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Off we go, then here we go. Good evening everyone. Welcome to the Holiday City Planning Commission. 00:00:00
May 21st, 2004. 00:00:06
We have our city staff, our legal counsel, and all commissioners are present except for Commissioner Prince who sends her regrets. 00:00:10
We do have an opening statement we read at the beginning of all of these meetings and I have asked Commissioner Font if she would 00:00:17
do that for us now. Pleasure. The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review 00:00:24
land use plans and other special studies. Make recommendations to the City Council on proposed. 00:00:32
Map and ordinance changes and approve conditional uses and subdivisions. The Planning Commission does not initiate land use 00:00:39
applications, rather acts on applications as they are submitted. Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at publicly 00:00:46
noticed meetings. Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, 00:00:53
existing structures, and uses related to the proposed change are noted. 00:01:01
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff. 00:01:08
The City's general plan, zoning ordinance and other reports by all verbal and written comments and by evidence submitted, all of 00:01:14
which are part of the public record. 00:01:20
Thank you very much, Commissioner Form. 00:01:26
And with that, we have 6 items on our posted agenda this evening, four of which five of which are public hearing items. However, 00:01:29
item number three has been cancelled. So we only have 4 coming before us this evening. And the first of those is at everybody's 00:01:36
favorite former mall site, the Holiday Hills. And it is a concept and preliminary and if we could ask city staff to give us a 00:01:43
quick. 00:01:50
Overview of that item. 00:01:58
Thank you, Chair Roach. Application tonight for a concept level and a preliminary review site plan at Block C within the Royal 00:02:03
Holiday Hills Master Plan subdivision. 00:02:09
This site itself is not for the entire block sees. 00:02:16
Block. It's for 1/4 of it or so, intended to be set aside and used for a bank. 00:02:21
With its own parking lot and its own access. 00:02:28
Elements of the SDMP for the Planning Commission to review are very similar to zoning standards that you would have for a normal 00:02:31
development in like a retail zone, however. 00:02:37
There is a little bit of flexibility in that. 00:02:43
There are no real setbacks. The site plan is kind of very flexible based upon development pressures for the site itself. 00:02:46
The zone gives you permitted uses and conditional uses. 00:02:55
In this case, a financial institution is a permitted use. 00:03:00
It gives you open space landscaping requirements which the applicant is provided to you into some landscaping plans. 00:03:04
As well as some architectural guidelines to review by in the format of a palette of styles. 00:03:13
So the staff TRC has been reviewing this application with the applicant. 00:03:22
In compliance with elements of the SDMP. 00:03:28
And has found that this bank site with the associated parking lot and landscaping for its our chosen vernacular or architecture 00:03:32
and height does comply with those elements that are applicable in the SMP. So staff is recommending an open public hearing on 00:03:40
comment and moderate discussion with the the applicant on site development characteristics as well as. 00:03:48
The architecture chosen for the site. 00:03:59
All right, Commissioners, any questions for city staff? 00:04:02
All right. And with that, we'll go ahead and invite the applicant or their representative to come up and add anything they need 00:04:05
to. 00:04:09
From what the city has already presented. 00:04:13
Do we have a? 00:04:17
Chris Longson representing the owner. 00:04:26
Resident as well. I thought the architect was going to be here, maybe she didn't make it in, but I can answer any of the 00:04:28
questions. We've spent a long time working on this, especially on the architecture to get it upgraded to where we think it meets 00:04:35
the standards of SDMP and and other improvements we're doing in the development. So here to answer any. 00:04:41
Questions you have otherwise. 00:04:48
Commissioners, any questions for the applicant? 00:04:51
Sorry to make you come all the way up for just that, but thank you very much. All right. I don't know if John said, but you know, 00:04:54
asking for you to delegate the final to staff after if you do approve. 00:04:59
Conceptual is that in our motion? Conceptual. 00:05:05
The architecture I'm looking at the building materials, but the. 00:05:13
The materials is really out of focus. So I'm hoping you can kind of tell us what's the brown? Is this stucco with concrete or? 00:05:18
It's, it's, it's, it's not a, it's not a stucco finish. It's a, it's a Remember the name of the material. It's listed in the 00:05:28
material board on the side there it is the cementitious board. 00:05:35
So it's not a stucco finish, OK, It's a painted cementitious. And these are materials within the overall scheme of the 00:05:42
architecture for the site. Yeah. And those are some of those changes we worked on adding the brick and adding that and eliminating 00:05:46
the stucco. 00:05:50
So it looks like they have more parking than they need, and they will. And it's common parking just like everything else. And so 00:05:56
their customers can use the parking. 00:06:01
On the remainder of the property and people from other parts of the property can use that parking. So, but I mean This site is 00:06:06
supposed to be kind of the prototypical. 00:06:10
Transit oriented type of development where there's lots of walking, where there's service from transit and stuff. So why do we 00:06:15
need all the additional parking? 00:06:19
It'll all, we have our parking ratios, it will all blend in with the ratios with the rest of what's built on that block and the 00:06:23
other block. So it, it'll all work out that we won't, we have a minimum and maximum and we won't be exceeding the maximum on the 00:06:29
parking. So it's gonna be a blended ratio. Would it be better to have some additional landscaping? I mean, the, the parking you're 00:06:35
seeing that's on the, it's on the, if you can pull that site plan back up. 00:06:41
Whoever has that. 00:06:49
So the parking that's across the street is something we're putting in for the remainder of Block C just on that side of the road. 00:06:52
That's not part of their lease parcel. That's additional parking that will be utilized in the future. But we're because we're 00:06:57
building the road there right now and because they're going to be a stand alone use, we put it in. So that's not part of the Chase 00:07:03
Ground leased parcel. 00:07:08
I see. OK, thank you. So you need it really just Brian, let's focus on their park using where they are and that meets the minimum 00:07:14
standards for their building. 00:07:18
Thank you. And just a quick question on the parking that is in front of the bank, just immediately I believe to the West of it, 00:07:23
you mentioned that there's common and shared. Is there going to be actual designated, this is bank parking only type? No, there 00:07:28
will be a few signs in there that that call out for like 20 minute parking, but it doesn't, it's not exclusive. We're not having 00:07:33
exclusive parking on site, OK. 00:07:39
So all right. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. And with that, we'll have you sit down and we will open the public hearing on 00:07:44
this. If anybody is here this evening that wants to make comment on this particular plan, you're welcome to come up and do so. We 00:07:51
just ask that you keep your remarks within 3 minutes or less and not restate any other comments if there's more than one. 00:07:58
And also state your name and address for the record. So with that, is there anybody here in attendance this evening interested in 00:08:06
making comment on this item agenda? 00:08:10
Once, twice. All right, looks like nobody is here for that. We'll go ahead and close the public hearing for this item and turn to 00:08:16
our commissioners to discuss Commissioners questions or any discussion points on this property that have not been covered by staff 00:08:22
or the applicant. 00:08:28
Does not look so all right. I, I just I I have a similar question where I also think that going above the parking minimums is not 00:08:37
helpful for the overall. 00:08:42
Thing that we're trying to go for if we're if we're thinking that this will be a big commercial hub it's either going to bring in 00:08:48
several hundred cars a day or people are gonna take the bus. And right now this is clearly built for people driving their cars 00:08:56
here. There's a drive through ATM there's extra parking I think this is not I I think having the extra parking is not. 00:09:03
Conducive to what holiday is trying to move to? Which is more environmentally sustainable? 00:09:12
The, you know, shifts in future transportation. So, so I would like to see. 00:09:17
I mean, maybe the overall ratio is going to, you know, be accounting for other parking lots, but if the overall ratio is more than 00:09:24
the minimum. 00:09:28
That's something I'd like to actually see changed. I don't think that's helpful to the the way we want to see this, this corner of 00:09:34
holiday movement. 00:09:38
I have a question for staff. Do we have a parking master plan that's kind of. 00:09:42
Determining the overall parking and. 00:09:47
Yes. So how will it kind of be distributed? So you have two pages in the site development master plan that control the parking. 00:09:50
And where those parking areas are designated, this one of these areas in you can kind of see it there. 00:09:59
Is designated as surface parking. 00:10:05
So is it possible that some properties will have no parking and they'll use parking on the adjacent? 00:10:10
Parcels or as we get further along, yes, some of those interior blocks will because the whole block will be built out. We either 00:10:16
have a garage interior to it. 00:10:21
Or be shared parking on the streets, Yes. So in the City Council's approval of the master plan, did they have a maximum number of 00:10:27
parking spaces? Yes. So OK, how close are we to that? 00:10:33
Not anywhere near, you know, it's probably gonna be a lot. 00:10:39
OK. Thank you. 00:10:43
So some discussion around parking and. 00:10:47
Thank you staff for addressing. 00:10:50
With that, any other questions or discussion points on this item? 00:10:53
I maybe I should have asked this at the beginning, but this is only proposed to be 23 1/2 feet. They could have gone up to 90. 00:10:59
Seems actually like an underutilization of the space. Maybe there's some legalities about having residences of bank? 00:11:06
Legalities, I'm sorry I missed that, of having residences above a bank, but it feels like if it's in the open zone, which is the 00:11:16
most flexible of all of the zoning in this entire. 00:11:21
In this entire plan, then, it feels like a little bit of a lost opportunity to build a single function building that's one story 00:11:28
tall. 00:11:32
Instead of something that's a little more dynamic, perhaps more mixed-use. 00:11:37
That could you know that could use the idea that. 00:11:42
Banks have pretty good daytime hours, they end fairly early in the day compared to a lot of other businesses, and they could have 00:11:46
overlapping parking with residences really easily. I don't know it it feels like a. 00:11:52
A little bit of a waste of the open zone since there's so many uses of the open zone. 00:12:00
Well, just as a sidebar comment to that, I will say as someone who was not in favor of the OR the plan that was before City 00:12:09
Council seven years ago, give or take that included a 90 foot tower, I would say that maybe the developers just gone the opposite 00:12:15
direction. 00:12:21
But and it feels like maybe something in between, because 90 foot building on Highland would also be imposing, would really change 00:12:29
the way that feels especially to. 00:12:34
Hopeful pedestrians, but. 00:12:40
That being said, this could potentially one day, hypothetically 1015 years from now, come back and the. 00:12:43
SDMP would allow for consideration of a larger building there if deemed necessary and appropriate, right? 00:12:52
Hypotheticals. Is that what we're talking? 00:13:01
Like, pause it. Like this isn't going to be a bank. That's one story for the rest of eternity. 00:13:03
Depends how long Chase wants to stay there. 00:13:10
All right, all right. Well, with that. 00:13:18
I had just one more question. Do they have to do any kind of environmental buffering since they're close to so close to the Creek? 00:13:25
I know there's a little bit of a thing there, but. 00:13:30
The trail itself acts as the buffer between development and the Creek. 00:13:34
There's an absolute set back that's that was approved in 2007. 00:13:41
That requires an offset. 00:13:47
Carrie, can you on SDMP? Do you have it pulled up? 00:13:51
Toward the very end. 00:13:56
Oh, maybe you've passed it. 00:13:58
Anyway. 00:14:01
Maybe it's at the very. 00:14:05
Adds that letter. Is it 40 feet? 00:14:08
Yeah, 40 feet. 00:14:16
So buildings can't get closer to than 40 feet to the bank. 00:14:20
I'm done. 00:14:27
Commissioner Gong is set. All right, good, good discussion points. Thank you. And with that, I've asked Commissioner Flaunt if she 00:14:28
has any additional discussion points or if she's prepared to make a motion on this to do so if no one else has any comments. 00:14:36
A motion that we approve the concept and preliminary commercial site development plan for Royal Holiday Hills Block C. 00:14:45
In the R MU Zone, located at 4833 S Sunset Blvd. 00:14:54
Lane with final site plan and plat approvals to be delegated to staff. 00:15:01
Finding that the proposed land use of financial of a financial institution is an allowed permitted use access site details and 00:15:06
construction elements are found to be acceptable by by the technical review committee. All development details and all related 00:15:15
components comply with the R-MU zone and. 00:15:23
SDMP as a master planned project. 00:15:32
Conditions for final approval to be submitted to and verified and approved by the Community and Economic Development Director with 00:15:35
a recommendation by the Technical Review Committee. 00:15:42
One to work with city engineering on. Any clarifications? 00:15:48
Regarding submitted stormwater drainage report and that the applicant work with staff on all needed clarifications, if any, made 00:15:54
by Commission during this meeting. 00:16:00
All righty, we have an. 00:16:07
Emotion. Do we have a second this Commissioner Baron? I'll second that. All right. With that, we'll call for a vote. Commissioner 00:16:09
Cunningham Aye, Mr. Wilcinski Aye, Commissioner Fawn Aye, Commissioner Gong aye, and Commissioner Baron Aye. And Chair Roach votes 00:16:15
aye. And therefore it passes unanimously and we look forward to seeing a new bank. 00:16:21
That's not 90 feet. That's not 90 feet tall. Thank you. 00:16:29
All right. And moving on to item number two. This evening we have the Immigration Brewery mixed-use PUD and if staff is prepared 00:16:33
to present on that, we would love to hear more details. 00:16:40
Pardon while we do some shuffling, reconfiguring. 00:16:53
All right, so this is item number two and. 00:17:08
Application for a mixed-use commercial and residential subdivision amendment. 00:17:13
Previously approved in June of 2023 and then a conditional use for a planned unit development. 00:17:19
This is located at 5250 S Highland Dr. location of the Old Roots Nursery. 00:17:28
New plans for a brewery and townhomes on the site. Previously, what was approved was the. 00:17:37
The building with the brewery and restaurant and then the townhome separately. The applicant has come back with a modification to 00:17:46
that to add 6 residential units. 00:17:51
On a third level. 00:17:57
The C2 zone recently was amended to allow a 40 foot height. 00:18:00
So their plans are within that 40 feet height and that allows them to get that third level. 00:18:06
And that was, so that is where they're proposing those six additional units. 00:18:13
The. 00:18:21
So that is the subdivision amendment. Second motion will be required for the conditional use for the planned unit development. 00:18:23
Planned unit developments are conditional. You're looking at modifications typically for setbacks. That is also what is being 00:18:32
presented on this plan, both for a mixed-use development is conditional and planned use. 00:18:40
And the and the setbacks for the residential? 00:18:49
Townhomes and the commercial building currently in the C2 zone. 00:18:55
Buildings that don't contain any residential units require a set back of 20 feet on the corner side and being proposed is a 0 foot 00:19:01
set back next to Arbor Lane, the property line you can see. 00:19:11
Runs straight across in line with the brewery building and through the parking lot. And that property line will be adjusted with 00:19:21
the approval of City Council to vacate a public right of way. So that property line can change, which would then change the 00:19:31
