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Irrigation pipes that, yeah, east and West along there. And they've all been busted into at different points too. So like, I have 00:00:00
a hike that runs from my backyard into that canal and it's seven houses away, but I've got my hound up that's constantly wagging 00:00:06
his tail and sticking his nose down in that pipe because he's waiting for a rat or a squirrel or something. Or. 00:00:13
Well, it forced everybody into the time nobody was bringing It is time. All right. Good evening, everyone. It's a good thing to 00:00:21
have, OK? 00:00:25
We'll get started here. It is April 16, 2024. This is the City Planning Commission work session. We have one item that is a public 00:00:31
hearing item and then approval of minutes. So I'm sure we're going to need the whole half hour to talk specifically about this 00:00:38
zone map amendment and all the subtle nuances before we get to what I'm sure will be a well attended public hearing. So with that 00:00:45
we will ask Carrie to start us off. 00:00:52
OK, so. 00:01:01
I think the easiest thing on this one is looking at the context here, right? This property is a long deep I. 00:01:04
Fronts on 5600 S 2, family zoning on the east side, single family on the West side. Both of these properties on the West side are 00:01:13
duplexes, both are on the east side are duplexes. So it's totally surrounded by duplexes. It's just that these two on the West are 00:01:21
non conforming to the zone, so they are duplexes. 00:01:30
But non conforming. And I just if you'll back up to that map, I just want to clarify to make sure I'm looking at it right on the 00:01:39
east side of it, that is a duplex facing 56 and then another duplex that's part of the PUD subdivision facing inside, right. 00:01:45
Right. OK, yeah. Thank you. 00:01:51
Yeah. 00:01:58
And. 00:02:01
So the list of kind of all those neighboring properties is included in the staff report. 00:02:06
And then an analysis of the general plan, I think the biggest issue on this is that this whole area is identified as on the future 00:02:13
land use map as low density residential stable. 00:02:19
I was just going to bring up this existing Blandius. So sometimes we have land uses that are not necessarily consistent with what 00:02:28
zone or the future land use map is. So here you have that area. This is existing land uses where you can see the sorry super zoom 00:02:35
in here. 00:02:42
Too much? 00:02:50
There it is here. So this is the assisted living. That's multifamily obviously as they have high density there. This is 2 family. 00:02:55
These are duplexes. This is the property in question. And then those are both duplexes. 00:03:03
So the duplex on the West that's shown in like a shady yellow, but that's not an R2, right? 00:03:11
Right, those are both. 00:03:20
Our one zoned, but the they are both used as duplexes so they're both legal non conforming. I think that this one that's right on 00:03:24
the corner wasn't captured in that existing Gladys, but it is a. 00:03:30
Legal non conforming duplex. I can zoom back out and we can go to the future land use map and it's legal nonconforming because it 00:03:38
was there before this zoning stuff. Yeah, OK. 00:03:43
So we have quite a few properties in Holiday that were zoned as duplexes under Salt Lake County and then when they were 00:03:49
incorporated into Holiday, we just did larger kind of area wide zoning instead of property specific zoning. 00:03:57
So you'll usually run into pockets where there's two or three duplexes that are all together. I know offhand there's another set 00:04:04
of duplexes on 27th East as somewhat by Granados, not Granados Block Party. 00:04:13
So kind of across the street on the east side of 27th East. There's a few duplexes there. There's own single family, but they are 00:04:23
legal non conforming. So there's things like that all over in the city. Here is the. 00:04:31
Future land use. So this is kind of what the general plan refers to on this. Adjusted zones, so. 00:04:40
In that specific area that we are looking at before. 00:04:48
That whole corner is low density, residential stable. The exception is on the Highland Drive. 00:04:53
Where we refer back to the Highland Dr. Master plan for properties along Highland Drive. But this pocket where the. 00:05:01
Assisted living is identified as low density residential stable and then this corner where we're kind of looking at is low density 00:05:10
residential stable. 00:05:14
I may be a little slow is stable, meaning rickery or like horses or just the neighborhood stable. The neighborhood doesn't change 00:05:20
ever. Yes, and that's the what that is defined as here intended to support a mix of single family residential development that has 00:05:28
been established by historic development patterns. So then it has suggested zones in there, OK. 00:05:37
Thank you. Yeah, I like the language. At the end of that, on the LDRS rezone with the suggested zone list may be appropriate where 00:05:46
increased density will not destabilize the existing neighborhood. 00:05:53
So just to clarify on that, I didn't catch that the first time I looked at it, but the general plan does say the zone suggested in 00:06:01
there R18R10 or R110 and R115. And I think that's kind of the challenge with any sort of infill or a built out community. You've 00:06:09
got these outliers that are not like everything's not going to perfectly fit and that's where in the staff report there's I 00:06:16
discussed a bit about context of the area. 00:06:23
I'm also going to pull up the arterial the roadway before you switch to that if you would. I just wanted to see because the R2 is 00:06:33
listed as medium, RT, whatever MDRT. Can you show me just back up on the map where most of those MDRT zones exist? Or are there 00:06:39
any here? 00:06:44
So just here and here, the corridors basically is the. 00:06:52
OK. All right. Thank you. Can I ask a question about that also? Well, about the paragraphs you were showing before we move on, 00:06:59
there was language in it. I thought it just clarified this where it says new develop in. 00:07:06
Low density residential. 00:07:15
Protected, it said. 00:07:19
Use unclaimed density by subdivision instead of rezones, but this is stable. 00:07:23
Umm, so rezoning is more usual, more appropriate. Can you, can you just talk a little bit about what that means? Yeah, it doesn't 00:07:29
have that specific designation. And these, when I was talking to John Tierling about these, how these were set up in the general 00:07:39
plan, he said it was some of our future land use was really designed with the intent to identify these larger protected areas. 00:07:49
Within the estates and surrounding and then everything else kind of outside of that just was like, OK, these are stable areas. It 00:08:00
didn't really take into account a lot of corridors beyond Highland Drive and these obvious ones on 23rd, 45th and 39th. 00:08:10
As far as those corridors are concerned, is that the first property on the corridor that's included in that or? 00:08:22
Is there a depth of how much? 00:08:30
It's not, yeah. It doesn't designate specifically on those. 00:08:32
But the the line was just created with basic mapping of here's the road and here's this specific area we're going to draw around 00:08:43
the road. But it doesn't identify any specific roads or that it has to be fronting onto a major road or any other such thing. This 00:08:51
is a major Rd. So that's properties that are in kind of close proximity to that road would be considered. 00:08:58
Would be probably a safe assumption two or three lots in, you know is is kind of touching the road and then from there you're 00:09:08
really throwing up the question mark of does this fit with that? Yeah and the I am challenged with. 00:09:14
I think all of these main corridors are primarily U dot roads. 45th is. Highland Drive is. I don't think 23rd or 39th. Are you not 00:09:22
well, 39th maybe? 00:09:28
I remember another zone amendment we had before us that did not get a favorable recommendation about a year and a half ago that 00:09:35
was on the other side of Highland, right across from that area. 00:09:40
Yeah. On the East side where there's that home for sale with the fence around it and someone wanted to put like 4 units in on that 00:09:47
property or something like that. 00:09:51
Or on Highland Drive that was well it was where what is the road? Pheasant way. Not pheasant circle, but pheasant way connects to 00:09:58
Highland. I believe it faces pheasant way but it's right on the corner. 00:10:05
Of Highland, yeah. And those are, we were talking a little bit before the meeting about updates of the general plan. Some of those 00:10:13
things might be refined in the future as we work through general plan updates as what And that's things that we're thinking about 00:10:21
as staff as well. You know what our neighborhoods, what are areas that maybe we want to refine a little bit so that we don't have. 00:10:29
Do we want to keep 5600 S as a? That's a collector Rd. 00:10:38
As a stable with single family or that an area we want to look at, possibly some other. 00:10:44
Zones that would be appropriate, but. 00:10:51
I think. 00:10:55
Within the and. 00:10:58
It's kind of that just that Contextual called it. Yes, these are suggested zones. 00:11:01
You could suggest a rezone within those, or there's other points in the general plan that you can base a rezone recommendation off 00:11:06
of. So there's multiple kind of angles. Sometimes it doesn't. One application won't fit every checklist, but it may fit some of 00:11:14
the checklist, so as the Planning Commission you'll just. 00:11:21
That is what you get to decide. Call that logistical ambiguity when I walk by there. 00:11:29
It looks like there's a home on the front. 00:11:37
And I think somewhere I said two accessory buildings. 00:11:40
At the back. 00:11:43
But there's clearly a big house back there, another house. It was. I know, the former owner of the property. He did a he had a 00:11:46
music studio back. There he was. 00:11:52
A piano teacher for many many years and that was his studio where he would have people come and like one of those home occupation 00:12:00
type things that he worked out. It was basically a garage converted into studio, which is a rather large one. 00:12:07
But you know, I think he had like a baby grand in there, if I'm not mistaken, or big grand. So yeah. 00:12:14
And I mean, it looked it looked to me like it was occupied and being used as a house. 00:12:20
We don't have as a rental. Any indication of that, Yeah, but I but in any case, so I'm assuming what what is he trying to 00:12:25
accomplish that he couldn't accomplish? 00:12:30
With the zoning not changed. 00:12:37
Does he have a plan? I know he doesn't have to tell us about a plan, but right and I think on a larger scale picture, what R2 does 00:12:39
accomplish is provide. 00:12:45
Potential ownership opportunities in the future if the current landowner doesn't want to create ownership. 00:12:51
They don't have to, but just having that zoning in place then creates the. 00:12:59
Ability for that to be subdivided up where you get something like this. I mean any duplex could be subdivided into two separate 00:13:07
owners. 00:13:11
Umm, so intent could be just converting the accessory building into a unit. 00:13:15
Being able to rent out both the houses in the front and the rear unit. 00:13:22
Other potentials that you demolish both structures and. 00:13:28
And build something new up to 3 units. And Dennis, I didn't get a chance to look at the. 00:13:34
Total area, but we can pull that up too of what? So when? 00:13:41
When you're doing a. 00:13:47
Unit assessment of how many units would be allowed on a property. You have to take out the access Rd. 00:13:49
Or the access driveway, so that would be a minimum of 20 feet wide and then whatever the depth of the property is or how far back 00:13:55
that. 00:14:00
Roadway would go so roughly. 00:14:05
And I think you did kind of do just some brief math on it and figured that there could be enough room to make 3. 00:14:12
And that would possibly be like 2 that are attached. In this situation, if they wanted to leave the existing structure, they could 00:14:19
split the front house into a attached unit, have an Upstairs Downstairs that's rentable and convert the back building into a 00:14:25
rental unit. So it's. 00:14:32
Depending on the area of land as controls, how many units that they'd be able to put on that. 00:14:38
So this property is too small to be subdivided, right? Right. OK. 00:14:44
Yeah, because it's only .44, right? 00:14:49
And same thing, you'd have to take out the access, which then limits your land area even more for both. 00:14:53
And just to clarify, if it was an R18, they could subdivide, yes, and there would be enough area likely to take out a roadway. 00:15:01
Have they indicated what they want to do with the property after if it does get approved? I haven't had any conversation with the 00:15:12
applicant about their intent I. 00:15:17
I mean because a lot of the language suggests that the future development of the site. 00:15:23
We're supposed to kind of hope and pray that they're going to do something that's going to create a harmonious development, but. 00:15:30
They haven't even told you what's going to happen, so how do we use that as part of our? 00:15:37
Decision making. I think on that point, no, there isn't a way to. 00:15:42
Say yes, you'll create something that's harmonious, but. 00:15:51
Looking at. 00:15:56
The properties on either side of it where you have two here, 2 here. 00:15:59
In roughly the same size of area and they'd be limited to at Max 3 units if they have enough land area after taking out access. 00:16:04
It's pretty similar to what all the neighbouring properties are. 00:16:15
Even, less, less dense. 00:16:20
Right. It seems like we're giving him the right to have more than the surrounding people on his argument that he's surrounded with 00:16:27
lots with two homes on them. So with the size of property, if you look at this one, this has two on it. This has 2 units on it. So 00:16:34
same area of land has four units. 00:16:40
Same here, nearly the same area of land has four units. His area of land would be limited to 3 units, so he would be even with the 00:16:48
R210 zoning, he would not have the same density as. 00:16:55
And then having zero setbacks on top of it, right, if it were rezoned. 00:17:37
Right. And I think that's one we've talked to them before. This is where we encourage people talk to kind of that neighboring PUD 00:17:43
and see if you can be incorporated. And most people don't really want to have additional units, even though it would likely create 00:17:50
a more harmonious kind of look to their existing neighborhood. They don't want to have the additional units in there. 00:17:58
Yeah. So then you get kind of. 00:18:07
Weird. Maybe not matching, maybe it won't be weird there. I mean, there's not any guarantee the PUD has some some controls there, 00:18:10
but if you were in that PUD, it would likely be in your best interest to say yes, come join our PUD and then we have some controls 00:18:16
over what gets built there. 00:18:23
So can we approve the rezone with the condition that only two units will be built on it? That would not. You can't. You can't 00:18:30
limit legal land rights, so R2 zoning comes with two units per whatever area of land. 00:18:39
And we also couldn't put any future restrictions on an application for a PUD, right? You can't, you can't limit what is within the 00:18:51
zoning code specific to an application. So if the fear of what you don't want them to do is overshadowed by, you know, a 00:18:57
narrative, that doesn't sound like it's really been given of here's what my plan is and why I'm doing this. And forgive me for 00:19:04
being a little bit bold, but it really just seems to me like this is a dollar sign thing, right? Like this is a $650,000 lot that 00:19:10
if I subdivide it three ways. 00:19:16
I can turn around and sell for $900,000 because it's still marketable to a developer to go in and scrape that clean and do 00:19:23
whatever they want on it. So then the possibility exists if we approve the rezone that we could end up with. 00:19:30
Two homes and two Adus. 00:19:37
I don't know if they'd have enough room for 280 us on it, so our proposed language for Adu text with external Adus would be that 00:19:41
you can only do an external Adu if you have a detached structure. So if they were to build 3 detached structures, they could do 3 00:19:48
detached Adus possibly. 00:19:55
But they don't have enough land to reason. But they do have enough land. Like there's other factors that control that, Yeah. 00:20:04
Like they'd be lucky if they can. Like it would be a challenge to fit 3IN there, but it could legally be done with an R28 zone. 00:20:10
You're also going to have some limits with the lot size. So those puds, they have smaller setbacks, other things that were 00:20:18
incorporated into their PUD. So R210 zoning would have setbacks that are appropriate for that zone. So that's going to limit 00:20:26
building area as well. Even with an R2 zone, they might say, you know, there's not enough land that we want to do small lots. We 00:20:34
just want to do 2 units so that there's two bigger structures on there with bigger land size. 00:20:41
Can I ask a procedural question? Yes. So on the standards of approval or approval standards? 00:20:51
It's the second item down in the staff report. 00:20:58
You see that? 00:21:04
1307030 G 2. 00:21:05
Move standards of consideration for or against. 00:21:10
On the first page. 00:21:15
So I'm just wondering, do they have to meet all four of those? 00:21:17
In order for us to consider approval. 00:21:22
