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OK. All right. 00:00:15
It is 6:02 PM on March 19th, 2024, the Holiday City Planning Commission. 00:00:17
Is missing 2 members. We have regrets from Commissioner Gong and Commissioner Prince. We do have city staff, John Terling, Carrie 00:00:25
Marsh and legal counsel. 00:00:30
Brad Christopherson with us and we have a total of seven items on the agenda this evening. We will be changing up the order of 00:00:36
that to start with items number four and five, which are the action items. 00:00:44
For extensions of final plat approval. 00:00:53
And then we will proceed with items 1-2 and three which there is a public hearing for, which is the accessory building footprint 00:00:56
size, a rezone from room to PO and then the text amendment for building height. 00:01:03
And then after, we will approve minutes and move into the discussion around the pending historic preservation ordinance. Before we 00:01:11
get into that, tonight there is an opening statement that we read before all our meetings and I have asked Commissioner Cunningham 00:01:17
if he'll go ahead and do that for us now. 00:01:23
The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special 00:01:30
studies, make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning, map and ordinance changes. 00:01:36
And approved conditional uses in subdivisions. 00:01:43
The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications, rather acts on applications as they are submitted. Commissioners 00:01:46
do not meet with applicants except in publicly noticed meetings. 00:01:52
Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, existing structures 00:01:58
and uses related to the proposed change are noted. 00:02:03
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the city's general plan, zoning 00:02:09
ordinances and other reports, by all verbal and written comments, and by evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public 00:02:14
record. 00:02:19
Thank you very much, Commissioner Cunningham. And with that we will start with item number four this evening, which is the Walker 00:02:25
Meadows Circle subdivision. 00:02:30
Extension of final plat approval. And Carrie, if you want to give us just a quick overview on that one, please? 00:02:36
Come all the way to the front for a 2 minute thing. All right, so this application is for or is our request to extend the 00:02:48
recording time period On a residential subdivision, it's Walker Meadows Circle subdivision on 5203 S Highland Dr. That's a 2 lot 00:02:57
subdivision. The subdivision currently is waiting for just corrections and comments from city staff before it's recorded. I. 00:03:06
So they should be able to meet their extension. 00:03:16
Within the next year, it's very reasonable. I'll have the applicant come up if you have any questions for them. OK. Thank you. 00:03:22
Do we have Darren Mansell or a representative here tonight? 00:03:28
Does not appear we have the applicant, but do any commissioners have any questions they would have had posed for the applicant? 00:03:34
I don't believe the applicant has to be here for approval, do they? 00:03:41
OK. Then in that case, Commissioners, any discussion about this extension? 00:03:46
All right. 00:03:53
Double check who? I even asked. 00:03:55
Leave the discussion. I can't remember on this one. Ginger, was this the one I asked you about? Or probably Carrie, who's not 00:03:57
here? Yeah, probably. I think it was Carrie on this one. But I'll go ahead and make a motion. Excellent. Thank you. 00:04:03
Commissioner Wilczynski motions to approve the extended to extend the recording date for the final plat for Walker Meadow Circle, 00:04:10
a residential Planned Unit development subdivision in the R110 zone located at 52. 00:04:17
03 S Highland Drive to one year from the prior approval date of November 15, 2024, finding that no significant changes have been 00:04:25
made to the Plat. 00:04:31
And reasonable circumstances for the extension have been presented. 00:04:37
Sorry, can we amend that so that the? 00:04:42
Date is November 15th of 2023. 00:04:46
So let's make that amendment that we are going to go ahead and extend it. 00:04:50
From the prior approval date of November 15th, 2023. 00:04:57
2022. 00:05:02
And we're going to extend it to November 15th of 2024, yes. 00:05:04
All right, we have an amended. 00:05:10
Motion. Do we have a second? 00:05:14
All right. We have it seconded. We'll call for a vote. Commissioner Barrett aye. Commissioner Font aye. Commissioner Cunningham 00:05:16
aye. Commissioner Wilczynski and chair Roach votes aye. 00:05:22
Got that done. All right. Thank you. And before we get into the next one, if you can correct us on any dates. 00:05:29
So we can make sure that motion is correct. 00:05:35
Yep, prior approval date on this one is going to be February 22nd of 20/23/2023. So whoever is making the motion ginger, I think 00:05:38
you might be on this one as well, so. 00:05:43
OK, got it. Thank you and. 00:05:49
If I'm not going to ask you to come back up, if you want to sit right there, if you can just give us the brief overview. Great. 00:05:53
Sounds good. This is a residential subdivision. 00:05:57
Request to extend the final Plat recording date for the Base 45 subdivision. 00:06:02
Located at 2180 E 4500 S in the Room zone. 00:06:09
This is an approved subdivision for 32 townhomes on 2.29 acres. 00:06:15
All the standards have been met and approved. Nothing has been changed in. 00:06:21
With what they're requesting and that can be that's one of the conditions noted is that no significant changes has been made to 00:06:27
the plan. 00:06:31
So with that I can have the applicant come up and if you have any questions on this one. 00:06:36
OK. And do we have the applicant, Luke Martino, here with us this evening or a representative? 00:06:41
All right. Looks like they had other plans where they were planning on being later in the docket. That's OK. 00:06:48
Commissioners, any discussion or thoughts on this one before a motion is made? 00:06:55
All right, and since Commissioner Prince is not here, I'll go ahead and make on her behalf. 00:07:00
Chair Roach would like to make a motion for approval to extend the recording date for the Final Plat for Base 45, a residential 00:07:06
Planned Unit development subdivision in the RM Zone located at 2180 E 4500 S, to one year from the prior approval date of February 00:07:13
22nd, 2023. Finding that no significant changes have been made to the Plat, reasonable circumstances for the extension have been 00:07:19
presented. 00:07:26
This Commissioner Barrett, all seconded. All right, we have motion and it's seconded. Commissioner Wilczynski, Commissioner 00:07:34
Cunningham, Commissioner Font, aye, Commissioner Baron aye. And chair Roach votes aye so. 00:07:40
Those two are taken care of. Moving right along. Thank you very much. 00:07:47
All right, and now for the fun stuff. We will get into the items requiring public hearing. The 1st is the conditional use permit 00:07:53
for the accessory building footprint size, and we will ask city staff to go ahead and come up and give us the. 00:08:00
Narrative on this. 00:08:08
OK, this is an application by applicant Colin McDonald located at 3931 S 2175 E in an R110 zone. 00:08:16
The applicant is requesting an accessory building that exceeds the permitted footprint size of 900 square feet. Total footprint 00:08:28
size of 1577 square feet. 00:08:34
That's an additional 677 square feet over the permitted accessory building footprint size. 00:08:41
The accessory building is compliant with setbacks and lot coverage standards. They're at their maximum allowed for lot coverage 00:08:48
with structures. 00:08:52
Their narrative explains a desire for. 00:08:58
Using the accessory structure as a mother-in-law apartment. 00:09:03
Sports court. 00:09:09
Garage. There's a few listed items in their narrative. 00:09:11
Our current Adu code doesn't allow ADUS on properties that are half an acre or smaller. 00:09:16
Our amended proposed code is under review currently by the OR will be heard by the City Council on Thursday. 00:09:25
If the applicant were to. 00:09:36
Use their accessory structure for an Adu. They would have to meet the requirements in order to rent it as an Edu. They can build 00:09:40
their accessory structure and use it for private use with. 00:09:47
Occupancy for family members. 00:09:55
And that would be allowed under code so. 00:09:59
Overall, what the Commission could would need to look at is. 00:10:03
Impacts on neighboring properties, considering those specific uses that the applicant has outlined, and possibly having conditions 00:10:10
that are related to the impacts of if that structure were used as dwelling space. If there's any additional conditions that the 00:10:16
Commission would like to see implemented. 00:10:23
I will have the applicant come up and they can discuss their application with you a little bit more and you can ask some 00:10:31
questions. Alright. Thank you very much. 00:10:34
Do we have Colin MacDonald or a representative here this evening? 00:10:40
Hi. Hi. So my intention is to primarily use this as a structure for my kids. We just moved here about seven months ago from 00:10:46
Arizona and winter is cold. 00:10:51
And so I'm sorry to cut you off. Just to clarify, are you calling McDonald's? Yes, that's me. OK. Just want to make sure we know 00:10:57
who you are and not someone else coming up and speaking on your behalf. Sorry, no problem. 00:11:02
And so I intend to build this structure primarily for the use of my five kids and their friends. 00:11:09
So they have things to do in the winter and also the summer. It will be used as recreational sports. 00:11:15
Inside the building I intend to do it exactly maximum. 00:11:21
That newly remodeled home that we just finished and siding in stone so it will match identical to the house. 00:11:26
As far as the height, the same 17 feet, so there's trees surrounding this that are. 00:11:32
3040 feet plus, so it's not going to be sticking out in any way. 00:11:39
It wouldn't even be visible from the front of my street. 00:11:45
It is for private use only. It will never be used for business. It will never be rented. It will never have any intentions of that 00:11:48
of any sort. 00:11:52
I will have gravel along the. 00:11:56
North side of the property to back some trailers in that I own. 00:11:59
But it's not going to be like a driveway for parking vehicles and stuff like that. 00:12:05
And so this doesn't have. This doesn't. What you're proposing isn't going to have a gravel, or any type of. 00:12:10
Path leading from the front of the property to gravel. Yes, just about 10 feet on the Northside. 00:12:16
Gravel. Back to it just so we don't sink trailers and mud and things like that, OK? 00:12:22
Commissioners, any questions for the applicant? 00:12:29
At this time, just Commissioner Font, this is not a. 00:12:33
A dwelling unit then this is not a someplace where you're going to rent out or no initially. 00:12:38
I would. I put that mother-in-law's casita in there, Yes. 00:12:47
But right now, it's not gonna be permitted for that. I don't intend to make an apartment out of it right now at all. That was just 00:12:51
in there for down the road. In case we need to take in my mother or my mother-in-law. We could convert a section of it to a little 00:12:56
apartment for one of them. 00:13:01
But it would never be rented out or an Adu or have it separate meter or anything like that. 00:13:07
Thank you. So to clarify on that, if the Planning Commission was to restrict use as that you would have no objections with it as 00:13:13
you've submitted at this time. No, no objection, OK. 00:13:19
All right, unless there's any other questions, we'll go ahead and have you sit down and might invite you back up. But first, we're 00:13:25
going to open this up for public comment. If there are people here that want to speak on this item today, we ask you to identify 00:13:30
yourself when you come to the podium, state your name, your address, and do try and keep your comments brief and not restate 00:13:35
anything if there's other. 00:13:40
People that have already made comment on this and with that we will open up the public comment for anyone to come up now. 00:13:47
Once, twice, all right. 00:13:55
Looks like we have. 00:13:57
My name is Brett Hardcastle. My property is directly West across the street. 00:14:02
From McDonald's and Kitty Corner to the North, what was your address please? 00:14:08
What was the house number? 00:14:14
3920 S 3920 Thank you. 00:14:16
Great. And I don't see any problems with this at all, matter of fact. 00:14:20
The whole remodel that he's been doing there. 00:14:25
Is very welcome as far as me as a property owner, I've been there 20 plus years actually. Before holiday was the city, so. 00:14:28
He's got my my approval. Thank you. Thank you very much for your comment. 00:14:36
All right. Any other public comment today? 00:14:43
Hello, thank you for your time. 00:14:52
My name is Jerry Williams, 3954 Alberly Way. 00:14:53
I've met the McDonald's here recently. 00:14:59
6-7 months ago, all I want to do is just say to. 00:15:02
You that they are nothing but. 00:15:07
An asset to our neighborhood. 00:15:10
Rarely has someone come in, an entire family come in and had such a positive. 00:15:13
Impact on our neighborhood? 00:15:20
They have and they are great neighbors. 00:15:22
We are pleased to have him in our neighborhood. Thank you. 00:15:25
OK. Thank you. 00:15:28
My name is Gary Jones. I live at 3939 S 2175 E I'm directly South of the McDonald's home. 00:15:38
And I've been there 40 some odd years at going to reiterate what they just said. That has been a plus. 00:15:46
To our neighborhood and what they're doing is a great improvement. 00:15:54
And I don't see any reason of. 00:15:58
Structure of looking at the mountains and stuff. The way it's acted, like you said, there's. 00:16:01
3540 foot trees all around his whole property because mine is surrounded by him too so. 00:16:06
I'm for whatever he would like to do. 00:16:12
OK. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. 00:16:14
All right. Any other public up? One more. All right. 00:16:19
My name is Jeff Lund. 00:16:25
And I'm at 3916 S Fairmores. 00:16:27
And I am. 00:16:31
On the east side of this property I back. 00:16:33
Just about 10 feet on the east side. 00:16:36
Backyard neighbors. 00:16:39
And I do have a couple of questions on this. One for the. 00:16:40
For the group here on the application, I saw 2000 square feet. 00:16:44
And then I heard 1500 square feet. I'm not sure exactly the number we're looking at on this. 00:16:50
Do you want me to address? Yeah, we'll go ahead and defer to city staff on that. If they want to just clarify the number, Sure. So 00:16:56
the applicant originally applied for a 2000 square foot footprint, reviewing his application and how big his current house is. 00:17:04
A 2000 square foot structure would not be compliant with code. Code states that structures can only cover 28% of the size of 00:17:14
property. So calculating what his current structure. 00:17:20
