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Are these all your neighbors? 00:00:00
Dan in the. 00:00:04
I talked to him, OK? 00:00:10
That might be him. 00:00:16
There might be some Adu people out there as well, so. 00:00:21
OK. Welcome everybody. 00:00:44
We are going to call to order the City of Holiday City Council meeting for Thursday, April 11th. 00:00:49
And we will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, if we could ask everyone to please rise. 00:00:55
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:01:05
I'm Super Republic for which it stands. 00:01:09
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:12
Thank you, everybody. Before we get to public comment, I'd like to ask the Council to take the agenda out of order, moving item 00:01:23
number six. 00:01:27
To the next item on the agenda. 00:01:30
2nd. 00:01:34
Motion is second. All in favor, Say aye, aye. 00:01:35
And we will move to item number six. This is a consideration of Resolution 2020-11 approving Christian Larson as the city finance 00:01:39
director. And before we bring Christian up and swear him in, we're going to turn it over to our city manager, Gina Chamas. All 00:01:47
right, thank you, Mayor. I am thrilled to ask for the council's consent to appoint Christian Larson as our finance director. 00:01:55
Christian has both a bachelor and a master's degree in accountancy and. 00:02:02
He comes to us most recently from Midvale, where he was assistant finance director. 00:02:11
He's also worked for Pleasant Grove City as an accountant and a payroll specialist. During the interview process for this 00:02:15
position, I was really impressed, both with Christians experience but also with his attitude and enthusiasm. And in the short time 00:02:23
he's been working for us, I've been impressed with his skill, his thoroughness as he addresses issue and issues, and especially 00:02:30
with how he deals with people. I think he's going to fit in great. 00:02:38
Here in holiday and I look forward to your consent to his appointment. 00:02:46
Thank you. 00:02:52
And we had. 00:02:54
A chance to visit with Christian across the hall. The council had a chance to visit with him a little bit and get to know a little 00:02:56
bit about him. We're happy to have Kenna. 00:03:00
Here as well for the swearing in. And with that, I think we'll get right to it, Stephanie. 00:03:05
Oh, Mr. Mayor, I move approval of Resolution 2024-11, approving Christian Larson as the city finance director. 00:03:13
We have a motion, a second. We'll go to vote Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham yes, Councilmember Fotheringham yes, 00:03:21
Councilmember Quinn yes, Councilmember Gray, yes, and Chair Vote Chess. 00:03:26
Now we would have swearing in. 00:03:32
Do you solemnly swear that I will defend the Constitution of the United States? 00:03:58
And the Constitution of the state. 00:04:04
And I will discharge the duties of my office. 00:04:07
As finance director of the City of Holiday. 00:04:11
With fidelity. 00:04:14
Congratulations and we just feel lucky to have you on board. 00:04:23
Now, we took you out of order because you said you're going to take your wife to dinner, but if you want to stay, you can. 00:04:27
All right. 00:04:34
OK. We will continue on with the agenda. Now moving to public comment. Before we open up public comment, let me note that we have 00:04:36
two public hearings, one on the proposed amendments to accessory dwelling units, item number four, and also a public hearing on 00:04:42
the proposed rezone at 6375 S Highland, Dr. item number 5. 00:04:48
Those will be separate public hearings. So if you're here to comment on either of those on either of those issues, Please wait 00:04:56
till we get that public here. Get to that public hearing. If you are here to comment on anything other than those two public 00:05:02
hearings, public comment is the appropriate time for you. So for the fireworks, it would be now, Trudy, it would be now. So we'll 00:05:08
open up public comment. Please approach the podium, Keep it to 3 minutes or less please. And state your name and address. Public 00:05:13
comment is open. 00:05:19
True. Do you want you come up, show them how to do it, and then they'll know. 00:05:25
Hi, I'm Trudy. I'm from the library. I'm really excited about this one. I'm going to start with a little with a little thing. On 00:05:30
the 23rd of April we're going to have the Blood mobile bus out in the parking lot. Please come donate. And then it's the Thrills 00:05:36
and Chills book club. So it stay and talk about a scary book. 00:05:41
But the really exciting thing that I get to talk about today is that as of Monday, the Salt Lake County Library system went fine, 00:05:47
free for all juvenile and young adult materials. 00:05:52
So anything that's got that J or the Y at the beginning of the call number, anything that's meant for kids, there are no, there 00:05:58
are no more late fees. 00:06:01
The only time you have to pay for it is if you don't bring it. 00:06:05
So yay, we will not be. 00:06:08
Will not be able to do amnesty for past fines, but we do have food for fines going on right now. So if you bring in some non 00:06:12
perishable foods to donate, we can take $5 off of any existing fines. So yay. So that's the great news from the library. So a few, 00:06:17
a few less fees in science, that's awesome. 00:06:23
Thanks. Thanks, Trudy. Appreciate it. 00:06:29
Hi Jason Brand, I live on 2251 Melody Anne Wait just a few a few blocks away. I recently sent an e-mail to you all about holidays, 00:06:36
firework policies in the past and wanted to make a comment about that. 00:06:43
I understand the concerns behind previous years regulations or policies. 00:06:51
But finally, be overly conservative, particularly after two years of above average rain and snow. 00:06:55
Fireworks have long been part of celebrating independence and Pioneer days here in Utah. 00:07:02
Bring joy and sense of community to our neighborhoods. I'm here not just a concerned citizen, but also as a dad. My young children 00:07:06
love fireworks, just like I did when I was their age. 00:07:10
And my oldest, Walter, is at the age where saying no just because it doesn't work. And I have a hard time explaining to him why 00:07:14
our city thinks it's not safe to do fireworks on our street, which is separated from the mountainside by more than two miles of 00:07:20
pavement, green lawns and a three lane separated highway. 00:07:26
I understand the City Council will soon be voting on policies for this summer's July holidays. 00:07:32
And according to my research, Utah State law permits firework bans based on existing or historical hazardous environmental 00:07:37
conditions. 00:07:41
I ask that this year we return to normal firework rules. 00:07:45
And that if restrictions are required now or in the future, that we take a more nuanced approach, taking into consideration the 00:07:49
location or types of fireworks that would present such hazards. 00:07:53
Let's work together to find a solution that allows families like mine to continue to enjoy fireworks while ensuring the well-being 00:07:57
of our city and state. 00:08:00
Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:04
Thank you. I think this is coming. Are we discussing this on the 25th? 00:08:06
But you're right, the city does vote on this once we get, I think, a direction from the Fire Marshall. 00:08:12
Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:18
Course you can. 00:08:26
My name is David Steffensen. I live at 4538 Suncrest Drive. 00:08:30
I wanted to add my voice in support of revising our firework rules to be. 00:08:34
Back as they were before the current restrictions were put in place and and led us to at least have a modest amount of fireworks 00:08:40
this year. 00:08:43
Our founding fathers. There's many writings of them endorsing the use of fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July in particular. 00:08:47
John Adams said. 00:08:54
That from 1 edge of the country to the other it should be full of party celebrations, barbecues, that not barbecues but bonfires, 00:08:56
is what he said. And then he said illuminations, which was what he called fireworks at the time and. 00:09:02
From the very beginning of this country, we have used fireworks to celebrate our independence. 00:09:09
I think that we should continue to do that in our city. 00:09:14
I grew up in this city from a very young age and I have very fond memories of. 00:09:17
4th of July and holiday where not only will we have our big. 00:09:22
Celebration with fireworks by the city. We would also have it in the neighborhoods all over. 00:09:28
The sound and the smoke and the experience was really fun for me as a child and I really enjoyed it. 00:09:33
I am also a father of young children, one of them. 00:09:38
This is bugging me right now. 00:09:42
I want to share that with them. I want them to be able to watch fireworks to to experience the the small ones that are unlikely to 00:09:45
cause fires. And I think that. 00:09:49
Given the precipitation that we have been blessed with in the past few years, I think it's time to let us to experience that 00:09:54
