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They hope they created a number. 00:00:00
So they kind of took from the hate. 00:00:03
He's a good steak. 00:00:12
I should have thought about that, but I just wasn't prepared for that. 00:00:22
Right. So is like John David Rohr. Is he anymore? 00:00:28
So it's like Henderson Lane? 00:00:40
Down to ready. 00:00:44
Welcome everybody. We're going to call the holiday City Council meeting to order on February 6. 00:00:48
If I could ask everybody to please rise for the pledge. 00:00:53
The United States of America. 00:01:03
To the Republic for which it stands. 00:01:05
Our nation under God. 00:01:08
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:10
Thank you everybody. 00:01:16
Before before we get to public comment, which is item 3 on the agenda. 00:01:18
I'd like to wish Stephanie a happy birthday. I hope she is not listening in on her. 00:01:24
If she is, then shame on her. 00:01:30
But also I just want to. 00:01:35
Recognize. 00:01:38
The passing of James Palmer. Jim Palmer. 00:01:41
A colleague of some of us on the Council. 00:01:45
But Jim Palmer. 00:01:48
His roots are go way back to the Moyle family and the Moyle family for those that don't know. 00:01:51
Who haven't been to one of our history nights? 00:01:57
Was one of the founding families of the holiday area going back to the. 00:02:00
Late 1800s, so Jim's roots are very deep in the community. 00:02:06
Jim served on our Planning Commission for six years and on our City Council for eight years. 00:02:11
And. 00:02:17
Really had a lot to do with shepherding holiday through the incorporation process and then. 00:02:19
A lot of the developments you see around the city. 00:02:24
Which include the Holiday Village which preserving this building right here, Holiday Elementary in this open space behind us. 00:02:28
Building of Fire Station 104. 00:02:35
Entitlements for the old Cottonwood Mall site, now Holiday Hills. 00:02:38
Preserving the Knutson Park open space that was later developed and also. 00:02:42
Helped with. 00:02:47
Us being able to acquire. 00:02:49
And preserve the cotton bottom as kind of a historical area in the city. 00:02:51
So Jim was only 66 years old, so way too soon. 00:02:58
But I just wanted to make sure everybody knows how. 00:03:02
How much his service was appreciated. 00:03:06
Joanie and I attended his funeral service. 00:03:09
On Sunday, and his family wanted to pass along their gratitude for. 00:03:11
The flowers that were sent from the city. 00:03:16
We'll have a memorial insert or a memorial article in the Journal in March, and I talked to Tom Harrelson as well. 00:03:19
This afternoon. Thanks, Lena. 00:03:27
And the journal will be also doing an article on. 00:03:30
Jim and his contributions to the City of Holiday, but we've. 00:03:35
Past our condolences on to. 00:03:38
His family and he will be missed, so rest in peace Jim. 00:03:41
OK, with that, we'll move on to public comment. 00:03:48
We do have one public hearing tonight on the text amendment to Title 13.02. Point 030 is item 5 on the agenda. 00:03:52
If you are here to address the Council. 00:04:00
During that particular public hearing. 00:04:03
Please wait until I open up that public hearing. So if you're not here to address the Council on the text amendment. 00:04:06
Public comment is your opportunity to address the Council, so we'll open up the public comment period at this point, please. 00:04:14
Approached the podium. 00:04:21
Give us your name and address please and try to keep it to 3 minutes or less. Thank you. 00:04:23
Trudy, do you want to start? You usually start everybody off. You show us how it's done. 00:04:27
Trudy, I'm from the library. 00:04:34
I want to start by saying I just barely got the statistics back from the county. 00:04:37
Election Office. 00:04:41
And we were able. 00:04:43
Way back on Election Day in November to have. 00:04:44
1568 voters through the library. 00:04:47
308 of those were same day registrations. It was a busy busy day and they did it all with just 15 machines and 8 poll workers. So. 00:04:52
Good job everybody. Thanks for coming to vote. 00:05:00
We've got two things that are system wide initiatives going on at the library for the month of February that are really awesome. 00:05:03
One of them is winter reading, so if you have some finds you can come get a winter reading log and you can get a $5 fine waiver. 00:05:08
So that's pretty good. And if you finish you get a free book. 00:05:13
And we also have the the formal wear swap going on. So if in a closet somewhere you have a suit or a tux or a big fancy dress, 00:05:19
that's not going to get used again. 00:05:23
You can bring that to the library and if you've got someone who is would like to just. 00:05:28
Is the Rite Aid that would like to swap out. Then if you donate, then you get a token to get into the swap a little bit early and 00:05:32
you get first pick. If you don't have something and you still need to get some formal wear, you can go in, there'll just be a 00:05:38
little delayed entry there. So it's sometime in March when you get to get get the token swap. So that's really good. But in the 00:05:44
month of February, if you bring your stuff just over to the holiday library, we'll get it all down to the swap for you. 00:05:50
And other than that, we've just got all of the same normal, wonderful things going on. We've got story times and teen times and. 00:05:57
Yoga and all the things going on. So come visit the library. 00:06:04
Do you have any questions? 00:06:07
Thank you for your time. Thanks, Trudy. Thanks so much. 00:06:11
OK anybody else for public comment? 00:06:18
Assuming everybody's here for the text amendment, then. 00:06:26
OK, we'll close public comment. We'll move to Item 4 on the agenda. 00:06:29
We are honored to have our newly elected County Council. 00:06:34
Member here. 00:06:39
This evening, Ross Romero. 00:06:41
He replaced Anne Granado. 00:06:43
And he wants to introduce himself and see if we have any questions. So. 00:06:45
Yeah. Thank you, Mayor, and to the Council, I appreciate the opportunity. 00:06:49
One of the things I wanted to do was to be sure to introduce myself, so let me say hi to the. 00:06:53
Audience as well. 00:06:58
I did have the good fortune of serving in the Utah Legislature, but took thirteen years off and now back to public service. So. 00:07:01
Appreciate the work the Council does. 00:07:08
I also wanted to let you know that I'm trying to get out to all the cities that I serve, so I do. I did run in a district. I'm not 00:07:11
at large and so. 00:07:15
Holiday is one of the cities that I will be working with. 00:07:20
So I want you to call on me if you see issues that we should be working on together, either regional efforts or community efforts 00:07:25
and letting the community know what you're doing that I can help amplify from the counties. 00:07:32
Media, you know, information share or personal information share. Wanted to pass that along as well. 00:07:40
One of the things that we've been working on recently. 00:07:48
Is trying to figure out the Legislature has asked the county. 00:07:52
To look for new bed space, they've been concerned that we are releasing because of overcrowding. 00:07:56
And so we are working with Representative Lizenby on a bill related to that. 00:08:03
Obviously has countrywide implications. 00:08:09
But, you know, we're trying to be responsive also to what's going on at the Legislature. 00:08:12
Wanted to bring to your attention, although I suspect you all know that the county has purchased a new City Hall. 00:08:18
It won't. We won't be moving our city operations for. 00:08:26
Probably a year plus. 00:08:30
But it's the old Overstock building. 00:08:33
So that will be retrofitted and upgraded and there'll be a lot of changes going on there before it becomes operational for the 00:08:36
county. 00:08:40
But that's something to look forward to. 00:08:44
Also wanted to report and ask you to keep in mind. 00:08:49
Having passed the zoo, arts and parks last last election. 00:08:53
There will be new projects and we want to make sure that our cities know about funding that's available, The nonprofits in the 00:08:58
cities for arts and parks related projects that they're available and we want to be a partner in those as well. 00:09:05
I think that's really all. 00:09:13
I wanted to offer but wanted to take questions or. 00:09:15
Just know that I'm a resource at the county. 00:09:20
Just curious, So will it be the entirety of the 21st South facility that will be moving to that? 00:09:26
Location, what was the time frame on that? It will yeah. So we are moving all of the operations but again it's in a year plus but. 00:09:32
It's actually a smaller footprint, well, smaller building than the building we have now. So one of the things the county has been 00:09:42
talking about is what operations maybe can put in a satellite location and or. 00:09:49
We've had work from home that's been pretty effective and so. 00:09:57
Looking at what that might mean for our workforce in the future. 00:10:01
Obviously there are services that the public is going to need to to access. So that building has not been very public friendly 00:10:05
because it was a private business. And so that's one of the things we're going to be working on is making sure it is accessible to 00:10:09
the public. 00:10:14
That there's a public space for meetings. 00:10:19
And so anyway, that is also happening relative to how much space we need down there and how many employees will ultimately be 00:10:23
relocated to that location. 00:10:28
Thank you. 00:10:34
Anything else? 00:10:37
All right. Well, thanks so much for coming. We look forward to working with you. If I might, I'll leave some cards hot off the 00:10:38
press for you guys to be able to reach out and and again, thank you for your time. 00:10:43
Congratulations, Ross, glad to have you. 00:10:49
Yeah. 00:10:51
OK, thank you. Before we turn it over to Chief Hoyle, I do want to, we did welcome our new code enforcement officer, Chad 00:10:54
Pedersen's here with us. Raise your hand, Officer Peterson, so you'll see him out in the community for those. 00:11:01
Residents that are here and we're. 00:11:07
We're thrilled to have you on board. 00:11:09
And with that, we have a couple more incentive awards. 00:11:11
And it's going to be familiar faces. We've got a couple of local police rock stars that. 00:11:14
Keep cracking these big cases. So we're thrilled to be able to recognize them again. So Chief. 00:11:20
Mayor Council, thank you for the opportunity. It's always an honor to be able to come up and recognize the great work that your 00:11:26
officers are doing every single day in this wonderful city. 00:11:30
If I can, I do have two different incentive awards that I would like to present tonight. The first one is for Officer Jennifer 00:11:34
Bethel, who unfortunately couldn't be with us tonight. 00:11:39
Lucky for her, she's on vacation with her family and she said I'll come back if you need me to, but. 00:11:44
It's kind of a three hour drive from Saint George that we told her to just stay there, but we'll get this to her. But I just think 00:11:49
it's important to read this so that you guys know the great work that you did. And if I can just take a minute and read this. And 00:11:53
I think this particular award is important to note that it's actually, and a lot of it's going to be quoted from one of our fellow 00:11:58
officers that sent me an e-mail commending her for a great work that she did. 00:12:03
On a shooting that happened at an apartment complex here in Holiday back in November and she said. 00:12:07
This officer said, although this case was aided by multiple officers, I wanted to recognize Officer Bittles efforts. 00:12:13
A team of us were clearing the apartment complex out of our cars, working to the incident location and attempt to locate the 00:12:18
suspect who had fled on foot. Authors Officer Bissell was the third car behind us. She continued to get to the victim. 00:12:25
Officer Bithell applied a tourniquet to the victim and stopped the bleeding. The scene was chaotic and she was still able to 00:12:31
perform life saving measures. Officer Bithell also went home absolutely covered in blood and spent the morning. 00:12:36
After work, cleaning your uniform, vest, body camera, shoes, et cetera. 00:12:41
The night prior to this incident, Officer Biffle had taken a Tactical Combat Casualty Care course, TCC as we call it, at the 00:12:45