Covers that then created the 1577 leftover of how much allowance he has of that 28%. 00:17:28
OK. And then the other question is if this were, if this were attached to the House, would we have to have a hearing on that or is 00:17:36
it because it's detached, we have the hearing on it? 00:17:40
It's because it's detached. OK. 00:17:46
And then the other one in walking the neighborhood. 00:17:49
The other structures in this neighborhood are about 500 to 600 square feet. 00:17:52
There one car or two car Det. 00:17:57
Detached buildings and so this is very different than the other ones. 00:18:01
Not opposed to it in regards to that, we're hearing that it's not going to be an Adu or that would require additional. 00:18:06
Additional. 00:18:14
Approval I guess or something like that, but it is very different than the others in the neighborhood. 00:18:15
But that's thank you for clarifying that point. 00:18:22
OK. Thank you. 00:18:25
All right. 00:18:28
Excuse me? 00:18:40
My name is Roger Dean. 00:18:41
I live at 3956. 00:18:44
South Fairmont Drive. 00:18:46
And by property. 00:18:49
Doesn't quite touch this, but. 00:18:51
Very close. 00:18:55
And I was just. 00:18:57
Wondering there's an irrigation ditch. 00:18:58
On the east side. 00:19:02
Of this property. 00:19:04
And I just want to make sure that. 00:19:05
This construction will not. 00:19:08
Interfere with that irrigation ditch. 00:19:12
And so. 00:19:16
That we would always have. 00:19:18
Access to. 00:19:21
Service the irrigation ditch. 00:19:24
Cleaning that up then. 00:19:27
To prevent flooding. 00:19:29
In the neighborhood. 00:19:32
OK. Thank you. We can definitely find that out. Thank you. 00:19:35
I can respond to that too. 00:19:40
When we're reviewing building permits, we review locations to that do have irrigation laterals that are on the property and. 00:19:43
Applicants for permits are required to have a waterway protection agreement that's signed by the irrigation management company or 00:19:54
the the ditch manager. 00:20:00
And does that also address the? 00:20:07
Commenters concern about access for. 00:20:10
Keeping it working, yes. So all of our all of the irrigation canals ditches have utility easements on them for maintenance. 00:20:14
Thank you very much for clarifying that. Can I ask a question? It looks like on the map there is a small strip just north of this 00:20:24
property. Is that considered the irrigation property? 00:20:29
Well, I realize that. I'm just saying north of this looks like the irrigation is that. 00:20:38
I'd have to look at the at the canal map, but I believe so that could be just a outright ownership by the. 00:20:43
No property. I don't have someone raising their hand. Is that your property? 00:20:51
No, but I understand. 00:20:55
See that little strip where arrow just went right down there? 00:21:01
Irrigation. 00:21:08
So a safe assumption that it would be something related to the easement on that looking at the map, is that? Yeah, OK. OK. Thank 00:21:15
you. 00:21:18
All right. Any other public comment on this Tonight We have one more come on up. 00:21:23
All right. 00:21:30
State your name and address first, please. 00:21:35
My name is Ashley Smith. 00:21:37
And I own the property, 3926 S Farrah Mores Drive. 00:21:40
Thank you and. 00:21:48
Are you? What? What questions can we? I'm not sure if you'll be able to answer them or if Colin can answer them. 00:21:49
We'll invite you to address the Commission and then we'll give Colin a chance to come up and address any unanswered questions. 00:21:57
Yeah, I was just curious. 00:22:01
If the structure was going to be built running east West or north-south. 00:22:05
Not sure do we have city? 00:22:13
We have that. So those kind of decisions are done when we get the building plans for the building permit right so. 00:22:17
I don't know if we have the answer to that and I don't know if. 00:22:25
Right, but the site plan is. 00:22:31
Could not be built. The discipline that you have can't be built because it's a 2000 square foot one. 00:22:33
So we're just looking at the footprint size. The conditional use permit is just looking at how big the the footprint of the 00:22:38
building is. 00:22:43
Details of of that building are largely non regulated. 00:22:49
The Planning Commission can institute various conditions like landscaping on outside edges or other details to mitigate potential 00:22:55
impacts from that footprint. Size I. 00:23:02
That's what they're looking at is just the overall footprint size. 00:23:11
And for clarification, the site plan is flipped from. 00:23:17
What we've been looking at in the aerials, so just so people aren't thinking, they're putting the garage in the front yard. 00:23:20
OK. Any other comment? No. OK, thank you very much. 00:23:31
All right. And did we have any other? 00:23:36
Comments at this time for this. 00:23:38
All right. And with that, we'll go ahead and close the public hearing. And if we want to go ahead and invite Colin to come back up 00:23:41
and just address any questions that may have come up from comments from neighbors. 00:23:46
Remind me the questions. Again, I think it sounded like pretty much we've addressed most of them, but if you just want to touch 00:23:56
base on any comments that you heard tonight, you don't have to say anything you can say I feel good about things and we can just 00:24:00
move forward. The irrigation ditch, I should have put it in the my descriptions, but I do have every intention of putting that in 00:24:05
a pipe. 00:24:09
So Gary, the neighbor to the north of me, already did his. It's already in a pipe. And so I own an excavator. I have the equipment 00:24:14
and. 00:24:18
Going to pull a permit with the water company when we when we're ready to this summer. 00:24:23
And and put that. 00:24:27
Irrigation ditch in a pipe, so therefore it's not going to. 00:24:29
Affect the irrigation at all like it will still run. It will still operate as it should. 00:24:33
So I think that's. 00:24:40
Settles that one. 00:24:41
And then the building on there is 40 by 50. 00:24:42
It'll most likely be 40 by 30, maybe 40 by 35, something like that, but it will be definitely in that back corner. 00:24:46
Up against the northeast corner of the law, so. 00:24:55
And that's where the big trees all surrounded pretty much on both sides. 00:24:59
Excellent and. 00:25:05
Just as a as a arborist, I'll just make one recommendation is that if you do have a lot of root zone that flows into where you're 00:25:07
looking to build as much mitigation as you can to the roots so that those trees continue to be big trees around your structure in 00:25:13
the future. But sounds like you've you've got a landscape plan and working through those things. So that's great. 00:25:19
Commissioners, any other questions for the applicant at this time? 00:25:26
Commissioner Barrett, I'm just looking at the site planner, the aerial. Are there other buildings in the back? 00:25:29
Are they being removed or there's a couple of little old sheds that are already have fallen down so they'll be gone. Thank you. 00:25:36
Any other questions? 00:25:45
All right. We'll go ahead and have you sit down. Thank you very much. And with that, I've asked Commissioner Barron if he would 00:25:47
just kind of help lead and facilitate the discussion on this one for us. Well, we were kind of going through that when we 00:25:51
originally started the discussion, I think. 00:25:55
Staff has answered my questions. There is some mention in the conditional use permit for access and compatibility to the. 00:26:01
Neighborhood and character of the neighborhood. 00:26:09
We realize there isn't anything specifically written that can be identified in that. 00:26:14
I don't know. 00:26:20
Analysis or how you'd make that? 00:26:22
A reality in this but. 00:26:26
So I thought. 00:26:29
Everything looks good in this, I just I'm curious if. 00:26:31
If we approve or if the Council approves the new text. 00:26:35
Does this meet that it looks like? 00:26:40
The five foot on the north side or South side, excuse me? 00:26:43
On the site plan would probably be a problem. 00:26:46
Yeah, and that's. 00:26:50
So they'll be moving the they could move that further if they wanted to increase the site set back but as is, it's compliant with 00:26:52
with the setbacks. 00:26:56
If there, you could make a condition that if they're. 00:27:03
If they have living space on that side of the building that they add some additional screening. 00:27:07
So the site plan that's been submitted is not. 00:27:12
We if we approve this. 00:27:16
That's set in concrete or I mean or can there be flexibility in? 00:27:18
So the only thing you're approving tonight is the size of the building, not the location of it or anything like that. So he would 00:27:24
have to come back with a building permit if there is living space. 00:27:29
Assuming council at the City Council approves the Adu text amendments that you guys reviewed a couple weeks ago? 00:27:35
In order to you'd have to comply with that to make it to have living space within it and call it an Adu and rent it out. 00:27:42
So that may change the location of it if he wants to comply with that, but that would all be dealt with. 00:27:49
When the building permit application comes in. 00:27:54
OK. Thank you. 00:27:56
And as he presented tonight, there's no intention of making it a Casita at this time. 00:27:59
So, OK, appreciate the clarification on that. 00:28:03
All right, Commissioners, any. 00:28:07
Other questions? 00:28:09
Comments. 00:28:12
Well, at this point then, if there's no other discussion, I think we might be at a point where we're ready to make a motion. 00:28:15
Commissioner Baron, are you prepared on that? This is Commissioner. Real quick. Can you close the public hearing? I thought I did. 00:28:20
I apologize if I did not say I closed the meeting. It's closed. I wasn't sure. Either I missed it or Brad missed me. One or the 00:28:24
other. I apologize, but it's definitely closed now. 00:28:29
Just one question. I'm sorry, I know it's only been 30 minutes, but I've already forgotten everything. So was this the one you 00:28:36
wanted to put on hold or? 00:28:40
We discussed that briefly, but if it's not, if the owner doesn't intend for it to be an Adu, then it doesn't. 00:28:45
Online with that with what our new codes being proposed is. 00:28:54
Again, thank you for I'm the slow one at the end of this. So this is Commissioner Barrett. I move that the Holiday Planning 00:28:59
Commission approved the application for a detached accessory garage sized at 15177 square feet. 00:29:07
Located at 3931 S, 2175 E. 00:29:15
Based upon the findings that the desired structures footprint does not exceed the total allowed structure coverage on the parcel 00:29:20
and is within the setbacks required for an accessory building. 00:29:25
Number Two staff has not received any objections or concerns written or verbally expressed to date requesting or respecting the 00:29:31
Conditional Use Permit request. 00:29:37
Contingent upon the applicants compliance with the following conditions. 00:29:45
The property excuse me this, the project is subject to height, set back and lot coverage. 00:29:49
Regulations for their property size #2 The owner applicant shall obtain a building permit for the proposed detached garage 00:29:55
addition addition. 00:29:59
#3 The owner applicant shall not. 00:30:04
Establish or use the structure as a commercial entity. 00:30:07
The number four the. 00:30:11
Owner applicant is. 00:30:14
Will be compliant with impervious lot coverage standards when adding a driveway to the access. 00:30:16
To access the detached structure #5, the owner applicant is to replace all trees removed by the placement of the accessory 00:30:23
building and any other hard impervious services added. 00:30:29
And I don't know if there was anything else that the Commission may have. 00:30:35
So all right, we have a. 00:30:39
Motion that has been made. Do we have a second? 00:30:43
Commissioner Font, I'll second. 00:30:48
All right. And with that we will call for a vote. Commissioner Vilchinsky, aye. Commissioner Cunningham aye. Commissioner Flaunt 00:30:50
aye. Commissioner Barron, aye. And chair Roach votes aye. 00:30:55
So you and the. 00:31:01
McDonald Fan Club can enjoy what's about to transplant, thank you very much. 00:31:06
And with that, we will give just a brief pause. If there's anyone that did not want to hang out and listen to the Planning 00:31:13
Commission all evening and did not want to sit through that, you're welcome to exit real quick now so we can move on to the next 00:31:17
agenda item. Thank you. 00:31:21
All right. 00:31:33
And then moving on, our next item that we have on here is the zone map amendment. This is the rezone from RM to PO. 00:31:35
And with that, we will ask city staff if they would be kind enough to give us. 00:31:44
A narrative on this? 00:31:48
Thank you, Chairman Roche, this property is. 00:31:56
Requesting A rezone from the RM Zone to the PO Zone that's located at 6375 S Highland Drive. 00:32:02
The property size is roughly .57 acres. It's comprised of one larger parcel than two kind of small little triangles. So they all 00:32:12
make up one piece that would be consolidated into one parcel totaling .57 acres. 00:32:20
The room zone is a rollover from Salt Lake County, which had mixed uses in it it previously allowed. 00:32:30
Both office use and residential use. 00:32:41
In 2018, the City created a new zone, the PO Zone for professional offices, which expanded the uses slightly to include medical 00:32:44
and dental uses and removed residential uses as a permitted use from from the PL. zone. And priority was given to property owners 00:32:54
who were zoned as PO and using their building as office space to rezone 2 PO from the RM Zone. 00:33:03
So that's what this applicant is requesting, considering their use as an office to move to the PO zone. 00:33:14
And then with the intent to redevelop the upstairs level of the. 00:33:22
Of the property and into a residential space, and that residential space will then come back to the Planning Commission for a 00:33:29
conditional use permit. 00:33:34
Within the general plan, this is in the Highland Dr. Master plan that was detailed in the staff report. 00:33:40
Segment C is identified as a commercial area. 00:33:49
There are two kind of outstanding properties left between the higher intense Ord zone where the hotel is at and the C2 zone where 00:33:55
kind of that stroke mall area is A. 00:34:01
The general plan's intent is to have that whole area be commercial. So this property and the other property that's zoned RM next 00:34:08
to it eventually should be C2 zone to be in line with the general plan. 00:34:16
With this application requesting PO zone. 00:34:26
The Commission has a couple of options on their recommendation. 00:34:31
But taking into account the the general plan staff recommendation with. 00:34:38
Or the general plan's recommendation for commercial C2 is the zone that fits best for that. 00:34:43
But the the PO zone is also in line with the process to rezone from RM to PO. 00:34:50