again. 00:09:58
Thank you. Thank you very much. 00:10:03
OK. That there's two public hearings coming up. So if you're here to comment on those, open those up. 00:10:14
Anybody else that wants to make public comment before we move to the public hearings? 00:10:19
OK, there being none, then we'll close public comment and move to item number. 00:10:26
Four on the agenda. This is a continued public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapter 13, point 1.14.031 Accessory dwelling 00:10:32
units. This came before the council previously. There are a number of questions that we had about this and didn't want to hurry 00:10:38
through rush through it. So we've got a summary that's been written by Kerry Marsh in our planning department that we'll be 00:10:44
reviewing in the work session. It's pretty extensive, but nothing we need to cover before we continue this public hearing unless 00:10:50
the council has anything. 00:10:56
So this is a continued public hearing. It doesn't need to be open. Is there anybody here to comment on the Accessory Dwelling unit 00:11:04
revisions? 00:11:08
Good evening. My name is Dan Kemp. I live on 4437 Butternut Rd. 00:11:23
I remember seeing you all here several months ago when we were trying to do a rezone. 00:11:29
And we've been been trying to do this the right way for a long time. So I mean initially we were thought we were gonna be able to 00:11:33
use it in different ways, but I would our property at that location does have aadu and it's perfect for renting out to a student 00:11:40
or whatnot. And just under the rules of long term rentals, However, under the current code is not allowed to. So I really would 00:11:47
like to use the property as it's been designed. 00:11:54
And I know that the initial. 00:12:02
Changes that the city planners made actually would have allowed it. They did a lot of research at your request. They made a lot of 00:12:05
changes in the. 00:12:09
Research. I know that the Planning Commission was worried about some of those changes and. 00:12:14
Made their recommendations and changes and as it stands with those recommendations and changes I would still not be allowed to use 00:12:19
it unfortunately and use my own property like I would. So I would just, you know when you go into the working session, I would 00:12:25
urge you to look at those changes and see if there's any way to maybe make allowances for situations such as mine where it's a 00:12:31
previously built Adu that's actually functional and and ready to go For that kind of situation. It would be sad to use that 00:12:37
underground apartment for just. 00:12:43
Guess since it's got a full kitchen, it's ready to go. I know that some of the changes that the Planning Commission suggested for 00:12:50
future ADUS, like things like it can't have a door that opens to the other towards the other property. I mean, even if even 00:12:55
something as easy as that could. 00:13:01
Caused mine to not be used because it's underground and it's down and so I mean the neighbors don't see the door, but things like 00:13:06
that. So I mean there's changes that are possible. I I've thought of some such as any existing structure that is 10 feet away from 00:13:13
the main home could be viewed as part of that home and could be used as a basement. Because if I rented out my basement, I could 00:13:19
do that at this moment. 00:13:26
So I know that you guys have a lot of things to look at. You have a lot of. 00:13:33
Considerations and that if you make some blanket statement that it may affect things that you don't want to change. So I realize 00:13:38
that too. So you have a lot of work at your hands, but I would just urge you to maybe see if there's some sort of way that there 00:13:43
could be an allowance to let. 00:13:48
Situations such as mine exist, so I just appreciate that. 00:13:53
All right. Thank you. Thanks. Just a quick question. So John, you're familiar with, I'm sure you guys are familiar with this 00:13:57
particular home. 00:14:00
And the particular issue. 00:14:04
That he brings up will be addressed in the work session. 00:14:07
Where it differed from Planning Commission to staff. 00:14:11
So we'll be discussing that. OK. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. 00:14:14
Anybody else on for public input on the Adu issue? 00:14:21
OK. With that, we've got a lot of public comment, but I don't think we've got any further public comment. So I'm going to close 00:14:29
this public hearing. 00:14:32
And with that, we'll move to item number 5, this public hearing on proposed rezone at 6375 S Highland Drive from RM to PO. 00:14:37
And let's start this with. 00:14:46
The staff report and Kerry Marsh is going to review this with the Council. Give us an overview with the Council. 00:14:49
Before we move to the public hearing. 00:14:55
Great. Thank you, Mayor. 00:15:01
So this is a proposed rezone. Location is 6375 S Highland Drive. 00:15:03
The application is for a rezone to the PO zone or professional office zone from residential multi family. 00:15:10
This is a pretty standard property that's being used as office space under the Salt Lake County kind of remnant zoning that 00:15:17
allowed a mix of uses. 00:15:22
So it retained the RM zone when we created the PO zone in 2018. 00:15:28
Properties that were being used as office space were then told to rezone at the time that they wanted to redevelop to the PO zone, 00:15:35
so that is what this application is for. 00:15:40
The staff report details. 00:15:47
A review of the general Plan, so this is on Highland Drive, so that's included the analysis of the Highland Dr. Master Plan. It's 00:15:50
in segment C, which identifies this section as a commercial use. 00:15:57
Or commercial area? 00:16:04
While the PO zone largely addresses that, it is a less intense views than a commercial zone would be. Staff would support APO 00:16:07
zone. 00:16:11
Considering that it is a lesser impactful. 00:16:19
Use than a commercial would be, but ideally the general plan does identify as commercial so that is detailed in the staff report. 00:16:24
And I think that's the basics of the application. It's pretty straightforward. 00:16:35
With Ramppo, the conflict there is just in the general plan, but not an issue with rezoning it to a less intense use than. 00:16:40
Than it's called for in the General plan. 00:16:49
Any questions? 00:16:52
So I just had one question. So it sounds like you support the application for PO Zone, correct? 00:16:55
So why is it exactly that you feel like that the C2 zone is more appropriate? Because I feel like. 00:17:03
The PO zone, actually. 00:17:10
Is designed for this kind of scenario where it's a property that abuts residential and it kind of needs a buffer space and that's 00:17:12
kind of the purpose of the PO zone. So I'm just trying to understand. 00:17:17
Why you were saying that ideally it would be commercial because I feel like this is ideally a PO zone opportunity, right? 00:17:24
We're looking at the uses that are allowed in PO versus a commercial zone. PO zone does not involve any type of retail or 00:17:32
commercial uses at all. 00:17:36
So properties there where you have. 00:17:42
And I referenced the Ord zone where the hotel is which is a more intense zone and then further down on Highland Drive, the next 00:17:46
closest zone is AC2 zone. So both of those are in segment C and that's where it says, you know you should group your commercial 00:17:54
uses together. So it's kind of creating that unified use across Highland Drive that is commercial allows retail is a strong 00:18:01
economic base. It's a different use case than or different land use. 00:18:08
Than E office. So office uses are just limited to office space, so you don't have that same commercial use that would be allowed 00:18:16
in a in AC2 zone. 00:18:21
Other potential zones there that would be commercial would be like neighborhood commercial or C1. So those would be zones if. 00:18:27
The property owner wanted to apply for those in the future, those could be considered as well. 00:18:35
Thank you. 00:18:40
So Carrie, just to follow up on that then I'm assuming that it's the frontage on Highland Drive that would bear the bulk of the 00:18:43
impact from traffic coming in and out in that more intensive use, is that right? Right. And so in this case, we have residences 00:18:49
that are immediately behind like adjoining it, right, and and so on that backside. Can you just explain? 00:18:55
And where the hotel is, the hotel is considered a more intensive use than C2, right? The Ord is a more intensive zone than C2 00:19:03
building heights and there are 75. The hotel does have a did have a development agreement to reduce the height there so it is not 00:19:10
meeting the full intensity of the Ord zone. 00:19:16
And I believe the C2 zone does also have some of those buffering where you're looking at. 00:19:24
Neighboring residential, so you'll have some of those set back in or. 00:19:30
Distances they increase with residential, and that's the same with an Ord zone. If you're abutting a residential zone then there 00:19:35