Holiday Precinct, which was not required and was on her day off. Officer Bissell took the time out of her day to attend this 00:12:51
training and although I know she can perform under stress, it was so fantastic to see this occur the day after this refresher 00:12:58
course. That particular course teaches you how to apply first aid in a traumatic situation. 00:13:04
Officer Bissell's actions on this day were exemplary. She continues to go above and beyond and improve her skills and serve the 00:13:10
citizens of Holiday. 00:13:13
She's truly an example to others and an asset to the city of Holiday in the Unified Police Department. So with that, we would 00:13:16
present her with this incentive award. 00:13:19
With that, I have one other incentive award that I'd like to present to both Detective Jason Potion and Easton Story, if I could 00:13:25
have those guys come up. 00:13:28
Up here and Jason, you've got to bring your wife with you. We all know that these officers can't do the great work. 00:13:32
The support of their family and their loved ones so. 00:13:37
You got to come up here as well. 00:13:41
Because. 00:13:43
We know that we've taken Jason and Easton out of their homes quite a bit to work on, especially this case that we're going to talk 00:13:44
about tonight. And so the support of their families to be able to do this is. 00:13:48
Is what is valuable in this situation. 00:13:54
This one you may have seen on the news. 00:13:57
And we'll talk a little bit about, but in early December 2024, the Unified Police Department. 00:13:59
Received a call of an illegal dumping of tires on a vacant part of the old Cottonwood Mall lot. 00:14:04
There were well over 1000 tires that had been eagerly dumped illegally dumped with no suspect information, no leads, no video and 00:14:09
no suspects. 00:14:13
Detective Easton Story and Jason Potion began looking at this case. They found some markings on the tires that they began to 00:14:17
research. They spent hours researching the markings on these tires on the Internet. 00:14:22
They were able to match the markings on these tires to a local tire store here in Salt Lake County. 00:14:28
These detectives then spoke to the owner of that tire store and learned that he had recently changed companies that picked up old 00:14:33
used tires. 00:14:36
And they were supposed to be taken to a recycling plant. It became apparent that this new company was just picking up the tires 00:14:39
and illegally dumping them instead of recycling them. 00:14:43
Through the investigation, they learned that. 00:14:47
Holiday was not the only dumping site they found. There were multiple dumping sites all across Salt Lake County and thousands and 00:14:49
thousands of tires. Detectives spent days watching for this company to come pick up more tires and then follow them to see where 00:14:53
they would be dumped. 00:14:57
They also authored multiple search warrants through this process. 00:15:01
Detectives coordinated with Salt Lake County Health Department as well through this investigation. 00:15:05
They were able to obtain clear evidence as to the individuals who were involved in this case and have made one arrest so far and 00:15:09
and. 00:15:12
Charge this individual with multiple felonies. 00:15:16
They'd identified a second suspect that they're currently investigating. These detectives truly went above and beyond to solve a 00:15:18
case that potentially and very easily could have gone cold. 00:15:22
They also did not stop just at this holiday incident. 00:15:27
These individuals to multiple dumping sites across Salt Lake County. Both detectives continually go above and beyond to serve. 00:15:30
This great city. 00:15:37
And I think just a quick side note on this, as a matter of fact they have not stopped on this, have linked it to another suspect 00:15:38
in just yesterday I found another dumping site with 10s of thousands of tires just across the border in Nevada that they're 00:15:43
working on now, so. 00:15:47
They don't stop. As a matter of fact, we've kind of labeled them the dynamic duo as they're working together. 00:15:52
You may have just recently seen on the news this last week a case of involving multiple burglaries at. 00:15:58
Business offices here in Holiday. 00:16:03
That they've linked this individual. 00:16:06
They were the ones that solved that case and linked her to 18 cases across Salt Lake County and into Utah County and are still 00:16:08
ongoing. They just. 00:16:11
Every single time they get a case, they don't leave a stone unturned until they get an arrest made in. And we're really honored to 00:16:14
have them working here in Holiday and congratulations on your great work. 00:16:19
You mind if we have them come up here and we get a picture? Yeah. 00:16:32
I got a caveat. 00:16:35
So Chief was just as involved in. 00:16:37
We sent him. 00:16:41
On several occasions to sit and walk. 00:16:43
While we were out doing other things. 00:16:45
Where's your? 00:16:48
You guys are my incentive awards so. 00:16:51
Oh, you got to measure your part. 00:16:54
Where do you want us to you want to just scooch in right here behind We'll just. 00:16:59
Will that work? Sure. 00:17:03
It works for you. 00:17:04
Are we going to do this? 00:17:08
Thank you guys. 00:17:34
Appreciate it. Thank you. 00:17:36
When he's not doing that, Easton can hang your TV for you. Yeah, and paint and drywall. 00:17:41
Oh. 00:17:49
I. 00:17:59
Thanks, Chief. 00:18:02
Appreciate it. 00:18:04
OK, now we'll move to item number 5. This is the public hearing on proposed text amendment to Title 13.02. 00:18:09
.030 Roadway Classifications. 00:18:16
OK, let me. 00:18:24
I want to set this up just a little bit and then we'll get started, but. 00:18:26
I just want to know those that are here to listen to this. 00:18:30
Public hearing that. 00:18:34
There's a 55 page. 00:18:36
Packet enclosure that includes. 00:18:39
The staff report that's written by John Tierlink. 00:18:42
The Holiday Inn Holiday Engineering staff review. 00:18:46
That responses to the applicant. A general plan amendment, withdrawal, application of supporting materials from the applicant. 00:18:51
PC Media Planning Commission meeting minutes from. 00:18:59
January 7th, I believe and I'll note that that vote on that, I think everybody saw it was a 70 denial. 00:19:03
On the application. 00:19:10
There's 15 public comments that I think came from the Planning Commission inside the packet. 00:19:12
And so. 00:19:19
The council has reviewed. 00:19:21
All of the information that is in the packet and is familiar with it. 00:19:23
So I just want to let everybody know that to include the applicant. 00:19:27
When we get to the public hearing, we'll ask that individuals keep their comments to three minutes or less, but you're welcome to 00:19:32
also speak on behalf of if there's a group. 00:19:37
And there's a whole bunch of people that want to say the same thing. 00:19:42
You're welcome to get up and speak on behalf of them, have them raise their hand. We just want to make sure everybody has an 00:19:45
opportunity to address the council. 00:19:49
If they would like to do that. 00:19:52
The applicant is going to take has a 15 minute block to present to the council. 00:19:54
And then we'll take it from there. So we do intend on. It's not, it was not listed in the. 00:20:01
On the agenda, but when we recess. 00:20:07
Council meeting will move across the hall to go into work session. 00:20:11
And we will be discussing. 00:20:14
This particular item in the in the work session. 00:20:17
Across the hall, just as an FYI. If people want to sit on that, that's all. 00:20:19
That's all open to the public. 00:20:23
When we start going through this, you typically you're not going to see. 00:20:26
The Council. 00:20:29
Engage a lot. It's a public hearing, so we're here to listen to the staff report if we've got any clarifying comments from the 00:20:31
packet, information we've received or from the applicant. 00:20:36
We'll ask it, but typically that's about it. 00:20:41
So a lot of people are curious why there's not all this back and forth, but that's really not what a public hearing is all about. 00:20:44
It's about hearing. 00:20:47
What the staff has said and what the applicant has is proposing and then just have any any clarifying questions? 00:20:51
So with that, we will start with John. 00:20:59
If you want to cover any of the staff report and then we'll move the applicant. 00:21:03
Thank you, Mayor, the Jonathan Turling Community and Economic Development Director. 00:21:11
Application before you use a text amendment, which is a legislative process that means that. 00:21:17
The applicant proceeds with submitting his or her. 00:21:23
Their application to amend either. 00:21:27
Existing code representing new. 00:21:30
Amendments to holiday ordinance. The technical review committee. 00:21:32
Reviews that application and provides the Planning Commission with a staff report. 00:21:36
And the supply documents from the applicant. 00:21:41
As mentioned, on January 7, the Planning Commission reviewed that application. 00:21:44
With their own public hearing and heard a presentation from the applicant. 00:21:48
In this situation. 00:21:53
The request is to review dimensional standards for a specific section of. 00:21:55
Murray Holiday Rd. 00:21:59
The section that's being requested to be amended is within Title 13. 00:22:01
That section is a. 00:22:06
Portion of the title code that reviews the general plan and other planning documents to determine. 00:22:07
Specific width dimensions of the right of way. 00:22:13
The public right of way. 00:22:17
The Planning Commission reviewed both the presentation and. 00:22:20
From staff and up from the applicant and forwarded a recommendation to the council. 00:22:23
For their review tonight. 00:22:28
The information that has been provided in your packet is from the Technical Review Committee as far as. 00:22:30
Planning and zoning. 00:22:37
Point of view. 00:22:39
Traffic engineering point of view and a traffic planning point of view. 00:22:40
The applicant does have some. 00:22:44
Narrative that needs to be reviewed by the the City Council and also hold the public hearing. 00:22:46
There is comments from the applicants traffic engineer in your packet. 00:22:52
So staff is here, you know, in your work session if you have questions. 00:22:57
About that. 00:23:02
Any questions for John before we get started? 00:23:07
If there's none, he's still going to be available depending on what we hear from the applicant. If you have more questions, we'll 00:23:11
take them at that point. 00:23:14
So we'll now turn it over to Mr. Hilton. 00:23:18
And my understanding is you've got an opening. 00:23:22
Statement you want to read and then a presentation. 00:23:27
OK. 00:23:30
Is what you're going to put up there in our packet. 00:23:47
Yes. 00:23:49
OK, we'll be viewing it on our screens then, just FYI. 00:23:53
Hi, my name is Ron Hilton. I live at 2394 E Murray Holiday Rd. 00:24:12
I'd like to read an opening statement. I wrote it out so I wouldn't forget anything. 00:24:20
And then I'll kind of go. 00:24:27
More ad Lib from that point. 00:24:29
On but. 00:24:31
This is just to kind of give bring everybody up to speed and get us on the same page as to how we got to this point and what the. 00:24:32
History has been. 00:24:39
So I'll go ahead and read that. 00:24:41
It started two years ago with a question regarding the location. 00:24:44
Of a power pole on the boundary. 00:24:48
Between Hadley Pines and Holton Park. 00:24:50
We noticed that the developer of Hadley Pines had angled the new curb. 00:24:54
And gutter away from the power pole. 00:24:58
When we questioned that, we learned that it had been approved that way by the city. 00:25:01
So our civil engineer modified our plan for Holton Park. 00:25:05
With a drawing showing the curve bumping out slightly to avoid the power pole. 00:25:09
Only by about 6 inches, not 18 inches, has been. 00:25:13
Claimed in some documents. 00:25:17
The city replied that to narrow the shoulder by even 6 inches over a short distance like that was unacceptable. 00:25:19
And the power pole had to be moved. 00:25:26
In support of that position, they sent us a copy of the general plan wrote. 00:25:29
Road network map. 00:25:32
But the map seemed to show just the opposite, that Murray Holiday Rd. was in fact slated to be narrowed. 00:25:35
Going eastward from our property. 00:25:40
In fact, it's the only Rd. in the city that the general plan shows being narrowed in that way. 00:25:43
