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OK. 00:00:09
All right. 00:00:14
Thanks for your patience. So welcome to the Holiday City Council meeting Thursday, March 7th. We'll call the meeting to order. 00:00:16
With the pledge, if everybody please stand. 00:00:24
I pledge allegiance to the flag. 00:00:29
Of the United States of America. 00:00:34
For which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:37
OK. 00:00:51
We have one continued public hearing tonight, which is item number four on the creation of a public infrastructure district or 00:00:54
districts. 00:00:58
So if anybody is here to make public comment on the city action, Please wait till we get to item number 4. 00:01:03
If you are here, we have no other public hearings open right now and and they're not opening any tonight other than that continued 00:01:12
public hearing. So if you're here to address the council on any other issue, the public comment period right now is the time to do 00:01:19
that. We just ask that you approach the podium, give us your name and address and try to keep it to 3 minutes or less. 00:01:26
And Trudy, you're up. 00:01:33
Trudy always starts. She shows you how it's done. 00:01:35
Trudy from the library. We have a lot of things, so I'm only going to highlight a few. Starting on Monday, we are hosting a 00:01:42
program with the health department called Stepping On. It's a fall prevention program for older adults. They do have to register, 00:01:48
but you can get to that registration through our website. It's two hours per class and we've got two sessions. We've got a 10 AM 00:01:53
session and a 1:00 PM session, and it goes for seven weeks. 00:01:59
And it's it's a super helpful program. Also on Mondays, on the second Mondays of the month, we have game night. Board games are a 00:02:06
great way for kids to learn strategy and planning and social skills, and it's a great way to meet your fun neighbors that like to 00:02:11
play board games so you can come on in. It's from 5:00 to 8:00 and it's hosted with Derek McNab from Game Night Games. He's super, 00:02:17
he's super great and can teach you how to play anything. 00:02:22
Wednesday the 15th. Excuse me. Wednesday the 13th. I know what day that is. 7:00 PM We have slumber story time. Kids are invited 00:02:29
to wear their pajamas and do fun things there right before bedtime. 00:02:34
Monday, March 25th, we're going to be hosting a Red Cross blood drive from 1:00 to 7:00, So please sign up for a time, Come help 00:02:40
the community out. 00:02:44
And premiering this month, we have our Thrills and Chills Book club at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 26th. They read books that keep 00:02:48
you on the edge of your seat, and then they have really cool discussions about them. That's what we're planning. The book they're 00:02:54
reading this month is The House in the Pines by Anna Reyes. 00:03:00
And we have copies of the book at the library you can come check out. And those are just a few of the things that we're going to 00:03:07
be doing at the library. 00:03:09
Thanks for letting me talk. If you have questions, let me know. 00:03:13
Thanks, Trudy. Appreciate it. 00:03:16
Question for the City Council on topic number six. Do you want that to be addressed now or then? 00:03:22
Well, the public hearing on that is closed. So if you have comment you want to make, now would be the time, OK, I'm, I'm not a 00:03:30
member of the public, I'm a representative of the applicant. 00:03:35
I'll defer to Mr. Godfrey on this one. 00:03:41
Yeah. So now would be the time if you're going to do that. 00:03:46
So my colleague Scott Saby was here last time. And give us your name and address. My name is David Billings. I'm an attorney at 00:03:54
Fabian Van Cot. 00:03:58
The reason why I come here tonight is. 00:04:06
To bring something to to the city's attention that I think is. 00:04:10
Necessitated by the discussion about the proximity statute that is Utah, code 32B-1-2O2. 00:04:18
Support to a romanettes one and two. 00:04:30
And that is. 00:04:34
The overlay of that statute and the current zoning setup that the city has. 00:04:37
Right now. 00:04:46
If the application of the Korean Presbyterian Church of Utah is denied. 00:04:48
Would violate, in my view, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person Act, also known as Arlupa, which is a federal 00:04:54
statute which preempts. 00:05:01
That state law statute and applies to municipalities like holiday. 00:05:08
And specifically. 00:05:15
The concern I have is a state law that's designed. 00:05:17
To benefit a religious institutions by keeping them away from. 00:05:22
Places serving alcohol. 00:05:27
Should not be used to harm churches by basically making it. 00:05:29
Difficult or impossible to locate in this city, and by by being a rationale to deny are the application. 00:05:36
And I also wanted to make sure the city is aware that. 00:05:46
The grounds for recommend recommending denial of the application as stated in the staff report that in the agenda. 00:05:52
Is essentially. 00:06:02
A potential future harm, A potential decrease in property value for C2 owners if they want to. 00:06:05
Have an alcohol distributing. 00:06:14
Establishment on their property. 00:06:18
But the case law and I can cite it to you if you wish, or I can provide it to the city attorney. 00:06:21
Clearly states that economic development. 00:06:29
Tax revenue and the like are not a compelling state interest that overrides. 00:06:34
The statute. 00:06:41
So. 00:06:42
And the other aspect here is the definition that the Church falls into includes. 00:06:45
Private, nonprofit, educational, religious, recreational, charitable, philanthropic institutions. 00:06:53
But. 00:07:01
The zoning as overlaid with that state statute, only applies to. 00:07:05
To private and public schools, churches, playgrounds and parks, so. 00:07:15
By definition. 00:07:22
The Church is going to be treated differently than all these other ones in. 00:07:26
This category. 00:07:31
Churches in general. 00:07:33
So because it applies to some but not all types of proper use. 00:07:35
That's pretty problematic in my view. 00:07:39
And. 00:07:42
States that governments are barred from imposing or implementing a land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious 00:07:45
assembly or institution on less than equal terms. 00:07:50
With a non religious assembly or institution. 00:07:57
So. 00:08:01
You know that that's the problem is because the city designed the zoning. 00:08:05
Have preexisting churches in P zones. 00:08:10
And not have conditional or permitted uses outside of those P zones. 00:08:16
It's essentially restricted churches to those locations and prefers existing churches over that were there at the time of 00:08:20
incorporation to churches that want to move into the area. 00:08:27
So that also might have issues with. 00:08:34
The Utah's version. 00:08:39
The Establishment Clause and the like. 00:08:43
So therefore. 00:08:45
What I would suggest is if the city is still not inclined to. 00:08:48
Grant the application as requested. 00:08:54
That it consider. 00:08:57
Changing the application. 00:09:00
To instead of. 00:09:02
Asking for AP to be put into that table. 00:09:04
To make it AC. 00:09:07
Meaning a conditional use. 00:09:09
Because that would be in conformity with. 00:09:13
I think we mentioned in the prior meetings. 00:09:18
Many, many, many other municipalities in this county that allow churches and commercial zones on a conditional use basis all over 00:09:21
the place. 00:09:25
And your zoning for alcohol establishments? 00:09:30
In C2 are also on a conditional use basis, so they be on. 00:09:33
Even bar, but I'm happy to answer any questions or talk to the city attorney separately however you guys. 00:09:37
I think we'll take this up as a discussion item prior to taking a motion on this. 00:09:45
Thank you. 00:09:50
Any other public comment? 00:09:57
All right. 00:10:01
There being none, we will close the public comment portion of on the agenda and we'll move to item number 4. 00:10:02
This is the continued public hearing regarding the creation of Public Infrastructure Districts at Royal Holiday Hills. This is an 00:10:10
item we discussed at the last council meeting. We kept the public hearing open because there was a lot of information that need to 00:10:16
be clarified prior to bringing it to a motion. I think the council is pretty up to speed on this, but for the record, I'd like to 00:10:22
be it on the record, be on the record. 00:10:29
At the last Council meeting. 00:10:36
And in our packet, we have a letter from our city manager Gina Chamness that identified a number of issues that she and and our 00:10:38
City Council had Council, Mr. Godfrey had regarding some of the items that were going to be included in the governing documents 00:10:45
for the PID. 00:10:52
Between that time and now, a lot of those items were sent via Red line have been resolved and my understanding is. 00:11:00
There's agreement that the governing documents now are acceptable to the city at this point. 00:11:10
So we've got that piece that seems to be in good order. 00:11:18
The issue that. 00:11:22
I would like to have clarified a little bit, at least from my standpoint has to do with the financial piece of this. 00:11:25
And in the governing documents, it references a ceiling of. 00:11:35
$80 million bonding capacity, they can. It's up to the city to decide what that ceiling is going to be and the documents that we 00:11:39
have, it takes that ceiling to $80 million. But the hard cost for the three parking decks, I think it's three parking decks that 00:11:46
are that are. 00:11:52
To be built with these funds. 00:11:59
Is just a little under $51 million. 00:12:02
And so it's just trying to get a comfort level on. 00:12:05
What is that extra $30 million for just so we feel like we've done our due diligence in terms of what we're going to going to 00:12:12
approve even though the city has no liability as it relates to the this bond issuance, it's with the developers and with in this 00:12:18
case the PID and the PID board. 00:12:24
So I don't know if there do we have Aaron on the line or? 00:12:32
I'm here, Mayor. Can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. 00:12:39
OK. So is that question go ahead. 00:12:45
I just said thank you for making this accommodation. I'm on route to the City Hall but I may not make it on time, so I appreciate 00:12:50
you guys letting me join. 00:12:55
And is Laura Lewis in the in the meeting as well? 00:13:01
No, she's not. 00:13:06
OK, OK. 00:13:09
So the one piece I wanted to, a couple of pieces I wanted to speak to on this front and I think. 00:13:12
The the main one. 00:13:17
You know there's always going to need to be a. 00:13:20
A greater borrowing than just the project. 00:13:23
You know the project cost to be funded by the bond. 00:13:27
And typically that's because there's going to be a reserve fund that gets funded with the bonds and generally that's 10% of what 00:13:31
you issue goes into a reserve fund to ensure you know debt service could be made in a in a bad year. 00:13:38
And then that the other piece is this project. 00:13:47
Deep time for the revenues to ramp up for you know, development to occur and for. 00:13:51
You know the assessor to assess the property and the district to levy the taxes and So what generally happens is. 00:13:57
The district will fund. 00:14:04
You know, a year or two years or so of capitalized interest. 00:14:06
And so that will make the first, say, two years of payments on the bond. 00:14:10
And they'll fund that up front. 00:14:15
And so in the models that bench Becker, who's the underwriter on this transaction provided? 00:14:17
You know, they did a scenario that I believe was a $56 million bond. 00:14:24
And that $56 million bond due to the 10% reserve, so five, you know $5.6 million. 00:14:31
And then capitalized interest, which I think was somewhere around $7,000,000. 00:14:39
