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David Billings is the one who made the application, but we've both been trying to help. 00:00:00
Korean Presbyterian Church with their efforts to relocate. 00:00:05
I'm not going to rehearse. What staff? 00:00:09
The Planning Commission have gone through you. 00:00:12
Read all of that and you're familiar with it. I did want to tell you a bit about the church and the struggles that they face, or 00:00:15
any church does, in light of the way the code's written. 00:00:20
The Korean Presbyterian Church started in 1980. They're well established. They've been in the Valley for a long time, and growth 00:00:25
and demographics has required them to move. And so they've listed and sold their property in West Valley City, which they will 00:00:31
have to exit. 00:00:37
Relatively quickly. So they're looking for new space and we've looked. 00:00:43
In your community extensively because of the membership that lives in this area and. 00:00:49
We actually have. 00:00:57
The property is described by Miss March under contract. 00:00:59
And in our due diligence period, which is 90 days typical in a contract, we have to resolve a variety of issues which includes the 00:01:03
zoning. 00:01:08
One of the difficulties with the P zone or the way that the city code is set up, is that to do a rezone. 00:01:14
You can't. 00:01:22
A property tied up long enough. 00:01:24
From a seller. 00:01:27
To go through the rezone process, and if you could and did and rezone it to AP, it damages the value of the property subsequently 00:01:28
because it reduces the options of what the property can be used for. 00:01:36
And that would then require. 00:01:43
Coming back and trying to rezone it to make it back into AC2 or a commercial property to expand its uses. 00:01:45
And So what we're seeking to do is. 00:01:52
Manages his staff has already indicated the Planning Commission is supported include the church in as a as a use within the C2. If 00:01:56
you look at codes in many of the other cities in the state, that's how it's set up so that churches can be in a variety of 00:02:03
locations. 00:02:09
We're anxious. 00:02:19
Do this as quickly as we can because of the purchase agreement. I know that's not your problem or your consideration and when the 00:02:22
modification of the code, but I think that what we're asking is similar to what's happened in most other cities and they can make 00:02:30
it work. And so we would encourage you to allow the churches to be included in in the C2 zone. 00:02:38
And as I said, you've looked at the report, so I'm not going to rehearse it. Can I answer any specific questions for you? 00:02:46
Well, my sense is that the issue we're going to wrestle with is the one that Councilmember Fotheringham brought up, and that is, 00:02:56
it has nothing to do with this church in particular if we text them in the zone that it's going to be open to. 00:03:02
All church. 00:03:08
And what are the down the road impacts of that decision? That's the something we'll be debating in. 00:03:09
Debating and you're welcome to stay and. 00:03:15
And listen to that discussion. Thank you. Are there any questions I can answer or any issues that have not been addressed for you? 00:03:18
Can I just ask and you might not know the answer to this? You said that many other cities have allowed this use in their 00:03:26
commercial zones. Do you know how they have resolved this 600 foot and 300 foot issue? 00:03:32
Frequently they do it as a conditional use rather than as an allowed use, and sorry I didn't write them all down and bring it. 00:03:38
I I actually chaired the Sandy City Planning Commission for 10 years and so the way we did it was we looked at it as a conditional 00:03:48
use. 00:03:52
And and we would we. 00:03:56
600 feet is really not that great a distance. If you look at a parking lot, it's frequently deeper than 600 feet. So I I recognize 00:03:58
that's a question, but it doesn't, you know, it doesn't cast such a broad net that it affects. 00:04:06
All of the buildings generally hits the parking lots, so it's not as big an issue. 00:04:15
But I can't give you a better answer than that. That's fine. Thank you any other. 00:04:21
Thank you. Well, we may we may have some questions for you later and I'll stay. Thank you. All right. Thank you. 00:04:25
All right. With that, we will open up the public hearing on this proposed amendment. Public hearings now open, so anybody from the 00:04:34
public. 00:04:38
That wishes to address the Council. 00:04:43
Time is now yours. 00:04:45
We knew I'd probably say something. Chris Langston, 4950. 00:05:00
Holiday holiday resident here 4954 Fairview Dr. Obviously. 00:05:04
You know if the 600 feet encroaches into. 00:05:10
The major commercial areas that are anticipated tax bases or tax bases for the city would have a significant impact. 00:05:14
On, you know plans that have been in the works and properties that have you know been in existence for 60-70 years and 00:05:22
representing you know holiday Hills, this 600 feet would encroach into that property. And we have restaurants as you guys are all 00:05:29
well aware that would be impacted like this and so unless some kind of resolution could be. 00:05:35
You know, worked out where it doesn't impact it, then you know, we're not opposed to having churches around us, but we can't. 00:05:43
You know that would eliminate our ability to do any of the restaurants that we have currently have planned and have existed for 00:05:50
years in in that area including. 00:05:55
That center and also the one on the West side of the street, so we. 00:06:01
Probably go on record saying that that would be extremely extreme burden on us as a property owner. 00:06:05
Thank you. 00:06:17
Anybody else for the public hearing? 00:06:23
OK, with that then I'll close this public hearing and again encourage you to stick around for. 00:06:29
The discussion. 00:06:36
How many are here and interested in listening to this? 00:06:40
Work discussion on this. 00:06:45
Issue if you just raise your hand. 00:06:48
I just want to get a sense of whether we're going to, if we want to do that here, move across back across the hall. 00:06:53
We may overtax our small room across the hall, I think. So we'll probably just, I think maybe we'll just stay over here for at 00:06:59
least a portion of the work session. 00:07:03
I think it will be easier for everybody so you're comfortable and you can listen to that discussion. 00:07:09
OK, public hearing on. I'm sorry, we're on item number 7. This is a public hearing on proposed amendments to Title 13.76, point 00:07:13
730. 00:07:18
And other chapters on Home, Occupation, and Carrie. This is your item again. 00:07:24
You want to address this with the Council quickly. 00:07:30
Or not so quickly if you want, It's up to you. 00:07:34
Well, you've all read the staff report, so we can go pretty quickly through this. 00:07:37
This is moving home occupations, which are currently conditional use that is overseen by the Planning Commission. They review 00:07:42
those and apply conditions based on specific impacts tied to the the home occupation. This moves. 00:07:50
Home occupations from a conditional use to a permitted use with standards. 00:07:58
The changes in the code in the staff report. 00:08:03
Original text is all. 00:08:07
Listed in there, crossed out in red. So it's a total rewrite of the code. Everything that's in there is new. 00:08:10
Significant changes are changing the employee number limited to one employee. It doesn't matter if that employee is a resident of 00:08:17
the home or not. I. 00:08:21
The other key change is involving in accessory building. Currently our code doesn't allow accessory building use. 00:08:28
So this changes that to allow an exterior accessory. 00:08:38
Building and the other significant change is. 00:08:43
Allowing owner occupied or defining what owner occupied is. 00:08:50
Currently conditional uses are used that run with the land, so home occupation would be tied to the property itself. 00:08:57
The Planning Commission overviewed that as owner occupied. 00:09:06
Meaning somebody who would have to live on the property or a relative living on the property. 00:09:10
Middle ground between that would be. 00:09:16
Tying that to property ownership. 00:09:20
Allowing home occupation, tying to the property owner itself, so the staff report. 00:09:23
Staff does propose clarifying language. 00:09:30
To allow for that owner. 00:09:35
The owner use of a home occupation instead of it being tied to somebody who lives on the property. That would be a consideration 00:09:37
that can be discussed in the in the work session. All the other summary of changes are listed in there. The standards are pretty 00:09:43
clear. If you have any questions I can answer any of those. 00:09:49
Any questions of council right now? 00:09:58
I'm just glad to. 00:10:01
Get into that one question of the staff report relative to the code in regard to. 00:10:03
Who and what family means and all that stuff. Could need some clarification. Never will. 00:10:08
Iron that out in the work session. 00:10:13
Right. All right. Thank you, car. 00:10:16
OK, that with that, we'll open up the public hearing on this proposed amendment. Public hearing is now open. 00:10:19
Anybody wish to address the Council on proposed amendments to home occupations? 00:10:25
There being then we'll close this public hearing. Thank you and move on to item number 8. This is a public hearing regarding the 00:10:34
creation of public infrastructure Districts Pid's at Royal Holiday Hills. 00:10:40
So we will start with our legal counsel. Mr. Godfrey, you want to? 00:10:46
Lead out on this one. Thank you Mayor. The city's received an application from the owners of property within the Holiday Hills 00:10:51
Project, former Cottonwood Mall. 00:10:55
To create what's known as a Public Infrastructure district. 00:11:00
Your city recorder has certified that petition as being adequate, and so it's now before you for a public hearing. 00:11:03
And your consideration for the creation of the district. The creation of the district. 00:11:10
Would allow the levy or the issuance of bonds and essentially the levy of attacks within the district. 00:11:14
To build infrastructure supporting that project. 00:11:20
The way the district boundaries have been drawn in the proposal, it excludes any owner occupied properties. 00:11:24
So while the tax should be assessed on commercial activities and potentially apartment projects. 00:11:30
There would never be a tax assessed against a an owner occupied residential unit. 00:11:35
So with that, I'll submit it to the. 00:11:41
Any questions for Todd or before we open up the public hearing? 00:11:44
OK, the public hearing is now open on the creation of public infrastructure districts Pid's at Royal Holiday Hills. 00:11:51
Anybody here that wishes to address the? 00:11:57
OK, there being none, this public hearing is going to remain open. There are some. 00:12:03
Questions that we intend to address during the work session, specifically from our staff to the applicants. 00:12:08
I think it's important that. 00:12:15
Get some questions clarified over the next the course of the next week or two and give the public opportunity to comment that over 00:12:17
the comment on those over the course of the next two weeks. 00:12:23
With the intent of posting this to the March 7th agenda. 00:12:28
Is that the way? 00:12:32
That's kind of the timeline we're looking at. We'll see how it goes. So this public hearing is going to remain open. 00:12:35
OK. The consent agenda, we don't have any. 00:12:40
Items to approve on the consent agenda, so we'll move to the city manager, report Gina Chamness. 00:12:45
Just three quick items. 00:12:53
We kicked off our spring lane. 00:12:57
Park. At least that's what we're calling it right now. Reuse plan. 00:13:01
With. 00:13:06
Meeting of both staff and other steering committee members as well as members of our Concept of design team, and you'll hear more 00:13:12
about that plan later in your work session. We also kicked off our historic exhibit Experience project with two meetings last 00:13:21
week, one of leadership including a couple of council members. 00:13:30
And staff and community leaders. 00:13:40
And then one of the general public. 00:13:42
We're really excited for this work to begin and and are excited to see what the direction it goes. We also have available a a form 00:13:46
that members of the public can use to share their stories of holiday history. You should have received that in in an e-mail 00:13:54
earlier today and we'll be circulating that on social media as well. 00:14:02
And then finally, just wanted to alert the council that we have posted the finance Director position and have received a number of 00:14:11
applicants for that position. 00:14:16
First round of interviews will be next week with and my intention is to make an offer hopefully by the end of the month. 00:14:22
Any questions for? 00:14:32
OK. Thank you. 00:14:35
Matt. 00:14:38
You want to start on council reports. 00:14:40
If I can get my microphone on, I will do that. Just a couple of things. I was able to attend one of the. 00:14:42
Meetings regarding the historical experience and it was a really exciting. 00:14:49
Opportunity. It was great to sort of. 00:14:55
People there and their interest in holiday and their interest in telling kind of the holiday story. 00:14:58
I also wanted to report on him. 00:15:05
Meeting we had the mayor and Holly and I. 00:15:07
Up at the Capitol this week, I was there on behalf of our Happy Healthy Holiday coalition. It was a anti addiction. 00:15:11
Meet lobbying effort on behalf. 00:15:21
A number of groups and we were able to meet with Representative Galen Benyon, who represents part of holiday. 00:15:25
Wanted to thank her for her time and we had a really productive discussion with her, I thought. 00:15:34
And then finally just wanted to. 00:15:39
Jared and some of our city staff, we have kind of. 00:15:41
One of those great storm water issues in my district that he's working with some residents on and he's been really, really great 00:15:45
about keeping them in the loop on what's going on and trying to address their problems. So wanted to recognize and thank him for 00:15:49
that. 00:15:54
Thank you. 00:16:00
Just one item this morning I was at UFA for benefits and Compensation committee. 00:16:02
Maybe it's just time to start throwing out a little warning out there that we might. 00:16:09
There might be a little heavier Ding this year than last year. Some of you might remember that. 00:16:14
The budget thing last year from UFA was pretty. 00:16:19
Probably won't be as late this year, but we'll see. When we talked about benefits in comp, we haven't done. 00:16:24
Any further than that as a board. 00:16:29
Beware. 00:16:34
Or be advised, beware is too strong a word. Don't mean to scare anybody. Be advised. 00:16:36
Better word. That's all I have. 00:16:41
Thank you. Just one. 00:16:47
Some of you may know that Morningside Elementary, that's in my district. 00:16:50
Because of the district. Because of. 00:16:55
At that school have a lot of parents who come and drop their kids off in the morning and pick them up and so. 00:16:59
Sort of the. 00:17:06