It has already been narrowed from 66 feet to 55 feet at Hadley Pines. 00:25:49
And was to be further narrowed to become a secondary residential St. 00:25:54
Compatible with Apple Blossom Lane, which it feeds into at the East End. 00:25:59
Where where the holiday ends, it becomes. 00:26:03
Apple Blossom Lane. 00:26:05
The current width going east from Holton Park to that point is about 42 feet. 00:26:07
So we met with the city to discuss it and we were told that even though a secondary residential St. 00:26:13
Was the narrowest Rd. classification. 00:26:18
It could actually be as much as 50 feet wide. 00:26:21
And that in fact, they intended to eventually widen the right of way to that 50 foot maximum. 00:26:24
In order to extend the sidewalk all the way to the end. 00:26:30
Realizing that to do so would affect the front yards of all our neighbors to the east. 00:26:33
I took a walk down the street and measured the location of all the remaining power poles and fire hydrants. 00:26:37
That might be affected by that. 00:26:43
About halfway down the street, one of my neighbors stopped me and asked what I was doing. 00:26:45
When I explained the situation, he was upset and questioned whether a sidewalk was needed at all. 00:26:50
Since there is already 1:00 on the other side of the street. 00:26:55
He also said that he had complained to the city about the speeding problem there. 00:26:58
And pointed to an electronic speed limit sign that had recently been put in. 00:27:03
To try to address that problem. 00:27:07
Albeit without much success. 00:27:09
Effect. We see that sign flashing red. 00:27:11
All the time. 00:27:14
Anyway, the end result was the neighborhood petition that you have in your packet. 00:27:15
Which was submitted to the city in August of 2023. 00:27:20
But the petition was essentially ignored, so in early 2024, we asked the city. 00:27:24
What needed to be done to address the issue? 00:27:30
They suggested that we file an appeal regarding the power pole. 00:27:33
Which would involve a hearing with the mayor. 00:27:36
We did so and invited our neighbor to present the petition. 00:27:39
Using much of our limited time allotment at the hearing to do that. 00:27:43
To our disappointment, the petition and the neighborhood testimony was afterward. 00:27:47
Ruled inadmissible in that forum. 00:27:51
As for the power pole, the mayor's decision was that it would not be appropriate. 00:27:55
To alter the sidewalk design for that reason. 00:27:59
And I actually agree with that. 00:28:02
As far as it goes. 00:28:04
If the power pole were the only consideration. 00:28:06
That by itself would not be adequate justification for narrowing the road. 00:28:09
But this was no longer about moving power poles. It was a question of public safety. 00:28:14
A neighborhood e-mail campaign was then undertaken to try and persuade our representatives to hold a town hall meeting on this 00:28:19
issue. 00:28:22
But they declined. 00:28:26
So as a last resort, we filed this text amendment. 00:28:28
And you're reviewing this evening? 00:28:32
To ensure that a public hearing on the merits would take place and a final decision would be reached. 00:28:34
My understanding though, is that you do not actually have to approve the text amendment to the city code. 00:28:42
To address the issue. 00:28:48
In fact. 00:28:52
Staff already has the. 00:28:53
Statutory authority to approve the text amendment. 00:28:55
Or to approve the proposal rather of the text amendment. 00:28:59
And really doesn't actually even need your permission to do so. 00:29:04
What we hope is that after you've heard our presentation, including. 00:29:08
The testimony of the traffic engineer that we hired. 00:29:11
And the direct input from your constituents tonight. 00:29:14
That you may encourage staff to approve the proposal in some form. 00:29:17
We realized that this process. 00:29:22
We're here for tonight. 00:29:24
While perfectly legal. 00:29:26
Is not ideal. 00:29:28
It's the main reason, in fact, the Planning Commission gave a negative recommendation. They just questioned the whole. 00:29:31
The whole approach. 00:29:37
And I don't disagree with them on that. 00:29:40
There ought to be another way, and I hope that some changes might be made. 00:29:43
So that the community issues like this can be. 00:29:47
That are handled in the future. 00:29:49
But with that background, I'd like to now set all that aside and. 00:29:51
Have us focus on the proposal itself. 00:29:55
And evaluated on its merits as far as making our neighborhood safer for. 00:29:57
Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. 00:30:02
Any questions or comments on that? 00:30:08
So this drawing over here. 00:30:15
Shows kind of what we have in mind and this has evolved. So this isn't. 00:30:19
Is a little different than what we had two years ago. 00:30:23
Community input. It's evolved and. 00:30:26
And other input. 00:30:29
So basically. 00:30:31
In a nutshell, the idea is to. 00:30:33
Slow down the traffic on this East End of Murray Holiday Rd. 00:30:36
Where it becomes a single family residential area. 00:30:40
You know, with driveways backing onto it and you know, it's more of a residential area. 00:30:43
So we wanted it to look more like a residential Rd. more like Apple blossom plain. 00:30:49
Where it ends and it turns into Apple Boss Blaine. 00:30:54
So. 00:30:58
We've got it. 00:31:00
Mapped out in three phases. 00:31:01
The last phase here, I'll talk about the last phase first because that's kind of the end goal. 00:31:04
To explain what the what? 00:31:09
What it would look like? 00:31:12
So right now, as I said, there's a 55 foot right away here. 00:31:14
And at this end of the road, it's. 00:31:19
About 42 feet. 00:31:22
Existing right of way. 00:31:24
So the travel lanes are 11 1/2 feet wide. 00:31:26
Right here. 00:31:31
Those lanes are 11 1/2 feet wide. 00:31:35
Our proposal would be to narrow them to 10 feet. 00:31:38
And then? 00:31:42
Basically eliminate all. 00:31:43
The shoulder marking and the center line from them going there. 00:31:46
Beyond there. 00:31:49
And so. 00:31:52
This this area is between holiday village. 00:31:54
Here on the left on the West. 00:31:58
And Clearview St. on the right, and this is what's called the medium density district. 00:32:00
So you've got your high density. 00:32:05
Townhomes and condominiums, You got the. 00:32:07
Of the terraces and the holiday row here. 00:32:09
And then you've got your low density. 00:32:12
Single family neighborhood. 00:32:15
There. So this is kind of a transition. 00:32:17
And that's, as I've explained before, that's kind of the concept of Holton Park is to be that transition. 00:32:19
So it's a single family homes but medium density. 00:32:26
To kind of provide a transition from the high density multifamily into the single family residential. 00:32:29
And we feel that a similar transition. 00:32:35
In the speed and intensity of traffic is also appropriate, so this is the right place to do this. 00:32:38
In our opinion. 00:32:44
So as far as the phased approach to it. 00:32:47
Phase 1 and I actually give credit to the mayor for this idea. 00:32:52
And so in that. 00:32:56
Appeal hearing that we had. The mayor commented that. 00:32:58
Although he was. 00:33:01
Didn't like the idea of using cement. 00:33:03
You know infrastructure to change the road width. 00:33:06
Restriping the road might be an option. 00:33:09
That had been done elsewhere in the city with good effect. 00:33:11
And so phase one is just done with paint basically. 00:33:14
So it would be. 00:33:18
Restriping. 00:33:22
Narrowing those. 00:33:24
But not adding any curb, gutter or sidewalk. 00:33:25
And so you can see. 00:33:31
Just tail the straight so you've got a parked car. So currently there is. 00:33:33
Parking allowed on the on the north side of the road. 00:33:37
There's a wider shoulder there. 00:33:40
And then I'm showing two cars passing each other. 00:33:42
The the longer tail behind them is meant to imply a higher rate of speed. 00:33:45
And So what phase one would accomplish? 00:33:51
You would still have the parking on the Northside, the cars. 00:33:54
Not having that center line and having the 10 foot. 00:33:57
Travel lanes would. 00:34:01
Tend to go slower. 00:34:02
Which is the objective and then? 00:34:04
You could have parking also on the South side because the shoulder would be wider as a result. 00:34:06
I put a question mark there because. 00:34:13
There's been some difference of opinion in the neighborhood about that, so I'll mention that in a second. 00:34:16
So just phase one would. 00:34:22
You know, make some improvement in the. 00:34:25
Traffic. 00:34:28
Speeds and so on and safety. 00:34:29
And as Ben mentioned, this is also a bike route. 00:34:32
As distinct from a bike lane. 00:34:35
So this. 00:34:37
The current narrow shoulder is not a bike lane, and the wider shoulder would also not be a bike lane. The bikes are allowed to use 00:34:39
the full width of the road. 00:34:43
But the best thing you can do for bike safety? 00:34:48
Is to keep the speeds down so this would improve bike safety. 00:34:51
And of course, pedestrian safety as well. 00:34:56
I mean we we see people walking on the shoulder all the time, so making it wider would. 00:34:59
That by itself would be an improvement in safety, I think. 00:35:04
Phase two would then be. 00:35:08
The beginning of a new sidewalk. 00:35:10
This is. 00:35:12
Basically part of Holton Park so. 00:35:14
We're already bonded with the city and we've already paid to do that so. 00:35:16
That's essentially paid for and we're on the hook to do it. 00:35:20
So that that piece of it. 00:35:24
You know it won't cost the city anything. 00:35:26
And then phase three would be. 00:35:29
At some future time when budget allows. 00:35:32
Continue that sidewalk on. 00:35:35
All the way to the end of Murray Holiday Rd. 00:35:37
The impact that would have, first of all the sidewalk, of course, would provide greater safety for pedestrians. 00:35:42
It would also. 00:35:49
Create what is called a yield St. So most residential streets are. 00:35:51
Our yield St. in other words. 00:35:55
People can park on both sides of the road. 00:35:58
And this is the case with Apple Blossom Lane if two cars are coming at the same time. 00:36:01
One of them has to yield to the other. You can't both pass each other between the two parked cars. 00:36:06
So that's. 00:36:11
That's what's illustrated here. The blue car has stopped to allow the green car. 00:36:12
Get through. 00:36:16
Assuming that parking were allowed here once again. 00:36:18
When the original. 00:36:22
Petition was circulated. 00:36:25
It basically said that. 00:36:27
There would be no sidewalk. 00:36:30
And that parking would be allowed. 00:36:32
There because some residents already parked there on their own. 00:36:34
Kind of. Partly on the shoulder and partly on their property. 00:36:38
And they like to be able to continue to do that. 00:36:41
But some neighbors didn't sign that. They objected to that. They thought it was sidewalk. 00:36:44
Was actually a good idea. 00:36:48
And our traffic engineer also. 00:36:51
Said that yes, you know, sidewalk really would be appropriate here. 00:36:54
So. 00:36:58
Essentially that petition, if you read the language of that petition, it's basically describing. 00:37:00
Phase 2. 00:37:04
OK. 00:37:06
Now with phase three, you could still. 00:37:08
Of the street parking. 00:37:10
If desired. 00:37:12
And I think that would be a good idea. It's not that there's a need for parking. 00:37:13
You can count on the fingers of one hand. 00:37:17
The number of cars that are parked on the Northside on any given day. 00:37:20
It's not a. 00:37:24
Amount of parking. 00:37:25
But just the mere presence. 00:37:27
And our traffic engineer has confirmed this. Just the mere presence of a few parked cars. 00:37:29
Tends to slow slow people down. 00:37:34
So we think it's a good idea and some of the. 00:37:36
People like to park there. 00:37:40
You know, visitors come to their house or whatever, so it's not going to be like the whole. 00:37:41
Thing is going to be a big parking lot but. 00:37:45
So I would personally like to see. 00:37:48
Let's go all the way to phase three as far as cost. 00:37:51
That question has come up. 00:37:54
So phase one is just the restriping. 00:37:58
That would be. 00:38:01
Based and this is These are my numbers OK, but based on. 00:38:03
Having gotten bids for this. 00:38:07
Probably about $25,000 to restripe the whole. 00:38:09
The whole Rd. there. 00:38:13