are. 00:19:40
Factors taken into consideration to move things away from the residential zone and I think that's John, is that right in the C2 00:19:45
zone as well? 00:19:49
It's the same. So you still get that buffering between residential zones. 00:19:54
So to be clear, then, it's not necessarily the case that the C2 zone is intended to be. 00:20:00
Is is that there that it could could be considered a buffer zone? 00:20:08
A proper brought buffer zone to residential. 00:20:14
Right. Wait, how is the C2 zone a buffer zone? Because I I thought that the purpose of the PO zone was to be one of the purposes 00:20:16
of the of the PO zone was to be a buffer between the more intensive options in C2. Because C2 allows for things like bars and 00:20:23
retail and restaurants and all of those things that can be very disruptive to neighborhoods even with the setbacks in place. We 00:20:30
are dealing with high traffic flow and those kind of things. 00:20:37
So I guess I'm trying to understand how are you just talking about that there's more setbacks? 00:20:44
In the C2. 00:20:49
So with the PO zone, where it specifically addresses buffers between residential zones, most of that is in accordance with 00:20:51
setbacks. 00:20:55
The overall intent of that is. 00:21:02
I think in the kind of transition area between AC2 zone and residential areas. 00:21:07
I'm trying to think if that's going to be significantly different. Highland Drive is. 00:21:15
Different than context wise than what you'd be looking at on like Murray Holiday. 00:21:22
Or different segments of holiday or of Highland Drive. So even in the Highland Dr. Master plan, different segments of that. 00:21:30
Have different intensity or different uses that are. 00:21:38
That are designated for each segment. I think there's AB and C. 00:21:41
So that's kind of what it reverts to is that Highland Drive is in itself an intense use, so that's thus where those intensive uses 00:21:46
should be placed. 00:21:51
And where you have residential properties that back directly up to Highland Dr. there's not space there for. 00:21:56
Kind of multiple zones to transition back into into the residential area. 00:22:05
So we'll talk about this later in the work meeting. 00:22:11
Well, yeah, I mean. 00:22:15
Probably have the discussion, the work meeting. Anyway, we may be able to wrap it all up right here, but. 00:22:18
The way I kind of read the staff report was. 00:22:24
The HDMP segment 3 and the general plan would kind of indicate that it's that C2 might be the proper zone for these properties. 00:22:27
But APO zone was appropriate. 00:22:37
Based on. 00:22:39
I mean, the way I look at it, they're they're kind of unique parcels in there. They're really small. 00:22:42
And they have but residential to the. 00:22:47
And then you have the canal on the north. 00:22:50
And so though the. 00:22:53
And I don't want to put words in staff's mouth there with PC, but that. 00:22:56
Though the general plan and the HTMP may call for AC2 zone as being more appropriate that PL. is probably. 00:23:00
This isn't an inappropriate application, and PO would actually be maybe a more appropriate zone because it gives 10 more feet of. 00:23:09
Set back to the residential neighborhoods. 00:23:18
And I'm not sure how intense of it you should put on those small parcels anyway. 00:23:21
So that's what I kind of pulled out for, so I'm in support of the application. 00:23:27
Right. It's just clarifying the PO is a less intense use than what the general plan calls for. So This is why that that 00:23:31
application would be supported. But staff and PC didn't agree, didn't disagree that this is an appropriate rezone application. 00:23:37
It's just that. 00:23:42
The general plan may call for more intense, so yes. 00:23:48
It doesn't preclude something different in the future, but all it's being applied for now is PO and it's it's a perfectly fine. 00:23:53
OK. 00:24:01
All right. Thank you. All right. With that then we will open up the public hearing. 00:24:03
On item number 5, and let me just say that we've received a e-mail. 00:24:08
I hope I get this right. 00:24:16
Mehmet Akti. 00:24:18
Am I saying that right, Dan? Do you know? 00:24:20
6354 S Howie Drive. 00:24:24
And he does support the. 00:24:27
Application to PO and public hearings now open. 00:24:30
We know this guy. 00:24:36
Welcome back, Councilmember Gibbons. 00:24:38
Dan Gibbons, 6289 S Howie Drive. My House of 35 years is a Major League. 00:24:41
Home run from this building and in fact for six years I had my law office in this on the ground floor of this building. 00:24:48
So I'm pretty familiar with it. 00:24:55
I'll summarize my comment with a dad joke. 00:24:59
No one in the neighborhood I don't believe is going to be P owed as long as you see to it that C2 doesn't come into the 00:25:05
conversation and that's really. 00:25:10
That's really the gist of what I want to say is that I read the staff report as not opposing this. C2 really isn't on the table 00:25:15
before you. We have RM to PO, you're voting on, you're not voting on C2. So I I just didn't I wasn't super comfortable with the 00:25:23
way the C2 discussion in the staff report was sort of intermixed here and I believe the the C2 would be inappropriate. This again 00:25:30
as stated, this is a really shallow property. 00:25:37
And unlike the holiday crossroads zone to the north, there is a canal between. 00:25:46
Holiday Crossroads and the residential neighborhood which is, which is where my home is and that. But the the canal cuts under 00:25:54
Highland Drive at that point north of this property. So there literally is a back fence and kids playing in the backyard right 00:25:59
behind this property. 00:26:05
I think there are a number of I went through the the permitted uses in C2 and and my goodness, I'm thinking crematorium. 00:26:11
You know, minor, you know, sort of sort of light industrial uses that kind of thing, food things. 00:26:18
Maybe alcohol license? I'm not sure, but I just really think professional office is the way to go this building. In fact, this is 00:26:27
where I had my law office. This building has been in a professional office building. 00:26:33
For decades. And so there would be really no change to the neighborhood as far as the use one final point. 00:26:39
Honestly, the neighborhood is still a little bit shell shocked with what happened with the hotel property and the Ord rezone 00:26:47
there. Not so much with the rezone, but the fact that the street never lined up properly was 64 S. 00:26:55
And so I think the traffic issue. 00:27:03
Is a big one. I don't think we want to exacerbate that that prop that traffic issue by putting a more intense commercial use on 00:27:06
the property. So again I, I, I fully support the PO rezone. I just hope that the C2. 00:27:14
Conversation is not going to be raised, so anyway, good to see. Y'all, thank you. 00:27:23
Podium is open. 00:27:32
Tom Lloyd. 00:27:40
6284 Rent haven. But I do own the property behind where I have my grandkids and my kids. 00:27:42
I think. 00:27:52
What I'm here to discuss is that PO become permanent. 00:27:54
That seal was never in the conversation. 00:27:58
And it's. I have a lot of background. I also have about. 00:28:01
10 neighbors that told me I was speaking for them. 00:28:06
I've developed real estate for 45 years. 00:28:12
Commercial properties for the main I did a little bit on Audi Blvd. residential. 00:28:17
So I have a pretty good feel for. 00:28:25
What potential uses can be? 00:28:28
If it's sitting out there. 00:28:31
The master plan is taken from. 00:28:34
In this case, probably 25,000 feet in the air. 00:28:39
Where they could barely see Island Drive and determined that that was an arterial. 00:28:43
What? The little staff gal? Said Carrie. Sorry. 00:28:50
It's true about boss arterial places like Highland Drive, it's true. 00:28:58
But there's always issues. 00:29:04
Regarding specific two smaller parcels that you mentioned Mayor. 00:29:07
For this particular use. 00:29:12
What you don't want to do is what Dan said. 00:29:15
Create more traffic elements or potential elements to this little tiny site. 00:29:20
Right. 00:29:26
Two homes behind it. 00:29:28
I actually have. 00:29:30
At our side of our home there. 00:29:33
That my families in. 00:29:36
A pedestrian easement across that parking lot. 00:29:40
I actually have a gate that's always been there. 00:29:45
That allows our kids to walk through the parking lot to. 00:29:49
Go to the retail 7 or 711 or whatever, so they're hopefully not the bar. 00:29:53
Half a block down the street on that side. 00:29:59
Which C2 allows by the way. 00:30:02
And So what I'm trying to do. 00:30:06
Or and I don't have. I don't know what the process is and I've dealt with. 00:30:09
Getting commercial uses next to residential and I always had a buffer. 00:30:14
Always had a buffer in our developments. 00:30:20
You know, I did Union Park Center, I dealt with. 00:30:23
3 huggers for. 00:30:26
Five years. Getting that zoned to where I had it. 00:30:28
But we always had a buffer. Always. 00:30:31
And C2 isn't one. 00:30:36