Umm, no. You can make your recommendation to the City Council and note. 00:21:25
Those things. So you could do a positive or negative recommendation, noting whatever factors that that you want to include in that 00:21:31
recommendation. So there's because. 00:21:37
Since City Council is the deciding body, they're looking at those standards. It helps them if you have those standards that you 00:21:44
were then including in your recommendation. 00:21:50
So those could be the findings I guess at some point, but. 00:21:56
So I'm curious why they list it like this and don't tell you how many you have to satisfy in order to. 00:22:00
So I guess never mind. 00:22:07
And following up on the general plan, the analysis, I think it's the next page. 00:22:10
Where it says land use, urban design and neighborhood preservation, Chapter 2 it starts to get into defining points of 00:22:17
development, development patterns and that type of thing. 00:22:23
Do we use this or do we have to have them satisfy all of these? 00:22:30
For us to vote, I'm trying to make it so it loses, it becomes a little more black and white, so if that's OK. 00:22:35
I'm not trying to say it's going to be easier to make the decision, but. 00:22:43
You know, we're already having some difficulty with the fact that this is surrounded by these type of units, and yet we don't 00:22:47
really. 00:22:51
It's still a struggle to make that happen, so of these defining. 00:22:56
Characteristics or different references, points of consideration, that type of thing. 00:23:01
Do we have, do we need to use all of those in our consideration? So yeah, their point. There are points from the General Plan. The 00:23:08
General Plan is a guiding document. You can use various points from it in your recommendation where it's not. 00:23:17
Coated items that are like these are the specific standards and it has to meet all of these or it has to meet at least X or Y. 00:23:28
Your recommendation can be based on kind of. 00:23:34
Any of these factors, so you could say positive, right. I think we came to a conclusion even on one application where we did a 00:23:41
neutral application based or neutral recommendation based on the vote. 00:23:46
Umm, but. 00:23:53
Whatever way your recommendation goes, just referencing what points. 00:23:56
Would be a positive influence. What would be negative because all of that information will go to the City Council. 00:24:03
That help or make any sense? Or did I just muddy up the water? 00:25:18
OK. Can I ask one more question? I know we'll switch. 00:25:24
I know that several of the letters were concerned about upkeep rats, sort of just the the upkeep of the lot and and a few section 00:25:29
of the staff report made it sound like. 00:25:36
You know, there's also the canal, so it's hard to it's hard to connect the dots one for one on. 00:25:44
On the rest, but do we does that figure into our decision at all? Is this, is that something that the Planning Commission needs to 00:25:51
consider even can? Yeah. The condition of the property is not something that is taken into consideration for rezones and you may 00:25:58
have a property that is in terrible shape that somebody comes in and purchases and needs to rezone to. I think we ran into 00:26:06
something similar with the Old Roots Garden. 00:26:13
Nursery area, like the building is abandoned the most applicable. 00:26:21
Zone is a higher zone than what it was zoned. So even though the property was in poor repair rundown, that didn't affect the 00:26:27
rezone proposal. 00:26:31
Thank you. 00:26:37
So we got a lot of solid discussion points that are going to be great as we iron out after we hear from the applicant in the 00:26:38
official meeting. And then the only other thing on there is approval of minutes. So hopefully we'll had a chance to check on that 00:26:44
and we'll call that one when it comes. But with that it is 6:00 PM, So we will go ahead and close the work meeting and. 00:26:51
I he's actually going to be excused for this meeting, so I'll call that out when we get started with the official. But does anyone 00:27:00
need a break before we roll right into the official meeting? I just don't want to run amok, you know? 00:27:05
Keeping us in check. 00:27:13
All right, perfect. So just let me know when you're ready, Carrie. 00:27:17
OK, let me double check all my recordings, see if we're still doing. 00:27:22
All right. Here we go then. So with that, good evening, everyone. Welcome to the Holiday City Planning Commission on April 16, 00:27:30
2024. 00:27:34
We have several. Well, we have a couple items on our agenda this evening. 00:27:39
Do want to call out that we do not have legal counsel here this evening. 00:27:44
So we will be on our best behavior and refer any of those contingent questions up to City Council with the recommendation we make 00:27:50
one way or another on any items. And we're also excusing Commissioner Prince, who will not be joining us. All other commissioners 00:27:58
are present and we have city staff Carrie Marsh with us. And with that we will start the meeting with the statement we give at the 00:28:05
beginning of all public meetings and for Planning Commission. And I've asked Commissioner Font if she will read that now for us. 00:28:13
The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special 00:28:23
studies, make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning map and ordinance changes, and approve conditional uses and 00:28:30
subdivisions. The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications, rather acts on applications as they are submitted. 00:28:38
Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at public, publicly noticed meetings. 00:28:46
Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, existing structures 00:28:54
and uses related to the proposed change are noted. 00:29:00
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the city's general plan, zoning 00:29:06
ordinance and other reports, by all verbal and written comments, and by evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public 00:29:12
record. 00:29:18
Thank you very much, Commissioner Font. 00:29:24
All right. And with that, we have a public hearing this evening for item number one, which is a zone amendment, excuse me, zone 00:29:27
map amendment rezone from R110 to R210 located at 1932 E 5600 S So I do see we have some members of the public here this evening. 00:29:35
We'll start with a staff report from Kerry Marsh and then we'll invite the applicant up and then we will open up the public 00:29:43
hearing for comment at that point. And with that, Carrie, whenever you're ready. 00:29:50
Thank you, Chairman Roch. 00:30:09
So this application is for property located at 1932 E 5600 S Current zone is R110. The requested zone map amendment is to R210 00:30:11
zone. 00:30:18
The property is narrow and deep. It fronts on 5600 S. 00:30:27
Surrounded by duplexes, both legal duplexes and legal non conforming to a single family zone. Duplexes on the West side across the 00:30:35
street is a multi family zone with an assisted living care facility on it. 00:30:42
The staff report outlines general plan. 00:30:53
With suggested zones as identified on the future land use map. 00:30:58
And then an analysis of other factors for rezones. 00:31:04
The property if rezoned to R210 potentially could allow up to 3 units based off of the total property size. If a access driveway 00:31:11
is then taken out of that total area, that could reduce the total amount of of units to to allowed on the property. 00:31:21
And I think that was all the high points on that. I'll have the applicant come up and just talk a little bit more about their 00:31:33
application and what they're envisioning. All right, Thank you very much. And with that, we will invite the applicant, Matthew or 00:31:40
Amanda Lewis, to come up. 00:31:46
Or representative. Thank you. I'm Matthew Lewis. So. 00:31:53
Appreciate you taking the time. Just to give you a little bit in considering the application. 00:31:59
This is a family home that my parents purchased in 1991 or 19. 00:32:06
Two, I think you have the kind of picture up before And so it's a fairly big piece of property and kind of what's unique about 00:32:11
it's got this second structure in the back. 00:32:16
Before my parents bought it, I think it was a actually like a a lock manufacturing facility and then my dad. 00:32:24
Was piano teacher. He converted to a piano studio and used it in that manner for 30 years or so. He passed away in 2019, didn't 00:32:33
use it for a few years. My sister went back and approached the city about whether we she could reopen the studio and use it in 00:32:41
that way and was told that she couldn't like that because he was. He had been grandfathered in, but because there have been a 00:32:48
period of unuse, it was no longer zoned for any kind of, like business activity. So we basically have this structure in the back. 00:32:56
That is in a lot of ways unusable because it's big enough. It's bigger than you would kind of use for a home. 00:33:04
Office, It's probably 1500 square feet or so with the different. 00:33:12
Additions that have been done but. 00:33:17
Can't really like, use that building. So anyway, that led us to and inquiring as to whether we could rezone the property. 00:33:19
Obviously everything around. 00:33:24
Our property, with the exception of the house just to the West. 00:33:30
Is either zoned R210 or being used in that manner where it has a duplex. 00:33:35
Or two units on there, so and it's not big enough that you could just subdivide it as is. 00:33:42
Because it's just under 20,000 square feet, so you couldn't do another R110 lot I. 00:33:49
So anyway, in conversations with C, just trying to figure out how to effectively use that space back there. 00:33:57
That was the option. We haven't really looked into what we would do with the property, to be honest. We were told that. 00:34:04
We asked. You know, we said we'd probably want to subdivide. 00:34:11
Could we do this in like 1 process where we came back with proposals as to what would be there, but we're informed that we need to 00:34:15
do it step by step, so this zoning rezoning application. 00:34:21
Is that first step as we? 00:34:28
Understand it so. 00:34:31
There, you know, I know there's been some comments about kind of the condition of the product. My parents did have an above ground 00:34:34
pool. We have removed that. Now we're in the process of re landscaping that property. 00:34:42
To take account of that, the property is an air canal. 00:34:50
And so we had addressed these issues with. 00:34:55
Code enforcement, they came out, they investigated both, the Radish said. It's very rare that any property is usually the source 00:34:58
of rats, and there's been. 00:35:03
Rats coming from these canals for years they didn't like notice any smell. They asked us to takedown some bushes and other things 00:35:08
that we did I. 00:35:12
So we try to, you know, address all those issues, but really the I guess. 00:35:19
Thing that's driving us is that we have that back building that's in a lot of ways just unusable because we can't. 00:35:24
It was used for 50 years probably as a business that's not being allowed now. So that's the that's what the basis of the request 00:35:32
is. We have no plans to change the front home. In fact, we've probably put $50,000 or so into that front home including a new roof 00:35:38
that was just completed last week, but trying to figure out. 00:35:45
What we could do with the back portion of the property. So that's the basis for our request. 00:35:52
Any questions? Or I do have a couple questions for you and then I'll ask my fellow Commissioners. 00:35:58
I was just told that I had two options. 00:36:41
Initially when I spoke with Mr. Cheerleading, he said your lots not big enough. 00:36:45
To so you can leave it as it is not big enough to divide into two R, one 10s and. 00:36:49
The other option presented was our 210 so. 00:36:55
Appreciate that. Just wanted to clarify that the other this is a kind of a question for you and also a question for city staff if 00:37:00
they know? 00:37:03
Understanding that the original conditional use permit would have expired when it wasn't renewed. 00:37:08
Would this to anything you know of, Carrie? Is there any reason why a conditional use permit to continue teaching piano or using 00:37:16
that accessory building in that similar nature not have been approved? 00:37:22
Yeah, I don't see any reason why. 00:37:29
A conditional use for home occupation wouldn't be approved. 00:37:33
With using that accessory building we. 00:37:38
Recently amended our Home occupation code to allow for the use of accessory buildings for home occupations. Previously that wasn't 00:37:42
allowed and so that's likely where that. 00:37:48
The use because it was discontinued wouldn't be allowed because it was in an accessory building but that was recently amended goes 00:37:55
into effect on the 21st of April. So that is an option with that new code amendment to use that for business use. I don't know if 00:38:03
it would still be applicable based off of the the family's use with your father not running it anymore but I just you brought up 00:38:10
that your your sister I if I recall yeah. 00:38:18
Applied for it. So I was just trying to figure out 'cause we've had a lot of discussion around conditional uses over the last 00:38:26
couple of years and I wasn't sure because I thought even, you know, before the amendments that might still qualify, I. 00:38:31
For what City Standard was. So I was just trying to figure out, unless she was trying to like, you know, open up like something 00:38:38
extreme back there I guess. But yeah, she was. There's a fair amount of traffic involved with a. 00:38:44
Studio like that. Could you have, you know, the way it was constructed, actually there's four or five different classrooms in 00:38:50
there. So you it's not just one student showing up at a time. It was group classes and then breakouts into individual classes. So 00:38:55
you had, you know, I don't know, 10 to 15 students in there at any one time basically from 3:00 PM when school let out till about 00:39:01
8:00 PM. 00:39:07
So anyway, she was told that I wasn't part of those conversations that. 00:39:14
The traffic would not be denied on the parking probably. OK, I'm just curious on that. I forgive my inquiry, I just I heard it 00:39:20
secondhand from her. So we did try to figure out, you know, we could provide that other commissioners do we have questions for the 00:39:26
applicant at this time that he hasn't covered for us. 00:39:32
Alright, we'll go ahead and invite you to sit down then. Thank you very much. 00:39:39
Right. And with that, we will go ahead and open our public hearing and invite members of the public to come up. When you do come 00:39:42
up, we would ask that you state your name and address for the record. And we would also ask that if you follow someone who's just 00:39:47
made statements that you don't make similar statements. 00:39:52
And if you have a representative for collectively as a group, you can also have that representative come up. But we would ask you 00:39:58
to try and be brief to the point and keep it roughly around 3 or 4 minutes for us. And with that, we'll go ahead and invite anyone 00:40:02
that wants to come up now. 00:40:07
What? Commissioner? My name is Arlene Hassan. 00:40:18
I live at 5617 S Doon Tree Hill Lane. 00:40:21
Thank you. 00:40:27
I am president of the HOA of the property. I took the. 00:40:29
Of the townhomes that are on the corner. 00:40:35
And we have no objection to. 00:40:39
Multiple use whatever our objection in this case. 00:40:43
Is that the property has been. 00:40:48
Neglected for so long. 00:40:51
So they did have an outdoor pool. They had a. 00:40:53
I'm sorry. I'm nervous. We won't bite. It's OK. So they had this. They had this above ground pool and it was stagnant for years. 00:40:57
The ducks were in it. There was. There was filth. There was. 00:41:04
There are one 2-3. There are 4 structures on the property actually. 00:41:11
There's one structure. 00:41:17
That's right next to the fence on the east side that was filled with chemicals. It was chlorine and fertilizer, which was. 00:41:19
Very annoying when they took down the pool last summer when they. 00:41:31
To compare the structure that it was sitting on. 00:41:37
The rats went crazy because they were nested under there, so several of our. 00:41:41
Residents have had an extreme problem with that. 00:41:49
Umm, we we've just. 00:41:56
We're upset because the property is dealt with rat infestation, chemical storage, a decline in the condition of the structures. 00:41:58
The property we feel is has been a health hazard to us. Several of us had to hire exterminators. One woman who directly backs up 00:42:04
to it has spent thousands of dollars trying to build something in her backyard. But they can't let their children, grandchildren, 00:42:11
in the yards. 00:42:18
Dogs or pets because there's a horrible rat infestation. 00:42:27
And Mrs. Hansen, if you don't mind, I apologize for interrupting you here. 00:42:32
Just so you know, the proposal before us tonight is around the rezone. OK. So if you and other members of the public would just 00:42:36
contain your comments around the concern around the Green Zone, I understand there's been a rat problem and that's been handled 00:42:41
through code enforcement. Our position is. 00:42:46
If if the if the holiday is going to allow the rezone, we would ask that you delay it until they bring the property up to code. 00:42:52
Because the property is a mess. 00:43:05
Appreciate it. That. And there was there was like, I'm sorry, there was like mattresses left out all winter. There's tools and 00:43:10