The latest iteration of. 00:17:09
Parking problems. 00:17:11
Traffic problems. 00:17:14
I appreciate both Chief Oil and Jared Bunch. 00:17:16
They're working on this. We we have had requests from parents. 00:17:21
Living on. 00:17:26
South side of the School for everything. 00:17:27
Lots of sidewalks to crossing guards to new crosswalks. And so we're sort of. 00:17:31
Going through these all of you know that holiday doesn't have a lot of sidewalks. 00:17:38
And we are actually putting in sidewalks along 27th East, a three-year project and that's. 00:17:44
Going to be great for school kids walking. 00:17:51
There's always a little bit more that are. 00:17:54
Of us. So we'll see. We'll see what happens with that. 00:17:57
So I sat on the board of Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling and a few weeks ago in Mill Creek, one of their trucks, one of their 00:18:05
recycled trucks. 00:18:11
Caught on fire and thankfully the driver was able to leave and. 00:18:17
UFA came and took care of things, was able to move the truck to another location, resolve everything fully. 00:18:26
Currently they believe it was because non recyclable materials were put in recycling. They their best guess at this time is that 00:18:34
batteries were put in and. 00:18:40
And sparked things. So this is just kind of a PSA to be careful about what you put in your garbage and your recycling. It caused 00:18:47
over $100,000 worth of damage to the truck. They're also in addition to the immediate costs. 00:18:53
One of the still lingering effects of COVID is garbage trucks are incredibly backordered right now. 00:19:01
So even if they had the money to replace this, getting the parts is really difficult so. 00:19:06
That's just a PSA for everybody. And then yeah, that's it. 00:19:15
Gosh, I think I communicated earlier that one of the issues being raised at legislature right now is this issue with gravel pits 00:19:22
and we've weighed in with. 00:19:26
Local representatives about our opposition that most mostly it's usurping. 00:19:31
Usurping may be an understatement in local control. 00:19:35
And so we will be tracking both those bills pretty closely to see if they're going to. 00:19:38
Make it to a vote. 00:19:46
Anyway, that's been a concern. 00:19:48
Amongst a lot of the mayors around the county. 00:19:50
I do want to thank John for. 00:19:53
You know, we've had this issue with the Britton home. I got your e-mail on that. It looks like that home is probably going to be 00:19:57
demoed. 00:20:00
It that home is demoed, it's a very, I just want to acknowledge that. 00:20:04
We acknowledge that that's an emotional issue for a lot of people. 00:20:10
And it's very difficult issue to balance. 00:20:14
Desire of a community to maintain a what they perceive to be a historical structure and also protecting people's private property 00:20:18
rights is. 00:20:23
Very. It's a difficult issue and. 00:20:28
And I have to say, I don't. I didn't get into the weeds on this, but I think that the owner of that did try. 00:20:31
To work with members of the Commission to see if there was a path forward and eventually he just. 00:20:38
He just couldn't get there and had to get to the. 00:20:45
Because of other issues, I think it became a nuisance in the community where. 00:20:48
They couldn't come to an agreement where it could be saved so but I appreciate you engaging with them and I know they appreciated 00:20:53
the fact that we were empathetic to the situation and did all we could to try to. 00:20:59
Try to reach a solution that would have saved the home, but it just it wasn't to be so anyway. 00:21:07
John, thanks for you and your staff for your engagement on that issue. 00:21:12
Just as an FYI or Interfaith council, Which? 00:21:17
Meets quarterly. We've got a meeting next week, but Monday. They've started monthly to meet and discuss certain topics. We'll be 00:21:22
meeting Monday night here at 7:00 PM for anybody that would like to attend. 00:21:27
We'd welcome. 00:21:34
And that is all that I have right now I think. 00:21:36
You ready for a ready? 00:21:41
Mr. 00:21:43
I move, we recess City Council and reconvene and work. 00:21:45
2nd. 00:21:48
OK, we have a motion to second all in favor, say aye, aye. 00:21:49
We are now magically in work session. 00:21:54
So typically we would move back across the hall and start working over there. But beings that there are a lot of people here to 00:21:59
list, do a discussion, I don't think we can accommodate it across the hall. 00:22:04
My suggestion would be that we handle two of the items that were we take the agenda out of order, we handle two of the items that 00:22:09
were public hearings, moderate income housing and then the the amendment to the C2 zone here. And then if we want to stay, I guess 00:22:14
we can all let staff start thinking about whether they just want to stay here, if they want to move across the hall after that, 00:22:20
so. 00:22:25
I don't think we need a motion on that. I don't think there's a lot to cover under the moderate income housing. 00:22:32
Issue item number. 00:22:38
Five on the agenda. 00:22:42
But there were a few questions I think from council that you had for Ann. So and you want to come back up and and we'll get to a 00:22:44
point where the council is comfortable and then we'll move on. 00:22:49
All right. We'll start if you don't mind. My first question had to do with. 00:22:57
On page one on the analysis section is the bottom of that page. The last sentence there talks about becoming eligible, so I just 00:23:02
wanted to go back and review. 00:23:07
Is this eligible? 00:23:13
This funding that's being talked about when we're in compliance. 00:23:16
Is this remind me? Is this a new part of? 00:23:21
Or is this an existing pot of funding that we've been eligible for but now is at risk? 00:23:25
No, it's a part of funding that's been there. It's the transportation funding. We just. 00:23:31
Didn't report on the five strategies that you need to report on and to become eligible to apply for those transportation monies. 00:23:38
OK, so an existing pot of funding we've typically had access to, which now has more constraints. 00:23:45
As a result of this legislation, OK, it's the stick. It's the stick. I just didn't remember if it was. 00:23:53
If the carrot part was a new part of funding, so it's putting at risk current funding, OK, got it. 00:23:59
So being. 00:24:06
Meeting those requirements means eligible means where we can receive our share or it is eligible mean we have a shot at funding. 00:24:08
It means we have a shot. So even if we're in compliance, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that we get funding, it just puts us. 00:24:17
Higher in the queue, yeah, we can apply for it, we can apply for it, but we still have to beg even after we have qualified. 00:24:27
So I guess the last point would be. 00:24:38
Because I saw some comments in the staff report, I think regarding the Planning Commission, there is some concern that we were 00:24:43
that we might be overcooking it and and so I just wanted to back up and and how I view this as. 00:24:50
This is a multi year campaign by the legislature to. 00:24:58
Gradually make this topic a little more onerous each year on the municipalities. 00:25:04
And so it's this, sort of. 00:25:10
Slippery slope that year by year gets steeper and steeper and more slippery and more slippery. 00:25:12
And and so our it seems our strategy should always be to be each year barely compliant because if you. 00:25:17
Are over compliant or you you put in some extra credit. It's not going to be to your advantage in the next year because you you 00:25:28
can't carry that over. 00:25:33
Is that a fair statement? 00:25:37
Once you've counted something, you can't keep counting it the next year you've got. 00:25:40
Add more right and so. So I just wanted to make sure and I'll just have to rely on on your expertise and staff. 00:25:44
That that if my presumption is correct that we're that we're not overcooking it that we're not showing off because we won't get 00:25:53
any extra credit for any over compliance that we want to slide in right on the nose so that any. 00:26:00
Additional compliance can. 00:26:08
Saved for what's coming. 00:26:10
In future years. So that's my only point is this. I presume that's the case, but I wanted to make sure that we're not overcooking 00:26:12
it because it's not to our advantage, because I remember our objective here with this thing, even though we all share the goal of. 00:26:19
Finding affordable housing. 00:26:27
And having portions of affordable housing in the community which we live. 00:26:30
Yeah. I share that goal with the legislature, but our goal with this is just to be compliant. 00:26:34
Actually part of the statute includes ongoing strategies and ongoing tasks. So if we, as you noticed on the staff report and on 00:26:41
the task, you'll see the frequency of the quarterly, annually, biannually type of notation on each task so that we can report on 00:26:51
them. That's the only way we can continue to report on them and stay in compliance is by adding those ongoing. 00:27:00
Words like frequencies. 00:27:11
But your your opinion is that we've we're just we're only adding enough. 00:27:14
We're not overcooking it, right? Great. 00:27:18
That's all I had. Yeah, we had that. We kind of had that discussion. When I read through the staff reports, like we'd identified 6 00:27:23
items and then we identified. 00:27:27
Three additional to add to it and to your. 00:27:31
It's like. 00:27:35
Should we just keep some of those in reserve? So, but when when I was talking to Ann about she said no, we can add. 00:27:36
We're not a lot of them we can't accomplish anyway, but they're on our list and we can continue to report on them as long as we're 00:27:43
working on them, right. They they don't necessarily have to be accomplished right. And so we may not what we have now may may 00:27:49
suffice for the next couple of years depending on how we. 00:27:55
Without adding anything. 00:28:02
So that was my question. Is it, it seemed strategic to identify areas where we could create ongoing goals for a longer period of 00:28:03
time, so we didn't have to come up with new goals. Is that part of the way we're approaching this is to look specifically for 00:28:09
things? 00:28:14
We can will take a long time to accomplish so that we don't have to every year. 00:28:20
Come up with something. Is that is that accurate? Yes. OK. 00:28:25
Anything else for you? And I also wanted to clarify, Drew, it's actually two properties that we have here that are. 00:28:32
We're looking to preserve. 00:28:39
OK. Thanks. 00:28:43
I just want to make a brief. 00:28:45
And I wish Mr. Hilton was still here because I think he was referring to the missing middle and that ongoing discussion. 00:28:48
And this as it relates to this particular issue which is bringing affordable housing to our communities and the solution to that 00:28:54
and the inferred solution to that is being. 00:29:00
Increase your density, which will increase inventory, which will lower the prices. 00:29:06
And what he was referring to in his next door post I believe is. 00:29:12
That Holton Park has added. 00:29:17
Smaller lots but. 00:29:20
Homes are for sale for in excess of $1,000,000, so. 00:29:22
In holiday, that doesn't seem to. 00:29:27
A formula for success in terms of bringing affordable housing. It's a it's A and I say that because I want to. 00:29:30
Empathize with the state that it's a problem, but it's a very difficult problem to solve in holiday just by increasing density. 00:29:37
Thanks, Ann. Appreciate it. 00:29:46
OK. We're going to move on now to item number six, which is this proposed amendment to Title 13, which and I have to, I'm going to 00:29:48
admit that I thought this was kind of a no brainer text amendment until Paul brought this up in the work session regarding this 00:29:54
600 foot. 00:30:00
I had not thought about that. 00:30:06
And I don't think it's an issue of a single application, although in this case it may be it's the ongoing issue of. 00:30:08
If we allow this use to be added to the C2 zone now. 00:30:19
If somebody comes in and it's a permitted use. 00:30:24
All of a sudden you have placed a ring around that particular location in terms of what can go there and that could be that. 00:30:28
I think is maybe the essence of your. 00:30:37
What are the? 00:30:41
Points from which the 600 or 300 feet are measured. 00:30:43
So for. 00:30:47
A Tavern license, essentially a bar. It's 600 feet and I don't think there's a straight line measurement for bars in the state 00:30:50
code. I'll have to check on that. But for a beer license, the proximity restrictions, like a a restaurant beer license or even a 00:30:56
restaurant full service license, the proximity restrictions are 300 feet and you measure from the door of the alcohol service 00:31:02
facility. 00:31:08
Along a normal pedestrian route to the property boundary. 00:31:15
Of the community location. 00:31:19
Then there's a straight line measurement that is 200. 00:31:22
That goes from the door of the serving establishment in a straight line to the property boundary. 00:31:25
Community location. So those would be the restrictions you would have in this case. 00:31:31
So the property line in this case, if they're, they're not actually the property owner, It'd be the property line of. 00:31:36
The I don't know. I don't know what the extension of that center looks like. I don't know if this parcel is part of the broader 00:31:42
center. If it's a separate tax parcel, I'm not sure how that looks. 00:31:48
That would be something we'd need to look. 00:31:55
Right. Because then does it include, yeah, the parking lot? 00:31:57
Of the one thing I didn't know until today was that we're talking about, we actually are talking about Creekside. 00:32:00
Right. And so, yeah, does that. 00:32:07
Just this, the front of the building, or does it include? 00:32:10
Parking lot. 00:32:13
Parcel and even and regardless. 00:32:15
That's going to go well. 00:32:19
Holiday. 00:32:21
And so. 00:32:22
Yeah, I mean, if you had existing church, there's already, there's already elbow room there, but. 00:32:25
But for anybody in the future, if the Church is there first. 00:32:33
Then it it. 00:32:38
They're the grandfathered 1 essentially. And so then anybody around there and would that even constitute of course, you know, of 00:32:40
course if they're. 00:32:44
Does that would that end up? 00:32:49
Even being equivalent of a taking from the surrounding land owners if suddenly their. 00:32:51
Ability. 00:32:59
Lease to a bar or a restaurant that inhibits their ability to. 00:33:01
It cuts off all of their options, yeah. I think your insulation from a legal takings claim is pretty good. 00:33:09
In this area, but what I think you want your staff to look at. 00:33:16
The measurement points and how that might affect what we see going on already on holiday hills, what their land use is, it's 00:33:20
established. 00:33:24
In certain parts of it and how then it might affect the other, the other blocks that remain for development, you know where we 00:33:28
know where their restaurant pads are are sort of. 00:33:33
I guess slated to go. 00:33:39
And my suspicion is. 00:33:41