That is not a buffer what you're buffering against. 00:30:38
So in this particular instance. 00:30:43
Being such a small site. 00:30:47
Right next to. 00:30:49
Messed up Inter. 00:30:51
That happened through you guys. 00:30:53
Somebody here? 00:30:55
And I know it was because the person had an easement, didn't want to give it up. 00:30:57
But it still is allowed to happen. 00:31:03
And you really, you have the site thing, so. 00:31:05
Really get a feel for that. 00:31:10
It doesn't outline that. 00:31:15
64. 00:31:22
Intersection here. 00:31:27
So it's already. 00:31:29
Top intersection. 00:31:33
Because it's a motel, these are strangers to that intersection every time they drive out of there. 00:31:35
Some new person using that. 00:31:41
Hotel but this access to this existing. 00:31:44
Side. 00:31:48
It's right next to that. 00:31:50
And so it's. 00:31:53
Unique but it is true. 00:31:56
It's a site that absolutely needs to be. 00:32:00
Dealt with in terms of an intensity intense use, let alone all the other elements that come with C2. 00:32:04
But intensity is part of it. 00:32:11
Always is. 00:32:13
And the reality is, nobody's going to knock down that $1,000,000 building. 00:32:15
To put a bar or a drive up window. 00:32:20
But the point is is. 00:32:23
That that it's even in the background. I think I well, I'm. 00:32:25
Talking to I absolutely approve the. 00:32:30
The application. 00:32:33
For peel but I've. 00:32:36
Wanted to be heard. 00:32:38
Get rid of the stupid masterpiece. I never dealt with the master plan that I didn't change. 00:32:39
In 40 years and that's. 00:32:45
Millions of square feet of staff. 00:32:47
So specific to this. 00:32:50
It's an easy call. 00:32:54
Leave it PO, leave it what the building is. 00:32:56
The applicant. All they want is that now I know the staff or somebody talked to me. Well, yeah, at least have the C. 00:33:00
As a potential and I said. 00:33:09
What I'm trying to do is get rid of this super potential. 00:33:11
Doesn't belong there. I know they. 00:33:14
They have their, they teach them in school and stuff, but I learned everything by. 00:33:16
Doing it. 00:33:21
OJT stuff. That's how I learned everything. 00:33:22
The reality is it's too small a site next to already problematic intersection on a major thoroughfare. 00:33:26
And right next to the freeway. 00:33:34
So get it off the master plan. 00:33:36
For the PPO. 00:33:41
Just get it off the master plan. 00:33:43
Than wanting there and never will boil in there. 00:33:45
That's it. If you've got any questions, be happy to answer. 00:33:50
OK. Thank you. 00:33:52
Anybody else for public comment? 00:34:09
You know, I failed to ask. Is the applicant here? 00:34:12
OK, so the property owner now is 6375 Highland LC. 00:34:16
So we understand that I. 00:34:25
The room zone currently could either be all residential or all commercial. You could have a an office that's your personal office 00:34:28
in that in addition to residential. Well, this is actually a piece of property that my parents have bought in order to. 00:34:36
Make the top four residential so that they can live. They're in their 70s and they have a house they live in. 00:34:44
Up in the hills and these last two winters have killed them. 00:34:51
Almost literally once, but they just want to. They need the rezone so that they can take the top floor, turn the top floor into a 00:34:54
residence for them, which will be their townhouse effectively. 00:35:00
We understand. We've talked with the staff, with the city, that the Highland Master plan and the. 00:35:08
General plan for the area both say that C2 is appropriate. We've also listened to the community and we understand that all of the 00:35:16
residences want this to be PO. Either one of them is fit for the purposes that we need, which is why we submitted the application 00:35:22
for PO try to be sensitive to the the residents there. 00:35:28
I think that's all that we have any questions that the Council has for us. 00:35:37
Any questions from council? 00:35:43
OK, thank you. Thank you. Public hearings still open. Sorry, I should have taken the applicant first, but. 00:35:46
Anybody else that would like to comment on this particular application? 00:35:53
My name is Dan Moss and I live at 6393 Sonoma Drive, right next to the property that Tom was talking about. 00:36:05
And. 00:36:13
I agree with what Tom said. You know, I don't have a problem with the PO. 00:36:15
But the C2 right? 00:36:20
That's going to turn into. 00:36:23
A bad thing, I think. 00:36:27
So I would urge you, you know? 00:36:29
Not to go along with. 00:36:33
You know, it seems like. 00:36:36
These things happen, and then eventually it turns into something else. 00:36:38
And that's troubling. You know, I've lived at that property for. 00:36:43
40 years and. 00:36:49
You know, it's always been a really good neighborhood. Now the hotels there. 00:36:52
And with. 00:36:59
More coming. 00:37:01
I think the C2 is a bad idea personally. 00:37:04
Thank you. OK. Thank you. 00:37:08
Anybody else for public comment on this rezone application? 00:37:17
OK, with that, I'll close the public hearing. This will be discussed in the work session, but for those that are present, I just 00:37:25
want to make sure. 00:37:28
There's no confusion on this. I think the C2 things got mixed up in this application. There's no application for AC2. 00:37:32
Rezone, I think all staff was doing. 00:37:40
Was clarifying what the general plan was stating. 00:37:45
But my recollection of the staff report is both the staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezone, correct, 00:37:49
John and Kerry. So just so that's clear, I don't want to be confused that there's some kind of pending application for C2. 00:37:58
All right. Thank you. So we if you're welcome to stick around, we'll be discussing this at some point during the work session. 00:38:08
And this will be. 00:38:14
This is pretty non controversial application in my opinion. This will be on the agenda for vote on the 25th. 00:38:17
Of April. 00:38:24
Thank you. 00:38:25
OK. Item number six, we've handled. So we're on to item number 7. This is a resolution approving an interlocal agreement with Salt 00:38:30
Lake County for TRCC park improvements. 00:38:34
Holly Smith is going to give us a quick overview on this one. 00:38:40
Yeah. Thank you, Mayor. Really exciting. We were able to secure another grant to improve our park Outback. So this program is a 00:38:43
program that Salt Lake County runs annually. We received several grant awards from it in the past and we're successful in securing 00:38:50
so for more funding to install some sports lighting as well as refurbish our Trellis columns. I think the council has talked about 00:38:57
in the past, we've been having some issues with the columns on the trellis for some time now. 00:39:04
So this would be replacing the fiberglass with some stone columns and that would be integrated into the new exhibits experience 00:39:12
that we're creating, which will be fantastic. So that's kind of the, the overview. The money that we'll be receiving is $125,000. 00:39:19
It's being matched with $30,000. Much of that is coming from the skate park lighting fundraiser that we did last year led by a 00:39:26
really generous Family Foundation locally, so. 00:39:32
Are there any questions about? 00:39:41
The agreement or how we'll be using the funds. 00:39:43
Questions from. 00:39:48
OK. Thank you. I just want to stay up there. Holly, take a vote. 00:39:49
I'll take a motion from council. 00:39:55
Mayor I. 00:39:58
That we passed Resolution 2024-13 approving an interlocal agreement with Salt Lake County on behalf of the Salt Lake County. 00:40:00
Sorry. 00:40:04
Wrong way 2024-12 Approving an intellectual agreement with Salt Lake County for the TRCC park improvements. 00:40:08
Second, OK, motion And a second council member Brewer. Yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. 00:40:15
Councilmember Quinn, yes, Councilmember Craig and chairboat chest that that agreement is approved. And Holly, thanks for your work 00:40:21
on this TRCC application as well. Happy to do it. 00:40:27
OK, Now we are on item number 8. This is the interlocal agreement with Salt Lake County, the Salt Lake County Health Department. 00:40:34
And we'll take another overview from Holly on this one. OK. So back in January, Gina Chamna, City Manager, presented an 00:40:41
opportunity for the city to apply for a grant program that the county was running. And this was funded through the opioid 00:40:48
settlement that occurred nationally. So Utah got a portion of that settlement and then it was distributed to the counties. 00:40:55
And we asked the council at that time if you would be OK if we submitted an application that would allow us to hire a part-time 00:41:02
public health coordinator and also set up our public health program through Happy Healthy Holiday. 00:41:09
So this agreement is basically acknowledging a grant award make Bartley, who's our our public health intern right now, wrote that 00:41:17
grant application and it was really well received. So right now our award is $72,185 and then we have a local match. 00:41:26