setbacks. But as is the property line is where it's at. So that's what you're looking at is a 0 foot set back on the. 00:19:41
Laneside additional adjustments for the townhomes on Arbor Lane that would require a 20 foot set back. What's being proposed is a 00:19:51
10 foot set back. 00:19:57
With a 12 foot average. 00:20:05
Their rear yard for those townhomes required to be 15 feet in the C2 zone. It's being proposed as a 10 foot set back, 11 foot 00:20:07
average just because they're angled. 00:20:14
And then on the side yard on the South side of the property. 00:20:22
The required set back is again 15 feet and being proposed at 11 feet with a 12 foot average. 00:20:29
Questions for the applicant that we've looked at in the work meeting, is that overhang on the patios on Unit 1 and Unit 4, so you 00:20:37
can question the applicant about that? 00:20:42
With a conditional use on reduced setbacks, commonly what you're looking at is how to mitigate impacts from having a smaller set 00:20:49
back. There's not a landscaping plan that's been submitted by the applicant. 00:20:56
Some of the conditions that the Commission could place is to require specific landscaping elements on those reduced setbacks. 00:21:05
Other notes is just utility service letters are in progress. Staff doesn't foresee an issue with getting those for the use on the 00:21:15
property. And then also the landscape plan they'd be required to replace. It was either five or six trees. So replacing trees that 00:21:21
were removed and then any additional trees that the Planning Commission wants to make condition based on their planning and 00:21:27
development. 00:21:34
And I will have the applicant come up and they can explain the project a little bit more. 00:21:41
All right. Thank you very much. And with that we'd invite the applicant or representative and or representative to come up. 00:21:45
Hi there. I'm Brett Laughlin, the applicant, and Chris Layton. 00:21:58
All right. 00:22:04
So do you have any questions? I got lots of questions. Was there anything you wanted to add to the initial staff report on what 00:22:05
she touched on before we start drilling? 00:22:09
Excellent job. I just want to say that most of this is done to for the economics of the project we're trying to. 00:22:13
You know, make it so you know, can break even at the end of the day. And so getting the the setbacks, the size and stuff is just 00:22:21
helpful for us being able to justify the, you know, the project. 00:22:28
OK. I did have one quick question I wanted to ask. So I noticed that there's the covered parking. I assume that's for the 00:22:36
residents that will be living inside the brewery there on the South side of the lot. I was just curious if there is a reason why 00:22:43
that was chosen on the South instead of the east side of the building? 00:22:49
Yeah, actually, I don't think that's a correct assumption. The reason those were covered is in the nature of the second level. 00:22:56
Extending out over the parking. So that's a balcony. It's part of the restaurant level on the 2nd floor that protrudes out over 00:23:05
the parking it creates. 00:23:11
Covered parking, which is a nice amenity, but those are not designated for the six tenants. However, we did add the appropriate 00:23:17
parking and that's part of the reason we're back here is we had six additional dwelling units and we needed to provide parking for 00:23:24
those dwelling bedrooms and guests. So we've done that with this new site plan layout. OK, that makes sense. Appreciate the 00:23:30
clarification. 00:23:36
And then it was also brought up about the covered patios on Unit 1 and four. 00:23:44
As far as how those set out, are those? 00:23:52
Columnar or those what what's the what's the the cantilever their cantilevered out so they don't require structure that is within 00:23:55
the 10 foot easement or set back. However roof overhangs I believe are allowed to encroach into the setbacks a certain distance. 00:24:04
Three feet, three feet, and that would be the extent of those. 00:24:15
And then as far as a landscaping plan, is there any anticipation of number of trees or anything like that being placed around the 00:24:22
residential units on the east side of the property where the condos is that what they are, condos, townhomes? 00:24:30
Both their their town home architecture sold as individual dwelling units for owners. 00:24:40
Is there any current plan in place on estimated trees per unit or anything like that on there? 00:24:49
Not yet. 00:24:57
OK. 00:24:58
But, but turn us loose and we'll get them for you. I mean, it's with the smaller set back. Obviously you're not going to have a 00:25:00
giant baroque up behind any of those. But I mean, obviously we still have to be in. 00:25:06
In Sync with the holiday city. 00:25:14
Landscaping standards for this zone, so we'll provide whatever we need to provide per the code. 00:25:18
All right, Commissioners, Commissioner Baron, so can you tell me, on the Highland Dr. side of your site, how wide is that 00:25:26
landscaping strip there? 00:25:30
Is that 3 feet? I think no. I think it's four feet at the narrowest point and then it extends to where it's almost 9 feet at the 00:25:37
northern end as it kind of flares. I agree with the chair because I think having some idea of what's going to go in there might 00:25:44
help. 00:25:50
Kind of create a more attractive area long Highland Dr. especially with your neighbor to the north having this large set back 00:25:57
that. 00:26:02
So I'm not sure we need to have the landscaping plan submitted, or well, we would have submitted one if we had to submit one. 00:26:09
We're looking forward to creating that and the amount of nice trees along the frontage and everything will be consistent with 00:26:18
what's required in holiday. 00:26:23
Well, OK. But that I think with the PUD, I think the reason that the smaller setbacks and that type of thing are offered or a part 00:26:29
of any packages that you get to see how the whole site comes together with architecture, I don't, I didn't see any architecture 00:26:37
and landscaping and how it all works together. Do you guys have any elevations? Do you want to speak to that? 00:26:46
We're we have lots of them, but they weren't required for this submittal. So the C2 zone doesn't have architectural requirements. 00:26:55
So the elevations itself and what it looks like is not something that is part of a PUD element. I see you can't really massage 00:27:03
height as you can setbacks. So the architecture is something that the C2 zone doesn't require. 00:27:11
Compliance for. 00:27:21
A landscaping plan, you know, it could be helpful in trying to, if you're trying to determine flexibility and setbacks, how it 00:27:23
would be offsetted by buffering and and that type of landscaping, those type of landscaping elements. 00:27:28
So just tell us or tell me how far I'm supposed to go on these things. So I apologize if I'm asking. You know, parking lot 00:27:35
landscaping requirements do have a certain number of trees per stall. 00:27:41
Camera with it is off off hand so that would be definitely required for a building permit. 00:27:47
Along the street frontage from Highland Dr. St. trees are always a requirement. So I would say would foresee at least, you know, 00:27:52
four or five St. trees along this section around the corner. 00:27:57
And that's something especially along Arbor Lane too. Is this something that you could take a look at as well? 00:28:04
And one last thing. The Council is supposed to approve the land transaction. 00:28:12
Of vacating the parcel that's just north of this. 00:28:17
Is that what vacating right of way? So right now it's all St. 00:28:22
But isn't there supposed to be a vacation of that part of the right of way to these this property owner, the vacation of right 00:28:27
away into a parcel Right now it's being the application path is an encroachment permit for a parking lot in the right of way. So 00:28:35
until the council decides to vacate that right away and create a parcel of itself, it's the path forward is an encroachment 00:28:42
license with the City Council for a parking lot in the right of way. So would that be a condition of approval? 00:28:50
That has to occur before anything else. No, it would be a condition. OK, yeah, because the stalls that cells are counting toward 00:28:57
the total percentage requirement. 00:29:02
OK. One last question. Can you tell me on the east of your property what that looks like a road that goes? 00:29:08
North and South, is that just a driveway? OK. 00:29:14
OK. 00:29:18
Thank you. And then John, just one quick question and I wasn't aware, I don't know because I didn't hang out at City Council, my 00:29:19
apologies. When they approved the 40 foot height for the C2 zone. I know one of the recommendations that the Planning Commission 00:29:26
made for that approval was technical review committee of the architecture to make sure it wasn't going to be a bunch of 40 foot 00:29:32
cement boxes essentially. Did that get included in what was passed? 00:29:39
It was included as a recommendation from the Planning Commission. We brought that up with them. 00:29:46
And they did give us an allowance to look at requiring architectural controls in the C2 zone. 00:29:51
I think it wasn't just C2, I think it was anything that was mixed-use is what the Planning Commission wanted to iterate and that's 00:29:59
what we let them know. 00:30:02
We'll be bringing that back to them with a whole package of amendments in late September. 00:30:06
OK, I just. 00:30:12
That crossed my mind when he brought up architecture, so that that makes sense. All right, thank you for the clarification on 00:30:14
that. Commissioners, Commissioner Funk, go ahead. So. 00:30:18
I apologize if this sounds disrespectful because I don't mean it to, but we're being asked to approve. 00:30:23
Reducing setbacks so that you can build properties. 00:30:32
So that your project pencils out. 00:30:39
Correct. Well that was one description of it. We're we're not asking for anything that most residential to residential properties 00:30:41
are requesting and that is a 10 foot side yard set back on on the side yard to the South, the set back to the rear typically 00:30:50
you're adjoining if you were adjoining another residential. 00:30:58
Project. 00:31:07
And house there you would have a greater set back but what we're. 00:31:09
Adjacent to is a drive, a private driveway. So it's so having it go from 15 to 10 in order it it's, it's not just that we're 00:31:16
trying to get. 00:31:22
Aggressive as much as there's no reason for it to be bigger than that. Well, I guess I'm thinking about the people who are going 00:31:30
to live in these units and my question is instead of our approving a reduced set back. 00:31:37
Have you considered reducing the size of the units that you're building? 00:31:45
We think that would affect the people that are going to live there much more. 00:31:50
Because we need to get a certain size of square footage of product that that is. 00:31:55
Requisite to have. 00:32:02
That quality of a dwelling unit. 00:32:04
My second question is with respect to the six units that are being proposed for the top of the. 00:32:06
The brewing the brew pub Well. 00:32:16
To be clear, there's a brewery component, there's a family restaurant, and there is a 21 and older restaurant bar. 00:32:21
On levels one and two, they're on the third level, principally over kitchen areas and the brewery. 00:32:32
Right. But there are six in their apartments on top of that, correct. Yes. And so my question is, is there any proposal for sound 00:32:42
mitigation there? Oh, absolutely. 00:32:48
Yeah. In fact, I guess that's not something we need to concern. 00:32:55
I mean, we'll, I mean as part of our engineering, we have a sound engineer and acoustical. I mean we're worried about everything 00:32:58
from water mitigation to sound transmission. It's part of the architectural and engineering. 00:33:05
To make sure those are viable dwelling units that aren't. 00:33:12
Otherwise, why would we build them? Because who doesn't want to live above a club? 00:33:18
Well, we're a restaurant which you see all over Europe and all over the East Coast, and it's very common. 00:33:23
Thank you, Mr. Cunningham. No sprinklers on the residential part of the building, even though the other two levels are sprinkled 00:33:33
and have a kitchen. 00:33:38
Is the fire department OK with that? 00:33:43
Code wise, they don't need to be sprinkler the residential units, though certainly the commercial side of it, the restaurant and 00:33:48
without a doubt is sprinkler it is it. 00:33:54
And that's just it. 00:34:02
Thought is that because nobody. 00:34:03
Started building. 00:34:06
Residential units on top of that kind of an operation. Is the code silent intentionally or? 00:34:09
It just had didn't anticipate. Yeah, well, if you're talking about the brewery restaurant, the the mix, the truly mixed-use 00:34:16
building that's fully sprinkled as well as the dwelling units. 00:34:22
All of them are fire sprinkler. If you're talking about the I'm just talking about the ones. 00:34:29
OK, with that building they are fully sprinkled. The whole building is and all of the fire separations and safety along with 00:34:35
acoustical separation. 00:34:40
We're very focused on that. 00:34:46
Commissioners, any other questions for the applicant? One more question. It just wasn't clear from what I could see on here. 00:34:52
On the to the South, so along the back, that's a driveway. What's along the South is that or is that a road or is that just up 00:34:58
against other properties? 00:35:03
PUD. 00:35:11
OK, so it's, but it's coming up to their fences, that's what I can tell. 00:35:13
Is it a cement wall? Is that what it is? There should be a closer in vicinity. 00:35:16
Yeah. So it has those townhomes have their fire access turn around on that side of the property. So it also is a 20 foot and then 00:35:29
a side yard for the for the town home, OK. 00:35:37
Thank you. 00:35:44
All righty. Any other questions for the applicants? 00:35:48
All right guys, thanks so much for your help. Go ahead and have a seat. And with that, we will open up the public hearing for 00:35:51
those that wish to make comment on this item this evening. Again, we'd ask that you state your name and address and try and keep 00:35:57
your comments to three minutes or less. And with that, anyone would like to make comments, go ahead and step forward. 00:36:03
Good evening, Sarah Pierce, 2004 Arbor Lane. That is my driveway that is next door. 00:36:15
I've lived at this location pretty much my entire life. I went to 5th and 6th grade in this building. 00:36:24
My parents live next door and that's where where I grew up. We've always known that we live next to a commercial area, but if you 00:36:31
visited the site, we have a. 00:36:36
A traditional holiday piece of property that is very, you know, an acre of land, lots of really big old trees. And right now it's 00:36:42
incredibly exposed, something that we've never lived with before. We've had really good communication with Brett, emailing back 00:36:51
and forth. And I'm quite shocked tonight to find out that 40 feet have been approved. I somehow we missed that. 00:37:00
Planning Commission and City Council approval and I'm really, really disappointed because that is basically looking into our house 00:37:10
in our yard and all of the privacy that we have enjoyed for over 25 years I. 00:37:17
We've been trying to work in good faith with Brett and talking about what we can do on our driveway to protect us. We have a nice 00:37:24
strip that a lot of trees could be planted, which would be on the other side of that. Where that set back is that you're talking 00:37:30
about it. 00:37:36
We need that. We need some big trees to be planted there. And I would just employ or if you're going to move forward on the set 00:37:42
back, which I'm not sure that that's the right decision, but help us make it right by putting some trees back into that space and 00:37:49
giving us back our our holiday home that we've grown up with and enjoyed. 00:37:57
All right. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. 00:38:05
We're going to allow all public comment and then we'll give you a chance to respond, yes. 00:38:08
My name is Patrick Hubley. I'm Sarah's husband. I live at 2004 E Arbor Lane. And I have to say I want to reiterate what you said 00:38:16
about being incredibly disappointed and kind of shocked about this 40 foot, this increase in the height restrictions for this 00:38:23
property. I've been fully supportive of what Brett's been doing here. But when we first discussed it, we talked about 30 feet 00:38:30
being the the height of these buildings, so adding another 10 feet. 00:38:36
Certainly increases the impact it has not only on us, but our neighbors who live just on the other side of that driveway. It's 00:38:43
almost feels like we're going to have people peering in over our trees and fences and seeing what we're going on. So if these 00:38:50
townhomes are currently scheduled to build out 40 feet, I'm not in. 00:38:56
I'm not on board with. I'd like to express my. 00:39:03
I don't think we should approve the template set back. 00:39:10