You're outside the proximity restrictions, certainly for a restaurant license. 00:33:44
I don't know about a Tavern. 00:33:49
And I don't know whether there's any plans for a Tavern anywhere on that property. That's something to look at the the. 00:33:53
Brew pub that's been. 00:34:00
I don't know. 00:34:04
That looks like on the proximity restrictions without already having an approval it may not be an issue. 00:34:06
At this point. 00:34:12
But those are those are the things I think you want your staff to look at. 00:34:14
Yeah, when it comes to other properties besides the holiday hills, is there is it worth looking at rather than making it? 00:34:17
Permitted use, making it a conditional use option. So. 00:34:25
Because is that, I mean is that does that do anything I don't think, I don't think it buys you anything in terms of the alcohol 00:34:30
licensing issue. 00:34:34
And candidly, a conditional. 00:34:37
In almost every sense of permitted use now, it would only be what mitigating circumstances you could apply to some detrimental 00:34:40
effect of the use itself. I don't. I don't think that necessarily solves. 00:34:46
Any of the present problems you're discussing, I don't think. 00:34:52
Adds much to your consideration. And if we. 00:34:56
If we just go ahead and say, oh, it's OK, then we didn't really kind of lose control of. 00:35:00
Where it can happen within any C2. 00:35:06
Right, You can't say, well, it's OK there, but we'd rather have you over by 39th and Highland. 00:35:09
If you go there, we're fine, but once. 00:35:15
You give it a green light, it's going to go in any C. 00:35:18
And you know, I certainly have no objection other than this issue for a church to exist in a C2 and. 00:35:21
But but it's that elbow room and I wouldn't even be surprised if the the church members themselves cared about the 600 foot rule. 00:35:31
But it's not. That's not our call. That's a state imposed thing. You can't waive it. 00:35:38
And so, even though it might be something that neither the council nor the applicant cares about it. 00:35:45
It's imposed upon us and. 00:35:52
I'm uncomfortable with it because of that because I feel like. 00:35:57
It would affect. 00:36:01
The property ownership rights of anyone adjacent because even though you know, Woodbury I think owns that whole strip, if they 00:36:04
didn't, you know, say if they were two different owners and the church goes on the corner lot, then that affects the rights of the 00:36:10
property owner next door and who they can lease to. And it's that elbow room problem that that's kind of why I think we have 00:36:17
churches in the P zone because they're kind of in places that already. 00:36:23
Contemplate the elbow room needed. 00:36:31
And C2 does not contemplate that C2 is where we put our restaurants. 00:36:34
Yeah, so you got you know you. 00:36:40
This issue in particular of whether we allow it and then what? 00:36:42
Where are? Where is that 600 foot line and who's it going to affect? But it's also. 00:36:47
All the other C2 zones now have a There's a there's an entitled right there. 00:36:52
So if somebody puts a church in here and there's there's no bars or Taverns or whatnot within 600 feet. 00:36:58
They can do it, but now it is now it is excluding that use in that radius, right? And. 00:37:05
That's I got to work that out. 00:37:12
So. 00:37:17
Made reference to the fact that this had been done in other cities. Could we have the staff look at maybe how the issue has been 00:37:18
addressed in other cities? 00:37:22
Yes, I would like that as well. 00:37:26
So I'm a little bit confused. Can you clarify? I mean, Todd, a minute ago you were talking about 300 feet from the door. 00:37:30
But we've also been talking about 600 feet. So how does it actually work? The alcohol licenses, the different alcohol licenses 00:37:37
have different proximity restrictions. 00:37:42
So for a Tavern or a bar, it's a 600 foot proximity restriction for a restaurant. 00:37:47
That has either a beer license or a full service alcohol license. 00:37:53
It's a 300 foot measurement. 00:37:57
Along a normal pedestrian route or a 200 foot straight line measurement. 00:38:01
So the state code specifies for alcohol licenses the different kinds of licenses and the proximity restrictions that apply. 00:38:06
And you have adopted those in your city code, and candidly you don't have the ability to alter them. 00:38:13
Because even if you would say we would issue an alcohol license, the state wouldn't. 00:38:18
Based on the state code proximity restrictions. So they're the ones that issued the alcohol licenses. OK, thank you for that 00:38:23
clarification. Yeah, a practical example. 00:38:28
In our city. 00:38:34
Is where. 00:38:35
Right now. 00:38:40
They changed their license. 00:38:43
From A and I can't remember I. 00:38:46
I can't keep up with the liquor laws in the state, so they confuse me. 00:38:49
But when they change their liquor license, it changed the proximity requirement, correct? 00:38:55
And so has anybody been to mint sushis and tapas? 00:39:00
Well, you need to support your local businesses for starters. 00:39:06
But you cannot exit out of the back door. 00:39:10
It's locked because when they got that license. 00:39:13
That door fell within by two or three feet, the proximity distance that you're talking about, and that's why that door is locked. 00:39:16
So you have to walk around to the Plaza to get in. When they change the license to open up the bar to the public, it was a 00:39:24
different license, the proximity change. And so that's what we're talking about is. 00:39:29
Well, yeah, we don't have any issue with. 00:39:35
A church being there, but now what are the downstream effects it's going to have on? 00:39:39
On all the properties in any any potential C2 application. 00:39:45
So. 00:39:51
200 feet, 600 feet pedestrian rout. 00:40:05
Straight. 00:40:11
From the property line of the establishment to the entrance of. 00:40:14
Or sorry, the property line. 00:40:19
Community resource. 00:40:21
Better to the entrance. 00:40:25
We don't. That's not, we don't have a picture of that in the packet, Dewey, that shows this specific application and then the. 00:40:29
It would be helpful for me to see what that radius impact looks. 00:40:38
And here where? 00:40:42
A large property owner. 00:40:44
Is if you're infringing within the 200 feet. 00:40:47
Of any part of the property line is. It impacts the entire property. 00:40:52
I can't answer that question based on the language of the statute right now. I'd have to look at it a little more closely, Matt. 00:40:58
I suspect that's the case. 00:41:06
But that's something I would have to look at. 00:41:11
Well, certainly for me to be comfortable, you'd have to really, really know what the impact would be, if it's. 00:41:15
If a quasi public use is going anywhere in any of our C twos. 00:41:22
What's the impact to the the? 00:41:28
Property holders, do you have a sense that if we can get? 00:41:31
If we can get a better visual. 00:41:35
Reference on What does this actually mean in terms of this application? What it can mean for future applications? 00:41:39
Are we going to get to a vote on this on the 7th, do you think? 00:41:46
We'll see. Well, I think what we're trying to communicate here is this is not as simple as. 00:41:54
Is how it appears that. 00:42:02
It's creating an issue amongst this council. 00:42:04
What the immediate impacts are for this specific application, but more importantly, what does it mean to entitle this property 00:42:08
right in the C2 zone for all the C2 zones in the city down the road? 00:42:13
So that's something we're going to have to work out between now and March 7th and. 00:42:20
And part of it's going to be actually seeing. 00:42:25
What does this mean like show? 00:42:29
Where this application is and then where is that 200 foot straight line and what properties is it going to impact? Because I think 00:42:31
that may have a lot to do with how we land on this, yeah. And also might affect property owners outside of the city because we we 00:42:37
have C twos that border with Mill Creek. 00:42:43
Like our 39th South and Highland Dr. area. 00:42:49
We've got a bar on our side and there's a bar on the other side. 00:42:53
It gets complex. 00:43:00
OK, that actually leads me to another question. So if there's a bar already there and the church wants to come in, if we authorize 00:43:04
this, could the church just not come in? 00:43:08
If the church couldn't come in if they fell within that 200 radius of a community location, can locate within proximity to an 00:43:13
alcohol use if they choose to, but not the other. 00:43:19
One way St. I did not know that that's interesting. 00:43:27
OK. 00:43:31
So if there's bars or restaurants already there. 00:43:33
The community location, I just wanna make sure I understand. Yeah, you can set your daycare up next door if you choose to. 00:43:38
OK. 00:43:44
So that would be helpful to get from staff. Anything else? 00:43:49
That you can think of right now that would be helpful to get from staff as we start to consider as we start to move to that March 00:43:53
7th, they can consider this. 00:43:57
OK. 00:44:04
We'll give you. 00:44:23
I don't know if there's a way to determine. 00:44:25
Demand for churches, Like if we were to allow this, would we all of a sudden be? 00:44:28
Swarmed. I mean, that's kind of what I was thinking. I don't think this is something that's all of a sudden going to swarm holiday 00:44:33
with their religious fervor, so. 00:44:37
So I just, I I mean I I recognize that we do need to look big picture here and I appreciate that. But I, I, I, I don't think that 00:44:42
this is going to be a high demand situation is is my impression. But I would love to know more information on that. Yeah, it'll be 00:44:48
helpful to me to get to see this specific application. 00:44:54
And what that radius looks like, Yeah, just because it may not be. 00:45:01
It may not be as big an impact as I'm thinking it might be if it extends into holiday hills and starts reducing. 00:45:06
The ability of holiday hills to put a use in that concerns me. 00:45:14
Because that's pretty big rad. 00:45:19
But they've already gotten like they said there was a. 00:45:22
Tavern or something that had already been approved, like it's already been approved then they have, right? So, so Holiday Hills is 00:45:25
already kind of figured out what they're doing where then would that they would all be grandfathered in, but if it's been approved 00:45:30
and it changes to C2? 00:45:35
A church could still go in within that radius because it's a one way St. in terms of yeah, that's what I'm saying. The Tavern 00:45:41
wouldn't be affected. Yeah. OK, Yeah, Yeah. Right. That's good to know. OK. 00:45:46
So we're skipping all over the place and typically we'd be over there, but my suggestion is. 00:45:52
With a apology to MHTN, who's here for spring lane that we handle the other public hearings right now and then take a a brief 00:45:59
break and move over to handle the Spring Lane issue. Is that OK? 00:46:04
And for those that are here for this, we're done talking about this right now. We're not going to be offended if you get up and 00:46:14
leave, but if you want to stay, you can. 00:46:18
You're welcome to thank. 00:46:22
The home so home occupations. 00:46:26
I thought this one was pretty simple too, but I thought the C2 was. 00:46:33
But to restate again, this one really to me was. 00:46:38
It was a long staff report that basically. 00:46:43
The home occupation things becoming a bigger thing and if we could just create some basic simple standards that allowed staff to 00:46:47
approve these applications. 00:46:52
It could take care of a lot of the administrative workload and then if it goes outside of whatever those standards are, then we 00:46:59
all then it can come back to the Planning Commission to create conditional uses, correct Todd? 00:47:05
So I have no real problem with that other than the issue that we talked about, which is. 00:47:12
And maybe Carrie, you can clarify this a little bit, the issue of. 00:47:18
Can my concern? 00:47:23
Can somebody who owns a home and doesn't live in the home? 00:47:26
Which is becoming more common? 00:47:30
Then approve. 00:47:33
Home occupation permit or a use in that where they don't occupy it is that that's a concern I have. Can they do that the way this 00:47:36
is currently? 00:47:41
Constructed. 00:47:48
Uh-huh. Come on up and we're going to grill you. 00:47:49
So, and that was Councilman Fotheringham's concern with the language as is. So the language stated in the code is that owner 00:47:55
occupant is defined as and specifically item A. Is that correct? 00:48:03
The Yeah. So, So. Well, first, let's back up just. 00:48:12
When you say current code, because we had this conversation before about what is current code versus what's changed because the 00:48:17
whole thing is new. Whereas I came into it thinking what was in black was actually current code and the red and blue was the 00:48:24
change. But that's not necessarily the case. The whole thing is pretty much new and red and blue meant. 00:48:31
Subsequent edits of the original draft, which is all a change. 00:48:39
And so then in the staff report. 00:48:46
In the key significant changes item number 3. 00:48:50
We've got the item which is allowance for onu occupied, owner occupied with a specific definition of owner occupied. 00:48:54
The previous language was person residing in the home. I presume in previous language was pre to all of this whole change which 00:49:03
says just the resident only, not anybody else and then the next thing the reasoning implies that we're just talking about 00:49:10
expanding that definition a little bit. 00:49:18
From person residing in the home to person residing in the home and his dad essentially. 00:49:26
Related party. 00:49:33
So I'm thinking, well, that sounds fine. 00:49:35
But then we go to the actual code. 00:49:37
And that was like line 82 ish I think it was. 00:49:41
And standards. 00:49:47
Sorry, what? What line did you say? So starting in line 8282. OK standards. And this is where we start talking about this is where 00:49:49
this is start talking about owner occupied staff report implies the person who lives there, whether they own it or rent it. 00:49:57
But now adding Dad if dad owns it and Dad can own a home business that his son occupies, that's a pretty narrow expansion that 00:50:07
everybody, I presume, would be cool with. 00:50:13
But then in the standard, it says a dwelling must either be the primary place of residence. That's fine for the person conducting 00:50:20
home occupation, that's current. 00:50:25
Or be owner occupied. 00:50:31
So or be only owner occupied. So then I see that last phrase there on sentence 2. 00:50:35
And then I've got AB and C, which I believe just applies to that second part of sentence two. So either you're the resident or 00:50:41
owner occupied with the owner occupant defined as. 00:50:47
The person who's on the deed. 00:50:56
That's not necessarily the resident's dad. That's anybody. 00:50:58
Right. There's no condition for occupation with that, right. There's there's no relationship there. So that expands what's been 00:51:02
proposed in the staff report significantly. 00:51:07