Of 7000. 00:41:37
$219 that we'll be putting towards the program and this is a one year program that can be renewed up to two more times. So it 00:41:39
could potentially be three years of funding. And I know there were some questions when we came in January what this person would 00:41:46
be doing. So I included some of the job responsibilities that we'll be posting when we release that. 00:41:52
That call for applicants for this new position And then I just really briefly. 00:42:01
Outlined some of the different project costs that will be coming through the program and I wanted to make sure there weren't any 00:42:08
questions on that. And then real quickly too, because this is an annual renewal and for three years and it is evidence based, 00:42:13
community based programming, you're going to see a lot of data and you'll be able to make a decision as to whether you want this 00:42:19
to be a permanent position going forward. 00:42:25
Holly, with respect to the renewal, is that? 00:42:33
Will there be a judgment by the? 00:42:37
Grand Tour in the future as to whether we're still eligible or is that sort of at our discretion, we ask for the renewal. I think 00:42:40
it will be probably a combination in the agreement. It's written in there that we can have up to two renewals. So it's kind of 00:42:47
built into this award, but I think we're going to be meeting with the county monthly. So we'll be walking hand in hand with them 00:42:54
as we develop this program. So I think there will be a lot of confidence in giving us an additional year and our interest. 00:43:02
I think that alignment will happen kind of naturally. Thank you. So when's the? 00:43:09
So this will fund this part time position to accomplish what's in the packet till. 00:43:15
What's the difference between that and the renewal? So the amount of funding that's included is the total program cost for the 00:43:20
full year, so about $80,000 for one year of a part-time person and the public health program. So when we signed the agreement, 00:43:26
that will start the clock and it will last for a year. So this time next year, we'll have an option to renew and we'll get an 00:43:32
additional 72,000. 00:43:38
185 or whatever the the changes on that. 00:43:44
This 72,000 just gets us to March of next year, 2025. 00:43:48
What's the go ahead? Sorry, what's the criteria for the renewal? It was just a request or do we have to meet certain benchmarks 00:43:54
and that's why we're meeting monthly. And because it's written into the agreement, I think that their discretion, they would just 00:43:59
give an additional year of funding. So yeah, so we want to like reapply or or have to compete again for the money, it would be 00:44:04
kind of more built in. 00:44:09
To the program we have right now or we'll be establishing. 00:44:15
And then I don't know if that was a big deal, but your intention is to go after a part time employee as opposed to a contractor on 00:44:19
a limited basis where we know that there will potentially be a end to funding in three years. So it could mean a termination as 00:44:24
opposed to. 00:44:28
A discontinuation of a contract services, I guess, Right. Yeah. And this is exactly the same thing that happened when we hired our 00:44:34
Arts Council director. They had a similar program. But we can also let the person know when we hire them that this is kind of the 00:44:39
situation and. 00:44:45
There's a possibility after three years, the position will be in place. So I think we can be really straightforward about that or 00:44:51
we may find that merits continuation. And then and I know there were some questions in January of making sure that we had data 00:44:57
that showed the benefit of what it was being provided to and we're going to get that. So I think that will give the council good 00:45:03
information to make a decision. So thank you. 00:45:09
I'm not sure I understand. 00:45:16
So this funds it. 00:45:20
For a year, correct. 00:45:23
But we have two options to renew after that. 00:45:25
But we'll have to reapply for an additional 72,000. 00:45:28
I don't think we have to reapply. We'll just have to work with the county to get an additional year of funding, OK. So it we can 00:45:32
commit to three years, three years and then we would have to decide if we wanted to fund it internally or not, Okay. So again, 00:45:38
essentially with our match and the money we're receiving, it's an $80,000 program and we'll get 80,000, we'll have $80,000 three 00:45:44
times. 00:45:51
Right, gotcha. OK. So but we won't have to be hanging on whether we're going to receive the application just be our option to 00:45:57
renew it if we think it's. 00:46:02
Producing an outcome for the city and if the county agrees that we're doing a good job with our awards, so which we will, yes, 00:46:07
we're going to do a great job. 00:46:12
OK. Thanks, Holly. OK, thank you. 00:46:19
Mayor, I'd move adoption of Resolution 2024-13 approving the international agreement with Salt Lake County on behalf of the Salt 00:46:21
Lake County Health Department for Public Health second. 00:46:27
OK, we have a motion in a second Council member Brewer. Yes. Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. 00:46:33
Councilmember Quinn, yes. Councilmember Gray, yes, and Chair Boat Chess and kudos to. 00:46:39
Megan for her application. I guess it was a very strong application and. 00:46:45
Obviously scored well, so good for her. 00:46:50
And good for the city. 00:46:53
All right. Thank you, Gina. 00:46:55
One thing tonight. 00:46:59
It is spring and Utah, so we're going to have some beautiful days like today where it's 70° and some days where we have a 00:47:02
snowstorm where it is snowing sideways and that makes it difficult for our park staff to respond. So I wanted to let the council 00:47:10
know just generally April is tough for us and we've we've had one resignation. We have a couple of medical issues, so we're trying 00:47:18
to staff up on our seasonal. 00:47:25
But if you can. 00:47:34
Have some patience with us. Over the next month we'll be getting to all the wedding and clean out. It's just going to take some 00:47:36
time. 00:47:40
That's all I had tonight. I don't know if you have questions for me. 00:47:46
Gina any? 00:47:52
Any concerns about the runoff this year? I know it's not as huge as last year, but there's still a lot of snow up there. Yeah, 00:47:53
nothing that I have heard so far. We certainly, we haven't been getting our weekly videos like we did last week or last year of 00:48:01
where the runoff was projected to be. So I think unless we have a warm up, which can always happen. 00:48:09
That would threaten. 00:48:18
Threaten our banks. I think we're in pretty good shape. 00:48:21
Last I heard, I think that the Big Cottonwood base was like 100 and close to 140% of normal or thereabouts, so. 00:48:25
So another good year. Not nothing like last year, but good for the Great Salt Lake though. Yeah, yeah. 00:48:32
OK. Thank you. 00:48:39
OK, Council reports. Emily, why don't we start with you and we'll move down the line, OK? I'm really excited. 00:48:41
To report that. 00:48:48
Wastage found waste and Recycling with their partner Momentum Recycling is expanding food Waste I. 00:48:51
Recycling to the City of Holiday just in the next couple of weeks. 00:48:58
So they're going to be doing a mail campaign, they're going to be doing door to door campaigns to allow people to opt in this. 00:49:03
It's obviously optional. 00:49:07
You don't have to have a contract, so you can decide to do it and then opt out anytime that you want, but it's essentially 00:49:11
curbside food waste. They all types of food waste are accepted, including animal products, fruits, vegetables, oils, everything. 00:49:19
They're taken. 00:49:26
A Wasatch Front waste and recycling facility and then they process. 00:49:29
They process all that waste. It's kind of like a almost like a mechanical stomach is the way they were describing it. But then the 00:49:34
byproducts, this is the part that's really cool are piped directly natural gas to heat our homes and then there's a bio based 00:49:40
fertilizer that they use. So it's it's a really awesome program that they're expanding throughout the county. One of the things I 00:49:46
think is really great is one of the reasons that Holiday was chosen as one of this first level of expansion is that. 00:49:53
Holiday had a high number of residents expressed interest. 00:50:00
In this program. And so that's where they were targeting first. So we're really excited. 00:50:04
It's like the banana and Back to the Future that they drop in the DeLorean, right? Exactly like that. 00:50:09
Thank you. 00:50:19
I don't know if any of you saw a Tribune article that came out a week or so ago about Rocky Mountain Power. 00:50:22
Every year Rocky Mountain Power is required to. 00:50:28
Publish an update of where of their ten year plan. 00:50:32
A year ago, they came out with plans to. 00:50:36
Retire early the coal plants. 00:50:42
In Emory County, two of them. 00:50:46
And they were going to build 2 nuclear plants in place of those two coal plants. 00:50:49
