48 | |
So. | 00:04:53 | |
A rezone doesn't lock in any sort of redevelopment. They property owners can rezone and leave them as they are. They can adapt or | 00:04:55 | |
change or remodel existing buildings. They can. | 00:05:02 | |
They can build a new or redevelop, but that redevelopment key is a separate matter, a separate application. | 00:05:10 | |
And sorry, go ahead. | 00:05:18 | |
And so you said they could under the current zoning? | 00:05:22 | |
Still also build a bigger building so so the rezone would only change for example the height. You said it would change it 5 feet | 00:05:26 | |
higher. | 00:05:31 | |
But they could. They could currently build up to 35 feet if they wanted to do it in the current room zone, Is that correct? The | 00:05:37 | |
Professional office zone also allows them to expand office uses. So in the room zone, office uses are not allowed. So their | 00:05:45 | |
existing uses are legal because they existed at the point of time that the RM zone went into place. But. | 00:05:53 | |
There they can't expand to other office uses. So the we did a prior rezone because they wanted to for another property, they | 00:06:02 | |
wanted to expand their office uses to have dental or medical professionals, beauty salons, those are kinds of things that are | 00:06:09 | |
allowed in the PO zone that are not allowed in the room zone. | 00:06:16 | |
So it allows an opportunity for business owners or property owners to attract more variety of office uses. | 00:06:23 | |
So the only real change is that it can go up five additional feet with a additional 10 foot setbacks that that's correct, right. I | 00:06:32 | |
think the biggest concern with the neighborhood was the encroachment of traffic. | 00:06:38 | |
It was going to go through and I know we're not talking about where the drivers were going to be, but in the discussions with | 00:06:46 | |
staff. | 00:06:49 | |
Is there has there been any consideration how the circulation on the properties will occur and that would be evaluated at that | 00:06:53 | |
redevelopment application. We look at the site plan we'd look at and the city engineer Firewood weigh in and see if their plan | 00:06:59 | |
works or if it would need to be altered. | 00:07:06 | |
So is there a stipulation for the future approvals that would restrict any type of driveway that? | 00:07:13 | |
Leads into the neigh. | 00:07:20 | |
You may not be able to answer, I'm just trying to figure out if there's a way to help answer some of the questions of the public. | 00:07:23 | |
And realizing that maybe this will just exacerbate their concerns without some of that additional information being. | 00:07:29 | |
Shown so, right. And that could be something that's discussed at the future application for redevelopment of the location of the | 00:07:39 | |
driveways. That is something that we've discussed with other redevelopment applications. You know where our driveway is going to | 00:07:45 | |
be located, what how does traffic flow in and out of the site? | 00:07:51 | |
So yes, that would be addressed at that point. | 00:07:58 | |
OK. All right. Thank you. It seemed that there were three concerns expressed. It was the traffic, it was the parking and it was | 00:08:01 | |
the height of the proposed height of the building. | 00:08:06 | |
Based on what we're voting on tonight. | 00:08:13 | |
We aren't. | 00:08:17 | |
For in one way or another, any of those things, Is that correct? So your role tonight is that you are making a recommendation to | 00:08:20 | |
the City Council. Rezones are a legislative matter, so they are decided on by the City Council. The Planning Commission makes a | 00:08:27 | |
recommendation either for or against the rezone. | 00:08:34 | |
But the other things like parking, driveway location, traffic, those are things that are addressed by the Planning Commission at | 00:08:42 | |
the point of a redevelopment application. And building height, building height is what is allowed in the zone, is what it's what | 00:08:48 | |
is allowed in the zone. | 00:08:53 | |
Which is currently 35 feet. | 00:09:01 | |
In a professional office zone, it would be 40 feet because that's what the zone allows. OK, So that seems to be a big issue with | 00:09:04 | |
the residents in the area, correct? Well, the residents have concerns about a plan that is not before us, so it doesn't. | 00:09:12 | |
It's not terribly pertinent to tonight's discussion, but that is part of the plan that's before us new. | 00:09:20 | |
There's no. | 00:09:27 | |
There's there's nobody plans of a building, it's a zone change. So it's simply something that is allowed if we approve the zone | 00:09:29 | |
change. | 00:09:33 | |
Then we are tacitly appro. | 00:09:38 | |
A. | 00:09:41 | |
That would could be 40 feet high. Is that correct? | 00:09:43 | |
Right. And you're changing to a different zone with different regulations, trade-offs there with setbacks. So it has to be set | 00:09:46 | |
back further in 30 feet instead of 20 feet. | 00:09:52 | |
35 feet versus 40 feet. All residential zones, depending on the size of the lot, to either have a 32 foot height limit or a 35 | 00:09:58 | |
foot height limit. So it's. | 00:10:03 | |
Fairly close, it's just increasing a set back. | 00:10:08 | |
OK, so the way it's zoned correctly currently. | 00:10:13 | |
Somebody could build something that's 35 feet high, yes, they could build something 35 feet high. Multifamily property, 20 feet | 00:10:18 | |
back from a residential property. | 00:10:24 | |
Which? | 00:10:30 | |
Be worse, I would think OK and and the rezone would could result in something that is 40 feet high but 30 feet back. | 00:10:31 | |
Oh. | 00:10:45 | |
But since we don't have a plan in front of us, we don't. But I just want to make sure we know what we're, or I know what we're | 00:10:47 | |
voting. | 00:10:50 | |
I have just a friend. | 00:10:55 | |
We're over here fighting. Please follow me. | 00:10:59 | |
You were talking about the compliance with the General Plan, so this in the description of the staff report along this section of. | 00:11:02 | |
Murray Holiday Blvd. This is an anticipated future use, correct? Yes. So that area on Murray Holiday Blvd. Between the Village | 00:11:12 | |
and. | 00:11:17 | |
The old Cottonwood Mall site has been identified as a mixed-use area, no retail uses, and it lists appropriate zones for that | 00:11:24 | |
mixed-use. Those are identified. | 00:11:30 | |
On the second page. | 00:11:38 | |
As RM and PO. So you might have some properties that are RM, you may have some properties that are PO. So it does this plan in the | 00:11:41 | |
proposal for the planned office or professional office is in compliance with the general plans expectations and that's typically. | 00:11:51 | |
One of the baselines that we use to make a consideration or a decision, is that right? So consideration, you'll be looking at the | 00:12:00 | |
general plan and you'll also look at the rezone code for the professional office. That section of code does give you guidance on | 00:12:07 | |
when rezones to a professional office should be prioritized. | 00:12:15 | |
Although it's part of the master plan, wasn't there supposed to be a small area plan done that has not been done. | 00:12:26 | |
Yes, that was mentioned in the general plan that is something that can be developed at those master plans do take time. | 00:12:32 | |
It still identifies the area should be pedestrian friendly. | 00:12:40 | |
The professional office zone allows buildings to come closer to the street, which creates A pedestrian friendly environment so it | 00:12:45 | |
will be walkable between the two centers there. | 00:12:50 | |
But wouldn't it? Wouldn't it make sense to have that plan before? | 00:12:56 | |
Suddenly, in the middle of that area, make something. | 00:13:00 | |
At least at first glance, doesn't. | 00:13:05 | |
Not necessarily. It's because those take time to develop. They are something that can be developed in the future. We have to take | 00:13:10 | |
the application now as it stands. | 00:13:14 | |
So software is it a vested? | 00:13:22 | |
They filed for the application to rezone, right so. | 00:13:28 | |
Asking to have a plan for the future would not. | 00:13:33 | |
Affect this? | 00:13:38 | |
Right. | 00:13:40 | |
Correct. We would we have to process the application without it. | 00:13:41 | |
Carrie, just as a matter of practicality. | 00:13:47 | |
Because I you know, I voiced some concerns about set back and height and. | 00:13:52 | |
What's allowed now in the current zoning? | 00:13:57 | |
I don't think the residents in the area would be happy with. | 00:14:02 | |
Based on what the pushback we're getting. | 00:14:07 | |
How? How does it get communicated? | 00:14:12 | |
In other words. | 00:14:15 | |
The rezone application is approved and forwarded to or is forwarded to City Council. | 00:14:17 | |
How does it get communicated? | 00:14:24 | |
To the residents in the area. | 00:14:27 | |
Umm. | 00:14:31 | |
I don't even know how to say this, but how does it get communicated that look? | 00:14:33 | |
You know it's either. | 00:14:39 | |
An additional 10 foot set back with the five feet or. | 00:14:41 | |
You could be. | 00:14:47 | |
A current set back. | 00:14:51 | |
3035 feet, right. And I think that's going back to the general plan, remembering that our general plan, we did garner public input | 00:14:53 | |
and development of that. We garnered public input and had public hearings when we established the professional office zone. So | 00:15:01 | |
both of those things have had public input and public hearings on them. | 00:15:08 | |
Before they were established. So if you rely on those things for the basis of making decisions. | 00:15:17 | |
That is a fact based decision. | 00:15:23 | |
Thank you. I think one other thing that I think is important for the Planning Commission to understand. So when these come up for | 00:15:31 | |
a rezone, every resident within is it is it 600 feet, 505 hundred. So the state code requires 300 and holiday has opted to extend | 00:15:36 | |
that to 500 feet. | 00:15:42 | |
So anybody within 500 feet of that property gets a postcard in the mail that says, hey somebody, the owner of the property on this | 00:15:48 | |
address. | 00:15:51 | |
Has requested a rezone, and you're invited to give your public input. | 00:15:55 | |
That similar notice will be sent out when it goes to the to the City Council. So they have an opportunity to come in and weigh in | 00:15:59 | |
before the Planning Commission tonight or send an e-mail and they have an opportunity at City Council to do that as well. So there | 00:16:05 | |
is an obligation if you want to be informed, you can be. | 00:16:10 | |
But the city can't force you to be informed on these kind of situations, if that makes sense. Meaning the residents. So give them | 00:16:16 | |
an opportunity, yes. | 00:16:20 | |
But we don't knock on doors and send, you know, send members of the Police Department to go and make sure they know. So there's a | 00:16:27 | |
there's a duty and an obligation responsibility to participate if if you want to and based on the input that we have. | 00:16:33 | |
They obviously got. | 00:16:41 | |
They got word and they're not completely informed. | 00:16:43 | |
Right. So. So, yeah, I mean, so in my experience. | 00:16:47 | |
Change is. | 00:16:52 | |
No matter what. And so when you've lived in a neighborhood for a long time or you buy in a neighborhood and most people do not go | 00:16:54 | |
and look at the general plan when they go buy a house. | 00:16:59 | |
Probably should, but they don't. | 00:17:05 | |
So that happens with city roads. That happens in lots of situations where I had no idea that a road was planned here for the last | 00:17:09 | |
30 years and now it's being built and I don't like it right, that that happens often. I've seen that multiple times, but. | 00:17:16 | |
The. | 00:17:24 | |
The public has the ability to participate. | 00:17:25 | |
You also have the general plan that you were to weigh and kind of balance property rights with, you know, public comments. | 00:17:28 | |
Umm. | 00:17:35 | |
And that's kind of your duty as a Planning Commission to weigh those and then make a recommendation based on. | 00:17:37 | |
How you think that? | 00:17:45 | |
Balance. | 00:17:47 | |
OK. Thank you. Does that, does that help? Yeah, Thanks, Brad. I've got a question for you. We've. | 00:17:48 | |
We've got. | 00:17:56 | |
One person who's submitted a citizen comment form wanting to represent a group. | 00:17:58 | |
Do you have any comment for us on or any guidance for us on if that is except if that's allowed or so yeah, that's typically | 00:18:04 | |
allowed and what that usually most most often that gives you a little more time. So if you were usually limited to two or three | 00:18:10 | |
minutes, if you're representing a group of multiple people, then they would usually give you. | 00:18:17 | |
5 minutes. | 00:18:24 | |
OK. | 00:18:25 | |
I think the critical thing is. | 00:18:27 | |
To establish up front what the three issues are that we have to consider. | 00:18:30 | |
And not take public comment about all the other issues that we've read about that have nothing to do with today's topic. | 00:18:35 | |
Well and one other point of that I think is important to remember is the process for redevelopment and this is, I know you guys | 00:18:43 | |
have all had this, but. | 00:18:48 | |
Sometimes it's helpful. I mean, I go back to the code all the time. | 00:18:55 | |
So when when you want to change your land, use. | 00:18:58 | |
And it's not allowed in the zone that you have. You have one option, you go and ask for a. | 00:19:04 | |
So that's step one. You ask for the rezone because once you get the rezone, then that triggers the investment in an engineer, the | 00:19:10 | |
investment in architect, the investment in any sort of studies that might be necessary and it's expensive. | 00:19:17 | |
Right. So you wouldn't go to that investment in expense unless you knew that you could build? | 00:19:24 | |
And you knew the parameters with which you could build, right and in these in the residential multifamily, so they can right now | 00:19:29 | |
they can knock that building down, they can knock both buildings down and build townhomes that's permitted or apartments or | 00:19:33 | |
condominiums. | 00:19:37 | |
That's permitted right now and they don't need a rezone. If you switch to a professional office, you get that expanded list of | 00:19:42 | |
uses for doctors and dentists, things of that nature that Kerry referred to. And you also get the advantage of those same uses. | 00:19:49 | |
But you can build residential on top of those. But in order to get that, you have to have the professional office component first. | 00:19:57 | |
Right, so. | 00:20:05 | |
And the other question that might be important for you to understand or to consider is where is this use? | 00:20:07 | |
Kind of appropriate, right? This is a street that goes between royal holiday hills, which is a really high intense. | 00:20:15 | |
Dense use of both residential and commercial and then the village which is a lower intensity abuse of commercial and lower than | 00:20:22 | |