Not saying it's right or wrong, but it is not the same. 00:51:13
Right. And then or any person who is related by blood, marriage, adoption, not the person living, but to the deed owner. 00:51:16
So that means that not only I can. 00:51:24
Home business. 00:51:28
In a property that I own, but I'm renting to an unrelated neighbor. 00:51:30
Also my brother. 00:51:36
Can operate a home business in the home that I own but is occupied by my unrelated neighbor. 00:51:38
Or your wife's great uncle. I mean, we were talking about related by blood, marriage or adoption. I mean, yeah. So it has nothing 00:51:44
to this language has nothing to do with the relatives of the occupant, which the staff report seemed to imply. 00:51:51
Before right. 00:52:00
That that specific point is brought out in kind of this subset bullet point. 00:52:03
Where staff is proposing clarifying language to allow home occupations by the property owner. 00:52:09
Examples of that are on the second page. 00:52:17
Where you might have situations where somebody has purchased a property, maybe they don't live on the property. 00:52:21
But are using it. 00:52:29
To operate their business. 00:52:31
Photographers. Pretty common if they have an in home studio. Maybe they rent out the basement and are using the main portion of 00:52:34
the home as a studio. Same thing with like a significant yard use agricultural. 00:52:40
Photography studio kind of thing, where we have these larger estate properties. Maybe you have a photographer who owns a property 00:52:48
who wants to use it for their business and have clients come to the property, but they don't actually live on the property, so 00:52:53
that's. 00:52:57
It was intended as a recommendation to extend that just to. 00:53:03
The owner of the property. 00:53:08
One for simplification so that you're not getting into. Are you renting this? Do you have? Are you related? How are you going to 00:53:11
prove a relation if it's just extended to the owner of the property and the? 00:53:17
Property maintenance, property care is all within the standards that are in home occupations. 00:53:25
That is where that recommendation for extending that to the owner of the property. 00:53:32
OK. And so that's that may be well and good, I haven't really processed that. 00:53:38
But I just thought that the staff report as I was reading it, we were saying. 00:53:44
The entitlement is here. We're going to expand it to here by adding Dad. But the language isn't that at all. It's if you own it. 00:53:50
Regardless of who you've rented to, you can have also have a home business. 00:53:58
In that home that you own so. 00:54:04
And you're renting out even though, so it still has to be a primary residence to whomever. But we're not talking about just what 00:54:08
it was which, which the staff report implied previous to all this, was that the occupant? 00:54:15
The resident, whether they're the owner or not, it was limited to them. 00:54:22
Now we're saying, but then the staff report implied, well, but let's add Dad, because maybe he owns the house. 00:54:28
And he's related to the occupant. 00:54:36
But then, this language in the ordinance is not that at all. 00:54:39
Right. The language in the ordinance is if you own it, doesn't matter who's in it, you can do a home business in there. 00:54:43
As long as the. 00:54:53
Use is still the. 00:54:55
Resident occupant. 00:54:58
Right. And that that owner use is the is recommended in the staff report it's. 00:55:00
3rd bullet point that's in there. 00:55:08
Is it possible to just tighten up that language on that to be on line 88 to kind of? 00:55:10
To close that loophole that Paul is mentioning. 00:55:16
Right. And that's the consideration. Do you want to limit? 00:55:20
A home occupation to somebody who either resides there or is related to the property owner. 00:55:24
I guess the property owner has to or. 00:55:31
Simpler, cleaner to just extend that to the property owner? Well, I guess that's a policy question that I'm wondering about now. 00:55:34
Because to me, part of the reason for. 00:55:42
The business owner to reside on the property. 00:55:47
Is that they were there. They could observe what was happening. They had a relationship with their neighbors. They were going to 00:55:51
be responsible if it's somebody who owns the property but doesn't live there. 00:55:57
What's the policy reason for that recommending that expansion? 00:56:04
The recommendation is based off of. 00:56:10
Sometimes significant property investment or. 00:56:14
Just a use of a property as a property owner. 00:56:19
That they would. 00:56:23
Possibly still have that same investment in the property. They'd want to maintain it for business purposes. 00:56:25
If they're seeing clients at the home. 00:56:31
As is a property owner could own a property rent. 00:56:34
The main portion of the house and then still use an accessory building for their own personal use. The difference when it goes to 00:56:39
a home occupation with a permit is when they're having clients who are coming to the house. 00:56:45
Home occupations largely are either. 00:56:53
When it's somebody who's living at the house, when we're looking at the. 00:56:56
Does it make a difference if it's the person who's living at the house versus? 00:57:01
Somebody who doesn't live at the house. 00:57:05
Are those impacts all mitigated with the standards? All the parking has to be on site? 00:57:07
The hours of operation are limited. There's noise ordinance issues. You know, there's occupations that are expressly prohibited. 00:57:15
So all of those standards. 00:57:20
As staff, we feel that those standards mitigate those impacts. Typically, if you have an issue with a home occupation, neighbors 00:57:27
are pretty aware of that and will call code enforcement if there are issues. 00:57:34
And so the. 00:57:41
You've talked about a lot of best case scenarios where property owners care about their properties. 00:57:44
Even if they don't live in them. I mean generally properties owners would. 00:57:49
Tend to care more about the one they live in. 00:57:54
But we've also seen property owners who? 00:57:57
Rent out residences and. 00:58:02
Dives. 00:58:06
But perhaps we're saying that that's going to happen regardless of whether or not there's a. 00:58:07
Business also being run by the property owner. 00:58:12
Right, by having the the licensing we do. 00:58:16
That then comes with the ability to inspect property to make sure that they are in compliance with the standards within the code. 00:58:21
So if there are significant issues, then licenses can be revoked or discontinued. Fines can be issued tied specifically to the 00:58:29
business operation. 00:58:33
In our code for property maintenance. Right now our existing code only entails, you know, specific property maintenance standards 00:58:39
with appearance and other issues. 00:58:45
To properties that are being rented. So those same property maintenance standards don't currently extend to properties that are 00:58:50
owned, but they are extended to properties that are rented. So there's a property maintenance coverage when you're renting a 00:58:56
property versus a property maintenance coverage that isn't there for an owned property. 00:59:03
In how our code is currently. 00:59:10
My concern is that if this if. 00:59:13
Businesses go South. 00:59:17
You're saying, you know, we can go in, we can revoke the? 00:59:19
The license and everything but that is after there are problems and I am just. 00:59:23
I am hesitant. 00:59:28
Expand this as. 00:59:31
The current language says it's expanding, I think. 00:59:34
Someone who is living on the property. 00:59:38
Should have a connection to that business. 00:59:41
I I I don't know. I guess I've just had so many problems with short term rentals in my area that. 00:59:46
You know, like Paul. 00:59:52
It's Some owners just don't care, and that's a problem. 00:59:54
And there can be consequences, but that means the neighbor has the neighborhood has to go through those consequences before the 01:00:00
problem is resolved. 01:00:03
Yeah, you're going to have to. 01:00:09
Sounds great and then? 01:00:11
Start collecting data. Start taking pits, or start showing us. Prove it. 01:00:15
And it drags on and on and on. 01:00:20
And so is the intent of this to. 01:00:24
Expand. 01:00:27
So the way this is written, I got to think of this. 01:00:30
Right now. 01:00:34
Owner does not have to reside on the property where the business is. 01:00:36
With the current language, it states that the property owner or that the person has to occupy the property. 01:00:42
To be eligible for a home occupation. 01:00:51
Does the resident have to own the property? No. So Paul could buy a house in his neighborhood. 01:00:54
And he could rent it to a. 01:01:00
Who can then apply for a home occupation? I'd be the one applying. 01:01:03
So well, both. Either one how it works is that the property owner signs a property ownership affidavit and then authorizes the 01:01:08
tenant to. 01:01:13
To apply for a home occupation. So then the tenant who resides on the property is operating the home occupation. 01:01:19
So owning a home, neither one of us could apply for home business for that location, whether I'm the owner or whether I'm the 01:01:27
occupant. And so I guess where I went wrong was was in that first that reasoning paragraph. It gave an example, but that wasn't 01:01:34
the universe. It was one of many examples. It just happened to be. 01:01:41
One example that happened to be a related party, but the related party wasn't. 01:01:49
The related party being the resident, not the. 01:01:55
Just happened to be. 01:01:58
One of many possible circumstances where I. 01:01:59
I got off the track where I thought that was the limit of the expansion we were talking about. 01:02:03
Right, but that was not the case. The other perspective that staff looked at was conditional uses and. 01:02:08
Home occupations that would run with the land, so conditional uses stay tied to a property. 01:02:15
This removes A conditional use that would run with the land, so. 01:02:22
It was created as a balance of. OK, if you retain ownership of the property, can you continue the use as? 01:02:26
Accessory business use even if you don't reside on the property. 01:02:34
Considering that, that would. 01:02:39
A land use that stays with the land. 01:02:41
That would transfer to another owner if another owner purchased the property and wanted to. 01:02:44
Continue a home occupation. 01:02:50
Yeah, I'm. 01:02:54
I yeah, I got to think about this here. I mean, I'm more aligned with Drew on this one, I think. Here's my concern is. 01:02:55
We're already having problems with short term. 01:03:04
And the people evaluating the purchase of a home as an investment tool. 01:03:07
Which is in my opinion side note driving, driving up the price of homes and creating. 01:03:13
A problem with affordable housing site issue. 01:03:20
But now we're going to expand the opportunity for people who are buying homes as in investments. 01:03:24
As an investment to allow somebody to run a home occupation business and not occupy that home. So now not only do they really not 01:03:30
care about that home, but they don't care about the business that's going to go into that home. 01:03:37
And are we just adding another problem on top of? 01:03:45
A problem that we're already seeing in terms. 01:03:49
Of non owner occupied homes in our communities. 01:03:53
Am I not thinking about this right? It's legitimate? 01:03:58
It also it also seems like. 01:04:03
Like you. 01:04:06
It makes it more likely to move away from the purpose of the residential zone as residential like it. It creates some greater 01:04:08
economic incentive for people to look at this as an investment or as a business situation and not as a residential situation in 01:04:13
the way that they develop the land and take care of it, even though there are standards they have to maintain once again if they 01:04:18
don't. 01:04:24
You have to go through the whole process to have them stop. Yeah. You know, people, It's just philosophically people, I think, 01:04:29
move into a particular neighborhood to live in a neighborhood with their neighbors. 01:04:35
And we've got this situation that's evolving where? 01:04:42
That's becoming less and less of a reality because people are buying these residential homes to rent them out for profit. 01:04:46
Not that I'm against people making profit, but now we're getting. Now we want to expand that. 01:04:53
Oh, and also we're going to expand the ability for people to run businesses out of there that don't even that don't physically 01:04:59
reside in that home. 01:05:02
It seems like we're exacerbating a problem that. 01:05:07
I got it. I think I'm OK with your one objective, which is to codify, you know, and make it not take away the condition used that 01:05:12
runs with the land and and. 01:05:18
To standardize home occupation licenses. 01:05:25
It's but, but there's a second piece in here which happens to do with. 01:05:28
The rights of Home occupation. 01:05:33
And property ownership rights and expanding that to include stuff there. There's two objectives there. I think we can still be OK 01:05:36
with your first objective, which is try to codify and how far do we want to go in terms of of the requirements we're going to have 01:05:43
for the owner to live on the site. I have no issues with creating standards and trying to make it easier for staff to approve 01:05:49
these and keep it away from the Planning Commission, but. 01:05:55
How narrow narrowly we define. 01:06:02
To me, it's about I want the owner. If they're going to run a business out of there, I want the owner to live on that property, 01:06:07
because at least they have. 01:06:11
Responsibility and hopefully take some pride in what they're doing and they have some sort of responsibility to the neighbors that 01:06:15
these home occupation businesses. 01:06:20
Or next to. Yeah, and I was even OK with the. 01:06:25
The wrong understanding that we were just expanding that a little bit to be in the family. 01:06:29
So that. 01:06:35
You know, if it was Scotty house or Jordans house, you had a business there and. 01:06:36
You allowed an inheritance to of that house to go to Jordan for instance. 01:06:41
That that business could still keep going even. 01:06:46
He lived there instead of. 01:06:49
That's only that's still an all in the family. That's the first example in the reasoning that seemed OK. 01:06:50
Go ahead if I could ask a question because. 01:06:58
Not sure I understand the full concern to the Council. Is the concern to the Council that the business operator reside? 01:07:02
On the. 01:07:09
Or is the concern of the Council that someone with an ownership interest in the property? 01:07:10
Reside there and conduct the business. 01:07:16
That sounds like you understand. So if you looked at line 85, and they're not the same thing if you looked at line 85 and you 01:07:23
strike the word either. 01:07:26
And then on line 86 you strike everything from the home occupation. So it says dwelling unit must be the primary place of 01:07:30
residence for the person conducting the home occupation. 01:07:35
And then you strike those subsections. 01:07:41
Does that get to the Council's concern? 01:07:46