And do you want me, do you have any questions for me? I do appreciate you asking because you saw the look on my face. I definitely 00:34:58
have one question I want to ask, which is from your perspective. 00:35:05
Is there anything? 00:35:12
In the PO zone or C2 zone. 00:35:14
That would make a difference for what the applicant is asking for right now. Is there any difference between PO or C2 as far as 00:35:18
what it would impact for what the intent has been presented to you? What what you may run into as the property redevelops is that 00:35:25
you may have the property owner have an interested party in leasing space that doesn't fit within the uses for the PO zone and 00:35:32
would then possibly seek to rezone to the C2. 00:35:39
Zone in the future to kind of encapsulate that expanded use that is allowed in the C2 zone. 00:35:48
As is, the property owner hasn't expressed any intent to expand the uses beyond offices, but that is a potential for the future. 00:35:56
That might bring an application back to rezone this property for C2. 00:36:06
So just to clarify. 00:36:11
If it were to go to PO it's it's limiting versus then if it was an application to go to C2 and the master or the general plan that 00:36:14
we have. 00:36:19
Already suggest that C2 is the the direction it should be going. Is that a fair statement? Yes. OK. Just wanna make sure I 00:36:24
understand those details. Yeah, in that particular. So I appreciate. Hey, are we ready for the applicant and anything else for 00:36:31
anything else for staff before we get to the applicant up. Just to clarify so if we approve PO. 00:36:38
We are ostensibly tying the hands of the applicant. 00:36:45
For now. 00:36:50
Right. They could come back and ask for a rezone to C2. They could withdraw their application and immediately do a new application 00:36:52
for C2. Or you could forward a recommendation for the PO zone and City Council could then I. 00:36:59
Make the decision. I mean they are making the decision on the rezone. So your recommendation is either to. 00:37:08
Have a positive recommendation? Negative. We've done a neutral recommendation before. We could do that again, I guess. 00:37:16
That those are kind of your options as the Commission, and then the applicant will then have options themselves. OK, one other 00:37:24
question, just. 00:37:28
Do I understand? Do we understand correctly that City Council is would look more favorably upon this if it were an application for 00:37:33
AC2? 00:37:38
Rezoned in that it fits with the general plan. Yes. OK, thank you. 00:37:43
Hey, thank you very much. And with that I will have the applicant come up. Do we have? 00:37:49
Aaron, I'm going to mess up your last name. Huffa Hua Haga. Wow. I was way off. Thank you for clarifying that. 00:37:55
Go ahead. Hi, I'm Erin Haga. I'm the applicant for the rezone. But since that application, I've sold the building and the new 00:38:02
owner is right here and so I think it would be best if he's going to take over that. So probably best if if he speaks on it. OK. 00:38:09
And if you will give us your your, your name and your address. For the record please. Sure my name is Mike Alt and my mailing 00:38:16
address is 3340 S 300 W Suite #7. 00:38:24
I'm sorry, Chris. Christopher Alt. 00:38:32
Counsel for Mr. Altman, actually the new owner of the property is 6375 Highland LLC. 00:38:37
Which would now be the interested party. 00:38:43
And so you're representing representing 6375 Highland LLC? 00:38:46
And its member, Michael. 00:38:51
OK. All right. Thank you very much. 00:38:53
And so if you would. 00:38:56
I'm sure the Commission would love to hear just from you if you want to expound a little bit on what you're looking for in the PO 00:38:59
zone and maybe if you want to just touch on why you felt that direction versus the C2, sure, so. 00:39:06
What this is is. 00:39:15
My parents have for some time wanted to move into the commercial space live on the top floor. 00:39:19
This is something that's going to work for them. We have plans here for a site plan and building plans for the remodeled top floor 00:39:26
that will be split into two apartments. 00:39:31
One would be theirs, another would be available for rental that, whoever needed to rent that and whatever the market was at that 00:39:36
time. The reason that we selected PO as opposed to C2 is our understanding is that the community would much prefer this to be PO 00:39:42
as opposed to C2. 00:39:48
For our purposes, PO and C2 are identical. We don't intend on changing anything in the office structure. In the office use, the 00:39:53
only thing we're planning on changing would be the top floor use. We would not be asking for the rezone except that in the changes 00:40:01
that were made to the RM Zone, as we understand it, it cannot be their apartment unless it is their business in the first floor. 00:40:08
Their intent is to rent out the first floor. There are already several suites on the 1st floor and the basement that are rented 00:40:16
out to other people. And that's all this is, is for them to build their retirement home. 00:40:22
For themselves on the top and for them to live there for the next 10 or 15 or. 00:40:27
How long they last. 00:40:34
OK. Do you have any questions for us? 00:40:36
Commissioners other questions. 00:40:39
All right. Appreciate the narrative. We'll go ahead and have you sit down and then at this point, we'll go ahead and open up the 00:40:41
public hearing again. Just as a reminder, if you'll state your name and address, if you want to make comment on this. 00:40:47
Rezone request we have in front of us tonight. We'll go ahead and open that. Is there anyone that would like to make comment on 00:40:55
that now? 00:40:57
Come on up, Sir. 00:41:01
Tom Lloyd. 00:41:08
Let's see, 6284 Renhaven Lane. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your last name. Lloyd. Lloyd. Is that your first or last name? TomTom 00:41:10
Lloyd. OK, Thank you, Tom. Sorry about that. And what was your address? 00:41:16
What was your address? 00:41:22
6284 Renhaven Lane. 00:41:24
Thank you Rd. actually. 00:41:27
My I'm for what they're proposing, but this C2 stuff you've been talking about. 00:41:31
I'm adamantly opposed to it. My daughter lives behind the property. 00:41:37
And two. 00:41:42
As you probably already know. 00:41:44
Is allows a lot of things, including bars and all kinds of gobbledygook. 00:41:46
And this particular location. 00:41:52
Because of the. 00:41:55
Approval of the hotel to the South. 00:41:57
Has a weird intersection, as you know it gets. 00:42:01
You don't need this to be any more than what's being proposed. 00:42:05
And So what I'm asking. 00:42:10
In this is that it changed the stupid master plan to exempt that. 00:42:12
Those two parcels right there, they're too skinny. There's not enough depth. We don't want a restaurant on that site with that. 00:42:17
Road all mess up there, the intersection. 00:42:26
Had your job here when I first created a. 00:42:30
Holiday so I know what you're sitting. 00:42:34
With but and I know they pay you the big bucks. 00:42:37
But it's really relevant at this specific little site. I see why they master plan to see too, but they didn't look at what's how 00:42:42
skinny the depth is and how much. 00:42:47
Residential is right there. 00:42:53
So I'm against the C2. 00:42:56
I'm hoping there's a way to get it off the master plan. 00:42:59
And and and treated accordingly because of the traffic would be horrendous. 00:43:02
OK. Appreciate it. Thank you very much for what they're doing though. 00:43:09
Noted. Thank you very much. 00:43:13
Do we have any other comments this evening? 00:43:17
On this one. 00:43:20
No, Once. Twice. All right. And with that, we will close the public hearing. 00:43:23
And I have asked Commissioner Cunningham if he would go ahead and lead us. No, that's way, way off. Sorry, that's a night. What 00:43:28
can I say? I've asked Commissioner Font over here if she would lead our discussion on this. So with that, Commissioner Font. 00:43:36
So I'd like to start with a question because I'm not quite clear. 00:43:45
Is it possible to? 00:43:51
To designate properties. 00:43:55
Along that corridor, some as PO and some as C2. 00:43:58
Or is the zone the zone and it's all C2 or all PO? 00:44:04
The Council can do whatever it wants on that. 00:44:12
But there's a master plan that. 00:44:16
So that's a good question. So when the general plan calls for that to be C2 when it gets changed? 00:44:18
That was the general plan. General plans can be amended. General plans can be thrown out and started over. 00:44:25
Oftentimes, circumstances may dictate and they may be economic, they may be just pragmatic. 00:44:32
May say, well, yeah, we said C28 years ago when we passed the General Plan. 00:44:40
But PO makes more sense. So we're going to change it and then we'll amend. 00:44:45
Next time we amend the General Plan, we'll amend that to make sure it says PO. 00:44:49
I mean, the Council can do that too. 00:44:54
I also, the reason I'm asking is because when we had this discussion relative to the property on Murray Holiday Rd. we had a lot 00:44:56
of pushback from area residents. 00:45:01
And I can't speak for the other commissioners, but that certainly entered into my thinking. 00:45:07
And I just. I just wonder when these master plans are drawn up. 00:45:14
Is the are the adjacent properties and adjacent? 00:45:20
Homeowners considered. 00:45:24
I think the answer to that is they're considered on a kind of 30,000 foot level, but but any homeowner when when the city amends a 00:45:29
general plan. 00:45:33
Any homeowner? 00:45:39
No matter who they are can come in. 00:45:40
Speak to public comment. 00:45:42
There's nothing to prevent that. And oftentimes in part of the process, a general plan is the city will usually hold open houses. 00:45:44
We're amending the general plan. Here's what we thought. Here's what we've got. Here's a draft of the general plan. So it's not 00:45:49
once, it's not twice, It's like a dozen times. 00:45:54
That homeowners. Now I will say that most homeowners. 00:45:59
Aren't aware of a city doing this process, and so they most homeowners don't look at the city agenda unless they're on it. 00:46:02
Right. Or they get a notice that says, hey, but we don't mail out a notice to everybody that says, hey, we're going to update our 00:46:10
general plan. But the city puts it on its website, the city puts it on Facebook or whatever social media outlets they use. So 00:46:15
there's plenty of opportunity if residents want to be involved in that process. 00:46:20
But again, most residents aren't. 00:46:27
OK, involved, but not because the city doesn't want them involved. I understand. They just choose not to be. OK Well, and if it 00:46:30
might help Commissioner Font, I think John Tierling might have had a comment there. And since John Terling is kind of what I would 00:46:35
call the reigning planning member, I just wonder if you wanted to offer some insight as to I think your legal counsel has given 00:46:40
you. 00:46:45
Their appropriate answer? 00:46:51
You know, every municipality has a legislative body that wants their public involved and general plans are. 00:46:53
These crazy esoteric theoretical ideas that reach out 40 years in advance and. 00:46:59
It doesn't ring well with all residents all the time, and so it's a process that's not interesting. 00:47:05
Unless you get a notice for a change that's happening next door. 00:47:11
And then the idea of this, Well, we're using the General Plan. Wait a minute, I wasn't part of the General Plan process. 00:47:15
I moved into Sandy three years ago. I wasn't part of that process and I've got. 00:47:20
I have proposals near me. 00:47:26
That I don't necessarily agree with. So yeah, I mean. 00:47:28
That's essentially what it is for now, however. 00:47:31
We are that general plan is expiring this year, so next year. 00:47:35
The city will go through the whole process all over again. 00:47:41
OK, So what we have in front of us is. 00:47:45
Proposal to rezone this particular piece of property so. 00:47:49
To appeal. 00:47:55
To appeal commissioners. 00:47:57
Comments I personally in reading over things before tonight appreciated. 00:48:00
That there was some comment made on their public meeting. 00:48:07
That they wrote some notes about concern of a bar. 00:48:11
Other businesses of that type going in and so that's why they were looking. 00:48:15
At the PO rather than going to the C2. 00:48:19
Which I really appreciate that that the owners looked at what the residents. 00:48:25
We're concerned about what worked for the residents. 00:48:31
What they were hearing from. 00:48:35
The general. 00:48:37
And that that's what they stated today is that they're fine either way, that they could work with either one that they're trying 00:48:38
to work with. 00:48:42
The people that are around them. 00:48:48
And I appreciate that. I understand that it's not within the general plan, but if we can make a recommendation to go ahead and 00:48:50
approve this? 00:48:54
And maybe amend that general plan for. 00:48:59
I personally would be comfortable with that rather than giving a negative. 00:49:03
Recommendation. 00:49:10
My only concern I don't want. 00:49:14
I think I would be in favor of what you're doing because it keeps everyone happy. The applicant and the neighbors are all happy. I 00:49:17
I don't want it to appear that we made a decision about the general plan because that's not our decision to make. I agree with 00:49:22
that as well, if you know. 00:49:28
Be careful not to say that we're agreeing or disagreeing with the General Plan. 00:49:34
And the general plan will be back on the table at some point. 00:49:40
You have a position on whether it ought to include these properties. 00:49:43
That's a great place to have public input. 00:49:47
I just don't want to quote that the Planning Commission decided it shouldn't be part of the general plan. 00:49:52
And that because that's not what I think any of us are saying at all. No, I am, I must say I am reluctant to go against the 00:49:58
general plan. The purpose of a general plan is to have a general plan. 00:50:03
And that, and they're winners and losers in general plans. 00:50:09
And there. 00:50:13
But I would support today making an appeal. 00:50:15
I don't think going for or against the general plan is necessarily within our purview though I think all we can. 00:50:19
All we can comment on or vote on is what's in front of us tonight and then in Council will when we make our findings, we'll have 00:50:27
to say in spite of the fact that it's inconsistent with the general plan, we're in favor of it and. 00:50:34
Sometimes that is taken to mean that we have somehow decided against the general plan. 00:50:41
I think we're all trying not to do that. 00:50:47
That's up to whoever wordsmiths. 00:50:50
Commissioner Bar. 00:50:55
Yeah, I think I appreciate what's been said already and I agree with that. I think this is such a unique. 00:50:57
Type of proposal, there's no impact. 00:51:03
You won't even know that the zoning has been changed. 00:51:06
So I think the intent of. 00:51:09
