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Sorry, I was fixing a recording. 00:00:12
All fixed out. 00:00:14
All right, so this application is a conditional use permit for a guest house. Guest houses are permitted or conditional use, 00:00:16
depending on the size, on lots that are half an acre or larger. 00:00:23
The applicant is asking for a footprint size of 1470 square feet. 00:00:32
The allowed size is 1200 square feet. 00:00:40
The accessory building that's being proposed is within the setbacks. 00:00:44
For a primary structure, suicides effects are at least 10% and rear setbacks to meet the size of their lot. 00:00:50
There were not any. Considering the that it is in the footprint for a main structure, we didn't see any. 00:00:59
Extensive conditions or impacts that would need to be mitigated with conditions. I think there are just then. 00:01:08
Pretty basic conditions of approval, just making sure that they submit a tree canopy sustainability plan as would be required with 00:01:15
a building permit. 00:01:19
Getting a building permit meeting all the standards. 00:01:24
Within that. 00:01:28
And I will have the applicant come up and they can talk a little bit about their project and what they are asking for, OK? 00:01:29
Welcome. Please state your name and address for the record and then would love to hear about your presentation. 00:01:38
Name is Charles Fisher 4060 S 2000 E. 00:01:45
Holiday, Utah, currently living at 1364 E 404065 S in Mill Creek. 00:01:50
I think we can keep this short. You've heard the the gist of it. Umm. 00:02:00
So we're in a property swap right now with Holiday Water Company. 00:02:05
The swap is due to happen on July 1st when we have had our current property for two years. 00:02:08
Trying to avoid tax issues. 00:02:15
We're just trying to maximize. So the actual footprint of the Adu is within the actual home is 1200 square feet. 00:02:19
And we chose to add a balcony out the bedrooms for egress and for kind of break up the structure so it isn't so tall. And then on 00:02:26
the other side we added a porch so that they have an entryway and kind of a place to relax in the summer. 00:02:33
So the overall? 00:02:41
Square footage is 14170. With those two additions. It is on the 2nd floor. It's above a garage. 00:02:43
So I didn't know if that would how that would affect the the Planning Commission and the the zoning. 00:02:49
We have have 88 pear trees on our current lot. We'd like to plant new ones on this lot. 00:02:58
We've also, maybe before I jump into that, we've moved the set back on the rear up six feet closer to the front so that we're a 00:03:06
little further from our neighbors and to give the trees a little more space to grow. 00:03:11
We're planning to put. 00:03:18
Pear trees right behind the unit because they'll be the tallest tree we have. 00:03:19
We want to do 2 pear trees, some apple trees and then probably a couple of pear tree or Peach trees all in that back. 00:03:24
On that back West side of the. 00:03:31
I don't know if I think that's. 00:03:35
From what I heard in the pre session, that's I think most of the points. 00:03:38
So OK. 00:03:43
Thank you. Do any of our commissioners have any questions for the applicant while he's still up here? 00:03:45
Can I ask the purpose of the gravel? 00:03:53
Driveway as opposed to concrete. 00:03:57
One water not having to deal with runoff, allowing it to soak into the ground. We have a gravel driveway now in the current 00:04:01
property. 00:04:06
So is that permitted by code? 00:04:14
And a new build. OK, Yep. Yeah probably. So if you're looking at the plans the the architecture is shown. Gravel coming all the 00:04:17
way in. I'll probably when I did the the rainwater. 00:04:24
The rain water, the impervious surface surface coverage calculations. I actually plan that for all concrete and only the upper 00:04:33
section that's kind of in EU shape would be gravel. 00:04:39
So that is one change from this plan to the most recent one. 00:04:46
So and we review all those things at a building permit stage, what the coverage is, what you know, impervious, he's talking about 00:04:53
the storm water retention so. 00:04:58
All those things are reviewed and engineering conditions put on permits. 00:05:05
All right. Thank you so much. You can go ahead and sit down. We may invite you back up if we think of anything else. 00:05:12
