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Yeah. 00:00:01
Stephanie, I'm ready whenever you are. 00:00:24
OK. 00:00:32
Welcome everybody. We're going to call to order the City of Holiday City Council meeting on Thursday, June 6th, and we'll start 00:00:33
with the pledge. 00:00:37
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:45
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:52
OK. Thank you. 00:01:04
Before we open up public comment, I did mention something across the hall, but it sounds like John made a presentation down the 00:01:09
tree committee meeting earlier. But I. 00:01:15
And we'll be talking to all of you when we get to the work session. But I would like to say an open meeting that we'll be losing 00:01:22
Travis, who's been on our tree committee and chaired the tree committee for a number of years. 00:01:27
And really grown it to be a really effective committee inside the city and we've got quite a few of them now. 00:01:33
All you've done for us and wish you nothing but the best up in Oregon and and go go east of the Cascades. Go to Bend, not to 00:02:16
Eugene. 00:02:22
If you get a choice, unless you love rain, in which case go to Eugene. 00:02:28
OK, So that'll bring us to public comment before I open up public comment. We do have five public hearings tonight. So if anybody 00:02:33
is here to address the city on any of the public hearings, I would ask you to wait till we open up that particular public hearing. 00:02:40
Those public hearings have are a rezone on 5600 S budget amendments for this year and the proposed fiscal year budget for next 00:02:46
year and then public hearings on changes to the city's compensation schedule and and municipal officers compensation increases 00:02:53
schedule. 00:03:00
So if you're here to comment on any of those, just wait till I get to that public hearing then and then feel free to comment once 00:03:08
we open that up. 00:03:11
If you're here to comment on anything other than those five public hearings. 00:03:16
Now is the time we'll have Trudy go 1st and she'll show you how it's done, name and address, and we ask that you just try to keep 00:03:22
it to 3 minutes or less if you can, please. 00:03:27
I'm tree from the library and I've got some things I want to hand out if that's OK, Sure OK. 00:03:33
I'm sure it's non controversial coming from the library. 00:03:41
Oh, is there coloring involved? 00:03:46
And now I congratulate all of you on signing up for summer reading. You're setting a great example. 00:03:56
As you can see. 00:04:02
It's not just reading anymore. You can read, create, learn, play, and connect. You can do one of each of those activities every 00:04:04
day, and for each one of those activities that you do, you color in or mark off one of those icons at the bottom. Once you get 00:04:10
them all colored in or marked off, you bring the sheet back to the library. You get a free book, you get to enter into our prize 00:04:16
drawings, and you get some coupons to get money off on some fun activities. You have until July 31st to get this done if you 00:04:22
finish early. 00:04:27
You can come in, we've got a bonus round that you can sign up for called Ticket to Read, and you can earn up to three more free 00:04:34
books. And for each of these, because you can do this three times and each time you do it, you get 7 more entries into the prize 00:04:39
drawing it increases your chances. 00:04:44
So that's what the biggest fun at the library is for the for the month of June. I do want to highlight some of our story times 00:04:50
because they're going to be pretty exciting. We've got little tiny animals coming on Tuesday the 11th. We have a fire truck coming 00:04:58
on the 18th, and we have a puppet show on the 25th of June for the 10:15 Tuesday story time. And Stephanie has worked with us 00:05:05
really wonderfully to get us some story times at the gazebo starting in July. So we're excited about those. 00:05:12
And that is what's happening at the library. Can I answer any questions, any questions for Trudy? 00:05:20
Happy reading. All right. Thank you very much. 00:05:28
Anybody else for public comment coming up? 00:05:35
Let me let me explain what's going on. My daughter can't be here because she's at a work meeting. She's at 1866 Beaumont Circle. 00:05:42
I'm her father. And she asked me to speak on the proposed Adu ordinance changes. Is it OK? Yeah. Name and address, please. OK. My 00:05:50
name is Luke Montoya. Her name is Amanda Mendenhall, 1866 Beaumont Circle. And she wanted me to. 00:05:58
Comment on this because the Adu in our case actually is an effort to take care of a family member. My grandson contracted some 00:06:07
pretty severe health issues after COVID, contracting COVID in addition to his epilepsy, in addition to a permanent heart defect. 00:06:15
And so he's not really going to be able to live on his own. So the Adu ordinance changes are going to affect possibly what my 00:06:22
daughter is going to be able to do in the way of accommodating him, giving him a space to live and a place to work. 00:06:30
The main issue is that the 10 foot set back doesn't seem to give city officials any flexibility in making adjustments for setbacks 00:06:39
and other other criteria for smaller properties in this case. 00:06:49
We have. It's a little over 1/4 of an acre of lot. 00:06:59
And I would like to build a small Adu. It's it's going to be fairly small. And so we'd like to put a, a small loft in it, which 00:07:03
may come into problem for because of the size of the lot, but it's kind of important because. 00:07:10
The living level will basically be just enough to live on and he's going to be working out of this this his home basically. 00:07:18
So we'd like to have some flexibility for city officials when they're receiving these requests for Adus. Now, these are external 00:07:27
Adus that I'm talking about to be able to make adjustments in cases where it makes sense. In this case that the property backs to 00:07:35
a canal, there's no one behind it, The vegetation is very mature. It literally blocks the Adu, the proposed Adu, from the 00:07:43
neighbors, from anybody behind it. 00:07:50
There's really not going to be a privacy concern, even though it's a smaller lot. 00:07:59
That really won't be an issue. There's just no way the neighbor can even see this unit from their house. And there's in this case 00:08:05
there's even a garage that's in the way. So to have a rigid template set back or to have a rigid 2 story requirement would 00:08:11
basically make it impossible to build a unit that would accommodate if my grandson in a way that wouldn't affect any neighbor or 00:08:17
anyone else. 00:08:23
So those are the two things. Just basically flexibility on the 10 foot set back that's more important for smaller lots. It's good 00:08:31
that the that the City Council has decided to make these Adus for only family, not for rental or whatever and we support that, but 00:08:37
in this case on a smaller lot. 00:08:43
It's going to be really hard to accommodate the family member because of the size of the lot. Now. There's also a lot of mature 00:08:51
trees. If we have that Ridge of 10 foot set back, we're probably going to have to take out a very valuable shade tree from the 00:08:56
yard. It's going to change the nature of the lot. 00:09:01
The only other exception would be if we can't get. 00:09:07
Some adjustment or some flexibility and the height or the OR the? 00:09:12
Set back under unique circumstances. 00:09:18
Then at least maybe carve out an exception for properties that are not going to, but other residences, you know, where you got 00:09:23
open field behind you, canals or whatnot. And so that's that's what we're hoping that there will be some flexibility building to 00:09:30
whatever ordinance pass that will allow city officials to accommodate these unique lots, these irregularly shaped lots and help 00:09:36
get the most out of the use of the property. 00:09:43
For family members. 00:09:51
Thank you. OK, thanks. Yeah, interesting because the public hearing on this Adu is closed. But just for the record, we do have. 00:09:52
A a submission from your daughter that is in the hands of all the, I don't know what that means Todd, in terms of, but we have it 00:10:04
and it's pretty detailed and details what you've talked about. And I would assume we would probably talk a little bit about that 00:10:11
when we're working through the Adu. We continue to work through the Adu ordinance in the. 00:10:17
Work session which we will be doing tonight. You're welcome to stay for that discussion. That's an open meeting discussion we 00:10:25
have. But I just wanted you to know that we have the document, all the Council members have the document that was forward that 00:10:31
kind of covers what your concerns are as it relates to the ordinance. All right, thank you. 00:10:37
And anybody else for public comment? 00:10:44
OK. It doesn't appear that we have anybody else for public comment, so I'll close public comment and move on to item number four. 00:10:51
And this is a proposed hearing on the rezone at 1932 E, 5600 S from R110 to R210. The staff report was written by Kerry Marsh. 00:10:58
It's in the packet. 00:11:05
As I stated across the hall, this seemed, at least to me, to be a pretty straightforward application. We'll have Carrie come over 00:11:13
and just kind of cover the high points with the council and then we'll take it from there. 00:11:18
Great. Thank you, Mayor. So this is a requested rezone for an R110 zone to an R210 zone. It's located at 1932 E 5600 S, just West 00:11:28
of Highland Drive. 00:11:36
It is a larger property. It's .44 acres, just shy of being able to subdivide into two parcels, I think by about 835 square feet. 00:11:47
It is on a wide arterial road, 66 feet wide. 00:11:59
It's exterior to a neighborhood and properties around the the proposed rezone are all zoned as either R2 with a much higher 00:12:04
density RM on the corner of Highland and 5600 S. 00:12:11
That's AI believe that one zip assisted care center. So the context of all the surrounding properties are listed in the staff 00:12:19
report. 00:12:24
And overall this would enable a total net gain of two dwelling units in addition to the existing one. If 3 units were on the 00:12:31
property, I would result in about 6389 square feet of land per unit. 00:12:40
Doing single family detached units within an R210 zone. 00:12:50
Are there any questions on it or that I can answer? 00:12:58
Was there much activity in terms of public comment at the Planning Commission? 00:13:04
We had multiple comments. Most people were neighbors that were concerned with the care of the property or condition of the 00:13:10
property. 00:13:15
Those issues were addressed with code enforcement. Our code enforcement officer went out to the property and you know, closed out 00:13:21