The Ultimate Project proceeds was $42 million. 00:14:44
And so just to raise 42,000,000 for the garage. 00:14:49
They under that scenario had to issue $56,000,000 to bond. So that's the that's the primary reason. 00:14:53
And you know, the applicant can speak more to that, I would imagine. The other thing that we frequently see and the city. 00:15:01
Doesn't have to do, but like I said, we frequently see it. 00:15:08
Is some headroom. 00:15:11
You know, some contingency and just recognizing that. 00:15:13
Inflation that. 00:15:17
Happen and. 00:15:18
That we've just kind of been in a period of rapid inflation the last three years. 00:15:20
And so we've seen a number of projects that a city has approved a certain debt limit. 00:15:25
And the districts actually had to go back and request more because cost. 00:15:30
You know escalated on them and so. 00:15:35
That's another reason why they might be asking for more. Those are kind of the general reasons, but if you know if Benj is there 00:15:38
or someone from the project wanted to speak. 00:15:42
You know and I think you guys would be able to ask them any follow up questions that that you have and I'm happy to answer 00:15:47
anything as well. 00:15:51
OK, thank you. It looks like he is here so right. 00:15:55
Yeah, come on up. 00:15:59
I think and look, I think. 00:16:01
Conceptually, I think we all get it. 00:16:04
The hard cost, it's just it's just I would like to better understand like what the justification is for. 00:16:08
A 60% increase above the hard cost of the decks. Why can't that be? 00:16:15
Narrowed down a little bit and justified a little bit better in terms of those 3 variables which in the Piper Sandler documents 00:16:21
has. 00:16:25
Debt reserve fund, pardon me, capitalized interest, debt reserve and cost of issuance, I think we get all that. It would be nice 00:16:29
to have it be. 00:16:34
To have a little bit more detail other than just a statement about these, we need more money for these three things. 00:16:41
Does that make sense? Yeah. And my name is Benj Becker with Piper Sandler. I agree certainly with what Aaron Wade said. 00:16:48
A couple of considerations here. Certainly there's this first one that to create $50 million in usable revenue or usable proceeds. 00:16:56
You'll need a bond somewhere in the range of maybe 67 to 70 million because of these other costs. 00:17:04
You need three years set aside for capitalized interest to pay those bonds while the project doesn't have assessed values or 00:17:10
enough sufficient assessed values to pay those bonds. 00:17:15
So that's really the big hit. Bond buyers will require the 10%, roughly 10% of the par amount set aside for that debt reserve 00:17:21
fund. 00:17:25
So really there's just some parameters there for any bond issuance. And this is the same thing in your issuance of city bonds, you 00:17:30
have a reserve fund or a surplus fund. 00:17:35
And the other issue is just to provide some level of flexibility for increasing costs. 00:17:40
If we were to issue the bonds, maybe in two years from now maybe rates will be closer to six as opposed to seven in a in a non 00:17:45
rated bond. 00:17:50
Scenario there and you wouldn't want to be limited by the market because you've set this debt ceiling here that now you can 00:17:55
capitalize on that because you have better rates in the market and better terms you'd want to be able to to to take advantage of 00:18:00
that. 00:18:04
A key thing to remember too is that you can only issue debt on what can be used for public infrastructure. 00:18:10
So there isn't, you're not giving some sort of extra cushion there that the developer can then go use for other you know projects 00:18:16
or anything like that. You can only issue the amount of debt that is capped by the mill levy, whatever the mill levy and the tax 00:18:21
increment can generate. That's the that's the amount that you can. 00:18:27
You can issue. 00:18:33
And so when asking for the 80 when there's 50 million, it's just giving a little flexibility therefore because you need more than 00:18:35
50, right, as we talked about initially and then just for that flexibility that market conditions change. 00:18:40
Debt markets, I mean, if we were to. 00:18:47
In 2021, when you know the Fed Reserve was just print all, print all, print all. 00:18:51
You these bonds that go significantly further. 00:18:58
You have much lower interest rate, much lower coverage requirements. You could take that mill levy and probably drop it and get 00:19:01
the same amount of money as you would now today with the higher mill levy. So the point there is we want to be able to capitalize 00:19:07
if there are better markets in the future and not be limited by. 00:19:12
You know what the current market conditions are. 00:19:19
Only being able to limit. 00:19:22
To issue the amount of debt that can be reimbursed for public infrastructure. 00:19:25
So you can't. 00:19:31
There's no way you can put a number on the capitalized interest, the debt reserve and the cost of issuance. 00:19:33
You mean put a number on what we think of a beer? Yeah. 00:19:41
To issue the $50 million bond, well that will depend completely when it's issued what the market conditions are. If we were to 00:19:47
issue those today, certainly yes, they'd be higher numbers than what you're you're seeing here. 00:19:52
But it'll depend on when they issue the bonds. 00:19:59
Yeah, go ahead, Paul. That's just interesting from a. 00:20:03
Math standpoint that you can have a $50 million project. 00:20:07
But then you can issue bonds for up to 80 because you might have to capitalize some interest of the revenue catches up with it, 00:20:12
but then. 00:20:16
Taking on up to 80 million bucks in debt for a $50 million asset construct that this method is pencils out better than. 00:20:21
A bank loan, even though of the bank loans at a higher interest rate, perhaps more than likely. 00:20:31
You're still issuing it on a much bigger principle amount. 00:20:37
And so and then it's one thing to have, you know a larger balloon but but 60% larger that just seems. 00:20:41
That's big. I mean I was, I was thinking that balloon contingency that factors in what you're talking about would be closer to you 00:20:51
know 30 or 35 on the high end, but 60 just seems. 00:20:57
Wow, seems large, particularly given that the purpose of this whole thing is to access these, you know, quasi public bond markets 00:21:03
as opposed to bank financing. 00:21:10
Sure, they couldn't tell if Aaron was trying to say something there. 00:21:16
Yeah, I. 00:21:22
I think you've made a good point. The one thing I would just note for the council is this is a maximum number, but it's not. 00:21:24
Necessarily unexpected number and it's certainly not a mandate of. 00:21:34
After issue and so with you know and the other piece here where there's multiple districts is it's likely there'll be a phased 00:21:41
approach and and some of the bonds might not be issued. 00:21:47
You know I. 00:21:53
Or more. And so that might be part of it, but the, you know the district just because they have an 80 million authorization when 00:21:56
they are able to the market conditions at that time then that's when they would set their you know their par amounts. They 00:22:02
probably, you know the odds that they would issue right out of the gate an $80 million bond I think. 00:22:09
Are are are slim, but they would target their project amount at the time of issuance, so. 00:22:17
You know, Ben would do more justice than this, but they'd say, OK, we need 45,000,000. What do the other numbers look like to 00:22:23
deliver $45 million today or in today's mark? So I get it, it's an outer envelope number and we're confident that there won't be a 00:22:30
time when the PID board comes back needing to. 00:22:36
Extend that number to be something higher. Sure, Yeah, absolutely. As long and and you know, as long as it. 00:22:43
Falls under that 01/5. 00:22:50
Mill rate cap then you have you have room to do that and. 00:22:53
I just want to make sure we're thinking about this properly, because. 00:22:59
We don't have a lot. We don't have exposure here based on what we've been told from from legal counsel, it's going to be you 00:23:03
imposing the tax on yourself. 00:23:07
So why do we, as long as you stay under your cap? And I think it's important too to restate that my understanding inside the 00:23:11
governing documents, this money has to be used for a very specific use. It can't just be, well, we've got $80 million, let's Max 00:23:18
it out and then it has to be used for this infrastructure. So I don't know whether why we should, maybe one of the questions is 00:23:25
why should we be so concerned because you're going to be essentially taxing yourselves and eventually passing that. 00:23:32
Passing that burden on that expense on. 00:23:40
To the tenants if the market will allow it. 00:23:43
So I guess that's part of the piece of it, but I think it's important to have the conversation at least for me publicly that. 00:23:47
That there's an explanation for that delta between the 51 million and the 80 million that's being requested. 00:23:52
That's all I Amen. 00:24:03
Anything else for? 00:24:07
For Mr. Becker. 00:24:09
OK. Anything else there? OK, thank you. 00:24:12
With that then the public hearing is continued. We wanted to do this before continuing in case information came out that people 00:24:18
heard they wanted to comment. Is there any further public comment? 00:24:24
On the. 00:24:31
Creation of Public Infrastructure districts at Royal Holiday Hills. 00:24:34
There being none, we will close this public hearing and we'll move on to item number 5. 00:24:41
This is consideration of Ordinance 2024-02 amending the Zone Map for Property located at 2051 and 2061 E Murray Holiday Rd. From 00:24:46
Residential Multifamily to Professional Office. This was had gone through the the Planning Commission and we had a. 00:24:55
Discussion with a lot of the neighbors came in and commented on this. We've been speaking with the applicant and in this 00:25:05
particular case I think we've come to an agreement. 00:25:11
Or some some language inside of a development agreement that puts a minor restriction on a building height on this property that 00:25:17
we think I. 00:25:23
Meets the needs of both the applicant and the neighbors, hopefully. 00:25:32
That's kind of where we're at on this one. 00:25:35
And I'm happy to we've got John and Carrier here, but. 00:25:39
I'll just sum it up this way. 00:25:43
There's language that you'll probably hear inside the motion that talks about a 10 foot set back off Murray Holiday Road and a 20 00:25:47
foot set back off Sycamore that was really inside a code that that's really not a change to what will be required of the 00:25:52
applicant. And John, I'm looking at you guys, you're going to shake in in case I. 00:25:58
Misspeak. 00:26:04
So the only change that is really occurring here is it is dropping the building height down on the north side of the property at 00:26:06
the 55% property line across the property from Murray Holiday Rd. It drops it from 40 feet down to 35 feet to help transition that 00:26:14
into the into the neighborhoods, into the neighborhood to the north. 00:26:22
It doesn't end up being a huge piece because there's already a. 00:26:31
30 foot rear set back in the PO zone, so there's a 30 foot set back from the residential property to the commercial property. 00:26:36
So what it does is it takes it, takes it at that 55% line diagonal line across the property and drops it from 40 to 35 feet, which 00:26:44
helps to. 00:26:50
Ease the transition into the neighborhood and that's really all this development agreement is going to do. 00:26:57
I have that right? 00:27:02
Any questions from council? 00:27:07
Ready for emotions? 00:27:10
All right, Mr. Mayor, I move approval of Ordinance 2024-02, amending the zone map for property located 2051 and 2061 E Murray 00:27:12