The general plan is that it stays within kind of what the expectation of land use. 00:51:12
Planning and so this works with that and to me I support the request and. 00:51:19
So she's looking at me. All right, so. 00:51:26
When I look at well, I have just a quick question for staff and I apologize for not asking this earlier. Do we know? 00:51:31
It all because I understand it's a different city across the street, but would that all be considered a commercial zone over there 00:51:39
in Murray? 00:51:42
Or is there a patchwork of zoning that exists across the street as well? Do we know that by chance? I believe so. I think in the 00:51:47
Highland Dr. Master plan, it talks about that specific segment and the roadway width and what is across from it. Yeah, so this 00:51:53
segment is not expected to change its configuration. 00:51:59
It's I think 107 feet Rd. width. 00:52:08
So it's a pretty wide segment of the road and. 00:52:14
But yeah, Murray's zoning there so far is commercial. They have. 00:52:19
I think a Health Center that's across the street. 00:52:26
Some commercial locations here directly across the street. 00:52:31
Yeah, 7:11. So it is Highland Dr. overall is, is commercial on on both sides and that's what our general plan also took into 00:52:36
account. 00:52:40
I just I ask because I know there's that what appears to be office structure as we all get on the luge we call an on ramp. 00:52:47
Getting to 2:15 there that just right after the light. 00:52:54
And so I was just curious if that was maybe zoned differently than commercial, if this was like a compliment, if that was like 00:52:59
Office and this was Office, wouldn't that be a cute little pair, You know what I mean? Yeah, it's it's likely that that it's still 00:53:04
commercial but being used as office space. So commercial you'll typically have a little bit higher. 00:53:10
Height for their building, so that's. 00:53:16
Even if it's not a commercial or retail use, it still could be in a commercial zone. 00:53:19
Well, I for me personally, I just. I have. 00:53:26
John, did you have a comment just looking at the zoning map and yeah, everything from the freeway all the way to 62 affecting. 00:53:30
Including the office building on Van Winkle. 00:53:36
They call it commercial neighborhood. 00:53:40
C2 or C They're probably their C type of zone. 00:53:43
Not sure what neighborhood stands for. I'm familiar with that because I live in Murray, but the CN zone is. 00:53:47
It has to be low impact and it's supposed to be a transition. 00:53:54
From like a busy St. 00:53:57
To residential behind it. So it can't be huge and imposing. It can't. It's got height restrictions and it's got. 00:53:59
Lot coverage restrictions as well, so it's supposed to be. 00:54:05
Ease the transition from into commercial from a busy highway and be a buffer between. 00:54:09
The highway and residential. 00:54:15
It sounds like you're semi an expert on that. Could I ask you just in your opinion does this does the C2 zone and holiday 00:54:17
complement that pretty close or would you say PO would be more in line with matching the CN just out of curiosity. So I think C2 00:54:22
is pretty close to it because of the height restrictions that? 00:54:27
Currently there, I think the height restrictions might be a little higher in Murray than what our current C2 zone has. 00:54:33
I appreciate that clarification. 00:54:40
And just my final comment on it is like, you know, and this kind of touches like I totally understand what the the applicants 00:54:44
trying to do. I like what the applicants trying to do to be quite honest. 00:54:49
But when I look at it from the master plan and the reason we have our general plan, excuse me, that we have and why we have those 00:54:55
is it's not about what we're looking at today or 10 years from now, but what we're looking at for our grandkids 50 years from now. 00:55:01
And I suspect that if we approve this as a PO within 10 to 15 years, depending, I actually hope you know, Mr. All makes it another 00:55:09
30-40 years. That would be a blessing but however long. But at some point I do foresee looking in the crystal ball that this might 00:55:16
be back in front of the Planning Commission again as AC2. And I just wonder if we're just delaying the inevitable and just 00:55:23
creating extra work. But that being said. 00:55:29
That's just my only thoughts when I look at this. But with that, unless there's other discussion, I'm happy for anyone to 00:55:37
entertain a motion. Well, if we make a motion to approve it as APO. 00:55:43
And we have to base it upon the following findings, and one would be the proposed amendment. 00:55:50
Is not consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. 00:55:59
You would leave that finding out, Speaking of wordsmithing. 00:56:06
I think you'd have to make that. You might have to wing it a little bit in wordsmith. 00:56:10
If you're comfortable doing that. 00:56:14
So leave a off. 00:56:17
Because it is harmonious with the overall character of the existing development in the vicinity, so we could leave that in. 00:56:20
It does not adversely affect abutting properties. 00:56:29
And the rest of it I mean. 00:56:36
BC and D certainly work so. 00:56:38
Commissioners. 00:56:42
I think if you're ready to make a motion, OK, this is Commissioner Font I. 00:56:45
Move to forward a recommendation to City Council to approve an application. Now is the application being made by Mr. Alt at this 00:56:50
point? 00:56:54
We need to scale the originals the application before an application to amend the holiday zoning map for .5 acres of land located 00:57:00
at 6375 S Highland Drive from RM to PO based upon the following findings. 00:57:09
A. The proposed amendment is harmonious with the overall character of existing development in the vicinity. 00:57:18
The exact the proposed amendment may adversely. 00:57:25
Will not or may not adversely affect budding properties. 00:57:30
And facilities and services intended to serve. 00:57:35
The subject property are adequate. 00:57:40
Including roadways, Parks and Recreation facilities, police and Fire Protection. 00:57:43
Schools, storm water, drainage systems, environmental hazard mitigation measures, water supply and wastewater, and refuse 00:57:48
collection. 00:57:54
We have a motion. Council. Is there concern? No. OK, we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:58:01
Commissioner Wilczynski, I second that motion. All righty, and with that we will call for a vote. Commissioner Cunningham. 00:58:09
Aye, Commissioner Barron, Aye Commissioner Flaunt. Aye Mr. Wilkinski and Chair Roach is going to chicken out and abstain from this 00:58:16
one and with a four to five or four out of five then it does. 00:58:22
Move forward with the favorable recommendation. 00:58:30
Thank you very much. 00:58:36
All right. And then we will. 00:58:39
Now roll into our text amendment for a loud building height in the C2 zone. 00:58:43
And if city staff. 00:58:50
Mr. Terling would like to present on that. That would be way. 00:58:54
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Application before the Planning Commission tonight. It's a legislative recommendation. 00:58:58
On a proposal to amend building heights in the C2 zone, ironically we've been talking about this already. 00:59:04
Staff is prepared to staff report for you That provides some background. 00:59:10
Specifically on. 00:59:15
Your commercial zones. 00:59:16
And height in those zones. 00:59:18
Since the incorporation of holiday in 1999, the C1 and C2 zones have. 00:59:22
Largely been kept in place as far as standards are concerned. 00:59:28
As I mentioned in the work meeting, councils over past several years have included multiple infill type zones. 00:59:32
And not excluding the Holiday Village or the RMU zone, which is the Cottonwood Mall or the Village downtown here. 00:59:41
And height has always been this four letter word, so to speak. 00:59:47
In any zone for many municipality. 00:59:51
So specifically in the staff report, we've hopefully been able to give the Planning Commission some background. 00:59:56
At least on what heights are across the board in all the commercial zones for the city. 01:00:03
What the General Plan says. 01:00:08
We are proposing that you use Chapter 4, the General Plan. 01:00:10
And as it addresses economic sustainability and resilience. 01:00:16
There's some elements in there that staff believes that the Planning Commission can use. 01:00:21
While considering this application. 01:00:26
While you deliberate and request some. 01:00:30
Questions be made from the applicant itself. 01:00:34
As the request is a text amendment for maybe one site in particular. 01:00:37
It will affect all C2 zones across India throughout the entire city. 01:00:42
In now situations, we're required to mail notice to all property owners that are being affected by that. 01:00:48
Change so I'll see two property owners did receive a notice. 01:00:53
However, we have received a request from some neighborhoods that abut C2 zones. 01:00:59
That get to extend maybe the comment period because they're just now finding out about the situation so. 01:01:05
Staff believes that it might be fair and prudent to maybe continue to open the public hearing. Continue it to your next meeting. 01:01:11
In the case that we can get some extra comment in. 01:01:18
I did receive some comment from other C2 owners that were in favor. 01:01:22
But since it's still open, I'll forward those on to you later in the week as we get more comments in. 01:01:27
Staff is recommending approval for this amendment in particular. 01:01:35
For height, mainly for the purpose of. 01:01:39
The fact that one. 01:01:42
If you look at some other municipalities that are abutting the city, I didn't bring them into the staff report for analysis. 01:01:44
Because more or less other municipalities of what they do with their land uses are relevant from what your what the city does 01:01:51
here. 01:01:54
However, I think. 01:01:59
Our C2 zones, it's pretty prudent to say they're short, literally short term than other C2 zones, even directly across the street 01:02:02
from Highland Drive. 01:02:06
By a good 10 feet but. 01:02:11
Irrelevant. You know you can use that as you may. 01:02:14
What is relevant is what other what other commercial zones in the city are are being considered by. 01:02:17
City Council's and pass what applicable height and. 01:02:24
Is appropriate for the city. 01:02:27
So in using some elements of chapter 4 and some points of. 01:02:30
Quote UN quote Resiliency for economic stability. 01:02:35
Some provisions are granted to flexibility of the ordinances to allow for our economic centers to thrive. 01:02:39
That's one of the main reasons and I think in the narrative for the applicant you might get that notion. 01:02:47
As well. 01:02:52
But I'll be happy to take any other. 01:02:53
Questions from the Planning Commission, if you'd like. Question. Yes. Good. 01:02:56
So looking at this proposal to 40 feet. 01:02:59
Neighboring communities, aren't they higher than that or I mean is this kind of? 01:03:03
Increasing it, but not necessarily increasing it to where we might be. 01:03:09
In the same ballpark like 45 to 50 feet, correct? Even if you do increase the height and just as I was looking at Murray's across 01:03:14
the street. 01:03:18
And in Mill Creek, we'd be still 5 feet below their heights. 01:03:22
So we're not competitive if you want to put it that way. 01:03:27
Yeah, that's why I'm wondering why we don't just let's go bite the apple. 01:03:32
Make it work for the future, as we've been discussing the last. 01:03:38
Item that maybe we need to make this a little taller. 01:03:43
Obviously there are some people who won't agree with me on that, but. 01:03:46
Maybe some of us like our view of Mount Olympus. I don't think you're going to see any difference from 40 or 35 to 40 feet. 01:03:50
You look at buildings and you'll. 01:03:57
One will be taller, but that will be the only difference. 01:04:00
If it were just by itself, you wouldn't know if it was 40 or 35 feet. 01:04:03
To me, does that take away any compet? 01:04:08
This to other cities. Have you talked to clients and applicants whether the need for this? Yeah, I think I understand your 01:04:12
question. I mean anecdotally. 01:04:17
From my point of view over the past 15 years of being here. 01:04:25
We have not seen 1C1 or C2 commercial convert in any way in a remodel. 01:04:29
And primarily it's when we ask you know, hey you know we'd really like to work with you to see what we can, how we can figure out 01:04:35
to have property redevelop. We look at parking ratios, can we look at. 01:04:41
You know, maximum coverage issues. You know what are the other issues? Land uses, Maybe additional land uses that your land use 01:04:48
table we're not considering that you can be allowed for and it always comes back to height. 01:04:53
So I mean, my recommendation be why don't we consider maybe modifying this and maybe there could be. 01:05:01
Contextual application with this where there. 01:05:08
In certain areas, maybe a taller building would be appropriate and. 01:05:12
Well, along these busy corridors you have to realize that what is there, 60,000 cars going on Highland Dr. every day? 01:05:19
You know, I mean. 01:05:26
So we're getting to where there are areas of high impact. 01:05:29
That this would be a very appropriate addition. 01:05:34
Sure. I think I appreciate where Commissioner Barrett's coming from on this, but tonight we're just looking at a text amendment to 01:05:38
40. We're not discussing anything other than that, right? That's the application in front of you. Well, if we're continuing it, 01:05:43
I'm just curious if we maybe should look at. 01:05:48
Making additional. 01:05:54
A recommendation from the. 01:05:56
Can be a recommendation on the application itself. 01:06:00
And then you can add to that direction from the council on what they should do in the future, yeah. 01:06:03
Sorry, you need me to cut you off. Just make sure. 01:06:12
Commissioners, any other questions for city staff? 01:06:15
Before we invite the applicant up. 01:06:18
Thanks. Thank you very much. 01:06:21
And with that do we have? 01:06:24
Is it Brett Laughlin or Chris Layton or both that are going to come up? 01:06:26
Yeah, he just wants to be on the other side again. 01:06:32
Welcome back. 01:06:39
I'm Brett Laughlin, and I guess you guys know Chris Layton. 01:06:43
I have a question to begin with. 01:06:46
We had. 01:06:49
Done. A text amendment to move the height to 40 feet on the recommendation of. 01:06:51
Your group and I think we went with the 40 feet because that's what was going to be proposed as a permanent change. 01:06:56
Or is there a possibility that the permanent change, if the City made it on the recommendation of the Planning Commission and so 01:07:07
forth, that it could be increased to 45 feet? 01:07:12
So I think you're based upon a conversation you had with the mayor. 01:07:18
On what to do with commercial properties in general. 01:07:23
I think from his point of view, they were looking for a general plan amendment first before they start looking at heights across 01:07:26