single family homes, but you know and lower than royal holiday hills, so typically you know when you plan. | 00:20:30 | |
Cities. Those kind of uses are usually compatible on a corridor between the two, right? So that is anticipated you'd have traffic | 00:20:38 | |
on that road anyway. | 00:20:43 | |
Because you have. | 00:20:47 | |
You have the village and then you have a royal holiday hills, so there's going to be traffic back and forth. | 00:20:50 | |
Between that anyway, So the idea is where's an appropriate? | 00:20:55 | |
You know location for these type of us. | 00:20:59 | |
Where that, for example, where that church is that is being torn down and redeveloped into residential, that would be an | 00:21:03 | |
inappropriate location. | 00:21:06 | |
You know, a multi, multi family or even a multi or mixed-use development because it's surrounded on everywhere by quite a distance | 00:21:11 | |
by single family homes. | 00:21:16 | |
This particular property is not surrounded by residential on all sides, right? So. | 00:21:21 | |
In a typical. | 00:21:28 | |
Kind of situation that's not an inappropriate place to put that. It's part of the general plan And so they plan that redevelopment | 00:21:30 | |
overtime that those uses would change based on this proximity to the village and based on proximity to Royal Holiday Hills. | 00:21:36 | |
So. | 00:21:43 | |
Thank you when we talk about the. | 00:21:46 | |
Things that we need to consider as we look at a rezone request. | 00:21:51 | |
It's detailed in 13.44, point 010 BI believe as listed on the second page of the packet. | 00:21:55 | |
Where it starts in evaluating any rezone application for this zone preference should be given to those properties which. | 00:22:03 | |
And those are the three points that we've we need to be evaluating this by, correct? | 00:22:09 | |
Well, that's what. That's what the City Council is. That's what the City Council has addressed. This is what we want you to look. | 00:22:15 | |
That is our direction as a Commission. Yeah. OK. So recommendation for recommendation that we forward. And. Yeah. And everybody | 00:22:20 | |
always wants to know, OK, well, if we give you this rezone, what are you going to do, right. I mean. | 00:22:26 | |
That. | 00:22:33 | |
That's the question. | 00:22:34 | |
When you're looking at it without another application or without additional information from and can you ask for additional | 00:22:36 | |
information? Yes. Are they required to give you that information, information at this stage? No. OK, thank you. All right. Let's | 00:22:42 | |
go ahead and move on to just quickly anything else that we need to cover in our work meeting the text amendment. | 00:22:48 | |
This right, we discussed that at a previous we discussed it previously. So that is state required amendments. | 00:22:56 | |
Item number three on the agenda. | 00:23:04 | |
Item number four is the redevelopment of or subdivision at Westmore at the property. So they have their plan with 10 lots. | 00:23:09 | |
And then Royal Holiday Hills Block K this is one we looked at before. So they're coming back for an evaluation. OK, great. | 00:23:19 | |
Anything else that we need to discuss in our? | 00:23:24 | |
Pre median. | 00:23:30 | |
Just a quick question, I know that there is going to be a change in like the preliminary conceptual. | 00:23:33 | |
Final when? | 00:23:41 | |
When does that change? | 00:23:43 | |
So that's required to be changed by February. You have a day John February 1st, but it won't be codified until 30 days after. So | 00:23:45 | |
anything that would be applied for in March would be would be applicable to this new code. | 00:23:52 | |
And that's another item that is a recommendation that you're forwarding to City Council as a legislative item. | 00:24:00 | |
Anything else, Paul? Did you have something? I was just gonna suggest that we move that text issue to the last issue on the agenda | 00:24:07 | |
and take care of the action items in the. | 00:24:11 | |
Is that OK with everyone else? Sorry. All right, then we'll do that. Sorry, moving that to. So we're going to move #2. We're going | 00:24:17 | |
to bump it down to the end, so to #5. | 00:24:23 | |
OK. | 00:24:30 | |
And just sort of. | 00:24:31 | |
Brad, do we need to hold all public hearings first? OK, no, I mean one of the one of the considerations why you usually put them | 00:24:33 | |
is if public is here to weigh in on that. | 00:24:37 | |
They can weigh in. | 00:24:42 | |
If there are some public speak to that when I be OK with that, I just the other two are more likely to have public interest and. | 00:24:44 | |
So should we move it or should we leave it? It should be a pretty fast review. If it should be pretty fast, then let's just leave | 00:24:55 | |
it where it is. OK? All right. We're going to take a 3 minute break and then we'll commence our meeting in just a couple of | 00:25:00 | |
minutes. | 00:25:05 | |
Thanks for moving down. We thought you were. Oh, I know. It's kind of like I just sit over and Heckle me, right? | 00:25:17 | |
You going down? I don't have anything. | 00:25:23 | |
That's what we do. Everything is. | 00:25:32 | |
What? | 00:25:52 | |
This is. | 00:26:43 | |
Yeah. | 00:27:01 | |
It's really not. | 00:27:06 | |
Well. | 00:27:13 | |
Because many. | 00:27:14 | |
Expect. | 00:27:18 | |
They go through this. | 00:27:26 | |
That's why. | 00:27:35 | |
That's. | 00:27:43 | |
5. | 00:27:53 | |
For example. | 00:28:25 | |
I couldn't remember. | 00:28:29 | |
Thanks. | 00:28:44 | |
Being attacked. | 00:28:58 | |
Yeah, it's a little bit. | 00:29:04 | |
Where's oh **** when we need them? | 00:29:08 | |
So hey. | 00:29:12 | |
Yeah, I thought. Yeah, just ask. | 00:29:26 | |
All right. | 00:29:32 | |
Good morning as ever you want, or good morning, good evening. I hope it's evening as everyone's coming in. If there are any public | 00:29:36 | |
comment forms in the audience that you'd like to bring up, feel free to bring them up to me or to Miss Marsh's. | 00:29:43 | |
They look like this. They're not required. But if you filled one out and you want to turn it in, we want you to have that | 00:29:52 | |
opportunity. | 00:29:56 | |
Welcome this evening to the Holiday Planning Commission. My name is Carrie Ann Prince and I am the Vice Chair of the of the | 00:30:04 | |
Planning Commission and will be conducting this evening's meeting. | 00:30:10 | |
I'd like to begin with a statement for your information. | 00:30:18 | |
The City of Holiday Planning Commission. | 00:30:23 | |
Is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special studies. | 00:30:26 | |
Make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning maps and ordinance changes. | 00:30:33 | |
And approve conditional uses and subdivisions. | 00:30:39 | |
The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications. | 00:30:42 | |
Rather, it acts on applications as they are submitted. | 00:30:47 | |
Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at publicly noticed meetings. | 00:30:51 | |
Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the neighborhood, nature of the neighborhood, | 00:30:56 | |
existing structures and uses related to the proposed change are made. | 00:31:01 | |
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the cities general Plan, zoning | 00:31:07 | |
ordinance and other reports by all verbal and written. | 00:31:14 | |
And by evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public record. | 00:31:21 | |
Now, just so you're aware, we do have some procedures that we follow here in our city in our Planning Commission meetings. | 00:31:26 | |
What we'll do is we'll introduce each item as it is coming. The city staff will make a brief presentation to introduce the the | 00:31:36 | |
item that is being discussed. | 00:31:43 | |
If desired, the applicant will then be allowed a few moments to speak to the Commission. | 00:31:51 | |
And then we will take public comment. | 00:31:56 | |
Comments are limited to 3 minutes only. | 00:32:02 | |
And speakers may only speak once. | 00:32:05 | |
Please. | 00:32:09 | |
When we invite you to come up, take turns. You need to state your name and your address where you live. | 00:32:11 | |
And we would request that you be brief and to the point. Since you've only got 3 minutes, you'll want to say what is important. | 00:32:18 | |
And we also ask that you don't repeat points that have been made previously. | 00:32:24 | |
And that. | 00:32:31 | |
You address any comments or questions to me as the as I am presiding at this meeting tonight and we ask that your remarks remain | 00:32:34 | |
pertinent to the topic at hand. Whichever issue you might be here to discuss, we appreciate your comments. We're glad to have the | 00:32:41 | |
public at our meetings. Our meetings are are are open to everyone and we are grateful for your participation in your community. | 00:32:49 | |
That's why we're all here. | 00:32:56 | |
Is to make our community better and to lift where we stand. So we welcome you this evening. Thank you for being here. | 00:33:04 | |
After the public comment is made, the applicant will be asked to come back up, address anything that they wish to comment on. | 00:33:11 | |
And then the hearing will be. | 00:33:20 | |
The Planning Commission will then discuss amongst ourselves. | 00:33:23 | |
What we're thinking, where we're at. | 00:33:29 | |
And consider the item and then take some action on it. The action could be. | 00:33:31 | |
To approve the item or give a favorable recommendation depending on what we're considering to. | 00:33:39 | |
Deny it, or to give an unfavorable recommendation, or to simply continue it to another meeting. | 00:33:46 | |
That is the general procedure that we follow. And then we'll move on to the next item. When your item is finished and you choose | 00:33:52 | |
to leave, which is perfectly reasonable, we ask that you go out and go down the hall before you start talking, because when | 00:34:00 | |
everyone talks right out in the lobby, it's really difficult for us to hear as we continue on the next item on our agenda. So | 00:34:08 | |
again, we're glad you're here. Thank you. And I'm sure we'll get to hear from many of you this evening. | 00:34:15 | |
Let's go ahead and begin with our first item, Miss Marsh. | 00:34:23 | |
Great. Thanks, Kirian. I'll be up at the podium. | 00:34:29 | |
So the first item on the agenda is an application to amend the zoning map made by Bradley Houston, the properties located at 2051 | 00:34:46 | |
and 2061 Murray Holiday Rd. The properties current use is as primarily office space. There is one residential unit as far as I | 00:34:53 | |
know. | 00:35:00 | |
On the Sycamore Dr. side. | 00:35:08 | |
Rezoning from the RM to the PO zone. So RM is residential multifamily. The request is to rezone to the professional office. | 00:35:12 | |
Zone the professional office zone was created in 2018 at the direction of City Council, designed to move properties who that are | 00:35:21 | |
using their space as an office space. | 00:35:27 | |
Within the within the RM zone to the newly A newly created professional office zone. The zone was designed to expand the uses | 00:35:34 | |
available to properties who are using their their spaces as a professional office. | 00:35:41 | |
The council decided not to blanket rezone all properties. Instead, it would be done at the request of the property owner. So this | 00:35:52 | |
application is following that request and process laid out by the City Council. | 00:35:58 | |
Also in evaluating the general plan, this is in a mixed-use identified area at zones for that area, RRM and PO and I'll invite the | 00:36:06 | |
applicant to come up and he can discuss the rezone application in more detail. | 00:36:14 | |
OK. | 00:36:22 | |
Good evening. My name is Brad Helston. I may be a bit frazzled. I was rear-ended on my way to the meeting and spent the last 20 | 00:36:32 | |
minutes exchanging. | 00:36:37 | |
Insurance information, but the person that rear-ended me anyway. | 00:36:42 | |
We, excuse me, can you just give us your address? Sorry, my name is Brad Helston and we are. | 00:36:50 | |
Well, my residence is 3120 Metropolitan Way. Thank you in. | 00:36:57 | |
Mill Creek and our office. | 00:37:04 | |
Is our current office is at 2061 E Murray Holiday. | 00:37:06 | |
We purchased the property at 2061 in 2017. | 00:37:12 | |
As a law office and I currently have. | 00:37:18 | |
Two employees with me in that office. That office was a converted home from the 1950s. | 00:37:23 | |
Wayne Jansen next to me, sold us their property a year and a half ago. | 00:37:30 | |
And was occupying it until the end of this year. | 00:37:38 | |
He recently moved out into her retirement center. And anyway, so. | 00:37:41 | |
We made an offer on the property and acquired. | 00:37:47 | |
As part of what we would like to do is to rezone the property consistent with the master plan. | 00:37:50 | |
To our. | 00:37:57 | |
Because our current use. | 00:37:59 | |
Office. | 00:38:01 | |
And in acquiring the property next door, we thought we would be able to. | 00:38:03 | |
Build a office for our. | 00:38:08 | |
Rather than simply, you know, flip it and sell it to some developer who's going to come. | 00:38:12 | |
Throw up. | 00:38:17 | |
What? | 00:38:19 | |
So our intent is to remain. | 00:38:21 | |
As part of the neighborhood and be part of the community rather than just. | 00:38:25 | |
Throw it to a developer to maximize space and use anyway so our application consistent with the current. | 00:38:29 | |
Master plan is to take it from a conditional use now. | 00:38:37 | |
Which was kind of grandfathered. | 00:38:42 | |
When the, you know, the county became the city and it kind of pulled everything in. | 00:38:45 | |
To an rozone, do you mean PO zone? Sorry, APO zone? OK, thank you. And be able to maintain the office, but then develop the | 00:38:50 | |
property to help us pay for the space that we're occupying by adding some apartments? | 00:38:58 | |
Rental apartments. OK and. | 00:39:06 | |
Essentially that's the plan we had. | 00:39:10 | |
Neighborhood meeting. | 00:39:14 | |
And got some valuable feedback from our neighbors. | 00:39:15 | |
And agreed that some of the spacing and the sizing. | 00:39:18 | |
Obviously, why? We've got 50 people here. | 00:39:27 | |
Not in my backyard. | 00:39:31 | |
And. | 00:39:33 | |
And and we are, you know, we're going to be here. We want to be neighbors. We're going to be part of the community. We're not | 00:39:35 | |
simply looking to maximize space. | 00:39:39 | |
And density. | 00:39:44 | |
You know. | 00:39:47 | |
Make as much money as we can and then walk away. | 00:39:48 | |
Consistent. | 00:39:53 | |
We would like to have. | 00:39:54 | |
Not only a conditional use, but an actual permitted use under the new RO zone, PIO PIO zone. I'll say that wrong every time I. | 00:39:56 | |
And be. | 00:40:06 | |
Add. | 00:40:08 | |
You know rental housing as well. | 00:40:10 | |
So initially our. | 00:40:13 | |
You know, I think we jumped ahead a little bit by presenting a. | 00:40:17 | |
But at this point, I think what we would like to do. | 00:40:21 | |
Is. | 00:40:24 | |