Holly Rd. From RM or residential multifamily to professional office zone. 00:27:19
Subject to and specifically conditioned on the following. 00:27:28
At the city and the developer by a date not more than 90 days from this date, approve a development agreement that a permits the 00:27:33
construction of an office building that complies with his own restrictions and steps and steps back in height such that any 00:27:39
portion of the building that is beyond 55% of the lots lots depth. 00:27:45
That's from the Marie Holiday Roadside. 00:27:51
Up to the rear set back on the combined properties is not more than 35 feet in height. 00:27:55
And that the set back for the building fronting Morality Rd. shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the right of way line. 00:28:01
For Murray holiday frontage and not less than 20 feet on the Sycamore frontage. 00:28:07
Mayor, Before a second is offered, I'd like Council Member Fotheringham to consider an amendment to his motion. 00:28:12
That the ordinance in Section 3 be the language be altered. 00:28:20
So that in the fourth line down it would read subject to the reason at a point that is 55% of the depth of the parcels as measured 00:28:24
for Murray Holiday Rd. instead of a point that is half of the depth. 00:28:31
The ordinance right now says half, which would mean 50%. Well now I said 55% in my emotion. 00:28:43
Right, but the ordinance itself says half. 00:28:50
So if you would amend the language of the ordinance in your motion to, say, 55%, then we'll be consistent with the ordinance and 00:28:53
the motion. 00:28:57
So accepted, so moved. 00:29:01
Yeah, all we're doing is saying we want to insert that language into 3B. 00:29:06
In the way the ordinance is written. 00:29:11
Needs to be what your motion says. 00:29:14
Is that clear? Do we have, is that OK, So I'm actually so we're saying that the. 00:29:18
That's under conditions of approval, though. It's not like when we say no, we're actually amending the text of the ordinance 00:29:23
because right now the text of the ordinance is inconsistent. 00:29:27
With Councilmember Fotheringham's motion, I want them to be consistent. Got it? I want them to say the same thing. 00:29:32
He wants 3B to say 55%, not half. Half. 00:29:38
So do you want that restated? 00:29:43
OK. I think it's stated clearly enough. I think we just but B doesn't talk about half anywhere or are you talking about in that 00:29:45
ordinance, it's the actual ordinance that we're voting on has in 3B it talks about half. 00:29:51
Instead of 55%. Oh, right here. 00:29:57
OK. Because I was just reading A&B not in the ordinance but in the points of the development agreement. OK. 00:30:01
So amending the motion to include altering section 3B. 00:30:07
Line. 00:30:15
For well, I'm three in the B section. 00:30:16
Amending the words that say the point that is half the depth. 00:30:20
To the point that is 55% of the depth of the parcels. 00:30:24
Second, OK, we have a motion and a second further discussion of the motion. 00:30:28
Council Member Brewer yes, Councilmember Durham, yes, Councilmember Fotheringham yes. Councilmember Quinn and Chair vote yes and 00:30:35
that. 00:30:39
Rezone is approved with the development agreement. Thank you. 00:30:45
OK, now we are on to item number six, Consideration Ordinance 2024-03, amending Title 13, point 100.010, adding quasi public as 00:30:53
permitted use in the C2 zone. This is textament to the zone. 00:31:01
We had a pretty rigorous discussion about this the last council meeting. We've got an updated umm. 00:31:10
Council Planning Commission report. 00:31:16
That kind of walk through this. 00:31:22
And does because of the issues that that Mister Billings was discussing the issues we had with text amending the C2 zone. 00:31:25
And the effects that those distances as it relates to alcohol related businesses would have on those. 00:31:34
Abutting businesses or businesses within that 200 foot line or 300 foot line or 600 foot walking distance line. 00:31:42
Was creating a burden to existing property owners. 00:31:50
As it relates to the comments made during the public comment that were legal. 00:31:57
I'm not a judge. I don't know how to deal with that kind of thing. So I I don't know how we should consider that taught. I'll have 00:32:01
to kind of defer to you on that. What I'll tell you, Mayor, is I'm familiar with the federal legislation and the case law that it 00:32:06
has spurned. 00:32:11
I have a different opinion. 00:32:17
On the effect of that on what's before the city now than Mr. Billings does, I think it may make the council more comfortable to 00:32:19
act. 00:32:23
To have an explanation of the way I view the federal legislation before you take action, if that's your desire, I think you could 00:32:28
continue this to the 21st meeting. 00:32:33
And I could have something prepared for you to look at that would explain my view of it. That's. 00:32:40
Different than what Mr. Billings sees. 00:32:45
And you could have that in your hands before you decide to take action. 00:32:47
So the suggestion is to just take a motion to continue this to the 21st. 00:32:51
I don't know why we. 00:32:57
Wouldn't do that. Does anybody have an objection to that? 00:32:59
Do we need a roll call on that? 00:33:02
To continue? No, you can actually do that just by a voice. Well, OK. 00:33:04
Would anybody like to make a motion to continue this item to March 21st? 00:33:08
Consider the the new possible new information regarding federal restrictions. 00:33:13
Second, OK, you have a motion, a second to continue to the 21st. 00:33:20
All in favor, Say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:33:24
Motion carries unanimously, so we'll continue. 00:33:28
We'll take a look at the comments you made during public comment and then. 00:33:31
Bring it back to the Council on the 21st. 00:33:36
And I would watch on that too, because depending on what we decide. 00:33:39
I don't know if we'll open it back up for public hearing or not. We'll see what the council wants to do once we get some some 00:33:43
legal counsel on it. 00:33:48
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:33:53
Item number 7. 00:34:00
This is I'll just. 00:34:04
Well, this is the PID. 00:34:07
And so we don't have to read it twice. 00:34:10
Any questions or comments from the Council regarding the resolution 2024-06 before we take a motion on this? 00:34:14
There be none. I'll be happy to take a motion. Mr. Mayor, I move approval of resolution 2024-06. 00:34:27
Regarding the creation of Holiday Hills Public Infrastructure District. 00:34:34
2nd we have a motion in the second. 00:34:40
We'll go to vote on this Council Member Brewer, yes. 00:34:43
Councilmember Durham YES, Councilmember Fotheringham YES Councilmember Quinn and Chair Vote Chess and. 00:34:47
2024.06 is approved. Thank you and umm. 00:34:55
This started back in December with discussions. There's been a lot of work done. 00:35:01
To try to get this through in a timely manner, Ginas put a lot of time into this. Todd put a lot of time into it. I know our 00:35:06
council and. 00:35:10
Our financial advisors as well as those for the applicants have put a lot of time in as well, so. 00:35:16
Thanks to everybody for pushing this. Thank you. 00:35:22
OK, item number 8. This is Resolution 2024-07, Amendments to the moderate Income Housing element of the General Plan. 00:35:25
I don't think we need to spend a lot of time on this and here we've been through this three different Times Now and it's basically 00:35:34
including those nine areas that we intend to focus on as it relates to creating moderate income housing inside the city will be 00:35:41
included in the general plan Chapter 5. 00:35:47
Any questions? And do you have anything for us other than fielding questions? 00:35:55
Any questions from council? Comments? 00:36:00
Just out of curiosity, since the legislative session has just ended, do you know if? 00:36:03
This area was changed at all by any bills that have just gone through. 00:36:10
OK. I'm. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thank you. That's good news. 00:36:16
Who's going to Mr. Mayor, I move the Council. Consider Resolution 2024-7 amending the moderate income housing element of the 00:36:25
General Plan. 00:36:29
2nd We have a motion A second from Councilmember Quinn will go to vote Councilmember Brewer yes, Councilmember Durham yes, 00:36:35
Councilmember Fotheringham, Councilmember Quinn and Chair Vote Chess and Ann. 00:36:41
Lots of work, right? 00:36:48
Thank you very much for all your hard work, Gina, You too, and the staff. 00:36:50
That was a heavy lift. 00:36:55
Now we can get to work on accomplishing those nine goals, right? 00:36:58
All right. Thank you. 00:37:03
We have a franchise, A franchise agreement we would like to approve. Todd, any comments for council, any clarifying comments on 00:37:07
the agreement that's in the packet. I will tell you this is generally the standard form you've approved previously. There are some 00:37:11
changes to it that have been. 00:37:16
Made based on concerns we've received from. 00:37:22
Respective franchisees. 00:37:26
They're non substantive in terms of the requirements for. 00:37:29
An operator they relate more to the audit provisions of. 00:37:32
Franchise agreements, which we've never exercised before, but I can recommend this to you. 00:37:36
Any questions at Todd? 00:37:43
Take a motion. 00:37:47
Mr. Chair I. 00:37:49
I move that we approve Resolution 2024-08 approving and authorizing the execution of a franchise agreement with Teleport 00:37:53
Communications America, LLC. 00:37:57
Second motion and a second council member Brewer. Yes. Council member Durham. Yes. Council member Fotheringham. Yes. Council 00:38:04
member Quinn. Yes. Chair vote yes 2024-C rights approved. Thank you. 00:38:09
And finally, Resolution 20/24/09, this is advice and consent of appointment of Brent Halliday and Connie Roller to the tree 00:38:15
committee for terms beginning now and through three, seven of 2027, three-year terms. 00:38:22
Did you get a motion? Yeah. Mr. Mayor, I move adoption of resolution. 00:38:33
2020 24-09 Granting advice and consent of the Council for appointment of members of the Tree committee. 00:38:39
2nd. 00:38:45
Motion is Second Councilmember Brewer, Yes. Councilmember Durham yes. Councilmember Fotheringham yes. Councilmember Quinn yes and 00:38:47
Chair votes yes. Those appointments are approved. Thank you Council. The consent agenda are minutes from November 16th, December 00:38:53
14th, January 4th and 11th. I miss any. 00:38:59
We got it. Some merry move, approval of the minutes on the dates listed on the agenda. 00:39:07
Second motion is second. Did we have any edits or comments? I think Drew, you had one. You sent it to Stephanie already. 00:39:13
OK, we have a motion and a second then all in favor, say aye, aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:39:21
Consent agenda is approved. 00:39:28
Thank you, Council City Manager Gina. 00:39:30
All right. I have only good news and the city manager. 00:39:37
And I have a lot of it. 00:39:43
First, our website relaunch went live on Tuesday. That is the culmination of a two year process. 00:39:46
Our website now works on mobile devices, tablets, desktops and laptops. It's going to be a continual work in progress, so if you 00:39:56
find something that isn't working or doesn't let look right, please let Stephanie know. 00:40:02
But I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I hope you are too, and I really want to thank Stephanie publicly for coordinating 00:40:09
this effort over the last two years. 00:40:14
As part of our relaunch, our website address has changed. So it's now holiday, 00:40:20
We're in the process of changing our emails as well for a while, both the old site the old. 00:40:28 and our existing emails will continue to work. We think this will be at least a six month transition, but that 00:40:36
was necessitated as part of a state law last year. 00:40:42