the entire city itself. 01:07:30
So in the meantime? 01:07:36
Looking at an amendment for now, I think was something that you would prefer to have immediately rather than looking at. 01:07:38
Maximum the height you know what's the. 01:07:45
Absolute maximum height we could possibly consider for all commercial zones. 01:07:48
OK. Because we're finance, I mean we're just looking through this financially to get it to pencil out, right? And so we've been 01:07:52
slow at the design and. 01:07:56
The phase of getting approval and stuff, because it doesn't, it doesn't pencil out and. 01:08:02
Were kind of unique because I was doing this because I'm a resident of holiday and I wanted a fun. 01:08:08
You know the restaurant and place there, but I can't pencil it out and I just want to break even, right? 01:08:13
So to do a quality of construction and design. 01:08:19
I can't. I either have to do really cheap stucco and an ugly building of 35 feet or a beautiful building of 40 feet, right? 01:08:25
Because the it's amazing the economics of your designing and selling a town home or even a restaurant. You want to be competitive 01:08:31
with all the other. 01:08:37
Cities out there. 01:08:44
If I've got low 9 foot 10 foot ceilings, I can only get so much per square foot if I can get 11 or 12 foot ceilings. 01:08:46
The price 1 1/2 times more. 01:08:54
So we're just trying to figure out how to pencil it out, but. 01:08:58
I think me as a neighbor driving by and being part of it, and I hope the neighbors surrounding it would. 01:09:02
Agree to that. It would be so much nicer looking at an architectural piece that is. 01:09:07
Iconic, you know, It's not a stucco, somebody that just slapped something together to hurry, make a buck with a lot of doors. This 01:09:13
is going to be something that people are thinking. I'm a little crazy over designing them and. 01:09:19
In building something that will be an icon in the neighborhood, but to do that we need to have the. We need to have that. 01:09:26
I would love to have 45, but we don't have the time to hold the property until the city actually probably passes something like 01:09:36
that. 01:09:39
But short term, the 40 feet makes it possible that we can pencil out and make this project possible. 01:09:44
And I just want to clarify on that and I appreciate you bringing this up. So for I'm not sure how many planning commissioners were 01:09:50
here when we first saw your project. This is for the brewery located at the old Roots Garden Center, right, that you're 01:09:57
specifically speaking to, but when we consider. 01:10:04
The text amendment is an overall looking at the entire zone. It's not just applicable to what you want to do because it very much 01:10:12
does open the door for that, as you put it, ugly stucco mini door building to be built exactly across the street in the same zone. 01:10:19
So I think that's, you know, part of the consideration is, you know, is this the right move? Because it does in fact. 01:10:27
Give that green light to those scenarios, understanding of course you want to do what's better, and we applaud that, of course. 01:10:35
But that's I think you know part of the concern. So I appreciate just bringing that up, but. 01:10:44
Commissioners, questions for the applicant on this one at this time. 01:10:49
One of my concerns is, you know, I realize. 01:10:54
The plan you have and that, but this effects a whole bunch of other areas in the city. 01:10:58
All of which are different. 01:11:05
Yours is pretty easy to deal with because of where it's located. 01:11:07
Doesn't have a lot of residential backing on it and those kinds of things and that some of these do. 01:11:11
And noticing problem we've talked about that. You heard some discussion about that. 01:11:18
I'm a little reluctant to say do it in all of the zone. 01:11:24
Knowing that everyone of these is a very different they're in every part of the city, and that there's a commonality of Highland 01:11:30
Drive and most of it and that. 01:11:35
I guess for staff, is there any way that we can give the five feet for this project without changing? 01:11:40
All of the commercial too. 01:11:48
Well, I think what the abscond would have to. 01:11:53
Do. No, there isn't a way, OK? 01:11:56
So what I was going to mention is that the applicant can enter into a development agreement with the City Council. 01:12:00
And the development agreement can. 01:12:06
Sort of massage what's allowed. 01:12:09
And usually in terms of reduction. 01:12:12
Not expansion. 01:12:14
Yeah, they can't go. They wouldn't be able to go extending beyond normal standards in a development agreement that doesn't. That 01:12:18
wouldn't work. 01:12:21
Is it because of the zone that they're in like? 01:12:24
Because if you look at like. 01:12:29
Right next door to where he is. 01:12:31
Yeah, and I mean there's definitely different height requirements there. Is there a way to incorporate his project into? 01:12:35
To rezone it as the HHMP, right. 01:12:43
Technically, yes. 01:12:48
With with restrictions that 40 would be the Max. Now I think what would happen is so if we played that out. 01:12:57
Because it's fun. 01:13:04
Site development Master plan has a boundary. The Cottonwood Hill Cottonwood Mall has a boundary in itself. 01:13:06
What we need to do is expand the boundary to include the property. 01:13:12
And in doing so, the land use zones, the districts, land use districts would have to be amended as well. 01:13:16
And what to establish the uses for this property? 01:13:22
So my assumption would be if we were to get to that point. 01:13:26
Deciding on what types of uses are allowed here and then what types of heights. 01:13:31
Will probably either be ending up similar to where. 01:13:35
Abutting properties are now. 01:13:40
Because at the Far East side of. 01:13:42
Memory as it wraps around by the. 01:13:46
Cemetery. 01:13:49
Are detached single family homes and they can't go any higher than 40 feet anyway. 01:13:51
The idea is to have that mass transition down into the neighborhood. 01:13:55
So I'm assuming that we would follow similar thought. 01:14:00
Is that mass would as you go down to Highland Drive into the neighborhoods it might we might end up at the same spot. 01:14:04
And one if I don't. If you don't mind, I just have one like because I'm not an architect and he'll make fun of me all day because 01:14:11
he knows this, but like. 01:14:15
Is is Is it something where like hypothetically if you were to lower the first floor or five feet, that would allow you to do your 01:14:20
three stories and still meet the existing code? Or would that cause problems? 01:14:25
Can I? Can I respond to that? Oh, please, yes. 01:14:32
A couple of points if I may. 01:14:35
There are aside from this hyped. 01:14:40
Issue and I can address that, I think, in that comment. 01:14:44
There are also lots of regulations and setbacks in neighboring zones and how far you have to be away from them with your 40 foot 01:14:48
structure. So there's a lot of other ways that we can protect neighbors. 01:14:54
As far as the hike goes. 01:15:02
Aside from sinking into the diluvial streams below the ground. 01:15:04
Umm, not really. 01:15:10
However, to Brian's point about height, actually the reason why we settled on this wasn't. 01:15:11
Just specific to this. 01:15:20
But specific to other C2 projects that have three stories allowed. 01:15:23
But wanting to have commercial on the lower floor, residential on the next two or commercial and office and residential but 01:15:30
mixed-use projects which are. 01:15:34
Extremely viable needed. 01:15:39
And the problem is. 01:15:42
Quality of the spaces get diminished because we're trying to stuff them into 35 feet and even though it's only 5 feet more. 01:15:44
It's a huge difference. 01:15:53
It allows us to be 14 to 16 feet floor to floor for the commercial zone. 01:15:55
And allows us to be 11 to 12 feet with parapets and things that protect it and make it look nice from from afar. So it's it's 01:16:01
time. 01:16:06
That this city. 01:16:12
In my opinion. 01:16:15
Looks at this on a general basis because it affects the design of many projects, not just breaths. 01:16:16
Brett came up with the idea that if we were able to. 01:16:23
Commercial and a brewery and and a restaurant space and then dwelling units above. 01:16:27
1:00 We'd created vast need for dwelling units in the city. 01:16:33
And we could get that all to work and fit, and we're just one example of the good it would do to the C2 zone. 01:16:37
So I think it is broader and I think. 01:16:45
Yeah, it could be 45, but it wouldn't have to be. 01:16:49
To make our project work. 01:16:53
Appreciate that. And before I'm just going to say we do need to open the public hearing and allow for comment too. But if you had 01:16:56
another question on that, you had mentioned there the possibility of being able to conceal. 01:17:01
That's stuff on the roof. 01:17:08
With that extra feet. 01:17:10
Are you comfortable enough that that would be the trade off for the five feet? 01:17:14
That you'd have to conceal all that stuff? Or is that pushing it too much? Well, there's still appurtenances and things on roofs 01:17:19
that are typically allowed above the. 01:17:24
Versus height limitation. So I mean there are. 01:17:30
Certain elements of a building that might like a penthouse on an elevator, for example. 01:17:34
That we've seen and dealt with, but having the. 01:17:41
Perimeter kind of the roof line, the parapet line. 01:17:45
Which does screen. 01:17:49
40 feet we there's a tremendous amount of qualitative space we can create. 01:17:52
Question. 01:17:57
So. 01:17:59
Does the 40 feet go to the top of the parapet or to the can the parapet encroach into the additional? Yeah. So when when you get 01:18:01
into that element, you look at our supplementary regulations, which you don't really get into that much. 01:18:08
C1C2 Ordinance Ord The HV the RM Zone. 01:18:16
Penthouse roof structures, housing for elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilation, blah blah blah parapet walls, architectural 01:18:21
features. 01:18:24
Maybe be erected a maximum of eight feet above the heights prescribed in the title. OK, thank you. 01:18:29
So 8 feet on top of the 40 feet right, Right. 01:18:35
If changed as opposed to 8 feet on the existing 35, yeah, so all of your. 01:18:39
Stuff gone that goes on the roof can be a maximum height of eight feet above that. 01:18:44
Can I ask a question? 01:18:50
Anne Garcia was in here a few weeks ago. 01:18:53
This might might be off the wall. 01:18:57
But what you're talking about is building a. 01:19:00
High quality structure. 01:19:04
High quality housing, high ceilings and so forth. And Anne Garcia was in here making. 01:19:06
An impassioned case for the need for holiday to have more moderate income housing. 01:19:14
So I just wonder if it would be possible to rethink this whole thing. 01:19:22
And rethink it in terms of. 01:19:29
Do we really need? 01:19:32
Bigger, better, higher quality. 01:19:34
When what we really need if we want to balance things out is we need moderate income housing in holiday. 01:19:37
And can we achieve that objective? 01:19:45
Without further urbanization of our town, you can. I think you want them both, right? You know, but. 01:19:51
Specifically to our property, what the height allows us to do is put three or four studio apartments over the. 01:19:59
Over the bar restaurant Ruby itself. So it is. 01:20:08
Commercial and residential's and those would be considerably less expensive. They would be least rental, rental type of apartments 01:20:13
and. 01:20:19
But they really wouldn't be moderate income housing, right? 01:20:25
Nothing in holiday is. 01:20:30
Holiday they would be. 01:20:33
Across the street. 01:20:36
They're they're rented. They're more moderate than most housing in all, and moderate income housing. 01:20:38
If you look at the median income for a holiday. 01:20:45
You're going to have a different type of. 01:20:48
Federal government, State government does on a county basis, right? 01:20:52
If it was moderate and having a holiday, that's a different. 01:21:01
Brand and a magnitude of different than it was. 01:21:05
Yeah, but her point is well taken. 01:21:10
And I've said this before as well, that. 01:21:14
You know, we keep talking about moderate income housing and then we have $1,000,000 products. 01:21:16
And that's not modern income, even for holiday. 01:21:21
That's purely a function of land costs. 01:21:26
Like sometimes you just can't. 01:21:28
Sure. And that's our piece. But I think generally like if this is going to apply to all C2, I think we want it as a city because 01:21:30
then it allows people to do commercial where they can get the money from their land. 01:21:37
And then they can build residential and moderate and. 01:21:43
Maybe even lower income housing above it, but without the without the commercial you can't support. 01:21:48
The cost of the land and property tax and everything else here, But do we? It would help it. 01:21:54
I didn't mean to interrupt. I just wonder if we have to raise all the level of all the buildings in C2. 01:22:00
In order to achieve that. 01:22:09
Because we're looking at making a sweeping change. 01:22:12
For your building, yeah, I'm not. I'm not a developer per SE, but I. 01:22:16
Had discussions with others because I was like, I can't get this thing to pencil out right. It just doesn't make sense and. 01:22:22
And a lot of the other developers in the area were stating that the height will help them because they can do what they can, do a 01:22:27
commercial below, make the money off the land and then do less expensive. 01:22:33
Above, otherwise you have to. 01:22:40
What I've got outland like I'm. 01:22:44
You know, I'm a little stuck with it, but the cost of all the commercial land in holidays going up crazy, so you can't support it 01:22:47
with some sort of. 01:22:51
Umm, commercial or use? 01:22:56
We'll probably lose any further, you know, we'll lose development, we'll lose being competitive with. 01:23:01
Having housing period compared to the other cities that we don't really. 01:23:07
Is Mikey. 01:23:13
If I could add a comment on how. 01:23:16
Moderate income and housing is often created when you're adding new units. New units are always going to be more expensive. 01:23:20
Typically they're new. They have new construction. What? 01:23:25
Does happen is that people looking to move up into newer, nicer units than. 01:23:32
Alleviate or make available some of the older units that then are more affordable to more people. So it's it's a natural 01:23:39
progression of being able to move into a unit. Our last application with they wanted to live in a apartment above a commercial 01:23:46
space. I think there are a lot of people who are looking for that kind of. 01:23:53
A situation. 01:24:02
Adding the height to allow that in all of our commercial zones. 01:24:03
It would apply to that other applicant as well. If they wanted to redevelop, they could then do two stories. 01:24:08