their case that they had existing before. Most of the issues were with rats. The canal is just West of the of this property, so 00:13:27
not with the rezone percentage. The rats issue was. 00:13:32
Everywhere by by the canals, so but nothing that would affect a rezone. 00:13:39
Thank you. 00:13:45
Anything else for Carrie, the applicants here? I don't know if you want to address the council. 00:13:47
You're welcome to. 00:13:54
I'll say a couple words. Sure. Thank you, Matthew Lewis. 00:13:56
This is my parents home that they lived in. I think they bought it in 1991 or 1992. My dad used the back. If you saw the picture 00:14:01
from before, there was kind of an outbuilding there on the property when he purchased it. I think the building was being used as a 00:14:08
kind of lock or door hardware manufacturing facility actually. And then. 00:14:16
He taught you, converted it into a music studio, taught out of it for um. 00:14:26
I guess almost 30 years till he passed away five years ago so. 00:14:31
My sister tried to. 00:14:36
Kind of talk about maybe using that as a business again with city officials and then that was denied. So really we have this 00:14:39
building there that's. 00:14:43
That's kind of what we're trying to address is some kind of way to improve the property. 00:14:48
But because it looks like that building is essentially unusable because it's not grandfathered in anymore like it was for him. So 00:14:54
that kind of was the motivation. 00:14:58
We've been told, you know, this is the first step is to try to get this rezone and that any kind of plan we would make going 00:15:03
forward would be subject to review and comment. And you know, that's what we tried to make clear. So we don't really know what to 00:15:08
do yet. I don't think the. 00:15:14
Studio itself is usable as a residence because it's not built on a foundation. I think it's on a pad. 00:15:19
But we haven't looked in that. So anyway that's just our plan that kind of what motivated it. As far as some background, we 00:15:26
obviously believe we're going to now you know if this is approved we would then. 00:15:31
Look into different options and that would still be subject to comment and review on any of the concerns that have been raised on 00:15:37
other issues so. 00:15:41
But happy to answer any questions if there are any. 00:15:46
Any questions for Mr. Lewis? 00:15:51
OK. 00:15:54
Yeah, stick around. We'll. 00:15:56
Did you want to make? 00:15:59
Why don't we, why don't we open up the public hearing and maybe you come up during the public hearing. So I'm going to open the 00:16:02
public hearing. It's open. 00:16:06
Come on up. 00:16:12
Just remember to give us your name and address please. 00:16:18
Aidan Bradney 1922 E 5600 S. 00:16:21
Good evening everyone. I was here at the last meeting. 00:16:28
And what the young lady said about the rats was true, but there were also multiple families. 00:16:31
Who were opposed to the change significantly and we are one of them because we are the next door neighbors. 00:16:37
To that, we've never had any issues with rats. The lady from the HOA from that big. 00:16:45
Housing property, she had problem with rats and the condition of it, but for the most part it's ourselves and then the people that 00:16:50
own properties and live on Nation's Way, which is the road to yeah, directly there. 00:16:57
So there is a major issue with the rezoning. One is we have a beautiful Mountain View as it stands right now from our backyard, we 00:17:05
can see the mountains and that's the reason that we came to Salt Lake City and we wanted that in our lives. I believe that that 00:17:13
would potentially disappear. The other thing is changing it to the rezoning, it is going to change the population density and I 00:17:21
don't think the infrastructure actual like plumbing infrastructure as well as the infrastructure of the neighborhood can. 00:17:29
Withstand that influx of people where and especially the motor vehicles. 00:17:37
Assuming that each house typically has two vehicles, the parking down there would be pretty horrendous because the entrance Rd. 00:17:42
which is directly from my property to the existing property of the Lewis's is like an 8 foot wide lane. So how they would even get 00:17:49
a cement truck down there to build, no idea. Fire trucks out of the question. So there's a lot of issues that yeah, that we stand 00:17:56
behind and we're going to oppose it all the way. 00:18:03
Thank you. 00:18:11
Hello, my name is Sean O'Brien I I own the property just just to the West, directly West. 00:18:26
Of the proposed rezoning right next to Gemma Aiden, who just spoke. 00:18:32
And so I just have maybe a couple questions and then I'll issue my concerns. To go from R210R one 10110 R 210, what would be the 00:18:38
maximum density there? How many units would would you allow on a .44 acre? Well, we typically don't get in the big back and forth 00:18:45
during public hearing, but I think what Kerry said was 3. 00:18:53
Three would be the Max. 00:19:02
OK, I get that right, Carrie. 00:19:05
OK, that's right. Three. OK. And what would be the maximum height? 00:19:09
I think 32 feet. 00:19:14
It's the same, yeah. 00:19:17
32 No change in item. I know that the holiday cottages are 42 feet. 00:19:19
They originally were planned to be 32 feet. So what happened with that? That's RM. That's a different zone. 00:19:26
Pardon me, Is that the property just to the east, just right up here just north of 45th and 23rd? 00:19:33
I'm talking, oh, you're talking about a whole different property altogether. I know we are. But originally it was 32 feet. It's a 00:19:39
different zone, I know. But originally I've got, I've got the, the, the, the meeting minutes and it was 32 feet. I could be wrong, 00:19:45
but now I know it's 42 feet. So that's a concern I have, you know? Well, yeah, I mean, I want to kind of avoid getting in a big 00:19:51
back and forth here, but. 00:19:57
The R210 zone which the applicant is applying for has a height restriction of 32 feet, correct? So that's it. OK, OK, that's all 00:20:04
right. Well, my concerns are. 00:20:09
The entire atmosphere and the value of my property. So that's a big concern. I just think it's kind of unfair to change the zoning 00:20:48
at this stage of the game, You know, when we've invested and we have a certain. 00:20:56
Certain atmosphere there. 00:21:03
So, and then I guess that would be my main concern, changing the zoning right now, how it will affect us, it'll it'll affect us 00:21:07
greatly. 00:21:11
You can imagine if you have a beautiful backyard and the big wall, imagine what we have at holiday cages, you know, maybe not 42 00:21:16
feet, but 32 feet straight across. So, so that's my concern. I, I get, you know, I, it's wonderful. He wants to do something. I 00:21:22
just don't know if I like the idea of doubling the density. 00:21:28
In fact, his dad taught my all my daughter's piano. So I know that I know that area. It's a great, great memories and stuff. But I 00:21:34
think it will really negatively affect my property and the neighbor's property. I'd love to be could just stick with R110, build a 00:21:40
duplex back there, whatever. But I just think it's, I think it's kind of unfair for a homeowner that's owned it for, I think I've 00:21:46
owned it for. 00:21:52
Probably 1215 years and that was built prior to that. It's going to completely change everything. 00:21:59
So I guess that's my biggest concern. 00:22:06
Thank you. OK, Thank you. 00:22:10
Anybody else for? 00:22:23
The public hearing. 00:22:25
OK, there being an I'm going to actually close this public hearing then. And for those that are here, this item you'll see on the 00:22:30
agenda in the work session will be discussed again. 00:22:35
Across the hall, once we recess to work session, you can hear it's an open meeting so you can hear the Council's discussion on the 00:22:41
application. 00:22:44
Thank you. 00:22:48
Item number 5 is the public hearing on proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2324, which is this year, which is about to end 00:22:51
the end of this month. So Gina will review those with us and then we'll open up the public hearing. So there are a few changes 00:22:59
that are being proposed starting in the general fund. In the general fund, we're recognizing a some donations for our lighting for 00:23:08
our skate park, about $28,000. On the expense side, you'll see that money being contributed to the grant account. 00:23:16
And then in the grant account at $28,000 of donation is being combined with some grant revenue that we received from Salt Lake 00:23:25
County. 00:23:31
For $77,000, which is what we spent on our new skate park lighting. 00:23:38
You'll also see $72,000 coming from Salt Lake County Health Department. This is our opioid settlement money and before you adopt 00:23:46
next. 00:23:51
Week, I think we're going to adjust that number down to match the expense side, which will we anticipate spending in this year and 00:23:57
you'll see that on the expense side, salaries and wages of about $4100 in office supplies, so totaling $5000. That is for our 00:24:06
public health coordinator who will be starting next week. 00:24:14
And then we're proposing the use of about $30,000 of fund balance for several expenses. That includes increases in the cost of 00:24:24
utilities, increases in insurance and those two items together we we expect to be about $30,000 over budget this year between the 00:24:32
two of them. 00:24:39
We also have. 00:24:48
Incurred additional building inspection contract costs and that was due to we had an employee, our building inspector was. 00:24:52
Out for a period of time and then subsequently resigned and we needed to fill that service in with inspection. So you're seeing a 00:25:06
reduction from community development employee benefits and salaries and wages and an increase in that building inspection 00:25:12
contract. 00:25:18
Those are the changes in the general fund. Any questions there before I move on? 00:25:26
OK. In terms of the capital projects fund? 00:25:32
We are showing a. 00:25:38
Change in how? 00:25:42
How we funded a crosswalk project that happened in front of the Wasatch Waldorf. So we are reflecting that money coming into the 00:25:44
city, about $300,000. 00:25:51
And then on the expense side? 00:25:59
We have about a $250,000 worth of expenses. 00:26:03
Our revenues and expenses matched. 00:26:09
But we had about $50,000 of expenses in the prior year. 00:26:11
In fiscal 2223. 00:26:17
In the grants fund, we have talked about our contributions and our skate park TRCC grant for expenses of $77,000. 00:26:24
Any questions I can answer on the budget amendment? 00:26:36
OK, no questions, Regina. OK, very well, we'll open the public hearing on proposed budget amendments for the fiscal year 2023-2024 00:26:45
budget public hearing is open. 00:26:50
Anybody to address the Council on the budget amendments? 00:26:55