In addition to Stephanie, a lot of staff worked on developing new content for the website folks in the Justice Court. 00:40:50
Public services and community and economic development. So I want to thank them too for updating that content and that's really 00:41:00
exciting. 00:41:04
I have a lot of really good grant news as well. We received an award that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we were applying 00:41:10
for, which was funding for a part-time position for a public health position. 00:41:18
For three years, and we received that award about three days after we applied for it. 00:41:27
So we'll bring you more details. I know the council had some specific questions about what that position would do and we'll be 00:41:36
bringing those to you in the next probably six weeks. 00:41:41
I think the grant becomes effective in May. 00:41:47
We also received an award of a little more than $700,000 from Safe Routes to School for phase two of our 27th East. 00:41:51
Sidewalk Project. This is the section from Warningside to Melanie. We were funded just on the West side of of the 27th East, 00:42:03
though, but this award will go a long way toward improving pedestrian access and connectivity along 27th East. 00:42:13
So phase one construction is scheduled to start later this spring and then phase two hopefully next year. 00:42:23
There is a match and I don't remember off the top of my head what it is. That's fabulous. 00:42:32
I have more good news. 00:42:39
So. 00:42:42
As of right now, our $3.6 million earmark for Highland Drive is still included in the transportation appropriation build at the 00:42:43
House of Representatives approved yesterday and hopefully the Senate should approve that in the next couple of days. This is for 00:42:51
the fiscal year, federal fiscal year 24 that started in October. We should have a federal budget. 00:42:59
Six months later. 00:43:07
Once that is approved. 00:43:09
There will still be a process before we receive the funds, but that's still on track, which is good news. 00:43:12
In addition, from the state legislature. 00:43:20
This year, we received $1.23 million in a direct appropriation also for Highland Drive. This was part of a larger transportation 00:43:24
bill that made some changes, including changes to the fifth quarter that we can talk about later, but that's an additional piece 00:43:32
for Highland Drive that is really good news. 00:43:39
Then on our trail system, WFRC earlier, well probably 2 weeks ago, it released a ranking of active transportation and trails 00:43:48
programs. 00:43:53
And we have two projects that are ranked in the top 13 on that list. I think there are about 60 projects on the list. 00:43:59
One is a multi city project along 39th South. That's the 39th South Bicycle Lane project. 00:44:09
Our section from 23rd East to Highland Dr. along the South side is likely to be a complicated and expensive part of that project. 00:44:19
So my understanding is that other sections, including a section in Mill Creek will probably come first, But it's great news that 00:44:25
that project was ranked #2. 00:44:32
And then our. 00:44:39
I215 pathway that would connect Knudsen and Big Cottonwood Trail to Highland Drive that was ranked 13th. 00:44:41
So we anticipate state funding will be available shortly and we're really excited by our rankings of these two projects. 00:44:52
Then in terms of staffing, our new emergency Manager, Allison Jester started Monday. She comes to us from Utah County. 00:45:00
Emergency Management and we're thrilled to have her on our team. You'll be meeting her in the next couple of months as well. 00:45:10
And then finally our searches is narrowing for our finance director. I had hoped to make an offer by the 1st of March, but I've 00:45:17
been a little delayed. 00:45:22
And expect that I would be making an offer by midweek, next week we have. 00:45:28
Good candidates and I hope to have someone in place there by the 1st of April. 00:45:35
Who's doing that in the meantime? 00:45:40
So we have our outside financial consultant who is processing our payroll and our accounts payable. 00:45:43
And then we've sort of divvied up. 00:45:52
The remainder of the functions, the essential functions. 00:45:54
All right. 00:46:01
Thanks. 00:46:03
I will start with you and just work our way down the Council report. 00:46:05
The only I have. I was out of town for the first since we changed since I took on the Historical Society. So I was I was absent 00:46:11
for their meeting in February. They have one coming up here in March which I'm looking forward to and I understand that this Doug 00:46:16
Wright historical series. 00:46:21
Was that the 11th or the 11th at 7:00 PM here at City Hall then? 00:46:26
But other than that, that's all that I have to report. 00:46:31
There's a tree talk at the library on Saturday at 10:30. He'll be on. 00:46:36
Planting trees that attract birds to your yard. So let your neighbors know about that. And the tree committee is busy planning a 00:46:44
Harbor Day activities. This year, they're going to be planning for trees at Morningside Elementary. 00:46:50
Which will be great. 00:46:56
They the program will be M seed by the students, so they'll want to attend April 26th at 2:00. 00:46:58
Happy Healthy Holiday is continuing to work on its strategic plan. Megan Bartley, our intern, is out doing community A community 00:47:08
needs assessment and some interviews to help inform how we would draft the the strategic plan. 00:47:16
And we have an upcoming event with. 00:47:24
Sort of the. 00:47:27
Inauguration of the new signage at the Big Cottonwood Trail. 00:47:29
That will probably be sometime in mid-May, but it's a. 00:47:33
Walk. It's a walking, running, biking trail. 00:47:35
And should be a great asset for the community, so there will be more details coming out on that. 00:47:39
A week from Saturday is the Arts Council's fine art show. We just, of course, just had our tiny art show in February, which was a 00:47:47
raging success. But our fine art show is always just as raging as success, and expect this year to be no different. 00:47:55
So our will be hung and ready to display and and for patrons to to come enjoy it starting a week from Saturday. So that's the 16th 00:48:03
I believe 16th through the following next week, so 16th through the 23rd. Usually the the Art gallery is open regular hours Monday 00:48:09
through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 and on Saturday from. 00:48:15
Of course he knew what time that. 00:48:22
Starts on Saturday. Is it afternoon? I can't remember. 00:48:25
I had it up on my phone. 00:48:30
This is which one? 00:48:36
Holiday arts. 00:48:39
I don't show on the calendar. 00:48:43
An art show? Here it is. 00:48:50
As let's see open, oh, there's a reception as well on on Saturday night. I think that's what this Saturday opening Saturday is, is 00:49:02
the evening opening reception. So if you go on Saturday the 16th opening, that's from 6:00 to 8:00 PM where they actually have, 00:49:08
you know some. 00:49:13
Hors, d'oeuvres and beverages and such. 00:49:19
And then Monday through Friday would be the nine to five enjoying it. And then the final Saturday is usually a nine to one and 00:49:22
then they start picking up the art from there. So yeah, opening Saturday would be Saturday night. 00:49:27
Hope to see you there. 00:49:34
That's all I have, OK. 00:49:37
All right. A little bit of news on the Community Renewable Energy Agency or as we have rebranded it, the Utah Renewable 00:49:40
Communities. It's a lot easier to say. 00:49:45
In the legislative session that just ended Senate Bill 214. 00:49:52
Was a bill only targeting the Community Renewable Energy Agency, luckily. 00:49:57
With good people like Todd and the Utah League of Cities and Towns. 00:50:05
It was. 00:50:09
Changed from the original intent, but it did make one change. 00:50:11
And that is that. Now new communities are able to join. 00:50:18
And I think that might even be a good thing, because I don't know if you remember. 00:50:23
Mayor, you were on the council and Paul, probably. 00:50:29
When we had to in 2019. 00:50:33
Sign our. 00:50:37
Intent to. 00:50:39
To participate. 00:50:41
And at that point soon after that it was cut off. So the this I think is going to be a positive change that. 00:50:42
Under certain conditions. 00:50:51
Hopefully if the program goes really well, more communities will want to get on board and that could be a really good thing. 00:50:53
One thing that I did find out recently at a Morningside Community Council meeting is that. 00:51:04
Let me back up. We all remember when Spring Lane was closed when that announcement was made two years ago. 00:51:10
At that point, the plan was to look next at the. 00:51:16
Schools east of where that? 00:51:22
That boundary study was made. 00:51:25
And I was surprised that we hadn't heard anything because that study will include several schools in holiday. Apparently what has 00:51:27
happened is the district felt that there was an area that that had. 00:51:34
More immediate needs, more immediate concerns, and that is that 3500 S corridor. 00:51:42
On the West side of the valley and. 00:51:49
We will be looked at a year from now instead of now, if anybody was curious about that. 00:51:52
Anyway. 00:52:00
Yeah, exactly a year respite. 00:52:02
And that's it. 00:52:05
All those community, all those. 00:52:08
Communities, we're happy to let you guys do all the hard work and get it all settled and then when they got comfortable, they said 00:52:11
they'll jump on board and join in. 00:52:14
I think that's what it's going to look like. 00:52:19
I'm being a smart aleck. 00:52:22
No, that's OK. But like I say, I think it could be a good thing because. 00:52:24
It will give us that much more money to work with, yeah, no, that was the hope initially and then a couple of big players dropped 00:52:28
out right out of the gate and. 00:52:32
Ruin some of the economies, right? But yeah, I think you're right. The more they get in there, the more the costs will be spread 00:52:37
out and lower the net cost of those that decide to participate, I think exactly. 00:52:41
OK, very quickly had a ribbon cutting Kimmy's last night and Francis and. 00:52:48
The business board Advisory Board keeps saying I'm not even going to say IT Advisory Board. 00:52:55
Had a nice showing there. There's six of them there, I think of the 8. 00:53:03
And great showing. 00:53:07
The restaurant turned out. It's beautiful. I don't know, John, if you guys have been down there to see the final TI's, but. 00:53:09
While they open it up and it's bright and it was packed and it's been packed since they opened. So spread the word. Great new 00:53:16
restaurant in holiday, great addition. 00:53:20
You guys have already mentioned just a small note. I don't know if you know Dee Hanson. Ty, do you know what Dee lives by you very 00:53:28
involved in the baseball community and they're doing a field clean up next Saturday from. 00:53:34
Looks like about 9:00 to noon. There's a few members of the youth council, I think that need volunteer hours are going to pitch in 00:53:40
if there's any. 00:53:43
Kids from the churches that want to do a little volunteer work, I think they've got a pretty good amount of volunteers. They don't 00:53:47
need a ton. But if somebody wants to pitch in, Thomas agreed to drop a trailer off Friday night. That's our participation and so. 00:53:53
We're I think we're good. We're not over committing ourselves. 00:54:00
So anyway, they're going to be getting those fields ready to go for the spring season. 00:54:06
And wow, I think that's all I have. So I think we'll just. 00:54:10
Take a recess, take a couple of minute break and then start across the hall with UPD. 00:54:16
Mr. Mayor, I move. We adjourn City Council and reconvene an work meeting in 5 minutes. Second, all in favor, say aye. We are 00:54:21
recessed. 00:54:25
You. 00:54:34