I think we I'd like to have as much distance from those townhomes as possible from our property. OK, thank you. All right, thank 00:39:13
you. 00:39:16
Any other comments from the public this evening on this? 00:39:23
Welcome back, Chris. 00:39:30
Since I'm here already just on that explanation on that. 00:39:33
The roadway and the zero set back we realigned Arbor Lane and so that's the location of where they're talking about Grant, you 00:39:38
know the City Council working on the on the permit for that. That's the old alignment of our per lane and so we've dedicated the 00:39:44
new property for the current alignment. So maybe that is more a little bit helpful to you to understand why that right away still 00:39:50
exist because. 00:39:56
You know, it was there, we dedicated New South. The old exists and so the city's working with them. 00:40:03
On that because it's adjacent to their property now, not ours because we dedicated property for our lane off of our property. So 00:40:08
just maybe that's helpful. 00:40:13
All right. Thank you for that clarification. Appreciate it. 00:40:18
Any other comments from the public this evening? 00:40:25
On this item. All right. With that, we will go ahead and close the public hearing. Well, we'll invite the applicant back up. 00:40:28
To address any comments. 00:40:35
Come up to the microphone, please. 00:40:38
Apologize for the miscommunication, but. 00:40:41
The 40 foot height was only used for the restaurant and the brewery component, which allowed us to get the six apartments above 00:40:44
it. We made no height increase from the original plan to the townhomes that were going back, even though we felt we probably could 00:40:53
have with that restriction. For the benefit of you and our communication, I did not increase that height. I kept it at the same. 00:41:01
All we were trying to do. 00:41:11
All we're trying to do is get the math to work on this project, and I've told them and. 00:41:13
I'm not a developer, I'm a resident. And I've done this because I run. I've run by this property for 20 years and something needed 00:41:20
to be done with it. And so I'm not making money on this. All I care about is really breaking even and getting a nice restaurant 00:41:27
put in place. So to be able to do that, I need to subsidize it, the cost of it with those apartments and the townhomes. But I'm 00:41:33
going out of my way to make sure that this is. 00:41:40
Architecturally beautiful landscape beautifully. 00:41:48
And not to take advantage of going 40 foot where I could to maximize. There's no profit intention on this. Trust me. It's to get 00:41:51
the restaurant done so that we can have an awesome. 00:41:56
Awesome iconic place for the the community. 00:42:02
Awesome. All right, appreciate it. Thanks for clarifying. And before you run away, I think we might have no question. I'm sorry, 00:42:07
this is a question for staff. Oh, OK. I apologize. Go ahead and sit down staff. So can we stipulate that the residential E 4 units 00:42:13
of maximum of certain height to kind of. 00:42:19
Maybe not, but I'm wondering if there's way that we can introduce language to keep for a planned unit development. One of the 00:42:26
specific things that you cannot make conditional is 1 the graduated height and to the overall height. So that can't be 00:42:32
restrictions that the Planning Commission places on on a planned unit development. That was that was the comment I was going to 00:42:39
make is we. 00:42:46
Recognize that that 35 feet limit in AC2 zone. 00:42:53
We don't need to increase encroach. 00:42:57
Into that 40 feet with this product, That wasn't the reason. That wasn't the. 00:43:00
Idea behind it and so we haven't now how that's qualified in this particular project or not. All I can say is those have not 00:43:06
changed. 00:43:12
Height since they were approved. 00:43:18
Before and there's no intention to let them creep there. That is the height they're designed. That's all they need to be and and 00:43:21
we haven't made them any any higher. And and sorry, what was the current height? You said 3535 was the previous height before the 00:43:27
text amendment. 00:43:33
So that was for the restaurant and the six units above it, correct? Yeah. So we are taking advantage of the new. 00:43:40
Ruling and new text amendment to be 40 feet because it allows three stories. 00:43:50
In a commercial setting to which we needed that extra height, we don't need that. In a really nice REST residential product, still 00:43:56
have three quality levels of. 00:44:03
And stay under the 35 feet. 00:44:09
OK so anyway so staff just helped me or help us, excuse me. 00:44:13
How do we maintain the height so that it kind of is conducive with the adjacent properties without stipulating it as a 00:44:19
requirement? Is there a way to say that in approval or? 00:44:25
Thank you. So this is you're approving the concept plan and their plan is for no more than 35 feet on those. So that's if they 00:44:35
needed to something different than that they would have to come back again. 00:44:41
But we've approved the 40 feet for commercial property. You have not. 00:44:49
You've approved the original plan didn't have, didn't allow for the 40 feet, so that's why the text amendment occurred. What's 00:44:54
before you tonight is kind of the site plan. It's modified to take advantage of that text amendment that happened, but it was 00:44:58
previously approved. 00:45:03
With the original plan based on those 35 foot height limits. And if you recall, they came back and had the the issues. The thing 00:45:09
isn't penciling with the level of finishes that they want to put on the restaurant. And that's the only thing this is gonna be a 00:45:16
function. Yeah. So the the townhomes are being, as far as I understand, the townhomes haven't changed at all. 00:45:23
Thank you for that clarification. So with the setbacks are changing. 00:45:30
The setbacks are changing, but not the building themselves, so they're moving closer. 00:45:36
So what was approved, We didn't approve the planned unit development before. We didn't look specifically at the setbacks. So 00:45:42
that's why the planned unit development is before you tonight, so that you can look at the setbacks, apply appropriate mitigation 00:45:47
for the impacts. 00:45:53
Just to clarify for Brad, I do believe I closed the public hearing, but I want to make sure it's officially closed. So there's no 00:46:01
question on that. And we will move to our Commissioner discussion on this Commissioners, further questions for city staff around 00:46:06
this. 00:46:11
I just want to make sure that I understand on the alignment of Arbor Lane and we do want to put a condition in place correct that 00:46:18
that alignment takes place. 00:46:24
In order to move this through I think. 00:46:30
You want to frame it around the fact that they're using right now. What is public right of way for effectively 7 stalls? 00:46:34
Say that again, they're using public right of way. 00:46:43
For seven stalls. 00:46:47
So the requirement would be either. 00:46:50
Apply for an encroachment license with the City Council. 00:46:54
Or apply for a vacation of right of way so it creates private properties they don't have to have an encroachment license. 00:46:58
So the site plans conditioned upon either one of those paths with City Council, either encroachment license for the stalls and 00:47:06
parking lot, which is not uncommon. 00:47:11
Or, which is what I would much rather prefer, is a vacation of the right of way, because you're going to see this again. 00:47:17
You need to see it for the subdivision plat. 00:47:25
And that subdivision plat is going to have the new property line if it's vacated. 00:47:28
That follows the right of way. 00:47:33
So the conditional approval would be, yes, the parking works. However, six or seven of those stalls are in the public right of 00:47:36
way, and it's conditioned upon getting the approval from the City Council to use the right of way or a vacation of the right of 00:47:42
way to get that back into private property, if that makes sense. 00:47:47
Is the only realignment of Arbor Lane what we're seeing is the little jog to the north? 00:47:55
Yeah, that's that's been completed, that's done. 00:48:03
Previously it ran straight right through that what would have been the parking lot there. 00:48:07
OK, so that's not that. None of that is relevant to these 4 units. 00:48:16
To the east, no. 00:48:21
Can I ask a follow up on the setbacks? 00:48:29
We have requests from the folks on the East. 00:48:34
Umm. 00:48:39
I'd like to kind of follow that up because this is a conditional use right on the set back, so we can contingent make it 00:48:41
contingent on landscaping requirements. 00:48:46
And that and I'd like to follow up and maybe ask them what are they looking for? 00:48:52
And what would fit in a 10 foot set back that it would accomplish that? 00:48:58
And I think that's fair. 00:49:04
And one thing I would ask is what is the minimum required number of trees for example? 00:49:07
Along that back property for those 4 units and maybe increase that as a condition. 00:49:14
So rather than we'll put four back there, require six or eight back there to help and any gate, is there a placement that would be 00:49:22
better? I mean, are, are we screening home? Not screening a whole acre obviously. But you know, depending where the homes are 00:49:28
located that may tell us where that landscaping ought to be. I, I am a little concerned that if you have a 10 foot set back, you 00:49:34
can't put a very big tree. 00:49:40
In there and that you might have to increase the setbacks to create the screening that. 00:49:47
They've asked for, well, I think if you. 00:49:52
Use their calm variety of trees that you can plant near a building that can actually grow quite tall and I think effectively 00:49:55
mitigate, you know what it is you're looking for. But like I said, I think if you go with just the minimums, you're not going to 00:50:02
necessarily accomplish that with two flowering pear trees as opposed to five or six right where you actually have a screen and 00:50:08
foliage there. 00:50:15
I think I don't know that I would want to necessarily. 00:50:23
Put a condition that would be too restrictive. I think the applicant needs to have a little bit of wiggle room to make sure that 00:50:27
it's all going to work with what they need to do, but I think increasing the minimum tree count on the back part of the property. 00:50:34
To help would would offset some of those concerns if that makes sense and I think we would, is that something that we could do 00:50:42
that would be reasonable? 00:50:46
I'm looking to council. 00:50:52
You've got to come back with a landscaping plan anyway, right? 00:50:55
So this is concept and preliminary. 00:50:59
So the question is, so you're approving the PUD? 00:51:01
Or you have it before you do approve the PUD that allows them to change the setbacks. Or they better come back with the 00:51:05
landscaping plan after the fact. 00:51:09
But we are looks like being asked to defer final two staff. 00:51:13
You don't have to. 00:51:19
So right, if there's concerns the Planning Commission can require? 00:51:20
Applicant to come back with the landscaping plan. 00:51:26
And you've kind of already indicated that you want something to mitigate the the proposed setbacks. 00:51:30
So I think. 00:51:37
Chris is competent. 00:51:39
He can come up with. 00:51:41
With the plan that I have lots of faith in the applicant on this. 00:51:42
Decided on something that would work and that would be that on their side of the property during that on that driveway that we 00:51:48
would agree with them that we would plant sufficient sufficient trees that we their privacy needs and our landscaping needs and 00:51:55
then it wouldn't even affect our backyard and not willing to do it's even better. 00:52:02
Between us which? 00:52:11
So we just to clarify, we you can't require the applicant to put trees on their property, but if the applicant wants to bring that 00:52:14
back as part of his landscaping plan. 00:52:19
You know, included in that. 00:52:25
That's a private agreement between them. We're good with that, but we can't require it if that makes sense. Yeah, no, we don't 00:52:29
have any authority to require something on somebody elses property. It's not before the planning. Well, when that property changes 00:52:35
hands, will all those trees on that side get the chainsaw right away anyway? Like we don't know, right. So we we can't do that. 00:52:41
But if they want to have a private agreement that's we're totally good with that. OK. 00:52:48
What we're approving if we approve the PUD. 00:52:55
Is we are you're approving flexibility with the setbacks and this preliminary and concept and preliminary and then they've got to 00:52:59
come back to get final. 00:53:04
So you don't have to delegate it. You could, but you don't have to. 00:53:10
And can I confirm that the setbacks on the back? 00:53:14
It's 15 feet required and the 10 feet is being proposed. Is that correct? So it's a 5 foot difference in what? 00:53:17
Could happen without our without the PUD approval. So 15 feet, yeah, without PUD, 10 feet with PUD, right. And then I guess if I 00:53:26
were better at the Pythagorean theorem or something, I'm just trying to visualize it does was the original brewery and restaurant 00:53:33
going to be close to the 35 and now it's going up to the 40. Is that, is that correct? I'm just, it seems like actually you won't 00:53:41
be able to see that 5 foot difference because it's so far away behind the. 00:53:48
Home. So that's actually not really the issue. The issue is the townhomes just being closer to the set back. Is that my great 00:53:56
understanding? Yeah, yeah. 00:53:59
If I may to one of the primary reasons why. 00:54:03
The staff is recommending approval of flexibility and setbacks here primarily. You have a big problem. 00:54:08
It's a massive power line easement that runs NS that they can't encroach into. 00:54:16
They can't build on the other side of it because it's too small, can't build under it, so everything has to be jammed within this 00:54:22
power line easement here and the right of way. 00:54:27
And we have these other dimensions that can't be changed. A fire line access 20 feet wide. Parking stall depths 18 feet deep. 00:54:33
Parking or sidewalk widths that are kind of these set in stone dimensions that sort of started pushing things out to into areas 00:54:44
that created a little some difficulty. That's one of the primary reasons why we have APUD situations to accommodate weird 00:54:50
scenarios. 00:54:56
Yeah. 00:55:04
I think my thought on this is it sounds like the the height change of the. 00:55:07
Of the restaurant and the six units above there are not the thing that's affecting the privacy of the lot next door. And I like 00:55:13
that it's mixed-use. I think that's really great. 00:55:17
The change in the set back. 00:55:22
Is is a change? 00:55:25
But it doesn't feel like so much of A material change that not changing the set back would preserve their privacy. And then that 00:55:28
extra 5 feet is what's destroying is just sort of the existence altogether. I appreciate that that they've that the developers and 00:55:35
the neighbors have been working together. It feels a little risky to say we're we're hoping that they will continue forward in 00:55:42
good faith. But actually, I also appreciate that they've been doing it so far at least, you know, communicating and working. 00:55:50
So in this instance. 00:55:57
That, you know, saying we can't force them to plant trees, but that sounds like a discussion they're having. 00:56:00
Well, we can't force them to plant trees on the neighbors on their property, right? 00:56:06
But but if that's the discussion they're having, then. 00:56:11
To me, that seems like a good mitigation of the slightly shifted setbacks. 00:56:14
And just to clarify what your concern is, were you comfortable then dedicating the final and not having them come back to Planning 00:56:21
Commission with a landscape plan or would you, I would still like to see the landscaping plan, but but I think in terms of 00:56:27
approving the PUD the the the 40 foot concern sounds like that's not what's happening. 00:56:33
And and then the setbacks would be mitigated through planting the trees on the neighbors property. And, you know, sometimes if you 00:56:40
don't know who's developing, it feels risky to say we're just going to trust them to do the right thing now that we've approved 00:56:45
it. But in this instance, it feels like it would be. 00:56:51
Umm, the history of what's been happening here is they've been talking and communicating, have been working together. 00:56:57
And I believe I've asked chemistry Wilczynski, I didn't realize they gave you a tricky double. So it gets to work on this, but 00:57:07
unless other command commissioners feel differently, I think then probably if we just scratch the. 00:57:13
Last line on the motion for the final to be. 00:57:20
Sent back to staff, but to have that final come back to us so we can see the landscape plan, I think the other. 00:57:26
Requirements as outlined works for me, unless commissioners have any other concerns around the proposed motion. 00:57:32