Approved. Combine the lots and then come back with a plan once that's approved. | 00:40:28 | |
After input from the. | 00:40:36 | |
To put up what we would hope to be a compatible use, given the fact that this is now the corridor between the village and the | 00:40:38 | |
development. | 00:40:43 | |
At the old Cottonwood Mall. | 00:40:49 | |
OK, so that's. | 00:40:51 | |
Why we're here and the feedback we got from the city was we would like to implement that master plan. | 00:40:54 | |
You know, through that corridor. | 00:41:01 | |
And begin the trans. | 00:41:05 | |
You know what used to be AI mean? I remember when I was a Boy Scout, we would go out and shoot guns on 90th South and that was the | 00:41:09 | |
end of the city. | 00:41:13 | |
And I remember when you know the only. | 00:41:18 | |
On the corner of 45th was the Baskin and Robbins. | 00:41:20 | |
You know if you remember that far back, but you know, so I understand that you know. | 00:41:24 | |
The sensitivity that we. | 00:41:29 | |
To not come in through. | 00:41:32 | |
You know as many stories as we can and pack it as tightly as we can. | 00:41:35 | |
And based on the feedback we got from our initial meeting. | 00:41:39 | |
We're sensitive to that and we're certainly willing at the next phase. | 00:41:43 | |
To address that in our proposal for what we would like to do. | 00:41:47 | |
With the new P. | 00:41:52 | |
OK, but your proposal tonight is simply for a zone change request zone. | 00:41:54 | |
RPO. | 00:42:04 | |
RM to the. | 00:42:04 | |
Thank you so much. We appreciate you being here this evening. Thank you. | 00:42:06 | |
OK. | 00:42:10 | |
So I believe and Brad you'll make sure, I believe now we will open the public comment. | 00:42:11 | |
Public hearing. | 00:42:16 | |
OK. All right. We'll go ahead and open our public hearing now. You are welcome to take turns coming up. Remember, please state | 00:42:17 | |
your name and your address clearly for the for the recording and keep your comments to 3 minutes. | 00:42:26 | |
And please don't repeat points that have been made previously. | 00:42:36 | |
We appreciate having you here. | 00:42:42 | |
I represent a group. It's the group. The letter of the group comments. So can I be granted more than 3 minutes? You can have five. | 00:42:49 | |
So tell me your name and address please. My name is David Dean and I live at 2073 E Murray Holiday Rd. | 00:42:58 | |
I and my wife are the owners of a duplex property contiguous to the east of the subject property, so we abut the property. | 00:43:07 | |
And we occupy. It's a duplex property. We occupy one side of the duplex as our primary residence. My daughter lives in the other | 00:43:17 | |
side of the duplex. | 00:43:21 | |
We have owned and occupied the duplex for 31 years. | 00:43:27 | |
So we're long time res. | 00:43:32 | |
I represent a group of 57 signers. There were 16 added today, in addition to those showing in your in the letter copy you should | 00:43:35 | |
have received from Kerry. | 00:43:40 | |
That we sub. | 00:43:46 | |
So there are 57 signers of these of that letter that represents the comments of all of us. | 00:43:48 | |
The. | 00:43:57 | |
Subject Property is in the city's General Plan district that includes the area known as the Holiday Half Mile. | 00:43:58 | |
That area along Murray Holiday Rd. Between the Holiday Hills redevelopment area on the old Cottonwood Mall property. | 00:44:07 | |
And the holiday? | 00:44:15 | |
Now I'm quoting from the General Plan. | 00:44:18 | |
It says future development of this area should be guided by a small area master plan yet to be developed. | 00:44:22 | |
That's from page 18 of the General. | 00:44:32 | |
And no such small area master plan for this area has been created yet. | 00:44:36 | |
The Holiday Half Mile area represents a significant link between Holiday Village and Holiday Hills. | 00:44:42 | |
There are major issues to be addressed prior to any. | 00:44:49 | |
In that area. | 00:44:54 | |
Including building heights relative to contiguous single family subdivisions. | 00:44:56 | |
Building styles and materials. | 00:45:01 | |
And the widening and improvement of Murray Holiday Rd. which is we understand. | 00:45:04 | |
Will likely include special design features. | 00:45:10 | |
Because of these and other issues related to developing a cohesive. | 00:45:14 | |
Functional. | 00:45:19 | |
And aesthetically appealing holiday half mile area. | 00:45:21 | |
We contend that a small area master plan not only. | 00:45:25 | |
To use the general plan language, but must be created for the area. | 00:45:30 | |
And asked that Mister Helston's zone change application be tabled. | 00:45:35 | |
Until such a plan has been completed. | 00:45:40 | |
Mr. Helston's application is for zone change to P. | 00:45:45 | |
Professional office and the city code for that zone. | 00:45:49 | |
As follows Quote developments in the PO zone are intended to be compatible with abutting residential uses. | 00:45:53 | |
And then end a quote and then quote again in evaluating any rezone application for this zone. | 00:46:02 | |
Preference shall be given to those properties which will enhance property values and contribute to the economic sustainability of | 00:46:08 | |
the city. | 00:46:13 | |
In our neighborhood meeting with Mr. Helston held on November 22nd at his office, he showed us drawings of his proposed | 00:46:20 | |
development. | 00:46:24 | |
Which he claims is consistent with what's currently allowed in the PO zone. | 00:46:28 | |
It shows buildings of 40 feet high, three story buildings within 30 feet of the contiguous subdivision property line. | 00:46:33 | |
And that subdivision includes predominantly single level houses. | 00:46:44 | |
The stark contrast of a 40 foot building against those existing houses is shocking. | 00:46:49 | |
I've distributed here among the public and included with that letter that I sent to you. | 00:46:56 | |
Virtual overlays that were. | 00:47:02 | |
So that you can understand what that means. And I realize that tonight we're not discussing a site plan. | 00:47:06 | |
But Mr. Helston has already shown us what he originally proposed, and I recognize his right to change that, and of what he's | 00:47:14 | |
according to what he said here. | 00:47:19 | |
But the fact is that it serves as an example. | 00:47:26 | |
If it's consistent with the PO zone as it's currently written. | 00:47:31 | |
It serves as a concrete example of what could happen on that property. | 00:47:35 | |
Mr. Helston's plan also. | 00:47:41 | |
Not only egress on Murray Holiday Rd. which is expected as as exists now. | 00:47:43 | |
But one on the Sycamore Dr. subdivision St. on the West side of the property. | 00:47:50 | |
Since his plan shows 24 parking spaces. | 00:47:55 | |
There's the likelihood of a significant traffic impact on that existing subdivision, St. | 00:48:00 | |
From this develop. | 00:48:07 | |
Neither the impact of 40 foot buildings and greatly increased traffic spilling onto a subdivision St. would, in the words of the | 00:48:09 | |
city code quote, be compatible with a budding residential uses. | 00:48:15 | |
Nor quote enhanced property values. | 00:48:22 | |
Again. | 00:48:27 | |
The existing development along that holiday proposed holiday half mile area. | 00:48:29 | |
Which includes my property and Mr. Helston. | 00:48:36 | |
There isn't a. | 00:48:40 | |
40 foot three story building existing in that corridor except the new building under construction. | 00:48:42 | |
On the old car wash property across from Sharon's Cafe. | 00:48:49 | |
And that development is in the HV, the Holiday Village zone, which is an entirely different zone from what we're talking about | 00:48:56 | |
here. | 00:49:01 | |
And in fact, the newest building that's been constructed near this property is the Village Dental Building across the street on | 00:49:07 | |
the South side of Murray Holiday Rd. east of the Beaumont intersection. | 00:49:13 | |
That building is only 26 feet high and then again is the most recent construction. | 00:49:19 | |
In that holiday half mile. | 00:49:25 | |
There are no other buildings along there that are office. Use that. | 00:49:27 | |
Are 40 feet anything near 40 feet? So again, it's incompatible with what's already there. | 00:49:33 | |
So in summary, just state again that. | 00:49:40 | |
Mr. Helston, zone change application should be tabled until an appropriate small area master plan for the holiday half mile. | 00:49:45 | |
Be completed. Thank you for your time. | 00:49:54 | |
Thank you, Mr. Dean. We appreciate your comments today. | 00:49:56 | |
Anyone who would like to speak that did not sign or is not represented by Mr. Dean for signing his letter. | 00:50:05 | |
My name is John Greaves. I live at 4625 Sycamore. | 00:50:17 | |
I did sign Mr. Dean's letter, although I submitted my own statement and indicated to Miss Marsh that I summarized those. | 00:50:22 | |
So please don't change the zoning. | 00:50:30 | |
And I was here early for the meeting. | 00:50:33 | |
Mr. Christopherson, Mr. Tierlink, your notice and opportunity to be heard should be expanded way beyond 500 feet or whatever. | 00:50:37 | |
A zoning change will not enhance the property value as you stated in your pre meeting under section 13.44 point 01. | 00:50:48 | |
It will adversely affect property on Murray Holiday Rd. Delmont Ave. and Sycamore Dr. and other places, but specifically the | 00:50:59 | |
backyard back fence neighbor it will deprive. | 00:51:05 | |
Those owners of their property rights of light, Air View and privacy. | 00:51:11 | |
And that is, that's an ancestral home. There are four or five generations. | 00:51:17 | |
Family that have lived in that same home. | 00:51:22 | |
I'd recommend a guiding principle after Mr. Dean. | 00:51:26 | |
Explained many of the rules and regulations. | 00:51:31 | |
A guiding principle of our Republic comes from our founding document, which is a combination. | 00:51:35 | |
Of John Locke's unalienable right to life, liberty, and private property. | 00:51:41 | |
And Cesare Baccaria's teaching that laws and ordinances should achieve the greatest happiness for the largest number of people. | 00:51:48 | |
Here, if you change this zoning, you can. I don't know anybody here who's happy, but I added up 16 and 57. That's 73 people were | 00:51:59 | |
not happy with this proposed zoning change. | 00:52:05 | |
So it will only make one group happy. That's Mr. Helston and his cohorts. And so in closing, I just have a question, maybe Mr. | 00:52:13 | |
Helston can. | 00:52:18 | |
Addressed this when he. | 00:52:24 | |
I believe these two properties. | 00:52:26 | |
Our owners are 2051 Holiday LLC, a Florida domestic limited liability company and 2061 Holiday LLC, also a Florida. | 00:52:30 | |
Domestic limited liability company. | 00:52:43 | |
Address 312 Minorca Ave. Coral Gables, FL. | 00:52:47 | |
And I believe contacts are Bradley Helston, Leon Patricios and Joseph Izumano. And if he could comment on who are the actual | 00:52:52 | |
owners, the human beings that own those LLC's. And those are my comments. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Graves. | 00:53:00 | |
My name is Greg Stone. I'm at 1960 E Crest Hill Drive. | 00:53:19 | |
I'm somewhat new to the neighborhood, relatively new to the state of Utah. I don't know anything about building code I. | 00:53:23 | |
Don't know the lingo or what ordinances we're debating. I can just say I moved to holiday. Part of the appeal when we were | 00:53:30 | |
shopping for houses is because it was a relatively quiet residential area. We've got kids and that was appealing to us. From what | 00:53:37 | |
I understand and what I see, this building would significantly change at least that feel or vibe in this specific area. | 00:53:44 | |
I did. You know, I've walked past here numerous times just on walks, and I see a law firm. | 00:53:53 | |
Down the road a little bit West. | 00:53:58 | |
On the South side of the street, you can't even you can barely tell it's a law firm. It looks like a house. I'm not against | 00:54:01 | |
progress, but it would be nice if something blended into the neighborhood. | 00:54:06 | |
And wasn't looking like it did actually maximize use because it looks like an eyesore to me and increasing traffic would be a | 00:54:11 | |
concern for my kids as well. | 00:54:15 | |
Thank you very much. | 00:54:21 | |
Hello, I'm Alan Cybrant, 4636 Sycamore Dr. And I'd just like to make a comment that just recently this last summer, you guys have | 00:54:28 | |
repaved our neighborhood area there, took out the speed bumps. Now this is increased traffic. | 00:54:35 | |
With speeders coming down. | 00:54:43 | |
Our street with stuff and I feel that if you were to. | 00:54:45 | |
Approved this and. | 00:54:50 | |
This there it's. | 00:54:52 | |
Create more traffic coming through our nice quiet neighborhood. I don't think we need anything on the Northside of Murray holiday | 00:54:54 | |
and I'm looking at what we're looking here. | 00:54:58 | |
.30 and one nine and he's talking about a 40 story building, single homes, 24 parking. | 00:55:03 | |
I don't think that's a lot of space for that much building that they want to put in there, so I'm against this song and I'd like | 00:55:10 | |
to see it. | 00:55:14 | |
Stopped. Thank you. Thank you. | 00:55:18 | |
Hi Mike Stone, we're 2050 Delmont Drive and we're directly, we would be directly behind this building. | 00:55:32 | |
And we would lose. | 00:55:40 | |
Sunlight. Our backyard would be over, you know, they'd be looking into our backyard and we just, we feel like we'd lose value to | 00:55:43 | |
our property. | 00:55:48 | |
And we just don't think it would work for us. It would really inhibit what we try and do in our home and it would block a lot of | 00:55:53 | |
the fun that we try to have. So we're opposed to this. | 00:55:58 | |
And just wanted to share with that. | 00:56:04 | |
Thank you. Thank you. | 00:56:07 | |
My name is Richard Baird. I live at 1865 Sycamore Lane. | 00:56:18 | |
I'm opposed to this mostly because as I see development. | 00:56:24 | |
Is the managing of traffic and. | 00:56:28 | |
I do not know how this small parcel. | 00:56:32 | |
Can park 24 cars. | 00:56:36 | |
Seems almost impossible to me. And then to egress out on Sycamore Dr. | 00:56:38 | |
Totally impractical. | 00:56:44 | |
As was mentioned, I lived down at the bottom of Sycamore Lane. | 00:56:46 | |
And we already have a tremendous traffic. | 00:56:51 | |
Bottleneck now coming around that corner. | 00:56:54 | |
And. | 00:56:57 | |
The old Cottonwood. | 00:56:59 | |
What people do is they do not stop at the light. | 00:57:01 | |
They come up Sycamore Lane. | 00:57:05 | |
I just can't see adding more people and more cars to that little. | 00:57:09 | |
Neighborhood area where we now? | 00:57:16 | |
A tremendous amount of young families just right in. | 00:57:19 | |
Location. | 00:57:23 | |
So I'm totally opposed to that, I think. | 00:57:24 | |
Development. | 00:57:29 | |
The client that's proposing this has a small office building where we very rarely see any traffic there. | 00:57:31 | |
I would say that would be fine. I think we would all agree with that. But when you introduce that amount of stories. | 00:57:39 | |