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OK. 00:00:09
All right. 00:00:14
Thanks for your patience. So welcome to the Holiday City Council meeting Thursday, March 7th. We'll call the meeting to order. 00:00:16
With the pledge, if everybody please stand. 00:00:24
I pledge allegiance to the flag. 00:00:29
Of the United States of America. 00:00:34
For which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:37
OK. 00:00:51
We have one continued public hearing tonight, which is item number four on the creation of a public infrastructure district or 00:00:54
districts. 00:00:58
So if anybody is here to make public comment on the city action, Please wait till we get to item number 4. 00:01:03
If you are here, we have no other public hearings open right now and and they're not opening any tonight other than that continued 00:01:12
public hearing. So if you're here to address the council on any other issue, the public comment period right now is the time to do 00:01:19
that. We just ask that you approach the podium, give us your name and address and try to keep it to 3 minutes or less. 00:01:26
And Trudy, you're up. 00:01:33
Trudy always starts. She shows you how it's done. 00:01:35
Trudy from the library. We have a lot of things, so I'm only going to highlight a few. Starting on Monday, we are hosting a 00:01:42
program with the health department called Stepping On. It's a fall prevention program for older adults. They do have to register, 00:01:48
but you can get to that registration through our website. It's two hours per class and we've got two sessions. We've got a 10 AM 00:01:53
session and a 1:00 PM session, and it goes for seven weeks. 00:01:59
And it's it's a super helpful program. Also on Mondays, on the second Mondays of the month, we have game night. Board games are a 00:02:06
great way for kids to learn strategy and planning and social skills, and it's a great way to meet your fun neighbors that like to 00:02:11
play board games so you can come on in. It's from 5:00 to 8:00 and it's hosted with Derek McNab from Game Night Games. He's super, 00:02:17
he's super great and can teach you how to play anything. 00:02:22
Wednesday the 15th. Excuse me. Wednesday the 13th. I know what day that is. 7:00 PM We have slumber story time. Kids are invited 00:02:29
to wear their pajamas and do fun things there right before bedtime. 00:02:34
Monday, March 25th, we're going to be hosting a Red Cross blood drive from 1:00 to 7:00, So please sign up for a time, Come help 00:02:40
the community out. 00:02:44
And premiering this month, we have our Thrills and Chills Book club at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 26th. They read books that keep 00:02:48
you on the edge of your seat, and then they have really cool discussions about them. That's what we're planning. The book they're 00:02:54
reading this month is The House in the Pines by Anna Reyes. 00:03:00
And we have copies of the book at the library you can come check out. And those are just a few of the things that we're going to 00:03:07
be doing at the library. 00:03:09
Thanks for letting me talk. If you have questions, let me know. 00:03:13
Thanks, Trudy. Appreciate it. 00:03:16
Question for the City Council on topic number six. Do you want that to be addressed now or then? 00:03:22
Well, the public hearing on that is closed. So if you have comment you want to make, now would be the time, OK, I'm, I'm not a 00:03:30
member of the public, I'm a representative of the applicant. 00:03:35
I'll defer to Mr. Godfrey on this one. 00:03:41
Yeah. So now would be the time if you're going to do that. 00:03:46
So my colleague Scott Saby was here last time. And give us your name and address. My name is David Billings. I'm an attorney at 00:03:54
Fabian Van Cot. 00:03:58
The reason why I come here tonight is. 00:04:06
To bring something to to the city's attention that I think is. 00:04:10
Necessitated by the discussion about the proximity statute that is Utah, code 32B-1-2O2. 00:04:18
Support to a romanettes one and two. 00:04:30
And that is. 00:04:34
The overlay of that statute and the current zoning setup that the city has. 00:04:37
Right now. 00:04:46
If the application of the Korean Presbyterian Church of Utah is denied. 00:04:48
Would violate, in my view, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person Act, also known as Arlupa, which is a federal 00:04:54
statute which preempts. 00:05:01
That state law statute and applies to municipalities like holiday. 00:05:08
And specifically. 00:05:15
The concern I have is a state law that's designed. 00:05:17
To benefit a religious institutions by keeping them away from. 00:05:22
Places serving alcohol. 00:05:27
Should not be used to harm churches by basically making it. 00:05:29
Difficult or impossible to locate in this city, and by by being a rationale to deny are the application. 00:05:36
And I also wanted to make sure the city is aware that. 00:05:46
The grounds for recommend recommending denial of the application as stated in the staff report that in the agenda. 00:05:52
Is essentially. 00:06:02
A potential future harm, A potential decrease in property value for C2 owners if they want to. 00:06:05
Have an alcohol distributing. 00:06:14
Establishment on their property. 00:06:18
But the case law and I can cite it to you if you wish, or I can provide it to the city attorney. 00:06:21
Clearly states that economic development. 00:06:29
Tax revenue and the like are not a compelling state interest that overrides. 00:06:34
The statute. 00:06:41
So. 00:06:42
And the other aspect here is the definition that the Church falls into includes. 00:06:45
Private, nonprofit, educational, religious, recreational, charitable, philanthropic institutions. 00:06:53
But. 00:07:01
The zoning as overlaid with that state statute, only applies to. 00:07:05
To private and public schools, churches, playgrounds and parks, so. 00:07:15
By definition. 00:07:22
The Church is going to be treated differently than all these other ones in. 00:07:26
This category. 00:07:31
Churches in general. 00:07:33
So because it applies to some but not all types of proper use. 00:07:35
That's pretty problematic in my view. 00:07:39
And. 00:07:42
States that governments are barred from imposing or implementing a land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious 00:07:45
assembly or institution on less than equal terms. 00:07:50
With a non religious assembly or institution. 00:07:57
So. 00:08:01
You know that that's the problem is because the city designed the zoning. 00:08:05
Have preexisting churches in P zones. 00:08:10
And not have conditional or permitted uses outside of those P zones. 00:08:16
It's essentially restricted churches to those locations and prefers existing churches over that were there at the time of 00:08:20
incorporation to churches that want to move into the area. 00:08:27
So that also might have issues with. 00:08:34
The Utah's version. 00:08:39
The Establishment Clause and the like. 00:08:43
So therefore. 00:08:45
What I would suggest is if the city is still not inclined to. 00:08:48
Grant the application as requested. 00:08:54
That it consider. 00:08:57
Changing the application. 00:09:00
To instead of. 00:09:02
Asking for AP to be put into that table. 00:09:04
To make it AC. 00:09:07
Meaning a conditional use. 00:09:09
Because that would be in conformity with. 00:09:13
I think we mentioned in the prior meetings. 00:09:18
Many, many, many other municipalities in this county that allow churches and commercial zones on a conditional use basis all over 00:09:21
the place. 00:09:25
And your zoning for alcohol establishments? 00:09:30
In C2 are also on a conditional use basis, so they be on. 00:09:33
Even bar, but I'm happy to answer any questions or talk to the city attorney separately however you guys. 00:09:37
I think we'll take this up as a discussion item prior to taking a motion on this. 00:09:45
Thank you. 00:09:50
Any other public comment? 00:09:57
All right. 00:10:01
There being none, we will close the public comment portion of on the agenda and we'll move to item number 4. 00:10:02
This is the continued public hearing regarding the creation of Public Infrastructure Districts at Royal Holiday Hills. This is an 00:10:10
item we discussed at the last council meeting. We kept the public hearing open because there was a lot of information that need to 00:10:16
be clarified prior to bringing it to a motion. I think the council is pretty up to speed on this, but for the record, I'd like to 00:10:22
be it on the record, be on the record. 00:10:29
At the last Council meeting. 00:10:36
And in our packet, we have a letter from our city manager Gina Chamness that identified a number of issues that she and and our 00:10:38
City Council had Council, Mr. Godfrey had regarding some of the items that were going to be included in the governing documents 00:10:45
for the PID. 00:10:52
Between that time and now, a lot of those items were sent via Red line have been resolved and my understanding is. 00:11:00
There's agreement that the governing documents now are acceptable to the city at this point. 00:11:10
So we've got that piece that seems to be in good order. 00:11:18
The issue that. 00:11:22
I would like to have clarified a little bit, at least from my standpoint has to do with the financial piece of this. 00:11:25
And in the governing documents, it references a ceiling of. 00:11:35
$80 million bonding capacity, they can. It's up to the city to decide what that ceiling is going to be and the documents that we 00:11:39
have, it takes that ceiling to $80 million. But the hard cost for the three parking decks, I think it's three parking decks that 00:11:46
are that are. 00:11:52
To be built with these funds. 00:11:59
Is just a little under $51 million. 00:12:02
And so it's just trying to get a comfort level on. 00:12:05
What is that extra $30 million for just so we feel like we've done our due diligence in terms of what we're going to going to 00:12:12
approve even though the city has no liability as it relates to the this bond issuance, it's with the developers and with in this 00:12:18
case the PID and the PID board. 00:12:24
So I don't know if there do we have Aaron on the line or? 00:12:32
I'm here, Mayor. Can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. 00:12:39
OK. So is that question go ahead. 00:12:45
I just said thank you for making this accommodation. I'm on route to the City Hall but I may not make it on time, so I appreciate 00:12:50
you guys letting me join. 00:12:55
And is Laura Lewis in the in the meeting as well? 00:13:01
No, she's not. 00:13:06
OK, OK. 00:13:09
So the one piece I wanted to, a couple of pieces I wanted to speak to on this front and I think. 00:13:12
The the main one. 00:13:17
You know there's always going to need to be a. 00:13:20
A greater borrowing than just the project. 00:13:23
You know the project cost to be funded by the bond. 00:13:27
And typically that's because there's going to be a reserve fund that gets funded with the bonds and generally that's 10% of what 00:13:31
you issue goes into a reserve fund to ensure you know debt service could be made in a in a bad year. 00:13:38
And then that the other piece is this project. 00:13:47
Deep time for the revenues to ramp up for you know, development to occur and for. 00:13:51
You know the assessor to assess the property and the district to levy the taxes and So what generally happens is. 00:13:57
The district will fund. 00:14:04
You know, a year or two years or so of capitalized interest. 00:14:06
And so that will make the first, say, two years of payments on the bond. 00:14:10
And they'll fund that up front. 00:14:15
And so in the models that bench Becker, who's the underwriter on this transaction provided? 00:14:17
You know, they did a scenario that I believe was a $56 million bond. 00:14:24
And that $56 million bond due to the 10% reserve, so five, you know $5.6 million. 00:14:31
And then capitalized interest, which I think was somewhere around $7,000,000. 00:14:39