Chair, just one of their clarifying comments. So the there is no public hearing. 00:57:40
For that final right, So a final plat approval you don't or final concept of final plat approval does not require a public hearing 00:57:45
so. 00:57:49
Right. 00:57:53
This is Commissioner Vilcinski and I move to go ahead and approve the plan unit development conceptual site plan application 00:57:58
submitted by Mr. Brett Laughlin for Immigration Brewery, a mixed-use planned unit development in the C2 zone upon the findings 00:58:05
that. 00:58:11
Umm, the preliminary plat has been reviewed and considered substantially complete. 00:58:19
The proposed land use complies with the allowed uses in the C2 zone. The lot size, coverage and parking requirements meet the 00:58:25
minimum requirements of the C2 zone. 00:58:31
This approval is based upon the following conditions. 00:58:39
First one is that the applicant needs to address civil plan comments by city engineer. 00:58:45
The applicant also needs to submit grading and drainage plan. 00:58:52
The applicant needs to provide utility service letters with approved plans. 00:58:56
And also we need the applicant to submit landscaping plan with a tree canopy protection plan. 00:59:01
And this approval is also conditional upon the alignment of Arbor Lane and gaining permission. 00:59:08
To place those parking stalls, 7 or 6 parking stalls. 00:59:18
On that piece of property. 00:59:23
Yep, we can. We can work with that. OK, thank you. And then. 00:59:27
One concern, I just want to double check on the tree side of things with the landscaping, since it's in there with the landscape 00:59:33
plan, could I make a a amended motion or a motion, amendment, whatever to a? 00:59:40
Ask the applicant to when they present that tree canopy plan increase more than minimum required along the. 00:59:47
East side of the property. 00:59:57
I second that amended. 01:00:05
Motion. All right, we have a motion. It's been second and we'll call for a vote. Commissioner Baron Aye, Commissioner Gong aye. 01:00:07
Commissioner Fault aye. Mr. Wilcinski, Aye. And Commissioner Cunningham, aye. And Chair Roach votes aye. So that one is a check. 01:00:13
And then there is a second motion for the PUD. 01:00:19
This is Commissioner Wilchinski. I move to approve the preliminary plat for Immigration Brewery, a mixed used, mixed-use planned 01:00:26
unit development in the C2 zone upon the findings that here again the preliminary plat has been reviewed and considered 01:00:34
substantially complete. The proposed land use complies with allowed uses in the C2 zone and the lot size, coverage and parking 01:00:41
requirements meet the minimum requirement. 01:00:48
In the C2 zone. 01:00:56
Motion, Do we have a second? 01:00:58
Commissioner Roach will second that. We'll call for a vote. 01:01:02
Commissioner Cunningham aye, Mr. Voltinski Aye, Mr. Flaunt, Mr. Gong hi, Commissioner Baron Aye and Chair Roach votes aye. 01:01:05
All right. Thank you very much. Look forward to seeing you guys again soon. 01:01:14
And before we move into the far down in states, I am assuming this one is going to be a fun one. Everybody okay, Anybody need a 01:01:20
quick recess? Everybody all right, keep going. 01:01:25
All right, so moving forward into item number four, far down state subdivision amendment and extension for Latour St. we'll ask 01:01:32
city staff if they will come up and give us the. 01:01:38
Details on that. 01:01:47
Carrier, John. Flip a Coin. 01:01:50
All right. 01:01:56
OK. Item number four on the agenda. This is an application to amend and extend the Far Down Estate subdivision. 01:01:58
This property has two, well it's two parcels. Currently there's a rear parcel that is zoned as R210 and then a front parcel on the 01:02:09
Tour Street that is zoned as R110I. 01:02:17
The property owner is seeking to adjust the existing property lines between those two parcels. The issue is that the front parcel 01:02:26
is in the Far Down Estate subdivision. The rear parcel is not in a subdivision. So in order to adjust the property lines for that 01:02:35
property that's in the subdivision, we have to or the subdivision has to be amended. 01:02:44
In that amendment, it is easiest to bring in that extra land from the rear parcel, so that's the extension of the subdivision. 01:02:54
So it is. 01:03:02
Bringing more land into an existing subdivision and then adjusting property lines between those two parcels owned by the same 01:03:04
owner. 01:03:08
I think that's pretty straightforward on that one. Both lots will meet the minimum size required per zone. R210 requires a 6250 01:03:13
square foot lot and then R110 requires a 10,000 square foot lot. So the rear lot retains the 6250 square feet. It actually 01:03:21
increases in size from what? 01:03:29
Its existing sizes and there's enough land then left over 11,000 and 809 square feet for the front property. 01:03:38
And I'll have the applicant come up he can add any additional details on this. One thing that is noted. 01:03:48
On the access, so there is a 20 foot access on the side. This plat that's being displayed is not the most updated one. If you 01:03:58
scroll all the way down to the end of the packet, that's where the amendment is. 01:04:04
Got it. 01:04:12
So this accurately shows the distances there will be a 20 foot easement for in favor of the rear parcel. 01:04:14
It the applicant will be applying for a code modification of from fire code to reduce the width of that access. 01:04:25
And not require a turn around. 01:04:34
So on the plat, it is noted that the rear parcel will have a structure that is fire sprinkler. So that's noted on the pile would 01:04:38
be required at a building permit. 01:04:43
And I'll have the applicant come up and he can add any additional details. Thank you very much. With that, do we have Troy Jensen 01:04:48
or representative? 01:04:53
Maybe we can help you guys get caught up on some time. 01:05:01
Should be pretty simple. Troy Jensen I live at 6018 S Latour St. so I live in the home that's on the front parcel I. 01:05:05
Yeah, our proposal is simple. We just. 01:05:15
We were asked by the Planning Commission because the parcel lot, which is labeled Lot 20, wasn't included in any plat map 01:05:19
anywhere, and so the math didn't workout when you tried to put them together. So all they want us to do is. 01:05:25
Get those combined into the existing plat map to make the math workout to where you know everything is connected and recorded 01:05:32
properly. Not a problem. I have talked with the fire Marshall about the right of way and the easement and he he had said that you 01:05:41
know as long as the structure is fire sprinkled we don't have to have that whole 20 width as a paved area or right of way. 01:05:51
We're happy to do that. This is. 01:06:01
Really it's, you know, partial that we're creating to build a home from my parents who are getting older and we just want them to 01:06:04
be able to be close to us to where we can help them out, you know, as they needed a. 01:06:11
But other than that it's pretty straightforward. Any questions? 01:06:19
Commissioner Barron, looking at this, it looks like you have frontage on the Emerald Ridge Cove. 01:06:23
I know that that's a private road, but I don't see a non access easement or any restriction to that, right. So the development 01:06:31
which is I think it's the Highland. 01:06:37
Point Village PUD and along the the portion of that lot there's a block wall that is surrounding on the north side and that 01:06:45
continues down on the West side of our property that divides that. So there is no access the HOA. 01:06:54
We did approach the HOA to find out if we could join and be part of that HOA. They decided that they didn't want to do that, which 01:07:04
is fine, but it is currently bordered by the concrete precast fence so well that would help if you could have gotten the access. 01:07:10
But I. 01:07:16
Well, that's what we thought, but you know, it didn't workout that way. So we're we're fine with this this way as well. So, OK, 01:07:22
other questions for the applicant. 01:07:26
All right, we'll go ahead and have you sit down. Thank you. 01:07:32
And with that, we will open up the public hearing for those that wish to speak on this item tonight. Just as a reminder, state 01:07:35
your name and address when you approach the podium and please keep comments to three minutes or less and try not to restate any 01:07:40
prior made comments if someone has spoken before you. And with that, we will invite any members of the public that want to come up 01:07:45
and speak on this now. 01:07:50
My name is Wayne Benyan. 01:08:00
And my address is 2035 Diamond Hills Lane, so I live. 01:08:02
Adjacent to the. 01:08:08
Vacant property. 01:08:10
And I got to tell you, I have very little, if any confidence. 01:08:13
In this particular gentleman's ability to be straightforward in anything that he proposes. 01:08:19
When he visited with me. 01:08:25
He told me I was gonna, that he was going to build a house on that and that he was going to join our. 01:08:27
HOA and I said I don't think that's going to happen. 01:08:35
And he insisted that that's what was going to happen. And he tried to bully me on my front porch on that same day. 01:08:40
And convince me that he was going to join our HOA and change the zoning. 01:08:49
So that he could be a member of all these homes to the West of him. 01:08:56
And he was very unprofessional. I thought he was very over the top with me. 01:09:02
He has. 01:09:10
A small shed to back your backyard. Shed in the corner. 01:09:12
Corner of the vacant in the north. 01:09:17
West corner of the property that he evidently has placed. 01:09:21
Some repair materials for a for. 01:09:28
Re roofing this the small shed but every day that I wake up in the morning for the past year and currently I look across from 01:09:33
where I live and all I can see is a bunch of material. 01:09:39
Laying on the top of this. 01:09:47
Otherwise normal backyard shed and I've thought I'm going to go over there and ask him to remove. 01:09:49
These materials that I mean it's right. 01:09:58
It's within 15 feet of my front door. 01:10:02
And I have an office in the front of my house that I lookout the window on a nice day and I can enjoy most of what's going on 01:10:05
outside. 01:10:09
But for the past year, he's had this material sitting right at my eye level on the top of his shed. Kind of an irritant? Probably 01:10:14
not. 01:10:20
Terribly considerable in your view, but. 01:10:26
I did have an interaction with him about a year ago about his intentions. 01:10:32
And he made claims that he had already. 01:10:36
Progressed in his attempt to become a part of our HOA, which were completely. 01:10:40
False, and I have little respect or confidence in his ability to. 01:10:47
To be honest with his neighbors or with the council? 01:10:53
Thank you. All right, thank you. 01:10:58
Any other comments from the public? 01:11:05
I apologize, I'm just going to interrupt real quick. One of you with the passcode. I know I'm wearing a jacket, but it's rather 01:11:08
warm up here with the sun. Would you mind just hitting that AC box a couple degrees for me? I'd love it. Go ahead. Sorry, I'm Dina 01:11:16
Robertson. I live at 6008 Ruby Ridge Cove in the HOAI. Just have a couple questions I'd like the the someone to answer. 01:11:23
And I'm very visual. Can I point? Is that acceptable? Yeah, you can point just as long as you speak into the microphone so we know 01:11:32
what you're pointing at and talking about. 01:11:36
Oh, it's right here the white part of the Anderson home that you've listed here on off of Latour. So you're the question is the 01:11:42
driveway will go down past on this. 01:11:47
North side of the current household. 01:11:55
And then? 01:12:00
I can't tell that's an outbuilding or part of their house. So in other words, the access would be right there. And then you said 01:12:02
that this lot in the back here, this small lot is not a part of the subdivision. I'm curious what it is a part of, why it's 01:12:07
needing to be. 01:12:12
Brought in, is that something that our HOA owns and we didn't know it or and then I think the access was made pretty clear that 01:12:17
that's how that's going to be. And I was concerned about the fire truck and it sounds like there was allotment for that with the 01:12:24
sprinklers. So just those two questions would be great. 01:12:30
All righty. Well with that I'll just pause public comment real quick and see if city staff wants to speak to the. 01:12:37
Or reiterate the parcel. 01:12:46
The parcel is a separate parcel. It is owned by the property owner. He owns both of those parcels. 01:12:50
That. 01:13:01
That rear parcel was zoned to the R2 zone when that PUD was created, but it was not incorporated into the PUD. So it wasn't ever 01:13:04
part of this subdivision. And John, if you want to go to the original subdivision plat. 01:13:13
For far down estates. 01:13:24
What was the date that was created? 01:13:29
64 yeah. So 1964 is when far down a state subdivision was created. You can see lot 8 kind of on the border. So lot 9 goes further 01:13:32
out, Lot 8 jogs in. 01:13:39
A significant amount of area there behind Lot 7 and Lot 8 that we're not in the Far Down Estate subdivision originally. So the 01:13:48
application is to bring that area of land into the subdivision so that the lot line can be adjusted between. 01:13:56
The two parcels. 01:14:04
Thank you very much, City. 01:14:06
City staff care. 01:14:09
Um, all right, any other comments from public? 01:14:12
Can I just ask a clarifying question? Yes. Is the HOA those two members of Polk River referring to? Is that the Far Down Estates 01:14:16
HOA? 01:14:20
No, that would be the Diamond Hills. I don't remember what that's the other one village. 01:14:26
OK. So Highland Point Village is that planned unit development, they have smaller lots, smaller setbacks, got it. Everything that 01:14:34
you'd see standard in a planned unit development. So that parcel was not included in their planned unit development. So it's. 01:14:43
Just a regular piece of land. Thank you. 01:14:52
All right, good clarification, I. 01:14:56
Any other members of the public wishing to speak on this item tonight? 01:14:59
Once, twice. All right. And with that, we'll go ahead and invite the applicant back up if you wants to make any additional 01:15:04
comments based on those given tonight. If not, you can just say no thanks and we can move forward. 01:15:10
Excuse me, just to address a couple of issues. I. 01:15:21
You know, initially when we purchased the property, I had been in touch with the HOA president and, you know, talked with with her 01:15:26
and, and asked her to present to the owners if we could become part of the HOA and she said she would and. 01:15:36
As far as I understand, that's what they did in in one of their HOA meetings and they determined that they they would rather not. 01:15:49
Umm. I think maybe there's some memory issues, maybe with some of the descriptions that have been made about my demands and what 01:15:58
I. 01:16:03
Told one of the property owners in that development as to what was going to happen. 01:16:09
I've, I mean, I've been around a long time and I just, I know that you're not going to tell anybody else what's gonna happen and 01:16:15
have that workout very well. So our initial reaction was. 01:16:21
It was full of bigger, let's say. 01:16:31
From both sides, but I don't intend to make a character assassination or any comments in regard to that. I think what we're doing 01:16:34
is we're using our land as as we see fit and we we comply with all of the requirements as far as the plan and the zone for what 01:16:42
we're doing. So I appreciate it. Thank you very much. All right, thank you for that clarification and I will close the public 01:16:49
hearing and we will turn to commissioners discussion. 01:16:56
In regards to this property, Commissioners, questions, comments. 01:17:05
Commissioner Baron, I guess my comment is I'm glad to see this kind of get cleaned up a little bit. 01:17:12
I think that helps. I'm sorry that maybe there's a disagreement between neighbors, but I don't want to get in the middle of that. 01:17:18
But I think this helps to a degree, so. 01:17:23
Whether that helps anybody up here? 01:17:30
Well, as opposed to having a lot sitting behind you that doesn't really belong to anything. Yeah, the meets and bounds are tough 01:17:34
because you don't get much out of that. So yeah, Commissioner gone. I just want to clarify, it sounds like the Access Rd. can be a 01:17:39
little bit. 01:17:45
Can be smaller because it because the house will be sprinkled and it doesn't have to be that 20 feet. Is that going to be a 01:17:54
problem in terms of future? 01:17:58
Change in ownership or is that fine because it will be sprinkled that's the end of that right access. So since that's noted on the 01:18:04
plat it will be a requirement you know fifty 100 years down the road if somebody. 01:18:09
Purchases that rear property, tears down the house. They would have to then build a new house with fire sprinklers or change the 01:18:15
access to meet fire requirements. OK, but the but the access is fine for just residential use of a driveway right? OK, great. 01:18:22