And that. | 00:57:46 | |
And especially if he's adding residential. | 00:57:48 | |
No. | 00:57:51 | |
Can only have. | 00:57:53 | |
Car. | 00:57:55 | |
Everybody that has an apartment has a minimum of two cars and if there's families, three room apartment or something. | 00:57:56 | |
There's just no way they will be parking on the street. | 00:58:04 | |
Down Sycamore Dr. And I think it's. | 00:58:07 | |
A Daydream to think that that can be housed there. So my opinion is that. | 00:58:11 | |
As Dave Dean mentioned to let's deal with a master plan. | 00:58:17 | |
And do something that will look nice in that hole. | 00:58:22 | |
Help our neighborhood to maintain our. | 00:58:26 | |
Thank you very much. | 00:58:29 | |
My name is Kristen Hunter and I live at 4666 S Sycamore Dr. | 00:58:36 | |
One, the first thing I want to point out is just. | 00:58:43 | |
I am opposed to this project. | 00:58:46 | |
The first thing I want to point out is just. | 00:58:49 | |
Even mentioned in this meeting, this is just a rezone application. | 00:58:52 | |
But with the approval of the. | 00:58:56 | |
Would. | 00:58:59 | |
The zoning laws that are already in place. | 00:59:01 | |
Which after talking to Carrie, she said, and I quote it's almost impossible to change zoning laws. | 00:59:04 | |
So we know that with this, that's why we're here. That's why I'm here tonight. | 00:59:11 | |
Is because by this rezone. See. | 00:59:17 | |
Appro. | 00:59:20 | |
Move forward. | 00:59:21 | |
We're now looking at the holiday city zoning laws, which are what we are opposed to. | 00:59:24 | |
The building height. | 00:59:30 | |
The density, the the parking restrictions, all of those laws. | 00:59:31 | |
So although this is just a rezone meeting, I think it has. | 00:59:36 | |
Utmost importance as to the future of what this project would bring and that's what. | 00:59:40 | |
I'm that's why I'm here opposing this as well tonight not just the read about I I'm I'm sure I would be at the redevelopment | 00:59:46 | |
meeting as well opposing it. | 00:59:50 | |
But I also know that once we get to that point. | 00:59:54 | |
We're dealing with the zoning laws that are already in place that are impossible to change. | 00:59:57 | |
So. | 01:00:01 | |
The other thing I want to point out is living. I live on Sycamore Dr. | 01:00:03 | |
And I believe Brad. | 01:00:07 | |
There be proposed exit on Sycamore Dr. | 01:00:09 | |
Given the choice to turn left. | 01:00:13 | |
Heading towards Marie Holiday Road or? | 01:00:17 | |
Down Sycamore Dr. | 01:00:20 | |
No traffic to the right. | 01:00:23 | |
Very hard to turn onto Murray Holiday Rd. if you go left. | 01:00:25 | |
I think a high percentage of people exiting this proposed project would turn right down. Sycamore Dr. | 01:00:30 | |
And that is through the residential neighborhood. It's a very wide St. people speed because it's wide. There are no sidewalks for | 01:00:37 | |
safety. It is the safe walking route. | 01:00:43 | |
St. Dedicated for the state of Utah for the students because Olympus Junior High is 2 streets East. | 01:00:49 | |
It's frequented by students at all times of day. | 01:00:57 | |
But at the same times, the traffic would be coming and out of this project in the mornings and the evenings. | 01:01:02 | |
Coming and going and that's when the students would be there. | 01:01:09 | |
So I I think that. | 01:01:13 | |
We need to keep in mind that. | 01:01:16 | |
And Sycamore Yeah, Sycamore Dr. already has traffic. It's already hard to turn from Sycamore Dr. N onto Murray Holiday Rd. | 01:01:18 | |
There is a. | 01:01:27 | |
If you're facing north on Sycamore Dr. and Murray Holiday Rd. is here perpendicular. | 01:01:28 | |
The light to the left, which is about, I want to say 2530. | 01:01:34 | |
East. | 01:01:40 | |
There is a slight it's slightly obscured the traffic coming down. | 01:01:42 | |
So that's something to be aware of as well. I don't know if the city engineers here or if he's what traffic traffic studies he's | 01:01:48 | |
done there, but that's what I wanted to say. Thank you. | 01:01:53 | |
Thank you very much. Please no applause. | 01:01:59 | |
I'm going to remind you that this we're not going to applaud at this meeting. Thank you very much. Please. | 01:02:06 | |
Allen Gibson, 2008 Zero E Delmont. So I'm about two houses. | 01:02:15 | |
East. | 01:02:21 | |
Of the backyards of those properties. | 01:02:22 | |
So I have a few comments and some past history of the 2051 Corner property. This property was zoned residential, as was all of | 01:02:25 | |
holiday Murray Holiday Rd. There for a while, but that one there was residential at one time and with residential. | 01:02:33 | |
You know the neighborhood input conditional use was changed to allow allow an office on Murray Holiday Rd. With a Max of two | 01:02:41 | |
parking spaces and keep the residential access to the residential neighborhood on Sycamore. | 01:02:48 | |
That was the Wayne Jansen property. | 01:02:55 | |
Back before holiday even came. | 01:02:58 | |
And the zone changed, but with conditional use. So it looks and appears as a resident residence on, you know, on Sycamore. | 01:03:01 | |
And no, no engineering was needed for this change, the sewing type change or anything like that. No architectural stuff. And none | 01:03:09 | |
of that was needed. It was just he wanted approval to change, put an office in his front front of that or the site, I guess of his | 01:03:14 | |
house. | 01:03:19 | |
And that's what. | 01:03:25 | |
And anyway, with the change from Salt Lake County to Holiday City, the conditional use was done away at some point without any any | 01:03:28 | |
neighborhood residential. Public input on that property was just done away with, and the property was just a plain RM Zone and | 01:03:33 | |
part of that. | 01:03:39 | |
Back in Salt Lake County, was that it would stay. | 01:03:45 | |
Looking like a residential. | 01:03:49 | |
Type property, not a. | 01:03:51 | |
Whatever whatever RM could have done for the county or whatever RM can now do for this, the City of holiday. | 01:03:53 | |
So now it's just a plain RM zone with no conditional use attached anymore, and that was an unintended rezone of the property | 01:04:03 | |
without coming before you guys or anybody else once it switched from county. | 01:04:09 | |
To Holiday City. | 01:04:16 | |
And. | 01:04:17 | |
A quick note on the property or a par. | 01:04:19 | |
When that dentist office went into few streets or a few houses. | 01:04:22 | |
On Holly Blvd. or Holly Lane Excuse. | 01:04:26 | |
Which is parallel to Sycamore. | 01:04:30 | |
A lot of cars started parking there. They put up no parking signs there if you ever go walking through that neighborhood for | 01:04:32 | |
walking it. | 01:04:36 | |
Look for the No Parking Zones, which is now. | 01:04:40 | |
Well, site for water or something, whatever they're doing on that corner that used to be a residence there also at one time. | 01:04:44 | |
And so I'm against. | 01:04:50 | |
Big changes. I'd rather have the property look like residential, the property next to 2051. | 01:04:52 | |
Looks like a residential, even though it's a lawyer's office. | 01:04:59 | |
It fits in with the neighborhood. I'd like to keep it small like that without having to go through a lot of engineering or | 01:05:02 | |
architectural drawings or anything like that. Just keep it. | 01:05:07 | |
Low simple. Make it look like residential even though it may be on Mary Holiday Rd. | 01:05:12 | |
Thank you very much. | 01:05:18 | |
I'm Lorraine Gibson on 2080 Belmont Drive. | 01:05:31 | |
That was my husband Alan. He I will ask him to say a couple of things, which he didn't. So I'm going to. | 01:05:36 | |
We live behind the office buildings that are just east of that. | 01:05:45 | |
And there is. | 01:05:51 | |
Light pollution because of those buildings in our neighborhood, not just. | 01:05:54 | |
Our lot. | 01:05:59 | |
Through the block. | 01:06:01 | |
And so. | 01:06:03 | |
This will just add more light pollution into. | 01:06:06 | |
Houses. | 01:06:09 | |
That's what I wanted to. | 01:06:11 | |
My name is Deborah Hafer and I live at 1992 E Crest Hill Dr. also known as 4625 S. | 01:06:17 | |
I have been a residence for over 31 years in this neighborhood. | 01:06:25 | |
And with the Cottonwood Mall and the traffic on Highland Drive and 4800 S, that intersection on Highland Drive and 4800 S. | 01:06:29 | |
Is very, very busy. So those people waiting to turn left would drive a 4625 S, 4675 S and Sycamore Dr. comes speeding through our | 01:06:37 | |
neighborhoods, which is why speed bumps were installed on all three of those streets as well as Sycamore Dr. | 01:06:45 | |
To keep the people speeding through the neighborhood. | 01:06:54 | |
Right after those were put in on Sycamore Dr. a gentleman came flying up the street along Sycamore Lane to Sycamore Dr. | 01:06:58 | |
Hurt his car, lost some parts and got out and was angry and said why are these speed bumps here? You've taken my quick way home. | 01:07:06 | |
And the neighbor said that's why they're here, is because you guys come speeding through a residential neighborhood. | 01:07:13 | |
So my concern is this is a residential neighborhood. | 01:07:18 | |
The Holiday Hills isn't even finished or developed in all those cars. They're going to be on Highland Dr. 4800 S They're going to | 01:07:22 | |
come through our neighborhoods. Again, as was stated, it's Sycamore Dr. is a state. | 01:07:29 | |
Approved. | 01:07:36 | |
Children walking. | 01:07:38 | |
What is the traffic impact going to be And then you add this other development of this amount of. | 01:07:39 | |
Density, we're just creating more and more traffic our roads. Highland Drive is going to be narrowed down to the new plan to be | 01:07:46 | |
narrowed 40. There's not room for expansion to allow for all of this traffic that I think we need to address and I know that the | 01:07:53 | |
plans can be changed. Look at Sugar House, their master plan. | 01:08:00 | |
It's not working. They're already having growing pains with the parking. Do we want to become another sugar house? I don't think | 01:08:07 | |
so. We don't have the roads to allow for all this development. And I think that we need to look at the neighborhoods between 45th | 01:08:14 | |
and 48th and Highland Drive and 23rd of how many people are living in there. This is not an older neighborhood dying. This is | 01:08:21 | |
families moving in, remodeling, completely tearing down their houses. And we have a lot of children and I think that. | 01:08:27 | |
Exiting on Sycamore Dr. Nobody's gonna turn left. I've lived here for 31 years. It is difficult now to turn left on. | 01:08:35 | |
4800 S What's this gonna do here? Those people are not gonna go back on left if they can go on 4800. | 01:08:42 | |
40 Emory Holiday Rd. From the property. They don't need to come on Sycamore Lane and expect to go on Marie Holiday Rd. So I'm | 01:08:48 | |
against this as well as well as the zoning change we're locked in. | 01:08:54 | |
To what can happen in development so. | 01:09:00 | |
That's my concerns. Thank you. Thank you very much. | 01:09:03 | |
K Reed, 2070 Delmont Drive. | 01:09:14 | |
I'm against this. | 01:09:20 | |
As I sat in my home this morning today. | 01:09:23 | |
I noticed already. | 01:09:26 | |
Delmont's getting. | 01:09:28 | |
Already. | 01:09:30 | |
People don't. There are cars that come through there that don't live there. | 01:09:32 | |
And they're just passing through using Delmont already. | 01:09:36 | |
As a. | 01:09:39 | |
We can't have any more traffic than that. | 01:09:41 | |
And once once the mall gets up and going. | 01:09:44 | |
What is that going to add? | 01:09:47 | |
We can't have extra traffic here. | 01:09:49 | |
I'm against this. | 01:09:52 | |
Thank you. Thank you very much. | 01:09:54 | |
Thank you for having this planning meeting. Appreciate all the work you do. My name is Jack Solomon. I live at 2051 E Delmont | 01:10:00 | |
Drive. | 01:10:05 | |
I am an advocate. | 01:10:12 | |
For dogs and kids. | 01:10:14 | |
And I'll be very brief that I do a lot of gardening and in my front yard many times. | 01:10:18 | |
And there are children traveling. There are no sidewalks in our neighborhood. You're aware of that? | 01:10:24 | |
It's very dangerous. People have to. | 01:10:32 | |
On the. | 01:10:36 | |
So I'm advocating for children. | 01:10:38 | |
And dogs. | 01:10:42 | |
Dogs will probably get more of the attention, I bet you. | 01:10:45 | |
But that's my comments that we need more studies on sidewalks, more studies on signage. | 01:10:50 | |
And more traffic studies. Something they need to take those little rubber hoses out and look at the number of cars that travel on | 01:10:58 | |
these roads. | 01:11:04 | |
If we're going to follow the master plan of turning Murray Holiday Rd. Into a massive. | 01:11:10 | |
Residential and business area. Thank you very much. | 01:11:19 | |
Anyone else for public comment this evening? | 01:11:30 | |
All right, Brad. I believe we will close the public hearing at this point and then invite Mr. | 01:11:38 | |
OK. All right. We'll go ahead and close the public comment. | 01:11:46 | |
And would you like to come up and address any of? | 01:11:48 | |
Anything you wish to to comment on? | 01:11:53 | |
Yeah, I guess. | 01:11:57 | |
Flip to my notes here. | 01:12:00 | |
Umm. | 01:12:02 | |
I understand the concerns. | 01:12:05 | |
You know, I have children and dogs. | 01:12:07 | |
And I live on the street with no sidewalks. | 01:12:11 | |
So I do understand. | 01:12:14 | |
And I think. | 01:12:16 | |
You know we have options as property owners. | 01:12:18 | |
To say well, if we live in the current room. | 01:12:23 | |
Then maybe we don't stay. | 01:12:27 | |
And be neighbors and we sell it to somebody who's going to put up. | 01:12:30 | |
As much as they can on a residential. | 01:12:34 | |
Under the current zoning and we walk away. | 01:12:37 | |
Or we can. | 01:12:40 | |
Allow the zoning change. | 01:12:42 | |
That the master plan contemplates and then let us address a plan. | 01:12:45 | |
With the neighbors. | 01:12:52 | |
To say this is what we'd like to do. | 01:12:53 | |
Our initial plan was what can we do? | 01:12:57 | |
Under the. | 01:13:01 | |
But not necessarily what after comment from our neigh. | 01:13:02 | |
Because we want to be neighbors, what we can do? | 01:13:07 | |
And what we will do are completely different things. We're not, you know, we. So let me address the ownership. | 01:13:12 | |
I am an owner of both properties. I have partners, law partners who are based in Miami. | 01:13:21 | |
So the Minorca address and the Florida. | 01:13:30 | |
Company that owns the property is me and my two partners Leon Patricius and Josempano. | 01:13:35 | |
So it's not like we're some. | 01:13:42 | |
Company that's, you know, swooping in to change the world here. | 01:13:46 | |
Umm. | 01:13:50 | |
So I believe that we can change the. | 01:13:51 | |
Allow our office use to be an approved use as opposed to a conditional use. | 01:13:56 | |
And then allow us to work with the neighbors to come up with a plan. | 01:14:02 | |