things all over the place. There's one structure on the east side that appears to be falling apart directly directly next to the. 00:43:18
Facility that he wants to use for. 00:43:27
The music studio, I would say. 00:43:31
And one thing I will say is just in regards to anything that would be a code enforcement matter that would be handled through the 00:43:34
code enforcement officer. 00:43:38
So as far as what we're considering here tonight, it's just is the property. 00:43:42
Reflected correctly with the requirements for a rezone and that's pretty much the basis for anything that we have approval for to 00:43:49
make a recommendation for approval or denial. So OK, so we're we're just concerned that with the reason that the that the owners 00:43:55
of the property maintain what would be. 00:44:02
Holiday. 00:44:10
Specifications. OK, that's great. Thank you. 00:44:12
Do we have? Yes, Sir. 00:44:19
Good evening. My name is Aiden Bradney. We live in the property on the West of. 00:44:26
Weather changes to the planning to be scheduled. I'm sorry, what was the address I missed it 1922? 00:44:32
Directly West. 00:44:40
1920 two 5600 OK right where the mouse is there, so if you are. 00:44:42
Open up that parcel, assessor. It's kind of a little clearer to see. 00:44:47
But there's a couple of main concerns. One is that we live in an area of outstanding natural beauty. If the canyons were 100 miles 00:44:53
away, there would be national parks without a shadow of a doubt. And the view from our deck is something that is phenomenal is one 00:45:00
of the reasons we moved into holiday was to have Mount Olympus on our doorstep. We moved prior to the. 00:45:08
That HOA housing R210, that doesn't impact us too much, but our fear is that if they rezone 1932 and then all of a sudden we're 00:45:17
going to be putting two floor structures in there, our view will completely disappear. 00:45:26
Beyond that and we did e-mail photographs from our deck as soon as this came up. 00:45:35
The other thing is, if you can see the width of the driveway leading to the back, that is directly on our RV pad. Now whether we 00:45:41
have an RV, there is not a problem. But that driveway on a great day is probably about 7 feet wide and they have one car in and 00:45:48
out. The people that live in the front house right now and they're a wonderful young couple with a couple of kids, no problems 00:45:55
with them whatsoever. As soon as there are going to be more apartments, houses. 00:46:01
Whatever goes in back there, there's going to definitely be a congestion issue. 00:46:09
Road parking is kind of out of the question already because of the amount of employees and people that visit the assisted living 00:46:15
across the road. 00:46:18
And then there is a, to the best of my knowledge, is still there. I'm kind of not around you in the daytime anymore, but that, 00:46:22
well, it was kind of like a daycare. 00:46:27
In that 278024 house there was a daycare there, so there's a lot of traffic on the road. 00:46:33
But as soon as they stop putting apartments in there and you've got to think that each apartments probably got two or three 00:46:41
vehicles in today's standards, then there's definitely going to be. 00:46:45
An issue with vehicles. 00:46:50
To speak to the condition of the front property, we've always loved it. It's kind of. 00:46:53
A pretty looking property. They just recently did the roof. No problems with that at all. The back would be wonderful if it was 00:46:59
made into a. 00:47:02
A real nice yard. We never we live right next door. We never had any problems with the swimming pool. We if the rats are coming 00:47:06
from the canal. 00:47:10
They never came across our backyard. We've never had any rat issues whatsoever. 00:47:16
But you'd occasionally hear a duck in the swimming pool. I thought that was kind of funny, but never an issue with with Joan, 00:47:20
anyone at all. But my fear is that this property at the back, if that starts getting construction in there and construction 00:47:27
equipment, there's going to be a major knock on effect to us who are directly next door. And then as soon as they put in the 00:47:34
permission and all of a sudden you can build 2 Storey houses in that location. 00:47:41
The quaintness of holiday all of a sudden I feel starts to tumble. What's to stop me from applying to make my house three stories 00:47:49
high and that would get shot down immediately. So it's this kind of ongoing. 00:47:56
Yeah, I think it's going to snowball personally and our beautiful view of those mountains is going to be massively impacted. 00:48:04
Thank you very much for your comments. I appreciate it. 00:48:13
Do we have any other members of the public that wish to make comment at this time? 00:48:20
My name is Kurt Larson. I live at 5646 Nations Way. 00:48:31
Just W one St. West of the property. 00:48:36
Our big concern is a little bit what Hayden was talking about is all the cars on the street with the living assisted living across 00:48:41
the street. We constantly have cars parked up and down the street, sometimes even on our street because they have gatherings and 00:48:48
whatnot over there and all we need to do is that, you know four or five more cars to that. I know building is only don't really 00:48:56
take that into consideration. 00:49:03
But somebody ought to. It's just it's crazy. I don't know how that assisted living got by with no, you know not nearly enough 00:49:11
parking. It's it's just there's always cars up and down there. We come around the corner and just about plow into them because 00:49:16
they they don't park where they should and. 00:49:22
It just seems like a real inconvenience for us. 00:49:28
Also another concern I had when they put in the HOA. 00:49:34
They had to bring the level of the foundations up six feet out of the ground, the existing ground, to make the sewer lines work. 00:49:38
I would think they might have the same problem if they built something in the back there and. 00:49:48
If they've got to bring that up six feet out of the ground, Taddy Oka lives right behind him. He's going to feel like he's in a 00:49:53
hole. 00:49:56
It's just so I wanted to. 00:50:01
Make sure that if that's the case, I, you know, I don't want another building 6 feet out of the ground right there. So that's 00:50:05
that's all the comments I have. 00:50:10
Thank you very much. Appreciate it. 00:50:16
All right. Did we have any other comments? 00:50:23
If you come back up, I'll allow. 00:50:30
You get 60 seconds on the clock. 00:50:33
But restate your name and address so we know which one it is. Adam Bradney, 1922 E 5600 S. 00:50:36
Kurt has brought something up there. 00:50:43
Clicked in. My mind is last year we had major plumbing issues that they had to dig up our entire backyard. 00:50:45
And the whole structure under there, with the plumbing crew, with the cameras and everything, it's already pretty maxed out, 00:50:52
according to the plumbing company that came out in the city that came out that had to say, yes, you know, the new plumbing lines 00:50:58
are great. They said that the infrastructure below ground is already starting to look a bit tired. 00:51:05
So I'm sure that the house at the front doesn't have a problem. But as soon as you start putting eight more toilets back there and 00:51:12
a few more bathtubs, goodness knows what's going to happen as well as what Coat was saying about raising the level of ground. 00:51:19
That is all. Thank you. All right. Thank you. 00:51:27
Nailed it. 60 seconds. Good job. Just kidding. All right, one more. Go ahead. 00:51:30
You gotta come up to the mic and give us. 00:51:36
We got to get it for our recorder, just so you know, I know who you are, but we got to get it recorded. Jim Preston 5670 Nations 00:51:42
way. So I'm. I'm not even on the map here but. 00:51:48
You know, I want to just kind of find out. So, Mr. Lewis, what do you want to do? 00:51:54
So my whole thing would be. 00:52:35
So how many, how many square feet, how many square? Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, back-to-back back to the Planning Commission. Please, 00:52:38
we're not, we're not talking to the applicant right now. You're talking how many square feet are on the property. 00:52:44
The property is. So if you got our 2:10, you can put a duplex on 10,000 feet. 00:52:50
How many square feet do you have? 00:52:56
Right. 00:52:59
So it's 19,166 square feet or .44 acres. 00:53:00
OK, well, so. 00:53:06
You know, I'm all for improving the property. You know, on the one hand we're here and leave it like it is and and and make it 00:53:09
better. But then I don't know if Mr. Lewis wants to make it into a piano teaching facility again. If he gets approval to do it and 00:53:16
just and if he don't if he got that, he'd he'd he'd do that again. I I don't know. 00:53:23
As far as the the, the property goes if if it's allowed for. 00:53:32
R210 duplex per 10,000 feet. 00:53:40
Then I'd want to be, you know, listening to what, how many, how many, what? What is the height limitation. We've got Aiden here 00:53:45
that he's got a situation with the height, so. 00:53:51
That would be. 00:53:59
Part of my my question is how are we going to improve the property? How has the property going to be improved? And I guess that's 00:54:00
something that isn't going to be determined until it is made to an R210. I'd like to ask Mr. Lewis, is the existing home on 56 00:54:06
going to remain? 00:54:12
And we can give the applicant a chance to come up and address any comments made to the public after we close the hearing. So we 00:54:19
can definitely table that and see if Mr. Lewis wishes to respond. So thank you for your comments. 00:54:24
I think and did we and was there anyone else we haven't heard from that wanted to make comment before I close the public hearing. 00:54:32
OK. I think we got just about everybody today. So we'll go ahead and close the public hearing at this time then. And if Mr. Lewis 00:54:38
would like to come up and just make any address remarks to the comments that were made by the public, yes, happy to do that and 00:54:44
happy to have conversations. 00:54:49
So just trying to kind of tick these off. Well, I don't know if I should get into the **** issue that that you know, one thing you 00:54:57
have to remember is. 00:55:01
My parents had this property and built some of these structures long before the Highland Court. 00:55:06
Facility was built so that shed that they're talking about that's close to the property line that was there when Don Wilson had 00:55:12
his huge backyard that was all just grass back there to the east and then obviously that was all taken over and these tall twin 00:55:20
homes were built and they are tall and they do look down you know into we have a fence back there but they look into the yard you 00:55:28
know and they are tall now I would be that's why I said before I on on some of the other. 00:55:35
You know, like I said, code enforcement came out about the smell of the chemicals, those things. 00:55:43
They didn't see anything. They didn't hear any. You know, they smelled. There's nothing to that, that I know there's never been a 00:55:49
mattress out there. I rechecked with the tenants. That's never been the case. So, you know, some of these things I think are 00:55:56
overblown. And again, I'm kind of, I feel like some of the other things are just premature. 00:56:02
Because like I said, we asked should we just try to do a rezone application with a plan on what we might do with the property? 00:56:09
But we're told that we had to take these kind of seriatim steps, So what we're doing is just trying to figure out can we get it? 00:56:17
Rezoned R210. 00:56:20
We would have plans, we could investigate, you know, whether we could change that existing structure into something. 00:56:58
Or you know a different thing. But all of these issues about parking and sewer and all those things would be considered as part of 00:57:04
that. That's how I understood it would work. So I'm not maybe it's unsatisfying, but not I don't. I don't have it. We haven't put 00:57:10
in the time effort but to figure out exactly what we do. But that would be the plan. If we got the R210 is then we would 00:57:16
investigate different options. 00:57:22
Discuss those. 00:57:28
You obviously have to come back to the city to get approvals for any of those plans and I think we'd have to factor in all of 00:57:30
these, you know, issues about parking and access and other things, so. 00:57:36
That may not be the most satisfying answer to say we don't know, but we just understand this is the first step. It does. You know, 00:57:44
it's not out of line with any of the surrounding properties in our view, so we can address all these other concerns. 00:57:51
In the next step. 00:58:00
I appreciate to appreciate the additional comments and clarification there. Just real quick before you sit down, Commissioners, 00:58:02
any other questions for the applicant that haven't been addressed in either of his addresses? All right, we'll go ahead and have 00:58:08
you sit down. Thank you very much. All right. And with that, we will now turn to our discussion and I have asked Commissioner 00:58:14
Baron if he would just lead our discussion before any motions are made on this to capture everybody's input on this. 00:58:21
I did close the feed. If I didn't already say that, I apologize. The public hearing has been closed. 00:58:28
OK. And with that, Commissioner Baron. OK, well, based on all the questions were asked earlier, I'm not sure how we're going to 00:58:33
lead this discussion. So one of the things I had to ask is of staff for the R210, you're saying that there's three total single 00:58:39
family detached dwellings. 00:58:45
Allowed on the property, but that's if they had access. 00:58:52
Because it looks like the lots too narrow to have the 20 foot access point right? 00:58:56
Yeah. So if they were to take out access, I think the measurement if we've measured 20 feet on here, I that's one of the issues 00:59:03
that would be addressed once they apply for adding additional units onto the property is how wide is the access and fire looks at 00:59:11
that access requirements there are. 00:59:20
Umm, exceptions. Sometimes if there isn't an appropriate access, you could do fire sprinklers. That's all addressed through fire 00:59:30
code. So fire code is what regulates the the width of the access Rd. and any exceptions because there are sometimes properties 00:59:37
that are further back typically. 00:59:43
Properties that can't be or structures that can't be accessed with a fire truck have to have fire sprinklers in it. OK, well part 00:59:51
of my question is to try and answer the question that the audience is asking is what's potentially could happen here? Yeah. The 00:59:58
second question is, is the height allowed in the R110 and the R210 the same? They are the same. OK, so not to scare you, but they 01:00:05
can build the two-story structure now. 01:00:12
Yes. Any zoning change? Yeah. So current code is properties. Less than half an acre is 32 feet in height. That's to the top of the 01:00:19
Ridge. 01:00:25
The additional control on height is graduated height, so that pushes taller areas of a structure further away from our property 01:00:33
line. 01:00:38
That graduated A height applies to all structures, so primary structures and accessory structures. 01:00:43
OK. So if they wanted a second story on the extra structure in the back, it would be more in the middle. They could not do it up 01:00:50
against the lot line, right? 01:00:54
I'm sorry you take up all the time, but another question. If they were to do the three single family or the attached to whatever 01:01:01
the maximum development you thought they could put on the property, if they were to do AD use as part of either one, or they're 01:01:08
not subdividing the property or another Adu, does that also have to be fire sprinkled? 01:01:15
And that may be a question if you're talking, are you asking about an external Adu or I'm just trying to see just. 01:01:24
Again, helping the audience figure out exactly what we could see potentially being built on the property with an R210. 01:01:33
So the state requires that accessory dwelling units are allowed in any residential zone. We have recent code amendments that are 01:01:40
being heard by City Council currently that would limit external or sorry ADUS to detach structures only. So in a situation like 01:01:50
this in an R2 zone where an Adu would be permitted by the state code. 01:02:00
If they were to do an attached unit with two units in one single building. 01:02:10
Those units couldn't have 80 use because it is an attached structure. If they were to detach and do three separate detached units, 01:02:16
each of those could have an internal or an external Edu. External Adu varies based off of what the lot size is. 01:02:25
So that you may not see. It's highly unlikely you'd see an external Adu on those properties. All that dependent on what passes 01:02:36
with City Council, but. 01:02:41
So because you're looking at, OK, what is the potential units plus accessory units? Accessory units would likely be an internal 01:02:48
accessory unit and I would say that's pretty common. Most people are adding kind of a second kitchen or area that can be converted 01:02:55
to an accessory unit that they want to incorporate into a single family house. So if single family houses were built, each of 01:03:02
those single family houses could have an accessory dwelling unit. 01:03:09
With fire sprinklers. 01:03:16
Right access would all be determined if it If it needs to be fire sprinkled, that's what it would need to be. 01:03:18
OK. Just two more questions and I'll be quick. OK. There's a street to the South of this property. I know it's probably a private 01:03:26
road, but if they were to get access to that. 01:03:31