The phase two, which is just a little piece that we're already on the hook to do that, that's going to be about 5000 and that's 00:38:15
already covered by the bond. 00:38:19
And then phase three. 00:38:23
To extend that curb, gutter and sidewalk the whole way. 00:38:24
Would be about 120,000. 00:38:27
Based on. 00:38:30
You know what we've spent to do similar work already. That's about what we would estimate. 00:38:31
Now I had. 00:38:38
So I had offered to help pay for some of this. 00:38:42
We've had a. 00:38:48
The negative financial situation arise. 00:38:51
That makes that rather difficult. 00:38:53
The $25,000 would be a little bit beyond our ability right now. 00:38:56
But I think we probably could do if. 00:39:01
You know, we're already committed to doing this little piece of sidewalk. 00:39:04
We could probably do the. 00:39:08
The repainting that's shown just. 00:39:09
On this picture the part between. 00:39:11
Holiday Village in Clearview. 00:39:14
If you wanted to do that. 00:39:16
That you know. 00:39:18
We could probably squeeze that into our budget at this point. 00:39:20
So we're willing to do that. 00:39:23
So really the only expense to the city would be. 00:39:25
The completion of phase three at some point when your budget allows for it. 00:39:28
But we would get us part way to The Who we're trying to get. 00:39:34
One question that came up in. 00:39:42
The public hearing with the Planning Commission. 00:39:44
One of the residents was concerned about, So there's already some sidewalks, a few sections of sidewalk. 00:39:47
On the South side in front of the LDS Church, there at Chapel Street, between Chapel Street and Wander, and then at the very end 00:39:54
where the condominiums are. 00:39:58
There's also a sidewalk. 00:40:03
And they were concerned that this was going to change that or narrow, you know, take away the parking that they have there. 00:40:06
And I just want to clarify, we would not change any existing sidewalks so that it would just be new sidewalk not replacing what's 00:40:12
already there. And in fact. 00:40:16
You know, narrowing the travel lanes would actually allow more parking. 00:40:21
In those locations by the church and by the condominium, so. 00:40:25
That could be a positive. 00:40:29
Umm. But anyway, that was just one thing I wanted to clarify. 00:40:32
That's pretty much it for my. 00:40:37
My introduction. If there's any questions I'd be happy to. 00:40:39
Answer those. 00:40:42
I did just so I'm clear. 00:40:46
There's an approval for this development right now, correct the South development. 00:40:49
Does it require the sidewalk to be installed at the time that lot is developed? Yes it does. 00:40:55
It doesn't. Well, so there's. 00:41:01
And if you look at the language of the text amendment, it mentions a date. 00:41:03
By which this ought to be accomplished. 00:41:07
And that date is the date upon which. 00:41:09
The improvement bond expires. 00:41:12
That's the only reason for that date. 00:41:14
So, uh. 00:41:16
If the city wanted to extend that deadline, then this could. You know that date doesn't have to be cast in stone. 00:41:18
Yeah, I mean, so if you want to improve the South lot. 00:41:25
The sidewalk has to go straight across and the pole has to be moved. 00:41:29
And the polls, not the issue. 00:41:33
It's right. 00:41:35
So I'm just going to ask this question and I'll cover it across the hall, but the question I'm going to have for the Council is. 00:41:38
If this is strictly a safety issue. 00:41:46
And the pole has to be moved regardless, because even if you go to phase 3 or 4. 00:41:49
The polls going to be required to be moved to protect our shoulder right away, so that's a non issue. 00:41:54
Then the only issue is really safety. We're arguing about safety here. 00:42:01
And if you can achieve the safety goals that you're proposing here by simply. 00:42:05
Changing the lines from 11/4 to 10 feet. 00:42:12
Why wouldn't we just? 00:42:16
Do that as opposed. 00:42:18
As you've proposed on phase one. 00:42:19
That would be the option and I will say with a caveat. 00:42:22
That. 00:42:26
I would have to be convinced that painting the lines or changing the width of the lines. 00:42:28
From 11 feet 4 inches to 10 feet. 00:42:33
Would have to be justified because my understanding is when you remove that centerline, I'm not going to argue about it is. 00:42:35
That doesn't make it safer. It's actually not something you should be doing as a first option, so. 00:42:41
That's going to be my. 00:42:48
The issue I have to wrestle with is why would we? 00:42:50
Jog the right away and narrow the right away. 00:42:54
From what we have right now, if the only issue is safety. 00:42:57
And if the 10 foot solution is the solution which somebody would have to justify to me. 00:43:01
Why wouldn't we just do that? 00:43:08
Not go through all this. 00:43:10
All these gyrations, so you don't have to answer that. I'm just making a public statement. 00:43:12
You know, with people here, but I'm happy to debate it across the hall, but that's kind of where I'm at. 00:43:18
OK. Appreciate that. 00:43:23
I guess. 00:43:26
Just to briefly respond. 00:43:27
What you're essentially describing as phase one, and maybe that's all that's needed, you know? 00:43:33
Just restriping the road. 00:43:37
And then yeah, the sidewalk wouldn't be affected. 00:43:39
The reason? 00:43:42
To do Phase 2. 00:43:44
To angle the sidewalk. 00:43:46
Would be. 00:43:47
If the desire is to have. If the long term desire is to have a sidewalk there and I have. 00:43:50
Become convinced that that's a good idea. 00:43:55
And this is the right time and place to. 00:43:59
You know to start that process. 00:44:01
Because. 00:44:04
The process. 00:44:09
There's several different ways the city can do that. 00:44:10
There's eminent domain. 00:44:12
Where the city basically buys the property from the. 00:44:14
To increase the right of way and puts in the improvements. 00:44:18
There's exaction. 00:44:22
Which is the method that's like for example. 00:44:24
The sidewalk that we're putting in is. 00:44:27
An example of exaction. You know you do some development. Condition of completing the development is you make improvements to the 00:44:30
right of way. 00:44:34
The problem with that is. 00:44:38
It tends to be happen in a piece meal fashion. 00:44:40
It only happens when a certain property gets developed. 00:44:44
When I lived in California. 00:44:48
We remodeled our home on a neighborhood St. 00:44:51
And. 00:44:55
And we were required to put in some sidewalk. 00:44:58
And so we did. 00:45:00
You know, it was the airport and. 00:45:02
And Roads Commission of Santa Clara County put in the sidewalk. 00:45:05
So they came out, approved that, put it in. 00:45:09
A few months later, one of our neighbors was at a desk power walking. 00:45:11
So, oh look, there's a great sidewalk. I went over there to get on the sidewalk. Well, since the sidewalk ended right there. 00:45:15
He tripped on the edge of it. 00:45:20
Shattered their jaw. 00:45:22
We were sued. 00:45:23
And. 00:45:26
You know, fortunately, our homeowners insurance paid for it. 00:45:27
But this idea of. 00:45:30
Yeah, it would save the city money, you know, to wait until. 00:45:31
This and that piece of property gets developed. 00:45:35
I just don't. 00:45:38
You know if a sidewalk is really needed and will help improve pedestrian safety. 00:45:39
Which I believe it will. 00:45:44
I think it's better to bite the bullet and do it, and this would be by far. 00:45:45
The least expensive way to do it right? Not having to. 00:45:49
Move a lot of power poles and fire hydrants and. 00:45:53
And uh. 00:45:57
You know, exercise eminent domain and buy property. Just putting it right where the pavement already is would be. 00:45:59
Much less expensive, and so that's the reason. 00:46:04
To do that as far as the 10 foot. 00:46:08
Lane width or eliminating the lane marking. I would just refer you to the letter that our traffic engineer sent today. 00:46:12
Citing studies that that, you know, supporting that. 00:46:19
OK. 00:46:25
All right. Thanks. 00:46:27
We're going to move to the public hearing now, but you'll be available if we have questions after we hear from the public. 00:46:28
I would just remind. 00:46:35
Everybody would try to keep to three minutes or less. 00:46:37
For those that want to comment, and if you're speaking, if you want to speak on behalf of a group where you have a collective. 00:46:41
Statement you want to make, we usually ask you to state that and then have people. 00:46:47
Raise their hand so we can get a sense of how many people are out there supporting that opinion. 00:46:52
And with that, we'll open up the public hearing. 00:46:56
And uh. 00:46:59
We don't have any written stuff, so just come on up and when. 00:47:00
The last person. 00:47:04
Has finished. Will most likely close the public hearing so it's open. 00:47:05
Come on up. 00:47:14
Yeah, just name and address please. 00:47:15
My name is Clark Larson. 00:47:24
I live. 00:47:27
Clearview St. 00:47:28
At 4565 S. 00:47:30
So I. 00:47:34
Wind up driving through this area on a fairly regular basis. 00:47:37
I might. 00:47:45
Add if I may. 00:47:47
I have some experience in the public safety area, having been a cop for 40 years. 00:47:50
30 of that. 00:47:58
US a Secret Service agent. 00:48:00
And the rest, like the uniformed police and traffic control and some of that kind of stuff. 00:48:03
What he's talking about here. 00:48:12
Should be considered whether you choose to do it or not. 00:48:16
It was up to you. I see some pros and cons to be honest and. 00:48:22
Shared him with him. 00:48:28
What he hasn't said is. 00:48:31
You have a say. 00:48:34
In how? 00:48:36
The police. 00:48:38
Work here, Yes. They are not a city Police Department. You aren't there. 00:48:40
Direct boss in that way, but they do. 00:48:45
Lesson. Am I right? 00:48:48
We work for them. 00:48:51
Umm, if. If in fact. 00:48:54
A little bit of a survey is done by the police to see if it is a real. 00:48:59
Issue. 00:49:05
They can then start enforcing the law more strictly on that street. 00:49:07
I'll be honest, jamming it down South, it's like Feldon. 00:49:13
Where you can't drive through there two at a time because there's. 00:49:17
A narrow St. and. 00:49:21
Cars parked and. 00:49:22
You have to take turns and that in some ways is is. 00:49:25
In my opinion more dangerous, but I. 00:49:29
I do think that. 00:49:33
Law enforcement is an effective way. 00:49:34
If they do a survey. 00:49:38
And there's ways to do that with radar. 00:49:41
And they don't have to spend all day every day. 00:49:45
Doing that so I would add that. 00:49:49
Chose the things to consider. 00:49:52
Now have I gone past my time? 00:49:56
We're really not that formal. We just asked. 00:50:00
Thank you. Some cities are they put you on the clock, but. 00:50:04
Most our residents are pretty. 00:50:06
Pretty respectful of everybody's time. 00:50:09
Don't be shy, this is your opportunity. 00:50:13
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Owen Smoot. I live at 2544 E. 00:50:20
Murray Holiday Rd. 00:50:24
Point of information, just for my benefit, we haven't lived here long, I think four years. 00:50:26
We moved from back east. 00:50:33
What is the general plan for Murray Holiday Road? Or is there one because I've read the general plan. 00:50:36
I've heard things from different sources. 00:50:41
Is there a plan for Murray Holiday Rd. going east from? 00:50:44
Village where I live, I live up. I'm on the corner of Wander and. 00:50:47
Maria Holiday next to the LDS Church, but. 00:50:51
If there is a plan, I would like to know what it is so I know. 00:50:54
Whether or not you know. 00:50:58
I want to get involved. 00:50:59
But just as a point of. 00:51:01
Support. I guess not necessarily for Ron's proposal. 00:51:03
But in. 00:51:07
Just a proposal or support. 00:51:09
Sorry. 00:51:11
Anything that we can do? 00:51:13
Increased safety on that road I think is. 00:51:14
A good idea. My son has almost been run over. I see my neighbor Rob Etherington sitting back there. His grandkids are riding back 00:51:17
and forth across the street. 00:51:21
All the time. 00:51:25
My neighbor's kid came this close to getting hit. 00:51:27
I really appreciate that you've. 00:51:30
Put up a speed camera or a little speed flashing speed sign on the road. 00:51:32
And I do appreciate the police being. 00:51:35
In the parking lot there at the church to trap speeders, but it's it's I realize it's kind of a losing battle in a lot of ways. So 00:51:38