Anything on this side? 01:18:32
There's a quiet over here. They're having a good time. All right. I believe I picked on Commissioner Baron if he would bring any 01:18:34
final thoughts to this and then offer a motion if prepared to do so. 01:18:40
I have a sorry quick comment too, because utility letters are noted in here as a requirement, part of a conditional approval 01:18:47
possibly if the Commission wanted to go that route, the applicant has submitted a. 01:18:55
For utility service letters, so they have. 01:19:05
A letter that I got tonight from Dominion and I believe from Rocky Mountain as well. Or was it just Dominion? 01:19:09
So just Dominion? 01:19:18
So those will likely be available in seven to 10 days. 01:19:22
So one of the conditions is that they submit all the required utility letters. So would that is that going to cover it? You OK 01:19:27
with that? OK. 01:19:31
This is Commissioner Barrett I motion that we approve. 01:19:36
The preliminary plan application by Troy Jensen Ford. 01:19:40
To amend and extend the Far Down Estate subdivision based upon the findings. 01:19:44
The development complies with the General Plan to the rear. The rear lot complies with the minimum lot standards for a single 01:19:50
family detached unit development in the R-2-10 zone #3 The front lot complies with the minimum lot standards for a single family 01:19:57
unit in the R110 zone 4. Details required for the preliminary and final plat have been submitted with the exception of utility 01:20:05
service Letters 5. 01:20:12
Access and utility utility easements to the river. The property is acceptable pending public utility approval. 01:20:20
And the findings or excuse me, and the fall and the conditions. 01:20:28
They need to submit all required utility service letters with the acceptance of proposed utility easement on the front lot. Submit 01:20:32
code modifications, request to UFA for fire sprinklers, release of access requirements, recording access easement in favor of the 01:20:41
rear lot. Provide CCN Rs specifically detailing maintenance of the access lane. 01:20:49
Also within one year and in accordance with 13.08 point 010 point D5 to defer administrative review and approval of the final plat 01:20:59
by the by the Community and Economic Development Director following a positive written recommendation from the TRC. 01:21:08
Right, outstanding. Thank you for that motion. Do we have a second? 01:21:18
Commissioner, font seconds. With that, we'll call for a vote. Commissioner Cunningham aye, Mr. Wilcinski aye, Commissioner Fallon 01:21:23
Aye, Commissioner Gong aye, and Commissioner Baron Aye and Chair Roach votes aye, and it passes unanimously. Thank you very much. 01:21:29
All right. 01:21:39
And then we have one more item on our agenda for public hearing this evening, which is the Jetty subdivision PUD. Looks like we 01:21:41
still have a couple people here up. Hold on, jumping the gun. Sorry. First thing we're going to do is ask our city staff to give 01:21:48
us a quick rundown and then we will be inviting the applicant to come speak on that. 01:21:55
All right, item number 5, this is a subdivision amendment to add a conditional use planned unit development to this two lot 01:22:07
subdivision. It's the Jetty subdivision created in 2015 at 1873 E Lincoln Lane. It's a 2 lot subdivision, total acreage of .70 01:22:17
acres, which is 30,492 square feet. That's in an R1. 01:22:26
Zone with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. 01:22:36
Holiday city code for flag lots where you have a rear lot that is accessed through a driveway that that goes back to the to the 01:22:44
rear parcel requires that setbacks for the abutting or immediately adjacent parcels match on the flag lot. There's a diagram in 01:22:51
the staff report. 01:22:59
Details what the setbacks would be. 01:23:07
A rear set back on the east side. A rear set back on the South side. 01:23:11
Partial site set back on the Northside and then a partial rear set back on the north side and then a side set back on the West 01:23:17
side. 01:23:23
So with those setbacks. 01:23:30
The the applicant looked at those and wanted to make some modifications on on the set back, specifically to preserve an improved 01:23:33
kind of large open area. 01:23:40
That's on. 01:23:47
The rear portion of the lot on the West side. So in order to preserve that space, make that non buildable space. It then limits 01:23:49
the area for what was previously buildable space for a second structure. 01:23:57
So with the shift to the east side of the property, the applicant is then asking for reduced setbacks from. 01:24:06
12 feet or sorry, from 22 feet to 12 feet on the east side. 01:24:16
From 22 feet to 10 feet on the. 01:24:25
South side The side set back is 10 feet. 01:24:29
That's in line with what a side set back would be and then on the north side. 01:24:36
You'd have they're proposing A10 foot set back, which is larger than what a site set back would be for the east part. And then for 01:24:42
the West part where there's a rear yard, it would have to go jog in 20 to 22 feet. So they're just proposing a standard at 10 01:24:48
feet. 01:24:53
They're identified building area that's shown on that inner. 01:25:01
Square includes the driveway that's driveways aren't typically included on. 01:25:06
On a building area, but it can be that building area gives them flexibility to angle the house or offset it some way. That's kind 01:25:14
of the. 01:25:19
The furthest reaches is what they're proposing there, and. 01:25:25
A couple of they do have some proposed landscaping on the next sheet. 01:25:31
To mitigate some of those smaller impacts or smaller setbacks. 01:25:39
Staff review of this recommendation would be possibly to have some variability in those setbacks. 01:25:45
Specifically on the east side, there's the structure immediately to the east has a portion that comes up closer to the property 01:25:55
and then a part that goes much further back. So maybe to oppose that separate so that. 01:26:03
The part that's closer than is met with a further set back. The part that's further on the neighbors then can have a the closer 01:26:12
proposed set back. So that's that's a condition that the Planning Commission could consider. 01:26:18
Also requiring trees on that east side, there's not any that are proposed there currently. That could be a consideration of 01:26:26
conditions for the Commission. 01:26:32
And I think that is all that I have noted in the staff report, specifically with the planned unit development, the intent is some 01:26:38
flexibility in the land use so that you have. 01:26:46
One of those is open space, unique neighborhoods, high quality housing. By limiting your building areas, you're creating a kind of 01:26:58
a smaller footprint than what? 01:27:03
Possibly would have been there before in exchange for this larger open space. Another recommendation noted in the staff report is 01:27:10
to identify then. 01:27:15
Specific building area that's tied to the house that is existing on lot 1, so that that whole portion of their proposed lot 1 01:27:22
doesn't become buildable space tied into lot 1. So it preserves the open space that is there and ensures that it stays that way. 01:27:30
And I will have the applicant come up and they can talk about their proposal a little bit more. 01:27:40
I have a question, just one SEC yes, on the proposed building envelope. 01:27:45
Is there supposed to be a fire access turn around at the end of that driveway or so similar with that we saw in the last 01:27:51
application they're proposing fire sprinklers OK to in order to not have those access requirements? Thank you. 01:27:58
All right. Thank you, Carrie. And now we'll ask the applicant who's been patiently waiting this whole time to come up and. 01:28:07
Stephanie Vollmer. I am the representative to the property owners, Richard Hadlock and Sylvia Hadlock. My address is 2804 E 2850 01:28:14
S. 01:28:18
We're applying for the PUD conditional use permit primarily so that we can build a single family residence on Lot 2. 01:28:24
The current setbacks are very limiting. The width of the lot is only 88 feet, so with 25 feet rear setbacks, or maybe it was 22. 01:28:31
It just is very limiting to to be able to put a house back there. 01:28:39
So we are proposing a lot line adjustment, flexibility and setbacks, and we're willing to mitigate the impact and we're willing 01:28:48
to, you know, do whatever the city recommends what we do. 01:28:54
So just to confirm with what city staff had recommended where specifically that duplex that kind of abuts up onto the top corner 01:29:02
of the property, you'd be amenable to having that? 01:29:08
Building footprint set back further. 01:29:15
Yeah, yeah. We're open to that. We we're open to like angling the house. We're opening to shifting the house further to the West. 01:29:18
Umm, we're open to making it good for the neighbors, and we want to add many trees in our landscape plan. I added eight new trees, 01:29:27
4 on each lot. But we can do more than that and we we can add trees on that east side too. 01:29:35
OK. And then? 01:29:43
Also. 01:29:45
Changing the sub boundaries of Lot 1 for that open, Yeah, yeah, OK. 01:29:46
All right, cool. Just want to make sure I understand that. Commissioners, any questions for the applicant? Commissioner Baron, can 01:29:52
you tell me why we're trying to preserve this little golf course? 01:29:57
I mean, it looks like it's going to be with Lot 1, right? Yes. So we'll be tied into Lot 1 as part of their legal property 01:30:03
boundaries and that's. 01:30:08
With with PUD's, there's a lot of flexibility. Some applicants will choose to just have the structure be owned, some will include 01:30:14
more significant amount of space to be owned privately so that there's. 01:30:20
Comment space. There's not any set standards of you have to have X amount of common space. So for the intensive how they were 01:30:27
envisioning their property, that's it. It made sense to tie that. 01:30:34
Open Space and the improvements there to Lot 1 specifically. 01:30:42
I believe that they considered making it common space, but just. 01:30:47
For ease of their intents, I think it was just easier to make it legally tied to. So there's not a requirement to have open space, 01:30:52
it's just preferred with the PUD in a planned unit development. It's one of the intents is and I the paragraph from the purpose of 01:30:59
a planned unit development in the. 01:31:06
There's not any specific determined by the Planning Commission just how much is appropriate because to me. 01:31:16
Saving that doesn't necessarily add any value to the open space. 01:31:21
And it doesn't. It takes away kind of the flexibility of how you could develop on the lot. 01:31:27
To me moving the house further West. 01:31:32
Away from the house to the east is much more appropriate and then reducing by lengthening it, we could reduce the North and South 01:31:35
setbacks or increase them, excuse me, to make it a little bit more conducive with the surrounding property. But that's why I'm 01:31:41
wondering why the I mean. 01:31:46
And I think that yes, the the golf thing is there currently it, it is still open space. It's not natural vegetation. You could add 01:31:53
requirements to add natural vegetation to that, but on the subdivision plat or the beauty it's still. 01:32:02
Designated as open space. So if a future landowner came in and purchased lot 1, they couldn't build and develop into that area. 01:32:12
Same thing with lot 2. You're not building and developing into that area that. 01:32:18
I think it's .11 acres is just preserved as kind of a park even though it's not natural vegetation currently. So is there any 01:32:26
discussion to actually have lot to extend all the way across? 01:32:32
That's what is on the existing plat. Oh, I'm sorry, maybe that's where I saw my apology. 01:32:40
And just to clarify on that part of it, the Eau, the external accessory dwelling unit couldn't be built on Lot 1 back there unless 01:32:47
they got permission because of the PUD, is that right? Yes, same thing if they so changing those property boundaries on Lot 1, if 01:32:56
you then incorporate the PUD element and restrict the building area, that then eliminates having. 01:33:05
An accessory structure that can be built there. 01:33:15
Or a significant addition onto that house, or addition on to the second house if that were to. 01:33:17
Shift it's it's taking what was a really huge portion of buildable area for a lot 2A house could have extended that full area on 01:33:26
lot 2 and shrinking that down in order to make that dedicated open space non buildable. 01:33:36
One last question. 01:33:46
Why does the driveway go up and around lot 1? 01:33:48
Looks like they're putting trees along the north side. 01:33:53
That was as we revised our plan. OK, sorry, I'm just trying to keep up with all the different exhibits. 01:33:58
Go up one. 01:34:12
It was right there. 01:34:19
So this one doesn't have the trees, but it just shows the proposed setbacks. Just the proposed setbacks, yeah. 01:34:27
There are, there are about 10 trees that line the West side of lot 1. It's a little bit hard to tell that lines that whole 01:34:36
property line. I mean we could do the same thing on the north side, east side. I mean we're open to adding vegetation to create 01:34:43
privacy for the neighbors. Our intention is not to encroach on the neighbors by any means. We just. 01:34:50
The property's owners want to build a retirement home in the back and currently it's too limiting to build anything back there. So 01:34:58
Carrie, can you tell me why the property line, the western property line of Lot 2? 01:35:05
Kind of why does it go there instead of to the green? It has a common shared drive, so property lot. So what's the driveway 01:35:12
accessing? 01:35:17
If you zoom out, is that a parking lot at the north side of the golf course? I think on the. 01:35:22
Vicinity that one that kind of gives the context of the full area as did you want to see. I'm just trying to figure out how 01:35:30
they're choosing where the lot lights are going because again, I'm I'm trying to get back to increasing or reducing the set back 01:35:36
on the West side. 01:35:43
So we can increase it on the east side and then reducing or. 01:35:50
Lose my mind here and increasing the North and South setbacks to be. 01:35:55
Maybe the South isn't quite so bad because you've got just a shed there, but the Northside the house is fairly close so maybe move 01:36:00
the house South and West and give them the additional so that so you've got 3 parcels you're talking about on the north side. 01:36:10
Yeah, I was just trying to give some consideration to the adjacent. 01:36:20
Residential homes. So the first parcel that's on is that 23rd East. 01:36:25
Holiday balloon, a Holiday Blvd. So that first parcel that fronts onto Holiday Blvd. is a side yard set back. So the required side 01:36:32
yard set back for the flag law is 8.8 feet. The subdivision has a 10 foot public utility easement, so they're meeting the side 01:36:41
yard set back for the first part and then it would have to jog down to 22 feet for the next two parcels. 01:36:51
OK, I thought you said that. 01:37:01
The setbacks, and I apologize if I misheard this. The setbacks. 01:37:04
Are consistent with the setbacks on the adjacent properties. Is that what? Yes, so they have to match what's. 01:37:09
As is, if they were to build on the second lot with the standard setbacks, it the set back on that north side would go 8 1/2 feet, 01:37:17
22 feet, so it would drop down for those second two parcels that are on the north side. 01:37:27
John, if you'll scroll to right after the staff report, it's page 4. 01:37:38
That shows. 01:37:44
The adjacent setbacks. 01:37:47
On the existing subdivision plat. 01:37:51
That one. 01:37:55
So yellow is where a side yard set back would be in place and orange is where a rear yard set back would be in place. 01:37:58
So if they were to take that lot too as is, it would be they could go. 01:38:09
Up to the public utility easement line, 10 feet on the West side. 01:38:15
22 feet or let's see since they're. 01:38:22
The 22 feet was based off of a reduced size for a lot too, because they're taking lot 2 down in size. 01:38:26
With the size as is, it would be a 25 foot set back on the east side and on the South side and then for a portion of the north 01:38:34
side. 01:38:40
All the orange parts. So if they are to develop the property as is no PUD, it would be. 01:38:46
Really close, 10 feet from the neighboring property on the West side. 01:38:54
25 feet from the property on the east side. 01:39:00
And then jog on the north sides. 01:39:04
And 25 feet from the property on the on the West side or sorry, South side. 01:39:07
And the 25 is for the pu E. 01:39:14
So the it's a 20 foot PUE that's labeled on there that just extends from the fire access. Without a fire access they wouldn't need 01:39:19
that. 01:39:25
Well, peeling on it, my suggestion is just to try and take advantage where we can and. 01:39:33
Allow the larger setbacks to the adjacent properties, but I'll let the other commissioners make that decision real quick. So 01:39:40