The Ultimate Project proceeds was $42 million. 00:14:44
And so just to raise 42,000,000 for the garage. 00:14:49
They under that scenario had to issue $56,000,000 to bond. So that's the that's the primary reason. 00:14:53
And you know, the applicant can speak more to that, I would imagine. The other thing that we frequently see and the city. 00:15:01
Doesn't have to do, but like I said, we frequently see it. 00:15:08
Is some headroom. 00:15:11
You know, some contingency and just recognizing that. 00:15:13
Inflation that. 00:15:17
Happen and. 00:15:18
That we've just kind of been in a period of rapid inflation the last three years. 00:15:20
And so we've seen a number of projects that a city has approved a certain debt limit. 00:15:25
And the districts actually had to go back and request more because cost. 00:15:30
You know escalated on them and so. 00:15:35
That's another reason why they might be asking for more. Those are kind of the general reasons, but if you know if Benj is there 00:15:38
or someone from the project wanted to speak. 00:15:42
You know and I think you guys would be able to ask them any follow up questions that that you have and I'm happy to answer 00:15:47
anything as well. 00:15:51
OK, thank you. It looks like he is here so right. 00:15:55
Yeah, come on up. 00:15:59
I think and look, I think. 00:16:01
Conceptually, I think we all get it. 00:16:04
The hard cost, it's just it's just I would like to better understand like what the justification is for. 00:16:08
A 60% increase above the hard cost of the decks. Why can't that be? 00:16:15
Narrowed down a little bit and justified a little bit better in terms of those 3 variables which in the Piper Sandler documents 00:16:21
has. 00:16:25
Debt reserve fund, pardon me, capitalized interest, debt reserve and cost of issuance, I think we get all that. It would be nice 00:16:29
to have it be. 00:16:34
To have a little bit more detail other than just a statement about these, we need more money for these three things. 00:16:41
Does that make sense? Yeah. And my name is Benj Becker with Piper Sandler. I agree certainly with what Aaron Wade said. 00:16:48
A couple of considerations here. Certainly there's this first one that to create $50 million in usable revenue or usable proceeds. 00:16:56
You'll need a bond somewhere in the range of maybe 67 to 70 million because of these other costs. 00:17:04
You need three years set aside for capitalized interest to pay those bonds while the project doesn't have assessed values or 00:17:10
enough sufficient assessed values to pay those bonds. 00:17:15
So that's really the big hit. Bond buyers will require the 10%, roughly 10% of the par amount set aside for that debt reserve 00:17:21
fund. 00:17:25
So really there's just some parameters there for any bond issuance. And this is the same thing in your issuance of city bonds, you 00:17:30
have a reserve fund or a surplus fund. 00:17:35
And the other issue is just to provide some level of flexibility for increasing costs. 00:17:40
If we were to issue the bonds, maybe in two years from now maybe rates will be closer to six as opposed to seven in a in a non 00:17:45
rated bond. 00:17:50
Scenario there and you wouldn't want to be limited by the market because you've set this debt ceiling here that now you can 00:17:55
capitalize on that because you have better rates in the market and better terms you'd want to be able to to to take advantage of 00:18:00
that. 00:18:04
A key thing to remember too is that you can only issue debt on what can be used for public infrastructure. 00:18:10
So there isn't, you're not giving some sort of extra cushion there that the developer can then go use for other you know projects 00:18:16
or anything like that. You can only issue the amount of debt that is capped by the mill levy, whatever the mill levy and the tax 00:18:21
increment can generate. That's the that's the amount that you can. 00:18:27
You can issue. 00:18:33
And so when asking for the 80 when there's 50 million, it's just giving a little flexibility therefore because you need more than 00:18:35
50, right, as we talked about initially and then just for that flexibility that market conditions change. 00:18:40
Debt markets, I mean, if we were to. 00:18:47
In 2021, when you know the Fed Reserve was just print all, print all, print all. 00:18:51
You these bonds that go significantly further. 00:18:58
You have much lower interest rate, much lower coverage requirements. You could take that mill levy and probably drop it and get 00:19:01
the same amount of money as you would now today with the higher mill levy. So the point there is we want to be able to capitalize 00:19:07
if there are better markets in the future and not be limited by. 00:19:12
You know what the current market conditions are. 00:19:19
Only being able to limit. 00:19:22
To issue the amount of debt that can be reimbursed for public infrastructure. 00:19:25
So you can't. 00:19:31
There's no way you can put a number on the capitalized interest, the debt reserve and the cost of issuance. 00:19:33
You mean put a number on what we think of a beer? Yeah. 00:19:41
To issue the $50 million bond, well that will depend completely when it's issued what the market conditions are. If we were to 00:19:47
issue those today, certainly yes, they'd be higher numbers than what you're you're seeing here. 00:19:52
But it'll depend on when they issue the bonds. 00:19:59
Yeah, go ahead, Paul. That's just interesting from a. 00:20:03
Math standpoint that you can have a $50 million project. 00:20:07
But then you can issue bonds for up to 80 because you might have to capitalize some interest of the revenue catches up with it, 00:20:12
but then. 00:20:16
Taking on up to 80 million bucks in debt for a $50 million asset construct that this method is pencils out better than. 00:20:21
A bank loan, even though of the bank loans at a higher interest rate, perhaps more than likely. 00:20:31
You're still issuing it on a much bigger principle amount. 00:20:37
And so and then it's one thing to have, you know a larger balloon but but 60% larger that just seems. 00:20:41
That's big. I mean I was, I was thinking that balloon contingency that factors in what you're talking about would be closer to you 00:20:51
know 30 or 35 on the high end, but 60 just seems. 00:20:57
Wow, seems large, particularly given that the purpose of this whole thing is to access these, you know, quasi public bond markets 00:21:03
as opposed to bank financing. 00:21:10
Sure, they couldn't tell if Aaron was trying to say something there. 00:21:16
Yeah, I. 00:21:22
I think you've made a good point. The one thing I would just note for the council is this is a maximum number, but it's not. 00:21:24
Necessarily unexpected number and it's certainly not a mandate of. 00:21:34
After issue and so with you know and the other piece here where there's multiple districts is it's likely there'll be a phased 00:21:41
approach and and some of the bonds might not be issued. 00:21:47
You know I. 00:21:53
Or more. And so that might be part of it, but the, you know the district just because they have an 80 million authorization when 00:21:56
they are able to the market conditions at that time then that's when they would set their you know their par amounts. They 00:22:02
probably, you know the odds that they would issue right out of the gate an $80 million bond I think. 00:22:09
Are are are slim, but they would target their project amount at the time of issuance, so. 00:22:17
You know, Ben would do more justice than this, but they'd say, OK, we need 45,000,000. What do the other numbers look like to 00:22:23
deliver $45 million today or in today's mark? So I get it, it's an outer envelope number and we're confident that there won't be a 00:22:30
time when the PID board comes back needing to. 00:22:36
Extend that number to be something higher. Sure, Yeah, absolutely. As long and and you know, as long as it. 00:22:43
Falls under that 01/5. 00:22:50
Mill rate cap then you have you have room to do that and. 00:22:53
I just want to make sure we're thinking about this properly, because. 00:22:59
We don't have a lot. We don't have exposure here based on what we've been told from from legal counsel, it's going to be you 00:23:03
imposing the tax on yourself. 00:23:07
So why do we, as long as you stay under your cap? And I think it's important too to restate that my understanding inside the 00:23:11
governing documents, this money has to be used for a very specific use. It can't just be, well, we've got $80 million, let's Max 00:23:18
it out and then it has to be used for this infrastructure. So I don't know whether why we should, maybe one of the questions is 00:23:25
why should we be so concerned because you're going to be essentially taxing yourselves and eventually passing that. 00:23:32
Passing that burden on that expense on. 00:23:40
To the tenants if the market will allow it. 00:23:43
So I guess that's part of the piece of it, but I think it's important to have the conversation at least for me publicly that. 00:23:47
That there's an explanation for that delta between the 51 million and the 80 million that's being requested. 00:23:52
That's all I Amen. 00:24:03
Anything else for? 00:24:07
For Mr. Becker. 00:24:09
OK. Anything else there? OK, thank you. 00:24:12
With that then the public hearing is continued. We wanted to do this before continuing in case information came out that people 00:24:18
heard they wanted to comment. Is there any further public comment? 00:24:24
On the. 00:24:31
Creation of Public Infrastructure districts at Royal Holiday Hills. 00:24:34
There being none, we will close this public hearing and we'll move on to item number 5. 00:24:41
This is consideration of Ordinance 2024-02 amending the Zone Map for Property located at 2051 and 2061 E Murray Holiday Rd. From 00:24:46
Residential Multifamily to Professional Office. This was had gone through the the Planning Commission and we had a. 00:24:55
Discussion with a lot of the neighbors came in and commented on this. We've been speaking with the applicant and in this 00:25:05
particular case I think we've come to an agreement. 00:25:11
Or some some language inside of a development agreement that puts a minor restriction on a building height on this property that 00:25:17
we think I. 00:25:23
Meets the needs of both the applicant and the neighbors, hopefully. 00:25:32
That's kind of where we're at on this one. 00:25:35
And I'm happy to we've got John and Carrier here, but. 00:25:39
I'll just sum it up this way. 00:25:43
There's language that you'll probably hear inside the motion that talks about a 10 foot set back off Murray Holiday Road and a 20 00:25:47
foot set back off Sycamore that was really inside a code that that's really not a change to what will be required of the 00:25:52
applicant. And John, I'm looking at you guys, you're going to shake in in case I. 00:25:58
Misspeak. 00:26:04
So the only change that is really occurring here is it is dropping the building height down on the north side of the property at 00:26:06
the 55% property line across the property from Murray Holiday Rd. It drops it from 40 feet down to 35 feet to help transition that 00:26:14
into the into the neighborhoods, into the neighborhood to the north. 00:26:22
It doesn't end up being a huge piece because there's already a. 00:26:31
30 foot rear set back in the PO zone, so there's a 30 foot set back from the residential property to the commercial property. 00:26:36
So what it does is it takes it, takes it at that 55% line diagonal line across the property and drops it from 40 to 35 feet, which 00:26:44
helps to. 00:26:50
Ease the transition into the neighborhood and that's really all this development agreement is going to do. 00:26:57
I have that right? 00:27:02
Any questions from council? 00:27:07
Ready for emotions? 00:27:10
All right, Mr. Mayor, I move approval of Ordinance 2024-02, amending the zone map for property located 2051 and 2061 E Murray 00:27:12