if this would. 00:51:42
Reduce speed and increase safety on the road then I would support it. 00:51:48
Thank you. Thank you. 00:51:52
Good evening, my name is Marjorie McDermott. I live at 2534 E Murray Holiday Rd. 00:52:01
I appreciate Mr. Hilton's tenacity. I agree that there is a problem on the road. I certainly appreciate the council putting in the 00:52:08
one speeding sign flashing. 00:52:14
I think we do have a speeding problem there. 00:52:20
I do not support narrowing the road. 00:52:24
And that's for multiple reasons, I think the. 00:52:28
Going the back and forth and having to slow down. I I'm a realtor. I traveled the whole city. 00:52:32
I've seen the little roundabouts, I've seen lots of ways that we slow traffic down. 00:52:38
We need some more help. I think the Police Department is doing a great job. 00:52:45
Considering their resources. 00:52:50
They probably need more. 00:52:52
I would like another study. I know you've done previous studies. 00:52:55
On speeding there, but it really is tragic. I've seen Owens. 00:52:58
Backyard neighbor, ours also their little boy almost get hit. 00:53:04
I've watched Rob's grandchildren. 00:53:09
I've seen bikes, it's the speeding is a problem I don't think narrowing the road. 00:53:12
Is the issue, and I realize this doesn't really address what Mr. Hilton wants. 00:53:18
But I don't think what he's proposing. 00:53:25
Is really what the city needs. I think we need a closer look at that. 00:53:28
A little bit more. 00:53:34
Thoughtfulness. 00:53:37
As to possibilities of voice, we could change that. I'd be happy to discuss it. I realize this isn't the forum for it. 00:53:38
But I would just ask that the Council say. 00:53:46
Note narrowing the road. 00:53:51
But continue to consider that we do have a speeding problem. 00:53:53
And we do have it is a safety issue I don't see that this solves. 00:53:58
A safety issue, That's really what we're here for. 00:54:02
Thank you. 00:54:05
Thank you. Any questions? 00:54:07
I'm Frank Moffett and I live at 4635 S Clearview. We've been here for. 00:54:25
Over 30 years. 00:54:30
In the same location. 00:54:31
I agree that there is speeding on Murray Holiday Rd. 00:54:33
But narrowing it, I think would be. 00:54:36
Would increase the. 00:54:40
The unsafeness. 00:54:42
Especially taking out the middle line. 00:54:45
I believe on the South side you should have an easement. 00:54:49
That they build an easement for each and every Rd. that is. 00:54:54
Owned by the county or the state? 00:54:59
4 improvements like. 00:55:01
Sidewalks. 00:55:03
And I don't think you'd have to. 00:55:04
Narrow the road. 00:55:08
Changing the size of the lanes might help. 00:55:11
But narrowing the road I don't think would help. 00:55:14
But putting in a sidewalk would help. But I think there is an easement. 00:55:17
If I'm not mistaken, on every Rd. 00:55:21
That's given that's built into. 00:55:24
The planning. 00:55:27
I may be mistaken, but I think. 00:55:29
That's the case in most areas. 00:55:31
Thank you. 00:55:34
OK, thanks. 00:55:35
I failed to read in while. 00:55:40
Anybody else out there is trying to get the courage to speak? 00:55:44
Umm, we did have an e-mail from Brian Horan, who's the traffic consultant for Mr. Hilton, who's. 00:55:48
Wrote us an e-mail clarification and then a. 00:55:54
Written comment from Brian and Dina Jackman at. 00:55:58
4644 S Chapel Dr. And they're what they were in opposition. 00:56:02
Those are the only two e-mail comments we got today. 00:56:07
Good evening. My name is Rob Etherington. I live. I've been mentioned earlier, I live on 2541 E Murray Holiday Rd. We've lived 00:56:16
there. 00:56:20
About 11 years. 00:56:23
I also own the house across the street in which my grandchildren live, 2550 E Marie Holiday Road, and I also own. 00:56:25
Another daughter's home, 2658. 00:56:31
Not to talk about all these homes, but to emphasize. 00:56:34
Sorry, hope you're a good landlord. Yeah, yeah. 00:56:38
My daughter's still like me. 00:56:41
But to mention rather that when we moved here from California, we found Holiday to be an extraordinary place. We didn't know it 00:56:43
before we came. I wasn't familiar with the town. 00:56:47
I mostly came here because my daughter that lives at 2658 is a special needs daughter and she was able to get around. 00:56:52
To her workplace via our excellent traffic system. 00:57:00
And in the house across the street I've actually had all told 9 different grandchildren living as they had different needs. 00:57:03
And I am extraordinarily grateful for the police. 00:57:10
Taking good care of this where they can, they often sit in the park at the church parking lot that's immediately next to my house 00:57:13
where they tag people. 00:57:18
I'm thankful for all aspects of safety that the city emphasizes. 00:57:23
I would be quite pleased to support more stop signs, in fact on Murray Holiday Rd. I think they're quite effective there's. 00:57:27
One at the top Wander that works well. There's another one, an apple blossom up above that also works well. 00:57:34
Given all the development that's going on down by the Cottonwood Mall area, there is an extraordinary number of people that are 00:57:39
coming up Murray Holiday Road to go of course, to 45th or to the freeway or. 00:57:45
For both, and they're often traveling to Murray Holiday Rd. 00:57:50
I am also extraordinarily grateful for sidewalks. We didn't build our house, but when it was put in there, a sidewalk was 00:57:55
mandated, as I understood from the previous owner. 00:58:00
I would be quite happy to put a sidewalk in on my house across the street as well so that the Chapel Dr. comes down past my area 00:58:06
if I ever develop that property. 00:58:10
In other words, I'm a big fan of sidewalks. 00:58:15
I'm also a big fan of not street parking. That is generally not the case on Margie and Owens and my section. We're very thankful 00:58:17
for that. 00:58:23
There's rarely cars cars there. Almost never. 00:58:28
And by consequence, the many children that are coming from the junior high. 00:58:31
Or the elementary walking on that street have wide paths and even flow through to see all the traffic. 00:58:35
And I'm especially also grateful for the crosswalk on Chapel. As was mentioned, my grandkids crossed that street all the time. 00:58:43
So finally, thanks again for paying the money to put the flashing sign that keeps people knowing that they're above 25. 00:58:50
MPH All efforts in that respect are useful with respect to Ron Hilton's proposal. 00:58:58
I'm actually. 00:59:05
Relatively fond. 00:59:06
Accepting the things I've mentioned. Stop sign traffic lights. 00:59:08
Striping as to where we presently are, because I've not. 00:59:12
Fully understood and Rana, I've talked about this at length, how this process through phases. 00:59:17
Encourages the safety. So I'm going to leave that to experts that understand with respect to how the phasing would work or how it 00:59:22
might encourage safety, but wanted to publicly state thank you for all you do to encourage safety in our sweet town. 00:59:29
Thank you. Appreciate it. 00:59:35
Hi. 00:59:43
I live. 00:59:49
Close to Murray Holiday Rd. but that street is. 00:59:50
Extremely. 00:59:54
Busy and has been. 00:59:56
Anytime the Cottonwood Mall was. 00:59:58
Active and moving. 01:00:01
That road is so busy. 01:00:02
And then without the Cottonwood Mall, it's really calmed down, but it's building up again. 01:00:05
And we live. We've lived in our home for. 01:00:10
36 years and I grew up on Water Lane. 01:00:15
And I. 01:00:18
Think that. 01:00:20
Hinton has done a wonderful job. 01:00:22
Taking his time and effort. 01:00:25
To present something from the community. 01:00:27
And I think that. 01:00:30
I've been to a few of these meetings about some other issues. 01:00:33
On Murray Holiday Rd. 01:00:37
And the public. 01:00:38
Was there, but not much. 01:00:40
Changed. 01:00:43
And so I would. I would. 01:00:44
Request that you. 01:00:46
Truly consider. 01:00:48
The work that he's done and the citizens and their comments tonight. 01:00:50
And I think it's important. 01:00:54
That they are recognized for the work that they're doing. 01:00:58
And thank you for listening. 01:01:01
Thank you. 01:01:02
I'm not seeing anybody else stand up. 01:01:19
OK. 01:01:24
Going once, Going once. Auctioneer Valley. 01:01:27
All right. 01:01:30
We're gonna. 01:01:34
Go ahead and close this public hearing. 01:01:35
I anticipate that this will be voted on on March 6th is our next. 01:01:38
Council meeting. We've got a little bit of delay. I don't see any reason why this will not be on the agenda for a vote. 01:01:43
Again, for those that are interested, you're welcome to. 01:01:50
To stay and. 01:01:53
We may just stay over here just for that particular item. 01:01:55
Since we've got a number of people and it's the first item on the agenda if people want to listen in on. 01:01:58
Discussion and then we'll move across the whole after that. 01:02:04
All right. With that, we will move to item number six, which is a consent agenda. These are minutes from November 21st, December 01:02:09
12th. 01:02:13
There were no questions in the work meeting. I just, I'd be happy to take a motion. 01:02:16
Hold on just a second. 01:02:24
How long did you want to take? 01:02:36
OK, come on up. 01:02:39
So first of all, I want to say I'm really glad that this meeting has happened. 01:02:46
It's been a long time coming to be able to hear from the residents. 01:02:49
And. 01:02:53
I totally get what people are saying about. 01:02:55
You know the inconvenience of narrowing the road. 01:02:58
You know a lot of times when they when they step up enforcement. 01:03:04
In an area, it's the residents that get the tickets. 01:03:08
You know, it's it's not not convenient sometimes. 01:03:12
But I think another problem. 01:03:18
That's been alluded to. 01:03:21
And has come before this Council before, is the cut through traffic problem. 01:03:23
Like going down water or Russell Lane between. 01:03:27
Marie Holiday and 45th. It's kind of a convenient shortcut. 01:03:31
And the fact that Murray Holiday is viewed as. 01:03:35
A major thoroughfare kind of makes that an attractive. 01:03:37
You know, shortcut to take. 01:03:40
And so I think this. 01:03:44
This would you know. 01:03:47
This may be the solution to that. 01:03:49
The idea? 01:03:51
One way roads was considered at one point and. 01:03:53
You know, I was too inconvenient for the residents, so they didn't want to do that. 01:03:55
But uh. 01:03:59
I think there is a certain amount of inconvenience. 01:04:01
In living. 01:04:06
In a residential neighborhood as opposed to a. 01:04:07
You know, Major St. The whole character of the street would change. 01:04:11
Acknowledge that. 01:04:16
One comment that was made about the easement and isn't there already an easement? 01:04:18
So I checked with the county on this. 01:04:23
There, there is no. 01:04:27
So the the currently paved portion. 01:04:29
Of the road that is the entirety of the right of way. 01:04:33
And actually in many cases, including our property. 01:04:37
The private property lines go to the middle of the road, so. 01:04:40
The easement is a prescriptive Rd. 01:04:43
Easement that. 01:04:46
Just out of. 01:04:47
Use has become public, right? 01:04:49
But to add sidewalk. 01:04:52
Beyond where it's already paved. 01:04:55
That would either require eminent domain. 01:04:56
Or the exaction process, you know, if somebody's doing a development. 01:04:59
So there really is no. 01:05:02
Easement for that. 01:05:04
And and so that's why I say it would be far less expensive to put it where there already is the right of way basically in place of 01:05:06
the asphalt. 01:05:10
Put the sidewalk there. But anyway, I just wanted to clarify that. 01:05:13
Thank you. 01:05:17
Thank you. 01:05:18
Did we get a motion? 01:05:21
This Mayor motion for approval of the Minutes for November 21st in December 12th, 2024. 01:05:22
2nd. 01:05:29
Motion is second. All in favor say aye aye. 01:05:30
Aye, any opposed? 01:05:34
Consent agenda passes. Thank you. OK, Now we'll hear from Christian Larson, who's. 01:05:37
Going to cover the financial report. This is in your packet. 01:05:42
And Kristen does a good job of kind of going through the comparative numbers and. 01:05:46
Also making some notes where he thinks you might want to pay attention to that particular line item. 01:05:52
It's all yours. 01:05:58
Just give Jonathan. 01:06:01
All right, good evening, Mayor and Council. We're going to start with our citywide summary of revenue. 01:06:06