Make their land purchase pencil out with being able to still have a residential use over commercial and then also redevelopment of 01:24:15
any of our commercial areas to bring more units in and create some of those walkable communities that people are looking for. 01:24:23
With that, I would like to just interject real quick, we do need to have a public hearing and we're getting very much into the 01:24:32
discussion side. So we'll invite the applicant to sit down and give an opportunity for any members of the public that want to 01:24:39
address this. However, as staff and legal noted that we will continue this. 01:24:46
Because of noticing requirements, but at this time we'll go ahead and open the public hearing and any members of the public that 01:24:55
would like to make comment on this are welcome to come up and do so at this time. 01:25:00
Doesn't look like we just have, OK, no, no takers on that at this time. So with that, unless there's further discussion on here. 01:25:08
You know, as mentioned, we're going to have to make a motion to continue, but is there any other discussion points that we need to 01:25:19
cover at this time? Just two things. 01:25:23
I'm glad we're talking about this in terms of my income housing. I didn't think it would go that way. Otherwise I would have 01:25:28
brought other elements in from the general plan that you can consider. 01:25:32
I think from Anne Francis Garcia's point of view, it wasn't necessarily of. 01:25:38
We need to do. 01:25:43
Or we need to? 01:25:45
Coerce or force property owners to do more with less. 01:25:47
It was. We need to try to figure out where we can, where our hindrances are, where our hurdles are on creating more. 01:25:51
Different types of housing. 01:25:59
And I don't think we've really even conceptualized that our C2 and C1 zones could be those areas. 01:26:02
But where we have an economic situation here where, as was brought up, we have property values and land is just in the situation 01:26:08
where it is as expensive as it is. 01:26:14
It's difficult to make those extra units. 01:26:20
Can appear out of thin air without some extra flexibility, so. 01:26:23
I'm glad we're having the discussion if you want, if you have any specific elements you'd like the staff to come back with. 01:26:27
If we'd like to have Anne come back and chime in on this, I'd be happy to have her come. 01:26:34
There's two things I think I would like to put into a motion and that beyond resolving that the noticing issue and one is and I 01:26:40
think you're absolutely right about the argument and that, but I would like to see somebody, maybe Chris or developer. 01:26:49
Give us some documents and show us how that works and that. 01:26:59
And that because that that way we can create a finding. 01:27:04
That, you know, this makes sense to us. I think we understand it intellectually, but now we've got to move it to another body and 01:27:08
that and I I think some paperwork that. 01:27:12
Shows you how that gap. 01:27:17
Allows the commercial to take more space and I think that would help us create a record. 01:27:21
And that. 01:27:26
There's one other thing I think would be useful, and you alluded to it, but just for the record. 01:27:30
What are the equivalent zones for our surrounding community? 01:27:36
I think that's always something a council is interested in. 01:27:41
That were the Johnny come lately to this. 01:27:44
And that and so you know what is, what is Mill Creek, Cottonwood Heights and Murray in particular doing Sandy, maybe because there 01:27:47
are surrounding things and they're part of this corridor on Highland Drive. 01:27:53
And they add, and if we're the shortest one, you know, maybe we're putting our businesses at a disadvantage. 01:28:00
So those are the things I'd like to fold into a motion for. What do we want when we come back? 01:28:06
Fair enough. Would you like to have, I mean, I just and by way of comparison, we still have a lot of RM zone out there, right that 01:28:13
runs along Highland and in the room zone they're currently allowed 40. 01:28:19
Is that right? If they're at that lot size, yeah. 01:28:25
Acre and above. Yep. 01:28:29
So I mean, you know the people that got folded into the C2 versus the. 01:28:30
Are the ones that are currently, I guess you could say, the loser. 01:28:35
Umm, depending on how you want to look at that along the corridor, but I think there's some great discussion points. 01:28:41
And look forward to having more of those. Unless there's any other discussion points that need to be brought up this evening, 01:28:47
however, I'm more than happy to take a motion to continue. 01:28:51
I'll be happy to make a motion. 01:28:57
This is Commissioner Cunningham and I motion to continue to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting, the 01:29:00
application by Brent Laughlin, represented by Chris Layton, to amend Title 13, Chapter 13.62, point 110, of the City of Holiday 01:29:07
Land Use Code to increase the maximum allowable height from 35 to 40 feet. 01:29:14
Specific items to discuss further are requested. 01:29:21
One resolution of the noticing issue. 01:29:26
Two additional. 01:29:31
Explanation and examples of. 01:29:33
Which we say that the business argument for going from 35 to 40 feet. 01:29:39
And three, comparison to the surrounding localities for similar zones. 01:29:45
We have a motion. Do we have a second? 01:29:54
This Commissioner Baird, I'll second that. All right. And so with the motions to continue, Commissioner Vilchinsky, Aye. 01:29:58
Cunningham, aye. 01:30:02
Baron Aye and Chair Rochelle. So we will continue that one till our next meeting. 01:30:08
And thank you very much for those of you that presented on that tonight and then we will move into the approval of minutes from 01:30:13
January 9th. 01:30:17
And I've had a chance to review those minutes. There was only one particular thing that stood out to me personally on that was 01:30:23
right at the very top, where it said that I read the opening statement to the public. And since I believe I've never done that 01:30:30
because I intentionally delegate that to everyone, I believe that might be an error because I think we might have omitted the 01:30:36
statement of memory served. January 9th had zero attendees. Was that right or am I wrong in thinking that? 01:30:43
Because wasn't that the one where we did the work meeting and then we had like the text amendment and nobody showed up for it? 01:30:51
I think you're right. Or am I thinking of a different meeting because January was too far away from me at this point? 01:30:57
We can certainly. 01:31:06
Verify that recording. 01:31:08
So, but that was the that was the only thing that stood out to me as a possible update on there. But I don't know that it makes a 01:31:11
huge difference if. 01:31:15
There was number members of the public. It could just be the chair, Roach opened it. So I don't know that it really changes the 01:31:19
outcome of the meeting. I don't think that there was any. What was the topic? Was it the home occupation? One or. Yeah, I think it 01:31:23
was the home occupation. 01:31:27
We didn't have any comments on home occupations. 01:31:34
Yeah, I don't think we had any attendees and. 01:31:37
I think it was just city staff and. 01:31:40
Commissioners, that whole thing needs to be struck out. 01:31:42
I know right how time flies, but were there any other? 01:31:48
Things that commissioners caught from that that we're in attendance of that meeting. 01:31:54
OK. But again, just because I delegate, that's the only reason it stood out to me. So outside of that, I don't know if it makes a 01:31:59
huge impact on the approval of the minutes or not. So I don't know we necessarily have to go back and strike it. 01:32:06
Whichever is easier for city staff, I don't care. 01:32:15
If we just double check that and then. 01:32:19
What Brad just said, so with that. 01:32:26
All in favor of approval of the Minutes? Say aye. 01:32:30
Thank you very much. And then with that is this historic preservation of ordinance which we will get through speedily, I'm sure as 01:32:34
we just start the discussion. I'm excited for this. 01:32:39
I really don't have any much else to add. Do you want to have any questions on how the historic preservation is handled in the 01:32:46
holiday? 01:32:50
So I notice there is the committee seems to be back up and running. Yes, seem to have disappeared and now it's up and running. 01:32:54
And then so they obviously are driving. 01:33:02
Getting a new ordinance and yes and no, I mean that's something that at least staff has been concerned with for quite some time. 01:33:06
The timing had to be right. 01:33:13
And specifically. 01:33:16
Council Member Gibbons, who is no longer on the Commission now. 01:33:19
Really sort of champion to that effort to make sure that this gets back into the public realm and and fixed essentially for lack 01:33:24
of better term. 01:33:28
Now that Council member Emily Gray has taken. 01:33:32
His place. 01:33:36
She's trying to usher it along and brought to my attention that May is. 01:33:38
It's either state or it's National Historic Preservation Month. 01:33:45
So in that light, we like. 01:33:50
To get this in front of the City Council in May so they can have a nice working document that they can work off of and approve it 01:33:52
during that month. 01:33:56
That's the timeline impetus essentially. We have some issues with the code that needs to be repaired. 01:34:01
And I think those are fairly simple to do. This is not going to be an extravagant update to ordinance or a rewrite. 01:34:08
But mainly procedural. 01:34:16
And so I'm just curious a little bit further. 01:34:20
A homeowner. 01:34:24
You know as far as and maybe it's in the details and I apologize if I overlooked it, but what qualifies as historic is that like I 01:34:26
think this house built in 1980 is really cool because it's got that 1980s Art Deco style or like is there a certain timeline that? 01:34:33
Dictates what's historic, Yeah. And I think it's only it's open to whatever the state will approve. 01:34:41
And accept whether it be architecture or an individual. 01:34:47
Or use. 01:34:51
I use the example a lot is because it's such a great example on Spring Lane, about 14 ish E There's a beautiful gingerbread 01:34:53
Victorian home there. 01:34:58
Its historic property, but not for the architecture. 01:35:04
It's for the dairy that was there. 01:35:07
And if, for example, they wanted to come to the Planning Commission for, well, First off. 01:35:09
They go through the state process right to get the historic designation. 01:35:16
And then they can bring that to us or the City Council. 01:35:19
To add it to the list. 01:35:23
And the reason why it goes to the City Council, not the Planning Commission, is because there's those extra uses. 01:35:26
And those are allowed additional land uses that would be provided that property owner. 01:35:32
Then to then come to the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit. 01:35:37
For example, a small ice cream shop because it was a dairy. 01:35:40
They want to have some artisan or ice cream. Something like that could be a significant benefit. 01:35:45
To help maintain and sustain that historic use. 01:35:51
And create something community identity at the same time. 01:35:55
So yes, you have the process of. 01:35:59
Declaring the historic architecture individual or Hughes with the state and then once we get that approval. 01:36:03
And then they can bring it to the City Council to add to the list that's in the code. 01:36:10
So it is a state. 01:36:15
Process. 01:36:17
That we're just kind of dovetailing on the back end of them right Right now. I don't think the City Council is interested in in 01:36:18
designating historic properties without that additional. 01:36:23
Anchor Historic preservation anchor. 01:36:28
Whether it be federal or state. 01:36:31
So that. 01:36:33
Just guessing probably limits the scope. I mean, not knowing what the state's requirements are, but I'm guessing that would not 01:36:34
necessarily. There are quite it's documentation, that's the hardest part. 01:36:39
If you have an architecture architectural feature like Arc Deco. 01:36:46
And you have a scroll work or a window that's very unique to that type of style. 01:36:51
And it's documented that that was there when it was originally built. 01:36:57
From my point of view, I think that's been acceptable in the past. 01:37:01
We've looked at the front of this building. 01:37:05
Specifically for Art Deco. 01:37:07
And the scroll work and the lentils above the building are very similar to the Carnegie Hall construction that you would Carnegie 01:37:10
Foundation construction you'd see in libraries. 01:37:15
In random areas across the state. 01:37:21
If you go up into Logan. 01:37:24
On your way out of Logan, you see their little library. It's it's a spitting image of this building. It's ironic. 01:37:27
But similar to those types of things would be acceptable for historic preservation. 01:37:34
For architecture. 01:37:39
Yeah, I was just wondering if the. 01:37:43
I don't know the name of it your architectural review board if they may be also included in the review of some of the designs of 01:37:46
these historic buildings. I don't know if they could give that perspective, but I don't feel like I have enough background to be 01:37:51
able to. 01:37:56
Qualifying opinion on an historical sure. And I think that's that's, you know that's a good point. 01:38:02
For example, if a historic property, that's. 01:38:08
Reason it's being hit designated Historic sports architecture. 01:38:12
And they need to come for conditional use for a remodel or an addition. 01:38:16
It's we probably is a good idea to have the recommending body be the Design review Board before it gets to you for an approval of 01:38:21
a conditional use permit. I think that's totally acceptable. Thanks. 01:38:26
I was just going to say what it maybe makes sense in some way to involve the historical Commission that we have for the city and 01:38:33
that when designating those, just since you know. 01:38:38
They're the volunteer authority of it for us. Yeah, they're they're volunteer authority. They I think what the council wants them 01:38:44
to do is help the property owner get them through the process. 01:38:49
That's kind of how they want their charge to be handled. 01:38:55
Not necessarily as a recommending body to the Planning Commission, but at least to help meet to the public or the property owner. 01:38:58
That was my next suggestion is maybe we do have a historic committee. 01:39:06
You know they insert in. It does have to be a recommendation, but. 01:39:11
Some information for us to kind of make a decision, yeah, more fully, especially if it has to do with the demolition. 01:39:15
They'll be charged with that 10 to 14 day stay. 01:39:23
To document the property. 01:39:26
I mean and just, you know, outside the box thinking, you know, call it anecdotally, but McDonald's decides that their buildings 01:39:29
been there a long time and they want to call it historic and they want to use that as an excuse to sell. 01:39:35