To say we would like an office, My partners in Miami would love to have an apartment. | 01:14:07 | |
When they come to. | 01:14:13 | |
So they could use it to go skiing or be here. | 01:14:15 | |
I would like to retire someday and may end up living upstairs and being part of the neighborhood. | 01:14:18 | |
So. | 01:14:25 | |
An opportunity at this point to do anything but say. | 01:14:27 | |
The current uses are conditional uses. For Office, we would like to have a permitted use in the office zone. | 01:14:32 | |
And then deal with the. | 01:14:40 | |
At the next. | 01:14:43 | |
So we're not the plan we proposed and throughout. | 01:14:45 | |
To the. | 01:14:50 | |
We receive valuable. | 01:14:51 | |
And if we were just developers who said we don't care what our neighbors say? | 01:14:54 | |
We're going to build what we can build. | 01:14:59 | |
But we're here, we're going to be part of the neighborhood. We're going to be part of the community. | 01:15:01 | |
And we're. | 01:15:06 | |
Going to build something that every time somebody walks by my office, they spit on the ground or throw their trash. | 01:15:08 | |
Or say, you know, why are you doing this to me in my neighborhood when we're part of the community and we want to be part of the | 01:15:16 | |
neighborhood? | 01:15:20 | |
So I'll leave it with that. | 01:15:24 | |
Thank you very much. We appreciate that, Mister Helston. | 01:15:25 | |
All right. So with the hearing closed at this point, the Planning Commission will go ahead and discuss. | 01:15:29 | |
Between ourselves. | 01:15:36 | |
First, Miss Marsh, did you have any comments you'd like to make? | 01:15:39 | |
No, just any questions that you have, you can also discuss with staff, OK. All right. | 01:15:42 | |
Thank you. | 01:15:49 | |
Any. | 01:15:52 | |
To start out with Angela, you look like you've got something. | 01:15:54 | |
That you're thinking about saying. | 01:15:58 | |
I just it it's it's clearly a you know. | 01:16:03 | |
This is an issue that's close to people's hearts, so that's just. | 01:16:08 | |
It's tricky to. | 01:16:12 | |
What should we do and cut to the heart of the issue? I think one thing that we talked about earlier in our work meeting that I | 01:16:14 | |
thought was very helpful, which I didn't know because I also don't have the city code memorized, was the differences between the | 01:16:21 | |
the RM and the PO zones. I don't know if you guys want to talk about this, but but my understanding is. | 01:16:28 | |
The room zone does allow for townhomes or condos. | 01:16:36 | |
So those theoretically could be built up to a height of 35 feet already in the in the zone right now, with the set back meaning | 01:16:40 | |
the space between. | 01:16:45 | |
The building and the property line. | 01:16:50 | |
20 feet. | 01:16:53 | |
Whereas the PO zone can build to 40 feet, but the set back is bigger. It's 30 feet. Is that? Did I get all those details correct? | 01:16:55 | |
So I just didn't understand that. So so it does feel like. | 01:17:03 | |
The. | 01:17:07 | |
You know, as I was reviewing this issue, it felt like the PO zone really changed the the, the tone of the neighborhood. But | 01:17:08 | |
already in the RM zone actually it it could be high density, it could be a very high building and it could be much closer. Is is | 01:17:15 | |
that my understanding is correct on that. Yes. So developing that PO zone we did look at. | 01:17:21 | |
Office uses that were adjacent to residential uses and how to offset the impacts of. | 01:17:29 | |
Buildings. | 01:17:36 | |
Next to residential uses, so in the PO zone you we did increase that set back from residential neighborhoods to 30 feet. There is | 01:17:37 | |
a 5 foot height increase but it is set back. | 01:17:44 | |
Another. | 01:17:52 | |
Being on there as well is a graduated height, so buildings have to be stepped back if they're within a specific area, and that's | 01:17:55 | |
all to reduce visual and light impact on surrounding properties. | 01:18:01 | |
Thank you. | 01:18:11 | |
Speak to, well, a couple of issues. The 1st is the general plan. | 01:18:16 | |
I I didn't help write the general plan, and I don't know if any of these folks did, but it is clear from the general plan. | 01:18:23 | |
That this is a an encourage use. | 01:18:32 | |
And that, but the purpose of the encouraged use is the part I'm struggling with and that is. | 01:18:36 | |
To enhance property values contribute to the economic sustainability of the city. | 01:18:43 | |
And typically that means. | 01:18:47 | |
More opportunity for office and no retail. That was specifically the decision that the council made. | 01:18:50 | |
Was number retail? | 01:18:59 | |
But the office use that's there, as I understand it, is permitted only because it was there prior to the general plan and the | 01:19:02 | |
current zoning and that I would have expected a plan. The plan can always. | 01:19:08 | |
There. | 01:19:17 | |
Made an argument for how we're upgrading the site and enhancing the property values and contributing the economic sustainability | 01:19:18 | |
with better offices or more offices, more professional offices, more kinds of offices, medical services for example, which is | 01:19:24 | |
always. This is typically the reason we grant. | 01:19:30 | |
These is because it allows the owners to diversify the kind of services, professional services, available to the members of the | 01:19:37 | |
community. | 01:19:42 | |
OK. | 01:19:46 | |
As I understand it. | 01:19:48 | |
One office building that's going to stay. | 01:19:51 | |
As an office building. As a lawyer's office and the other lot completely turn into an apartment complex. | 01:19:55 | |
Right. | 01:20:03 | |
The proposal or potential proposal would mix the use so it would have offices and apartments. | 01:20:05 | |
Right. And I and I realize it and I. | 01:20:14 | |
The purpose I think of us making and we're not going to make a decision today with a recommendation, but. | 01:20:16 | |
The criteria for the recommendation have to do with our belief that it will result in an upgrade of the building and a site and | 01:20:24 | |
will enhance property values and contribute to the economic sustainability. | 01:20:30 | |
Of the city, OK. If you add a bunch of residential that doesn't enhance the economics of the city, that's a negative to the city. | 01:20:36 | |
Businesses generate. | 01:20:46 | |
Positive property tax flow to the city. Residents are a negative tax flow to the city and that. | 01:20:48 | |
So I and and I would encourage the developer if you would like to come up or the owner and and and speak to this issue but. | 01:20:57 | |
How are we meeting the goal of this optional zone? It's not mandatory. It's one that is part of a plan that was never finished. | 01:21:07 | |
And that and. | 01:21:18 | |
So. | 01:21:21 | |
Our recommendation, in my mind ought to be based on the belief that something has been presented tonight. | 01:21:23 | |
That would tip. | 01:21:30 | |
To making this one of. | 01:21:31 | |
Of the the half mile developments and that. | 01:21:35 | |
So anyway, that's my kind of my thinking that I'm going through and that. And then I realized that we kind of put the owner in an | 01:21:40 | |
awkward position because he's not obligated to have any plan, he's just obligated to request and then but. | 01:21:47 | |
The ordinance implies that he has to be carry the burden of showing that we're going to enhance property values and contribute to | 01:21:55 | |
economic sustainability and it'll be an upgrade of the building and or the site. | 01:22:02 | |
So far I haven't heard that. | 01:22:10 | |
On. | 01:22:12 | |
Can I comment on that Commissioner Cunningham? So in the PO zone approved uses are office uses. Any residential use that the | 01:22:13 | |
applicant would like to pursue in the future would be a conditional use. So at that point the Planning Commission could evaluate | 01:22:20 | |
that balance of. | 01:22:26 | |
Are you balancing some office use with a proposed mixed-use development? | 01:22:33 | |
Yeah, I I I realize that I I think you know the way that the ordinance actually says is give preference to the properties where | 01:22:41 | |
these things. | 01:22:45 | |
Or Prism. I'm having a hard time finding them. | 01:22:49 | |
I think the zoning is OK. I mean you know that decision was made by the council years ago about shifting to appeal and that and so | 01:22:54 | |
I don't want to revisit that's not our job but and that but I for my. | 01:23:02 | |
What I've heard so far. | 01:23:11 | |
I'm not sure why this is a preference, a preference recommendation. | 01:23:13 | |
Would that be an appropriate? | 01:23:19 | |
To go with APO. | 01:23:23 | |
So the PO additional use right PO zone is a conditional mixed-use. | 01:23:26 | |
So the future development redevelopment would have to be a mixed-use so. | 01:23:33 | |
And I think there's maybe a lack of clarity about what's being proposed because we don't have that application, but the | 01:23:39 | |
application would need to be a mixed-use. | 01:23:43 | |
Long as. | 01:23:47 | |
The law practice on one property. | 01:23:49 | |
Could they not propose the entire other property be residential? | 01:23:52 | |
That's a mixed-use because they now combine the two properties into a single parcel. | 01:23:57 | |
At that point it would be 1 parcel with a mix of uses, yeah, that's what I mean. So they could. | 01:24:03 | |
An existing business. | 01:24:12 | |
And only add. | 01:24:13 | |
But at the same time, what we're discussing tonight is. | 01:24:18 | |
A rezone from room to PO for those two parcels. | 01:24:23 | |
At this point and and there is no other proposal before. | 01:24:28 | |
For a redevelop. | 01:24:34 | |
At this time, so to consider to consider what may be down the road which. | 01:24:36 | |
Could change at. | 01:24:42 | |
Is kind of like trying to predict the weather. | 01:24:44 | |
Absolutely. I'm just saying that the way the ordinance is written, it requires. | 01:24:49 | |
That we give preference to the ones that meet this criteria. | 01:24:55 | |
In my opinion, they don't. Therefore, I would recommend that we not give that recommendation as a fur preference and then. | 01:25:00 | |
I'm not. I'm not sure whether it was a good decision or bad decision by the owner. | 01:25:08 | |
To. | 01:25:14 | |
Have a whole plan out there, right? And that could where it was unnecessary, right? | 01:25:16 | |
But it's out there. I would say a couple of things, I think. What a comment that Mister Dean made. | 01:25:21 | |
Where And you had brought this up earlier? | 01:25:31 | |
If there had been a small area master plan put out initially. | 01:25:37 | |
Where we could evaluate these projects as they came in against a small area master plan. | 01:25:42 | |
Boy, that should would sure make things a lot clearer. | 01:25:51 | |
Unfortunately, we don't have that sort of a road map. | 01:25:57 | |
So we're going to have to take these projects kind of piece. | 01:26:01 | |
And then? | 01:26:07 | |
We're going to have to. | 01:26:08 | |
Zoning changes and so forth as they come. | 01:26:10 | |
I just. I don't know. I just have a philosophical issue with. | 01:26:16 | |
I understand that people don't like change. | 01:26:23 | |
But I also look at this property and I look at some of the comments made about traffic and parking and. | 01:26:27 | |
So forth. | 01:26:34 | |
And I think it's unfortunate that what. | 01:26:37 | |
I understand we're only talking about a zoning change, but we're looking at a zoning change. | 01:26:41 | |
With some pretty serious implications. | 01:26:46 | |
And. | 01:26:50 | |
I don't know. | 01:26:53 | |
According to staff report, in 2018, the City Council considered the. | 01:26:59 | |
Holiday Mile or half? | 01:27:05 | |
And all these were part of that consideration and that vote. | 01:27:08 | |
Yes, and maybe Mr. Turling can speak to that process of what that evaluation looked like. But they did look at all properties that | 01:27:13 | |
were zoned as RM and being used as professional offices, the properties that are adjacent to residential uses. That's why the code | 01:27:22 | |
was written for the PO zone to have a further set back. All these uses have existed as professional offices. | 01:27:30 | |
Looking at the future redevelopment, those were the standards that were set in the professional office zone in consideration of | 01:27:40 | |
all of those things. | 01:27:44 | |
A public hearing was held at that point. Building height was evaluated at that point in time, and that's what it was set at for | 01:27:48 | |
the professional office zone. | 01:27:52 | |
So we understand. | 01:27:57 | |
Someone. | 01:28:00 | |
Mr. Helston could have bought this, or could have. | 01:28:03 | |
App. | 01:28:06 | |
To raise both buildings on the property and. | 01:28:07 | |
Condos. | 01:28:13 | |
And those condos could. | 01:28:15 | |
Occupied a footprint on the property that would have had a 20 foot set back and. | 01:28:18 | |
35 feet high, correct. | 01:28:27 | |
Yes, that's what he can do currently. He could do that currently without any zoning change, which would not then that would have. | 01:28:29 | |
That would not have address. | 01:28:38 | |
Could possibly not have addressed any of the residents issues relative to traffic and. | 01:28:40 | |
Parking and. | 01:28:48 | |
Um. | 01:28:50 | |
View. | 01:28:51 | |
Mitigation and light and so forth, correct? Right. That would just be a building permit. | 01:28:53 | |
Brian, So I think there's some concern here that we're trying to rewrite how we want this to proceed. I think the woman with the | 01:29:01 | |
baby was. | 01:29:06 | |
Probably heading the direction that maybe the City Council needs to be aware of is. | 01:29:11 | |
Do our codes adequately address this? Because when you rezone something, there is a built-in set back those type of things to | 01:29:16 | |
handle or to least do the best possible way of mitigating the impacts now. | 01:29:24 | |
Granted, looking at this property, a single story building, anything that's taller than that is going to be an impact. And that's | 01:29:32 | |
the difficulty with this one, because it is. | 01:29:37 | |
You know, in my eyes it's a beautiful little property, but. | 01:29:43 | |
You know, I don't own the property. I don't really get to say much about it, but. | 01:29:46 | |
Did we just make a recommendation to the Council and let them have the discussion of whether they want to revise the? | 01:29:54 | |
The zone to be a little bit more receptive to this. | 01:30:01 | |
Because I think we want to change how the application is being proposed. | 01:30:04 | |
But I think we need to stay with what we have and what the general plan has suggested. | 01:30:09 | |
I think, Paul, you were kind of leading that direction. | 01:30:15 | |
To me, I think that's where we that's what the Planning Commission is. | 01:30:19 | |
Asked to do at this point, yeah, our purview is simply to consider. | 01:30:22 | |
This rezone application. | 01:30:29 | |
And either forward a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation to the City Council for the the residents that are here. Planning | 01:30:32 | |