There being then we'll close the public hearing and we'll place this on the June 13 agenda for vote and we'll move right now to 00:27:00
the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget. This is for the entire budget for next year. 00:27:07
Anything Gina? Any clarifying information or comments? 00:27:16
No, the budget includes a number of funds and I think we'll have a separate public hearing in a moment from the RDA perspective, 00:27:25
but this public hearing includes general fund, storm water Grants fund, arts fund. 00:27:35
And debt service. 00:27:46
And capital projects? 00:27:47
Any questions for Gina before we open the public hearing? OK, Public hearing is now open. 00:27:50
Anybody to address the Council on the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget? 00:27:57
OK, there being then we'll close this public hearing and we'll move to item number seven. This is a public hearing on these are 00:28:07
two new items that have been mandated by state legislature, I believe. Yeah. So, Mayor, I don't know, you had indicated you wanted 00:28:12
to leave that budget. 00:28:17
Hearing open. 00:28:23
I do. 00:28:26
I'm going to reopen going back to item number six. Thank you, Gina, and I apologize. 00:28:30
We anticipate, and I have my note right there too, but we anticipate there's some changes that are going to occur over the week 00:28:37
with maybe some new growth numbers and some movement in in the UPD budget and any final tweaks that we might make to the budget 00:28:45
that will post for vote and the fact that we may make some changes to it. We think it's important that we leave the public hearing 00:28:52
open in case residents want to comment. So with that, I would like to reopen the public hearing on proposed fiscal year. 00:28:59
2024-2025 Budgets and leave the public hearing open. 00:29:07
Okay. 00:29:12
Thank you. 00:29:13
Thanks. 00:29:15
Umm, so we have two public hearings. The first, item number seven, is a public hearing on proposed changes. 00:29:17
To the city's compensation schedule. It's inside your packet. Any questions from City Council on the schedule? 00:29:23
There being then we'll open this public hearing, anybody to address the council on the compensation posted compensation schedule. 00:29:34
There being then we'll close this public hearing and move on to item number 8, the public hearing on executive municipal officers 00:29:42
compensation increase. 00:29:46
Also in the packet inside the same table highlighted in yellow, any questions from Council on the officers compensation increase 00:29:50
schedule? 00:29:55
There being none will open this public hearing anybody to address the Council on the Municipal Officers compensation increase 00:30:03
schedule? 00:30:06
There being then, we'll close this public hearing and move on to item number 9. This is consideration of Resolution 2024-20, 00:30:13
authorizing designated individuals as signatures on various financial accounts. Essentially, we have two accounts here in the 00:30:20
city, ones with Zions and ones with Holiday Bank and Trust. This adds signatories on the accounts for Zions of myself, Gina 00:30:26
Chambers, Holly Smith, Paul Fotheringham and Drew Quinn, and on Holiday Bank and Trust's account, myself, Gina Chambers, Paul 00:30:33
Fotheringham and Holly Smith. 00:30:40
Any questions for Gina before we take a motion? 00:30:47
Do you want me to make it since you're on there? Doesn't matter, Mr. Mayor, I would move approval of resolution #2024-20 00:30:58
authorizing designated individuals as signatories for the various financial accounts. Second. OK, we have a motion and a second 00:31:05
council member Gray, yes. Council member Quinn, yes. Council member Fotheringham Council member Durham, Yes. Council member 00:31:13
Brewer, yes. And chair vote. Just those signatories are approved and we are on the financial report item number 10. 00:31:20
City Manager Gina Chambers. 00:31:28
So I'll start with a financial report and then I have a couple of other things to tell the Council about. 00:31:35
Overall, our financial report. 00:31:42
Through May, through the end of May shows us in good shape in terms of both revenues and expenses. So property tax, our largest 00:31:45
single source of revenue, although closely followed by sales tax. 00:31:54
This is a a source that's really collected once a year and so after our final settlement with the county where we're just slightly 00:32:05
below. 00:32:11
The level that we had budgeted about $100,000 less in terms of property taxes than we had anticipated in our budget. 00:32:17
In terms of sales tax, the number that you see is actual through 530 reflects 5 months of actuals. We've received, I'm sorry, 00:32:26
seven months of actuals. So there are five additional months of sales tax, which will eventually see. Two of those months for a 00:32:36
technical reason have not been presented here. But we do have that money and we're tracking I would say, about $100,000. 00:32:45
Less than budget. 00:32:56
In terms of sales tax, it's a better position than I thought we were going to be in a few months ago. And it it's really the 00:32:58
reason why we're keeping sales tax consistent and not increasing it at all in in the fiscal 25 budget. 00:33:06
Franchise taxes. 00:33:15
Through May, knowing that we have three additional months of franchise revenue to come in, we're at 100% of budget. So we expect 00:33:18
that will will exceed budget by another 150,000 and then other taxes. 00:33:28
Through May were at nearly 100%. 00:33:39
In terms of other sources of revenue, business licenses, building permits? 00:33:43
And other licenses and permits all are tracking fairly consistent with budget. I'll just point out our intergovernmental revenue 00:33:49
number had appeared. 00:33:55
Had appeared a little low, but we've received a $300,000 distribution from the state this week, which will take us a. 00:34:03
Up to budget. So overall in terms of revenue, I think we're tracking really well other revenue, you'll see that 494% above budget 00:34:13
that is interest. We're at about a almost $1,000,000 just in interest collected through this year, which far exceeds what we had 00:34:23
budgeted. Justice Court revenue, good news there, tracking very well against budget. 00:34:34
And that's the first time in a long time I've been able to say that. 00:34:45
On the expense side, departments overall are tracking very well against budget with a couple of exceptions that we've just talked 00:34:50
about. The City Hall budget I. 00:34:56
Through five through May is over budget, that's really utilities and insurance and is part of the reason for that budget amendment 00:35:03
that you've seen and then building inspection also tracking about budget. 00:35:10
Any questions? 00:35:20
Gina just I'm not looking at the budget for this year, but the I know we. 00:35:23
We're more aggressive on that interest line in the upcoming budget. So is it pretty much match? 00:35:31
What we're producing right now, it does not. So I took that number up, but not knowing what's going to happen in terms of interest 00:35:37
rates, I didn't keep it at the same level we're seeing this year. And that's something we can certainly talk about if you'd like 00:35:44
to be more aggressive in that projection. But yeah, I would like to. 00:35:52
Well, I guess my question would be that we actually have a number here of what we're like that's an actual. 00:36:02
Interest revenue that we have accumulated. And so I'm assuming most of that's coming off our fund balance, which I don't 00:36:11
anticipate changing too much. So I think we'd be probably pretty safe to try to align our interest revenue, get it as close as we 00:36:17
can for next year. I think I want to say it was like 4 or 500,000 or something, and maybe it should be closer to a million, I 00:36:23
don't know. But it's something I'd love to take a look at bottom line and that's something I'd be happy to look at over the next 00:36:29
week. 00:36:35
And we can, we can make an adjustment next. Yeah, OK. 00:36:41
On that other taxes revenue line item, can you just elaborate a little bit on that, you know where we're at budget essentially in 00:36:46
May and can you just explain a little bit more and it's not nothing either 480 grand or whatever it was. 00:36:52
So I. 00:36:59
So were you looking at the other revenue line, the 477? Yeah, other taxes. So my recollection and and I apologize without looking 00:37:02
at the the financial statement. I I can't recall off the top of my head, but I think most of that is delinquent property taxes and 00:37:11
other other categories of property taxes where where it comes in once a year and it's not something we'd anticipate to continue to 00:37:19
go through that. That's right. So it is so if you. 00:37:27
And that typically happens a lot with refinancing where maybe someone hasn't paid their property tax. 00:37:36
For a number of years and then pays in one lump sum that shows up in that other tax delinquent tax item. We try and keep that 00:37:41
property tax line item. 00:37:47
Consistent with the certified tax rate. So it's easy for you to go from one to another and not mix those delinquent taxes with it. 00:37:54
Thank you. 00:38:02
There are no other questions about the financial report. I had a few other items to update the council about. 00:38:07
1st is the mayor mentioned earlier. 4th of July is coming right up. We had our first meeting about the event spanning from 00:38:15
breakfast until fireworks and just wanted to alert the council to one change. 00:38:26
So this year we are we will have a mass gathering permit for that event and and that will necessitate because of the the fireworks 00:38:38
we were going to need to close the playground earlier than we have in past years. So our plan is to keep it open through the 00:38:48
breakfast and then close the playground at noon because that that area is part of the restricted area for fireworks. 00:38:58
And our fireworks placement starts at about noon that day. 00:39:08
So that that's a change. And I know for parents who gather early for our concerts, that is likely to be a disappointment, but 00:39:13
there is there's a good reason we're doing that to keep that restricted area. 00:39:21
Safe. 00:39:28
Gina, we're going to be posting some signs to that effect. So we're posting signs and we'll be sharing. 00:39:31
Hopefully it won't be a Big Lots of sorry, sorry, sorry, but. 00:39:36
If you like fireworks. 00:39:42
We are in the process of applying for some track funding. 00:39:46
For this building and in particular for part of the remodel, as we look at the Big Cottonwood Room or what we're calling the Big 00:39:54
Cottonwood Room now, we are going to apply. If the council is on board with this concept, would like to apply for $50,000 to help 00:40:01
to engage a theater consultant. 00:40:09
To help us. 00:40:17