And I just listed a few items I'd like to point out just. 01:06:11
As notable on this first statement. 01:06:16
1st I want to pull up the licenses and permits line. 01:06:19
You'll notice that we are. 01:06:23
Currently already reached our budgeted revenue on this line and. 01:06:25
To this point in the year, we're actually 180% beyond what we were at last year at this point. 01:06:28
And I looked into this with John and we found that primarily it's coming from two major developments specifically on Highland 01:06:33
Drive and also on. 01:06:38
Holiday Hills. So those are two major permits that are contributing largely to that increase for this year. 01:06:42
The next thing I wanted to mention. 01:06:48
The RDA Holiday Village other revenue line. 01:06:51
You'll notice we're almost 300% of budget right now. 01:06:54
And that's primarily due to the way that interest allocations being calculated. Historically, we've done it at the end of the 01:06:58
fiscal year. 01:07:01
And starting in fiscal year 25, I've started doing it monthly. So rather than having it all appear at the end of the year, I'm now 01:07:05
doing it monthly so it will appear throughout the year and that's why it looks a little higher. 01:07:10
In the prior year. 01:07:15
Can I ask a question real fast? Yeah, capital projects impact fee revenues. 01:07:19
There's a 915% of. 01:07:24
2 lines are down from where you just were. 01:07:29
Yes. What was your question on that one? 01:07:31
It just is. It's high. It's high, Yeah. I don't have that number off the top of my head. I'll look into that and I'll send you an 01:07:32
e-mail. 01:07:36
Thank you. 01:07:39
OK, so this. 01:07:53
This next statement is just a breakdown of the tax line from the previous statement. It's breaking it out into more individual 01:07:54
lines and I just wanted to call. 01:07:58
Attention to the property tax line which it shows that we're slightly below what we were at last year, even though we did do a 01:08:02
property tax increase this year and that's really just to do with the timing of when the county collects the. 01:08:08
The property tax and distributes this to us, it's somewhat volatile in that sense, so. 01:08:14
We would expect that by the end of the fiscal year, we will be where we projected the budget. 01:08:19
The next one I want to call out is the sales tax line. We're trending 4% above what we were at last year, which is great. 01:08:24
And then finally, I wanted to call attention to the Google Fiber line. You'll notice we don't have any actuals yet for this year. 01:08:31
And we did actually receive a distribution. So you should be seeing that on the next statement. 01:08:39
Next one, this is our citywide summary of expenditures. So essentially this is going line by line and summarizing every department 01:08:49
just as one line. 01:08:52
And I've called out anything that's. 01:08:56
Above 50% of budgeted revenue or budgeted expenses. 01:08:58
So the first one I want to look at is the. 01:09:03
City Council department, it's about 6% above 50%, which it's just a little bit high because of a League of Cities and Towns 01:09:05
invoice that was paid. 01:09:10
And that's paid annually. So it's really just a timing difference with that one. 01:09:15
#2 We're looking at City Hall, and that's due to. 01:09:19
That one's a little high as well. That's due to an insurance payment, which again, is paid annually. It's a timing. 01:09:23
Difference. 01:09:27
#3 that's just the UFA contract paid quarterly. We paid 3/4 worth. 01:09:30
Or blue moon. It's just a timing thing with the events. 01:09:34
When they occur during the year. Same thing with Plan Air. 01:09:38
And then the concert events and then #7 which is one we've discussed previously, that's the fire hydrant maintenance contract with 01:09:41
Salt Lake City. 01:09:45
And then #8 is just debt service payments, which is paid twice a year, so. 01:09:49
Next is the Arts Fund. There's nothing particularly interesting. 01:09:58
In this department there's lots of interesting things they're doing, but nothing very interesting in the budget, I'd say. 01:10:02
The one thing I did? Hallelujah. 01:10:08
The other thing I wanted to call attention to is. 01:10:12
Potential future budget amendment that might be coming to this fund that's in salaries and benefits. There's been some discussion 01:10:14
surrounding potentially looking at. 01:10:18
Hiring a seasonal arts and culture coordinator, and that would likely require a budget amendment. 01:10:22
OK. Next is the grants fund. 01:10:30
Again, nothing super notable here. I just wanted to call out that there's a potential grant on the horizon that would also require 01:10:33
a budget amendment. 01:10:37
It's a TRCC grant that's for the auditorium. 01:10:41
Remodel. 01:10:45
And so it's a $25,000 grant and it's going to require $2500 match from the city. 01:10:47
But that's that's yet to be closed on. So did the County Council vote on that? 01:10:52
Councilmember Romero. 01:10:57
No comment. 01:11:01
Next, we're looking at the Cottonwood Mall RDA. I just wanted to call attention to the fact that our property tax increment we're 01:11:04
about 5% above where we were last year. So that's looking good. 01:11:09
Going to the next fund, we have the Holiday Village, same thing here, property tax increments a little bit better than we were 01:11:15
last year and we also have the interest earning within this fund and and that calls back to what I previously talked about with 01:11:20
the allocation of the interest revenue. 01:11:25
OK. Now we're on the capital projects fund. 01:11:34
And again, the interest line on here, you can see and the mayor actually called this one out specifically as well. You can see we 01:11:37
have $318,000 worth of revenue and nothing is budgeted there yet. 01:11:43
And that's to do with the allocations and it's likely going to be a future budget amendment as well. 01:11:48
And then the first note, if you look in the expense section, you can see that's the fire hydrant maintenance. We previously 01:11:55
discussed that. 01:11:59
The Cooperative. 01:12:03
Holiday Water Company. 01:12:04
Excuse me #2? 01:12:07
This is an invoice that was paid to the Holiday Water Company, that's for the fire suppression and that's also a fire hydrant 01:12:08
maintenance item. 01:12:11
And then #3 is the park resurfacing and #4 is the. 01:12:15
Village crosswalk materials and both of those are timing difference issues. 01:12:21
OK. Next is the debt service fund. And as I previously mentioned, it's paid twice a year. 01:12:26
In accordance with the debt service schedule. So we should expect to see those at 100% by the end of the fiscal year. 01:12:34
Finally, the stormwater fund. 01:12:43
The only thing here that I really wanted to call attention to is. 01:12:46
Those last four items that are highlighted, those are the stormwater bond projects that Jared is working very hard to get done. 01:12:49
So that we can have the bond funds spent before the end of the three-year. 01:12:56
So any questions? 01:13:01
So I assume we are. 01:13:04
We have a budget of 10 million and we have currently spent 4.6 million. 01:13:08
And I'm assuming that we have work in process that's going to. 01:13:14
Basically. 01:13:19
Use up the balance there, Jared. 01:13:21
Within at least 80%. 01:13:27
Right. The goal is to get under the 80%, and the 4.6 that you're referencing there also includes the other items that aren't bond 01:13:29
projects. 01:13:33
So that also includes personnel, benefits, maintenance. 01:13:37
So the bond projects specifically are the ones that fall in that 55700 category. So it's not all of those lines, it's just the 01:13:40
55700. 01:13:44
GL accounts What's our? 01:13:50
What's our timeline on that? 01:13:52
And yes, OK, yeah, Jared and I have met and we have a plan in place to make sure that. 01:14:02
Happens. 01:14:07
Excellent. OK, Thank you. Thanks. 01:14:10
Appreciate it. Great report. Thanks Christian. 01:14:13
All right. 01:14:19
Legislative update. City manager report. 01:14:21
Both. 01:14:25
So I have a couple of I've got some good news and some bad news. University. 01:14:27
All right. 01:14:34
I just wanted to give the Council. 01:14:35
Heads up that one of our large pine trees and Olympus Pines park. 01:14:38
Work needs to be removed. 01:14:45
So we've had over the last, I'd say 18 months of at least three different arborists have looked at the tree. We've tried some 01:14:48
treatments in the past. 01:14:53
We're concerned both about safety. 01:14:58
Should should that tree fall on either of the adjacent roads or or homes nearby? 01:15:03
And then concerned about the potential for disease of adjacent trees, so. 01:15:08
This has been discussed is my understanding with the tree committee. They are aware that this will. 01:15:14
Happen in the next. 01:15:19
Couple of weeks and I just wanted to make sure it was on the Council's agenda or. 01:15:21
Radar as well. So the obvious question is. 01:15:26
Do we know why? 01:15:31
And what about the other trees? 01:15:33
And I will look to Jared to come address those specific questions. 01:15:38
This tree has been on our radar for. 01:15:46
Four plus years. 01:15:49
We have. 01:15:51
Had arborists treated for diseases. 01:15:52
For that period of time, those treatments are not. 01:15:56
Abating the disease and it's. 01:16:00
Basically pest. 01:16:04
Have killed it. 01:16:06
There are a couple different. 01:16:09
With the three arborists that have looked at it, there's not 100% consensus on it, but there is also some overcrowding concerns. 01:16:11
Because it grows up, right? 01:16:19
Close to two other trees very closely. 01:16:21
What's the condition of the? 01:16:24
Other trees in the park. 01:16:25
The other trees are looking pretty good and we are continuing to monitor all of those. This one has been on our radar. 01:16:27
As being a concern and we just haven't been able to. 01:16:34
Save it. 01:16:38
Is a tree committee know about that, you know. 01:16:40
Circle line another one. 01:16:44
I didn't want to start with the bad news, but there we were. Is that the only piece of bad news? It is the only piece of bad news 01:16:48
until we get to the legislative update. 01:16:53
So the good news? Don't read the Washington Post today either, hands. 01:16:58
Earlier this week we had our annual leadership meeting with our boards and committees. So once a year we gather. 01:17:04
Each of the staff liaisons the chair. 01:17:12
Of each of our board and commissions and staff, and we talk about things like the Open and Public Meetings Act. 01:17:16
Our budget process and then the really fun part of the conversation is. 01:17:26
Each chair gets a chance to report on their plans for their. 01:17:31
Board and committee. 01:17:38
And then we get to watch some interaction between those board chairs. 01:17:40
So the Arts Council and the business Advisory Board chairs we're talking about possible. 01:17:46
Programming that they could do together. 01:17:52
At tree committee had some ideas. 01:17:55
It was a really great meeting. We spent about 3 hours. 01:17:58
Just watching. 01:18:02
Watching our residents. 01:18:04
Come together with some great ideas to enhance our community and so I wanted to make sure the Council was aware of that. 01:18:06
In terms of our legislative update. 01:18:15
We have we're monitoring a number of housing bills. 01:18:18
There are at least seven or eight and there's been a lot of movement on the bills, so I don't want to spend a ton of time talking 01:18:23
about. 01:18:27
Until we have a real sense of what's going to go forward. 01:18:32
Given your meeting schedule though. 01:18:35
All of that might happen before you meet again, so I'll try and keep you informed in e-mail about that. 01:18:39
AT1 extreme is a bill that would permit single family dwelling units. 01:18:48
On 4000 square feet in any residential zone. 01:18:55
So that's one we're. 01:18:59
Obviously monitoring closely doesn't seem like there is a ton of movement there. 01:19:01
But there is another bill that would permit cities to adopt density overlay in any housing eligible zone. 01:19:07
Beginning in a couple of years. 01:19:14
Sounds like that bill is going to change too, so. 01:19:16
We'll just keep monitoring it and let you know if there is any outreach we need to do. 01:19:20
We talked a little bit about House Bill 290, the bike lane bill. That one looks like it has a lot of momentum and we think that 01:19:27
would be a good thing for our city. 01:19:32