Does that change the dynamic of? 01:03:36
How they could develop the property, right. So you're you're referring to this private subdivision, Yeah. 01:03:39
Yeah, that would have to be an agreement or worked out with the with the planned unit development that's there. 01:03:48
I mean, I've seen other situations where the property owner has approached the planned unit development. In many cases they don't 01:03:59
want to incorporate that area and their subdivision would have to be amended to add property into it. So it would require the the 01:04:05
PUD to bring. 01:04:11
New units in, but then those units would have to conform to whatever standards are in the PUD. So there's there's benefits that 01:04:19
might be there that the that that community may want to consider if they want to have a similar development pattern. 01:04:26
That's something that then they are to you, and they could do that even without rezoning. If they wanted to bring an area into 01:04:35
their PUD, a rezone wouldn't need to be. 01:04:41
Done because they just capture an additional area of land. 01:04:48
As long as the front area then would retain the 10,000 square foot minimum so but we would have to get it that would require then 01:04:53
the PUD. 01:04:57
Approving that that amendment onto their subdivision, so. 01:05:02
And maybe this is a question for the applicant. I'm not sure if that's been discussed at all, but a lot of times beauties are not. 01:05:09
Super amenable into adding more units into their into their planned unit development, but you sometimes get outlier like 01:05:19
properties like this where maybe this property owner didn't want to sell a portion of their property to that developer's. 01:05:25
At that point in time and so that's where it kind of ended up. I just wondered if. 01:05:32
You know all the planets align and they agreed to do it if that changes the dynamic of. 01:05:38
How much access? Obviously it would reduce how much access, but yeah, it would, if it were incorporated into that PUD, it would 01:05:44
just meet the standards of the PUD. So their planned unit development would be amended. 01:05:51
Similar to these properties that are here, to the east of this property you just have setbacks that are designated on the plat. 01:05:58
Essentially it would be 3 properties, but it'd be just the duplex. I'm trying to factor out all the possibilities of what could 01:06:06
ultimately be built there to kind of give some of the audience some reassurance that if that does happen, that's all things that 01:06:13
would have to be worked out between the land owners in that private development if they wanted to do an access easement and have 01:06:20
the property access. I mean, there's there's different approaches there, but it does require all of the. 01:06:28
Or does require the approval? 01:06:36
And the legal process to be followed with that planned unit development, OK. 01:06:38
Finally, I'm just trying to figure out as we look through the general plan criteria. 01:06:44
And the approval criteria for rezoning and that type of thing, this appears to meet the intent or the kind of expectation of being 01:06:49
in the same character of the adjacent properties. So we take that into consideration. If this were ultimately developed, do you 01:06:56
see that the future development would be? 01:07:03
Consistent with that character we're trying to preserve. 01:07:12
I'm trying to figure out what would happen if right. You're going to have character that is very highly controlled within a 01:07:17
beauty, but this area is not within a beauty, so you're not going to have that same architectural kind of similarity. Total number 01:07:26
of units if we're reducing it to just what is what is on the land and using that as a indicator of character. 01:07:34
Yes, it would be in character with. 01:07:44
So is just the 2 units if the density is consistent with properties adjacent to one another. 01:07:49
Is that by nature? 01:07:55
Meeting the character of the area. 01:07:58
Yes, I any residential neighborhood does. What is the character of a of a neighborhood? It's really subjective, but overall 01:08:02
character could be summarized as just a. 01:08:08
Single family or two family dwelling unit. So character here is to family, yes, yes, because I mean I appreciate the way you just 01:08:18
said it because it is very difficult to say. 01:08:24
We're trying to figure out exactly how it's supposed to meet up to make kind of that. 01:08:32
Yeah. And I think is that in? 01:08:41
Is there a specific point on the general plan that references the character? I don't remember exactly where that's at. Oh, it's 01:08:44
the third one. Retain and protect the natural environmental character of the city and its neighborhoods? 01:08:50
So. 01:08:59
So as long as it's a neighborhood, it's a neighborhood character. 01:09:01
It's really ambiguous, though it is. Character is always subjective. 01:09:07
What do you want to loop into it? What do you not want to I anything is going to vary in the neighborhood. You're going to have 01:09:12
some houses that have been remodeled substantially that have very different looks or feels. You could have a neighborhood that has 01:09:18
a mix of two stories and single stories all intermingled in it. 01:09:25
In this area, and that's where it's just the simplest, most basic is is the neighborhood? Is it a neighborhood? Do you have what 01:09:33
is a neighborhood character? Neighborhood character is properties that are used for residential purposes. 01:09:40
OK. Well, I've kind of driven the Commission off the Cliff here. Follow up to your. 01:09:49
Where you were going I think if one of these prior non conforming duplexes. 01:09:54
Change property and the new property owner wanted to build. 01:10:03
A new duplex? Would he have to come in and rezone R210 if the property was destroyed by natural means? He can rebuild if. 01:10:06
If it is not, if they selectively demolished a duplex, they couldn't rebuild a duplex, and I think that applies to this property. 01:10:18
Let me roll down the east. 01:10:26
And then the one zone nations, right? Yeah, just prior just this one duplexes that are really single property home and I'm not. 01:10:33
When I looked at Google Maps, this had two addresses associated with it, but I'm not sure if that one is E legal non conforming 01:10:44
duplex. This one definitely is. 01:10:48
And then this duplex is already zoned as R2. 01:10:54
I can address some of the other comments if the Planning Commission has more questions about those. I think largely Commissioner 01:11:02
Baron has addressed a lot of those questions with access and. 01:11:09
What is addressed at a building permit level? That's where we're looking at all the utility connections. Utility connection 01:11:18
letters are required for building improvements. Converting an accessory structure into a living space? That's. 01:11:26
Building the Building official will be looking at the plans to make sure that they're meeting building code. Utility letters have 01:11:34
to be. 01:11:38
Provide a letter saying that utility service is available for the additional units. They have their metrics that they're looking 01:11:45
at in assessing that if there were substantial redevelopment like a subdivision and. 01:11:52
New lots created. A utility provider may require the applicant to upgrade the service line in order to account for those 01:12:01
additional units. So that's something that is addressed when they're applying for a building permit or that we'd see if they're 01:12:07
doing a subdivision. 01:12:12
But as is, if they were just to convert the existing accessory building, they would be required to have that reviewed by the 01:12:19
utility providers. 01:12:23
All of the upkeep issues, those are addressed just with code enforcement. Same standard for every property and holiday and 01:12:30
foundation wise I that's just. 01:12:37
Depending on the grade of the property, we don't regulate what size of foundation is, but building height is regulated and it is 01:12:45
the same in R1 and R2 zones. 01:12:50
Those are all next steps, none of which are applicable to tonight's current proposal or application before us, which tonight is 01:12:56
just specifically the Zone. And does the Zone meet all the criteria for a rezone? Is it applicable? Does it make sense? 01:13:04
And so with that other commissioners comments, one question. 01:13:14
Some of the folks in the audience talked about parking. 01:13:19
And. 01:13:23
Is it correct that? 01:13:25
This application, any anything that's built has to include on site parking. 01:13:27
Yes, so residential. 01:13:34
Development is to parking spaces required for each residential unit. 01:13:37
So they would have to meet those standards. If they're adding an additional unit, they have to have to. 01:13:44
Parking spaces for that additional unit. 01:13:49
On the comment of street parking, Street parking is a public good that's available to anyone. We don't regulate street parking 01:13:55
beyond limiting it to 24 hours at a time. 01:14:01
The home occupation daycare that existed that was referenced by one of the comments is no longer in Operation 2. 01:14:09
Commissioners, other questions, comments. 01:14:21
Everybody says, OK, we're all soaking it in at the moment. All right. Yes, go ahead. 01:14:26
The issue of. 01:14:33
A structure being in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Is that something that the technical review committee gets 01:14:36
involved with or? 01:14:40
No, because we don't have character standards for neighborhoods. Neighborhoods are residential, so the character is is it a 01:14:47
residential use? 01:14:51
Because that is what neighborhoods are. Neighborhoods are residential use. That is the only character that we have to rely on for 01:14:57
neighborhoods. And you're going to have neighborhoods with older homes that get replaced with newer homes. Some people buy 01:15:04
multiple parcels and build giant homes. Is that out of character with the neighborhood? It's. 01:15:10
It's not. It's not a factor beyond is it a residential use. 01:15:18
Oh boy, yeah. Well at the end of the day for me, when I look at this, I'm just going to throw my comment out there. When I look at 01:15:26
this, I think I I for me it's just why is it? It sounds like based on what the applicant is trying to do with a potential 01:15:33
subdivide, it feels like an R18 would satisfy that and also satisfy the general plan of the city, which for this area has been 01:15:40
earmarked as low density residential stable. 01:15:48
Right. Like I feel like that. 01:15:55
Somehow is the path that should have been on and it got skewed and steered off into the R210 and I don't know if it's just 01:15:59
because, well the neighbors have it, let's do that. I don't, I'm not I can't speak to that. But the the three home thing and part 01:16:06
of it just has me a little bit concerned because I think that's you know, at what point does the domino effect happen And then the 01:16:12
neighbors duplex becomes a triplex and then the next neighbors becomes a triplex or you know R2 et cetera. 01:16:19
Highland Court, thank you. I think that'd be easy. But Highland Court, I think that one would fall under the exception rule 01:16:58
because it falls into that master plan. 01:17:03
That's very controlled to City staff's point, right. That's not going to go change. Nobody's going to sell that property and go in 01:17:39
and subdivide it. It's already part of a master plan as where this has no control mechanisms on it whatsoever. And you know, build 01:17:45
it bigger, better, faster, higher, whatever fits as long as it can fit in there. We've just given it the green light to do so. So 01:17:51
that's my only reservation on R2 versus an R18. And with that I will be quiet and see if any other commissioners have thoughts or 01:17:57
if we have a motion. 01:18:03
I appreciate the Commissioners direction. With that. I do, however, reading in the staff report. 01:18:09
It says under guidelines in the general Plan, rezone request should be considered only when increases in density will not 01:18:17
negatively impact the established development pander. 01:18:22
Patterns in the surrounding neighborhood which this would not, and even with the increased units I think it would still fit. New 01:18:28
development will be accommodated through utilizing unclaimed density. I'm not sure what that means anymore. Rezoning may be 01:18:35
appropriate when increased density will not destabilize the existing neighborhood. 01:18:42
Based on that criteria or those defining points, I think there's merit to this. I think that. 01:18:50
In my questions there are some limiting factors to how narrow the property is and the access to that which. 01:18:59
May be cost prohibitive to do a number of these things but. 01:19:07
To me, I'm seeing that this is kind of meeting the intent. 01:19:12
You know whether that. 01:19:18
I don't know. 01:19:21
That helps though for me. 01:19:25
Well, if anyone else has, unless there's no further comments, I've had the same thought about the R18 being a better zoning and I 01:19:28
I wonder. 01:19:34
I don't know how everyone feels, so I don't know what the vote is going to be, but if this is some food for thought for the 01:19:40
applicant. 01:19:44
And whether the applicant would have any concern if we tabled this for the next meeting. 01:19:48
To let him decide if. 01:19:55
These other things have been talked about, which zoning he really wants. I mean, he could get a vote today. He may get it, he may 01:19:57
not. He could certainly come back another time and try, you know, on our 1/8. 01:20:03
Or maybe we could be efficient and table this for two weeks and? 01:20:09
Maybe he changes it or doesn't change it takes a chance, I don't know. 01:20:14
Well, and I'll defer to city staff on that. What would be the correct protocol, something like that? 01:20:19
Yeah, that would be an option. 01:20:26
I think when looking at R18, if I were walking through R18, there's going to be significant challenges if the applicant is trying 01:20:30
to use that back. 01:20:35
Building. It's rezoning the whole property to R18. 01:20:42
You would then need to do a planned unit development or subdivided, but then the. 01:20:48
R18 still comes with significant challenges in being able to use that and I think that's possibly where that are too. O 10 01:20:55
recommendation comes in is that it is an easy way to say OK 2 units. 01:21:02
The that's there's two structures existing on the property, and it is. 01:21:11
A clearer process moving forward for the applicant and using the property or subdividing. 01:21:17
R2 subdividing is still going to have some challenges with it as well I. 01:21:27
We talked about the access when I pulled out. 01:21:32
Kind of a area that would go from the property line back to where that structure is. It's roughly 2200 square feet. So if you're 01:21:37
taking 2200 square feet out of their 1900, that's going to be pretty close on even an R18 subdivision if they're. 01:21:46
Yeah, because they're nineteen 19166, taking out 2200 square feet of roadway access. 01:21:56
16 and 16 by two is 8 right? Right. 01:22:07
So it's it's tough, but it's doable. Doable, yes. 01:22:10
Where R2 could avoid some of those those issues. But even with an R2, that existing structure is still legal non conforming 01:22:15
because of its placement on the setbacks, right? So either way, that's still going to present a hassle if he says hey, I wanna 01:22:20
make this a home now, right? 01:22:25
I think my concern just, I mean that's a really interesting thought and I. 01:22:33
I think. 01:22:39
And the list of considerations just on the very first page of the staff report. 01:22:42
Is it consistent with the general plan? I also think so. It seems to be. Is it consistent with the character of adjacent 01:22:47
properties? It seems to be. 01:22:51
Umm, this 4th one is their adequacy of the whatever it sounds like that's going to be a limiting factor and so to me, I'm not. 01:22:57
I mean, certainly it could be built up, absolutely. But it sounds like there's there going to be a lot of pieces to puzzle in 01:23:08
about that. 01:23:13
But but I think. 01:23:19
I'm in favor of the R210 over the considering an R18 or sending them back to consider. That is because it would match the things 01:23:22
that are next to it, and so even though it's a PUD and even though it's a sort of a special arrangement having having that whole 01:23:28
thing be a matching zone. 01:23:34
Makes I think more logistical sense to me than having one property that's sort of different, you know, so in. 01:23:42
20 years as as these buildings may or may not change. 40 years having something that's not maybe gonna have to be rezoned again in 01:23:51
some funny way that doesn't match the ones next to it, I'm not sure. I that's my thought about that. 01:23:58
Thank you, Commissioner Bill. 01:24:06
So it sounds like we have some interesting discussion points. We've covered and gone over this pretty well. But I think what's 01:24:10
before us tonight has been prepared well by staff and if someone wants to make a motion on it, we can see where that lands unless 01:24:16
anyone has an objection to a motion being made. 01:24:21
Or additional comments to consider. 01:24:28
With that, is anyone willing to make a motion? 01:24:31
This is Commissioner Barrett, a motion to forward recommendation to the City Council to approve an application by Matthew and 01:24:39
Amanda Lewis to amend the Holiday Zoning Map for .44 acres of land located on 1932 E 5600 S from R110 to R210, based on the 01:24:48
following findings that the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. 01:24:58
The proposed amendment is harmonious with the overall character of the existing development in the vicinity. 01:25:08