Or are you wanting to impose a requirement? 01:07:48
That for a home occupation to be undertaken within a residence. 01:07:52
The residence has to be owner occupied. 01:07:56
Well, you're saying that renters under one of these renters couldn't do that under the other condition that you're saying renters 01:08:01
could not? 01:08:04
Concerned about the home occupation being operated by an owner of the property, a renter couldn't run a home occupation in a home 01:08:10
they were renting. 01:08:13
However, long term their rental may be, it seems to me it's more important to have the occupant who's living there. 01:08:18
Because the current standard is the occupant. 01:08:25
Yeah, I'm fine with that. 01:08:29
Your concern has been that we could allow someone who doesn't live at the residence doesn't live there. It is completely unrelated 01:08:34
to the occupant, Yeah, to conduct the business, right? 01:08:39
Because that initial staff report paragraph that I got missed, that I misunderstood was I thought we were only expanding. 01:08:47
The resident. 01:08:55
Requirement to the resident and. 01:08:57
Residents. 01:09:00
Essentially, is it possible to take this language to make it what you understood it to be, so that it is just? 01:09:01
The resident and the. 01:09:08
A parent, because it was it language, were centered on the resident and not the owner. I think that would get me there. 01:09:10
Because this is about the rest of the I was just gonna say Todd can draft anything if we come up with the idea. 01:09:17
Current state subdivision ordinance is a mess. 01:09:25
I think it's just important that we know from a policy standpoint. 01:09:29
If your concern is that it's an owner of the property that conducts the business, or if your concern is that it's a resident on 01:09:34
the property that conducts the business. 01:09:39
Because if you're if you're worried about a family business being able to pass. 01:09:44
I don't think a family will have a problem figuring out how to make that happen if it's a home occupation, right? 01:09:50
Somebody in the next generation who is the primary occupant of the house will be in charge of the business. Now whether mom and 01:09:56
dad stay involved, right? 01:09:59
They have. They have a means to address that. 01:10:04
If you're second, if it's you really want owners. 01:10:06
To be able to do home occupations and not renters, that's a different issue altogether. I think that maybe has some legal. 01:10:11
Issues in the back of it that make me a little bit uncomfortable. 01:10:19
I'm perfectly comfortable if your requirement is you have to live there. 01:10:22
Yeah, that's all that's easy. I think that's the concern that the person operating the business is there on site interacting with 01:10:26
the neighbors. 01:10:30
With the ties to that neighborhood. 01:10:36
So can you create language? 01:10:39
I think or does this say that we've just been going in a big we can put some clarifying language that narrows it to primary 01:10:42
residency? I think that revision is easy. 01:10:48
Good. Thank you. 01:10:55
Is that the major concern? I think that was the big topic. 01:10:57
Anything else on that before we just one one little kind of parochial question. So there's this little. 01:11:01
Home Occupied Flower Farm across the street from me does this. 01:11:10
And is that use included? 01:11:15
The uses identified in this. 01:11:19
Provision and so we would apply to them, but as long as. 01:11:23
Live there and meet all the other requirements there. 01:11:27
Right. 01:11:31
There's, yeah. So they would have the. 01:11:34
There's a fall under the conditions that were applied to their conditional permit. It would change over if they were to move and 01:11:37
another property owner. 01:11:42
Purchase the property they would have to apply for a new home occupation permit under the standards that are being proposed. So 01:11:47
would that would the way this is. 01:11:52
Knowing what that use is, would that be a staff approval or do you think that would have to go to the planning flower farm? 01:11:58
A flower farm would be a staff approval, OK? 01:12:05
It's out. If there's a use that falls outside of what these standards are, then it would go to a conditional use for review by the 01:12:08
Planning Commission. 01:12:12
Thank you. 01:12:18
All right. Thanks. 01:12:20
Sorry to grill you like that. 01:12:22
Thanks Ho. 01:12:26
All right. So the last public hearing we have is on the Pids. 01:12:31
The Public Infrastructure district and the application that has been delivered to the city. 01:12:36
And I think the primary. 01:12:44
There's a lot in there in terms of how it's created and those sorts of things. 01:12:47
My my sense is. 01:12:51
This is really going. 01:12:55
The Our Council. 01:12:58
You and our outside counsel that's working on this and. 01:13:00
Getting to a point of comfort. 01:13:05
To tell the council, yeah, I think we're good on this. I think we're going to defer to since we've never done this, have deferred 01:13:08
to council and staff a lot on this. So my questions are mostly centered around the bullet points that were in the staff report of 01:13:14
questions that you had, I believe for the applicant. 01:13:20
Regarding what they had submitted to the. 01:13:27
So what do you want to review? How do you? I'll turn this over to you and let you walk through the council on this. 01:13:30
On this one. 01:13:37
All right. 01:13:40
So. 01:13:43
We have, as a staff and Council, including our outside counsel, review the governing document and had identified a number of 01:13:45
issues that required either further clarification or where we were asking for further information. 01:13:54
And and just in the last day or so have received another draft that resolves some, but not all of those issues. There are a couple 01:14:06
of issues I think the council might want to discuss this evening, including clarification of governance and board requirements. 01:14:16
And then clarification of phasing costs and individual and the costs of individual parking structures within each of those pit 01:14:26
areas. 01:14:31
Todd, I don't know it maybe you could summarize the governance issues and what our recommend. 01:14:37
Yeah, the the creation of a board to govern this public infrastructure district, which is a governmental entity that will be 01:14:45
created inside of the City of Holiday. 01:14:48
There are. 01:14:54
Statutory means in ways to have that. 01:14:56
That board created, and at the outset in the governing document you can establish who will serve on that board. 01:14:59
And they need to either be an owner of property within the district or be an agent of an owner of property within the district. 01:15:08
And that requirement has to continue throughout the life of. 01:15:14
The Infrastructure district. 01:15:20
Some of the questions that come up are and and the one that is most prominent in our mind is. 01:15:23
Because the the levy that is proposed to be authorized inside of this district. 01:15:30
Could be relatively heavy. 01:15:38
It could work in to be a fairly substantial number. 01:15:40
Do we want to provide for the opportunity for a property owner who isn't an owner of the property now? 01:15:44
That it say somebody buys a portion of this. 01:15:52
Is operating in there as a commercial operator of some kind has a substantial interest. Do we want to provide for them to have the 01:15:56
right to have a seat? 01:16:01
On that district board. 01:16:06
One of the things we always think about from a policy standpoint, one of the biggest issues you can have with government is 01:16:07
representation in the levy of taxes. 01:16:11
And if you have a substantial property. 01:16:16
Who purchases later? 01:16:19
And is being taxed in this. 01:16:21
Do you want them to have a seat at the table? 01:16:24
Government governance in that, and there are different ways we could do that. We could talk about proportional ownership and how 01:16:27
that might look. They have to get to a certain percentage of ownership before they have the right to have a seat on that board. 01:16:34
I don't think we want to require them to sit on the board because you may have a substantial operator who doesn't care. 01:16:42
Who buys understanding what the levy is and doesn't care to be on the board of the district? And I wouldn't want to force them to 01:16:48
serve, but if they wanted a substantial, you know. 01:16:52
That seems to make some sense so. 01:16:58
That's one of the questions that we would like some guidance from the council on as we've talked through the issue with. 01:17:02
The folks who are proposing to create the Infrastructure district. 01:17:09
I think you make a good point in that. 01:17:14
It seems like there would even be in the current property owners interest to a degree I think. 01:17:18
To allow for in that governing document. 01:17:24
To have that sort of, you know, minimum, you won't necessarily want to be. If you have tiny slivers of ownership, that wouldn't 01:17:28
qualify, but a standard. 01:17:32
Board governance agreement where if you own at least X percent, then you have an opportunity to have a weighted voting share That 01:17:37
could also be. 01:17:42
Proxied. If they didn't want to exercise it individually, they could proxy it to the. 01:17:49
Management company. 01:17:56
CEO People just like State Farm does, you know, And they said that. So yeah, I'd say a minimum ownership of X percent. I'm not 01:17:58
sure what that is. 01:18:03
With the right to, you know, gather proxies. If they didn't want to set, I'd agree with that. 01:18:08
Same, are there statutory requirements about what the size of the board is or anything like that? 01:18:14
So I think it's a minimum of three. And I think there's something that has to be in the odd number unless there's more than 01:18:20
eleven, Yeah. So you know, we're usually not getting in that range, but generally we recommend. 01:18:27
5. 01:18:34
Just to keep it from the casual, two people get together. Oh, you've got a. 01:18:36
And can those governing can that count also be adjustable based on numbers of major owners? 01:18:42
You could have adjustments. We've seen spring boards and upon certain thresholds it goes from a three seat to A5 seat. You could 01:18:51
do the opposite as well. 01:18:56
Yeah, so if you have like. 01:19:03
20% then you have an up to 5 member board. 01:19:06
If you had 20%? 01:19:09
A board seat is 20% too much. Should it be 10? 01:19:12
What makes sense? 01:19:16
I think a larger percentage would feel more comfortable. 01:19:18
From my seat and I'm sure for the owners they would prefer that that be larger, but that's something we can discuss with them 01:19:22
offline and bring something back to you, yeah, I think, I think. 01:19:26
Everybody's in agreement that. 01:19:32
A scenario. 01:19:35
You've created a pit. You've created a pit board that the city really is not involved with at that point. 01:19:37
And you're. 01:19:43
They're taxing themselves now. Somebody comes in as an owner. 01:19:45
And they could basically be tax. 01:19:49
Without representation. 01:19:52
And if they have, I don't know, whatever the percentage is that you would think if there's a certain percentage of ownership that 01:19:54
was changed hands. 01:19:58
That they should have a right to be represented on that pit board if they're going to tax themselves. 01:20:03
Essentially. 01:20:09
That makes sense to me. However, you, however, the legal people come up with that language with the developers. But yeah, I think 01:20:12
we agree on that. 01:20:16
Yeah. 01:20:21
One of the other issues that we are. 01:20:22
To to really evaluate closely with better information. 01:20:26
Is there's a maximum? 01:20:31
Is it a maximum bond issuance number? 01:20:34
Of 80 million that's in the governing document now. 01:20:38
We we're trying to get a little better handle on that number for a lot of reasons. 01:20:42
If you're going to authorize the levy up to a dollar amount, you kind of want to know why and what the background is there. So 01:20:49
we're asking for information and they're working to provide that. We've gotten some information now and we expect. 01:20:55
So that's that's the other major question that has been out there from our perspective I think. 01:21:01
That we anticipate we'll be able to get resolution on and. 01:21:06
Something more certain by the. 01:21:10
Yeah, so is the question here. 01:21:13
We are going to approve the ability to create this PID to as a source of funding, bond funding. 01:21:18
To build. 01:21:26
Infrastructure, which according to document I'm reading is $50 million, let's say. 01:21:28
And so why would we approve? What's the justification? I understand the concept of well. 01:21:33
We're not tax, we're not taxing our, they're taxing themselves. So what difference is well. 01:21:40
I think it comes down. 01:21:46
Trying to be responsible and that we're going to create this for a specific purpose. 01:21:48
So why do you need to fund it beyond what the specific purpose is? I guess that's a question. That's the question we have and 01:21:54
that's why we're waiting for that information. There's a student in the back here. 01:21:59
You're welcome to come up here too. 01:22:06
Keep in mind, we're learning as we go here. We've never done a pit, so we're asking. 01:22:14
Todd may know a lot of answers these questions, but we've never done this and so we're trying to understand. 01:22:19
You know the justification behind some of these things that are going to be in the approval of this document if it's approved or 01:22:23
this pit if it's approved and and Aaron Wade with Gilmore Bell. So we've been the outside pit council here the the primary reason 01:22:29
that you would see like. 01:22:35
Two or so years of the project until. 01:23:16
The revenues can match the debt service. Usually there's a 10% reserve funded and then there's just cost of issuance. You got to 01:23:18
pay your lawyers, you got to pay your accountants, all of that kind of stuff. And so that's what. 01:23:25
Might take a $50 million project fund. 01:23:32
And make it a $70 million bond and then there's headroom. So that's that's why there's, you know there's always going to be a 01:23:36
lower project number than the requested debt limit just to account for those things. But I think what's being asked for is can we 01:23:42
just see a little bit more backup to help us understand is 50 million the right number and is 8 million, 80 million 01:23:48
correspondingly the right debt limit. So it gives them a little bit of. 01:23:55
Of wiggle They're going to fund this project. I think there's language inside of the agreement that basically says the funding has 01:24:02
to go to this. 01:24:06
But if. 01:24:11
If it goes over, it creates an Ave. for them. 01:24:13
To raise that mill rate, To raise the funds depending on what the actual cost ends up being, but it's still all going to be 01:24:16
directed to. 01:24:20
This public infrastructure, and these are not just we can raise more money, we're going to put it over here. 01:24:24
Right, right. 01:24:30
And to that point Mayor, that is another area of discussion that we have had with the applicant. So Section 4 details the benefits 01:24:33