Redesign that space so that I. 00:40:20
It is, and Holly, if I'm saying anything incorrectly, please let me know. But I think what we want to do is make that space more 00:40:26
functional for both theater and other exhibit experiences. 00:40:33
And So what our plan would be is to engage that theater consultant this year, integrate that plan into the building remodel and 00:40:41
then hopefully apply for funding next year as part of the overall building remodel project. 00:40:50
Any concerns about that idea? 00:41:01
I do have some good, really good news about the fund, potential funding for this building's remodel project. We've been notified 00:41:06
by Representative Curtis's office that he will be supporting a $2,000,000 earmark for seismic reinforcement for this building. 00:41:16
That is, depending on how you look at the numbers, either 1/4. 00:41:26
Or. 00:41:37
Between 20 and 25% of the overall cost, which is fantastic. 00:41:39
Could you reset that? How much was the earmark? 2,000,000 dollars, 02 million. OK, yeah. 00:41:46
So that he will be suggesting and including that in the House Appropriations Committees. 00:41:50
Bill, that will eventually become part of the budget. As we know from last year, that process can take a while. 00:41:58
So I think what that means at a really practical level is that it's likely that our project here will be delayed. But certainly 00:42:07
for that level of funding, I think it's it's worth it. So that is fantastic news and we really thank Representative Curtis for 00:42:16
thinking of our project and supporting it in this way, particularly since he had supported our Highland Dr. project last year. 00:42:26
One thing that I also wanted to let the council know, and I think the mayor mentioned this earlier, both the this project and our 00:42:38
Spring Lane project are more expensive than I think I would have said they were going to be three months ago. And so we had 00:42:46
anticipated that tonight I would be coming to you with some proposed budget changes for both projects to be included in the budget 00:42:53
you adopt next week. 00:43:01
At this point, I think my recommendation is to stick with what's in the tentative budget that includes $350,000 for continued 00:43:09
design work on this building, but nothing additional. As a staff, what would like to do is think about both of those projects 00:43:16
timelines and then bring you some funding options later in the summer for both projects so you can look at that holistically 00:43:23
together. 00:43:30
I hope the Council is is good with that. 00:43:38
Yeah, I think we need to we have a chance to take a look at that the Spring Lane numbers as a council and. 00:43:42
But that is. 00:43:50
Great news on the earmark. 00:43:52
Because you know this is going to be an expensive project, we get to help with the seismic piece. 00:43:57
That's going to be big if we can get that. So that's great news. You mentioned a delay though. 00:44:02
In terms of waiting for that legislation. 00:44:10
Umm, how does that affect other timelines with regard to substitute places that we've? 00:44:13
Talked about. So I think that that that remains an open question, but I think the timeline may no longer align, although we 00:44:21
haven't conveyed that to. 00:44:27
We haven't conveyed that and I think we would just. 00:44:34
Have to see what happens. 00:44:38
But I think what you're saying is it would be wise for us at this point to kind of. 00:44:41
Stall for a little bit. We have we kind of have our numbers, we generally have our numbers on what this is going to cost and the 00:44:47
scope. 00:44:51
But it would be wise for us to wait for the federal process to. 00:44:56
Run its course. And if we indeed do win that award, that's a big. 00:45:02
Piece of the project. It kind of changes how we'll approach this. I think that's right. 00:45:09
So I think it's worth waiting. I think last time we had to wait, it has to go through the House and then the Senate and it was 00:45:16
like a eight or nine month process. 00:45:20
Yeah, I mean theoretically. 00:45:24
That Congress should adopt A budget by October 1st. That hasn't happened for many years, and it sure isn't going to happen this 00:45:28
year. 00:45:32
Right. So yeah, it's probably going to be a. I mean, it might just. 00:45:37
Stall us for a year, but. 00:45:42
It's worth waiting for. And my recollection too was getting the congressman support was the biggest step in the process. So that 00:45:45
was that was big that Congressman Curtis supported included it in his earmarks, right. And that is my understanding as well. 00:45:54
Certainly anything can happen. It will be subject to negotiations, but this was a really great first step and good sign for us. 00:46:03
I'm all for giving back as much money from Washington DC as. 00:46:15
OK. All right. Thank you. Thanks, Gina. 00:46:21
All right, Emily, you want to start on council reports? 00:46:24
Well, I feel like I'm kind of a broken record a little bit thinking John and Jared. Although Jared's not here, John has continued 00:46:31
to work tirelessly to help with. 00:46:37
The property that was detonated, and he's been working a lot with residents and trying to get that property cleaned up. 00:46:44
And really grateful to him and know that that's ending up being trickier than we thought. And so appreciate him. And then there's 00:46:52
a lot of repaving work going on in my district right now, which is short term inconvenient, and long term, we're very, very 00:46:58
grateful. So I just wanted to thank Jared, even though he's not here for that. 00:47:05
And I would like to also thank the engineers, Joe Bolton and particularly I was. 00:47:15
I was contacted by a resident who's who lives on 27th East and many of you know we have a sidewalk. 00:47:24
Project that's going on right now it's a three-year project and this is a the constituent that contacted me was in Phase 2 and so 00:47:32
he hadn't been contacted directly yet because he his property won't be involved until next year. But he had just re landscaped his 00:47:39
yard and so he was understandably a little bit dismayed that it was going to we were going to come in and and rip it all up but I 00:47:46
just want to ask Joe he went up to his house and worked with him and. 00:47:54
Laid out exactly what was going to happen in the timeline and everything, and the constituent was very grateful for that help from 00:48:01
the city. So we have a great staff, everyone. 00:48:06
Another thanks. We, there's a home in my district that's been problematic for several years. They use their front yard as a 00:48:11
parking lot and it's quite unsightly and Detective Dallas who is our ordinance control officer has been up there several times 00:48:20
talking with them, but he pointed out to me that we really don't have an ordinance that. 00:48:29
Prohibits parking. 00:48:39
Inland, you know, in a front yard. And so I contacted John Tier Link and he made some suggestions regarding possible codification, 00:48:41
for example, creating a landscape definition that would change. 00:48:49
That would somehow limit the amount of front yard you could use for parking and something like that. So that is something. 00:48:58
That I would like to pursue, John, if that. 00:49:05
Is OK with you I think that's timely in light of the fact that we're talking about this Adu ordinance and the fact that there will 00:49:09
be required additional off street parking we I think we would all like the fact that we. 00:49:16
Cars would be parked on some sort of a pad or. 00:49:24
Concrete or crushed something? Crushed rock of some sort rather than on the grass constantly so. 00:49:28
Thank you to staff for that as well. 00:49:36
Just briefly, tomorrow is the Children's Theater at 11:30 here in this building. 00:49:41
Hope you see you there. 00:49:46
I don't think we've said enough about Travis Jones yet, so I wanted to just take a minute and thank him for his service on on our 00:49:50
tree committee. He was one of our founding members of the tree committee and he's been the the chair for the last several years. 00:49:56
The, the thing that is kind of amazing about Travis is he kind of does it all. He has the ideas, he helps plan, he helps 00:50:02
implement, he loads the trailer, he unloads the trailer. He really has been a great example of leadership and I think we'll really 00:50:08
miss. 00:50:14
His participation and commitment on the TREE Committee and we wish him the best. 00:50:22
The only thing I have to report on would be. 00:50:31
The light initiative continues and I am, you know, Jared been great as far as working with some of the local residents and, and, 00:50:34
and just to try it so that we can be good neighbors to to try to address concerns of some that have been expressed. But we're 00:50:42
looking forward to and maybe Gina, maybe you could just mention, I don't know where that stands exactly as to when we anticipate 00:50:49
those being turned on, but I think we're pretty close to there, right. 00:50:56
Yeah, OK. 00:51:05
We're going to do it nighttime dry run we did do. Yeah, we did. I actually met with Jared and actually Jared wasn't an eye, but I 00:51:06
met with that resident that night and he just commented on how how great it was and appreciated the collaborative effort and. 00:51:14
Still a couple of minor concerns I think, but I think it all looks workable and should be good. 00:51:22
Awesome. 00:51:28
I don't have anything. 00:51:31
So I think we would need a motion to recess and convene an RDA. 00:51:33
So moved. 00:51:41
Second, all in favor? Aye aye. Any opposed? 00:51:42
OK, we're recessed and I'll pass the baton down to our RDA chair. 00:51:47
OK. 00:51:52
Welcome everybody, as we convene our. 00:51:54
As we convene our meeting of the Holiday Redevelopment Agency, just by way of reminder this, it's by state statute that all of the 00:52:02
members of the City Council constitute the board of the Redevelopment Agency. There's really one main item of business for tonight 00:52:07
and that is. 00:52:11
To open to hold a public hearing with respect to the 2024-2025 budget. And so at this time, I would open an invitation to anybody 00:52:17
that would like to comment on that and we would consider that public hearing open at this time. If you have a comment, please come 00:52:23
forward. 00:52:29
Seeing none, we will close the public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 202425. 00:52:39
Budget, I don't believe there are any other items of business. 00:52:45
Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Chair, move to adjourn RDA and reconvene in a work session. 00:52:49
Motion by the Council member fathering him to adjourn and 2nd. 00:52:56
By Councilmember Gray. 00:53:00
We've considered the Redevelopment Agency. Meeting adjourned. 00:53:03
You devote that. 00:53:08
OK. All right. We are going to take a minute or two. 00:53:09