Holly Rd. From RM or residential multifamily to professional office zone. 00:27:19
Subject to and specifically conditioned on the following. 00:27:28
At the city and the developer by a date not more than 90 days from this date, approve a development agreement that a permits the 00:27:33
construction of an office building that complies with his own restrictions and steps and steps back in height such that any 00:27:39
portion of the building that is beyond 55% of the lots lots depth. 00:27:45
That's from the Marie Holiday Roadside. 00:27:51
Up to the rear set back on the combined properties is not more than 35 feet in height. 00:27:55
And that the set back for the building fronting Morality Rd. shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the right of way line. 00:28:01
For Murray holiday frontage and not less than 20 feet on the Sycamore frontage. 00:28:07
Mayor, Before a second is offered, I'd like Council Member Fotheringham to consider an amendment to his motion. 00:28:12
That the ordinance in Section 3 be the language be altered. 00:28:20
So that in the fourth line down it would read subject to the reason at a point that is 55% of the depth of the parcels as measured 00:28:24
for Murray Holiday Rd. instead of a point that is half of the depth. 00:28:31
The ordinance right now says half, which would mean 50%. Well now I said 55% in my emotion. 00:28:43
Right, but the ordinance itself says half. 00:28:50
So if you would amend the language of the ordinance in your motion to, say, 55%, then we'll be consistent with the ordinance and 00:28:53
the motion. 00:28:57
So accepted, so moved. 00:29:01
Yeah, all we're doing is saying we want to insert that language into 3B. 00:29:06
In the way the ordinance is written. 00:29:11
Needs to be what your motion says. 00:29:14
Is that clear? Do we have, is that OK, So I'm actually so we're saying that the. 00:29:18
That's under conditions of approval, though. It's not like when we say no, we're actually amending the text of the ordinance 00:29:23
because right now the text of the ordinance is inconsistent. 00:29:27
With Councilmember Fotheringham's motion, I want them to be consistent. Got it? I want them to say the same thing. 00:29:32
He wants 3B to say 55%, not half. Half. 00:29:38
So do you want that restated? 00:29:43
OK. I think it's stated clearly enough. I think we just but B doesn't talk about half anywhere or are you talking about in that 00:29:45
ordinance, it's the actual ordinance that we're voting on has in 3B it talks about half. 00:29:51
Instead of 55%. Oh, right here. 00:29:57
OK. Because I was just reading A&B not in the ordinance but in the points of the development agreement. OK. 00:30:01
So amending the motion to include altering section 3B. 00:30:07
Line. 00:30:15
For well, I'm three in the B section. 00:30:16
Amending the words that say the point that is half the depth. 00:30:20
To the point that is 55% of the depth of the parcels. 00:30:24
Second, OK, we have a motion and a second further discussion of the motion. 00:30:28
Council Member Brewer yes, Councilmember Durham, yes, Councilmember Fotheringham yes. Councilmember Quinn and Chair vote yes and 00:30:35
that. 00:30:39
Rezone is approved with the development agreement. Thank you. 00:30:45
OK, now we are on to item number six, Consideration Ordinance 2024-03, amending Title 13, point 100.010, adding quasi public as 00:30:53
permitted use in the C2 zone. This is textament to the zone. 00:31:01
We had a pretty rigorous discussion about this the last council meeting. We've got an updated umm. 00:31:10
Council Planning Commission report. 00:31:16
That kind of walk through this. 00:31:22
And does because of the issues that that Mister Billings was discussing the issues we had with text amending the C2 zone. 00:31:25
And the effects that those distances as it relates to alcohol related businesses would have on those. 00:31:34
Abutting businesses or businesses within that 200 foot line or 300 foot line or 600 foot walking distance line. 00:31:42
Was creating a burden to existing property owners. 00:31:50
As it relates to the comments made during the public comment that were legal. 00:31:57
I'm not a judge. I don't know how to deal with that kind of thing. So I I don't know how we should consider that taught. I'll have 00:32:01
to kind of defer to you on that. What I'll tell you, Mayor, is I'm familiar with the federal legislation and the case law that it 00:32:06
has spurned. 00:32:11
I have a different opinion. 00:32:17
On the effect of that on what's before the city now than Mr. Billings does, I think it may make the council more comfortable to 00:32:19
act. 00:32:23
To have an explanation of the way I view the federal legislation before you take action, if that's your desire, I think you could 00:32:28
continue this to the 21st meeting. 00:32:33
And I could have something prepared for you to look at that would explain my view of it. That's. 00:32:40
Different than what Mr. Billings sees. 00:32:45
And you could have that in your hands before you decide to take action. 00:32:47
So the suggestion is to just take a motion to continue this to the 21st. 00:32:51
I don't know why we. 00:32:57
Wouldn't do that. Does anybody have an objection to that? 00:32:59
Do we need a roll call on that? 00:33:02
To continue? No, you can actually do that just by a voice. Well, OK. 00:33:04
Would anybody like to make a motion to continue this item to March 21st? 00:33:08
Consider the the new possible new information regarding federal restrictions. 00:33:13
Second, OK, you have a motion, a second to continue to the 21st. 00:33:20
All in favor, Say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:33:24
Motion carries unanimously, so we'll continue. 00:33:28
We'll take a look at the comments you made during public comment and then. 00:33:31
Bring it back to the Council on the 21st. 00:33:36
And I would watch on that too, because depending on what we decide. 00:33:39
I don't know if we'll open it back up for public hearing or not. We'll see what the council wants to do once we get some some 00:33:43
legal counsel on it. 00:33:48
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:33:53
Item number 7. 00:34:00
This is I'll just. 00:34:04
Well, this is the PID. 00:34:07
And so we don't have to read it twice. 00:34:10
Any questions or comments from the Council regarding the resolution 2024-06 before we take a motion on this? 00:34:14
There be none. I'll be happy to take a motion. Mr. Mayor, I move approval of resolution 2024-06. 00:34:27
Regarding the creation of Holiday Hills Public Infrastructure District. 00:34:34
2nd we have a motion in the second. 00:34:40
We'll go to vote on this Council Member Brewer, yes. 00:34:43
Councilmember Durham YES, Councilmember Fotheringham YES Councilmember Quinn and Chair Vote Chess and. 00:34:47
2024.06 is approved. Thank you and umm. 00:34:55
This started back in December with discussions. There's been a lot of work done. 00:35:01
To try to get this through in a timely manner, Ginas put a lot of time into this. Todd put a lot of time into it. I know our 00:35:06
council and. 00:35:10
Our financial advisors as well as those for the applicants have put a lot of time in as well, so. 00:35:16
Thanks to everybody for pushing this. Thank you. 00:35:22
OK, item number 8. This is Resolution 2024-07, Amendments to the moderate Income Housing element of the General Plan. 00:35:25
I don't think we need to spend a lot of time on this and here we've been through this three different Times Now and it's basically 00:35:34
including those nine areas that we intend to focus on as it relates to creating moderate income housing inside the city will be 00:35:41
included in the general plan Chapter 5. 00:35:47
Any questions? And do you have anything for us other than fielding questions? 00:35:55
Any questions from council? Comments? 00:36:00
Just out of curiosity, since the legislative session has just ended, do you know if? 00:36:03
This area was changed at all by any bills that have just gone through. 00:36:10
OK. I'm. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thank you. That's good news. 00:36:16
Who's going to Mr. Mayor, I move the Council. Consider Resolution 2024-7 amending the moderate income housing element of the 00:36:25
General Plan. 00:36:29
2nd We have a motion A second from Councilmember Quinn will go to vote Councilmember Brewer yes, Councilmember Durham yes, 00:36:35
Councilmember Fotheringham, Councilmember Quinn and Chair Vote Chess and Ann. 00:36:41
Lots of work, right? 00:36:48
Thank you very much for all your hard work, Gina, You too, and the staff. 00:36:50
That was a heavy lift. 00:36:55
Now we can get to work on accomplishing those nine goals, right? 00:36:58
All right. Thank you. 00:37:03
We have a franchise, A franchise agreement we would like to approve. Todd, any comments for council, any clarifying comments on 00:37:07
the agreement that's in the packet. I will tell you this is generally the standard form you've approved previously. There are some 00:37:11
changes to it that have been. 00:37:16
Made based on concerns we've received from. 00:37:22
Respective franchisees. 00:37:26
They're non substantive in terms of the requirements for. 00:37:29
An operator they relate more to the audit provisions of. 00:37:32
Franchise agreements, which we've never exercised before, but I can recommend this to you. 00:37:36
Any questions at Todd? 00:37:43
Take a motion. 00:37:47
Mr. Chair I. 00:37:49
I move that we approve Resolution 2024-08 approving and authorizing the execution of a franchise agreement with Teleport 00:37:53
Communications America, LLC. 00:37:57
Second motion and a second council member Brewer. Yes. Council member Durham. Yes. Council member Fotheringham. Yes. Council 00:38:04
member Quinn. Yes. Chair vote yes 2024-C rights approved. Thank you. 00:38:09
And finally, Resolution 20/24/09, this is advice and consent of appointment of Brent Halliday and Connie Roller to the tree 00:38:15
committee for terms beginning now and through three, seven of 2027, three-year terms. 00:38:22
Did you get a motion? Yeah. Mr. Mayor, I move adoption of resolution. 00:38:33
2020 24-09 Granting advice and consent of the Council for appointment of members of the Tree committee. 00:38:39
2nd. 00:38:45
Motion is Second Councilmember Brewer, Yes. Councilmember Durham yes. Councilmember Fotheringham yes. Councilmember Quinn yes and 00:38:47
Chair votes yes. Those appointments are approved. Thank you Council. The consent agenda are minutes from November 16th, December 00:38:53
14th, January 4th and 11th. I miss any. 00:38:59
We got it. Some merry move, approval of the minutes on the dates listed on the agenda. 00:39:07
Second motion is second. Did we have any edits or comments? I think Drew, you had one. You sent it to Stephanie already. 00:39:13
OK, we have a motion and a second then all in favor, say aye, aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:39:21
Consent agenda is approved. 00:39:28
Thank you, Council City Manager Gina. 00:39:30
All right. I have only good news and the city manager. 00:39:37
And I have a lot of it. 00:39:43
First, our website relaunch went live on Tuesday. That is the culmination of a two year process. 00:39:46
Our website now works on mobile devices, tablets, desktops and laptops. It's going to be a continual work in progress, so if you 00:39:56
find something that isn't working or doesn't let look right, please let Stephanie know. 00:40:02
But I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I hope you are too, and I really want to thank Stephanie publicly for coordinating 00:40:09
this effort over the last two years. 00:40:14
As part of our relaunch, our website address has changed. So it's now holiday, 00:40:20
We're in the process of changing our emails as well for a while, both the old site the old. 00:40:28 and our existing emails will continue to work. We think this will be at least a six month transition, but that 00:40:36
was necessitated as part of a state law last year. 00:40:42