There is a massive bill on land use, which I will admit I haven't cracked beyond the 4th page. I don't know, Todd, whether you've 01:19:38
read it in its entirety. 01:19:43
Stay tuned on that one. I understand there are changes there too. 01:19:50
There is a bill. 01:19:55
Which we had previewed in the fall that would. 01:19:57
Move the state celebration of Juneteenth. 01:20:00
To the federal holiday. 01:20:05
Which is. 01:20:07
The direction we had moved away from just last year. 01:20:08
So we would be going back to celebrating it on the 19th. 01:20:12
And that's when you adopted our employee handbook changes. 01:20:17
You reflected, whatever the state does will do too. So it sounds like we're moving to correspond with the federal holiday instead 01:20:22
of the longer weekend that the state previously had. 01:20:28
The final bill that I wanted to make you aware of is Bill that. 01:20:35
Is definitely moving and it is House Bill 48. 01:20:41
It is a wildland urban interface. 01:20:45
Amendment Bill and it is meant to address some of the risks of wildfire. 01:20:48
In urban interface areas, based on the information that's publicly available right now. 01:20:54
It could apply and would likely to apply to significant parts of holiday. 01:21:03
Currently, Holiday participates in a cooperative agreement with the state that requires that we spend a certain amount of money. 01:21:09
Doing things like education, prevention and mitigation around wildfire risks in our community. 01:21:17
We do that in cooperation with USA. 01:21:24
In return the state basically. 01:21:27
Assures us that they would assume our cost for suppressing a catastrophic wildfire in our community. 01:21:30
Not surprisingly, that has resulted in some considerable cost to the state. 01:21:38
In addition, there has been ongoing challenges in many communities, including our own. 01:21:44
Where homeowners have. 01:21:51
Some difficulty in securing homeowners insurance. 01:21:53
Or they are seeing tremendous increases in their rates. 01:21:58
And that's something that this bill is trying to address. The bill would require that we adopt wildland urban interface building 01:22:02
code standards. 01:22:06
It's not yet 100% clear whether that would be citywide or just in those interface areas. 01:22:11
And that's something we're trying to work through with both our. 01:22:19
The spout of fours and with UFA and it's likely to be determined through a rulemaking process, assuming this bill passes. 01:22:23
What's also important to know is that the the bill would create a program at the county level. 01:22:32
And the county would then assess. 01:22:38
And collect a fee. 01:22:41
For the property owners, both commercial and residential, in those high those urban wildland interface areas would pay. 01:22:44
The estimate in the fiscal note right now is about $52 a year. 01:22:52
And that those fees would be deposited in a state mitigation fund. 01:22:56
Sorry, Gina, what was the mechanism on that? Did you say it was through property taxes for those it is. It's a fee. 01:23:04
The collection mechanism is not. 01:23:10
Clear to me because I it can't be added. These can't be added to property tax. 01:23:12
So I think that is a yet to be determined. 01:23:18
Mechanism. Umm. 01:23:21
And then whether that will vary, I think a previous iteration of the bill, it looked like there was going to be some variance 01:23:25
based on square footage. 01:23:29
Doesn't look like that's in the current version of the bill. 01:23:34
But that's something I think that could be determined through rulemaking as well. 01:23:38
So the building code standards, that's something we're really going to need to work through there. There would be some 01:23:44
requirements around. 01:23:47
Building materials that could be used in those interface areas. 01:23:52
And some requirements around defensible space. 01:23:58
And John, I don't know if you have any other thoughts. 01:24:01
And anything the council should know about those building code standards? No, that's a really great overview. I mean, it's 01:24:05
something that there's still some question marks as to what this is going to be. 01:24:09
How it's going to be applied? 01:24:14
But it will require new construction to have some significant. 01:24:16
Considerations for. 01:24:20
Vending spaces when, when, and if there's a potential wildfire. 01:24:21
That occurs. 01:24:25
At a county level, there's the Foothill Canyon overlay zone where I believe, I'm guessing, and some of that comes down into 01:24:27
holiday, right? We had that issue over by Wasatch Blvd. and I would imagine that. 01:24:33
There's something because it's, you know, this applies to Brighton and up the canyons of that. So I'd imagine that they'll address 01:24:38
it through something similarly. 01:24:42
I think that is still to be determined. We do know that it's going to require some changes, some additional work for our plan 01:24:49
review and inspection processes. Don't yet know what that will look like, but that's something for the council to be aware of as 01:24:54
well. 01:24:58
Overall, I think. 01:25:04
We're supportive and would be. 01:25:06
Curious about your reaction, but I think. 01:25:10
The goal is good. The devil is going to be in the details in terms of implementation here and what that might mean for our 01:25:12
community. 01:25:15
That's it. 01:25:24
Be any questions. 01:25:25
Anything else, Regina? 01:25:28
Yeah, I haven't even received anything from the SPATA force, so it seems pretty. 01:25:30
Light so far, but maybe it just hasn't. 01:25:34
It seems like it picks up right towards the end, so we'll see what happens. 01:25:38
Sorry, your concern on that last one is largely just the administrative burden of dealing with a different building code for some 01:25:42
section of the city is that is that? 01:25:46
I think my other outstanding question there is whether the bill requires that the municipality adopt. 01:25:50
Build these building code standards. It's not yet. 01:25:58
Clear to me, and I don't think the bill is clear whether that would apply to everything that is built in the city or just within 01:26:01
those interface. 01:26:07
Areas umm. 01:26:12
And I think that could have implications for cost. 01:26:14
That might work against some of our other goals. 01:26:19
OK, thanks. 01:26:25
OK, we'll start with council reports, Emily, if you want to start and we'll just work our way down the. 01:26:27
The line. 01:26:32
OK, I'm going to pull up. 01:26:34
A couple of things. At first it looks like Jared left. I just wanted to appreciate all of his work we have had. 01:26:39
A lot of pipe retrofitting in our neighborhood that. 01:26:49
Has been very involved and we just we appreciate. 01:26:54
The benefits that come from the Stormwater Fund and Jared. 01:26:58
Work on that. 01:27:02
For us in our neighborhood. 01:27:03
The second thing that I wanted to address. 01:27:05
Is Cottonwood High School is looking for volunteers? 01:27:07
People who are interested in reading with ESL students. English is a second language students. 01:27:11
For this group you need to be over 18. 01:27:18
They're pretty flexible on time, but. 01:27:21
They're really great kids that attend Cottonwood High School. They just. 01:27:25
Would like to have people to read with them, so if you or somebody that you know is looking to volunteer, this is a great 01:27:28
opportunity. 01:27:31
To help some wonderful students. 01:27:34
Common high school and that is all I have for tonight. 01:27:37
OK, true. 01:27:39
I am very happy to announce that the. 01:27:43
Community renewable energy agencies. 01:27:47
Program application has finally been. 01:27:50
Submitted to the Public Service Commission. 01:27:53
After well, I think we started on in 2021. So this is. 01:27:56
Long. 01:28:01
Long-awaited and excited about it and I'll keep you updated on. 01:28:03
How how it how it goes? 01:28:09
Something 1 issue a little bit closer to home. 01:28:12
I have had several calls about raccoons lately. 01:28:15
And I explained to the resident. 01:28:19
That. 01:28:23
In order to actually participate again in the. 01:28:24
Countrywide program, which we used to and it just got too expensive. 01:28:29
Is that we would have to have. 01:28:33
A number of residents that would need. 01:28:35
This service so if anyone on the council has any other raccoon infestations please let me know. 01:28:38
My dog barks with a big one every night at about 7:00. 01:28:47
OK, maybe we could get the deer to attack. 01:28:50
We do. Thank you. You do. We also have a lovely neighbor who likes to feed the raccoons. So it's a little tricky, but that is 01:28:56
tricky. 01:28:59
OK, anyway. 01:29:03
That's all I have, I think just. 01:29:04
Very, very briefly, I think, you know, we did participate in that. It was. 01:29:06
The problem was it just wasn't. 01:29:10
We weren't able to really mitigate the problem. 01:29:13
And it's just such a big problem that we just turned it back to the residents and said it's just. 01:29:16
Not something the government say. It's kind of like the deer issue. We're just not able to really affect it so. 01:29:23
They just have to call private people to come and get rid of them. 01:29:28
As I recall, the cost per raccoon was. 01:29:32
Yeah. 01:29:35
$1000, of course. Yeah. Well, yeah, we eliminate 7:00 or 8:00, but there's literally hundreds of them in the city. It's just. 01:29:36
My only thing is the tiny art show. The art is hung down in the gallery and so the show officially starts. 01:29:45
Tomorrow night I understand the concert element at 7:00 PM is sold out. 01:29:51
But the art show will be going on. 01:29:55
All week starting tomorrow night through. 01:29:58
The following week. 01:30:01
This coming week, I should say, and the years I've been attending that tiny art show, it is amazing. 01:30:02
Super fun, I encourage everybody. 01:30:08
To take a stroll down the art gallery floor downstairs. 01:30:10
In the next week and enjoy that. 01:30:15
To live. 01:30:17
I just want to remind everybody about treetops at the library this Saturday from 11:50. 01:30:20
This is one of their more popular programming. It's. 01:30:26
Prunings. Fruit trees. 01:30:29
So it's probably going to be crowded, so we get there early to get your seat. 01:30:31
They're also plugging away on. 01:30:36
Their tree giveaway? 01:30:39
And their Arbor Day observations, observations that they do every year. 01:30:40
But one other thing that I think was really interesting, they're planning a commemorative planning of a tree. 01:30:45
In honor of the city's anniversary. 01:30:50
So it'll probably happen maybe this fall at Knudsen Park, but. 01:30:53
I understand they've been coordinating with them. 01:30:57
The parks people about that and the location. 01:30:59
I really don't have anything Mayor, the mosquito Abatement Committee or. 01:31:06
District will likely have a property tax increase this year, but it's been years they run. 01:31:10
Very, very frugally. 01:31:15
That's the only thing that's new. 01:31:17
As far as those that I'm involved with. 01:31:18
I know, right? 01:31:21
Umm, just very quickly, we've got a very nice letter from Victoria Shapiro, who lives in District 5. 01:31:24
Overall far down. I don't know if I. 01:31:32
Ordered that to the Council I gave the actual physical. 01:31:35
Letter to Gina just. 01:31:37
Wanted to. 01:31:39
Commend Jared for work he did to help him with a piece of property he had and then. 01:31:40
Also to. 01:31:46
Compliment Thomas and his crew on the work they do at Knutson Park to keep that a nice. 01:31:48
Piece of public space He walks his dog there every day and. 01:31:53
I ran into him and I said watch Ford. Somebody said, you know what, I will. And he took the time to write a nice letter and. 01:31:57
So kudos to them and congratulations to Thomas. I think that's. 01:32:02
Public, isn't it? 01:32:06
He's engaged so. 01:32:08
Good for him. 01:32:10
And just to put on everybody's radar now that we're talking about urban interface, I got a letter from. 01:32:12
A couple that lives up in the Hughes Canyon area really concerned about fire issues. 01:32:19
And last year, I'm not sure they knew that we actually restrict. 01:32:25
Fireworks in that area east of 215 and most of the Cottonwood. 01:32:31
Walker Lane area, anyway. 01:32:36
But with. 01:32:38
What I'm seeing as being the current precipitation totals. 01:32:40
I think that's going to be an issue this year that you might want to think about come. 01:32:43
Usually it's about April timeframe we have to make. 01:32:47