Commission tonight will make some sort of recommendation to the City Council. | 01:30:39 | |
This item will then appear on a City Council agenda in the next. | 01:30:47 | |
Meeting or two, I can't say exactly what the date is because I don't know. | 01:30:53 | |
And and it is the City Council who will ultimately make the. | 01:30:57 | |
So we hope your passion will carry you forward to discuss to the City Council and to to share your comments. | 01:31:02 | |
At that time as well, regardless of what our decision is this evening, that's just an informational. | 01:31:09 | |
Information for you, Angela. We haven't heard much from you. | 01:31:18 | |
I was thinking about this question that Paul. | 01:31:24 | |
Commissioner Cunningham. | 01:31:27 | |
Had about. | 01:31:30 | |
Economic What is it? Enhancing property values and economic sustainability. Certainly the idea of, you know, added office space | 01:31:32 | |
and businesses, especially smaller businesses that would fit in something like this. | 01:31:37 | |
Is probably attractive to holiday, I think my. | 01:31:45 | |
One thought that I'm trying to tease out is there's certainly an impact on the houses right next to the a building that feels like | 01:31:50 | |
it's a little bit out of character. It's, you know, it's taller than it used to be there or what, it's taller than what's back | 01:31:55 | |
into the residential neighborhoods. | 01:32:00 | |
But also there's this larger picture of we've got the holiday village, we've got the royal holiday hills being developed and and I | 01:32:06 | |
think if there's this sense that that people can live and walk. | 01:32:12 | |
To places that where they can eat or you know walk to their office, walk to their doctor, hopefully. You don't have to walk to | 01:32:20 | |
your lawyer that often. I really, you know, that's not a great situation. But the the sense that that that there's this entire | 01:32:26 | |
strip where actually it's dense enough that you could theoretically walk to a grocery store, walk to. | 01:32:31 | |
Lots of the things that you need in your daily life. I think in the long run, and this is tricky, but but I do think that this | 01:32:38 | |
sense of walkability. | 01:32:43 | |
That this could enhance, you know, over years. | 01:32:48 | |
Would be attractive to a lot of people. I mean that that's a really tricky thing to say let's build it now in the hopes that, you | 01:32:52 | |
know, it's very walkable in 10 years. But but I think that the general, the general plan is certainly trying to say this is a | 01:32:59 | |
really important corridor and if we can make it so that people don't have to drive as much because there are more. | 01:33:07 | |
Things within a walkable distance, I think in a long. | 01:33:14 | |
To me, that does look like enhanced property values. | 01:33:18 | |
And and you know, livability, increased livability. | 01:33:23 | |
But it's kind of in this uncomfortable place right now, where? | 01:33:26 | |
Neither quite walkable nor quite as. | 01:33:30 | |
Spaced out as people want. You know it's in either place right now. | 01:33:33 | |
Well, and and Kerry, maybe you can address this just to Angela's point of walkability, the PO zone would allow the building to be | 01:33:39 | |
built closer to the street. Can you address the specifics of that? | 01:33:47 | |
Yes. So setbacks in the appeal zone were the buildings, because they're set further back from a residential zone they are designed | 01:33:56 | |
to be. | 01:33:59 | |
They can be built closer to the street. | 01:34:04 | |
Street. Having buildings closer to a street is a more walkable environment, Pedestrian friendly. The same kind of concept was in | 01:34:08 | |
the Holiday Village. Those ones are brought all the way to the street. | 01:34:13 | |
So there is still landscaping set back there in the front. | 01:34:21 | |
I think the. | 01:34:25 | |
Walkable areas are also they are property enhancing. There's been multiple studies and planning about walkable areas really | 01:34:27 | |
enhancing property values in the surrounding neighborhoods. | 01:34:32 | |
And economic sustainability as well. You're enhancing your office uses. So right now the law office has to be there in the future | 01:34:40 | |
if that's zoned as. | 01:34:44 | |
Other offices have the potential to occupy space there in that in any building that's constructed or in an existing building. | 01:34:49 | |
Thank you. Carrie. Is there any, are there any rules relative to how much? | 01:34:58 | |
Office space versus how much residential space has to occupy the building. Is there a ratio or there's not? | 01:35:06 | |
OK. | 01:35:17 | |
Brian, any further thoughts? One other thought I do think on that, on that PO, so you can't have residential unless there's | 01:35:18 | |
office. | 01:35:22 | |
Right, so you have to begin with an office use first before you can get to the conditional residential. | 01:35:27 | |
Thanks. | 01:35:33 | |
Thank you. | 01:35:34 | |
Angela, do you have anything? | 01:35:37 | |
More. | 01:35:39 | |
No, no, Jill. | 01:35:40 | |
I don't think so. | 01:35:42 | |
Paul. | 01:35:44 | |
All right, you. | 01:35:46 | |
My understanding is that when the City Council created the PO zone. | 01:35:51 | |
That they wanted to encourage property owners. | 01:35:56 | |
Who were in a legal non conforming situation with tenants or themselves as the occupiers. | 01:36:02 | |
To eventually move to APO zone so that they would be in a more. | 01:36:11 | |
Appropriate a more correct zone. | 01:36:15 | |
For their use and. | 01:36:19 | |
Offices on this property. | 01:36:24 | |
You can certainly a case can be made that a PO zone rezone would be reasonable. | 01:36:28 | |
And. | 01:36:35 | |
And so I can see how it would work. | 01:36:39 | |
To go ahead and move in that direction. | 01:36:44 | |
Considering that we don't have a small master plan. | 01:36:48 | |
To guide any farther. | 01:36:51 | |
All right. Do we have anyone on the Council or on the Commission, excuse me, who is willing to? | 01:36:55 | |
Make a motion at this time for a recommendation. | 01:37:01 | |
To the City Council who have ultimate decision making. | 01:37:04 | |
Authority in this circumstance. | 01:37:08 | |
I'll be happy to make your motion to get this started. | 01:37:20 | |
So I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission. | 01:37:25 | |
Not recommend this rezone. | 01:37:30 | |
With the. | 01:37:34 | |
Proposed findings. | 01:37:36 | |
That the reason itself is consistent with the general master plan. | 01:37:38 | |
For either professional office, commercial or mixed-use development or other similar areas such as the Highland Dr. Small Area | 01:37:45 | |
Master Plan area. | 01:37:49 | |
However. | 01:37:54 | |
I believe that the other two findings are that there is insufficient evidence that it will result in the upgrade of the building | 01:37:57 | |
and the site. | 01:38:01 | |
And that it will not necessarily enhance property values and contribute to the economic sustain sustainability of the city. | 01:38:06 | |
Do we have a second for this motion? | 01:38:18 | |
He moved that we not you need to talk in the. | 01:38:21 | |
Do I understand that your motion is that we not recommend the rezone? I'll second that clarify. So it would be forwarding it to | 01:38:26 | |
the council of the negative recommendation. | 01:38:32 | |
Thank you. So we have a motion by Commissioner Cunningham, a second by Commissioner Font, So let's go ahead and take a vote. | 01:38:37 | |
Commissioner Burnt. | 01:38:41 | |
So you you're I'm you're not supporting the. You do not support the motion. OK. Thank you, Commissioner Gong. | 01:38:47 | |
If I vote no, that means I think it should be recommended. | 01:38:57 | |
Correct. | 01:39:01 | |
OK, Commissioner. | 01:39:04 | |
Yes. | 01:39:07 | |
Commissioner Cunningham. | 01:39:08 | |
And chair votes. | 01:39:10 | |
So that vote fails. So you have to have. | 01:39:13 | |
So that that did not pass. So you currently stand with no recommended without a recommendation. We have zero recommendation at | 01:39:17 | |
this point. It would be a neutral recommendation at this point. OK, because is that something to pass? It's so. So in order for it | 01:39:23 | |
to pass and I want to make sure that the audience understands this, we have a 7 member Commission. | 01:39:29 | |
So in order for any vote to pass the seven member Commission when it is less than seven, you have to get 4 votes one way or | 01:39:35 | |
another to move it forward with for that motion to have passed so that motion failed. You can have a couple of options. You can. | 01:39:42 | |
You can propose a new motion. | 01:39:50 | |
Or any member of the Planning Commission could propose a new motion. Or you can leave it as is and it would basically go to the | 01:39:52 | |
Council with a neutral recommendation. | 01:39:56 | |
So do we have anyone who would like to make a different motion, or do we want to simply send this to the community or to the City | 01:40:03 | |
Council with a neutral recommendation? | 01:40:08 | |
If we forward a neutral recommendation, do they get a summary of the discussion or I mean, I'm I'm sure they have the information | 01:40:16 | |
we have. Yes, they will. They will have the minutes of the meeting. | 01:40:21 | |
They will have a staff report on what? | 01:40:27 | |
Then. | 01:40:31 | |
Mr. Chair Link, in fact, it may be quite possible that they. | 01:40:32 | |
Request a clarification on some specific items while they're reviewing. | 01:40:36 | |
This. | 01:40:41 | |
Motion. | 01:40:42 | |
So it's possibly want to come back to you clarify something and. | 01:40:43 | |
Bring it back and it's happened before. Let's be wary of that, OK, Well, and we've only got 5 members here as opposed to seven, so | 01:40:48 | |
that might it could be different with with a different number of us here. | 01:40:54 | |
The council would get a, you know, a tally of the vote, but because it wasn't successful with at least four votes, we would know | 01:41:03 | |
that it was a three, two vote. | 01:41:07 | |
They would have that information, but it wouldn't be a successful motion. OK, All right. So do we need a motion? Do we need a | 01:41:12 | |
motion to That's that's to Mr. Christopherson, do we need a motion or at this point, can we simply say we'd like to use forward a | 01:41:17 | |
neutral? | 01:41:22 | |
Recommendation, so that could be another vote. | 01:41:28 | |
Rather than you could have a motion to send a neutral recommendation. All right, Do we have a commissioner who's prepared to make | 01:41:31 | |
that motion? I would do that. I I would make a motion that we forward a neutral recommendation to City Council regarding this | 01:41:36 | |
issue. | 01:41:41 | |
Thank you a second. | 01:41:47 | |
Is Commissioner Baron I? | 01:41:49 | |
Thank you. All right, we'll have a vote, Commissioner. | 01:41:52 | |
Yes. | 01:41:56 | |
Commissioner Gong Yes. Commissioner Font, Yes, Commissioner Cunningham. | 01:41:57 | |
OK. All right. And chair votes. Aye. So with successful motion with four one we meet that we meet the benchmark for neutrality. So | 01:42:03 | |
thank you. All right. We appreciate all of the citizens that are here this evening. Thank you for making your voices heard, | 01:42:11 | |
whether it was through e-mail comment or through public comment. And we appreciate you participating and this issue will go to the | 01:42:19 | |
City Council to be considered. | 01:42:26 | |
Um. | 01:42:35 | |
At a upcoming meeting, check the city website for agendas going forward. | 01:42:35 | |
Thank you for coming and again, take your comments down the hallway as you as you head out. Thank you. | 01:42:42 | |
Our next? | 01:42:51 | |
A text amendment, I believe. | 01:42:54 | |
Did you want? | 01:42:58 | |
We order the agenda. | 01:42:59 | |
Well, I I was only asking for that on the thought that there may be people on the other two issues. I don't think there's going to | 01:43:01 | |
be any people on any issues. | 01:43:05 | |
So if we can just March through it, I think we're sitting clear at this point. | 01:43:10 | |
OK. | 01:43:15 | |
All right. | 01:43:18 | |
At least we didn't make him wait till the end. | 01:43:20 | |
So. | 01:43:23 | |
3 for you There are two for you this evening. | 01:43:25 | |
Is a follow up with our discussion with the Planning Commission on a text amendment required for state compliance for statutory | 01:43:29 | |
obligation on procedure of approving subdivisions. | 01:43:34 | |
The staff has been able to put together. | 01:43:40 | |
A fairly substantial text amendment for you in your packet. | 01:43:43 | |
Is M3 essentially documents? | 01:43:48 | |
One, the first one is a very red lined. | 01:43:52 | |
Section of code. | 01:43:56 | |
It was very hard to read. There's a lot of blood. | 01:43:57 | |
That section is your procedurals and your submissions. | 01:44:01 | |
Staff is proposing to amend that dramatically, just to just to clean it up. | 01:44:06 | |
Those specific sections have to do with this idea of a three-step approval process, which. | 01:44:10 | |
Covers all of the Planning Commission's review and procedure for everything from site plans all the way to subdivisions. | 01:44:16 | |
So with the subdivision amendment comes with these amendments for a site plan. So that's what that first section is, it's it's | 01:44:23 | |
cleaning up the site plan process to be congruent with the subdivision of review and approval process. | 01:44:29 | |
That's your second document. | 01:44:36 | |
The one that's pretty clean. | 01:44:38 | |
That is a complete rewrite. | 01:44:40 | |
Staff is proposing that as a complete rewrite for text amendment for procedural subdivision procedure and review process. | 01:44:42 | |
That will essentially replace the third document that's in your packet, which is what your subdivision regulations are currently. | 01:44:49 | |
So rather than just completely having all these strikes and rewrites. | 01:44:58 | |
It's more concise, it reads clearer. It's much. | 01:45:02 | |
Easier to understand. Plus it gives some very specific language that the state statute is requiring all municipalities to have. | 01:45:08 | |
One example is a review cycle. A review cycle has to be defined. | 01:45:17 | |
We didn't have that type of definition. It was difficult to find out where. | 01:45:21 | |
In sort of trying to insert or wedge it into your into your current ordinance. So the proposal from staff is to remand. | 01:45:26 | |
Redact. | 01:45:34 | |
The subdivision regulations, section 1310 and replace it. What's been what's in your packet? | 01:45:35 | |
That was a lot of work. Thank you for providing. | 01:45:42 | |
With the version without all of the markings because that was really, really difficult to look at. | 01:45:46 | |
OK, so this evening, what we need to do then? Do we need to have a hearing on this? OK, we'd like to open the public hearing on | 01:45:52 | |
this text amendment. Is there anyone who would like to speak to this? | 01:45:58 | |
We will now close the public hearing on this text. | 01:46:05 | |
And I gotta get it in while you can. OK, So commissioners, do we have any discussion, any questions for staff? | 01:46:09 | |