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Yeah. 00:00:01
Stephanie, I'm ready whenever you are. 00:00:24
OK. 00:00:32
Welcome everybody. We're going to call to order the City of Holiday City Council meeting on Thursday, June 6th, and we'll start 00:00:33
with the pledge. 00:00:37
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:45
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:52
OK. Thank you. 00:01:04
Before we open up public comment, I did mention something across the hall, but it sounds like John made a presentation down the 00:01:09
tree committee meeting earlier. But I. 00:01:15
And we'll be talking to all of you when we get to the work session. But I would like to say an open meeting that we'll be losing 00:01:22
Travis, who's been on our tree committee and chaired the tree committee for a number of years. 00:01:27
And really grown it to be a really effective committee inside the city and we've got quite a few of them now. 00:01:33
All you've done for us and wish you nothing but the best up in Oregon and and go go east of the Cascades. Go to Bend, not to 00:02:16
Eugene. 00:02:22
If you get a choice, unless you love rain, in which case go to Eugene. 00:02:28
OK, So that'll bring us to public comment before I open up public comment. We do have five public hearings tonight. So if anybody 00:02:33
is here to address the city on any of the public hearings, I would ask you to wait till we open up that particular public hearing. 00:02:40
Those public hearings have are a rezone on 5600 S budget amendments for this year and the proposed fiscal year budget for next 00:02:46
year and then public hearings on changes to the city's compensation schedule and and municipal officers compensation increases 00:02:53
schedule. 00:03:00
So if you're here to comment on any of those, just wait till I get to that public hearing then and then feel free to comment once 00:03:08
we open that up. 00:03:11
If you're here to comment on anything other than those five public hearings. 00:03:16
Now is the time we'll have Trudy go 1st and she'll show you how it's done, name and address, and we ask that you just try to keep 00:03:22
it to 3 minutes or less if you can, please. 00:03:27
I'm tree from the library and I've got some things I want to hand out if that's OK, Sure OK. 00:03:33
I'm sure it's non controversial coming from the library. 00:03:41
Oh, is there coloring involved? 00:03:46
And now I congratulate all of you on signing up for summer reading. You're setting a great example. 00:03:56
As you can see. 00:04:02
It's not just reading anymore. You can read, create, learn, play, and connect. You can do one of each of those activities every 00:04:04
day, and for each one of those activities that you do, you color in or mark off one of those icons at the bottom. Once you get 00:04:10
them all colored in or marked off, you bring the sheet back to the library. You get a free book, you get to enter into our prize 00:04:16
drawings, and you get some coupons to get money off on some fun activities. You have until July 31st to get this done if you 00:04:22
finish early. 00:04:27
You can come in, we've got a bonus round that you can sign up for called Ticket to Read, and you can earn up to three more free 00:04:34
books. And for each of these, because you can do this three times and each time you do it, you get 7 more entries into the prize 00:04:39
drawing it increases your chances. 00:04:44
So that's what the biggest fun at the library is for the for the month of June. I do want to highlight some of our story times 00:04:50
because they're going to be pretty exciting. We've got little tiny animals coming on Tuesday the 11th. We have a fire truck coming 00:04:58
on the 18th, and we have a puppet show on the 25th of June for the 10:15 Tuesday story time. And Stephanie has worked with us 00:05:05
really wonderfully to get us some story times at the gazebo starting in July. So we're excited about those. 00:05:12
And that is what's happening at the library. Can I answer any questions, any questions for Trudy? 00:05:20
Happy reading. All right. Thank you very much. 00:05:28
Anybody else for public comment coming up? 00:05:35
Let me let me explain what's going on. My daughter can't be here because she's at a work meeting. She's at 1866 Beaumont Circle. 00:05:42
I'm her father. And she asked me to speak on the proposed Adu ordinance changes. Is it OK? Yeah. Name and address, please. OK. My 00:05:50
name is Luke Montoya. Her name is Amanda Mendenhall, 1866 Beaumont Circle. And she wanted me to. 00:05:58
Comment on this because the Adu in our case actually is an effort to take care of a family member. My grandson contracted some 00:06:07
pretty severe health issues after COVID, contracting COVID in addition to his epilepsy, in addition to a permanent heart defect. 00:06:15
And so he's not really going to be able to live on his own. So the Adu ordinance changes are going to affect possibly what my 00:06:22
daughter is going to be able to do in the way of accommodating him, giving him a space to live and a place to work. 00:06:30
The main issue is that the 10 foot set back doesn't seem to give city officials any flexibility in making adjustments for setbacks 00:06:39
and other other criteria for smaller properties in this case. 00:06:49
We have. It's a little over 1/4 of an acre of lot. 00:06:59
And I would like to build a small Adu. It's it's going to be fairly small. And so we'd like to put a, a small loft in it, which 00:07:03
may come into problem for because of the size of the lot, but it's kind of important because. 00:07:10
The living level will basically be just enough to live on and he's going to be working out of this this his home basically. 00:07:18
So we'd like to have some flexibility for city officials when they're receiving these requests for Adus. Now, these are external 00:07:27
Adus that I'm talking about to be able to make adjustments in cases where it makes sense. In this case that the property backs to 00:07:35
a canal, there's no one behind it, The vegetation is very mature. It literally blocks the Adu, the proposed Adu, from the 00:07:43
neighbors, from anybody behind it. 00:07:50
There's really not going to be a privacy concern, even though it's a smaller lot. 00:07:59
That really won't be an issue. There's just no way the neighbor can even see this unit from their house. And there's in this case 00:08:05
there's even a garage that's in the way. So to have a rigid template set back or to have a rigid 2 story requirement would 00:08:11
basically make it impossible to build a unit that would accommodate if my grandson in a way that wouldn't affect any neighbor or 00:08:17
anyone else. 00:08:23
So those are the two things. Just basically flexibility on the 10 foot set back that's more important for smaller lots. It's good 00:08:31
that the that the City Council has decided to make these Adus for only family, not for rental or whatever and we support that, but 00:08:37
in this case on a smaller lot. 00:08:43
It's going to be really hard to accommodate the family member because of the size of the lot. Now. There's also a lot of mature 00:08:51
trees. If we have that Ridge of 10 foot set back, we're probably going to have to take out a very valuable shade tree from the 00:08:56
yard. It's going to change the nature of the lot. 00:09:01
The only other exception would be if we can't get. 00:09:07
Some adjustment or some flexibility and the height or the OR the? 00:09:12
Set back under unique circumstances. 00:09:18
Then at least maybe carve out an exception for properties that are not going to, but other residences, you know, where you got 00:09:23
open field behind you, canals or whatnot. And so that's that's what we're hoping that there will be some flexibility building to 00:09:30
whatever ordinance pass that will allow city officials to accommodate these unique lots, these irregularly shaped lots and help 00:09:36
get the most out of the use of the property. 00:09:43
For family members. 00:09:51
Thank you. OK, thanks. Yeah, interesting because the public hearing on this Adu is closed. But just for the record, we do have. 00:09:52
A a submission from your daughter that is in the hands of all the, I don't know what that means Todd, in terms of, but we have it 00:10:04
and it's pretty detailed and details what you've talked about. And I would assume we would probably talk a little bit about that 00:10:11
when we're working through the Adu. We continue to work through the Adu ordinance in the. 00:10:17
Work session which we will be doing tonight. You're welcome to stay for that discussion. That's an open meeting discussion we 00:10:25
have. But I just wanted you to know that we have the document, all the Council members have the document that was forward that 00:10:31
kind of covers what your concerns are as it relates to the ordinance. All right, thank you. 00:10:37
And anybody else for public comment? 00:10:44
OK. It doesn't appear that we have anybody else for public comment, so I'll close public comment and move on to item number four. 00:10:51
And this is a proposed hearing on the rezone at 1932 E, 5600 S from R110 to R210. The staff report was written by Kerry Marsh. 00:10:58
It's in the packet. 00:11:05
As I stated across the hall, this seemed, at least to me, to be a pretty straightforward application. We'll have Carrie come over 00:11:13
and just kind of cover the high points with the council and then we'll take it from there. 00:11:18
Great. Thank you, Mayor. So this is a requested rezone for an R110 zone to an R210 zone. It's located at 1932 E 5600 S, just West 00:11:28
of Highland Drive. 00:11:36
It is a larger property. It's .44 acres, just shy of being able to subdivide into two parcels, I think by about 835 square feet. 00:11:47
It is on a wide arterial road, 66 feet wide. 00:11:59
It's exterior to a neighborhood and properties around the the proposed rezone are all zoned as either R2 with a much higher 00:12:04
density RM on the corner of Highland and 5600 S. 00:12:11
That's AI believe that one zip assisted care center. So the context of all the surrounding properties are listed in the staff 00:12:19
report. 00:12:24
And overall this would enable a total net gain of two dwelling units in addition to the existing one. If 3 units were on the 00:12:31
property, I would result in about 6389 square feet of land per unit. 00:12:40
Doing single family detached units within an R210 zone. 00:12:50
Are there any questions on it or that I can answer? 00:12:58
Was there much activity in terms of public comment at the Planning Commission? 00:13:04
We had multiple comments. Most people were neighbors that were concerned with the care of the property or condition of the 00:13:10
property. 00:13:15
Those issues were addressed with code enforcement. Our code enforcement officer went out to the property and you know, closed out 00:13:21