You know, asbestos filled Slurpees or something, whatever. You know what I mean. Just something that doesn't make sense because 01:39:42
it's what they did back in the day. 01:39:45
It would be nice to have that, you know, historical Commission chime in too and say yeah, we don't necessarily buy into this and 01:39:50
don't think it really matches history or something to that effect. 01:39:55
Yeah, I mean once, hopefully by the time it gets through the state process that will all be weeded out and once the when the 01:40:01
property owner comes to City Council to ask them to be added. 01:40:05
You know that would be between the property owner and the City Council. I don't think that has an intended that historic 01:40:11
preservation be part of that process, but. 01:40:15
On the other side, but once it is added, anything else that's done to the property? Yeah, the design review board is Storm 01:40:19
Preservation Committee. 01:40:22
Yes. All right. Just wondering what our role would be because it sounds like everybody's checked the boxes, so by the time it gets 01:40:25
to us, it's like, OK, is it going to tick off the neighbors? OK, good luck, you know? 01:40:30
Yeah, and especially when you have a remodel to a historic property that is based upon an individual or a family. 01:40:37
It's difficult. So you need to have that input. 01:40:44
Yeah, OK. 01:40:48
Commissioners, any other discussion points on this? 01:40:50
Everybody's excited and tired and ready to call tonight. 01:40:54
I'm sorry. 01:40:58
Items 4:00 and 5:00, will you just let him know that we did. I apologize. You've been hanging out all night for that. We we 01:41:00
actually did those at the very beginning. 01:41:04
So the good news is we gave the positive recommendation to continue those. 01:41:12
So sorry that you've been hanging out all night for that. 01:41:17
Well, what's that? 01:41:22
Unless anybody else has anything else that needs to be covered, I think we have spent the evening well and would make a motion to 01:41:31
adjourn. All those in favour. Aye. Aye, Alright. Thank you very much. 01:41:36
Here it is, Dennis. 01:41:42
Planning Commissioner granted conditional use permit. 01:41:47
To make changes to landscape. 01:41:50
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OK. All right. 00:00:15
It is 6:02 PM on March 19th, 2024, the Holiday City Planning Commission. 00:00:17
Is missing 2 members. We have regrets from Commissioner Gong and Commissioner Prince. We do have city staff, John Terling, Carrie 00:00:25
Marsh and legal counsel. 00:00:30
Brad Christopherson with us and we have a total of seven items on the agenda this evening. We will be changing up the order of 00:00:36
that to start with items number four and five, which are the action items. 00:00:44
For extensions of final plat approval. 00:00:53
And then we will proceed with items 1-2 and three which there is a public hearing for, which is the accessory building footprint 00:00:56
size, a rezone from room to PO and then the text amendment for building height. 00:01:03
And then after, we will approve minutes and move into the discussion around the pending historic preservation ordinance. Before we 00:01:11
get into that, tonight there is an opening statement that we read before all our meetings and I have asked Commissioner Cunningham 00:01:17
if he'll go ahead and do that for us now. 00:01:23
The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special 00:01:30
studies, make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning, map and ordinance changes. 00:01:36
And approved conditional uses in subdivisions. 00:01:43
The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications, rather acts on applications as they are submitted. Commissioners 00:01:46
do not meet with applicants except in publicly noticed meetings. 00:01:52
Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, existing structures 00:01:58
and uses related to the proposed change are noted. 00:02:03
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the city's general plan, zoning 00:02:09
ordinances and other reports, by all verbal and written comments, and by evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public 00:02:14
record. 00:02:19
Thank you very much, Commissioner Cunningham. And with that we will start with item number four this evening, which is the Walker 00:02:25
Meadows Circle subdivision. 00:02:30
Extension of final plat approval. And Carrie, if you want to give us just a quick overview on that one, please? 00:02:36
Come all the way to the front for a 2 minute thing. All right, so this application is for or is our request to extend the 00:02:48
recording time period On a residential subdivision, it's Walker Meadows Circle subdivision on 5203 S Highland Dr. That's a 2 lot 00:02:57
subdivision. The subdivision currently is waiting for just corrections and comments from city staff before it's recorded. I. 00:03:06
So they should be able to meet their extension. 00:03:16
Within the next year, it's very reasonable. I'll have the applicant come up if you have any questions for them. OK. Thank you. 00:03:22
Do we have Darren Mansell or a representative here tonight? 00:03:28
Does not appear we have the applicant, but do any commissioners have any questions they would have had posed for the applicant? 00:03:34
I don't believe the applicant has to be here for approval, do they? 00:03:41
OK. Then in that case, Commissioners, any discussion about this extension? 00:03:46
All right. 00:03:53
Double check who? I even asked. 00:03:55
Leave the discussion. I can't remember on this one. Ginger, was this the one I asked you about? Or probably Carrie, who's not 00:03:57
here? Yeah, probably. I think it was Carrie on this one. But I'll go ahead and make a motion. Excellent. Thank you. 00:04:03
Commissioner Wilczynski motions to approve the extended to extend the recording date for the final plat for Walker Meadow Circle, 00:04:10
a residential Planned Unit development subdivision in the R110 zone located at 52. 00:04:17
03 S Highland Drive to one year from the prior approval date of November 15, 2024, finding that no significant changes have been 00:04:25
made to the Plat. 00:04:31
And reasonable circumstances for the extension have been presented. 00:04:37
Sorry, can we amend that so that the? 00:04:42
Date is November 15th of 2023. 00:04:46
So let's make that amendment that we are going to go ahead and extend it. 00:04:50
From the prior approval date of November 15th, 2023. 00:04:57
2022. 00:05:02
And we're going to extend it to November 15th of 2024, yes. 00:05:04
All right, we have an amended. 00:05:10
Motion. Do we have a second? 00:05:14
All right. We have it seconded. We'll call for a vote. Commissioner Barrett aye. Commissioner Font aye. Commissioner Cunningham 00:05:16
aye. Commissioner Wilczynski and chair Roach votes aye. 00:05:22
Got that done. All right. Thank you. And before we get into the next one, if you can correct us on any dates. 00:05:29
So we can make sure that motion is correct. 00:05:35
Yep, prior approval date on this one is going to be February 22nd of 20/23/2023. So whoever is making the motion ginger, I think 00:05:38
you might be on this one as well, so. 00:05:43
OK, got it. Thank you and. 00:05:49
If I'm not going to ask you to come back up, if you want to sit right there, if you can just give us the brief overview. Great. 00:05:53
Sounds good. This is a residential subdivision. 00:05:57
Request to extend the final Plat recording date for the Base 45 subdivision. 00:06:02
Located at 2180 E 4500 S in the Room zone. 00:06:09
This is an approved subdivision for 32 townhomes on 2.29 acres. 00:06:15
All the standards have been met and approved. Nothing has been changed in. 00:06:21
With what they're requesting and that can be that's one of the conditions noted is that no significant changes has been made to 00:06:27
the plan. 00:06:31
So with that I can have the applicant come up and if you have any questions on this one. 00:06:36
OK. And do we have the applicant, Luke Martino, here with us this evening or a representative? 00:06:41
All right. Looks like they had other plans where they were planning on being later in the docket. That's OK. 00:06:48
Commissioners, any discussion or thoughts on this one before a motion is made? 00:06:55
All right, and since Commissioner Prince is not here, I'll go ahead and make on her behalf. 00:07:00
Chair Roach would like to make a motion for approval to extend the recording date for the Final Plat for Base 45, a residential 00:07:06
Planned Unit development subdivision in the RM Zone located at 2180 E 4500 S, to one year from the prior approval date of February 00:07:13
22nd, 2023. Finding that no significant changes have been made to the Plat, reasonable circumstances for the extension have been 00:07:19
presented. 00:07:26
This Commissioner Barrett, all seconded. All right, we have motion and it's seconded. Commissioner Wilczynski, Commissioner 00:07:34
Cunningham, Commissioner Font, aye, Commissioner Baron aye. And chair Roach votes aye so. 00:07:40
Those two are taken care of. Moving right along. Thank you very much. 00:07:47
All right, and now for the fun stuff. We will get into the items requiring public hearing. The 1st is the conditional use permit 00:07:53
for the accessory building footprint size, and we will ask city staff to go ahead and come up and give us the. 00:08:00
Narrative on this. 00:08:08
OK, this is an application by applicant Colin McDonald located at 3931 S 2175 E in an R110 zone. 00:08:16
The applicant is requesting an accessory building that exceeds the permitted footprint size of 900 square feet. Total footprint 00:08:28
size of 1577 square feet. 00:08:34
That's an additional 677 square feet over the permitted accessory building footprint size. 00:08:41
The accessory building is compliant with setbacks and lot coverage standards. They're at their maximum allowed for lot coverage 00:08:48
with structures. 00:08:52
Their narrative explains a desire for. 00:08:58
Using the accessory structure as a mother-in-law apartment. 00:09:03
Sports court. 00:09:09
Garage. There's a few listed items in their narrative. 00:09:11
Our current Adu code doesn't allow ADUS on properties that are half an acre or smaller. 00:09:16
Our amended proposed code is under review currently by the OR will be heard by the City Council on Thursday. 00:09:25
If the applicant were to. 00:09:36
Use their accessory structure for an Adu. They would have to meet the requirements in order to rent it as an Edu. They can build 00:09:40
their accessory structure and use it for private use with. 00:09:47
Occupancy for family members. 00:09:55
And that would be allowed under code so. 00:09:59
Overall, what the Commission could would need to look at is. 00:10:03
Impacts on neighboring properties, considering those specific uses that the applicant has outlined, and possibly having conditions 00:10:10
that are related to the impacts of if that structure were used as dwelling space. If there's any additional conditions that the 00:10:16
Commission would like to see implemented. 00:10:23
I will have the applicant come up and they can discuss their application with you a little bit more and you can ask some 00:10:31
questions. Alright. Thank you very much. 00:10:34
Do we have Colin MacDonald or a representative here this evening? 00:10:40
Hi. Hi. So my intention is to primarily use this as a structure for my kids. We just moved here about seven months ago from 00:10:46
Arizona and winter is cold. 00:10:51
And so I'm sorry to cut you off. Just to clarify, are you calling McDonald's? Yes, that's me. OK. Just want to make sure we know 00:10:57
who you are and not someone else coming up and speaking on your behalf. Sorry, no problem. 00:11:02
And so I intend to build this structure primarily for the use of my five kids and their friends. 00:11:09
So they have things to do in the winter and also the summer. It will be used as recreational sports. 00:11:15
Inside the building I intend to do it exactly maximum. 00:11:21
That newly remodeled home that we just finished and siding in stone so it will match identical to the house. 00:11:26
As far as the height, the same 17 feet, so there's trees surrounding this that are. 00:11:32
3040 feet plus, so it's not going to be sticking out in any way. 00:11:39
It wouldn't even be visible from the front of my street. 00:11:45
It is for private use only. It will never be used for business. It will never be rented. It will never have any intentions of that 00:11:48
of any sort. 00:11:52
I will have gravel along the. 00:11:56
North side of the property to back some trailers in that I own. 00:11:59
But it's not going to be like a driveway for parking vehicles and stuff like that. 00:12:05
And so this doesn't have. This doesn't. What you're proposing isn't going to have a gravel, or any type of. 00:12:10
Path leading from the front of the property to gravel. Yes, just about 10 feet on the Northside. 00:12:16
Gravel. Back to it just so we don't sink trailers and mud and things like that, OK? 00:12:22
Commissioners, any questions for the applicant? 00:12:29
At this time, just Commissioner Font, this is not a. 00:12:33
A dwelling unit then this is not a someplace where you're going to rent out or no initially. 00:12:38
I would. I put that mother-in-law's casita in there, Yes. 00:12:47
But right now, it's not gonna be permitted for that. I don't intend to make an apartment out of it right now at all. That was just 00:12:51
in there for down the road. In case we need to take in my mother or my mother-in-law. We could convert a section of it to a little 00:12:56
apartment for one of them. 00:13:01
But it would never be rented out or an Adu or have it separate meter or anything like that. 00:13:07
Thank you. So to clarify on that, if the Planning Commission was to restrict use as that you would have no objections with it as 00:13:13
you've submitted at this time. No, no objection, OK. 00:13:19
All right, unless there's any other questions, we'll go ahead and have you sit down and might invite you back up. But first, we're 00:13:25
going to open this up for public comment. If there are people here that want to speak on this item today, we ask you to identify 00:13:30
yourself when you come to the podium, state your name, your address, and do try and keep your comments brief and not restate 00:13:35
anything if there's other. 00:13:40
People that have already made comment on this and with that we will open up the public comment for anyone to come up now. 00:13:47
Once, twice, all right. 00:13:55
Looks like we have. 00:13:57
My name is Brett Hardcastle. My property is directly West across the street. 00:14:02
From McDonald's and Kitty Corner to the North, what was your address please? 00:14:08
What was the house number? 00:14:14
3920 S 3920 Thank you. 00:14:16
Great. And I don't see any problems with this at all, matter of fact. 00:14:20
The whole remodel that he's been doing there. 00:14:25
Is very welcome as far as me as a property owner, I've been there 20 plus years actually. Before holiday was the city, so. 00:14:28
He's got my my approval. Thank you. Thank you very much for your comment. 00:14:36