of the districts and and has a broader definition than we have. We have discussed previously with the applicant that included 01:24:41
parking structures, sewer and wastewater improvements, water lines, landscaping, streets. 01:24:49
Curbs and sidewalks, we have discussed narrowing that definition a bit and so I anticipate that in the next draft you see that 01:24:58
language would would be related to parking structures and other and related improvements rather than the broad definition you 01:25:04
currently see. 01:25:11
OK. 01:25:19
I'm going back to the bulleted list to see if there's anything else we want to highlight briefly. 01:25:25
Erin, since you are there, maybe you would highlight dissolution requirements. 01:25:33
And then annexation potential as well? 01:25:40
Yeah, so. 01:25:44
Dissolution I'm trying to remember at the. 01:25:46
What the language in the latest draft said, But generally speaking, a local district or now they're called special districts. 01:25:49
Would dissolve, you know, upon its board determining that its purpose is no longer needed. And so here for this district, 01:25:56
generally that would be when the debt's been discharged and the ownership of the parking structure has been settled. And so I 01:26:01
think. 01:26:06
Yeah. So currently the language right here in front of you shows upon a determination of the City Council and the recommendation 01:26:12
that we forward and we'll note to follow up on is just change that from City Council to the the board, because under state law, 01:26:16
the City Council doesn't. 01:26:21
You know, doesn't make that finding, and I don't think you guys will want to be supervising. 01:26:26
That anyways, so we just change it that the board would look around and say, OK, our bonds are gone, our parking lots. 01:26:30
Sorted outlets dissolve and stop charging, but you have to dissolve. 01:26:36
But you would, yeah. So what's the purpose? And we could put some stricter language that upon that they shall take those steps if 01:26:40
that's kind of the. 01:26:44
The preference, but for now it's it would be just a discretionary. 01:26:48
You know item because I think at the work session last time we kind of discussed there might be after the bonds are discharged, 01:26:53
there might be a need for the district to hold. 01:26:57
That continue to own the parking garage for a longer time just to sort through any issues on that side, but we could put some 01:27:01
parameters that would push them towards a dissolution. 01:27:05
If would they be able so the parking structure, in this case parking structure is finished, the bonds are retired. 01:27:13
What would be the reason to allow the pit board to continue to impose? 01:27:23
Attacks when the purpose of that tax has been extinguished. 01:27:28
So that I think the district could probably. 01:27:33
Continue to exist. But I don't. They wouldn't be able to levy the property taxes without a justification because at that point it 01:27:36
would be just levying for their own administration, right? To cover their audits and to cover. 01:27:42
Those kinds of expenses, but not operations so so they wouldn't be able to maintain at the 1 1/2 mills without. 01:27:49
Yes. Well, the money has to go to a specific purpose. So this gets back to Gina's comment that you were going to tighten that down 01:27:56
a little bit. 01:27:59
I just want to make sure the money is going to what it's intended for, and if the bond has been extinguished and the parking 01:28:04
structure is there and there's all sorts of other stuff included in what can be funded. 01:28:09
Are we going to be OK? 01:28:15
Oh well, let's. 01:28:17
Impose. 01:28:19
Tax. 01:28:21
Keep the tax in place to do all these other these improvements that. 01:28:23
So I'm assuming we'll just tighten down what the money can go towards, right? 01:28:28
That's the intention. 01:28:34
And then one other thing we did want to highlight was just the right now, the governing document would allow the creation of three 01:28:40
distinct. 01:28:45
Pits it would. It also provides a annexation area and Aaron as you explained that is permitted under statute. Yeah. Yeah. So if I, 01:28:50
I don't know if somebody whoever is controlling could show the the map it's kind of the I think it's maybe like exhibit A. 01:28:59
But the state law allows. 01:29:10
The the Council to. 01:29:12
Oh yeah, that was the one with the red and the blue. 01:29:14
State law allows. 01:29:18
City to approve the districts with an annexation area at your discretion. And so here you can see the maps in the blue, they've 01:29:20
got the three PID areas and then there's the additional parcels in red, which would be the annexation area. And essentially what 01:29:26
that would allow is for any of the three districts, they could annex any of that red property without having to come back through 01:29:32
a process with the City Council. 01:29:38
And the general purpose for that that we. 01:29:45
Is just to. 01:29:48
Changes to accommodate changes in their phasing, right. So maybe this is a little bit different than like a single family 01:29:50
residential, but if you owned 1000 acres, you might not know exactly where each St's going to go for the next 5 or 10 years. 01:29:57
So it allows flexibility to annex. 01:30:04
You know neighborhoods that will be financing improvements around the same time. You know here are the applicant could probably 01:30:07
speak more to the the plans but this just gives them the flexibility to adjust boundaries only within this pre designated area 01:30:14
without going through a full city process. I guess that would come back though I mean it would raise that question to me of. 01:30:20
Ownership within the annexation area and having those owners have an Ave. to the pit board. 01:30:28
Because there would be a scenario where. 01:30:34
What if, say, the old Macy's building was sold to somebody else, but it's part of the pit annexation area and the pit board 01:30:38
decides they're going to annex that area and now they am I. So is this like way out? Am I thinking way out there? Because the 01:30:46
concern would be then they can the pit board can then impose a tax. 01:30:54
A position. 01:31:34
To be part of that process, they can't. 01:31:35
Yeah, They couldn't reach out and grab it and drag it and then say, oh, and by the way, here's your head tax, right? Yeah, you're 01:31:38
exactly right. OK. 01:31:44
So Mayor, I think that is all the significant issues that we had highlighted in the staff report. I don't know if council members 01:31:56
have other questions or questions for the applicant. 01:32:01
Well, I mean, I don't know if the other council member, this is all this is all new to me. It all makes sense at this level, but I 01:32:07
am. 01:32:11
I am really. 01:32:15
Council and and staff to understand what our concerns are to make sure we have an agreement. 01:32:18
That makes sense. 01:32:24
And you know the council I think is going to deferred a lot to our council and city manager and to say, hey look, I think we've 01:32:28
got a good clean agreement then we can look at it and see what what clarifying questions we have. 01:32:34
And so I think it's a matter of how hard everybody wants to work on this between now and March 7th. 01:32:41
What's your you've done this before, Todd. I mean, what's your sense of where we're at with this? It doesn't seem like there's a 01:32:47
lot of. 01:32:52
Outstanding, major issues. I don't see anything that looks like an impediment to getting something done and ready for the. 01:32:56
Right now. 01:33:03
OK, so we'll just count. 01:33:06
Yourself and working with the developers to answer those questions and getting comfortable and then we'll see where we end up. 01:33:08
Any other questions? 01:33:17
From other council members. 01:33:19
No, I've gotten comfortable with the concepts. But yeah, the devil's in the details and that's where we rely on you guys, I think 01:33:22
in. 01:33:25
But overall, conceptually I don't have a problem. 01:33:28
Mac did. 01:33:33
Kind of the first comment we were getting to about how we create the pit board. One of the issues we have is so our initial 01:33:41
company is a land holding company and then we create development companies that all have. 01:33:46
Separate ownership. It's controlled by similar, you know US and other affiliates but. 01:33:52
Managing OK. 01:33:58
Which of these companies have, what percentage of the overall property do they own? How do we make sure they have the right number 01:34:00
of board seats? And then does that all of a sudden trigger us having to go back before you to get the same people reelected under 01:34:03
different? 01:34:07
Ownership. 01:34:11
Is just was complicated to us. 01:34:13
In the end, like if we have a large commercial user that's coming in, they're not going to care what percentage they owe and 01:34:16
they're just going to see the PID there and say no, no, we're required to have a board seat, which will then come before council 01:34:20
asking for them and it'll become contingent on their deal anyway. 01:34:24
Which is all allowed. That's in the document right now. So I guess all I'm saying is we'll work with Todd to come up with what 01:34:29
that right language should be. But we were trying to just keep it broader and simpler not to try and make it so we have some 01:34:32
uniform. Oh, we just. 01:34:36
Dictate over new property owners or something just. 01:34:40
We know this is going to be a bunch of different property owners of our affiliate entities. 01:34:43
If and when or there is a large commercial group that comes in that wants to buy property or operate in this property. 01:34:47
More than likely they're going to come in and say. 01:34:54
We don't care what our percentage is. We want to be on the. 01:34:57
We're going to come before you and we're going to add a board member seat or replace one of ours or whatever their stipulations 01:35:00
are in order to have that user. 01:35:03
Here. So I think it's it's valid. We should address it and we'll get there. I'm just not sure it's as easy as just saying like a 01:35:07
20% allocation or something. I think I think our goal rather is just to have a minimum standard and but but yeah if you've got a 01:35:13
negotiated deal with. 01:35:18
Guy who doesn't meet that standard you want to put on the board, fine. I think it's more of a a minimum standard that that you're 01:35:25
not excluding a significant property owner, but being inclusive. 01:35:31
Building your board pick. 01:35:37
It's on you, Part of your part of what you're saying, too. 01:35:40
Regardless of what we put in the document for protections. 01:35:45
Buyer is not. It's going to be part of a due diligence where they say look if. 01:35:49
There's a pit involved here and we're going to have a piece of the ownership. We're going to demand to have a stay in it, just 01:35:55
we're going to demand a position on the board. 01:35:59
Just recently we were looking at buying a building that was where we were part of a condo association that owned a parking 01:36:05
structure and. 01:36:08
And you were 99% of the way there turned into who actually controls the voting rights over ongoing maintenance of this deck. 01:36:12
Turned out we didn't have authority to actually make sure our parking rights were always there. 01:36:17
And so we wound up not being able to close on the deal all because. 01:36:23
You know of underlying issue that you're going through and due diligence gets you and there's no way for us to get on that board. 01:36:26
And so we obviously have to have the door open, which I think it already says the door is open, but then at the same time. 01:36:31
If it if it's really complicated and restrictive, so it's like oh this percentage has to be on, you know so like as we create all 01:36:37
these separate entities, how many, how many entities have to have the? 01:36:42
Members or different members or how many times we have to come back every time we bring in a new development company to like. For 01:36:48
instance, the Macy's building will be another Woodbury development company. 01:36:53
But it's different than the land. 01:36:58
Kind of where like the fitness center is going to be or some of the other retail and so. 01:37:01
Do we have to have a board member allocated to the Macy's building because they're now 20% of the land area or something? And a 01:37:04
board member, I don't know, just added kind of complication stuff which I'm sure we can resolve. I just wanted to bring up that. 01:37:10
We were just trying to keep it simple because we knew how many moving parts there were going to be and we knew this was going to 01:37:16
be. 01:37:19
Anytime like a large commercial user comes in, the first thing they'll do is review all the governing documents, review all the 01:37:21
encumbrances and. 01:37:25
They're going to want to have a physician on everyone of those boards and have the ability to kind of direct their own destiny and 01:37:28
so. 01:37:31
Anyway, I wasn't trying to make more complicated. Well, it doesn't sound like. It doesn't sound like. 01:37:34
The issues we've got are not that great and as long as people want to work hard on it between now and March 7th, we should be able 01:37:42
to resolve them and get something to the council that makes sense to us and we can. 01:37:47
Your confidence. 01:37:54
That's an attorney comment. 01:38:00
So Mayor, one last thing I wanted to highlight and this is for our policy conversation that will come after consideration of this 01:38:03
application. This is a pretty labor intensive for staff and outside counsel and our city attorney, so many cities have imposed a 01:38:11
fee for applicants applications for Pids and I would. 01:38:20
I think that's would be something that council should consider as part of a future policy. 01:38:29
Yeah, it was. My understanding is it's presented when I looked at other policies that it was the applicant that cover, you know. 01:38:36
Had the burden of those costs, but yeah, you would think that would be part of something we'd want to. 01:38:43
OK. Thanks everybody. We are. Is there anything else, anything else from council? 01:38:49
Then I think what we're going to do is move across the hall. 01:38:56
Recess for a few minutes as we move across the hall, and once we're convened over there, we'll take up the issue on Spring Lane. 01:39:02
Is that right? All right, thanks everybody. 01:39:09
That. 01:39:14
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David Billings is the one who made the application, but we've both been trying to help. 00:00:00
Korean Presbyterian Church with their efforts to relocate. 00:00:05
I'm not going to rehearse. What staff? 00:00:09
The Planning Commission have gone through you. 00:00:12
Read all of that and you're familiar with it. I did want to tell you a bit about the church and the struggles that they face, or 00:00:15
any church does, in light of the way the code's written. 00:00:20
The Korean Presbyterian Church started in 1980. They're well established. They've been in the Valley for a long time, and growth 00:00:25
and demographics has required them to move. And so they've listed and sold their property in West Valley City, which they will 00:00:31
have to exit. 00:00:37
Relatively quickly. So they're looking for new space and we've looked. 00:00:43