their case that they had existing before. Most of the issues were with rats. The canal is just West of the of this property, so 00:13:27
not with the rezone percentage. The rats issue was. 00:13:32
Everywhere by by the canals, so but nothing that would affect a rezone. 00:13:39
Thank you. 00:13:45
Anything else for Carrie, the applicants here? I don't know if you want to address the council. 00:13:47
You're welcome to. 00:13:54
I'll say a couple words. Sure. Thank you, Matthew Lewis. 00:13:56
This is my parents home that they lived in. I think they bought it in 1991 or 1992. My dad used the back. If you saw the picture 00:14:01
from before, there was kind of an outbuilding there on the property when he purchased it. I think the building was being used as a 00:14:08
kind of lock or door hardware manufacturing facility actually. And then. 00:14:16
He taught you, converted it into a music studio, taught out of it for um. 00:14:26
I guess almost 30 years till he passed away five years ago so. 00:14:31
My sister tried to. 00:14:36
Kind of talk about maybe using that as a business again with city officials and then that was denied. So really we have this 00:14:39
building there that's. 00:14:43
That's kind of what we're trying to address is some kind of way to improve the property. 00:14:48
But because it looks like that building is essentially unusable because it's not grandfathered in anymore like it was for him. So 00:14:54
that kind of was the motivation. 00:14:58
We've been told, you know, this is the first step is to try to get this rezone and that any kind of plan we would make going 00:15:03
forward would be subject to review and comment. And you know, that's what we tried to make clear. So we don't really know what to 00:15:08
do yet. I don't think the. 00:15:14
Studio itself is usable as a residence because it's not built on a foundation. I think it's on a pad. 00:15:19
But we haven't looked in that. So anyway that's just our plan that kind of what motivated it. As far as some background, we 00:15:26
obviously believe we're going to now you know if this is approved we would then. 00:15:31
Look into different options and that would still be subject to comment and review on any of the concerns that have been raised on 00:15:37
other issues so. 00:15:41
But happy to answer any questions if there are any. 00:15:46
Any questions for Mr. Lewis? 00:15:51
OK. 00:15:54
Yeah, stick around. We'll. 00:15:56
Did you want to make? 00:15:59
Why don't we, why don't we open up the public hearing and maybe you come up during the public hearing. So I'm going to open the 00:16:02
public hearing. It's open. 00:16:06
Come on up. 00:16:12
Just remember to give us your name and address please. 00:16:18
Aidan Bradney 1922 E 5600 S. 00:16:21
Good evening everyone. I was here at the last meeting. 00:16:28
And what the young lady said about the rats was true, but there were also multiple families. 00:16:31
Who were opposed to the change significantly and we are one of them because we are the next door neighbors. 00:16:37
To that, we've never had any issues with rats. The lady from the HOA from that big. 00:16:45
Housing property, she had problem with rats and the condition of it, but for the most part it's ourselves and then the people that 00:16:50
own properties and live on Nation's Way, which is the road to yeah, directly there. 00:16:57
So there is a major issue with the rezoning. One is we have a beautiful Mountain View as it stands right now from our backyard, we 00:17:05
can see the mountains and that's the reason that we came to Salt Lake City and we wanted that in our lives. I believe that that 00:17:13
would potentially disappear. The other thing is changing it to the rezoning, it is going to change the population density and I 00:17:21
don't think the infrastructure actual like plumbing infrastructure as well as the infrastructure of the neighborhood can. 00:17:29
Withstand that influx of people where and especially the motor vehicles. 00:17:37
Assuming that each house typically has two vehicles, the parking down there would be pretty horrendous because the entrance Rd. 00:17:42
which is directly from my property to the existing property of the Lewis's is like an 8 foot wide lane. So how they would even get 00:17:49
a cement truck down there to build, no idea. Fire trucks out of the question. So there's a lot of issues that yeah, that we stand 00:17:56
behind and we're going to oppose it all the way. 00:18:03
Thank you. 00:18:11
Hello, my name is Sean O'Brien I I own the property just just to the West, directly West. 00:18:26
Of the proposed rezoning right next to Gemma Aiden, who just spoke. 00:18:32
And so I just have maybe a couple questions and then I'll issue my concerns. To go from R210R one 10110 R 210, what would be the 00:18:38
maximum density there? How many units would would you allow on a .44 acre? Well, we typically don't get in the big back and forth 00:18:45
during public hearing, but I think what Kerry said was 3. 00:18:53
Three would be the Max. 00:19:02
OK, I get that right, Carrie. 00:19:05
OK, that's right. Three. OK. And what would be the maximum height? 00:19:09
I think 32 feet. 00:19:14
It's the same, yeah. 00:19:17
32 No change in item. I know that the holiday cottages are 42 feet. 00:19:19
They originally were planned to be 32 feet. So what happened with that? That's RM. That's a different zone. 00:19:26
Pardon me, Is that the property just to the east, just right up here just north of 45th and 23rd? 00:19:33
I'm talking, oh, you're talking about a whole different property altogether. I know we are. But originally it was 32 feet. It's a 00:19:39
different zone, I know. But originally I've got, I've got the, the, the, the meeting minutes and it was 32 feet. I could be wrong, 00:19:45
but now I know it's 42 feet. So that's a concern I have, you know? Well, yeah, I mean, I want to kind of avoid getting in a big 00:19:51
back and forth here, but. 00:19:57
The R210 zone which the applicant is applying for has a height restriction of 32 feet, correct? So that's it. OK, OK, that's all 00:20:04
right. Well, my concerns are. 00:20:09
The entire atmosphere and the value of my property. So that's a big concern. I just think it's kind of unfair to change the zoning 00:20:48
at this stage of the game, You know, when we've invested and we have a certain. 00:20:56
Certain atmosphere there. 00:21:03
So, and then I guess that would be my main concern, changing the zoning right now, how it will affect us, it'll it'll affect us 00:21:07
greatly. 00:21:11
You can imagine if you have a beautiful backyard and the big wall, imagine what we have at holiday cages, you know, maybe not 42 00:21:16
feet, but 32 feet straight across. So, so that's my concern. I, I get, you know, I, it's wonderful. He wants to do something. I 00:21:22
just don't know if I like the idea of doubling the density. 00:21:28
In fact, his dad taught my all my daughter's piano. So I know that I know that area. It's a great, great memories and stuff. But I 00:21:34
think it will really negatively affect my property and the neighbor's property. I'd love to be could just stick with R110, build a 00:21:40
duplex back there, whatever. But I just think it's, I think it's kind of unfair for a homeowner that's owned it for, I think I've 00:21:46
owned it for. 00:21:52
Probably 1215 years and that was built prior to that. It's going to completely change everything. 00:21:59
So I guess that's my biggest concern. 00:22:06
Thank you. OK, Thank you. 00:22:10
Anybody else for? 00:22:23
The public hearing. 00:22:25
OK, there being an I'm going to actually close this public hearing then. And for those that are here, this item you'll see on the 00:22:30
agenda in the work session will be discussed again. 00:22:35
Across the hall, once we recess to work session, you can hear it's an open meeting so you can hear the Council's discussion on the 00:22:41
application. 00:22:44
Thank you. 00:22:48
Item number 5 is the public hearing on proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2324, which is this year, which is about to end 00:22:51
the end of this month. So Gina will review those with us and then we'll open up the public hearing. So there are a few changes 00:22:59
that are being proposed starting in the general fund. In the general fund, we're recognizing a some donations for our lighting for 00:23:08
our skate park, about $28,000. On the expense side, you'll see that money being contributed to the grant account. 00:23:16
And then in the grant account at $28,000 of donation is being combined with some grant revenue that we received from Salt Lake 00:23:25
County. 00:23:31
For $77,000, which is what we spent on our new skate park lighting. 00:23:38
You'll also see $72,000 coming from Salt Lake County Health Department. This is our opioid settlement money and before you adopt 00:23:46
next. 00:23:51
Week, I think we're going to adjust that number down to match the expense side, which will we anticipate spending in this year and 00:23:57
you'll see that on the expense side, salaries and wages of about $4100 in office supplies, so totaling $5000. That is for our 00:24:06
public health coordinator who will be starting next week. 00:24:14
And then we're proposing the use of about $30,000 of fund balance for several expenses. That includes increases in the cost of 00:24:24
utilities, increases in insurance and those two items together we we expect to be about $30,000 over budget this year between the 00:24:32
two of them. 00:24:39
We also have. 00:24:48
Incurred additional building inspection contract costs and that was due to we had an employee, our building inspector was. 00:24:52
Out for a period of time and then subsequently resigned and we needed to fill that service in with inspection. So you're seeing a 00:25:06
reduction from community development employee benefits and salaries and wages and an increase in that building inspection 00:25:12
contract. 00:25:18
Those are the changes in the general fund. Any questions there before I move on? 00:25:26
OK. In terms of the capital projects fund? 00:25:32
We are showing a. 00:25:38
Change in how? 00:25:42
How we funded a crosswalk project that happened in front of the Wasatch Waldorf. So we are reflecting that money coming into the 00:25:44
city, about $300,000. 00:25:51
And then on the expense side? 00:25:59
We have about a $250,000 worth of expenses. 00:26:03
Our revenues and expenses matched. 00:26:09
But we had about $50,000 of expenses in the prior year. 00:26:11
In fiscal 2223. 00:26:17
In the grants fund, we have talked about our contributions and our skate park TRCC grant for expenses of $77,000. 00:26:24
Any questions I can answer on the budget amendment? 00:26:36
OK, no questions, Regina. OK, very well, we'll open the public hearing on proposed budget amendments for the fiscal year 2023-2024 00:26:45
budget public hearing is open. 00:26:50
Anybody to address the Council on the budget amendments? 00:26:55