The proposed amendment will not will. 01:25:14
To the extent of which the proposed amendment may adversely affect abutting properties. 01:25:18
And the adjacency of facilities and services intended to serve the subject property, such as roadways, parks, recreational 01:25:24
facilities, and so forth. 01:25:30
All right, we have a motion as anyone seconding that. 01:25:37
I second the motion. 01:25:43
Right, Commissioner going to 2nd and therefore we will call for a vote. I will start down here with Commissioner Barron Aye, 01:25:44
Commissioner Gong Aye, Commissioner Font aye, Commissioner Wilcinski, Commissioner Cunningham, nay. And Chair Roach votes nay. And 01:25:52
with that it will move forward with a four to two recommendation to City Council to approve my math is correct. 01:26:00
All right. Thank you very much. 01:26:09
And with that, we have just one more item on the agenda this evening, which is just approval of minutes from February 6th meeting 01:26:13
and from March 5th meeting. I was here for the February 6th and read through those minutes. I did not find any discrepancies or 01:26:20
adjustments that needed to be made. Did anyone else find anything from the February 6th that there was concern? I wasn't here, so 01:26:28
I won't vote on this. OK, so all in favor to approve the two 6 minutes? Aye. Aye. All righty, it's unanimous. And then? 01:26:36
On the three 5 minutes, I was not here, so I have no idea if those minutes are accurate or not. Any suggested amendments or 01:26:44
adjustments to those by anyone that was here? 01:26:49
No, they're they were fine to me. All right. And all in favor of approval of those minutes. Aye. Aye. All righty. And that takes 01:26:55
us to the top of the hour, 7:00 PM on the dot. Thank you for the discussion this evening. And do we have a motion to adjourn the 01:27:00
meeting? 01:27:04
So move. All right, Double motioned. All right. With that, all in favor, say aye. Aye. Done and done. Thank you very much, 01:27:11
everyone. 01:27:14
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Irrigation pipes that, yeah, east and West along there. And they've all been busted into at different points too. So like, I have 00:00:00
a hike that runs from my backyard into that canal and it's seven houses away, but I've got my hound up that's constantly wagging 00:00:06
his tail and sticking his nose down in that pipe because he's waiting for a rat or a squirrel or something. Or. 00:00:13
Well, it forced everybody into the time nobody was bringing It is time. All right. Good evening, everyone. It's a good thing to 00:00:21
have, OK? 00:00:25
We'll get started here. It is April 16, 2024. This is the City Planning Commission work session. We have one item that is a public 00:00:31
hearing item and then approval of minutes. So I'm sure we're going to need the whole half hour to talk specifically about this 00:00:38
zone map amendment and all the subtle nuances before we get to what I'm sure will be a well attended public hearing. So with that 00:00:45
we will ask Carrie to start us off. 00:00:52
OK, so. 00:01:01
I think the easiest thing on this one is looking at the context here, right? This property is a long deep I. 00:01:04
Fronts on 5600 S 2, family zoning on the east side, single family on the West side. Both of these properties on the West side are 00:01:13
duplexes, both are on the east side are duplexes. So it's totally surrounded by duplexes. It's just that these two on the West are 00:01:21
non conforming to the zone, so they are duplexes. 00:01:30
But non conforming. And I just if you'll back up to that map, I just want to clarify to make sure I'm looking at it right on the 00:01:39
east side of it, that is a duplex facing 56 and then another duplex that's part of the PUD subdivision facing inside, right. 00:01:45
Right. OK, yeah. Thank you. 00:01:51
Yeah. 00:01:58
And. 00:02:01
So the list of kind of all those neighboring properties is included in the staff report. 00:02:06
And then an analysis of the general plan, I think the biggest issue on this is that this whole area is identified as on the future 00:02:13
land use map as low density residential stable. 00:02:19
I was just going to bring up this existing Blandius. So sometimes we have land uses that are not necessarily consistent with what 00:02:28
zone or the future land use map is. So here you have that area. This is existing land uses where you can see the sorry super zoom 00:02:35
in here. 00:02:42
Too much? 00:02:50
There it is here. So this is the assisted living. That's multifamily obviously as they have high density there. This is 2 family. 00:02:55
These are duplexes. This is the property in question. And then those are both duplexes. 00:03:03
So the duplex on the West that's shown in like a shady yellow, but that's not an R2, right? 00:03:11
Right, those are both. 00:03:20
Our one zoned, but the they are both used as duplexes so they're both legal non conforming. I think that this one that's right on 00:03:24
the corner wasn't captured in that existing Gladys, but it is a. 00:03:30
Legal non conforming duplex. I can zoom back out and we can go to the future land use map and it's legal nonconforming because it 00:03:38
was there before this zoning stuff. Yeah, OK. 00:03:43
So we have quite a few properties in Holiday that were zoned as duplexes under Salt Lake County and then when they were 00:03:49
incorporated into Holiday, we just did larger kind of area wide zoning instead of property specific zoning. 00:03:57
So you'll usually run into pockets where there's two or three duplexes that are all together. I know offhand there's another set 00:04:04
of duplexes on 27th East as somewhat by Granados, not Granados Block Party. 00:04:13
So kind of across the street on the east side of 27th East. There's a few duplexes there. There's own single family, but they are 00:04:23
legal non conforming. So there's things like that all over in the city. Here is the. 00:04:31
Future land use. So this is kind of what the general plan refers to on this. Adjusted zones, so. 00:04:40
In that specific area that we are looking at before. 00:04:48
That whole corner is low density, residential stable. The exception is on the Highland Drive. 00:04:53
Where we refer back to the Highland Dr. Master plan for properties along Highland Drive. But this pocket where the. 00:05:01
Assisted living is identified as low density residential stable and then this corner where we're kind of looking at is low density 00:05:10
residential stable. 00:05:14
I may be a little slow is stable, meaning rickery or like horses or just the neighborhood stable. The neighborhood doesn't change 00:05:20
ever. Yes, and that's the what that is defined as here intended to support a mix of single family residential development that has 00:05:28
been established by historic development patterns. So then it has suggested zones in there, OK. 00:05:37
Thank you. Yeah, I like the language. At the end of that, on the LDRS rezone with the suggested zone list may be appropriate where 00:05:46
increased density will not destabilize the existing neighborhood. 00:05:53
So just to clarify on that, I didn't catch that the first time I looked at it, but the general plan does say the zone suggested in 00:06:01
there R18R10 or R110 and R115. And I think that's kind of the challenge with any sort of infill or a built out community. You've 00:06:09
got these outliers that are not like everything's not going to perfectly fit and that's where in the staff report there's I 00:06:16
discussed a bit about context of the area. 00:06:23
I'm also going to pull up the arterial the roadway before you switch to that if you would. I just wanted to see because the R2 is 00:06:33
listed as medium, RT, whatever MDRT. Can you show me just back up on the map where most of those MDRT zones exist? Or are there 00:06:39
any here? 00:06:44
So just here and here, the corridors basically is the. 00:06:52
OK. All right. Thank you. Can I ask a question about that also? Well, about the paragraphs you were showing before we move on, 00:06:59
there was language in it. I thought it just clarified this where it says new develop in. 00:07:06
Low density residential. 00:07:15
Protected, it said. 00:07:19
Use unclaimed density by subdivision instead of rezones, but this is stable. 00:07:23
Umm, so rezoning is more usual, more appropriate. Can you, can you just talk a little bit about what that means? Yeah, it doesn't 00:07:29
have that specific designation. And these, when I was talking to John Tierling about these, how these were set up in the general 00:07:39
plan, he said it was some of our future land use was really designed with the intent to identify these larger protected areas. 00:07:49
Within the estates and surrounding and then everything else kind of outside of that just was like, OK, these are stable areas. It 00:08:00
didn't really take into account a lot of corridors beyond Highland Drive and these obvious ones on 23rd, 45th and 39th. 00:08:10
As far as those corridors are concerned, is that the first property on the corridor that's included in that or? 00:08:22
Is there a depth of how much? 00:08:30
It's not, yeah. It doesn't designate specifically on those. 00:08:32
But the the line was just created with basic mapping of here's the road and here's this specific area we're going to draw around 00:08:43
the road. But it doesn't identify any specific roads or that it has to be fronting onto a major road or any other such thing. This 00:08:51
is a major Rd. So that's properties that are in kind of close proximity to that road would be considered. 00:08:58
Would be probably a safe assumption two or three lots in, you know is is kind of touching the road and then from there you're 00:09:08
really throwing up the question mark of does this fit with that? Yeah and the I am challenged with. 00:09:14
I think all of these main corridors are primarily U dot roads. 45th is. Highland Drive is. I don't think 23rd or 39th. Are you not 00:09:22
well, 39th maybe? 00:09:28
I remember another zone amendment we had before us that did not get a favorable recommendation about a year and a half ago that 00:09:35
was on the other side of Highland, right across from that area. 00:09:40
Yeah. On the East side where there's that home for sale with the fence around it and someone wanted to put like 4 units in on that 00:09:47
property or something like that. 00:09:51
Or on Highland Drive that was well it was where what is the road? Pheasant way. Not pheasant circle, but pheasant way connects to 00:09:58
Highland. I believe it faces pheasant way but it's right on the corner. 00:10:05
Of Highland, yeah. And those are, we were talking a little bit before the meeting about updates of the general plan. Some of those 00:10:13
things might be refined in the future as we work through general plan updates as what And that's things that we're thinking about 00:10:21
as staff as well. You know what our neighborhoods, what are areas that maybe we want to refine a little bit so that we don't have. 00:10:29
Do we want to keep 5600 S as a? That's a collector Rd. 00:10:38
As a stable with single family or that an area we want to look at, possibly some other. 00:10:44
Zones that would be appropriate, but. 00:10:51
I think. 00:10:55
Within the and. 00:10:58
It's kind of that just that Contextual called it. Yes, these are suggested zones. 00:11:01
You could suggest a rezone within those, or there's other points in the general plan that you can base a rezone recommendation off 00:11:06
of. So there's multiple kind of angles. Sometimes it doesn't. One application won't fit every checklist, but it may fit some of 00:11:14
the checklist, so as the Planning Commission you'll just. 00:11:21
That is what you get to decide. Call that logistical ambiguity when I walk by there. 00:11:29
It looks like there's a home on the front. 00:11:37
And I think somewhere I said two accessory buildings. 00:11:40
At the back. 00:11:43
But there's clearly a big house back there, another house. It was. I know, the former owner of the property. He did a he had a 00:11:46
music studio back. There he was. 00:11:52
A piano teacher for many many years and that was his studio where he would have people come and like one of those home occupation 00:12:00
type things that he worked out. It was basically a garage converted into studio, which is a rather large one. 00:12:07
But you know, I think he had like a baby grand in there, if I'm not mistaken, or big grand. So yeah. 00:12:14
And I mean, it looked it looked to me like it was occupied and being used as a house. 00:12:20
We don't have as a rental. Any indication of that, Yeah, but I but in any case, so I'm assuming what what is he trying to 00:12:25
accomplish that he couldn't accomplish? 00:12:30
With the zoning not changed. 00:12:37
Does he have a plan? I know he doesn't have to tell us about a plan, but right and I think on a larger scale picture, what R2 does 00:12:39
accomplish is provide. 00:12:45
Potential ownership opportunities in the future if the current landowner doesn't want to create ownership. 00:12:51
They don't have to, but just having that zoning in place then creates the. 00:12:59
Ability for that to be subdivided up where you get something like this. I mean any duplex could be subdivided into two separate 00:13:07
owners. 00:13:11
Umm, so intent could be just converting the accessory building into a unit. 00:13:15
Being able to rent out both the houses in the front and the rear unit. 00:13:22
Other potentials that you demolish both structures and. 00:13:28
And build something new up to 3 units. And Dennis, I didn't get a chance to look at the. 00:13:34
Total area, but we can pull that up too of what? So when? 00:13:41
When you're doing a. 00:13:47
Unit assessment of how many units would be allowed on a property. You have to take out the access Rd. 00:13:49
Or the access driveway, so that would be a minimum of 20 feet wide and then whatever the depth of the property is or how far back 00:13:55
that. 00:14:00
Roadway would go so roughly. 00:14:05
And I think you did kind of do just some brief math on it and figured that there could be enough room to make 3. 00:14:12
And that would possibly be like 2 that are attached. In this situation, if they wanted to leave the existing structure, they could 00:14:19
split the front house into a attached unit, have an Upstairs Downstairs that's rentable and convert the back building into a 00:14:25
rental unit. So it's. 00:14:32
Depending on the area of land as controls, how many units that they'd be able to put on that. 00:14:38
So this property is too small to be subdivided, right? Right. OK. 00:14:44
Yeah, because it's only .44, right? 00:14:49
And same thing, you'd have to take out the access, which then limits your land area even more for both. 00:14:53
And just to clarify, if it was an R18, they could subdivide, yes, and there would be enough area likely to take out a roadway. 00:15:01
Have they indicated what they want to do with the property after if it does get approved? I haven't had any conversation with the 00:15:12
applicant about their intent I. 00:15:17
I mean because a lot of the language suggests that the future development of the site. 00:15:23
We're supposed to kind of hope and pray that they're going to do something that's going to create a harmonious development, but. 00:15:30
They haven't even told you what's going to happen, so how do we use that as part of our? 00:15:37
Decision making. I think on that point, no, there isn't a way to. 00:15:42
Say yes, you'll create something that's harmonious, but. 00:15:51
Looking at. 00:15:56
The properties on either side of it where you have two here, 2 here. 00:15:59
In roughly the same size of area and they'd be limited to at Max 3 units if they have enough land area after taking out access. 00:16:04
It's pretty similar to what all the neighbouring properties are. 00:16:15
Even, less, less dense. 00:16:20
Right. It seems like we're giving him the right to have more than the surrounding people on his argument that he's surrounded with 00:16:27
lots with two homes on them. So with the size of property, if you look at this one, this has two on it. This has 2 units on it. So 00:16:34
same area of land has four units. 00:16:40
Same here, nearly the same area of land has four units. His area of land would be limited to 3 units, so he would be even with the 00:16:48
R210 zoning, he would not have the same density as. 00:16:55
And then having zero setbacks on top of it, right, if it were rezoned. 00:17:37
Right. And I think that's one we've talked to them before. This is where we encourage people talk to kind of that neighboring PUD 00:17:43
and see if you can be incorporated. And most people don't really want to have additional units, even though it would likely create 00:17:50
a more harmonious kind of look to their existing neighborhood. They don't want to have the additional units in there. 00:17:58
Yeah. So then you get kind of. 00:18:07
Weird. Maybe not matching, maybe it won't be weird there. I mean, there's not any guarantee the PUD has some some controls there, 00:18:10
but if you were in that PUD, it would likely be in your best interest to say yes, come join our PUD and then we have some controls 00:18:16
over what gets built there. 00:18:23
So can we approve the rezone with the condition that only two units will be built on it? That would not. You can't. You can't 00:18:30
limit legal land rights, so R2 zoning comes with two units per whatever area of land. 00:18:39
And we also couldn't put any future restrictions on an application for a PUD, right? You can't, you can't limit what is within the 00:18:51
zoning code specific to an application. So if the fear of what you don't want them to do is overshadowed by, you know, a 00:18:57