In your community extensively because of the membership that lives in this area and. 00:00:49
We actually have. 00:00:57
The property is described by Miss March under contract. 00:00:59
And in our due diligence period, which is 90 days typical in a contract, we have to resolve a variety of issues which includes the 00:01:03
zoning. 00:01:08
One of the difficulties with the P zone or the way that the city code is set up, is that to do a rezone. 00:01:14
You can't. 00:01:22
A property tied up long enough. 00:01:24
From a seller. 00:01:27
To go through the rezone process, and if you could and did and rezone it to AP, it damages the value of the property subsequently 00:01:28
because it reduces the options of what the property can be used for. 00:01:36
And that would then require. 00:01:43
Coming back and trying to rezone it to make it back into AC2 or a commercial property to expand its uses. 00:01:45
And So what we're seeking to do is. 00:01:52
Manages his staff has already indicated the Planning Commission is supported include the church in as a as a use within the C2. If 00:01:56
you look at codes in many of the other cities in the state, that's how it's set up so that churches can be in a variety of 00:02:03
locations. 00:02:09
We're anxious. 00:02:19
Do this as quickly as we can because of the purchase agreement. I know that's not your problem or your consideration and when the 00:02:22
modification of the code, but I think that what we're asking is similar to what's happened in most other cities and they can make 00:02:30
it work. And so we would encourage you to allow the churches to be included in in the C2 zone. 00:02:38
And as I said, you've looked at the report, so I'm not going to rehearse it. Can I answer any specific questions for you? 00:02:46
Well, my sense is that the issue we're going to wrestle with is the one that Councilmember Fotheringham brought up, and that is, 00:02:56
it has nothing to do with this church in particular if we text them in the zone that it's going to be open to. 00:03:02
All church. 00:03:08
And what are the down the road impacts of that decision? That's the something we'll be debating in. 00:03:09
Debating and you're welcome to stay and. 00:03:15
And listen to that discussion. Thank you. Are there any questions I can answer or any issues that have not been addressed for you? 00:03:18
Can I just ask and you might not know the answer to this? You said that many other cities have allowed this use in their 00:03:26
commercial zones. Do you know how they have resolved this 600 foot and 300 foot issue? 00:03:32
Frequently they do it as a conditional use rather than as an allowed use, and sorry I didn't write them all down and bring it. 00:03:38
I I actually chaired the Sandy City Planning Commission for 10 years and so the way we did it was we looked at it as a conditional 00:03:48
use. 00:03:52
And and we would we. 00:03:56
600 feet is really not that great a distance. If you look at a parking lot, it's frequently deeper than 600 feet. So I I recognize 00:03:58
that's a question, but it doesn't, you know, it doesn't cast such a broad net that it affects. 00:04:06
All of the buildings generally hits the parking lots, so it's not as big an issue. 00:04:15
But I can't give you a better answer than that. That's fine. Thank you any other. 00:04:21
Thank you. Well, we may we may have some questions for you later and I'll stay. Thank you. All right. Thank you. 00:04:25
All right. With that, we will open up the public hearing on this proposed amendment. Public hearings now open, so anybody from the 00:04:34
public. 00:04:38
That wishes to address the Council. 00:04:43
Time is now yours. 00:04:45
We knew I'd probably say something. Chris Langston, 4950. 00:05:00
Holiday holiday resident here 4954 Fairview Dr. Obviously. 00:05:04
You know if the 600 feet encroaches into. 00:05:10
The major commercial areas that are anticipated tax bases or tax bases for the city would have a significant impact. 00:05:14
On, you know plans that have been in the works and properties that have you know been in existence for 60-70 years and 00:05:22
representing you know holiday Hills, this 600 feet would encroach into that property. And we have restaurants as you guys are all 00:05:29
well aware that would be impacted like this and so unless some kind of resolution could be. 00:05:35
You know, worked out where it doesn't impact it, then you know, we're not opposed to having churches around us, but we can't. 00:05:43
You know that would eliminate our ability to do any of the restaurants that we have currently have planned and have existed for 00:05:50
years in in that area including. 00:05:55
That center and also the one on the West side of the street, so we. 00:06:01
Probably go on record saying that that would be extremely extreme burden on us as a property owner. 00:06:05
Thank you. 00:06:17
Anybody else for the public hearing? 00:06:23
OK, with that then I'll close this public hearing and again encourage you to stick around for. 00:06:29
The discussion. 00:06:36
How many are here and interested in listening to this? 00:06:40
Work discussion on this. 00:06:45
Issue if you just raise your hand. 00:06:48
I just want to get a sense of whether we're going to, if we want to do that here, move across back across the hall. 00:06:53
We may overtax our small room across the hall, I think. So we'll probably just, I think maybe we'll just stay over here for at 00:06:59
least a portion of the work session. 00:07:03
I think it will be easier for everybody so you're comfortable and you can listen to that discussion. 00:07:09
OK, public hearing on. I'm sorry, we're on item number 7. This is a public hearing on proposed amendments to Title 13.76, point 00:07:13
730. 00:07:18
And other chapters on Home, Occupation, and Carrie. This is your item again. 00:07:24
You want to address this with the Council quickly. 00:07:30
Or not so quickly if you want, It's up to you. 00:07:34
Well, you've all read the staff report, so we can go pretty quickly through this. 00:07:37
This is moving home occupations, which are currently conditional use that is overseen by the Planning Commission. They review 00:07:42
those and apply conditions based on specific impacts tied to the the home occupation. This moves. 00:07:50
Home occupations from a conditional use to a permitted use with standards. 00:07:58
The changes in the code in the staff report. 00:08:03
Original text is all. 00:08:07
Listed in there, crossed out in red. So it's a total rewrite of the code. Everything that's in there is new. 00:08:10
Significant changes are changing the employee number limited to one employee. It doesn't matter if that employee is a resident of 00:08:17
the home or not. I. 00:08:21
The other key change is involving in accessory building. Currently our code doesn't allow accessory building use. 00:08:28
So this changes that to allow an exterior accessory. 00:08:38
Building and the other significant change is. 00:08:43
Allowing owner occupied or defining what owner occupied is. 00:08:50
Currently conditional uses are used that run with the land, so home occupation would be tied to the property itself. 00:08:57
The Planning Commission overviewed that as owner occupied. 00:09:06
Meaning somebody who would have to live on the property or a relative living on the property. 00:09:10
Middle ground between that would be. 00:09:16
Tying that to property ownership. 00:09:20
Allowing home occupation, tying to the property owner itself, so the staff report. 00:09:23
Staff does propose clarifying language. 00:09:30
To allow for that owner. 00:09:35
The owner use of a home occupation instead of it being tied to somebody who lives on the property. That would be a consideration 00:09:37
that can be discussed in the in the work session. All the other summary of changes are listed in there. The standards are pretty 00:09:43
clear. If you have any questions I can answer any of those. 00:09:49
Any questions of council right now? 00:09:58
I'm just glad to. 00:10:01
Get into that one question of the staff report relative to the code in regard to. 00:10:03
Who and what family means and all that stuff. Could need some clarification. Never will. 00:10:08
Iron that out in the work session. 00:10:13
Right. All right. Thank you, car. 00:10:16
OK, that with that, we'll open up the public hearing on this proposed amendment. Public hearing is now open. 00:10:19
Anybody wish to address the Council on proposed amendments to home occupations? 00:10:25
There being then we'll close this public hearing. Thank you and move on to item number 8. This is a public hearing regarding the 00:10:34
creation of public infrastructure Districts Pid's at Royal Holiday Hills. 00:10:40
So we will start with our legal counsel. Mr. Godfrey, you want to? 00:10:46
Lead out on this one. Thank you Mayor. The city's received an application from the owners of property within the Holiday Hills 00:10:51
Project, former Cottonwood Mall. 00:10:55
To create what's known as a Public Infrastructure district. 00:11:00
Your city recorder has certified that petition as being adequate, and so it's now before you for a public hearing. 00:11:03
And your consideration for the creation of the district. The creation of the district. 00:11:10
Would allow the levy or the issuance of bonds and essentially the levy of attacks within the district. 00:11:14
To build infrastructure supporting that project. 00:11:20
The way the district boundaries have been drawn in the proposal, it excludes any owner occupied properties. 00:11:24
So while the tax should be assessed on commercial activities and potentially apartment projects. 00:11:30
There would never be a tax assessed against a an owner occupied residential unit. 00:11:35
So with that, I'll submit it to the. 00:11:41
Any questions for Todd or before we open up the public hearing? 00:11:44
OK, the public hearing is now open on the creation of public infrastructure districts Pid's at Royal Holiday Hills. 00:11:51
Anybody here that wishes to address the? 00:11:57
OK, there being none, this public hearing is going to remain open. There are some. 00:12:03
Questions that we intend to address during the work session, specifically from our staff to the applicants. 00:12:08
I think it's important that. 00:12:15
Get some questions clarified over the next the course of the next week or two and give the public opportunity to comment that over 00:12:17
the comment on those over the course of the next two weeks. 00:12:23
With the intent of posting this to the March 7th agenda. 00:12:28
Is that the way? 00:12:32
That's kind of the timeline we're looking at. We'll see how it goes. So this public hearing is going to remain open. 00:12:35
OK. The consent agenda, we don't have any. 00:12:40
Items to approve on the consent agenda, so we'll move to the city manager, report Gina Chamness. 00:12:45
Just three quick items. 00:12:53
We kicked off our spring lane. 00:12:57
Park. At least that's what we're calling it right now. Reuse plan. 00:13:01
With. 00:13:06
Meeting of both staff and other steering committee members as well as members of our Concept of design team, and you'll hear more 00:13:12
about that plan later in your work session. We also kicked off our historic exhibit Experience project with two meetings last 00:13:21
week, one of leadership including a couple of council members. 00:13:30
And staff and community leaders. 00:13:40
And then one of the general public. 00:13:42
We're really excited for this work to begin and and are excited to see what the direction it goes. We also have available a a form 00:13:46
that members of the public can use to share their stories of holiday history. You should have received that in in an e-mail 00:13:54
earlier today and we'll be circulating that on social media as well. 00:14:02
And then finally, just wanted to alert the council that we have posted the finance Director position and have received a number of 00:14:11
applicants for that position. 00:14:16
First round of interviews will be next week with and my intention is to make an offer hopefully by the end of the month. 00:14:22
Any questions for? 00:14:32
OK. Thank you. 00:14:35
Matt. 00:14:38
You want to start on council reports. 00:14:40
If I can get my microphone on, I will do that. Just a couple of things. I was able to attend one of the. 00:14:42
Meetings regarding the historical experience and it was a really exciting. 00:14:49
Opportunity. It was great to sort of. 00:14:55
People there and their interest in holiday and their interest in telling kind of the holiday story. 00:14:58
I also wanted to report on him. 00:15:05
Meeting we had the mayor and Holly and I. 00:15:07
Up at the Capitol this week, I was there on behalf of our Happy Healthy Holiday coalition. It was a anti addiction. 00:15:11
Meet lobbying effort on behalf. 00:15:21
A number of groups and we were able to meet with Representative Galen Benyon, who represents part of holiday. 00:15:25
Wanted to thank her for her time and we had a really productive discussion with her, I thought. 00:15:34
And then finally just wanted to. 00:15:39
Jared and some of our city staff, we have kind of. 00:15:41
One of those great storm water issues in my district that he's working with some residents on and he's been really, really great 00:15:45
about keeping them in the loop on what's going on and trying to address their problems. So wanted to recognize and thank him for 00:15:49
that. 00:15:54
Thank you. 00:16:00
Just one item this morning I was at UFA for benefits and Compensation committee. 00:16:02
Maybe it's just time to start throwing out a little warning out there that we might. 00:16:09
There might be a little heavier Ding this year than last year. Some of you might remember that. 00:16:14
The budget thing last year from UFA was pretty. 00:16:19
Probably won't be as late this year, but we'll see. When we talked about benefits in comp, we haven't done. 00:16:24
Any further than that as a board. 00:16:29
Beware. 00:16:34
Or be advised, beware is too strong a word. Don't mean to scare anybody. Be advised. 00:16:36
Better word. That's all I have. 00:16:41
Thank you. Just one. 00:16:47
Some of you may know that Morningside Elementary, that's in my district. 00:16:50
Because of the district. Because of. 00:16:55
At that school have a lot of parents who come and drop their kids off in the morning and pick them up and so. 00:16:59
Sort of the. 00:17:06
The latest iteration of. 00:17:09
Parking problems. 00:17:11
Traffic problems. 00:17:14
I appreciate both Chief Oil and Jared Bunch. 00:17:16
They're working on this. We we have had requests from parents. 00:17:21
Living on. 00:17:26
South side of the School for everything. 00:17:27
Lots of sidewalks to crossing guards to new crosswalks. And so we're sort of. 00:17:31
Going through these all of you know that holiday doesn't have a lot of sidewalks. 00:17:38
And we are actually putting in sidewalks along 27th East, a three-year project and that's. 00:17:44
Going to be great for school kids walking. 00:17:51
There's always a little bit more that are. 00:17:54
Of us. So we'll see. We'll see what happens with that. 00:17:57
So I sat on the board of Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling and a few weeks ago in Mill Creek, one of their trucks, one of their 00:18:05