There being then we'll close the public hearing and we'll place this on the June 13 agenda for vote and we'll move right now to 00:27:00
the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget. This is for the entire budget for next year. 00:27:07
Anything Gina? Any clarifying information or comments? 00:27:16
No, the budget includes a number of funds and I think we'll have a separate public hearing in a moment from the RDA perspective, 00:27:25
but this public hearing includes general fund, storm water Grants fund, arts fund. 00:27:35
And debt service. 00:27:46
And capital projects? 00:27:47
Any questions for Gina before we open the public hearing? OK, Public hearing is now open. 00:27:50
Anybody to address the Council on the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget? 00:27:57
OK, there being then we'll close this public hearing and we'll move to item number seven. This is a public hearing on these are 00:28:07
two new items that have been mandated by state legislature, I believe. Yeah. So, Mayor, I don't know, you had indicated you wanted 00:28:12
to leave that budget. 00:28:17
Hearing open. 00:28:23
I do. 00:28:26
I'm going to reopen going back to item number six. Thank you, Gina, and I apologize. 00:28:30
We anticipate, and I have my note right there too, but we anticipate there's some changes that are going to occur over the week 00:28:37
with maybe some new growth numbers and some movement in in the UPD budget and any final tweaks that we might make to the budget 00:28:45
that will post for vote and the fact that we may make some changes to it. We think it's important that we leave the public hearing 00:28:52
open in case residents want to comment. So with that, I would like to reopen the public hearing on proposed fiscal year. 00:28:59
2024-2025 Budgets and leave the public hearing open. 00:29:07
Okay. 00:29:12
Thank you. 00:29:13
Thanks. 00:29:15
Umm, so we have two public hearings. The first, item number seven, is a public hearing on proposed changes. 00:29:17
To the city's compensation schedule. It's inside your packet. Any questions from City Council on the schedule? 00:29:23
There being then we'll open this public hearing, anybody to address the council on the compensation posted compensation schedule. 00:29:34
There being then we'll close this public hearing and move on to item number 8, the public hearing on executive municipal officers 00:29:42
compensation increase. 00:29:46
Also in the packet inside the same table highlighted in yellow, any questions from Council on the officers compensation increase 00:29:50
schedule? 00:29:55
There being none will open this public hearing anybody to address the Council on the Municipal Officers compensation increase 00:30:03
schedule? 00:30:06
There being then, we'll close this public hearing and move on to item number 9. This is consideration of Resolution 2024-20, 00:30:13
authorizing designated individuals as signatures on various financial accounts. Essentially, we have two accounts here in the 00:30:20
city, ones with Zions and ones with Holiday Bank and Trust. This adds signatories on the accounts for Zions of myself, Gina 00:30:26
Chambers, Holly Smith, Paul Fotheringham and Drew Quinn, and on Holiday Bank and Trust's account, myself, Gina Chambers, Paul 00:30:33
Fotheringham and Holly Smith. 00:30:40
Any questions for Gina before we take a motion? 00:30:47
Do you want me to make it since you're on there? Doesn't matter, Mr. Mayor, I would move approval of resolution #2024-20 00:30:58
authorizing designated individuals as signatories for the various financial accounts. Second. OK, we have a motion and a second 00:31:05
council member Gray, yes. Council member Quinn, yes. Council member Fotheringham Council member Durham, Yes. Council member 00:31:13
Brewer, yes. And chair vote. Just those signatories are approved and we are on the financial report item number 10. 00:31:20
City Manager Gina Chambers. 00:31:28
So I'll start with a financial report and then I have a couple of other things to tell the Council about. 00:31:35
Overall, our financial report. 00:31:42
Through May, through the end of May shows us in good shape in terms of both revenues and expenses. So property tax, our largest 00:31:45
single source of revenue, although closely followed by sales tax. 00:31:54
This is a a source that's really collected once a year and so after our final settlement with the county where we're just slightly 00:32:05
below. 00:32:11
The level that we had budgeted about $100,000 less in terms of property taxes than we had anticipated in our budget. 00:32:17
In terms of sales tax, the number that you see is actual through 530 reflects 5 months of actuals. We've received, I'm sorry, 00:32:26
seven months of actuals. So there are five additional months of sales tax, which will eventually see. Two of those months for a 00:32:36
technical reason have not been presented here. But we do have that money and we're tracking I would say, about $100,000. 00:32:45
Less than budget. 00:32:56
In terms of sales tax, it's a better position than I thought we were going to be in a few months ago. And it it's really the 00:32:58
reason why we're keeping sales tax consistent and not increasing it at all in in the fiscal 25 budget. 00:33:06
Franchise taxes. 00:33:15
Through May, knowing that we have three additional months of franchise revenue to come in, we're at 100% of budget. So we expect 00:33:18
that will will exceed budget by another 150,000 and then other taxes. 00:33:28
Through May were at nearly 100%. 00:33:39
In terms of other sources of revenue, business licenses, building permits? 00:33:43
And other licenses and permits all are tracking fairly consistent with budget. I'll just point out our intergovernmental revenue 00:33:49
number had appeared. 00:33:55
Had appeared a little low, but we've received a $300,000 distribution from the state this week, which will take us a. 00:34:03
Up to budget. So overall in terms of revenue, I think we're tracking really well other revenue, you'll see that 494% above budget 00:34:13
that is interest. We're at about a almost $1,000,000 just in interest collected through this year, which far exceeds what we had 00:34:23
budgeted. Justice Court revenue, good news there, tracking very well against budget. 00:34:34
And that's the first time in a long time I've been able to say that. 00:34:45
On the expense side, departments overall are tracking very well against budget with a couple of exceptions that we've just talked 00:34:50
about. The City Hall budget I. 00:34:56
Through five through May is over budget, that's really utilities and insurance and is part of the reason for that budget amendment 00:35:03
that you've seen and then building inspection also tracking about budget. 00:35:10
Any questions? 00:35:20
Gina just I'm not looking at the budget for this year, but the I know we. 00:35:23
We're more aggressive on that interest line in the upcoming budget. So is it pretty much match? 00:35:31
What we're producing right now, it does not. So I took that number up, but not knowing what's going to happen in terms of interest 00:35:37
rates, I didn't keep it at the same level we're seeing this year. And that's something we can certainly talk about if you'd like 00:35:44
to be more aggressive in that projection. But yeah, I would like to. 00:35:52
Well, I guess my question would be that we actually have a number here of what we're like that's an actual. 00:36:02
Interest revenue that we have accumulated. And so I'm assuming most of that's coming off our fund balance, which I don't 00:36:11
anticipate changing too much. So I think we'd be probably pretty safe to try to align our interest revenue, get it as close as we 00:36:17
can for next year. I think I want to say it was like 4 or 500,000 or something, and maybe it should be closer to a million, I 00:36:23
don't know. But it's something I'd love to take a look at bottom line and that's something I'd be happy to look at over the next 00:36:29
week. 00:36:35
And we can, we can make an adjustment next. Yeah, OK. 00:36:41
On that other taxes revenue line item, can you just elaborate a little bit on that, you know where we're at budget essentially in 00:36:46
May and can you just explain a little bit more and it's not nothing either 480 grand or whatever it was. 00:36:52
So I. 00:36:59
So were you looking at the other revenue line, the 477? Yeah, other taxes. So my recollection and and I apologize without looking 00:37:02
at the the financial statement. I I can't recall off the top of my head, but I think most of that is delinquent property taxes and 00:37:11
other other categories of property taxes where where it comes in once a year and it's not something we'd anticipate to continue to 00:37:19
go through that. That's right. So it is so if you. 00:37:27
And that typically happens a lot with refinancing where maybe someone hasn't paid their property tax. 00:37:36
For a number of years and then pays in one lump sum that shows up in that other tax delinquent tax item. We try and keep that 00:37:41
property tax line item. 00:37:47
Consistent with the certified tax rate. So it's easy for you to go from one to another and not mix those delinquent taxes with it. 00:37:54
Thank you. 00:38:02
There are no other questions about the financial report. I had a few other items to update the council about. 00:38:07
1st is the mayor mentioned earlier. 4th of July is coming right up. We had our first meeting about the event spanning from 00:38:15
breakfast until fireworks and just wanted to alert the council to one change. 00:38:26
So this year we are we will have a mass gathering permit for that event and and that will necessitate because of the the fireworks 00:38:38
we were going to need to close the playground earlier than we have in past years. So our plan is to keep it open through the 00:38:48
breakfast and then close the playground at noon because that that area is part of the restricted area for fireworks. 00:38:58
And our fireworks placement starts at about noon that day. 00:39:08
So that that's a change. And I know for parents who gather early for our concerts, that is likely to be a disappointment, but 00:39:13
there is there's a good reason we're doing that to keep that restricted area. 00:39:21
Safe. 00:39:28
Gina, we're going to be posting some signs to that effect. So we're posting signs and we'll be sharing. 00:39:31
Hopefully it won't be a Big Lots of sorry, sorry, sorry, but. 00:39:36
If you like fireworks. 00:39:42
We are in the process of applying for some track funding. 00:39:46
For this building and in particular for part of the remodel, as we look at the Big Cottonwood Room or what we're calling the Big 00:39:54
Cottonwood Room now, we are going to apply. If the council is on board with this concept, would like to apply for $50,000 to help 00:40:01
to engage a theater consultant. 00:40:09
To help us. 00:40:17
Redesign that space so that I. 00:40:20