Unfortunately they have just come out a week or so ago with their update, their yearly update. 00:50:56
They have walked back those goals. The coal plants will stay with retirement dates of 2036 and 24 two. 00:51:04
And they no longer plan on any nuclear plants. 00:51:13
That is disappointing. Definitely. The reason I'm telling you all this is because. 00:51:20
This news makes the. 00:51:26
Utah Renewable Communities program that I represent holiday on even more important. 00:51:28
And. 00:51:35
Lots is going on with that. 00:51:38
Three additional cities. 00:51:42
Are thinking about joining, which is great because they're good sized cities and if we could get them on board. 00:51:44
That would expand the program quite a bit. 00:51:50
So keep your fingers crossed about that. I will. I will keep you updated. I also wanted to correct something I misspoke. 00:51:54
Last time we were here. 00:52:02
The grant application to the EPA. 00:52:03
Is that we're asking for 49 million, so if we can get that? 00:52:06
And that would be a huge jump start to the program. 00:52:12
That's it. So that just continues on and waiting for the next update or the next step? 00:52:17
I guess, yeah. 00:52:22
We're continuing to go. We're hoping to get the program before the Public Service Commission. 00:52:24
It keeps getting farther and farther, but hopefully sometime this summer. 00:52:29
OK. 00:52:34
A couple of items. It's just like it's budget season here. It's budget season with UFA. 00:52:37
And Finance Committee meeting is coming up Monday of next week. 00:52:43
But I think you'll find that the number is going to be. 00:52:49
Not astronomical, but perhaps a little higher than we've been accustomed to the last few years. But I think the last couple of 00:52:56
years, and correct me if I'm wrong, mayor, the last couple of years we've been in line or maybe even a little bit below inflation. 00:53:02
And while inflation has been high this year, as inflation's may be coming down overall nationally, I think we're gonna get a bite 00:53:09
that's maybe a little bigger than the current rate of inflation, just 'cause I think the UFA costs lag a little bit. They're not a 00:53:15
leading indicator, but maybe a lagging indicator. Also in the last few years there's an element of the cost allocation formula. 00:53:21
I'm sorry, this is getting into the weeds just a little bit. 00:53:27
Where? 00:53:34
You know and across the board sort of budget increase, but then each member city and the other. 00:53:35
UFSA organizations. 00:53:44
You know how each of us has a station or two in our city and they serve our city, but we also share. 00:53:46
The resources coming out of our surrounding cities, last couple of years we were on the. 00:53:54
Giving more than we took. 00:54:00
This particular year, we had to take a little more than we gave. 00:54:02
Primarily up in the northeast area. Drew your district again? 00:54:05
But but but every now and then there's it kind of can go back and forth you know where we get some benefit of that and then or we. 00:54:13
Panned with a little more so. 00:54:20
The combination of being a lagging, a lagging indicator of inflation or a lagging cost follower of inflation combined with being 00:54:23
on sort of the up slope of of that shared resource allocation, we're going to come in a little hotter than than inflation, but 00:54:29
it's still. 00:54:36
Quite reasonable, historically. 00:54:43
But we'll get, as those numbers get a little more solidified, of course, we'll be seeing those in our budget state session for the 00:54:47
city. 00:54:50
So like 6 ish 667 I think, I think it's 55 for everybody and I think our shared. 00:54:53
Cycle thing for using more than we put in. This time is a 1.2. 00:55:03
Which gets us at 6.7. 00:55:08
OK, next holiday arts. We talked about it briefly across the hall, but on Monday, 7:00 is the the dance concert. Olympus Junior 00:55:12
high 7:00. It's always a fun event and well put on. It's Ginger Guns annual dance show and it's super fun with a number of. 00:55:21
Dance companies from around holiday and neighboring cities that come and put on a great show. 00:55:30
Last night at Rotary, a couple of things came out of that. Our speaker was a guy who's kind of a one man. 00:55:36
Power of 1 sort of example. 00:55:46
He's a guy who has been creating YouTube videos and he's been sort of. 00:55:49
Harassing legislators and the governor about the state of our roadways and the amount of pollution. 00:55:56
That is on the side of the highways and that it's not being. 00:56:03
Maintained very well. 00:56:08
And I guess since Kovid, when previous to Covad there might have been more laborers out there, including even prison labor. 00:56:10
Picking up trash along the freeways. It's not been happening post COVID. And so he's noticed. He's been taking these videos. 00:56:17
You know, and then tagging UDOT and the governor and he's been getting a fair amount of traction, enough traction where the 00:56:24
governor's office actually called him and. 00:56:29
Ask them to be nicer. So anyways he came and spoke to Rotary and it was just more example that that when you we have a mission and 00:56:34
you're trying to accomplish something even you're a single person can can have an impact and and and that was his mission right 00:56:40
now was to try to to generate some his ultimate goal is to try to get the legislature to fund U dot a little bit more with a 00:56:47
specific mission of. 00:56:53
Making our roads not quite so trashy because it's difficult for volunteer organizations to be out by the side of a freeway. 00:56:59
They don't have the safety equipment to deal with that. It really needs to be you, Doc, who does that. And so he's been getting 00:57:07
some traction and that was kind of a fun discussion. The second thing that came out of Rotary was, as we know what the April 20th 00:57:12
Rotary is going to be volunteering in their annual cleanup of Olympus Pines Park. 00:57:17
I believe Rotary may be coming. 00:57:24
With an opportunity to share some funding for repairing the park signage. 00:57:26
Because I guess. 00:57:31
Over the years, lawn mowers and weed eaters whacking into the bottom of the sign have eroded it quite a bit and I think it even 00:57:33
fell over in a windstorm. So they would like to refurbish that sign and they will raise some money to facilitate that, but they 00:57:39
may need some. 00:57:44
We're talking about maybe. 00:57:50
1000 bucks, so nothing monstrous, but Rotary is thinking that they can raise 500 and maybe the city could pitch in. So Kathy from 00:57:51
Rotary maybe? 00:57:56
Coming knocking. 00:58:02
Let's see. 00:58:05
That is it. 00:58:08
I just wanted to mention a couple of tree committee things. First of all, we were really excited to learn that for the 14th year 00:58:12
in a row, we've been designated a tree city for the Tree City USA. 00:58:17
And that's just, I think mostly a reflection of the efforts of our tree committee and our city staff who? 00:58:23
Have adopted ordinances and undertaken activities that help us qualify for that award each year. So that's that was great. 00:58:29
Umm, this Saturday at the library at 10:30 there's a tree talk on forest bathing and. 00:58:37
There's been some confusion about what that's all about, but that's about being mindful of your environment in the forest. 00:58:43
And then on the 20th at Morningside Elementary, there will be an Arbor Day event, one of the things we do to qualify for our Tree 00:58:52
City USA status. It's going to be very student directed, but anybody is invited to attend. It'll be, I think at 2:00. 00:59:00
At Morningside Elementary. 00:59:08
Gina let in with its springtime out there and I'll echo that and on that topic of snowpack. 00:59:15
With as much water as we have it was interesting on the in the mosquito abatement district they were talking about the flooding 00:59:23
actually that is kind of happening was I think I think they said the Utah lake was 100% at this point and and so again for Great 00:59:30
Salt Lake this is this is great as that empties into that and but it's also some of the kind of marshlands and things and things 00:59:37
like that are are are flooding the summit. So they expect a more active year than normal as as relates to mosquitoes. 00:59:44
And just want to remind all of us as we speak engage with with residents that it's a resource that's I I personally use them even 00:59:51
prior to being on the board. 00:59:57
And they're fantastic like they they come out if you have like. 01:00:04
Water features or just any type of standing water, they're very interested and they basically they log it and they'll make it and 01:00:09
they'll work, work them at work your location into their annual trip and and and come out and they'll put either some fish that 01:00:14
will eat mosquito larva or they've got pellets and different things. And so I don't think anybody likes mosquitoes and and so we 01:00:20
just encourage people to take advantage of that. 01:00:26
And they also I talked to Lena, but we will it's probably timely to put something out in social media to that and then they'll 01:00:33