before we get lost too far lost on that, were there any other questions for the applicant who's been standing at the podium 01:39:46
patiently? I don't know if the applicant can answer this or staff, but if the set bar backs are not adjusted, what is the maximum 01:39:53
square footage of a potential house there? 01:39:59
I mean there is some description about it being like a trailer, but that was just a shape. 01:40:08
And that I'm wondering, OK, this all seems to hinge on trying to keep the putting green. 01:40:15
It's really hinging on. We want to build a house and if there's 25 feet, setbacks on most of the sides. 01:40:23
It just makes for a really odd shaped house and the width is only 88 feet. So if you -50 feet, the house can be 30 feet in some 01:40:32
portions, extend in other portions. 01:40:39
The property owners intend to build a small. 01:40:47
Rambler 2500 foot square house will be much smaller than the building envelope the red line we have. 01:40:52
And then that gives us flexibility to angle and shape it. 01:41:01
So that we can create privacy to the neighbors. 01:41:04
It just the setbacks are more just to give us flexibility to build a reasonable house on the back. 01:41:08
The cutting green preserving the putting green is just to preserve open space. 01:41:16
That's it. We can remove the putty green add trees. I mean there's you have no intentions about that if anything the putting 01:41:21
green. 01:41:25
We want to give it to Lot 1 because that house doesn't have a backyard. 01:41:31
Right now very well where the property line sits. So we want to change the property line to give lot 1A better backyard and lot 2 01:41:38
the ability to build a reasonable house. 01:41:44
So you want to build a 2500 square foot? 01:41:54
One story home on lot 2, is that correct? 01:41:59
I'm sorry the property owners intention, OK, OK. 01:42:05
So it would appear that there's enough land there. 01:42:08
Chip build that home. 01:42:13
And Orient it in such a way that it would not encroach on the neighbors. Even by reducing doing the lot line adjustment that I 01:42:17
proposed, Lot 2 still is .25 acres, which is enough space for a single family residence. 01:42:25
110, So it's really just the setbacks are limiting factor back there. 01:42:34
OK, well, I think I think we've got a good handle on where we're at. We still got a public hearing. Yeah, we got people that are 01:42:42
probably one time in. We'll go ahead and have you sit down and then we'll after public comment, we can definitely have the 01:42:48
applicant come back up and address any comments made by the public on this. So with that we'll open the public comment period 01:42:54
again, state name and address. Please try and keep things concise and non repetitive. 01:43:00
Certainly. 01:43:07
My name is Douglas Lund, I live in 1909 Lincoln Lane. I want to just share that I did not get notice of this meeting when my 01:43:08
property immediately abuts that I received notice from. A neighbor just happened to send me something Sunday night so I've had 01:43:14
little time to prepare. 01:43:20
For this, so please take that into account, but I've lived in my home for almost 30 years. I've planted more than 30 trees since 01:43:27
I've lived there. That the whole essence of holiday is very important to me. And when I moved into my house, my house was actually 01:43:35
zoned R28 holiday city change that. R110I embrace that because I love the surroundings around there. I have more than 400 feet of 01:43:42
public frontage because I'm on that corner lot. 01:43:50
So one of the few things that I enjoy about my lot is that back northwest corner. 01:43:57
I love having the large setbacks that come with that. I love the privacy of that backyard. 01:44:03
As I look at R110 and I look at R1 in general to encourage some of the things that that we look at there are low density, 01:44:10
comfortable, healthy, safe, pleasant for new developments, intent for harmonious and compatible with the existing character and 01:44:20
development patterns in the media vicinity including building mass set back lot coverage. 01:44:29
Height and it also talks about graduated height and building envelope in that building. 01:44:39
And I look at the PUD coming out of the ordinances there. It's to preserve existing greenery and existing trees. 01:44:46
Is one of those things and the other thing is must justify why that PUD would be better for the city and by extension the 01:44:57
neighborhood and by extension the neighbors. But as I look at a putting green that is essentially green outdoor carpet. 01:45:05
No trees that they're preserving or protecting. That just seems nonsensical to me that that we would offset that house by that and 01:45:14
reduce these setbacks to just these incredibly low numbers. I. 01:45:21
This PUD or this proposed PUD would impact 6 private back or 8 private backyards including my own. I just don't see how that's 01:45:30
fair at all. And I I do question some of the things on here that suggesting that the rear set back should be 22 feet on a parcel 01:45:40
that's .39 acres. If I look in the in the code book that's suggesting that's a 29 foot set back for the rear. 01:45:50
Back if I look at the width of that yard, which is in the 180 feet wide, that's suggesting that that lot is more than double what 01:46:00
an R110 is, right. So when it's double that it's 30% side setbacks with the minimum being 15% of of that. And so that's suggesting 01:46:10
that E if they wanted to shift the east all the way to the east, that should be at least a 27 foot set back there, but I think. 01:46:20
What you have said here tonight, you respect the setbacks, you respect the neighborhood that's around there, the backyards, the 01:46:30
property owners that like me, are significantly impacted by this. And the reality is when the Hadlocks moved into that home or 01:46:39
bought that property, it was raw dirt. They could, they could put any house on in any way they wanted to. 01:46:47
In either those existing parcels and they chose to do what they chose to do. 01:46:56
If they created a hardship they created that hardship on themselves it shouldn't be the rest of the neighborhood that's taking 01:47:01
that the lickings for that I would also suggest that the existing home does not comply with the building envelope as it as it 01:47:08
appears to me on that West side? 01:47:14
And so I question, you know, given latitude, what kind of latitude are they going to take in addition to what might be here to 01:47:21
given tonight in consideration. I I just don't think it's fair if indeed they are genuine and their intent to want to build a 2500 01:47:31
square foot rambler. There is more than enough adequate space to build a 2500 square foot home in the current setbacks that are. 01:47:41
Required and honor the neighborhood honor the neighbors that have lived there Rick to the east of that property their families 01:47:51
been there for 60 years so that's that is what my plea is here tonight that please take into account the 8 backyards that are 01:47:59
directly impacted by this flag lot subdivision and. 01:48:07
I share that with you and leave that with you tonight to please make those considerations, but. 01:48:16
I strongly oppose the PUD and cutting down setbacks from what is required. Thank you. All right. Thank you, Mr. Lund. 01:48:22
Again, state name and address. Please don't reiterate too many of the same points. 01:48:34
My name is Chris Jensen. I live at 1878 E Lincoln Lane. I'm directly across the street. 01:48:40
I want to first state, thanks for your service. I did this for eight years sitting up there, so I know what you're going through. 01:48:47
So you know, one of the things about the Planning Commission, though, is it is your requirement to interpret and to follow the 01:48:52
intent and the spirit. 01:48:58
Of the city zoning code that has been established and there's a lot of efforts that go into that zoning code. 01:49:04
And I live on a flag lot, so I think there's a little history here. We ought to think about flag lots. 01:49:12
If you go to the South side of Lincoln Lane, there's probably six or seven flag lots. I live on one of them. When mine was 01:49:19
developed, it was before Holiday City was incorporated was under Salt Lake County. Salt Lake County required a flag lot to own a 01:49:25
road all the way to the public St. 01:49:31
We don't do that. Now we can allow an easement, we can share a private drive, but I own the road all the way to the street. I have 01:49:37
set back set are consistent with the setbacks that are allowed within this zone. They're not reduced And there's mine is across 01:49:45
the street, there's I can count 4:00 to 5:00 to the West of me. I can count 1 to the east of me. 01:49:54
There is several flag lots that are here and not one of them. 01:50:03
Have reduced setbacks. 01:50:09
I think the the purpose of the zoning ordinance under Section 13.01030. 01:50:12
And I think Mr. Lund talked about the aesthetics and the welfare. I think one of the things that is important to understand is 01:50:19
what is that spirit? What is that intent? I think the other thing that is an interesting and in the staff report. 01:50:28
Where they have listed. 01:50:37
Conditional uses. 01:50:40
Under a conditional use, shall not. 01:50:43
Result in the loss of privacy. 01:50:46
How does a 10 foot set back? 01:50:49
Allow privacy for both applicants. 01:50:53
One from the people that it's affecting and also for the person that is building. 01:50:57
I think that that is does not meet the intent. 01:51:04
And the spirit of this ordinance is to reduce a setback that causes the loss of privacy. 01:51:09
I think it's a couple of interesting things that was Mr. Lund brought up, but I'm going to it's a little different point that 01:51:17
existing putting green. If you look at the if you look at the plat Mr. Hadlock built that on adjacent parcel. 01:51:24
He built that on, not even on his own ground. Now he's come back and asked to move it into Lot 1. He's asking to reduce the 01:51:31
setbacks and he sits there and tells you guys that, oh, he's going to build a house. 01:51:38
Yet he's told everyone of our neighbors, no, he's moving to California and this is just a land grab. He's just trying to be able 01:51:46
to negotiate a sale for this property, he's told multiple neighbors. 01:51:53
At many that you probably have records that came in through emails. He's moving to California and he's building a house in 01:52:00
California and moving away. What does he care about our properties and what does he care about what's going on? He doesn't. He's 01:52:06
moving to California. 01:52:12
He wants the maximum value and he's probably got a deal set up to already sell it since his agent is his real estate agent and he 01:52:18
had his house on the market trying to sell it. 01:52:23
So I guess I would say why are why now? Why didn't they do it originally? 01:52:30
Why didn't they had the subdivision? They bought it. It has a fire access lot 2 is plenty size to build a house. He chose not to 01:52:36
do it. 01:52:41
He's now coming back and asking for forgiveness, asking to change it all around for the benefit and the convenience of what he's 01:52:46
trained it wants to do, and then to turn around and move away. 01:52:51
I say no, it does not meet the intent of and the ordinance and the spirit of this zoning ordinance to reduce the setbacks when 01:52:57
there's not one house that's on a flag lot or one house adjacent to this that the setbacks are reduced. Why do it now? The spirit 01:53:06
of this ordinance is for harmonious and to bring everything and be consistent and not reduce it. 01:53:15
The second thing is, is I think the submittals are. 01:53:24
Are pointless. There's no detail in them. There's no plat, there's no plat document, there's no landscape plans. As a design 01:53:28
professional, I can honestly tell you I can't come into a city and go through a city ordinance and a city zoning with these type 01:53:34
of drawings. I would be thrown out. 01:53:41
So in conclusion, this proposal does not meet the intent and the spirit of this code and therefore should not be approved. Thank 01:53:48
you. Thank you, Mr. Jensen. 01:53:53
No, thank you. 01:54:00
Commissioners, my name is Rick Stevenson. I own the property at 4328 Holiday Blvd. 01:54:06
Directly to the east of Doctor Hadlock's property, I want to compliment you sitting we have properties in three different areas 01:54:14
and listening to how this isn't brown nosing. I truly appreciate your approach because you judiciously consider. 01:54:24
The applicants and the arguments against that, so the. 01:54:36
Planner, the commissioners, the chairman. Thank you for that. And in that spirit, I hope you will listen to the two previous 01:54:40
gentlemen. I. 01:54:44
The Hadlocks built this fresh. They tore down a house where their existing house is. So I don't see a hardship here. Twice my wife 01:54:51
and I have granted quitclaim deeds because. 01:54:58
People building homes were, what's a polite way, misled by two different builders and they were unable to access their property. 01:55:05
It was an easy thing to grant them quick claim access or ownership of property because it was indeed hardships in those two cases 01:55:12
and we were happy to do it in this case. 01:55:20
The you know the headlights daughter referred to the applicant as the seller, which I think is telling the Hadlocks. My 01:55:29
understanding is they've either started a home in the Bay Area or. 01:55:36
I think they have property. They may be building the home. Maybe they're going to build a little house on this property and they 01:55:43
don't want it to look like a double wide trailer. Or maybe just maybe they're marketing this, They're posturing this land so they 01:55:50
can better market it. I can't blame them for that. 01:55:57
Because we all want to maximize a believe in property rights, but I'm also I believe in the rule of law when there's a set back, 01:56:04
it's for a reason. And as and may also say, I got no notice from that this hearing was being held no notice. So the only reason I 01:56:11
am ill prepared for this is because Doug, upon hearing it, Doug Lund called me last night and said, oh, do you realize there's a 01:56:18
hearing on this? 01:56:25
So that's unfortunate. I don't see a hardship. 01:56:32
I think you're all very judicious, intelligent people. So I would go one and and really. 01:56:35
Cal's commissioner. 01:56:43
Parent actually stated my point quite well and so I'm just adding on to what he said. I don't I would go on set further and urge 01:56:46
you to reject this because this is a capricious thing done solely solely to market it. Can't blame them for that. I want the most 01:56:53
out of my property. So do you. All the the nonsense we're not talking about an 80 year old oak tree where there's putting green 01:57:01
is. 01:57:08
I mean, I think there's a little smoke and mirrors and again, you're intelligent people, so I think you think that too. You 01:57:16
probably see that too, that that's not the point. We're not preserving a Greenbelt here. We're trying to access property and, and 01:57:21
quite frankly, 10 feet. 01:57:27
From our fence line there. 01:57:33
It's unacceptable. We don't want to turn Holiday into Murray or into Sugar House and neither do you. So I appreciate your time, I 01:57:37
appreciate the opportunity to speak and I really urge you to. 01:57:44
Reject this this petition. Thank you. 01:57:51
Thank you, Mr. Stevenson. 01:57:55
Hi, my name is Doug Herscher. I live at 1874 Lincoln Lane. I'm directly across the street in the front piece of the property on 01:58:04
Lincoln Lane. I appreciate the time to meet and speak to you briefly. I've only been to one other meeting like this, so I tried to 01:58:12
come a little bit prepared and I looked at some of the information on what the purpose of. 01:58:20
Apud is and read briefly some of the. 01:58:28
Things that are already in the sections that applicants apply to the Planning Commission so that they can have better use of 01:58:32
property's. 01:58:38
Keeping in mind the current zoning is what's normal and here we're looking at changing something to make it not normal with 01:58:46
reduced setbacks. And so I have to feel like a neighbor even though I'm not a direct neighbor, that how would I feel if I had to 01:58:54
deal with something that would be placed within 10 feet of my property line. 01:59:02
And what privacy loss would I incur? The other thing too is that it's about the adjacent properties. That building APUD is to 01:59:12
assure that the adjacent properties will not be adversely affected. 01:59:19
And at this point I don't know that there's any other answer that. 01:59:27
Yes, it will adversely affect those properties and in your in your sections that talks about that height and intensity of 01:59:31
buildings and uses shall be arranged around the boundaries of the planned unit development to be compatible with existing adjacent 01:59:38
developments or zones which has already been discussed that that you know is A50 year plus resident of Holiday City. I've seen 01:59:44
things change quite a bit. 01:59:51
And the real estate frenzy is a difficult subject, probably for everybody. 01:59:58