All right, it's time to now open a public hearing. Do we have anyone who would like to comment on? 00:05:17
This particular proposal, Please come up, state your name and address, and we'll ask you to keep your remarks to. 00:05:24
3 minutes or so, but we're happy to have you here participating. 00:05:32
My name is Brian Bagley. I live at 4114 S 2000 EA Couple Doors. 00:05:39
To the South of this property, I've known the Fishers for for a number of years now and I'm familiar with what's been going on 00:05:45
with the property swap there and and the Fishers there I think are doing a service to the community by doing that, happy to see 00:05:52
them building a home and improving neighborhood and I think. 00:05:58
That the small overage on the square footage on the Adu is is. 00:06:06
Is certainly worth it. Worth keeping them around in the neighborhood, so I'm in favor of. 00:06:11
Of this proposal. OK. Thank you. We appreciate you coming to share your thoughts on your community. 00:06:16
Any questions? Yeah, it was, it was excellent. 00:06:22
All right. And seeing as how we do not have any other members of the public here, I think we'll go ahead and close the public 00:06:26
hearing. 00:06:30
And commissioners. 00:06:34
What discussion do we have? Do we have any items? 00:06:37
Outstanding to discuss or concerns. 00:06:41
Just is there a technical difference between Adu and a guest house? A guest house is a kind of Adu. A guest house is defined as an 00:06:44
Adu. 00:06:48
OK. 00:06:55
Any other Commissioners with thoughts, Commissioner Cunningham, my two questions that I mentioned before again for this meeting? 00:07:00
I'd like to see if we can include the tree plan as part of the variance approval, but is that really necessary? 00:07:09
It's required for a building permit. OK, so as long as. 00:07:18
Yep. So they would show any trees on the property that are being removed due to the building specifically. 00:07:22
Tree removals that are outside of what was being affected by a building aren't permitted, so we don't allow tree removals if 00:07:31
they're in a set back. So if you have trees on the rear of your property and our building. 00:07:38
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Sorry, I was fixing a recording. 00:00:12
All fixed out. 00:00:14
All right, so this application is a conditional use permit for a guest house. Guest houses are permitted or conditional use, 00:00:16
depending on the size, on lots that are half an acre or larger. 00:00:23
The applicant is asking for a footprint size of 1470 square feet. 00:00:32
The allowed size is 1200 square feet. 00:00:40
The accessory building that's being proposed is within the setbacks. 00:00:44
For a primary structure, suicides effects are at least 10% and rear setbacks to meet the size of their lot. 00:00:50
There were not any. Considering the that it is in the footprint for a main structure, we didn't see any. 00:00:59
Extensive conditions or impacts that would need to be mitigated with conditions. I think there are just then. 00:01:08
Pretty basic conditions of approval, just making sure that they submit a tree canopy sustainability plan as would be required with 00:01:15
a building permit. 00:01:19
Getting a building permit meeting all the standards. 00:01:24
Within that. 00:01:28
And I will have the applicant come up and they can talk a little bit about their project and what they are asking for, OK? 00:01:29
Welcome. Please state your name and address for the record and then would love to hear about your presentation. 00:01:38
Name is Charles Fisher 4060 S 2000 E. 00:01:45
Holiday, Utah, currently living at 1364 E 404065 S in Mill Creek. 00:01:50
I think we can keep this short. You've heard the the gist of it. Umm. 00:02:00
So we're in a property swap right now with Holiday Water Company. 00:02:05
The swap is due to happen on July 1st when we have had our current property for two years. 00:02:08
Trying to avoid tax issues. 00:02:15
We're just trying to maximize. So the actual footprint of the Adu is within the actual home is 1200 square feet. 00:02:19
And we chose to add a balcony out the bedrooms for egress and for kind of break up the structure so it isn't so tall. And then on 00:02:26
the other side we added a porch so that they have an entryway and kind of a place to relax in the summer. 00:02:33
So the overall? 00:02:41