craft a message specific to holiday of the things that. 01:00:39
Would be beneficial for our residents to know, so I'll look at that with him. 01:00:45
On the historical Commission, a couple of things. 01:00:50
May 13th. And for the historical series, there's the gentleman, David Amit that will be speaking on the Bamberger, Dreyfus and 01:00:55
Walker Homes. 01:00:59
And then the month of May is preservation month. And for that the historical Commission has gone out and secured signs with QR 01:01:04
codes that they'll be placing at different places throughout the city so that people can scan the code and read the historical 01:01:10
kind of nature of that, of that location, which should be neat. 01:01:16
They've identified 10 Pioneer homes, 5 legacy businesses that have been here for 50 plus years. 01:01:24
And and so there are some of those kinds of things that you can look for. 01:01:33
On the on the Historical Commission, it's interesting they have. 01:01:38
It's been neat to get involved with them. They have some very passionate people, some of them the. 01:01:42
We do however need, there's some that our ordinances only allow for 2323 year terms to be served consecutively. And so they have 01:01:49
some people that would serve longer if they could, but they can't. And we have 3 vacancies. It could be three to five really, but 01:01:55
three vacancies that are coming up. And so I'd like to ask all of you to actually spend some time thinking of anybody that you 01:02:02
know in holiday that you think. 01:02:08
Being on the historical Commission might resonate with and that could contribute meaningfully or be interested in volunteering in 01:02:15
that capacity because it's kind of a high number that we need. And if you have anybody that you would consider if you could pass 01:02:21
your name on to me, I'd be glad to speak with them or have Sandy would we want to consider. 01:02:27
I hate to bring this up. 01:02:34
But would we want to reconsider that policy? I think that's an internal policy to the city. 01:02:36
And I guess the question would be, and we don't have to debate it here, but I'll just bring it up is. 01:02:43
Is that something we want to discuss? 01:02:48
It's not. It's not really that easy to get people to fill these positions, especially that are passionate about it and want to 01:02:51
stay. And it seems silly to me that we would. 01:02:55
Would ask them to leave if we don't have anybody to replace them when they want to continue to serve. 01:03:01
So anyway, it might be something we want to consider. It's been an issue on the tree committee as well, the same. 01:03:07
Time requirements. What I'm saying is maybe we make it. I mean, would there be an appetite to maybe just discuss? 01:03:12
Extending it to maybe it's three terms or whatever. 01:03:20
Yeah, that is certainly within the purview of the council. It's an ordinance that you have adopted, I think there would be. 01:03:24
Positives to. 01:03:32
To turnover in that you do give others an opportunity to serve and I think that's what the council originally was focused on, but 01:03:35
but it's certainly a balance between. 01:03:41
Recognizing those valuable and passionate voices and giving others a chance to serve their community. 01:03:50
Yeah, so it might. Maybe the thing to do is to bring this up with the individual committees. 01:03:57
You think and just ask. 01:04:02
How many people are out there or so knocking on the door? I think that is a decision of the Council and I was hesitate to delegate 01:04:04
that to the committees for discussion. I think that's more appropriately a discussion for the Council. In terms of the historical 01:04:14
Commission, we have planned advertisements in order to recruit new members, so I don't have a sense yet of how many. 01:04:24
How many applicants we might get from the the general public that would be interested? 01:04:34
Great. So maybe it's not bad as is and we'll see how that goes. And maybe. Yeah. Anyways, I'm just saying that's an option if we 01:04:40
run into a situation where it's like we're. 01:04:45
Out of options, having a hard time filling these positions and yet we're forcing people off that would love to stay on that are 01:04:50
doing a good job. 01:04:53
That seems. 01:04:57
A little counterproductive, but anyway great. 01:04:59
Let's see, I think. 01:05:04
Yeah, that's all I had. 01:05:08
Just quickly, we had a pretty good meeting. Well, we had a really good meeting. Umm. 01:05:11
On the public appreciation. 01:05:17
We can't say weak, right? 01:05:20
Leader. Anyway, we'll be celebrating all of our first responders in May Again, I think it's the. 01:05:22
Or through the 18th and. 01:05:30
All sorts of stuff going on and we look forward to celebrating their service to the city. 01:05:33
And it'll that'll culminate in that breakfast on the 18th at station 104 if you want to put those that on your calendar in May. 01:05:37
Other than that, I think we've covered everything so. 01:05:45
I would entertain a motion to recess for a few minutes and then meet across the hall. Mr. Moran, move or did you want us anything 01:05:48
about Crown Colony? Is that all? OK, Mr. Mayor, let's move to adjourn and reconvene in a work session across the hall. 01:05:55
Second motion. A second All in favor. Say aye, Aye, We're recessed. 01:06:02
Yeah, I'm just going to go over there at. 01:06:10
OK. 01:06:15
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Are these all your neighbors? 00:00:00
Dan in the. 00:00:04
I talked to him, OK? 00:00:10
That might be him. 00:00:16
There might be some Adu people out there as well, so. 00:00:21
OK. Welcome everybody. 00:00:44
We are going to call to order the City of Holiday City Council meeting for Thursday, April 11th. 00:00:49
And we will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, if we could ask everyone to please rise. 00:00:55
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:01:05
I'm Super Republic for which it stands. 00:01:09
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:12
Thank you, everybody. Before we get to public comment, I'd like to ask the Council to take the agenda out of order, moving item 00:01:23
number six. 00:01:27
To the next item on the agenda. 00:01:30
2nd. 00:01:34
Motion is second. All in favor, Say aye, aye. 00:01:35
And we will move to item number six. This is a consideration of Resolution 2020-11 approving Christian Larson as the city finance 00:01:39
director. And before we bring Christian up and swear him in, we're going to turn it over to our city manager, Gina Chamas. All 00:01:47
right, thank you, Mayor. I am thrilled to ask for the council's consent to appoint Christian Larson as our finance director. 00:01:55
Christian has both a bachelor and a master's degree in accountancy and. 00:02:02
He comes to us most recently from Midvale, where he was assistant finance director. 00:02:11
He's also worked for Pleasant Grove City as an accountant and a payroll specialist. During the interview process for this 00:02:15
position, I was really impressed, both with Christians experience but also with his attitude and enthusiasm. And in the short time 00:02:23
he's been working for us, I've been impressed with his skill, his thoroughness as he addresses issue and issues, and especially 00:02:30
with how he deals with people. I think he's going to fit in great. 00:02:38
Here in holiday and I look forward to your consent to his appointment. 00:02:46
Thank you. 00:02:52
And we had. 00:02:54
A chance to visit with Christian across the hall. The council had a chance to visit with him a little bit and get to know a little 00:02:56
bit about him. We're happy to have Kenna. 00:03:00
Here as well for the swearing in. And with that, I think we'll get right to it, Stephanie. 00:03:05
Oh, Mr. Mayor, I move approval of Resolution 2024-11, approving Christian Larson as the city finance director. 00:03:13
We have a motion, a second. We'll go to vote Councilmember Brewer, yes, Councilmember Durham yes, Councilmember Fotheringham yes, 00:03:21
Councilmember Quinn yes, Councilmember Gray, yes, and Chair Vote Chess. 00:03:26
Now we would have swearing in. 00:03:32
Do you solemnly swear that I will defend the Constitution of the United States? 00:03:58
And the Constitution of the state. 00:04:04
And I will discharge the duties of my office. 00:04:07
As finance director of the City of Holiday. 00:04:11
With fidelity. 00:04:14
Congratulations and we just feel lucky to have you on board. 00:04:23
Now, we took you out of order because you said you're going to take your wife to dinner, but if you want to stay, you can. 00:04:27
All right. 00:04:34
OK. We will continue on with the agenda. Now moving to public comment. Before we open up public comment, let me note that we have 00:04:36
two public hearings, one on the proposed amendments to accessory dwelling units, item number four, and also a public hearing on 00:04:42
the proposed rezone at 6375 S Highland, Dr. item number 5. 00:04:48
Those will be separate public hearings. So if you're here to comment on either of those on either of those issues, Please wait 00:04:56