Our determination with. 01:32:50
UFA into the county on whether we're going to restrict, but I think there's probably a pretty good chance we're going to end up 01:32:53
debating. 01:32:56
Whether we want to restrict fireworks in the entirety of holiday again this year, especially in light of what we just saw? 01:32:59
In Southern California, in California, so. 01:33:07
Anyway. 01:33:10
I don't need a comment, just kind of a heads up. I think that's. 01:33:12
That's coming. 01:33:15
Umm, that's. 01:33:17
All I have. 01:33:21
So we'll stay over here. Let me ask you, John. 01:33:22
Would it be better? 01:33:27
We've got the lighting discussion, the code update. 01:33:28
ICS training. 01:33:32
Is it easier to stay here, or is it easier to move across the hall? 01:33:33
I have those presentations ready on both computers, so we might be more comfortable over there, but we can stay here. 01:33:37
OK, let's let's go ahead and. 01:33:43
Handle the public hearing and then we'll. 01:33:45
Move across the hall for the balance of it, if that's OK. So we'll just need a motion to recess. Then we'll take on the public 01:33:48
hearing. Mr. Mayor, we recess their City Council meeting and reconvene in a work meeting. 01:33:52
2nd. 01:33:57
All in favor say aye aye. 01:33:59
And we are officially recessed and in a work session. 01:34:02
And as I stated, we will start with a open discussion on the proposed text amendment that was reviewed by. 01:34:05
The applicant. 01:34:14
I think I. 01:34:16
Probably stated my position already unless anybody needs any clarity, but I'm happy to open it up. 01:34:18
For questions. 01:34:23
The applicant still here. 01:34:24
John still here, so any clarifying questions you have? 01:34:27
Now is the time or comments. 01:34:30
My only one would be maybe for Jared or John, just in your professional capacities, of course. 01:34:33
I'm a banker accountant. I know nothing about traffic. 01:34:38
Safety parameters and whether the claim. 01:34:43
Of narrowing in the road is indeed traffic. 01:34:45
As a sense of traffic calming or safety because. 01:34:49
My presumption was otherwise because I know that. 01:34:53
I think my street Woodcrest got center lined. 01:34:56
And that was supposed to be a traffic calming measure. And so the claim that the opposite is true confuses me a bit and I wonder 01:34:59
what the. 01:35:02
Professional view is of that. 01:35:07
Sure. 01:35:10
We do have. 01:35:11
On contract doctor Joe parent from a trans we can definitely have. 01:35:12
Him submit his comments based upon what is being presented for sure for you to review. 01:35:17
I do have on staff justice. 01:35:23
Two, for who is a transportation planner extraordinaire? He's our guru and that type of thing. 01:35:26
That says education background. 01:35:31
So we can definitely provide some comments on that. 01:35:34
Also on the. 01:35:38
That would be helpful I think. I don't do what the thinking is on. 01:35:42
That. 01:35:48
That my issue with that is. 01:35:52
Unless I'm wrong. 01:35:56
The narrowing of the lanes. 01:35:58
Is a separate issue from. 01:36:01
The request to execute on. 01:36:04
Text amending to reduce the lane size to 50 feet. 01:36:08
Right, we could. 01:36:12
We could achieve that. We could achieve that. 01:36:15
Painting of the lines. 01:36:18
Without doing any of that, that was kind of my point is that's a separate issue if. 01:36:20
If the data showed that. 01:36:26
Changing the the lane size from 11.4 inches to or 11 feet 4 inches to 10 feet. 01:36:30
Did indeed increase the safety which I've stated. You know, I'm happy to look at it. 01:36:36
That's a different issue than. 01:36:42
We're going to jog the road in. 01:36:45
And shrink down. 01:36:48
I don't know if it's shrinking the right away is the correct correct way to put it. That's a whole different discussion what 01:36:49
they're asking for. 01:36:53
Is to eventually say we're going to text them in your code. 01:36:56
To execute on what you see on phases 2 and 3:00. AM I getting that right Correct. And so my position is? 01:37:00
Probably aligned with the Planning Commission that. 01:37:09
I'm just not in favor of. 01:37:12
Making that physical adjustment. 01:37:15
I'm happy to look at. 01:37:17
Whether or not. 01:37:19
Shrinking the lane size is effective, but we don't have to execute on that other part. 01:37:20
But I also wanted to say that. 01:37:26
I've had some discussions with Justice. 01:37:29
And. 01:37:32
Somebody would have to convince us that that actually shrinking those lane sizes, especially when you're eliminating the middle, 01:37:35
the middle line, is actually effective. And from what I've heard, it may not be. 01:37:41
So that's essentially my question right there. That's a separate to me, that's a separate. 01:37:47
It's a separate issue from. 01:37:52
Text amending to execute on phases 2 and 3. 01:37:55
What, John, what data do we have on? 01:37:59
What the speeding situation is on that section of Murray Holiday Rd. 01:38:01
We do have that data. I don't have it. 01:38:06
Right at hand. Maybe a chief could maybe recall what that was during that study that he conducted. 01:38:08
We've done several over there over the last several years. I've got several. 01:38:14
Yeah. 01:38:19
The 85th percentile is around 30 mph, which is 5. 01:38:26
MPH over the speed limit. 01:38:31
Which is pretty normal for a road of this. 01:38:33
Volume. 01:38:38
You do see. 01:38:40
Speeders. 01:38:41
In that 15 percentile that is well over the 30 mile per hour you can get up to what, 50? 01:38:43
So. 01:38:51
But you you will see that on pretty much any road. 01:38:53
In the city. 01:38:57
Yeah, I'm Murray Holiday. Upper Murray Holiday is a lot like Spring Lane. 01:39:00
Or it's residential, but it seems to be, you know, it's a collector for other. 01:39:03
Neighborhood roads and. 01:39:08
So this inherently is. 01:39:10
Little more volume and. 01:39:11
And thus more opportunity. 01:39:13
Goofballs to go a little fast. 01:39:15
That's one of the questions, you know, Emily shared. There was an e-mail response that she gave to a constituent about Holiday 01:39:18
Blvd. and the speed limits that throughout Holiday Blvd. 01:39:23
And how those speed limits are kind of determined, right? 01:39:28
And it's interesting that this stretch of morality, I mean it. 01:39:32
I don't know what this type of a road is considered. 01:39:36
What is it called Gina like? 01:39:39
It's a minor collector. A minor minor collector. 01:39:42
It's a primary residential, which is a higher classification than a secondary residential, OK. 01:39:47
In any case, at 25 miles an hour, I mean, that's. 01:39:54
Is that do we have speed limits that are lower than 25 miles an hour on residential roads in holiday? What's the what's the 01:39:57
default like? 01:40:01
You know, with the exception of a school zone, yeah. 01:40:05
25 mile. 01:40:10
Is the lowest. 01:40:11
And that's where. 01:40:13
I don't know, I drove this. There's been an ongoing issue and the safety, I don't think the safety concern could be overstated, 01:40:14
right, It's. 01:40:18
It's legitimate. 01:40:23
And we always, you know, it's, it's the whack a mole thing right where we're. 01:40:24
Speaking to the enforcement. 01:40:28
Question and that. 01:40:30
I guess it begs the question to me, is it realistic to expect? 01:40:32
25 miles an hour on this size of a Rd. 01:40:36
I don't know. 01:40:41
Uh. 01:40:43
And so that's where. 01:40:47
Mr. Atherton's comments kind of resonated with me. 01:40:48
Is there something that could break it up some? And and the other thing I'd love to know is if there's a. 01:40:52
A reasonable way to feel assured that we could know that there is in fact a lot of traffic that's cutting through. 01:40:56
I've grown up and lived in Holiday my whole life. 01:41:03
You know, and I can't think of a time that I've ever thought, oh, it might be faster to go up there and down wander that chokes 01:41:06
down significantly towards the, you know, Andrews. 01:41:10
You know, and and that and so. 01:41:15
Maybe, you know, does it warrant a stop sign at Russell Street or somewhere else that could break up the traffic, I guess, and 01:41:18
perhaps so. 01:41:22
Definitely think it's reasonable to. 01:41:27
Postulate the traffic could increase from ALDI Hills. 01:41:31
However, I understand that there's probably only like. 01:41:34
30 occupied units there or something. 01:41:38
I'm not sure exactly how many. 01:41:42
The number of trips that would be generated. 01:41:44
For for that section of Murray Holiday Road, from those units alone, I think you wouldn't even be able to. 01:41:46
Set a baseline and do a comparison. So I don't think that that's what's driving increase of traffic at this time. 01:41:53
And I don't think you're getting the speed. Yeah, no, sorry. I wasn't even referring to Holiday Hills. I was just saying that 01:42:01
people using that as a bypass to skirt the village essentially and to go to 23 E and 45th South. And yeah. 01:42:07
And so I don't know if there's cameras or if there's some way to. 01:42:13
To identify how legitimate that concern is, 'cause it was, it's been voiced by several. 01:42:17
Several people and I just don't, you know, I don't know. 01:42:23
So my recollection is that we have done some baseline traffic counts and then some additional traffic counts. The most recent was 01:42:26
probably in 2023 when we were looking at the Russell. 01:42:33
And wander one way. 01:42:41
We could certainly we can look at those and see if there has been an increase. I don't recall that we have ever seen that increase 01:42:44
though in the data. 01:42:48
But we can certainly take a closer look. 01:42:53
Yeah, that could be interesting. Yeah, tight. 01:42:55
You may not be familiar. 01:42:59
This was what, 3-4 years ago? 01:43:01
There was a lot of concern about. 01:43:04
Traffic on Wander and so we did have. 01:43:07
Our traffic engineer go in. 01:43:09
And really the only way to cut down. 01:43:11
The Wander does not have a speeding problem, but there are a lot of cars that do go around or go. 01:43:16
Like you say to. 01:43:23
To avoid 23rd. 01:43:25
And the only. 01:43:27
Solution was to make wander and. 01:43:29
Russell St. One way. 01:43:32
But the people that live on those streets do not want that. So I mean, it would definitely be inconvenient. 01:43:35
So but. 01:43:43
It's they're, they're small streets. 01:43:47
And. 01:43:50
My personal. 01:43:51
Opinion too. Is that making it? 01:43:53
Narrower. 01:43:57
Isn't going to slow anybody down. 01:43:59
So what's the process for deciding? 01:44:02
About additional stop signs. 01:44:06
So we would. 01:44:09
Identify a potential location and then it would go through a warrant analysis. 01:44:11
The warrant analysis looks at speeds, environmental conditions, stopping sight distance, volumes, those kind of things. 01:44:17
And then? 01:44:25
If it hits that threshold of yes. 01:44:27
Let's add in a stop sign. We could add them in. 01:44:30
There is an exception. 01:44:34
Within the warrant analysis that basically says if there's a political will for. 01:44:37
Stop sign to go in and. 01:44:42
It can go. 01:44:44
We have to be careful to not let it turn into far. 01:44:46
That has like. 01:44:49
Seven stop signs in like yes. 01:44:51
So this would get into. 01:44:54
Again, a discussion of this thing not related to the text amendment because. 01:44:56
You know, and we can, I could put justice on the spot here because my understanding is. 01:45:01
And I wanted to say, I thought, I thought I saw data that showed that the 85th percentile was 31. 01:45:07
Which is not. 01:45:14
Egregious is not egregious for a road like that. 01:45:16
And in our defense, we have done a lot of. 01:45:20
We've taken a lot of comment on that. We've done a lot of patrolling on that road. We've done speed studies, we've put in the. 01:45:24
What do you call it, Chief? 01:45:30
Speed reader the speed What's the speed? 01:45:33
This self Yeah self stat. 01:45:36
So if when you get to that point, there's other. 01:45:39
There's other options that should be considered before you narrow the lanes, am I right? 01:45:43
So that's a discussion I think we should have. I'm happy to have. 01:45:49
Based on based on it being data-driven. 01:45:54
But again, that's a separate discussion than what is being asked for in a text amendment that that's my, although I I think it 01:45:57
informs the discussion about the text amendment if we know there are other alternatives. 01:46:02
Yeah, yeah. I would agree with that. 01:46:09