narrative, that doesn't sound like it's really been given of here's what my plan is and why I'm doing this. And forgive me for 00:19:04
being a little bit bold, but it really just seems to me like this is a dollar sign thing, right? Like this is a $650,000 lot that 00:19:10
if I subdivide it three ways. 00:19:16
I can turn around and sell for $900,000 because it's still marketable to a developer to go in and scrape that clean and do 00:19:23
whatever they want on it. So then the possibility exists if we approve the rezone that we could end up with. 00:19:30
Two homes and two Adus. 00:19:37
I don't know if they'd have enough room for 280 us on it, so our proposed language for Adu text with external Adus would be that 00:19:41
you can only do an external Adu if you have a detached structure. So if they were to build 3 detached structures, they could do 3 00:19:48
detached Adus possibly. 00:19:55
But they don't have enough land to reason. But they do have enough land. Like there's other factors that control that, Yeah. 00:20:04
Like they'd be lucky if they can. Like it would be a challenge to fit 3IN there, but it could legally be done with an R28 zone. 00:20:10
You're also going to have some limits with the lot size. So those puds, they have smaller setbacks, other things that were 00:20:18
incorporated into their PUD. So R210 zoning would have setbacks that are appropriate for that zone. So that's going to limit 00:20:26
building area as well. Even with an R2 zone, they might say, you know, there's not enough land that we want to do small lots. We 00:20:34
just want to do 2 units so that there's two bigger structures on there with bigger land size. 00:20:41
Can I ask a procedural question? Yes. So on the standards of approval or approval standards? 00:20:51
It's the second item down in the staff report. 00:20:58
You see that? 00:21:04
1307030 G 2. 00:21:05
Move standards of consideration for or against. 00:21:10
On the first page. 00:21:15
So I'm just wondering, do they have to meet all four of those? 00:21:17
In order for us to consider approval. 00:21:22
Umm, no. You can make your recommendation to the City Council and note. 00:21:25
Those things. So you could do a positive or negative recommendation, noting whatever factors that that you want to include in that 00:21:31
recommendation. So there's because. 00:21:37
Since City Council is the deciding body, they're looking at those standards. It helps them if you have those standards that you 00:21:44
were then including in your recommendation. 00:21:50
So those could be the findings I guess at some point, but. 00:21:56
So I'm curious why they list it like this and don't tell you how many you have to satisfy in order to. 00:22:00
So I guess never mind. 00:22:07
And following up on the general plan, the analysis, I think it's the next page. 00:22:10
Where it says land use, urban design and neighborhood preservation, Chapter 2 it starts to get into defining points of 00:22:17
development, development patterns and that type of thing. 00:22:23
Do we use this or do we have to have them satisfy all of these? 00:22:30
For us to vote, I'm trying to make it so it loses, it becomes a little more black and white, so if that's OK. 00:22:35
I'm not trying to say it's going to be easier to make the decision, but. 00:22:43
You know, we're already having some difficulty with the fact that this is surrounded by these type of units, and yet we don't 00:22:47
really. 00:22:51
It's still a struggle to make that happen, so of these defining. 00:22:56
Characteristics or different references, points of consideration, that type of thing. 00:23:01
Do we have, do we need to use all of those in our consideration? So yeah, their point. There are points from the General Plan. The 00:23:08
General Plan is a guiding document. You can use various points from it in your recommendation where it's not. 00:23:17
Coated items that are like these are the specific standards and it has to meet all of these or it has to meet at least X or Y. 00:23:28
Your recommendation can be based on kind of. 00:23:34
Any of these factors, so you could say positive, right. I think we came to a conclusion even on one application where we did a 00:23:41
neutral application based or neutral recommendation based on the vote. 00:23:46
Umm, but. 00:23:53
Whatever way your recommendation goes, just referencing what points. 00:23:56
Would be a positive influence. What would be negative because all of that information will go to the City Council. 00:24:03
That help or make any sense? Or did I just muddy up the water? 00:25:18
OK. Can I ask one more question? I know we'll switch. 00:25:24
I know that several of the letters were concerned about upkeep rats, sort of just the the upkeep of the lot and and a few section 00:25:29
of the staff report made it sound like. 00:25:36
You know, there's also the canal, so it's hard to it's hard to connect the dots one for one on. 00:25:44
On the rest, but do we does that figure into our decision at all? Is this, is that something that the Planning Commission needs to 00:25:51
consider even can? Yeah. The condition of the property is not something that is taken into consideration for rezones and you may 00:25:58
have a property that is in terrible shape that somebody comes in and purchases and needs to rezone to. I think we ran into 00:26:06
something similar with the Old Roots Garden. 00:26:13
Nursery area, like the building is abandoned the most applicable. 00:26:21
Zone is a higher zone than what it was zoned. So even though the property was in poor repair rundown, that didn't affect the 00:26:27
rezone proposal. 00:26:31
Thank you. 00:26:37
So we got a lot of solid discussion points that are going to be great as we iron out after we hear from the applicant in the 00:26:38
official meeting. And then the only other thing on there is approval of minutes. So hopefully we'll had a chance to check on that 00:26:44
and we'll call that one when it comes. But with that it is 6:00 PM, So we will go ahead and close the work meeting and. 00:26:51
I he's actually going to be excused for this meeting, so I'll call that out when we get started with the official. But does anyone 00:27:00
need a break before we roll right into the official meeting? I just don't want to run amok, you know? 00:27:05
Keeping us in check. 00:27:13
All right, perfect. So just let me know when you're ready, Carrie. 00:27:17
OK, let me double check all my recordings, see if we're still doing. 00:27:22
All right. Here we go then. So with that, good evening, everyone. Welcome to the Holiday City Planning Commission on April 16, 00:27:30
2024. 00:27:34
We have several. Well, we have a couple items on our agenda this evening. 00:27:39
Do want to call out that we do not have legal counsel here this evening. 00:27:44
So we will be on our best behavior and refer any of those contingent questions up to City Council with the recommendation we make 00:27:50
one way or another on any items. And we're also excusing Commissioner Prince, who will not be joining us. All other commissioners 00:27:58
are present and we have city staff Carrie Marsh with us. And with that we will start the meeting with the statement we give at the 00:28:05
beginning of all public meetings and for Planning Commission. And I've asked Commissioner Font if she will read that now for us. 00:28:13
The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review land use plans and other special 00:28:23
studies, make recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning map and ordinance changes, and approve conditional uses and 00:28:30
subdivisions. The Planning Commission does not initiate land use applications, rather acts on applications as they are submitted. 00:28:38
Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at public, publicly noticed meetings. 00:28:46
Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, existing structures 00:28:54
and uses related to the proposed change are noted. 00:29:00
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff, the city's general plan, zoning 00:29:06
ordinance and other reports, by all verbal and written comments, and by evidence submitted, all of which are part of the public 00:29:12
record. 00:29:18
Thank you very much, Commissioner Font. 00:29:24
All right. And with that, we have a public hearing this evening for item number one, which is a zone amendment, excuse me, zone 00:29:27
map amendment rezone from R110 to R210 located at 1932 E 5600 S So I do see we have some members of the public here this evening. 00:29:35
We'll start with a staff report from Kerry Marsh and then we'll invite the applicant up and then we will open up the public 00:29:43
hearing for comment at that point. And with that, Carrie, whenever you're ready. 00:29:50
Thank you, Chairman Roch. 00:30:09
So this application is for property located at 1932 E 5600 S Current zone is R110. The requested zone map amendment is to R210 00:30:11
zone. 00:30:18
The property is narrow and deep. It fronts on 5600 S. 00:30:27
Surrounded by duplexes, both legal duplexes and legal non conforming to a single family zone. Duplexes on the West side across the 00:30:35
street is a multi family zone with an assisted living care facility on it. 00:30:42
The staff report outlines general plan. 00:30:53
With suggested zones as identified on the future land use map. 00:30:58
And then an analysis of other factors for rezones. 00:31:04
The property if rezoned to R210 potentially could allow up to 3 units based off of the total property size. If a access driveway 00:31:11
is then taken out of that total area, that could reduce the total amount of of units to to allowed on the property. 00:31:21
And I think that was all the high points on that. I'll have the applicant come up and just talk a little bit more about their 00:31:33
application and what they're envisioning. All right, Thank you very much. And with that, we will invite the applicant, Matthew or 00:31:40
Amanda Lewis, to come up. 00:31:46
Or representative. Thank you. I'm Matthew Lewis. So. 00:31:53
Appreciate you taking the time. Just to give you a little bit in considering the application. 00:31:59
This is a family home that my parents purchased in 1991 or 19. 00:32:06
Two, I think you have the kind of picture up before And so it's a fairly big piece of property and kind of what's unique about 00:32:11
it's got this second structure in the back. 00:32:16
Before my parents bought it, I think it was a actually like a a lock manufacturing facility and then my dad. 00:32:24
Was piano teacher. He converted to a piano studio and used it in that manner for 30 years or so. He passed away in 2019, didn't 00:32:33
use it for a few years. My sister went back and approached the city about whether we she could reopen the studio and use it in 00:32:41
that way and was told that she couldn't like that because he was. He had been grandfathered in, but because there have been a 00:32:48
period of unuse, it was no longer zoned for any kind of, like business activity. So we basically have this structure in the back. 00:32:56
That is in a lot of ways unusable because it's big enough. It's bigger than you would kind of use for a home. 00:33:04
Office, It's probably 1500 square feet or so with the different. 00:33:12
Additions that have been done but. 00:33:17
Can't really like, use that building. So anyway, that led us to and inquiring as to whether we could rezone the property. 00:33:19
Obviously everything around. 00:33:24
Our property, with the exception of the house just to the West. 00:33:30
Is either zoned R210 or being used in that manner where it has a duplex. 00:33:35
Or two units on there, so and it's not big enough that you could just subdivide it as is. 00:33:42
Because it's just under 20,000 square feet, so you couldn't do another R110 lot I. 00:33:49
So anyway, in conversations with C, just trying to figure out how to effectively use that space back there. 00:33:57
That was the option. We haven't really looked into what we would do with the property, to be honest. We were told that. 00:34:04
We asked. You know, we said we'd probably want to subdivide. 00:34:11
Could we do this in like 1 process where we came back with proposals as to what would be there, but we're informed that we need to 00:34:15
do it step by step, so this zoning rezoning application. 00:34:21
Is that first step as we? 00:34:28
Understand it so. 00:34:31
There, you know, I know there's been some comments about kind of the condition of the product. My parents did have an above ground 00:34:34
pool. We have removed that. Now we're in the process of re landscaping that property. 00:34:42
To take account of that, the property is an air canal. 00:34:50
And so we had addressed these issues with. 00:34:55
Code enforcement, they came out, they investigated both, the Radish said. It's very rare that any property is usually the source 00:34:58
of rats, and there's been. 00:35:03
Rats coming from these canals for years they didn't like notice any smell. They asked us to takedown some bushes and other things 00:35:08
that we did I. 00:35:12
So we try to, you know, address all those issues, but really the I guess. 00:35:19
Thing that's driving us is that we have that back building that's in a lot of ways just unusable because we can't. 00:35:24
It was used for 50 years probably as a business that's not being allowed now. So that's the that's what the basis of the request 00:35:32
is. We have no plans to change the front home. In fact, we've probably put $50,000 or so into that front home including a new roof 00:35:38
that was just completed last week, but trying to figure out. 00:35:45
What we could do with the back portion of the property. So that's the basis for our request. 00:35:52
Any questions? Or I do have a couple questions for you and then I'll ask my fellow Commissioners. 00:35:58
I was just told that I had two options. 00:36:41
Initially when I spoke with Mr. Cheerleading, he said your lots not big enough. 00:36:45
To so you can leave it as it is not big enough to divide into two R, one 10s and. 00:36:49
The other option presented was our 210 so. 00:36:55
Appreciate that. Just wanted to clarify that the other this is a kind of a question for you and also a question for city staff if 00:37:00
they know? 00:37:03
Understanding that the original conditional use permit would have expired when it wasn't renewed. 00:37:08
Would this to anything you know of, Carrie? Is there any reason why a conditional use permit to continue teaching piano or using 00:37:16
that accessory building in that similar nature not have been approved? 00:37:22
Yeah, I don't see any reason why. 00:37:29
A conditional use for home occupation wouldn't be approved. 00:37:33
With using that accessory building we. 00:37:38
Recently amended our Home occupation code to allow for the use of accessory buildings for home occupations. Previously that wasn't 00:37:42
allowed and so that's likely where that. 00:37:48
The use because it was discontinued wouldn't be allowed because it was in an accessory building but that was recently amended goes 00:37:55
into effect on the 21st of April. So that is an option with that new code amendment to use that for business use. I don't know if 00:38:03
it would still be applicable based off of the the family's use with your father not running it anymore but I just you brought up 00:38:10
that your your sister I if I recall yeah. 00:38:18
Applied for it. So I was just trying to figure out 'cause we've had a lot of discussion around conditional uses over the last 00:38:26
couple of years and I wasn't sure because I thought even, you know, before the amendments that might still qualify, I. 00:38:31
For what City Standard was. So I was just trying to figure out, unless she was trying to like, you know, open up like something 00:38:38
extreme back there I guess. But yeah, she was. There's a fair amount of traffic involved with a. 00:38:44
Studio like that. Could you have, you know, the way it was constructed, actually there's four or five different classrooms in 00:38:50
there. So you it's not just one student showing up at a time. It was group classes and then breakouts into individual classes. So 00:38:55
you had, you know, I don't know, 10 to 15 students in there at any one time basically from 3:00 PM when school let out till about 00:39:01
8:00 PM. 00:39:07
So anyway, she was told that I wasn't part of those conversations that. 00:39:14
The traffic would not be denied on the parking probably. OK, I'm just curious on that. I forgive my inquiry, I just I heard it 00:39:20
secondhand from her. So we did try to figure out, you know, we could provide that other commissioners do we have questions for the 00:39:26
applicant at this time that he hasn't covered for us. 00:39:32
Alright, we'll go ahead and invite you to sit down then. Thank you very much. 00:39:39
Right. And with that, we will go ahead and open our public hearing and invite members of the public to come up. When you do come 00:39:42
up, we would ask that you state your name and address for the record. And we would also ask that if you follow someone who's just 00:39:47
made statements that you don't make similar statements. 00:39:52
And if you have a representative for collectively as a group, you can also have that representative come up. But we would ask you 00:39:58
to try and be brief to the point and keep it roughly around 3 or 4 minutes for us. And with that, we'll go ahead and invite anyone 00:40:02
that wants to come up now. 00:40:07
What? Commissioner? My name is Arlene Hassan. 00:40:18
I live at 5617 S Doon Tree Hill Lane. 00:40:21
Thank you. 00:40:27
I am president of the HOA of the property. I took the. 00:40:29
Of the townhomes that are on the corner. 00:40:35
And we have no objection to. 00:40:39
Multiple use whatever our objection in this case. 00:40:43
Is that the property has been. 00:40:48
Neglected for so long. 00:40:51