It is, and Holly, if I'm saying anything incorrectly, please let me know. But I think what we want to do is make that space more 00:40:26
functional for both theater and other exhibit experiences. 00:40:33
And So what our plan would be is to engage that theater consultant this year, integrate that plan into the building remodel and 00:40:41
then hopefully apply for funding next year as part of the overall building remodel project. 00:40:50
Any concerns about that idea? 00:41:01
I do have some good, really good news about the fund, potential funding for this building's remodel project. We've been notified 00:41:06
by Representative Curtis's office that he will be supporting a $2,000,000 earmark for seismic reinforcement for this building. 00:41:16
That is, depending on how you look at the numbers, either 1/4. 00:41:26
Or. 00:41:37
Between 20 and 25% of the overall cost, which is fantastic. 00:41:39
Could you reset that? How much was the earmark? 2,000,000 dollars, 02 million. OK, yeah. 00:41:46
So that he will be suggesting and including that in the House Appropriations Committees. 00:41:50
Bill, that will eventually become part of the budget. As we know from last year, that process can take a while. 00:41:58
So I think what that means at a really practical level is that it's likely that our project here will be delayed. But certainly 00:42:07
for that level of funding, I think it's it's worth it. So that is fantastic news and we really thank Representative Curtis for 00:42:16
thinking of our project and supporting it in this way, particularly since he had supported our Highland Dr. project last year. 00:42:26
One thing that I also wanted to let the council know, and I think the mayor mentioned this earlier, both the this project and our 00:42:38
Spring Lane project are more expensive than I think I would have said they were going to be three months ago. And so we had 00:42:46
anticipated that tonight I would be coming to you with some proposed budget changes for both projects to be included in the budget 00:42:53
you adopt next week. 00:43:01
At this point, I think my recommendation is to stick with what's in the tentative budget that includes $350,000 for continued 00:43:09
design work on this building, but nothing additional. As a staff, what would like to do is think about both of those projects 00:43:16
timelines and then bring you some funding options later in the summer for both projects so you can look at that holistically 00:43:23
together. 00:43:30
I hope the Council is is good with that. 00:43:38
Yeah, I think we need to we have a chance to take a look at that the Spring Lane numbers as a council and. 00:43:42
But that is. 00:43:50
Great news on the earmark. 00:43:52
Because you know this is going to be an expensive project, we get to help with the seismic piece. 00:43:57
That's going to be big if we can get that. So that's great news. You mentioned a delay though. 00:44:02
In terms of waiting for that legislation. 00:44:10
Umm, how does that affect other timelines with regard to substitute places that we've? 00:44:13
Talked about. So I think that that that remains an open question, but I think the timeline may no longer align, although we 00:44:21
haven't conveyed that to. 00:44:27
We haven't conveyed that and I think we would just. 00:44:34
Have to see what happens. 00:44:38
But I think what you're saying is it would be wise for us at this point to kind of. 00:44:41
Stall for a little bit. We have we kind of have our numbers, we generally have our numbers on what this is going to cost and the 00:44:47
scope. 00:44:51
But it would be wise for us to wait for the federal process to. 00:44:56
Run its course. And if we indeed do win that award, that's a big. 00:45:02
Piece of the project. It kind of changes how we'll approach this. I think that's right. 00:45:09
So I think it's worth waiting. I think last time we had to wait, it has to go through the House and then the Senate and it was 00:45:16
like a eight or nine month process. 00:45:20
Yeah, I mean theoretically. 00:45:24
That Congress should adopt A budget by October 1st. That hasn't happened for many years, and it sure isn't going to happen this 00:45:28
year. 00:45:32
Right. So yeah, it's probably going to be a. I mean, it might just. 00:45:37
Stall us for a year, but. 00:45:42
It's worth waiting for. And my recollection too was getting the congressman support was the biggest step in the process. So that 00:45:45
was that was big that Congressman Curtis supported included it in his earmarks, right. And that is my understanding as well. 00:45:54
Certainly anything can happen. It will be subject to negotiations, but this was a really great first step and good sign for us. 00:46:03
I'm all for giving back as much money from Washington DC as. 00:46:15
OK. All right. Thank you. Thanks, Gina. 00:46:21
All right, Emily, you want to start on council reports? 00:46:24
Well, I feel like I'm kind of a broken record a little bit thinking John and Jared. Although Jared's not here, John has continued 00:46:31
to work tirelessly to help with. 00:46:37
The property that was detonated, and he's been working a lot with residents and trying to get that property cleaned up. 00:46:44
And really grateful to him and know that that's ending up being trickier than we thought. And so appreciate him. And then there's 00:46:52
a lot of repaving work going on in my district right now, which is short term inconvenient, and long term, we're very, very 00:46:58
grateful. So I just wanted to thank Jared, even though he's not here for that. 00:47:05
And I would like to also thank the engineers, Joe Bolton and particularly I was. 00:47:15
I was contacted by a resident who's who lives on 27th East and many of you know we have a sidewalk. 00:47:24
Project that's going on right now it's a three-year project and this is a the constituent that contacted me was in Phase 2 and so 00:47:32
he hadn't been contacted directly yet because he his property won't be involved until next year. But he had just re landscaped his 00:47:39
yard and so he was understandably a little bit dismayed that it was going to we were going to come in and and rip it all up but I 00:47:46
just want to ask Joe he went up to his house and worked with him and. 00:47:54
Laid out exactly what was going to happen in the timeline and everything, and the constituent was very grateful for that help from 00:48:01
the city. So we have a great staff, everyone. 00:48:06
Another thanks. We, there's a home in my district that's been problematic for several years. They use their front yard as a 00:48:11
parking lot and it's quite unsightly and Detective Dallas who is our ordinance control officer has been up there several times 00:48:20
talking with them, but he pointed out to me that we really don't have an ordinance that. 00:48:29
Prohibits parking. 00:48:39
Inland, you know, in a front yard. And so I contacted John Tier Link and he made some suggestions regarding possible codification, 00:48:41
for example, creating a landscape definition that would change. 00:48:49
That would somehow limit the amount of front yard you could use for parking and something like that. So that is something. 00:48:58
That I would like to pursue, John, if that. 00:49:05
Is OK with you I think that's timely in light of the fact that we're talking about this Adu ordinance and the fact that there will 00:49:09
be required additional off street parking we I think we would all like the fact that we. 00:49:16
Cars would be parked on some sort of a pad or. 00:49:24
Concrete or crushed something? Crushed rock of some sort rather than on the grass constantly so. 00:49:28
Thank you to staff for that as well. 00:49:36
Just briefly, tomorrow is the Children's Theater at 11:30 here in this building. 00:49:41
Hope you see you there. 00:49:46
I don't think we've said enough about Travis Jones yet, so I wanted to just take a minute and thank him for his service on on our 00:49:50
tree committee. He was one of our founding members of the tree committee and he's been the the chair for the last several years. 00:49:56
The, the thing that is kind of amazing about Travis is he kind of does it all. He has the ideas, he helps plan, he helps 00:50:02
implement, he loads the trailer, he unloads the trailer. He really has been a great example of leadership and I think we'll really 00:50:08
miss. 00:50:14
His participation and commitment on the TREE Committee and we wish him the best. 00:50:22
The only thing I have to report on would be. 00:50:31
The light initiative continues and I am, you know, Jared been great as far as working with some of the local residents and, and, 00:50:34
and just to try it so that we can be good neighbors to to try to address concerns of some that have been expressed. But we're 00:50:42
looking forward to and maybe Gina, maybe you could just mention, I don't know where that stands exactly as to when we anticipate 00:50:49
those being turned on, but I think we're pretty close to there, right. 00:50:56
Yeah, OK. 00:51:05
We're going to do it nighttime dry run we did do. Yeah, we did. I actually met with Jared and actually Jared wasn't an eye, but I 00:51:06
met with that resident that night and he just commented on how how great it was and appreciated the collaborative effort and. 00:51:14
Still a couple of minor concerns I think, but I think it all looks workable and should be good. 00:51:22
Awesome. 00:51:28
I don't have anything. 00:51:31
So I think we would need a motion to recess and convene an RDA. 00:51:33
So moved. 00:51:41
Second, all in favor? Aye aye. Any opposed? 00:51:42
OK, we're recessed and I'll pass the baton down to our RDA chair. 00:51:47
OK. 00:51:52
Welcome everybody, as we convene our. 00:51:54
As we convene our meeting of the Holiday Redevelopment Agency, just by way of reminder this, it's by state statute that all of the 00:52:02
members of the City Council constitute the board of the Redevelopment Agency. There's really one main item of business for tonight 00:52:07
and that is. 00:52:11
To open to hold a public hearing with respect to the 2024-2025 budget. And so at this time, I would open an invitation to anybody 00:52:17
that would like to comment on that and we would consider that public hearing open at this time. If you have a comment, please come 00:52:23
forward. 00:52:29
Seeing none, we will close the public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 202425. 00:52:39
Budget, I don't believe there are any other items of business. 00:52:45
Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Chair, move to adjourn RDA and reconvene in a work session. 00:52:49
Motion by the Council member fathering him to adjourn and 2nd. 00:52:56
By Councilmember Gray. 00:53:00
We've considered the Redevelopment Agency. Meeting adjourned. 00:53:03
You devote that. 00:53:08
OK. All right. We are going to take a minute or two. 00:53:09
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