To deal with because everybody's trying to make the best with what they currently have. However, I agree the fact that the. 02:00:04
Property owner bought the piece of grand land and knew what was there and now we're trying to develop it in a different fashion 02:00:14
and and make the. 02:00:20
Properties surrounding it. 02:00:25
Less desirable those owners who have a less desirable piece of property with reduced setbacks. I thank you for your time and 02:00:28
appreciate it. Thank you, thank you. 02:00:33
Do you have any other comments this evening? 02:00:42
All righty. And with that, we will invite the applicant to come back up if she wants to address any of the comments that have been 02:00:46
made. 02:00:50
Just a few clarifying points. The seller, I'm sorry this property owner I'm the realtor that's why I keep speaking. Seller we are 02:00:55
trying to sell lot 1 the property. The property owner does own property in California. 02:01:02
They have six children who live in Holiday and Mill Creek. 02:01:10
Their plan is to temporarily sell Lot 1 temporarily and move to California while they build a house on Lot 2 to return to be with 02:01:14
their children in holiday. 02:01:19
We also have hired a surveyor, Manfred Gula. He was the original surveyor. 02:01:26
He was supposed to have the new survey submitted and unfortunately, unfortunately, he didn't get that in in time. We can get that 02:01:32
submitted no problem. 02:01:37
As soon as he completes it. 02:01:43
Only other note is just there's, there's probably four or five flag lots just to the West of this lot. You can see one in the 02:01:46
picture here. Flag lots are super common in holiday and you just want the right to be able to build something nice back there. 02:01:53
OK. All right. Thank you. Did you have something for the applicant? Yeah, I can address just a couple of comments to you. We'll 02:02:02
look at the notices. You know, we want to make sure that those are sent and property owners are notified. So we'll look at that 02:02:08
and address that if if needs be. 02:02:14
A second note on planned unit developments. It is still a three-step process so you can approve a concept and require the 02:02:21
applicant to come back for a preliminary that would then have more detail. 02:02:28
So concept is this type of an application where here's kind of our, our concept idea will now take feedback from the Planning 02:02:35
Commission, make adjustments and come back with a preliminary plan. So the approval process for a planned unit development is. 02:02:44
Is still a. 02:02:53
Concept Preliminary, final so you can follow that process so that you can get some more detail from the applicant. Have those set 02:02:56
back lines refined further I. 02:03:03
And noting the full definition of the intent on a planned unit development, it does also include facilities, so facilities 02:03:11
compatible with the present living environment in the city. 02:03:18
You'll sometimes there's a lot of people who are doing sport courts, pickleball courts, who may incorporate those into a planned 02:03:27
unit development. If you're planning for a court or a large area of open space, that's really hard to do with a. 02:03:34
Standard lot and fitting that in. So the purpose of it planning development is broad. The intent of permitting flexibility in the 02:03:42
land use. This property does have a significant portion they're over the minimum lot size. 02:03:52
They could adjust lot lines and bring down the second lot so that it's a much smaller lot and then build within setbacks for that. 02:04:03
So there's it would be within their rights to adjust property lines without even doing a planned unit development. 02:04:13
The intent of the planned unit development is just for the flexibilities to have the open space with the improvements there to 02:04:21
reduce setbacks. So. 02:04:25
I don't know if there's any other questions after comments for staff or the applicant, but well, with that, I mean, we, we, we've 02:04:30
heard from the public all officially close the public hearing and then we'll shift gears. And commissioners, do you have other 02:04:36
procedural questions? Yes, Sir. 02:04:42
Is there a way that if they thought that it might be beneficial to go back and maybe refine this to some degree that? 02:04:48
We could. 02:04:57
Postpone or continue this to another meeting. I don't want to tell them what to do, but if they felt like that might be 02:04:59
beneficial, so the applicant at any time can withdraw their application or request and then you know to hey, we'd like rather than 02:05:05
have a vote on it tonight, they could ask for let's refine something like they can do that. I just don't want to have to pay the 02:05:11
application twice. But they can also also force that there is a vote, right? So OK, thank you. If they want to do that, that would 02:05:17
be. 02:05:23
Applicants prerogative and. 02:05:29
You can continue it. 02:05:32
There's certainly you have your authority to do that. You can deny it. You can approve it. You. 02:05:34
You know you can remand it back to staff if you want. 02:05:40
Yeah, you don't. You don't concept. You can approve concept and then. 02:05:52
Not approve the preliminary. 02:05:56
That's. 02:05:59
Unusual. 02:06:00
So as far as just a. 02:06:02
Point of personal opinion here, based on what I see here, I don't think I would support the concept plan with these reduced 02:06:04
setbacks. 02:06:08
If that makes any difference. 02:06:13
We could do the lots, but not the setbacks. 02:06:17
So. 02:06:23
So the concept that we would be approving would be the concept of the PUD, is that correct? 02:06:25
Two lots. They already have two lots. Yeah, there's already 2 lots. The new configuration of the Yeah. So this is a it's a lot 02:06:31
line adjustment and a request for a PUD. 02:06:37
So if they. 02:06:46
So technically they can build another as long as they comply with set back requirements. They can build another house on this 02:06:47
right now. 02:06:50
But they would have to, if they did that, they would have to have 25 foot setbacks, at least from the yeah, I mean, I didn't look 02:06:56
at the setbacks, but they'd have to comply with whatever the setbacks are. 02:07:01
Yes. 02:07:06
So again, as a point of personal preference, I mean, I think I've made it very clear. 02:07:08
I care a lot about the people who already live here, so I'm not in favor of reducing setbacks and, you know, pushing the envelope 02:07:14
and. 02:07:20
Shoving people on top of each other so I would be in favor of. 02:07:27
Doing whatever we have to do to. 02:07:33
Push this back to the drawing board. 02:07:36
One quick question, how big is Lot 2 currently? 02:07:41
Without the adjustments or anything. Is it for? 02:07:45
A lot too I believe is .39 acres. John, if you'll scroll to the plat that I have the setbacks. 02:07:48
So in an R110 which this is, does that mean that they could? 02:08:00
Build a home and then build an accessory dwelling unit, Yes, with that lot size, yeah. So they potentially could have three houses 02:08:06
where this lot is, right? Two houses and then the existing without lot size. 02:08:12
It would it would have to be 1/2 acre lot in order to have a guest house on it, so an external Adu currently on that lot size 02:08:21
wouldn't be permitted. 02:08:27
Internal accessory dwelling unit. I mean, they could build a much larger house and incorporate an accessory dwelling unit inside 02:08:35
of that. 02:08:39
Of that house. 02:08:45
They're they're a lot right now has building rights associated with it, with the setbacks that are outlined on there. So it would 02:08:49
be 10 feet from the West side, 10 feet from the North East side. 02:08:58
The larger set back would apply unless they alter the lot line. They could alter the lot line between these and make lot too much 02:09:08
smaller and have smaller setbacks and then make plot one larger. 02:09:15
Could they build an EADU on lot 2? 02:09:24
If they were to well know that it would be if they increase the size of lot 1 to half an acre, they could build a 1200 square foot 02:09:27
guest house. 02:09:32
And that doesn't. 02:09:41
That doesn't require any sort of public, it's just a lot line adjustment. 02:09:43
Solve their problem. 02:09:48
I don't know if it's yeah, I know. I'm just you, you brought up density. So I just started thinking the long game. You know, like 02:09:50
I said, if if not approved, could this actually be denser? 02:09:55
With homes, that makes sense because they're proposing two homes. It's two homes with a large amount of open space. 02:10:02
Well, any just so public is aware that anybody can have an internal Adu. 02:10:11
Right, I've just been rereading the PUD thing and the more I read it the less I think it applies to this situation. 02:10:25
Because the only thing that arguably would be is additional open space. The open space already exists. 02:10:33
And then I can't find anything in the rest of the PUD that this. 02:10:41
Accomplishes, you know, my personal gap feeling is to say that. 02:10:47
You know. 02:10:53
It doesn't meet the requirements of a PUD, so the only caveat I would add to that is that. 02:10:54
It would permanently require that to be open space rather than like if they put the. 02:11:01
The lot line straight down the back all the way, they can add that. You know if it's a half acre, they can add a 1200 square foot 02:11:09
EADU. You do that same adjustment in a PUD. 02:11:14
That takes that away. It's permanently open space. So that's so there is some way of looking at that. That's open space for two 02:11:19
homes. 02:11:24
Yes. 02:11:29
Well, arguably one if the lot line is there. 02:11:31
It's not because it's not common space. 02:11:34
Yeah. So you couldn't build it. You couldn't build. You're creating the open space, which already exists. And now you're saying, 02:11:36
well, you're permanently designating his open space and now you're permanently. And that's the only advantage. I'm not persuaded 02:11:41
that. 02:11:46
The intent of the PUD is being met at HALT. Sure I. 02:11:52
Just I think as most of you have come to the conclusion that I. 02:11:56
This is a very interesting and intriguing thing and it's dependent on what we think people are going to do and increasing the 02:12:03
value of the property and everything else. And that's everyone's right to do that. And it's our obligation to follow the 02:12:10
ordinance. And, and, and that I think we all feel strongly about the setbacks being preserved that that there are options to do to 02:12:17
build another home there, that the owners have to make decisions about how big the home is. 02:12:23
What the purpose is, which one they live in, and whether they keep the putting greenhouse. 02:12:31
Those, I don't think any of those are Planning Commission issues and then I'm kind of leaning towards a motion that would just say 02:12:35
it doesn't meet the requirements of PUD and vote on that. 02:12:41
Commissioner Gallon. 02:12:50
Yeah. 02:12:56
I think. 02:12:58
What I'm I'm trying to process here is this. 02:12:59
A little bit bizarre situation of building the. 02:13:03
Building the putting green into another lot before the lot lines are changed but you know they on both of them so. 02:13:07
One thing I'm I'm thinking about is, is there a way to change the setbacks on one side? 02:13:15
For example, the South against the neighbor who has a pretty big backyard and already some trees there without changing the the 02:13:21
setbacks to the other sides. 02:13:26
With the PUD, yes. 02:13:37
Right. Without it, no, right. So not approving the PUD with the proposed setbacks, but saying? 02:13:39
Here's another set that I would consider. Make this one small, but leave those. 02:13:45
The large ones that they are, I mean, you know, they're inconsistent, but it would mean that a lot, most of the house would have 02:13:50
to be 22 feet away from that bank. Well, and one thing that's just important for the planning, which understand once you once you 02:13:54
approve the PUD. 02:13:58
The lot line can be adjusted independent of that approval. So if you approve a lot line today. 02:14:03
A lot line could be changed again later within the PUD and both would still be in the I think the intent unless you go below 02:14:09
10,000 square feet. 02:14:13
With planned unit developments you can reduce a lot sites below the minimum that's required in the zone. 02:14:18
So if that's the case and you set the lot line less than the minimum, that's the condition that's approved and that can be moved. 02:14:23
Without your subsequent approval. 02:14:31
If that makes sense. But we're not proving that what's proposed is not reducing it below the that would be the only that would be 02:14:35
only situation that. 02:14:38
It could be moved, right? 02:14:42
Excuse me, but there's a list of individuals notified in our packet. 02:14:46
It's a long list. That is the applicant's required submission of who is notified of a neighborhood meeting. So the applicant held 02:14:52
a neighborhood meeting it's required for. 02:14:57
A subdivision amendment I. 02:15:05
So that is the list of who they notified and then included minutes from the neighborhood meeting and who attended. But do we 02:15:08
didn't we have Douglas Lund? 02:15:14
I don't have the my notification list in there. It's separate list that was what the applicant sent. The neighborhood was from the 02:15:21
public sent. 02:15:27
So that's where I need to look at the list of addresses that we sent and make sure that the city's public notice a reason to 02:15:33
continue this discussion to verify whether or not the city's noticing requirements were made. And that would also give. 02:15:41
The owner sell or whatever a chance to discuss what their options are and if they want to continue this approach or a different 02:15:51
approach. 02:15:55
Yeah, this doesn't seem right. 02:16:01
You can ask a question, but like the. 02:16:06
Public hearings closed at this point, so you can throw it out in space and we can randomly answer a thought. 02:16:08
Neighborhood meeting before they come. 02:16:23
Open dialogue. 02:16:29
Between the neighbors and I don't think we can. They may choose to yeah, if the applicant want to do that, we don't. 02:16:32
We only have one require one neighborhood meeting and they've had it right. 02:16:42
And just to clarify if there was. 02:16:47
A motion to deny that was a. 02:16:51
Passed by the Planning Commission. They could reapply in the future right? Like or is this done forever? They can never have a PUD 02:16:56
that's settled. It's done. 02:17:00
No. They can reapply, but it would have to be a different application, right? Or they'd have to wait one year? 02:17:04
For example with adjusted setbacks. 02:17:10
With different, well, I don't know if it was just setbacks with a different. 02:17:12
An altered proposal. It would have to be different in some way. It would be need to be a different proposal. 02:17:18
So it could be a PUD, but it would have to be, for example a. 02:17:24
Different lot size on lot one and two. 02:17:28
The line would need to be different somewhere. 02:17:31
It can't be the same application. 02:17:34
Now we have the applicants hand up. Did you have a question? 02:17:38
Yeah. But I think that speaks to why we shouldn't do that today. We should continue it and let you have formally make a proposal 02:17:50
so that the neighbors can respond to what the change is to see if there's there's their objections are the same or that satisfies 02:17:59
some of them. 02:18:07
I just think it's not anyone's interest to resolve this today. I don't think anyone will be happy. 02:18:16
Just to clarify, Brett, if we were to continue today and the public hearings had and over right, you already opened that and had 02:18:23
it. So there's not new notices that would go out, but there's a public notice, you know, and the Planning Commission puts up a 02:18:29
notice for every meeting, right. But the neighbors would be it would be on a burden, their burden and their responsibility to be 02:18:36
here if they wanted to be. But again, it we're not taking any more public comment on it. They could speak to it during. 02:18:42
Well, isn't we don't even do that at the beginning of the Planning Commission meetings, so. 02:18:49
Well, so This is why I ask is if we were to continue it and the applicant was to say, well, hey, hold on, we want to withdraw our 02:18:53
request. We want to change our request, we want to modify and then bring it back. And they want to go through the process of, OK, 02:18:59
we're going to do another neighborhood meeting or we're going to do another public meeting on that because we've modified it. Is 02:19:04
that an option that they would have if we were to continue it? 02:19:10
Rather than deny, if the applicant wants to hold another neighborhood meeting, they could do that. We don't. We wouldn't require 02:19:16
it. If they wanted to monitor, we wouldn't require it, but we wouldn't prevent them if they with a new public hearing would be 02:19:20
required if they modified their original proposal. 02:19:25
Arguably, it depends on how big, I mean, if you have the public hearing and they're incorporating feedback that they had in 02:19:31
modifying their proposal. 02:19:36
I don't think there's a new public hearing required they change their set, but if it doesn't change their lot lines for a PUD. But 02:19:41