Yes, thank you. | 01:46:19 | |
OK, so. | 01:46:22 | |
As hard as I tried, I wish I had eyes like a chameleon, so I could be looking at one thing and looking at another at the same | 01:46:24 | |
time. | 01:46:27 | |
So if the city doesn't do anything at all with this, it's mandated through the legislature to change automatically, correct? | 01:46:31 | |
Or it's not quite that no. The mandate is update your code. | 01:46:40 | |
The mandate is update your code to comply with this new process that we've laid out. OK, well, I I appreciate the clarification. | 01:46:46 | |
I'm just we're doing what they're asking to correct. Is the language the same as what they have shown in the proposal? Because | 01:46:52 | |
that's what I was trying to find it. No, it's not. And John could speak to this. So there's some flexibility in the code, for | 01:46:57 | |
example. | 01:47:02 | |
The state. | 01:47:08 | |
Gives you an optional public hearing. | 01:47:10 | |
You can have. | 01:47:13 | |
But you don't have to have. | 01:47:15 | |
Holiday is opted to have one. This proposes to have a public hearing before the Planning Commission. | 01:47:17 | |
You don't have to. | 01:47:23 | |
But and I can speak to several other cities. | 01:47:24 | |
I don't know the city yet that is not opting to have a public hearing. | 01:47:28 | |
Makes sense. So that's just one example. So the legislature, thank you, excuse me, for cutting you off. The legislature is also | 01:47:33 | |
asking for a definition of timing, right, And that you were just saying that I. | 01:47:39 | |
So is the concept plan being considered to be just a staff? | 01:47:46 | |
And again, I apologize, I really tried to get through this and understand it all and I want to understand that. | 01:47:52 | |
We don't want to overtax staff with saying you can handle all our stuff for us but. | 01:47:59 | |
Well, I think that's the mandate his state. | 01:48:04 | |
You have a staff. | 01:48:09 | |
And especially designate them as a land use authority where applicable. | 01:48:12 | |
And in this specific situation. | 01:48:16 | |
Concept is no longer required. | 01:48:19 | |
You can. You can highly recommend it, but the concept review meeting is with staff. | 01:48:21 | |
And staff is just there to make sure that the application is complete. | 01:48:27 | |
And they're providing all the elements. | 01:48:32 | |
That is essentially the concept level and then your preliminary is everything up until. | 01:48:34 | |
Civil development plans. | 01:48:42 | |
Once it gets that highly engineering detailed level, then it goes back to the. | 01:48:44 | |
Land use authority, which is designated. | 01:48:50 | |
For a maximum of four review cycles back and forth. | 01:48:53 | |
So essentially what they're trying to do. | 01:48:57 | |
Essentially, try to speed up a process which is presumed to. | 01:49:00 | |
Thank you. I was going to say ours is pretty efficient. Absolutely. We're pretty good at it, but most, most municipalities have | 01:49:07 | |
been targeted as being slow. | 01:49:11 | |
So that's essentially what it is intending to do. | 01:49:16 | |
And the legislature obviously is just getting some predictability in this every process so that. | 01:49:20 | |
As they do their business right and not get held up, where they're being approached by is a home builders association, this is | 01:49:26 | |
saying. | 01:49:29 | |
Every municipality is different and their process is different. It's difficult to keep track of. | 01:49:34 | |
Some are quicker, some are slower, some are extremely slow, some are backed up. | 01:49:38 | |
The process needs. | 01:49:42 | |
You know, standardized throughout the entire state. OK, I wish I could legislate that my life be easy. | 01:49:45 | |
However, you can see in your in your packet there's a few sections that are highlighted. | 01:49:53 | |
Those are optional situations that you can make a recommendation on to the City Council to review. | 01:49:57 | |
One of them in there is our street lighting. | 01:50:05 | |
That was in green, I believe in green. | 01:50:10 | |
Those are elements that aren't necessarily a required situation. We don't have streetlights in a lot of our municipalities or | 01:50:13 | |
neighborhoods. | 01:50:16 | |
And that could be a policy going forward the the the City Council wants us to continue to look at. | 01:50:21 | |
So those are the highlighted in green elements. | 01:50:27 | |
And you've made a note in here about do we want to create an exception for subdivisions of one lot or duplex or townhomes? | 01:50:33 | |
And. | 01:50:41 | |
And I would weigh in favor of just having it because I think not having a public hearing causes as much. | 01:50:44 | |
Concerned. I think sometimes they just want to know what's going to happen. Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up. I forgot to | 01:50:53 | |
address that. | 01:50:56 | |
Several years ago, the state statute was mentioned, a minor and a major subdivision process. | 01:51:01 | |
For minor subdivisions, for lot splits, no more than two. | 01:51:07 | |
The Land Use Authority remains with staff. It is available to be remained at staff. | 01:51:12 | |
Holiday has never gone that route. All subdivisions go to the planning. | 01:51:17 | |
And the Planning Commission is designated as the Land Use Authority for those approvals. | 01:51:21 | |
Same with public hearings. | 01:51:25 | |
Dealing with that in my mind back and forth, it's highly likely that I'm anticipating the City Council will prefer to have that | 01:51:29 | |
remain at the Planning Commission level. | 01:51:33 | |
With public hearings. | 01:51:38 | |
So. | 01:51:41 | |
Purpose of this meeting tonight Do we need to address these specific highlighted sections or can do you want a motion that is just | 01:51:43 | |
to whether we. | 01:51:50 | |
Are in. | 01:51:57 | |
Or don't approve this. What is? What is addressing for specifically you? You can take any approach you want on that, so it can be | 01:51:58 | |
if you want to go through these. | 01:52:03 | |
These green items and make individual recommendation or and we like these ones and we don't like these ones. You can do that if | 01:52:07 | |
you just want to say. | 01:52:11 | |
You know, we've reviewed it, We're comfortable with what the City Council says. Go ahead and pick and choose. | 01:52:15 | |
But you couldn't be that general. | 01:52:20 | |
And and John and Kerry would have. | 01:52:23 | |
The burden of explaining that to the Council. | 01:52:26 | |
If you just want to say that, you know, you could make a recommendation that the recommended changes the red lines we like the | 01:52:31 | |
green ones were reasonable. | 01:52:36 | |
But we didn't make a recommendation on the Greens. | 01:52:41 | |
OK. Does the Council make the policy decision on? | 01:52:44 | |
Yeah. And you could do that. So in particular, if you look at page 12, line 38. | 01:52:47 | |
This is new language that hasn't been in our ordinance prior, but it's always been kind of a sticky point. | 01:52:54 | |
With Planning Commission. | 01:53:00 | |
Subdivisions proposed to you, they need that little extra square footage to get them to X number of square feet. | 01:53:02 | |
And so there's this strange foot, or this weird angle, or. | 01:53:10 | |
Chunk that's unusable. | 01:53:15 | |
Um. | 01:53:18 | |
In past, it's kind of been seen in the public eye as it being a little gratuitous as a way to. | 01:53:18 | |
Interpret the code to say, well yeah, they meet the square footages, but that area can't possibly be used. | 01:53:24 | |
For anything other than. | 01:53:30 | |
Maybe where the wheelbarrows get stored? | 01:53:32 | |
You know that type of thing. This is a concept that sort of addresses that concern that's been that's popped up in the past. | 01:53:35 | |
Other elements that have been added in there are specific to holiday, have to deal with waterways, natural and man made. We have a | 01:53:43 | |
slew of them. | 01:53:46 | |
So we're. | 01:53:51 | |
A lot of those elements. So if it looks good the way it reads now, you can recommend it as is, or you can pine in on what you | 01:53:52 | |
believe is appropriate. | 01:53:57 | |
Does anyone have any particular strong feelings? I'm curious why the lights keep flickering on. | 01:54:04 | |
They're flashing lights. | 01:54:11 | |
That was kind of a squirrel, you know, squirrel moment, but. | 01:54:14 | |
She feels like we're wondering if I was missing the music that went along with the show or something, but I apologize. That was a | 01:54:18 | |
total wow diversion there. Any strong feelings or thoughts on this before we? | 01:54:25 | |
Have some questions because I feel like I you know, I'm. | 01:54:32 | |
Lacking context, so the general I think my general understanding is. | 01:54:36 | |
The legislature. | 01:54:42 | |
Has been, is becoming. | 01:54:44 | |
Fairly developer friendly. | 01:54:47 | |
And so a lot of things are made to streamline things or make things clear. I mean, I think that's. | 01:54:49 | |
May be OK, but but I'm just trying to understand the broader implications. So I mean holiday is just a small part of the valley. | 01:54:55 | |
We can't control what's happening elsewhere. But in terms of just general applications, does this mean that it's more likely that | 01:55:01 | |
things are going to sprawl, going to be built out with less open space? I mean it's not that we can change anything about that. | 01:55:08 | |
I'm just trying to understand not necessarily basically what they're saying is. | 01:55:14 | |
In between the lines, is, your subdivisions are. | 01:55:21 | |
Hopefully an allowed use. | 01:55:25 | |
If it meets the ordinance, it should be passed, and it should be passed quickly, efficiently. | 01:55:28 | |
If at some point Holiday decides to change the zoning scheme of the entire city. | 01:55:33 | |
To reduce the number of subdivisions and curtail. | 01:55:39 | |
The idea of sprawl, that's definitely their purview. That's still their their their authority as a police power. | 01:55:43 | |
To regulate their own land use rights for the city, the process by which that occurs. | 01:55:49 | |
Has been somewhat truncated so that it occurs more efficiently. | 01:55:54 | |
So it's not. | 01:55:59 | |
It's not the necessarily things will be more or less built up, it's just that the process is shorter and more clear for yeah, you | 01:56:01 | |
know and essentially. | 01:56:05 | |
Brad is really excited. | 01:56:10 | |
We had this whole overarching theme of monarchy housing. | 01:56:12 | |
Housing that needs to be. | 01:56:16 | |
And the idea is that, well, we're not getting enough homes out there quickly enough. | 01:56:18 | |
And so the idea. | 01:56:23 | |
Also, some builders are stuck in the process of subdividing. | 01:56:25 | |
That's why from Homebuilder Builders Association's point of view is they can't get the product out there quick enough. | 01:56:29 | |
So this is another. | 01:56:34 | |
Sort of tick in that process to help that through. | 01:56:36 | |
Oh, sure, Yeah. So availability, sure. Availability. | 01:56:41 | |
Legislature. It's two sides of the same coin. Some will say it's. | 01:56:48 | |
Developer friendly others will say it's an effort to. | 01:56:51 | |
Having some downward pressure on home prices if you can build them quicker. | 01:56:56 | |
There's more competition. | 01:57:01 | |
Taking advantage, Yeah. So there's price will come down, but we have scarcity. | 01:57:03 | |
There's scarcity, there is no competition, so that's the competition benefits. | 01:57:09 | |
The seller or. | 01:57:14 | |
Sure, I think in what's odd. | 01:57:15 | |
Commissioner, gone for you. | 01:57:18 | |
Neighborhoods. | 01:57:20 | |
Is that? | 01:57:22 | |
A different animal. | 01:57:23 | |
You don't have a bunch of greenfields that we're developing and planning with roads. | 01:57:24 | |
New subdivisions and pipes, except for, you know, Royal Holiday Hills subdivision. That's kind of its own animal. | 01:57:28 | |
But. | 01:57:35 | |
So we're being placed in this bucket with a lot of other municipalities. | 01:57:37 | |
I guess my other question is thank you. Thank you. My other question is implications for the holiday in the long term so. | 01:57:43 | |
You know, it gives staff more responsibility. | 01:57:50 | |
Bigger burden? | 01:57:54 | |
You know, your land use authority and it moves things faster. If in the future, what if we have a smaller staff or a bigger staff | 01:57:57 | |
or a staff who's not as competent and efficient? I mean, just are there future implications that we should think about in terms of | 01:58:02 | |
do we want to retain some kind of? | 01:58:06 | |
It's positive control or no, it's possible. However, I don't know how you're going to get away from that. If the river is a | 01:58:12 | |
staffing issue, we do have contract services that we we use for that type of. | 01:58:18 | |
Help resistance. | 01:58:24 | |
However, in the past a lot of your sub. | 01:58:26 | |
You defer the final. | 01:58:30 | |
Staff anyway, most of the time, yeah, 80% of the time. | 01:58:31 | |
And you have the right to do that, to do that. | 01:58:35 | |
You can also review your concept and preliminary together tandem. | 01:58:38 | |
In the ordinance that is already built that way, some of them come to you. | 01:58:43 | |
Pre prepared that way so. | 01:58:48 | |
Umm. | 01:58:51 | |
I mean staff will we move pretty quickly. It's really it's the applicants engineering side and the development sides. | 01:58:52 | |
Is really the the hang up sometimes? | 01:59:00 | |
OK, so it's not going to like sync you guys to just have to? | 01:59:05 | |
I don't think so. OK, great. | 01:59:09 | |
Other thoughts? Just one final point, I don't want to try and revisit every item on the here because I trust the staff. | 01:59:13 | |
Indicated these changes for. | 01:59:21 | |
And I'd hate to see unintended consequences by us starting to try and create something that we can understand a little better. | 01:59:24 | |
I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I do want to say that I support staff and the recommendations and. | 01:59:32 | |
I think I'd have a difficult time in breaking pieces out. I don't know how the Commission feels. | 01:59:40 | |
I don't want to. No, I did that for 30 years. I'm tired of doing that. I personally would be comfortable to just say this is good. | 01:59:46 | |
You know, I appreciate that and I'm glad we do this in a transparent, open way. | 01:59:56 | |
Let me address something really quickly the Utah League of Cities and Towns has been able to. | 02:00:04 | |
Is that a grant or how was it funded? OK, so the legislature. | 02:00:11 | |
Actually is throwing some money out there to specific consulting firms, specifically attorneys offices. | 02:00:16 | |
To review municipalities proposal changes. | 02:00:21 | |
Luckily, our firm is one of them. | 02:00:26 | |
This specific code was modeled after language that has already been submitted to their office and reviewed. | 02:00:28 | |
So it's very similar to another example that's been looked at and deemed appropriate. | 02:00:36 | |