So they did have an outdoor pool. They had a. 00:40:53
I'm sorry. I'm nervous. We won't bite. It's OK. So they had this. They had this above ground pool and it was stagnant for years. 00:40:57
The ducks were in it. There was. There was filth. There was. 00:41:04
There are one 2-3. There are 4 structures on the property actually. 00:41:11
There's one structure. 00:41:17
That's right next to the fence on the east side that was filled with chemicals. It was chlorine and fertilizer, which was. 00:41:19
Very annoying when they took down the pool last summer when they. 00:41:31
To compare the structure that it was sitting on. 00:41:37
The rats went crazy because they were nested under there, so several of our. 00:41:41
Residents have had an extreme problem with that. 00:41:49
Umm, we we've just. 00:41:56
We're upset because the property is dealt with rat infestation, chemical storage, a decline in the condition of the structures. 00:41:58
The property we feel is has been a health hazard to us. Several of us had to hire exterminators. One woman who directly backs up 00:42:04
to it has spent thousands of dollars trying to build something in her backyard. But they can't let their children, grandchildren, 00:42:11
in the yards. 00:42:18
Dogs or pets because there's a horrible rat infestation. 00:42:27
And Mrs. Hansen, if you don't mind, I apologize for interrupting you here. 00:42:32
Just so you know, the proposal before us tonight is around the rezone. OK. So if you and other members of the public would just 00:42:36
contain your comments around the concern around the Green Zone, I understand there's been a rat problem and that's been handled 00:42:41
through code enforcement. Our position is. 00:42:46
If if the if the holiday is going to allow the rezone, we would ask that you delay it until they bring the property up to code. 00:42:52
Because the property is a mess. 00:43:05
Appreciate it. That. And there was there was like, I'm sorry, there was like mattresses left out all winter. There's tools and 00:43:10
things all over the place. There's one structure on the east side that appears to be falling apart directly directly next to the. 00:43:18
Facility that he wants to use for. 00:43:27
The music studio, I would say. 00:43:31
And one thing I will say is just in regards to anything that would be a code enforcement matter that would be handled through the 00:43:34
code enforcement officer. 00:43:38
So as far as what we're considering here tonight, it's just is the property. 00:43:42
Reflected correctly with the requirements for a rezone and that's pretty much the basis for anything that we have approval for to 00:43:49
make a recommendation for approval or denial. So OK, so we're we're just concerned that with the reason that the that the owners 00:43:55
of the property maintain what would be. 00:44:02
Holiday. 00:44:10
Specifications. OK, that's great. Thank you. 00:44:12
Do we have? Yes, Sir. 00:44:19
Good evening. My name is Aiden Bradney. We live in the property on the West of. 00:44:26
Weather changes to the planning to be scheduled. I'm sorry, what was the address I missed it 1922? 00:44:32
Directly West. 00:44:40
1920 two 5600 OK right where the mouse is there, so if you are. 00:44:42
Open up that parcel, assessor. It's kind of a little clearer to see. 00:44:47
But there's a couple of main concerns. One is that we live in an area of outstanding natural beauty. If the canyons were 100 miles 00:44:53
away, there would be national parks without a shadow of a doubt. And the view from our deck is something that is phenomenal is one 00:45:00
of the reasons we moved into holiday was to have Mount Olympus on our doorstep. We moved prior to the. 00:45:08
That HOA housing R210, that doesn't impact us too much, but our fear is that if they rezone 1932 and then all of a sudden we're 00:45:17
going to be putting two floor structures in there, our view will completely disappear. 00:45:26
Beyond that and we did e-mail photographs from our deck as soon as this came up. 00:45:35
The other thing is, if you can see the width of the driveway leading to the back, that is directly on our RV pad. Now whether we 00:45:41
have an RV, there is not a problem. But that driveway on a great day is probably about 7 feet wide and they have one car in and 00:45:48
out. The people that live in the front house right now and they're a wonderful young couple with a couple of kids, no problems 00:45:55
with them whatsoever. As soon as there are going to be more apartments, houses. 00:46:01
Whatever goes in back there, there's going to definitely be a congestion issue. 00:46:09
Road parking is kind of out of the question already because of the amount of employees and people that visit the assisted living 00:46:15
across the road. 00:46:18
And then there is a, to the best of my knowledge, is still there. I'm kind of not around you in the daytime anymore, but that, 00:46:22
well, it was kind of like a daycare. 00:46:27
In that 278024 house there was a daycare there, so there's a lot of traffic on the road. 00:46:33
But as soon as they stop putting apartments in there and you've got to think that each apartments probably got two or three 00:46:41
vehicles in today's standards, then there's definitely going to be. 00:46:45
An issue with vehicles. 00:46:50
To speak to the condition of the front property, we've always loved it. It's kind of. 00:46:53
A pretty looking property. They just recently did the roof. No problems with that at all. The back would be wonderful if it was 00:46:59
made into a. 00:47:02
A real nice yard. We never we live right next door. We never had any problems with the swimming pool. We if the rats are coming 00:47:06
from the canal. 00:47:10
They never came across our backyard. We've never had any rat issues whatsoever. 00:47:16
But you'd occasionally hear a duck in the swimming pool. I thought that was kind of funny, but never an issue with with Joan, 00:47:20
anyone at all. But my fear is that this property at the back, if that starts getting construction in there and construction 00:47:27
equipment, there's going to be a major knock on effect to us who are directly next door. And then as soon as they put in the 00:47:34
permission and all of a sudden you can build 2 Storey houses in that location. 00:47:41
The quaintness of holiday all of a sudden I feel starts to tumble. What's to stop me from applying to make my house three stories 00:47:49
high and that would get shot down immediately. So it's this kind of ongoing. 00:47:56
Yeah, I think it's going to snowball personally and our beautiful view of those mountains is going to be massively impacted. 00:48:04
Thank you very much for your comments. I appreciate it. 00:48:13
Do we have any other members of the public that wish to make comment at this time? 00:48:20
My name is Kurt Larson. I live at 5646 Nations Way. 00:48:31
Just W one St. West of the property. 00:48:36
Our big concern is a little bit what Hayden was talking about is all the cars on the street with the living assisted living across 00:48:41
the street. We constantly have cars parked up and down the street, sometimes even on our street because they have gatherings and 00:48:48
whatnot over there and all we need to do is that, you know four or five more cars to that. I know building is only don't really 00:48:56
take that into consideration. 00:49:03
But somebody ought to. It's just it's crazy. I don't know how that assisted living got by with no, you know not nearly enough 00:49:11
parking. It's it's just there's always cars up and down there. We come around the corner and just about plow into them because 00:49:16
they they don't park where they should and. 00:49:22
It just seems like a real inconvenience for us. 00:49:28
Also another concern I had when they put in the HOA. 00:49:34
They had to bring the level of the foundations up six feet out of the ground, the existing ground, to make the sewer lines work. 00:49:38
I would think they might have the same problem if they built something in the back there and. 00:49:48
If they've got to bring that up six feet out of the ground, Taddy Oka lives right behind him. He's going to feel like he's in a 00:49:53
hole. 00:49:56
It's just so I wanted to. 00:50:01
Make sure that if that's the case, I, you know, I don't want another building 6 feet out of the ground right there. So that's 00:50:05
that's all the comments I have. 00:50:10
Thank you very much. Appreciate it. 00:50:16
All right. Did we have any other comments? 00:50:23
If you come back up, I'll allow. 00:50:30
You get 60 seconds on the clock. 00:50:33
But restate your name and address so we know which one it is. Adam Bradney, 1922 E 5600 S. 00:50:36
Kurt has brought something up there. 00:50:43
Clicked in. My mind is last year we had major plumbing issues that they had to dig up our entire backyard. 00:50:45
And the whole structure under there, with the plumbing crew, with the cameras and everything, it's already pretty maxed out, 00:50:52
according to the plumbing company that came out in the city that came out that had to say, yes, you know, the new plumbing lines 00:50:58
are great. They said that the infrastructure below ground is already starting to look a bit tired. 00:51:05
So I'm sure that the house at the front doesn't have a problem. But as soon as you start putting eight more toilets back there and 00:51:12
a few more bathtubs, goodness knows what's going to happen as well as what Coat was saying about raising the level of ground. 00:51:19
That is all. Thank you. All right. Thank you. 00:51:27
Nailed it. 60 seconds. Good job. Just kidding. All right, one more. Go ahead. 00:51:30
You gotta come up to the mic and give us. 00:51:36
We got to get it for our recorder, just so you know, I know who you are, but we got to get it recorded. Jim Preston 5670 Nations 00:51:42
way. So I'm. I'm not even on the map here but. 00:51:48
You know, I want to just kind of find out. So, Mr. Lewis, what do you want to do? 00:51:54
So my whole thing would be. 00:52:35
So how many, how many square feet, how many square? Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, back-to-back back to the Planning Commission. Please, 00:52:38
we're not, we're not talking to the applicant right now. You're talking how many square feet are on the property. 00:52:44
The property is. So if you got our 2:10, you can put a duplex on 10,000 feet. 00:52:50
How many square feet do you have? 00:52:56
Right. 00:52:59
So it's 19,166 square feet or .44 acres. 00:53:00
OK, well, so. 00:53:06
You know, I'm all for improving the property. You know, on the one hand we're here and leave it like it is and and and make it 00:53:09
better. But then I don't know if Mr. Lewis wants to make it into a piano teaching facility again. If he gets approval to do it and 00:53:16
just and if he don't if he got that, he'd he'd he'd do that again. I I don't know. 00:53:23
As far as the the, the property goes if if it's allowed for. 00:53:32
R210 duplex per 10,000 feet. 00:53:40
Then I'd want to be, you know, listening to what, how many, how many, what? What is the height limitation. We've got Aiden here 00:53:45
that he's got a situation with the height, so. 00:53:51
That would be. 00:53:59
Part of my my question is how are we going to improve the property? How has the property going to be improved? And I guess that's 00:54:00
something that isn't going to be determined until it is made to an R210. I'd like to ask Mr. Lewis, is the existing home on 56 00:54:06
going to remain? 00:54:12
And we can give the applicant a chance to come up and address any comments made to the public after we close the hearing. So we 00:54:19
can definitely table that and see if Mr. Lewis wishes to respond. So thank you for your comments. 00:54:24
I think and did we and was there anyone else we haven't heard from that wanted to make comment before I close the public hearing. 00:54:32
OK. I think we got just about everybody today. So we'll go ahead and close the public hearing at this time then. And if Mr. Lewis 00:54:38
would like to come up and just make any address remarks to the comments that were made by the public, yes, happy to do that and 00:54:44
happy to have conversations. 00:54:49
So just trying to kind of tick these off. Well, I don't know if I should get into the **** issue that that you know, one thing you 00:54:57
have to remember is. 00:55:01
My parents had this property and built some of these structures long before the Highland Court. 00:55:06
Facility was built so that shed that they're talking about that's close to the property line that was there when Don Wilson had 00:55:12
his huge backyard that was all just grass back there to the east and then obviously that was all taken over and these tall twin 00:55:20
homes were built and they are tall and they do look down you know into we have a fence back there but they look into the yard you 00:55:28
know and they are tall now I would be that's why I said before I on on some of the other. 00:55:35
You know, like I said, code enforcement came out about the smell of the chemicals, those things. 00:55:43
They didn't see anything. They didn't hear any. You know, they smelled. There's nothing to that, that I know there's never been a 00:55:49
mattress out there. I rechecked with the tenants. That's never been the case. So, you know, some of these things I think are 00:55:56
overblown. And again, I'm kind of, I feel like some of the other things are just premature. 00:56:02
Because like I said, we asked should we just try to do a rezone application with a plan on what we might do with the property? 00:56:09
But we're told that we had to take these kind of seriatim steps, So what we're doing is just trying to figure out can we get it? 00:56:17
Rezoned R210. 00:56:20
We would have plans, we could investigate, you know, whether we could change that existing structure into something. 00:56:58
Or you know a different thing. But all of these issues about parking and sewer and all those things would be considered as part of 00:57:04
that. That's how I understood it would work. So I'm not maybe it's unsatisfying, but not I don't. I don't have it. We haven't put 00:57:10
in the time effort but to figure out exactly what we do. But that would be the plan. If we got the R210 is then we would 00:57:16
investigate different options. 00:57:22
Discuss those. 00:57:28
You obviously have to come back to the city to get approvals for any of those plans and I think we'd have to factor in all of 00:57:30
these, you know, issues about parking and access and other things, so. 00:57:36
That may not be the most satisfying answer to say we don't know, but we just understand this is the first step. It does. You know, 00:57:44
it's not out of line with any of the surrounding properties in our view, so we can address all these other concerns. 00:57:51
In the next step. 00:58:00
I appreciate to appreciate the additional comments and clarification there. Just real quick before you sit down, Commissioners, 00:58:02
any other questions for the applicant that haven't been addressed in either of his addresses? All right, we'll go ahead and have 00:58:08
you sit down. Thank you very much. All right. And with that, we will now turn to our discussion and I have asked Commissioner 00:58:14
Baron if he would just lead our discussion before any motions are made on this to capture everybody's input on this. 00:58:21
I did close the feed. If I didn't already say that, I apologize. The public hearing has been closed. 00:58:28
OK. And with that, Commissioner Baron. OK, well, based on all the questions were asked earlier, I'm not sure how we're going to 00:58:33
lead this discussion. So one of the things I had to ask is of staff for the R210, you're saying that there's three total single 00:58:39
family detached dwellings. 00:58:45
Allowed on the property, but that's if they had access. 00:58:52
Because it looks like the lots too narrow to have the 20 foot access point right? 00:58:56
Yeah. So if they were to take out access, I think the measurement if we've measured 20 feet on here, I that's one of the issues 00:59:03
that would be addressed once they apply for adding additional units onto the property is how wide is the access and fire looks at 00:59:11
that access requirements there are. 00:59:20
Umm, exceptions. Sometimes if there isn't an appropriate access, you could do fire sprinklers. That's all addressed through fire 00:59:30
code. So fire code is what regulates the the width of the access Rd. and any exceptions because there are sometimes properties 00:59:37
that are further back typically. 00:59:43
Properties that can't be or structures that can't be accessed with a fire truck have to have fire sprinklers in it. OK, well part 00:59:51
of my question is to try and answer the question that the audience is asking is what's potentially could happen here? Yeah. The 00:59:58
second question is, is the height allowed in the R110 and the R210 the same? They are the same. OK, so not to scare you, but they 01:00:05
can build the two-story structure now. 01:00:12
Yes. Any zoning change? Yeah. So current code is properties. Less than half an acre is 32 feet in height. That's to the top of the 01:00:19
Ridge. 01:00:25
The additional control on height is graduated height, so that pushes taller areas of a structure further away from our property 01:00:33
line. 01:00:38
That graduated A height applies to all structures, so primary structures and accessory structures. 01:00:43
OK. So if they wanted a second story on the extra structure in the back, it would be more in the middle. They could not do it up 01:00:50
against the lot line, right? 01:00:54
I'm sorry you take up all the time, but another question. If they were to do the three single family or the attached to whatever 01:01:01
the maximum development you thought they could put on the property, if they were to do AD use as part of either one, or they're 01:01:08