isn't, isn't that the point of the public hearing? They got the public feedback and they've modified it. 02:19:47
And then come back and then it's not, it's not. You don't start the process over, is my point. 02:19:53
So I mean they could do that, but there's not a requirement to reopen the public hearing if. 02:19:58
I guess here's where I'm at is it feels like, and I don't want to speak for the Commission, but it feels like this is on a fast 02:20:04
track to denial based on just the pulse I'm getting from everyone as what's been presented to us today. And I'm not interested in 02:20:10
trying to dig in and figure out all the subtle adjustments that could be happening to it and say here, we'll we'll prove it with, 02:20:16
you know, these 27 different suggested, you know. 02:20:22
Amendments and you know, to what's been proposed because like, quite frankly, it's 830 like I'm I'm spent. 02:20:29
Reapplying a very similar application with different setbacks, I mean. 02:21:05
I don't know what the Planning Commission is going to vote on it. You know, I don't, there's not a pending motion. I don't know 02:21:10
how that's going to turn out. 02:21:13
But if you if the applicant said, gosh, you know what? 02:21:18
I kind of think I know where this is going. For example, hypothetically, I don't want to vote because I don't want to have to wait 02:21:22
a year. Let me let me take some of this feedback that I've got from the public tonight and I'll reapply something substantially 02:21:27
similar, but different enough that it applies some of this and then they don't have to wait the year, but if there's a vote held 02:21:32
on it. 02:21:37
That application can't be refiled for a year in its same form, right? There has to be something different to it. 02:21:43
So would I be out of step if I just ask the applicant right now if they have any interest in withdrawing at this time? You're the 02:21:50
chair. 02:21:53
OK. 02:22:00
So the applicant has withdrawn their application tonight. So there's no need for a vote to call on that and we can consider this 02:22:01
closed until further notice and that would, on a subsequent application result in a new public hearing with new notices. 02:22:09
Perfect. All right. I like it. 02:22:18
You guys have some good feedback to work on, look forward to. 02:22:20
The next steps from there for you. But thank you very much everyone appreciate it. And we will now move into the final portion of 02:22:25
our evening which is item. 02:22:29
Number six, the approval of minutes from 1:23 and 4:00. Two, I'm not going to lie to anyone on the Commission, I didn't read 02:22:35
these. And the reason I didn't read them is because I thought there was only 220 on there and I thought that's what I saw on the 02:22:40
original agenda that was sent to me. So these other ones added in there like I didn't even bother going down to the bottom of the 02:22:46
packet because they removed the 220 and so I thought there wasn't going to be an approval minutes so. 02:22:52
For a meeting that was held. 02:23:00
Right, but that is the the personal meeting from the applicant that is not the city notified. I understand that, but. 02:23:03
I don't get it. I don't know like that. 02:23:11
They're they're going to, they're going to figure it out. It's going to work great for them. So on the approval of minutes, I just 02:23:14
wanted to suggest if, if everybody read them and they felt like, gosh, I was here for both those meetings and it looks blood on to 02:23:20
me and I'm good with it. I'm happy to approve. I read all of them. Yeah. And I make a motion that we approve them all. 02:23:26
All right. We have seconded. All in favor of approving minutes say aye, aye. All right, so minutes are approved and that it takes 02:23:34
us to the conclusion of our evening. Thank you very much. Can we get a motion to adjourn? All in favor, Aye. Done. They noted that 02:23:40
we didn't make a second that's in our minutes, so we probably ought to take. 02:23:46
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Off we go, then here we go. Good evening everyone. Welcome to the Holiday City Planning Commission. 00:00:00
May 21st, 2004. 00:00:06
We have our city staff, our legal counsel, and all commissioners are present except for Commissioner Prince who sends her regrets. 00:00:10
We do have an opening statement we read at the beginning of all of these meetings and I have asked Commissioner Font if she would 00:00:17
do that for us now. Pleasure. The City of Holiday Planning Commission is a volunteer citizen board whose function is to review 00:00:24
land use plans and other special studies. Make recommendations to the City Council on proposed. 00:00:32
Map and ordinance changes and approve conditional uses and subdivisions. The Planning Commission does not initiate land use 00:00:39
applications, rather acts on applications as they are submitted. Commissioners do not meet with applicants except at publicly 00:00:46
noticed meetings. Commissioners attempt to visit each property on the agenda where the location, the nature of the neighborhood, 00:00:53
existing structures, and uses related to the proposed change are noted. 00:01:01
Decisions are based on observations, recommendations from the professional planning staff. 00:01:08
The City's general plan, zoning ordinance and other reports by all verbal and written comments and by evidence submitted, all of 00:01:14
which are part of the public record. 00:01:20
Thank you very much, Commissioner Form. 00:01:26
And with that, we have 6 items on our posted agenda this evening, four of which five of which are public hearing items. However, 00:01:29
item number three has been cancelled. So we only have 4 coming before us this evening. And the first of those is at everybody's 00:01:36
favorite former mall site, the Holiday Hills. And it is a concept and preliminary and if we could ask city staff to give us a 00:01:43
quick. 00:01:50
Overview of that item. 00:01:58
Thank you, Chair Roach. Application tonight for a concept level and a preliminary review site plan at Block C within the Royal 00:02:03
Holiday Hills Master Plan subdivision. 00:02:09
This site itself is not for the entire block sees. 00:02:16
Block. It's for 1/4 of it or so, intended to be set aside and used for a bank. 00:02:21
With its own parking lot and its own access. 00:02:28
Elements of the SDMP for the Planning Commission to review are very similar to zoning standards that you would have for a normal 00:02:31
development in like a retail zone, however. 00:02:37
There is a little bit of flexibility in that. 00:02:43
There are no real setbacks. The site plan is kind of very flexible based upon development pressures for the site itself. 00:02:46
The zone gives you permitted uses and conditional uses. 00:02:55
In this case, a financial institution is a permitted use. 00:03:00
It gives you open space landscaping requirements which the applicant is provided to you into some landscaping plans. 00:03:04
As well as some architectural guidelines to review by in the format of a palette of styles. 00:03:13
So the staff TRC has been reviewing this application with the applicant. 00:03:22
In compliance with elements of the SDMP. 00:03:28
And has found that this bank site with the associated parking lot and landscaping for its our chosen vernacular or architecture 00:03:32
and height does comply with those elements that are applicable in the SMP. So staff is recommending an open public hearing on 00:03:40
comment and moderate discussion with the the applicant on site development characteristics as well as. 00:03:48
The architecture chosen for the site. 00:03:59
All right, Commissioners, any questions for city staff? 00:04:02
All right. And with that, we'll go ahead and invite the applicant or their representative to come up and add anything they need 00:04:05
to. 00:04:09
From what the city has already presented. 00:04:13
Do we have a? 00:04:17
Chris Longson representing the owner. 00:04:26
Resident as well. I thought the architect was going to be here, maybe she didn't make it in, but I can answer any of the 00:04:28
questions. We've spent a long time working on this, especially on the architecture to get it upgraded to where we think it meets 00:04:35
the standards of SDMP and and other improvements we're doing in the development. So here to answer any. 00:04:41
Questions you have otherwise. 00:04:48
Commissioners, any questions for the applicant? 00:04:51
Sorry to make you come all the way up for just that, but thank you very much. All right. I don't know if John said, but you know, 00:04:54
asking for you to delegate the final to staff after if you do approve. 00:04:59
Conceptual is that in our motion? Conceptual. 00:05:05
The architecture I'm looking at the building materials, but the. 00:05:13
The materials is really out of focus. So I'm hoping you can kind of tell us what's the brown? Is this stucco with concrete or? 00:05:18
It's, it's, it's, it's not a, it's not a stucco finish. It's a, it's a Remember the name of the material. It's listed in the 00:05:28
material board on the side there it is the cementitious board. 00:05:35
So it's not a stucco finish, OK, It's a painted cementitious. And these are materials within the overall scheme of the 00:05:42
architecture for the site. Yeah. And those are some of those changes we worked on adding the brick and adding that and eliminating 00:05:46
the stucco. 00:05:50
So it looks like they have more parking than they need, and they will. And it's common parking just like everything else. And so 00:05:56
their customers can use the parking. 00:06:01
On the remainder of the property and people from other parts of the property can use that parking. So, but I mean This site is 00:06:06
supposed to be kind of the prototypical. 00:06:10
Transit oriented type of development where there's lots of walking, where there's service from transit and stuff. So why do we 00:06:15
need all the additional parking? 00:06:19
It'll all, we have our parking ratios, it will all blend in with the ratios with the rest of what's built on that block and the 00:06:23
other block. So it, it'll all work out that we won't, we have a minimum and maximum and we won't be exceeding the maximum on the 00:06:29
parking. So it's gonna be a blended ratio. Would it be better to have some additional landscaping? I mean, the, the parking you're 00:06:35
seeing that's on the, it's on the, if you can pull that site plan back up. 00:06:41
Whoever has that. 00:06:49
So the parking that's across the street is something we're putting in for the remainder of Block C just on that side of the road. 00:06:52
That's not part of their lease parcel. That's additional parking that will be utilized in the future. But we're because we're 00:06:57
building the road there right now and because they're going to be a stand alone use, we put it in. So that's not part of the Chase 00:07:03
Ground leased parcel. 00:07:08
I see. OK, thank you. So you need it really just Brian, let's focus on their park using where they are and that meets the minimum 00:07:14
standards for their building. 00:07:18
Thank you. And just a quick question on the parking that is in front of the bank, just immediately I believe to the West of it, 00:07:23
you mentioned that there's common and shared. Is there going to be actual designated, this is bank parking only type? No, there 00:07:28
will be a few signs in there that that call out for like 20 minute parking, but it doesn't, it's not exclusive. We're not having 00:07:33
exclusive parking on site, OK. 00:07:39
So all right. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. And with that, we'll have you sit down and we will open the public hearing on 00:07:44
this. If anybody is here this evening that wants to make comment on this particular plan, you're welcome to come up and do so. We 00:07:51
just ask that you keep your remarks within 3 minutes or less and not restate any other comments if there's more than one. 00:07:58
And also state your name and address for the record. So with that, is there anybody here in attendance this evening interested in 00:08:06
making comment on this item agenda? 00:08:10
Once, twice. All right, looks like nobody is here for that. We'll go ahead and close the public hearing for this item and turn to 00:08:16
our commissioners to discuss Commissioners questions or any discussion points on this property that have not been covered by staff 00:08:22
or the applicant. 00:08:28
Does not look so all right. I, I just I I have a similar question where I also think that going above the parking minimums is not 00:08:37
helpful for the overall. 00:08:42
Thing that we're trying to go for if we're if we're thinking that this will be a big commercial hub it's either going to bring in 00:08:48
several hundred cars a day or people are gonna take the bus. And right now this is clearly built for people driving their cars 00:08:56
here. There's a drive through ATM there's extra parking I think this is not I I think having the extra parking is not. 00:09:03
Conducive to what holiday is trying to move to? Which is more environmentally sustainable? 00:09:12
The, you know, shifts in future transportation. So, so I would like to see. 00:09:17
I mean, maybe the overall ratio is going to, you know, be accounting for other parking lots, but if the overall ratio is more than 00:09:24
the minimum. 00:09:28
That's something I'd like to actually see changed. I don't think that's helpful to the the way we want to see this, this corner of 00:09:34
holiday movement. 00:09:38
I have a question for staff. Do we have a parking master plan that's kind of. 00:09:42
Determining the overall parking and. 00:09:47
Yes. So how will it kind of be distributed? So you have two pages in the site development master plan that control the parking. 00:09:50
And where those parking areas are designated, this one of these areas in you can kind of see it there. 00:09:59
Is designated as surface parking. 00:10:05
So is it possible that some properties will have no parking and they'll use parking on the adjacent? 00:10:10
Parcels or as we get further along, yes, some of those interior blocks will because the whole block will be built out. We either 00:10:16
have a garage interior to it. 00:10:21
Or be shared parking on the streets, Yes. So in the City Council's approval of the master plan, did they have a maximum number of 00:10:27
parking spaces? Yes. So OK, how close are we to that? 00:10:33
Not anywhere near, you know, it's probably gonna be a lot. 00:10:39
OK. Thank you. 00:10:43
So some discussion around parking and. 00:10:47
Thank you staff for addressing. 00:10:50
With that, any other questions or discussion points on this item? 00:10:53
I maybe I should have asked this at the beginning, but this is only proposed to be 23 1/2 feet. They could have gone up to 90. 00:10:59
Seems actually like an underutilization of the space. Maybe there's some legalities about having residences of bank? 00:11:06
Legalities, I'm sorry I missed that, of having residences above a bank, but it feels like if it's in the open zone, which is the 00:11:16
most flexible of all of the zoning in this entire. 00:11:21
In this entire plan, then, it feels like a little bit of a lost opportunity to build a single function building that's one story 00:11:28
tall. 00:11:32
Instead of something that's a little more dynamic, perhaps more mixed-use. 00:11:37
That could you know that could use the idea that. 00:11:42
Banks have pretty good daytime hours, they end fairly early in the day compared to a lot of other businesses, and they could have 00:11:46
overlapping parking with residences really easily. I don't know it it feels like a. 00:11:52
A little bit of a waste of the open zone since there's so many uses of the open zone. 00:12:00
Well, just as a sidebar comment to that, I will say as someone who was not in favor of the OR the plan that was before City 00:12:09
Council seven years ago, give or take that included a 90 foot tower, I would say that maybe the developers just gone the opposite 00:12:15
direction. 00:12:21
But and it feels like maybe something in between, because 90 foot building on Highland would also be imposing, would really change 00:12:29
the way that feels especially to. 00:12:34
Hopeful pedestrians, but. 00:12:40
That being said, this could potentially one day, hypothetically 1015 years from now, come back and the. 00:12:43
SDMP would allow for consideration of a larger building there if deemed necessary and appropriate, right? 00:12:52
Hypotheticals. Is that what we're talking? 00:13:01
Like, pause it. Like this isn't going to be a bank. That's one story for the rest of eternity. 00:13:03
Depends how long Chase wants to stay there. 00:13:10
All right, all right. Well, with that. 00:13:18
I had just one more question. Do they have to do any kind of environmental buffering since they're close to so close to the Creek? 00:13:25
I know there's a little bit of a thing there, but. 00:13:30
The trail itself acts as the buffer between development and the Creek. 00:13:34
There's an absolute set back that's that was approved in 2007. 00:13:41
That requires an offset. 00:13:47
Carrie, can you on SDMP? Do you have it pulled up? 00:13:51
Toward the very end. 00:13:56