All right. Well, we like city staff, so 18. OK, All right. Do we have anyone who's ready to make a motion on this particular issue | 02:00:44 | |
this evening? | 02:00:49 | |
I'm Ricky here, so I don't have the language written out, so I know I'm going to screw this up. I would recommend we forward to | 02:00:54 | |
the City Council, the proposed ordinance. | 02:00:59 | |
Subdivision language. | 02:01:04 | |
Is that sufficient With a positive recommendation? Yes. Thank you. | 02:01:09 | |
OK, do we have a 2nd, I'll second that right motion made by Commissioner Burnt and seconded by Commissioner Cunningham. Let's have | 02:01:13 | |
a vote, Commissioner Cunningham. | 02:01:18 | |
Commissioner, Fund aye, Commissioner Gong aye. Commissioner burnt aye and chair votes aye as well. Unanimous motion to move the | 02:01:24 | |
text amendment forward with a favorable recommendation. All right, let's go to the next item on our agenda, which is the. | 02:01:32 | |
Preliminary and final plat review for the Wheatland subdivision. | 02:01:42 | |
So. | 02:01:48 | |
Car. | 02:01:50 | |
OK. This application is the preliminary and final for the Wheatland subdivision. This is at 4930 Westmore Rd. It's. | 02:01:55 | |
Currently church property that is being subdivided into 10 lots. | 02:02:06 | |
The applicant is proposing a street ext. From Delaware up to Westmore and. | 02:02:11 | |
The five lots on each side of that new public St. the public St. will be accepted by City Council at a future meeting. | 02:02:19 | |
And all of the building permits will be handled for each individual residential lot. | 02:02:28 | |
And I'll have the applicant come up and he can present any further details. | 02:02:35 | |
OK. Thank you. | 02:02:40 | |
Good evening. We you guys have seen this, just give us your name and address just for. | 02:02:50 | |
1214 E Vine St. Thank you. | 02:02:58 | |
You guys have seen this preliminary review, this preliminary plat? | 02:03:01 | |
I think two or three weeks ago. | 02:03:07 | |
It hasn't changed. | 02:03:10 | |
Submitted all. | 02:03:11 | |
Platt Stormwater plan and civil plans to carry. We've gotten the red lines back from her and resubmitted today. So. | 02:03:14 | |
Nothing's changed. I'll answer any questions if anyone. | 02:03:23 | |
OK. Thank you. | 02:03:27 | |
Commissioners, any questions for? | 02:03:30 | |
Mr. We. | 02:03:33 | |
Any questions for city staff while we're here? | 02:03:38 | |
Has there been any proposed resolution on that one little corner spot on the northeast corner? | 02:03:41 | |
Was asked about in the public hearing. | 02:03:50 | |
Yeah, what the? Well, there's a tree or a tree and some grass area that would be where the the road would normally end. | 02:03:53 | |
Yeah. So that's that is city property. So it has nothing to do with this subdivision. | 02:04:04 | |
The city, it'll just remain city property. I let that property owner know the process that he can apply for it to vacate that | 02:04:10 | |
section and apply it to his. | 02:04:14 | |
Property I haven't heard anything back from. | 02:04:19 | |
Might cost money. | 02:04:22 | |
Thank you. | 02:04:25 | |
Well, I as I have and I've been here for all the meetings, which is always nice when you're here for all the meetings to review | 02:04:30 | |
everything. I I think you've put together a really nice subdivision here and and a great plan. We appreciate your completeness in | 02:04:38 | |
getting everything submitted and that we can get to this point to be able to to. | 02:04:45 | |
Vote on a preliminary and final. | 02:04:54 | |
It looks like from staff findings, that everything. | 02:04:59 | |
Is has been submitted that the lots comply in size. | 02:05:03 | |
That complies with general plan. | 02:05:08 | |
Storm water and public improvements have been. | 02:05:13 | |
And fire access and that that everything looks really good. So we appreciate your attention to detail. Do we have anyone who's | 02:05:17 | |
willing to make a motion this evening? | 02:05:22 | |
I'll be happy to make a motion that's a long motion and that so I motion that the Planning Commission approved the preliminary | 02:05:27 | |
plan and final plat application by Benjamin Wheat for Wheatland Subdivision A10 Unit residential subdivision located at 4930 S | 02:05:35 | |
Westmore Rd. in the R110 zone. | 02:05:42 | |
Based on the following findings, 1 development details required for a preliminary and final site plan have been submitted and | 02:05:50 | |
reviewed by the TRC to each of the lots comply with the minimum width 80 feet and area 10,000 square feet for single family home | 02:05:57 | |
development in the R110 zone 3. The development complies with the general plan for the required submittals for preliminary | 02:06:05 | |
subdivision development have been provided where applicable and have been found to be complete and acceptable 5. | 02:06:12 | |
Preliminary level drawings were not subject to conditional approval. | 02:06:20 | |
Concept plan was approved unconditionally, 6 storm water detention areas and public improvements have been received by the city | 02:06:24 | |
engineer and seven fire access has been approved by the UFA. | 02:06:30 | |
Subject to the following requirements. | 02:06:38 | |
One post development bonding requirements is determined by the City engineer. Two final plat notation shall include. | 02:06:42 | |
One, a tree canopy Sustainability ordinance requirement of two additional trees planted per lot. | 02:06:50 | |
And roadway, sidewalks, curb and gutter, and driveways to comply with all standards detailed in Title 14. | 02:06:58 | |
To address all comments from the City Engineer for final approval. | 02:07:06 | |
And within one year in accordance with 1308. | 02:07:10 | |
.010. | 02:07:14 | |
D5 to defer administrative review and approval of the final plat by the Community and the Economic Development Director following | 02:07:16 | |
a positive written recommendation from TRC. | 02:07:22 | |
This is Commissioner Verdell. Second that thank you. All right, and let's have a vote. Commissioner Burnt. | 02:07:29 | |
Commissioner. Commissioner. Gone. Yes. Commissioner Font. Yes. Commissioner Cunningham and Chair votes. Aye. Thank you, Mr. Wheat. | 02:07:37 | |
We appreciate it. Thank you all. Appreciate it. All right. | 02:07:42 | |
I mean this. | 02:07:50 | |
Thumbs up What does it mean? Two additional trees? | 02:07:52 | |
Two additional additional to what? | 02:07:56 | |
For each lot trees additional to 0 like they just have to plant 2 trees, two additional trees. | 02:07:58 | |
In addition to whatever is there, Is there anything there? Yeah. Yes. Because you're creating a new streetscape. The curb, | 02:08:06 | |
gardens, sidewalk and park circle be there and that's where those trees in the park strip will be placed. OK, thanks. | 02:08:12 | |
All right. And we are rounding third base for the evening. So we'll go to our last agenda item, which is Royal Holiday Hills. | 02:08:20 | |
So discussion of block. | 02:08:30 | |
And I don't have my paper in front of me, so we'll invite the applicant to come up to or sorry to Miss Marsh, to come up to | 02:08:33 | |
present. | 02:08:37 | |
I can. Thank you. Are you going to have Mr. Tierling present this one? And I am going to exit the meeting. OK. Excellent, Mr. | 02:08:44 | |
Chairlink. Thank you. Appreciate it. | 02:08:49 | |
Action item for the Planning Commission tonight is review and consideration of the preliminary and Final plan for Block K. | 02:08:54 | |
In the Royal Holiday Hills Master Plan subdiv. | 02:09:03 | |
Block K if you remember is the mixed-use development or block on the east, farther and east side along memory lane. | 02:09:06 | |
For royal holiday. | 02:09:14 | |
This is a phase that when. | 02:09:16 | |
Conceived the General Plan or the smaller Master Plan. | 02:09:19 | |
We didn't think this phase would happen this soon, frankly, but it's it's good to that we're taking advantage of the need for | 02:09:23 | |
housing. | 02:09:27 | |
For the 100 units that are proposed here. | 02:09:32 | |
Myriad of mixture of styles. | 02:09:35 | |
The Planning Commission approved a concept layout for the site in August. | 02:09:38 | |
Specifically. | 02:09:43 | |
Reviewing the architecture for the detached single family homes. | 02:09:46 | |
The applicant has made a significant change in that architecture meeting more than Acura of. | 02:09:50 | |
More traditional Gable ended style homes. | 02:09:55 | |
Which you can see in your elevations. | 02:10:00 | |
The multi family and the townhome product remained very similar to what Block D which is the current building that's being built | 02:10:03 | |
and finished up now. | 02:10:08 | |
Specifically the utility connections and all of the. | 02:10:14 | |
The nuanced civil work is detailed in your packet over several pages. | 02:10:19 | |
And I'll let the applicant go through those as well. | 02:10:24 | |
Another issue that we, the Planning Commission, was wanting to take a look at is the idea of a. | 02:10:28 | |
Walkway or pedestrian access onto Memory Rd. | 02:10:32 | |
Memory Lane. | 02:10:36 | |
We do have a situation where there's a great change. | 02:10:40 | |
Great change from memory lane down to the lots would be in this area. | 02:10:44 | |
So I think because the SDMP doesn't really address St. improvements on memory lane. | 02:10:50 | |
We'd like to take a look at that as a policy standard point of view with the City Council. | 02:10:56 | |
Rather than just sort of apply it to this development phase. | 02:11:03 | |
Because I think it's going to be much more significant than what we are anticipating it could possibly have to be or what to look | 02:11:06 | |
like. | 02:11:10 | |
In the meantime, the applicant has proposed A detailed trail plan that goes on the interior. I'll let him show you where that is | 02:11:14 | |
located. | 02:11:19 | |
So other than that, staff is comfortable that the preliminary and final plan meet the SDMP. | 02:11:25 | |
For development on block. | 02:11:32 | |
Which is strictly residential. | 02:11:34 | |
And the architectural in heights with utility connections, et cetera. | 02:11:37 | |
Are congruent with that approval. Now the applicant is who is selling the property to a developer. | 02:11:43 | |
Has requested an updated water availability letter. You'll see that that's written in our staff report as a condition. | 02:11:50 | |
I think they're still waiting on that updated water availability requirements. | 02:11:58 | |
That really, we already know that these units can be serviced by selling Public Utilities. | 02:12:02 | |
They're just asking for additional clarification on what those connections are supposed to look. | 02:12:07 | |
And I am anticipating that should come soon, but they're always delayed. | 02:12:13 | |
So that could be a condition going forward that a. | 02:12:18 | |
OK, I'm going to invite you, John, to scroll the computer screen so that we're all looking at the same. | 02:12:23 | |
Thing and. | 02:12:29 | |
With with that being said, Are you ready for us to invite? | 02:12:32 | |
The applicant. All right, come on up. | 02:12:37 | |
Hello. | 02:12:42 | |
Now it's a nice thing to come before the Commission at the end of the meeting and not have all the crowds here. | 02:12:44 | |
Hi, Brian, how you doing? Thank you. | 02:12:50 | |
We're excited to get this phase going. One of the things that's really nice about this that we tried to do with the single family | 02:12:55 | |
lots as well as. | 02:12:58 | |
Building this phase now provides A buffer from all the construction that's going to continue to go on that site for the neighbors | 02:13:02 | |
that are across the street. So we think that part of it's really good in addition to getting more housing into the city of holiday | 02:13:08 | |
that we really need in a variety of types from detached single family to stacked flats. And so I'm going to interrupt you and have | 02:13:14 | |
you give your name and address. Chris Longson, 4954 Fairview, Dr. Holladay, UT. Thank you, Chris. Sorry, I apologize for | 02:13:20 | |
interrupting your flow, but. | 02:13:26 | |
It's all good. And if you noticed my holiday address, I broke the number one rule 23 years ago. Don't develop in your own backyard | 02:13:32 | |
so some people don't learn. I know, so I haven't learned yet after 23 years. | 02:13:39 | |
Yeah, exactly. | 02:13:48 | |
So. | 02:13:50 | |
I think you know, we're here to answer questions. John wanted me to explain a little bit. There is a common misconception that | 02:13:51 | |
there's a pathway around the property that is required that was actually part of the ivory development plan. | 02:13:59 | |
And ours is just having our pedestrian ways, however we've embraced. | 02:14:08 | |
You know, trying to create pathways. Obviously we've always proposed in the SDMP we showed the pathway that went along Big | 02:14:12 | |
Cottonwood Creek. | 02:14:17 | |
We're also showing the connection to that. | 02:14:21 | |
John, do you have that plan? | 02:14:26 | |
Wasn't that if he go back? | 02:14:29 | |
This. | 02:14:30 | |
So if you want, let's see, not that one, go back, go back there. | 02:14:35 | |
How to point this out to you when the screens are John, Do you just want to point out where the pathway? | 02:14:40 | |
OK, so to the West of this. So this is up on top of the hill, right block K is. | 02:14:48 | |
Sunset Dr. is up on that level and then below that is situated blocks HI and J. | 02:14:54 | |
And you know, we're still planning those, but one of the things that will go in there eventually is a parking deck that will look | 02:15:04 | |
like a service parking lot at this grade because you'll have grade +2 levels. | 02:15:09 | |
Which will be about half of that. | 02:15:15 | |
Length of what you're seeing in on Sunset Drive. | 02:15:18 | |
But one of the things to enable us to develop or have the other developer develop Block K is we need to underground that section | 02:15:23 | |
of the transmission lines. | 02:15:28 | |
And so as part of that, we're working through those agreements with Rocky Mountain Power. | 02:15:34 | |
So the Commission. | 02:15:40 | |
They hate varying transmission lines. This will come at the cost of millions of dollars just for this small section. | 02:15:42 | |
To bury it, and we also have to have a fairly large easement in an area where the underground duct bank goes. | 02:15:49 | |
So along the West side of Sunset Dr. we will have a buried duct bank underground. | 02:15:56 | |
And we will have approximately 15 feet from our retaining walls that retain Sunset Dr. 15 feet from there till the edge of the | 02:16:03 | |
roadway and we haven't, we'll have an 18 foot easement with the power company for that duct bank. | 02:16:10 | |
In that 15 feet we can place landscaping. However, we can't place any trees in that area and so we are going our our our proposed | 02:16:18 | |
plan is showing an 8 foot trail pathway going in that area with landscaping on both sides of it. | 02:16:26 | |
And so that's where you know you can come up and loop. If you're coming along the Creek, you can come up. | 02:16:35 | |
It's still hard enough it would just cause all the water coming off the road to run right straight onto Block K and into tho |