not subdividing the property or another Adu, does that also have to be fire sprinkled? 01:01:15
And that may be a question if you're talking, are you asking about an external Adu or I'm just trying to see just. 01:01:24
Again, helping the audience figure out exactly what we could see potentially being built on the property with an R210. 01:01:33
So the state requires that accessory dwelling units are allowed in any residential zone. We have recent code amendments that are 01:01:40
being heard by City Council currently that would limit external or sorry ADUS to detach structures only. So in a situation like 01:01:50
this in an R2 zone where an Adu would be permitted by the state code. 01:02:00
If they were to do an attached unit with two units in one single building. 01:02:10
Those units couldn't have 80 use because it is an attached structure. If they were to detach and do three separate detached units, 01:02:16
each of those could have an internal or an external Edu. External Adu varies based off of what the lot size is. 01:02:25
So that you may not see. It's highly unlikely you'd see an external Adu on those properties. All that dependent on what passes 01:02:36
with City Council, but. 01:02:41
So because you're looking at, OK, what is the potential units plus accessory units? Accessory units would likely be an internal 01:02:48
accessory unit and I would say that's pretty common. Most people are adding kind of a second kitchen or area that can be converted 01:02:55
to an accessory unit that they want to incorporate into a single family house. So if single family houses were built, each of 01:03:02
those single family houses could have an accessory dwelling unit. 01:03:09
With fire sprinklers. 01:03:16
Right access would all be determined if it If it needs to be fire sprinkled, that's what it would need to be. 01:03:18
OK. Just two more questions and I'll be quick. OK. There's a street to the South of this property. I know it's probably a private 01:03:26
road, but if they were to get access to that. 01:03:31
Does that change the dynamic of? 01:03:36
How they could develop the property, right. So you're you're referring to this private subdivision, Yeah. 01:03:39
Yeah, that would have to be an agreement or worked out with the with the planned unit development that's there. 01:03:48
I mean, I've seen other situations where the property owner has approached the planned unit development. In many cases they don't 01:03:59
want to incorporate that area and their subdivision would have to be amended to add property into it. So it would require the the 01:04:05
PUD to bring. 01:04:11
New units in, but then those units would have to conform to whatever standards are in the PUD. So there's there's benefits that 01:04:19
might be there that the that that community may want to consider if they want to have a similar development pattern. 01:04:26
That's something that then they are to you, and they could do that even without rezoning. If they wanted to bring an area into 01:04:35
their PUD, a rezone wouldn't need to be. 01:04:41
Done because they just capture an additional area of land. 01:04:48
As long as the front area then would retain the 10,000 square foot minimum so but we would have to get it that would require then 01:04:53
the PUD. 01:04:57
Approving that that amendment onto their subdivision, so. 01:05:02
And maybe this is a question for the applicant. I'm not sure if that's been discussed at all, but a lot of times beauties are not. 01:05:09
Super amenable into adding more units into their into their planned unit development, but you sometimes get outlier like 01:05:19
properties like this where maybe this property owner didn't want to sell a portion of their property to that developer's. 01:05:25
At that point in time and so that's where it kind of ended up. I just wondered if. 01:05:32
You know all the planets align and they agreed to do it if that changes the dynamic of. 01:05:38
How much access? Obviously it would reduce how much access, but yeah, it would, if it were incorporated into that PUD, it would 01:05:44
just meet the standards of the PUD. So their planned unit development would be amended. 01:05:51
Similar to these properties that are here, to the east of this property you just have setbacks that are designated on the plat. 01:05:58
Essentially it would be 3 properties, but it'd be just the duplex. I'm trying to factor out all the possibilities of what could 01:06:06
ultimately be built there to kind of give some of the audience some reassurance that if that does happen, that's all things that 01:06:13
would have to be worked out between the land owners in that private development if they wanted to do an access easement and have 01:06:20
the property access. I mean, there's there's different approaches there, but it does require all of the. 01:06:28
Or does require the approval? 01:06:36
And the legal process to be followed with that planned unit development, OK. 01:06:38
Finally, I'm just trying to figure out as we look through the general plan criteria. 01:06:44
And the approval criteria for rezoning and that type of thing, this appears to meet the intent or the kind of expectation of being 01:06:49
in the same character of the adjacent properties. So we take that into consideration. If this were ultimately developed, do you 01:06:56
see that the future development would be? 01:07:03
Consistent with that character we're trying to preserve. 01:07:12
I'm trying to figure out what would happen if right. You're going to have character that is very highly controlled within a 01:07:17
beauty, but this area is not within a beauty, so you're not going to have that same architectural kind of similarity. Total number 01:07:26
of units if we're reducing it to just what is what is on the land and using that as a indicator of character. 01:07:34
Yes, it would be in character with. 01:07:44
So is just the 2 units if the density is consistent with properties adjacent to one another. 01:07:49
Is that by nature? 01:07:55
Meeting the character of the area. 01:07:58
Yes, I any residential neighborhood does. What is the character of a of a neighborhood? It's really subjective, but overall 01:08:02
character could be summarized as just a. 01:08:08
Single family or two family dwelling unit. So character here is to family, yes, yes, because I mean I appreciate the way you just 01:08:18
said it because it is very difficult to say. 01:08:24
We're trying to figure out exactly how it's supposed to meet up to make kind of that. 01:08:32
Yeah. And I think is that in? 01:08:41
Is there a specific point on the general plan that references the character? I don't remember exactly where that's at. Oh, it's 01:08:44
the third one. Retain and protect the natural environmental character of the city and its neighborhoods? 01:08:50
So. 01:08:59
So as long as it's a neighborhood, it's a neighborhood character. 01:09:01
It's really ambiguous, though it is. Character is always subjective. 01:09:07
What do you want to loop into it? What do you not want to I anything is going to vary in the neighborhood. You're going to have 01:09:12
some houses that have been remodeled substantially that have very different looks or feels. You could have a neighborhood that has 01:09:18
a mix of two stories and single stories all intermingled in it. 01:09:25
In this area, and that's where it's just the simplest, most basic is is the neighborhood? Is it a neighborhood? Do you have what 01:09:33
is a neighborhood character? Neighborhood character is properties that are used for residential purposes. 01:09:40
OK. Well, I've kind of driven the Commission off the Cliff here. Follow up to your. 01:09:49
Where you were going I think if one of these prior non conforming duplexes. 01:09:54
Change property and the new property owner wanted to build. 01:10:03
A new duplex? Would he have to come in and rezone R210 if the property was destroyed by natural means? He can rebuild if. 01:10:06
If it is not, if they selectively demolished a duplex, they couldn't rebuild a duplex, and I think that applies to this property. 01:10:18
Let me roll down the east. 01:10:26
And then the one zone nations, right? Yeah, just prior just this one duplexes that are really single property home and I'm not. 01:10:33
When I looked at Google Maps, this had two addresses associated with it, but I'm not sure if that one is E legal non conforming 01:10:44
duplex. This one definitely is. 01:10:48
And then this duplex is already zoned as R2. 01:10:54
I can address some of the other comments if the Planning Commission has more questions about those. I think largely Commissioner 01:11:02
Baron has addressed a lot of those questions with access and. 01:11:09
What is addressed at a building permit level? That's where we're looking at all the utility connections. Utility connection 01:11:18
letters are required for building improvements. Converting an accessory structure into a living space? That's. 01:11:26
Building the Building official will be looking at the plans to make sure that they're meeting building code. Utility letters have 01:11:34
to be. 01:11:38
Provide a letter saying that utility service is available for the additional units. They have their metrics that they're looking 01:11:45
at in assessing that if there were substantial redevelopment like a subdivision and. 01:11:52
New lots created. A utility provider may require the applicant to upgrade the service line in order to account for those 01:12:01
additional units. So that's something that is addressed when they're applying for a building permit or that we'd see if they're 01:12:07
doing a subdivision. 01:12:12
But as is, if they were just to convert the existing accessory building, they would be required to have that reviewed by the 01:12:19
utility providers. 01:12:23
All of the upkeep issues, those are addressed just with code enforcement. Same standard for every property and holiday and 01:12:30
foundation wise I that's just. 01:12:37
Depending on the grade of the property, we don't regulate what size of foundation is, but building height is regulated and it is 01:12:45
the same in R1 and R2 zones. 01:12:50
Those are all next steps, none of which are applicable to tonight's current proposal or application before us, which tonight is 01:12:56
just specifically the Zone. And does the Zone meet all the criteria for a rezone? Is it applicable? Does it make sense? 01:13:04
And so with that other commissioners comments, one question. 01:13:14
Some of the folks in the audience talked about parking. 01:13:19
And. 01:13:23
Is it correct that? 01:13:25
This application, any anything that's built has to include on site parking. 01:13:27
Yes, so residential. 01:13:34
Development is to parking spaces required for each residential unit. 01:13:37
So they would have to meet those standards. If they're adding an additional unit, they have to have to. 01:13:44
Parking spaces for that additional unit. 01:13:49
On the comment of street parking, Street parking is a public good that's available to anyone. We don't regulate street parking 01:13:55
beyond limiting it to 24 hours at a time. 01:14:01
The home occupation daycare that existed that was referenced by one of the comments is no longer in Operation 2. 01:14:09
Commissioners, other questions, comments. 01:14:21
Everybody says, OK, we're all soaking it in at the moment. All right. Yes, go ahead. 01:14:26
The issue of. 01:14:33
A structure being in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Is that something that the technical review committee gets 01:14:36
involved with or? 01:14:40
No, because we don't have character standards for neighborhoods. Neighborhoods are residential, so the character is is it a 01:14:47
residential use? 01:14:51
Because that is what neighborhoods are. Neighborhoods are residential use. That is the only character that we have to rely on for 01:14:57
neighborhoods. And you're going to have neighborhoods with older homes that get replaced with newer homes. Some people buy 01:15:04
multiple parcels and build giant homes. Is that out of character with the neighborhood? It's. 01:15:10
It's not. It's not a factor beyond is it a residential use. 01:15:18
Oh boy, yeah. Well at the end of the day for me, when I look at this, I'm just going to throw my comment out there. When I look at 01:15:26
this, I think I I for me it's just why is it? It sounds like based on what the applicant is trying to do with a potential 01:15:33
subdivide, it feels like an R18 would satisfy that and also satisfy the general plan of the city, which for this area has been 01:15:40
earmarked as low density residential stable. 01:15:48
Right. Like I feel like that. 01:15:55
Somehow is the path that should have been on and it got skewed and steered off into the R210 and I don't know if it's just 01:15:59
because, well the neighbors have it, let's do that. I don't, I'm not I can't speak to that. But the the three home thing and part 01:16:06
of it just has me a little bit concerned because I think that's you know, at what point does the domino effect happen And then the 01:16:12
neighbors duplex becomes a triplex and then the next neighbors becomes a triplex or you know R2 et cetera. 01:16:19
Highland Court, thank you. I think that'd be easy. But Highland Court, I think that one would fall under the exception rule 01:16:58
because it falls into that master plan. 01:17:03
That's very controlled to City staff's point, right. That's not going to go change. Nobody's going to sell that property and go in 01:17:39
and subdivide it. It's already part of a master plan as where this has no control mechanisms on it whatsoever. And you know, build 01:17:45
it bigger, better, faster, higher, whatever fits as long as it can fit in there. We've just given it the green light to do so. So 01:17:51
that's my only reservation on R2 versus an R18. And with that I will be quiet and see if any other commissioners have thoughts or 01:17:57
if we have a motion. 01:18:03
I appreciate the Commissioners direction. With that. I do, however, reading in the staff report. 01:18:09
It says under guidelines in the general Plan, rezone request should be considered only when increases in density will not 01:18:17
negatively impact the established development pander. 01:18:22
Patterns in the surrounding neighborhood which this would not, and even with the increased units I think it would still fit. New 01:18:28
development will be accommodated through utilizing unclaimed density. I'm not sure what that means anymore. Rezoning may be 01:18:35
appropriate when increased density will not destabilize the existing neighborhood. 01:18:42
Based on that criteria or those defining points, I think there's merit to this. I think that. 01:18:50
In my questions there are some limiting factors to how narrow the property is and the access to that which. 01:18:59
May be cost prohibitive to do a number of these things but. 01:19:07
To me, I'm seeing that this is kind of meeting the intent. 01:19:12
You know whether that. 01:19:18
I don't know. 01:19:21
That helps though for me. 01:19:25
Well, if anyone else has, unless there's no further comments, I've had the same thought about the R18 being a better zoning and I 01:19:28
I wonder. 01:19:34
I don't know how everyone feels, so I don't know what the vote is going to be, but if this is some food for thought for the 01:19:40
applicant. 01:19:44
And whether the applicant would have any concern if we tabled this for the next meeting. 01:19:48
To let him decide if. 01:19:55
These other things have been talked about, which zoning he really wants. I mean, he could get a vote today. He may get it, he may 01:19:57
not. He could certainly come back another time and try, you know, on our 1/8. 01:20:03
Or maybe we could be efficient and table this for two weeks and? 01:20:09
Maybe he changes it or doesn't change it takes a chance, I don't know. 01:20:14
Well, and I'll defer to city staff on that. What would be the correct protocol, something like that? 01:20:19
Yeah, that would be an option. 01:20:26
I think when looking at R18, if I were walking through R18, there's going to be significant challenges if the applicant is trying 01:20:30
to use that back. 01:20:35
Building. It's rezoning the whole property to R18. 01:20:42
You would then need to do a planned unit development or subdivided, but then the. 01:20:48
R18 still comes with significant challenges in being able to use that and I think that's possibly where that are too. O 10 01:20:55
recommendation comes in is that it is an easy way to say OK 2 units. 01:21:02
The that's there's two structures existing on the property, and it is. 01:21:11
A clearer process moving forward for the applicant and using the property or subdividing. 01:21:17
R2 subdividing is still going to have some challenges with it as well I. 01:21:27
We talked about the access when I pulled out. 01:21:32
Kind of a area that would go from the property line back to where that structure is. It's roughly 2200 square feet. So if you're 01:21:37
taking 2200 square feet out of their 1900, that's going to be pretty close on even an R18 subdivision if they're. 01:21:46
Yeah, because they're nineteen 19166, taking out 2200 square feet of roadway access. 01:21:56
16 and 16 by two is 8 right? Right. 01:22:07
So it's it's tough, but it's doable. Doable, yes. 01:22:10
Where R2 could avoid some of those those issues. But even with an R2, that existing structure is still legal non conforming 01:22:15
because of its placement on the setbacks, right? So either way, that's still going to present a hassle if he says hey, I wanna 01:22:20
make this a home now, right? 01:22:25
I think my concern just, I mean that's a really interesting thought and I. 01:22:33
I think. 01:22:39
And the list of considerations just on the very first page of the staff report. 01:22:42