All right. Any other public comment today? 00:14:43
Hello, thank you for your time. 00:14:52
My name is Jerry Williams, 3954 Alberly Way. 00:14:53
I've met the McDonald's here recently. 00:14:59
6-7 months ago, all I want to do is just say to. 00:15:02
You that they are nothing but. 00:15:07
An asset to our neighborhood. 00:15:10
Rarely has someone come in, an entire family come in and had such a positive. 00:15:13
Impact on our neighborhood? 00:15:20
They have and they are great neighbors. 00:15:22
We are pleased to have him in our neighborhood. Thank you. 00:15:25
OK. Thank you. 00:15:28
My name is Gary Jones. I live at 3939 S 2175 E I'm directly South of the McDonald's home. 00:15:38
And I've been there 40 some odd years at going to reiterate what they just said. That has been a plus. 00:15:46
To our neighborhood and what they're doing is a great improvement. 00:15:54
And I don't see any reason of. 00:15:58
Structure of looking at the mountains and stuff. The way it's acted, like you said, there's. 00:16:01
3540 foot trees all around his whole property because mine is surrounded by him too so. 00:16:06
I'm for whatever he would like to do. 00:16:12
OK. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. 00:16:14
All right. Any other public up? One more. All right. 00:16:19
My name is Jeff Lund. 00:16:25
And I'm at 3916 S Fairmores. 00:16:27
And I am. 00:16:31
On the east side of this property I back. 00:16:33
Just about 10 feet on the east side. 00:16:36
Backyard neighbors. 00:16:39
And I do have a couple of questions on this. One for the. 00:16:40
For the group here on the application, I saw 2000 square feet. 00:16:44
And then I heard 1500 square feet. I'm not sure exactly the number we're looking at on this. 00:16:50
Do you want me to address? Yeah, we'll go ahead and defer to city staff on that. If they want to just clarify the number, Sure. So 00:16:56
the applicant originally applied for a 2000 square foot footprint, reviewing his application and how big his current house is. 00:17:04
A 2000 square foot structure would not be compliant with code. Code states that structures can only cover 28% of the size of 00:17:14
property. So calculating what his current structure. 00:17:20
Covers that then created the 1577 leftover of how much allowance he has of that 28%. 00:17:28
OK. And then the other question is if this were, if this were attached to the House, would we have to have a hearing on that or is 00:17:36
it because it's detached, we have the hearing on it? 00:17:40
It's because it's detached. OK. 00:17:46
And then the other one in walking the neighborhood. 00:17:49
The other structures in this neighborhood are about 500 to 600 square feet. 00:17:52
There one car or two car Det. 00:17:57
Detached buildings and so this is very different than the other ones. 00:18:01
Not opposed to it in regards to that, we're hearing that it's not going to be an Adu or that would require additional. 00:18:06
Additional. 00:18:14
Approval I guess or something like that, but it is very different than the others in the neighborhood. 00:18:15
But that's thank you for clarifying that point. 00:18:22
OK. Thank you. 00:18:25
All right. 00:18:28
Excuse me? 00:18:40
My name is Roger Dean. 00:18:41
I live at 3956. 00:18:44
South Fairmont Drive. 00:18:46
And by property. 00:18:49
Doesn't quite touch this, but. 00:18:51
Very close. 00:18:55
And I was just. 00:18:57
Wondering there's an irrigation ditch. 00:18:58
On the east side. 00:19:02
Of this property. 00:19:04
And I just want to make sure that. 00:19:05
This construction will not. 00:19:08
Interfere with that irrigation ditch. 00:19:12
And so. 00:19:16
That we would always have. 00:19:18
Access to. 00:19:21
Service the irrigation ditch. 00:19:24
Cleaning that up then. 00:19:27
To prevent flooding. 00:19:29
In the neighborhood. 00:19:32
OK. Thank you. We can definitely find that out. Thank you. 00:19:35
I can respond to that too. 00:19:40
When we're reviewing building permits, we review locations to that do have irrigation laterals that are on the property and. 00:19:43
Applicants for permits are required to have a waterway protection agreement that's signed by the irrigation management company or 00:19:54
the the ditch manager. 00:20:00
And does that also address the? 00:20:07
Commenters concern about access for. 00:20:10
Keeping it working, yes. So all of our all of the irrigation canals ditches have utility easements on them for maintenance. 00:20:14
Thank you very much for clarifying that. Can I ask a question? It looks like on the map there is a small strip just north of this 00:20:24
property. Is that considered the irrigation property? 00:20:29
Well, I realize that. I'm just saying north of this looks like the irrigation is that. 00:20:38
I'd have to look at the at the canal map, but I believe so that could be just a outright ownership by the. 00:20:43
No property. I don't have someone raising their hand. Is that your property? 00:20:51
No, but I understand. 00:20:55
See that little strip where arrow just went right down there? 00:21:01
Irrigation. 00:21:08
So a safe assumption that it would be something related to the easement on that looking at the map, is that? Yeah, OK. OK. Thank 00:21:15
you. 00:21:18
All right. Any other public comment on this Tonight We have one more come on up. 00:21:23
All right. 00:21:30
State your name and address first, please. 00:21:35
My name is Ashley Smith. 00:21:37
And I own the property, 3926 S Farrah Mores Drive. 00:21:40
Thank you and. 00:21:48
Are you? What? What questions can we? I'm not sure if you'll be able to answer them or if Colin can answer them. 00:21:49
We'll invite you to address the Commission and then we'll give Colin a chance to come up and address any unanswered questions. 00:21:57
Yeah, I was just curious. 00:22:01
If the structure was going to be built running east West or north-south. 00:22:05
Not sure do we have city? 00:22:13
We have that. So those kind of decisions are done when we get the building plans for the building permit right so. 00:22:17
I don't know if we have the answer to that and I don't know if. 00:22:25
Right, but the site plan is. 00:22:31
Could not be built. The discipline that you have can't be built because it's a 2000 square foot one. 00:22:33
So we're just looking at the footprint size. The conditional use permit is just looking at how big the the footprint of the 00:22:38
building is. 00:22:43
Details of of that building are largely non regulated. 00:22:49
The Planning Commission can institute various conditions like landscaping on outside edges or other details to mitigate potential 00:22:55
impacts from that footprint. Size I. 00:23:02
That's what they're looking at is just the overall footprint size. 00:23:11
And for clarification, the site plan is flipped from. 00:23:17
What we've been looking at in the aerials, so just so people aren't thinking, they're putting the garage in the front yard. 00:23:20
OK. Any other comment? No. OK, thank you very much. 00:23:31
All right. And did we have any other? 00:23:36
Comments at this time for this. 00:23:38
All right. And with that, we'll go ahead and close the public hearing. And if we want to go ahead and invite Colin to come back up 00:23:41
and just address any questions that may have come up from comments from neighbors. 00:23:46
Remind me the questions. Again, I think it sounded like pretty much we've addressed most of them, but if you just want to touch 00:23:56
base on any comments that you heard tonight, you don't have to say anything you can say I feel good about things and we can just 00:24:00
move forward. The irrigation ditch, I should have put it in the my descriptions, but I do have every intention of putting that in 00:24:05
a pipe. 00:24:09
So Gary, the neighbor to the north of me, already did his. It's already in a pipe. And so I own an excavator. I have the equipment 00:24:14
and. 00:24:18
Going to pull a permit with the water company when we when we're ready to this summer. 00:24:23
And and put that. 00:24:27
Irrigation ditch in a pipe, so therefore it's not going to. 00:24:29
Affect the irrigation at all like it will still run. It will still operate as it should. 00:24:33
So I think that's. 00:24:40
Settles that one. 00:24:41
And then the building on there is 40 by 50. 00:24:42
It'll most likely be 40 by 30, maybe 40 by 35, something like that, but it will be definitely in that back corner. 00:24:46
Up against the northeast corner of the law, so. 00:24:55
And that's where the big trees all surrounded pretty much on both sides. 00:24:59
Excellent and. 00:25:05
Just as a as a arborist, I'll just make one recommendation is that if you do have a lot of root zone that flows into where you're 00:25:07
looking to build as much mitigation as you can to the roots so that those trees continue to be big trees around your structure in 00:25:13
the future. But sounds like you've you've got a landscape plan and working through those things. So that's great. 00:25:19
Commissioners, any other questions for the applicant at this time? 00:25:26
Commissioner Barrett, I'm just looking at the site planner, the aerial. Are there other buildings in the back? 00:25:29
Are they being removed or there's a couple of little old sheds that are already have fallen down so they'll be gone. Thank you. 00:25:36
Any other questions? 00:25:45
All right. We'll go ahead and have you sit down. Thank you very much. And with that, I've asked Commissioner Barron if he would 00:25:47
just kind of help lead and facilitate the discussion on this one for us. Well, we were kind of going through that when we 00:25:51
originally started the discussion, I think. 00:25:55
Staff has answered my questions. There is some mention in the conditional use permit for access and compatibility to the. 00:26:01
Neighborhood and character of the neighborhood. 00:26:09
We realize there isn't anything specifically written that can be identified in that. 00:26:14
I don't know. 00:26:20
Analysis or how you'd make that? 00:26:22
A reality in this but. 00:26:26
So I thought. 00:26:29
Everything looks good in this, I just I'm curious if. 00:26:31
If we approve or if the Council approves the new text. 00:26:35
Does this meet that it looks like? 00:26:40
The five foot on the north side or South side, excuse me? 00:26:43
On the site plan would probably be a problem. 00:26:46
Yeah, and that's. 00:26:50
So they'll be moving the they could move that further if they wanted to increase the site set back but as is, it's compliant with 00:26:52
with the setbacks. 00:26:56
If there, you could make a condition that if they're. 00:27:03
If they have living space on that side of the building that they add some additional screening. 00:27:07
So the site plan that's been submitted is not. 00:27:12
We if we approve this. 00:27:16
That's set in concrete or I mean or can there be flexibility in? 00:27:18
So the only thing you're approving tonight is the size of the building, not the location of it or anything like that. So he would 00:27:24
have to come back with a building permit if there is living space. 00:27:29
Assuming council at the City Council approves the Adu text amendments that you guys reviewed a couple weeks ago? 00:27:35
In order to you'd have to comply with that to make it to have living space within it and call it an Adu and rent it out. 00:27:42
So that may change the location of it if he wants to comply with that, but that would all be dealt with. 00:27:49
When the building permit application comes in. 00:27:54
OK. Thank you. 00:27:56
And as he presented tonight, there's no intention of making it a Casita at this time. 00:27:59
So, OK, appreciate the clarification on that. 00:28:03
All right, Commissioners, any. 00:28:07
Other questions? 00:28:09
Comments. 00:28:12
Well, at this point then, if there's no other discussion, I think we might be at a point where we're ready to make a motion. 00:28:15
Commissioner Baron, are you prepared on that? This is Commissioner. Real quick. Can you close the public hearing? I thought I did. 00:28:20
I apologize if I did not say I closed the meeting. It's closed. I wasn't sure. Either I missed it or Brad missed me. One or the 00:28:24
other. I apologize, but it's definitely closed now. 00:28:29
Just one question. I'm sorry, I know it's only been 30 minutes, but I've already forgotten everything. So was this the one you 00:28:36
wanted to put on hold or? 00:28:40
We discussed that briefly, but if it's not, if the owner doesn't intend for it to be an Adu, then it doesn't. 00:28:45
Online with that with what our new codes being proposed is. 00:28:54
Again, thank you for I'm the slow one at the end of this. So this is Commissioner Barrett. I move that the Holiday Planning 00:28:59
Commission approved the application for a detached accessory garage sized at 15177 square feet. 00:29:07
Located at 3931 S, 2175 E. 00:29:15
Based upon the findings that the desired structures footprint does not exceed the total allowed structure coverage on the parcel 00:29:20
and is within the setbacks required for an accessory building. 00:29:25
Number Two staff has not received any objections or concerns written or verbally expressed to date requesting or respecting the 00:29:31
Conditional Use Permit request. 00:29:37
Contingent upon the applicants compliance with the following conditions. 00:29:45
The property excuse me this, the project is subject to height, set back and lot coverage. 00:29:49
Regulations for their property size #2 The owner applicant shall obtain a building permit for the proposed detached garage 00:29:55
addition addition. 00:29:59
#3 The owner applicant shall not. 00:30:04
Establish or use the structure as a commercial entity. 00:30:07
The number four the. 00:30:11
Owner applicant is. 00:30:14
Will be compliant with impervious lot coverage standards when adding a driveway to the access. 00:30:16
To access the detached structure #5, the owner applicant is to replace all trees removed by the placement of the accessory 00:30:23
building and any other hard impervious services added. 00:30:29
And I don't know if there was anything else that the Commission may have. 00:30:35
So all right, we have a. 00:30:39
Motion that has been made. Do we have a second? 00:30:43
Commissioner Font, I'll second. 00:30:48
All right. And with that we will call for a vote. Commissioner Vilchinsky, aye. Commissioner Cunningham aye. Commissioner Flaunt 00:30:50
aye. Commissioner Barron, aye. And chair Roach votes aye. 00:30:55
So you and the. 00:31:01
McDonald Fan Club can enjoy what's about to transplant, thank you very much. 00:31:06
And with that, we will give just a brief pause. If there's anyone that did not want to hang out and listen to the Planning 00:31:13
Commission all evening and did not want to sit through that, you're welcome to exit real quick now so we can move on to the next 00:31:17
agenda item. Thank you. 00:31:21
All right. 00:31:33
And then moving on, our next item that we have on here is the zone map amendment. This is the rezone from RM to PO. 00:31:35
And with that, we will ask city staff if they would be kind enough to give us. 00:31:44
A narrative on this? 00:31:48