Square footage is 14170. With those two additions. It is on the 2nd floor. It's above a garage. 00:02:43
So I didn't know if that would how that would affect the the Planning Commission and the the zoning. 00:02:49
We have have 88 pear trees on our current lot. We'd like to plant new ones on this lot. 00:02:58
We've also, maybe before I jump into that, we've moved the set back on the rear up six feet closer to the front so that we're a 00:03:06
little further from our neighbors and to give the trees a little more space to grow. 00:03:11
We're planning to put. 00:03:18
Pear trees right behind the unit because they'll be the tallest tree we have. 00:03:19
We want to do 2 pear trees, some apple trees and then probably a couple of pear tree or Peach trees all in that back. 00:03:24
On that back West side of the. 00:03:31
I don't know if I think that's. 00:03:35
From what I heard in the pre session, that's I think most of the points. 00:03:38
So OK. 00:03:43
Thank you. Do any of our commissioners have any questions for the applicant while he's still up here? 00:03:45
Can I ask the purpose of the gravel? 00:03:53
Driveway as opposed to concrete. 00:03:57
One water not having to deal with runoff, allowing it to soak into the ground. We have a gravel driveway now in the current 00:04:01
property. 00:04:06
So is that permitted by code? 00:04:14
And a new build. OK, Yep. Yeah probably. So if you're looking at the plans the the architecture is shown. Gravel coming all the 00:04:17
way in. I'll probably when I did the the rainwater. 00:04:24
The rain water, the impervious surface surface coverage calculations. I actually plan that for all concrete and only the upper 00:04:33
section that's kind of in EU shape would be gravel. 00:04:39
So that is one change from this plan to the most recent one. 00:04:46
So and we review all those things at a building permit stage, what the coverage is, what you know, impervious, he's talking about 00:04:53
the storm water retention so. 00:04:58
All those things are reviewed and engineering conditions put on permits. 00:05:05
All right. Thank you so much. You can go ahead and sit down. We may invite you back up if we think of anything else. 00:05:12
All right, it's time to now open a public hearing. Do we have anyone who would like to comment on? 00:05:17
This particular proposal, Please come up, state your name and address, and we'll ask you to keep your remarks to. 00:05:24
3 minutes or so, but we're happy to have you here participating. 00:05:32
My name is Brian Bagley. I live at 4114 S 2000 EA Couple Doors. 00:05:39
To the South of this property, I've known the Fishers for for a number of years now and I'm familiar with what's been going on 00:05:45
with the property swap there and and the Fishers there I think are doing a service to the community by doing that, happy to see 00:05:52
them building a home and improving neighborhood and I think. 00:05:58
That the small overage on the square footage on the Adu is is. 00:06:06
Is certainly worth it. Worth keeping them around in the neighborhood, so I'm in favor of. 00:06:11
Of this proposal. OK. Thank you. We appreciate you coming to share your thoughts on your community. 00:06:16
Any questions? Yeah, it was, it was excellent. 00:06:22
All right. And seeing as how we do not have any other members of the public here, I think we'll go ahead and close the public 00:06:26
hearing. 00:06:30
And commissioners. 00:06:34
What discussion do we have? Do we have any items? 00:06:37
Outstanding to discuss or concerns. 00:06:41
Just is there a technical difference between Adu and a guest house? A guest house is a kind of Adu. A guest house is defined as an 00:06:44
Adu. 00:06:48
OK. 00:06:55
Any other Commissioners with thoughts, Commissioner Cunningham, my two questions that I mentioned before again for this meeting? 00:07:00
I'd like to see if we can include the tree plan as part of the variance approval, but is that really necessary? 00:07:09
It's required for a building permit. OK, so as long as. 00:07:18
Yep. So they would show any trees on the property that are being removed due to the building specifically. 00:07:22
Tree removals that are outside of what was being affected by a building aren't permitted, so we don't allow tree removals if 00:07:31
they're in a set back. So if you have trees on the rear of your property and our building. 00:07:38
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