recycled trucks. 00:18:11
Caught on fire and thankfully the driver was able to leave and. 00:18:17
UFA came and took care of things, was able to move the truck to another location, resolve everything fully. 00:18:26
Currently they believe it was because non recyclable materials were put in recycling. They their best guess at this time is that 00:18:34
batteries were put in and. 00:18:40
And sparked things. So this is just kind of a PSA to be careful about what you put in your garbage and your recycling. It caused 00:18:47
over $100,000 worth of damage to the truck. They're also in addition to the immediate costs. 00:18:53
One of the still lingering effects of COVID is garbage trucks are incredibly backordered right now. 00:19:01
So even if they had the money to replace this, getting the parts is really difficult so. 00:19:06
That's just a PSA for everybody. And then yeah, that's it. 00:19:15
Gosh, I think I communicated earlier that one of the issues being raised at legislature right now is this issue with gravel pits 00:19:22
and we've weighed in with. 00:19:26
Local representatives about our opposition that most mostly it's usurping. 00:19:31
Usurping may be an understatement in local control. 00:19:35
And so we will be tracking both those bills pretty closely to see if they're going to. 00:19:38
Make it to a vote. 00:19:46
Anyway, that's been a concern. 00:19:48
Amongst a lot of the mayors around the county. 00:19:50
I do want to thank John for. 00:19:53
You know, we've had this issue with the Britton home. I got your e-mail on that. It looks like that home is probably going to be 00:19:57
demoed. 00:20:00
It that home is demoed, it's a very, I just want to acknowledge that. 00:20:04
We acknowledge that that's an emotional issue for a lot of people. 00:20:10
And it's very difficult issue to balance. 00:20:14
Desire of a community to maintain a what they perceive to be a historical structure and also protecting people's private property 00:20:18
rights is. 00:20:23
Very. It's a difficult issue and. 00:20:28
And I have to say, I don't. I didn't get into the weeds on this, but I think that the owner of that did try. 00:20:31
To work with members of the Commission to see if there was a path forward and eventually he just. 00:20:38
He just couldn't get there and had to get to the. 00:20:45
Because of other issues, I think it became a nuisance in the community where. 00:20:48
They couldn't come to an agreement where it could be saved so but I appreciate you engaging with them and I know they appreciated 00:20:53
the fact that we were empathetic to the situation and did all we could to try to. 00:20:59
Try to reach a solution that would have saved the home, but it just it wasn't to be so anyway. 00:21:07
John, thanks for you and your staff for your engagement on that issue. 00:21:12
Just as an FYI or Interfaith council, Which? 00:21:17
Meets quarterly. We've got a meeting next week, but Monday. They've started monthly to meet and discuss certain topics. We'll be 00:21:22
meeting Monday night here at 7:00 PM for anybody that would like to attend. 00:21:27
We'd welcome. 00:21:34
And that is all that I have right now I think. 00:21:36
You ready for a ready? 00:21:41
Mr. 00:21:43
I move, we recess City Council and reconvene and work. 00:21:45
2nd. 00:21:48
OK, we have a motion to second all in favor, say aye, aye. 00:21:49
We are now magically in work session. 00:21:54
So typically we would move back across the hall and start working over there. But beings that there are a lot of people here to 00:21:59
list, do a discussion, I don't think we can accommodate it across the hall. 00:22:04
My suggestion would be that we handle two of the items that were we take the agenda out of order, we handle two of the items that 00:22:09
were public hearings, moderate income housing and then the the amendment to the C2 zone here. And then if we want to stay, I guess 00:22:14
we can all let staff start thinking about whether they just want to stay here, if they want to move across the hall after that, 00:22:20
so. 00:22:25
I don't think we need a motion on that. I don't think there's a lot to cover under the moderate income housing. 00:22:32
Issue item number. 00:22:38
Five on the agenda. 00:22:42
But there were a few questions I think from council that you had for Ann. So and you want to come back up and and we'll get to a 00:22:44
point where the council is comfortable and then we'll move on. 00:22:49
All right. We'll start if you don't mind. My first question had to do with. 00:22:57
On page one on the analysis section is the bottom of that page. The last sentence there talks about becoming eligible, so I just 00:23:02
wanted to go back and review. 00:23:07
Is this eligible? 00:23:13
This funding that's being talked about when we're in compliance. 00:23:16
Is this remind me? Is this a new part of? 00:23:21
Or is this an existing pot of funding that we've been eligible for but now is at risk? 00:23:25
No, it's a part of funding that's been there. It's the transportation funding. We just. 00:23:31
Didn't report on the five strategies that you need to report on and to become eligible to apply for those transportation monies. 00:23:38
OK, so an existing pot of funding we've typically had access to, which now has more constraints. 00:23:45
As a result of this legislation, OK, it's the stick. It's the stick. I just didn't remember if it was. 00:23:53
If the carrot part was a new part of funding, so it's putting at risk current funding, OK, got it. 00:23:59
So being. 00:24:06
Meeting those requirements means eligible means where we can receive our share or it is eligible mean we have a shot at funding. 00:24:08
It means we have a shot. So even if we're in compliance, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that we get funding, it just puts us. 00:24:17
Higher in the queue, yeah, we can apply for it, we can apply for it, but we still have to beg even after we have qualified. 00:24:27
So I guess the last point would be. 00:24:38
Because I saw some comments in the staff report, I think regarding the Planning Commission, there is some concern that we were 00:24:43
that we might be overcooking it and and so I just wanted to back up and and how I view this as. 00:24:50
This is a multi year campaign by the legislature to. 00:24:58
Gradually make this topic a little more onerous each year on the municipalities. 00:25:04
And so it's this, sort of. 00:25:10
Slippery slope that year by year gets steeper and steeper and more slippery and more slippery. 00:25:12
And and so our it seems our strategy should always be to be each year barely compliant because if you. 00:25:17
Are over compliant or you you put in some extra credit. It's not going to be to your advantage in the next year because you you 00:25:28
can't carry that over. 00:25:33
Is that a fair statement? 00:25:37
Once you've counted something, you can't keep counting it the next year you've got. 00:25:40
Add more right and so. So I just wanted to make sure and I'll just have to rely on on your expertise and staff. 00:25:44
That that if my presumption is correct that we're that we're not overcooking it that we're not showing off because we won't get 00:25:53
any extra credit for any over compliance that we want to slide in right on the nose so that any. 00:26:00
Additional compliance can. 00:26:08
Saved for what's coming. 00:26:10
In future years. So that's my only point is this. I presume that's the case, but I wanted to make sure that we're not overcooking 00:26:12
it because it's not to our advantage, because I remember our objective here with this thing, even though we all share the goal of. 00:26:19
Finding affordable housing. 00:26:27
And having portions of affordable housing in the community which we live. 00:26:30
Yeah. I share that goal with the legislature, but our goal with this is just to be compliant. 00:26:34
Actually part of the statute includes ongoing strategies and ongoing tasks. So if we, as you noticed on the staff report and on 00:26:41
the task, you'll see the frequency of the quarterly, annually, biannually type of notation on each task so that we can report on 00:26:51
them. That's the only way we can continue to report on them and stay in compliance is by adding those ongoing. 00:27:00
Words like frequencies. 00:27:11
But your your opinion is that we've we're just we're only adding enough. 00:27:14
We're not overcooking it, right? Great. 00:27:18
That's all I had. Yeah, we had that. We kind of had that discussion. When I read through the staff reports, like we'd identified 6 00:27:23
items and then we identified. 00:27:27
Three additional to add to it and to your. 00:27:31
It's like. 00:27:35
Should we just keep some of those in reserve? So, but when when I was talking to Ann about she said no, we can add. 00:27:36
We're not a lot of them we can't accomplish anyway, but they're on our list and we can continue to report on them as long as we're 00:27:43
working on them, right. They they don't necessarily have to be accomplished right. And so we may not what we have now may may 00:27:49
suffice for the next couple of years depending on how we. 00:27:55
Without adding anything. 00:28:02
So that was my question. Is it, it seemed strategic to identify areas where we could create ongoing goals for a longer period of 00:28:03
time, so we didn't have to come up with new goals. Is that part of the way we're approaching this is to look specifically for 00:28:09
things? 00:28:14
We can will take a long time to accomplish so that we don't have to every year. 00:28:20
Come up with something. Is that is that accurate? Yes. OK. 00:28:25
Anything else for you? And I also wanted to clarify, Drew, it's actually two properties that we have here that are. 00:28:32
We're looking to preserve. 00:28:39
OK. Thanks. 00:28:43
I just want to make a brief. 00:28:45
And I wish Mr. Hilton was still here because I think he was referring to the missing middle and that ongoing discussion. 00:28:48
And this as it relates to this particular issue which is bringing affordable housing to our communities and the solution to that 00:28:54
and the inferred solution to that is being. 00:29:00
Increase your density, which will increase inventory, which will lower the prices. 00:29:06
And what he was referring to in his next door post I believe is. 00:29:12
That Holton Park has added. 00:29:17
Smaller lots but. 00:29:20
Homes are for sale for in excess of $1,000,000, so. 00:29:22
In holiday, that doesn't seem to. 00:29:27
A formula for success in terms of bringing affordable housing. It's a it's A and I say that because I want to. 00:29:30
Empathize with the state that it's a problem, but it's a very difficult problem to solve in holiday just by increasing density. 00:29:37
Thanks, Ann. Appreciate it. 00:29:46
OK. We're going to move on now to item number six, which is this proposed amendment to Title 13, which and I have to, I'm going to 00:29:48
admit that I thought this was kind of a no brainer text amendment until Paul brought this up in the work session regarding this 00:29:54
600 foot. 00:30:00
I had not thought about that. 00:30:06
And I don't think it's an issue of a single application, although in this case it may be it's the ongoing issue of. 00:30:08
If we allow this use to be added to the C2 zone now. 00:30:19
If somebody comes in and it's a permitted use. 00:30:24
All of a sudden you have placed a ring around that particular location in terms of what can go there and that could be that. 00:30:28
I think is maybe the essence of your. 00:30:37
What are the? 00:30:41
Points from which the 600 or 300 feet are measured. 00:30:43
So for. 00:30:47
A Tavern license, essentially a bar. It's 600 feet and I don't think there's a straight line measurement for bars in the state 00:30:50
code. I'll have to check on that. But for a beer license, the proximity restrictions, like a a restaurant beer license or even a 00:30:56
restaurant full service license, the proximity restrictions are 300 feet and you measure from the door of the alcohol service 00:31:02
facility. 00:31:08
Along a normal pedestrian route to the property boundary. 00:31:15
Of the community location. 00:31:19
Then there's a straight line measurement that is 200. 00:31:22
That goes from the door of the serving establishment in a straight line to the property boundary. 00:31:25
Community location. So those would be the restrictions you would have in this case. 00:31:31
So the property line in this case, if they're, they're not actually the property owner, It'd be the property line of. 00:31:36
The I don't know. I don't know what the extension of that center looks like. I don't know if this parcel is part of the broader 00:31:42
center. If it's a separate tax parcel, I'm not sure how that looks. 00:31:48
That would be something we'd need to look. 00:31:55
Right. Because then does it include, yeah, the parking lot? 00:31:57
Of the one thing I didn't know until today was that we're talking about, we actually are talking about Creekside. 00:32:00
Right. And so, yeah, does that. 00:32:07
Just this, the front of the building, or does it include? 00:32:10
Parking lot. 00:32:13
Parcel and even and regardless. 00:32:15
That's going to go well. 00:32:19
Holiday. 00:32:21
And so. 00:32:22
Yeah, I mean, if you had existing church, there's already, there's already elbow room there, but. 00:32:25
But for anybody in the future, if the Church is there first. 00:32:33
Then it it. 00:32:38
They're the grandfathered 1 essentially. And so then anybody around there and would that even constitute of course, you know, of 00:32:40
course if they're. 00:32:44
Does that would that end up? 00:32:49
Even being equivalent of a taking from the surrounding land owners if suddenly their. 00:32:51
Ability. 00:32:59
Lease to a bar or a restaurant that inhibits their ability to. 00:33:01
It cuts off all of their options, yeah. I think your insulation from a legal takings claim is pretty good. 00:33:09
In this area, but what I think you want your staff to look at. 00:33:16
The measurement points and how that might affect what we see going on already on holiday hills, what their land use is, it's 00:33:20
established. 00:33:24
In certain parts of it and how then it might affect the other, the other blocks that remain for development, you know where we 00:33:28
know where their restaurant pads are are sort of. 00:33:33
I guess slated to go. 00:33:39
And my suspicion is. 00:33:41
You're outside the proximity restrictions, certainly for a restaurant license. 00:33:44
I don't know about a Tavern. 00:33:49
And I don't know whether there's any plans for a Tavern anywhere on that property. That's something to look at the the. 00:33:53
Brew pub that's been. 00:34:00
I don't know. 00:34:04
That looks like on the proximity restrictions without already having an approval it may not be an issue. 00:34:06
At this point. 00:34:12
But those are those are the things I think you want your staff to look at. 00:34:14
Yeah, when it comes to other properties besides the holiday hills, is there is it worth looking at rather than making it? 00:34:17
Permitted use, making it a conditional use option. So. 00:34:25
Because is that, I mean is that does that do anything I don't think, I don't think it buys you anything in terms of the alcohol 00:34:30
licensing issue. 00:34:34