In addition to Stephanie, a lot of staff worked on developing new content for the website folks in the Justice Court. 00:40:50
Public services and community and economic development. So I want to thank them too for updating that content and that's really 00:41:00
exciting. 00:41:04
I have a lot of really good grant news as well. We received an award that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we were applying 00:41:10
for, which was funding for a part-time position for a public health position. 00:41:18
For three years, and we received that award about three days after we applied for it. 00:41:27
So we'll bring you more details. I know the council had some specific questions about what that position would do and we'll be 00:41:36
bringing those to you in the next probably six weeks. 00:41:41
I think the grant becomes effective in May. 00:41:47
We also received an award of a little more than $700,000 from Safe Routes to School for phase two of our 27th East. 00:41:51
Sidewalk Project. This is the section from Warningside to Melanie. We were funded just on the West side of of the 27th East, 00:42:03
though, but this award will go a long way toward improving pedestrian access and connectivity along 27th East. 00:42:13
So phase one construction is scheduled to start later this spring and then phase two hopefully next year. 00:42:23
There is a match and I don't remember off the top of my head what it is. That's fabulous. 00:42:32
I have more good news. 00:42:39
So. 00:42:42
As of right now, our $3.6 million earmark for Highland Drive is still included in the transportation appropriation build at the 00:42:43
House of Representatives approved yesterday and hopefully the Senate should approve that in the next couple of days. This is for 00:42:51
the fiscal year, federal fiscal year 24 that started in October. We should have a federal budget. 00:42:59
Six months later. 00:43:07
Once that is approved. 00:43:09
There will still be a process before we receive the funds, but that's still on track, which is good news. 00:43:12
In addition, from the state legislature. 00:43:20
This year, we received $1.23 million in a direct appropriation also for Highland Drive. This was part of a larger transportation 00:43:24
bill that made some changes, including changes to the fifth quarter that we can talk about later, but that's an additional piece 00:43:32
for Highland Drive that is really good news. 00:43:39
Then on our trail system, WFRC earlier, well probably 2 weeks ago, it released a ranking of active transportation and trails 00:43:48
programs. 00:43:53
And we have two projects that are ranked in the top 13 on that list. I think there are about 60 projects on the list. 00:43:59
One is a multi city project along 39th South. That's the 39th South Bicycle Lane project. 00:44:09
Our section from 23rd East to Highland Dr. along the South side is likely to be a complicated and expensive part of that project. 00:44:19
So my understanding is that other sections, including a section in Mill Creek will probably come first, But it's great news that 00:44:25
that project was ranked #2. 00:44:32
And then our. 00:44:39
I215 pathway that would connect Knudsen and Big Cottonwood Trail to Highland Drive that was ranked 13th. 00:44:41
So we anticipate state funding will be available shortly and we're really excited by our rankings of these two projects. 00:44:52
Then in terms of staffing, our new emergency Manager, Allison Jester started Monday. She comes to us from Utah County. 00:45:00
Emergency Management and we're thrilled to have her on our team. You'll be meeting her in the next couple of months as well. 00:45:10
And then finally our searches is narrowing for our finance director. I had hoped to make an offer by the 1st of March, but I've 00:45:17
been a little delayed. 00:45:22
And expect that I would be making an offer by midweek, next week we have. 00:45:28
Good candidates and I hope to have someone in place there by the 1st of April. 00:45:35
Who's doing that in the meantime? 00:45:40
So we have our outside financial consultant who is processing our payroll and our accounts payable. 00:45:43
And then we've sort of divvied up. 00:45:52
The remainder of the functions, the essential functions. 00:45:54
All right. 00:46:01
Thanks. 00:46:03
I will start with you and just work our way down the Council report. 00:46:05
The only I have. I was out of town for the first since we changed since I took on the Historical Society. So I was I was absent 00:46:11
for their meeting in February. They have one coming up here in March which I'm looking forward to and I understand that this Doug 00:46:16
Wright historical series. 00:46:21
Was that the 11th or the 11th at 7:00 PM here at City Hall then? 00:46:26
But other than that, that's all that I have to report. 00:46:31
There's a tree talk at the library on Saturday at 10:30. He'll be on. 00:46:36
Planting trees that attract birds to your yard. So let your neighbors know about that. And the tree committee is busy planning a 00:46:44
Harbor Day activities. This year, they're going to be planning for trees at Morningside Elementary. 00:46:50
Which will be great. 00:46:56
They the program will be M seed by the students, so they'll want to attend April 26th at 2:00. 00:46:58
Happy Healthy Holiday is continuing to work on its strategic plan. Megan Bartley, our intern, is out doing community A community 00:47:08
needs assessment and some interviews to help inform how we would draft the the strategic plan. 00:47:16
And we have an upcoming event with. 00:47:24
Sort of the. 00:47:27
Inauguration of the new signage at the Big Cottonwood Trail. 00:47:29
That will probably be sometime in mid-May, but it's a. 00:47:33
Walk. It's a walking, running, biking trail. 00:47:35
And should be a great asset for the community, so there will be more details coming out on that. 00:47:39
A week from Saturday is the Arts Council's fine art show. We just, of course, just had our tiny art show in February, which was a 00:47:47
raging success. But our fine art show is always just as raging as success, and expect this year to be no different. 00:47:55
So our will be hung and ready to display and and for patrons to to come enjoy it starting a week from Saturday. So that's the 16th 00:48:03
I believe 16th through the following next week, so 16th through the 23rd. Usually the the Art gallery is open regular hours Monday 00:48:09
through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 and on Saturday from. 00:48:15
Of course he knew what time that. 00:48:22
Starts on Saturday. Is it afternoon? I can't remember. 00:48:25
I had it up on my phone. 00:48:30
This is which one? 00:48:36
Holiday arts. 00:48:39
I don't show on the calendar. 00:48:43
An art show? Here it is. 00:48:50
As let's see open, oh, there's a reception as well on on Saturday night. I think that's what this Saturday opening Saturday is, is 00:49:02
the evening opening reception. So if you go on Saturday the 16th opening, that's from 6:00 to 8:00 PM where they actually have, 00:49:08
you know some. 00:49:13
Hors, d'oeuvres and beverages and such. 00:49:19
And then Monday through Friday would be the nine to five enjoying it. And then the final Saturday is usually a nine to one and 00:49:22
then they start picking up the art from there. So yeah, opening Saturday would be Saturday night. 00:49:27
Hope to see you there. 00:49:34
That's all I have, OK. 00:49:37
All right. A little bit of news on the Community Renewable Energy Agency or as we have rebranded it, the Utah Renewable 00:49:40
Communities. It's a lot easier to say. 00:49:45
In the legislative session that just ended Senate Bill 214. 00:49:52
Was a bill only targeting the Community Renewable Energy Agency, luckily. 00:49:57
With good people like Todd and the Utah League of Cities and Towns. 00:50:05
It was. 00:50:09
Changed from the original intent, but it did make one change. 00:50:11
And that is that. Now new communities are able to join. 00:50:18
And I think that might even be a good thing, because I don't know if you remember. 00:50:23
Mayor, you were on the council and Paul, probably. 00:50:29
When we had to in 2019. 00:50:33
Sign our. 00:50:37
Intent to. 00:50:39
To participate. 00:50:41
And at that point soon after that it was cut off. So the this I think is going to be a positive change that. 00:50:42
Under certain conditions. 00:50:51
Hopefully if the program goes really well, more communities will want to get on board and that could be a really good thing. 00:50:53
One thing that I did find out recently at a Morningside Community Council meeting is that. 00:51:04
Let me back up. We all remember when Spring Lane was closed when that announcement was made two years ago. 00:51:10
At that point, the plan was to look next at the. 00:51:16
Schools east of where that? 00:51:22
That boundary study was made. 00:51:25
And I was surprised that we hadn't heard anything because that study will include several schools in holiday. Apparently what has 00:51:27
happened is the district felt that there was an area that that had. 00:51:34
More immediate needs, more immediate concerns, and that is that 3500 S corridor. 00:51:42
On the West side of the valley and. 00:51:49
We will be looked at a year from now instead of now, if anybody was curious about that. 00:51:52
Anyway. 00:52:00
Yeah, exactly a year respite. 00:52:02
And that's it. 00:52:05
All those community, all those. 00:52:08
Communities, we're happy to let you guys do all the hard work and get it all settled and then when they got comfortable, they said 00:52:11
they'll jump on board and join in. 00:52:14
I think that's what it's going to look like. 00:52:19
I'm being a smart aleck. 00:52:22
No, that's OK. But like I say, I think it could be a good thing because. 00:52:24
It will give us that much more money to work with, yeah, no, that was the hope initially and then a couple of big players dropped 00:52:28
out right out of the gate and. 00:52:32
Ruin some of the economies, right? But yeah, I think you're right. The more they get in there, the more the costs will be spread 00:52:37
out and lower the net cost of those that decide to participate, I think exactly. 00:52:41
OK, very quickly had a ribbon cutting Kimmy's last night and Francis and. 00:52:48
The business board Advisory Board keeps saying I'm not even going to say IT Advisory Board. 00:52:55
Had a nice showing there. There's six of them there, I think of the 8. 00:53:03
And great showing. 00:53:07
The restaurant turned out. It's beautiful. I don't know, John, if you guys have been down there to see the final TI's, but. 00:53:09
While they open it up and it's bright and it was packed and it's been packed since they opened. So spread the word. Great new 00:53:16
restaurant in holiday, great addition. 00:53:20
You guys have already mentioned just a small note. I don't know if you know Dee Hanson. Ty, do you know what Dee lives by you very 00:53:28
involved in the baseball community and they're doing a field clean up next Saturday from. 00:53:34
Looks like about 9:00 to noon. There's a few members of the youth council, I think that need volunteer hours are going to pitch in 00:53:40
if there's any. 00:53:43
Kids from the churches that want to do a little volunteer work, I think they've got a pretty good amount of volunteers. They don't 00:53:47
need a ton. But if somebody wants to pitch in, Thomas agreed to drop a trailer off Friday night. That's our participation and so. 00:53:53
We're I think we're good. We're not over committing ourselves. 00:54:00
So anyway, they're going to be getting those fields ready to go for the spring season. 00:54:06
And wow, I think that's all I have. So I think we'll just. 00:54:10
Take a recess, take a couple of minute break and then start across the hall with UPD. 00:54:16
Mr. Mayor, I move. We adjourn City Council and reconvene an work meeting in 5 minutes. Second, all in favor, say aye. We are 00:54:21
recessed. 00:54:25
You. 00:54:34
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