till we get that public here. Get to that public hearing. If you are here to comment on anything other than those two public 00:05:02
hearings, public comment is the appropriate time for you. So for the fireworks, it would be now, Trudy, it would be now. So we'll 00:05:08
open up public comment. Please approach the podium, Keep it to 3 minutes or less please. And state your name and address. Public 00:05:13
comment is open. 00:05:19
True. Do you want you come up, show them how to do it, and then they'll know. 00:05:25
Hi, I'm Trudy. I'm from the library. I'm really excited about this one. I'm going to start with a little with a little thing. On 00:05:30
the 23rd of April we're going to have the Blood mobile bus out in the parking lot. Please come donate. And then it's the Thrills 00:05:36
and Chills book club. So it stay and talk about a scary book. 00:05:41
But the really exciting thing that I get to talk about today is that as of Monday, the Salt Lake County Library system went fine, 00:05:47
free for all juvenile and young adult materials. 00:05:52
So anything that's got that J or the Y at the beginning of the call number, anything that's meant for kids, there are no, there 00:05:58
are no more late fees. 00:06:01
The only time you have to pay for it is if you don't bring it. 00:06:05
So yay, we will not be. 00:06:08
Will not be able to do amnesty for past fines, but we do have food for fines going on right now. So if you bring in some non 00:06:12
perishable foods to donate, we can take $5 off of any existing fines. So yay. So that's the great news from the library. So a few, 00:06:17
a few less fees in science, that's awesome. 00:06:23
Thanks. Thanks, Trudy. Appreciate it. 00:06:29
Hi Jason Brand, I live on 2251 Melody Anne Wait just a few a few blocks away. I recently sent an e-mail to you all about holidays, 00:06:36
firework policies in the past and wanted to make a comment about that. 00:06:43
I understand the concerns behind previous years regulations or policies. 00:06:51
But finally, be overly conservative, particularly after two years of above average rain and snow. 00:06:55
Fireworks have long been part of celebrating independence and Pioneer days here in Utah. 00:07:02
Bring joy and sense of community to our neighborhoods. I'm here not just a concerned citizen, but also as a dad. My young children 00:07:06
love fireworks, just like I did when I was their age. 00:07:10
And my oldest, Walter, is at the age where saying no just because it doesn't work. And I have a hard time explaining to him why 00:07:14
our city thinks it's not safe to do fireworks on our street, which is separated from the mountainside by more than two miles of 00:07:20
pavement, green lawns and a three lane separated highway. 00:07:26
I understand the City Council will soon be voting on policies for this summer's July holidays. 00:07:32
And according to my research, Utah State law permits firework bans based on existing or historical hazardous environmental 00:07:37
conditions. 00:07:41
I ask that this year we return to normal firework rules. 00:07:45
And that if restrictions are required now or in the future, that we take a more nuanced approach, taking into consideration the 00:07:49
location or types of fireworks that would present such hazards. 00:07:53
Let's work together to find a solution that allows families like mine to continue to enjoy fireworks while ensuring the well-being 00:07:57
of our city and state. 00:08:00
Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:04
Thank you. I think this is coming. Are we discussing this on the 25th? 00:08:06
But you're right, the city does vote on this once we get, I think, a direction from the Fire Marshall. 00:08:12
Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:18
Course you can. 00:08:26
My name is David Steffensen. I live at 4538 Suncrest Drive. 00:08:30
I wanted to add my voice in support of revising our firework rules to be. 00:08:34
Back as they were before the current restrictions were put in place and and led us to at least have a modest amount of fireworks 00:08:40
this year. 00:08:43
Our founding fathers. There's many writings of them endorsing the use of fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July in particular. 00:08:47
John Adams said. 00:08:54
That from 1 edge of the country to the other it should be full of party celebrations, barbecues, that not barbecues but bonfires, 00:08:56
is what he said. And then he said illuminations, which was what he called fireworks at the time and. 00:09:02
From the very beginning of this country, we have used fireworks to celebrate our independence. 00:09:09
I think that we should continue to do that in our city. 00:09:14
I grew up in this city from a very young age and I have very fond memories of. 00:09:17
4th of July and holiday where not only will we have our big. 00:09:22
Celebration with fireworks by the city. We would also have it in the neighborhoods all over. 00:09:28
The sound and the smoke and the experience was really fun for me as a child and I really enjoyed it. 00:09:33
I am also a father of young children, one of them. 00:09:38
This is bugging me right now. 00:09:42
I want to share that with them. I want them to be able to watch fireworks to to experience the the small ones that are unlikely to 00:09:45
cause fires. And I think that. 00:09:49
Given the precipitation that we have been blessed with in the past few years, I think it's time to let us to experience that 00:09:54
again. 00:09:58
Thank you. Thank you very much. 00:10:03
OK. That there's two public hearings coming up. So if you're here to comment on those, open those up. 00:10:14
Anybody else that wants to make public comment before we move to the public hearings? 00:10:19
OK, there being none, then we'll close public comment and move to item number. 00:10:26
Four on the agenda. This is a continued public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapter 13, point 1.14.031 Accessory dwelling 00:10:32
units. This came before the council previously. There are a number of questions that we had about this and didn't want to hurry 00:10:38
through rush through it. So we've got a summary that's been written by Kerry Marsh in our planning department that we'll be 00:10:44
reviewing in the work session. It's pretty extensive, but nothing we need to cover before we continue this public hearing unless 00:10:50
the council has anything. 00:10:56
So this is a continued public hearing. It doesn't need to be open. Is there anybody here to comment on the Accessory Dwelling unit 00:11:04
revisions? 00:11:08
Good evening. My name is Dan Kemp. I live on 4437 Butternut Rd. 00:11:23
I remember seeing you all here several months ago when we were trying to do a rezone. 00:11:29
And we've been been trying to do this the right way for a long time. So I mean initially we were thought we were gonna be able to 00:11:33
use it in different ways, but I would our property at that location does have aadu and it's perfect for renting out to a student 00:11:40
or whatnot. And just under the rules of long term rentals, However, under the current code is not allowed to. So I really would 00:11:47
like to use the property as it's been designed. 00:11:54
And I know that the initial. 00:12:02
Changes that the city planners made actually would have allowed it. They did a lot of research at your request. They made a lot of 00:12:05
changes in the. 00:12:09
Research. I know that the Planning Commission was worried about some of those changes and. 00:12:14
Made their recommendations and changes and as it stands with those recommendations and changes I would still not be allowed to use 00:12:19
it unfortunately and use my own property like I would. So I would just, you know when you go into the working session, I would 00:12:25
urge you to look at those changes and see if there's any way to maybe make allowances for situations such as mine where it's a 00:12:31
previously built Adu that's actually functional and and ready to go For that kind of situation. It would be sad to use that 00:12:37
underground apartment for just. 00:12:43
Guess since it's got a full kitchen, it's ready to go. I know that some of the changes that the Planning Commission suggested for 00:12:50
future ADUS, like things like it can't have a door that opens to the other towards the other property. I mean, even if even 00:12:55
something as easy as that could. 00:13:01
Caused mine to not be used because it's underground and it's down and so I mean the neighbors don't see the door, but things like 00:13:06
that. So I mean there's changes that are possible. I I've thought of some such as any existing structure that is 10 feet away from 00:13:13
the main home could be viewed as part of that home and could be used as a basement. Because if I rented out my basement, I could 00:13:19
do that at this moment. 00:13:26
So I know that you guys have a lot of things to look at. You have a lot of. 00:13:33
Considerations and that if you make some blanket statement that it may affect things that you don't want to change. So I realize 00:13:38
that too. So you have a lot of work at your hands, but I would just urge you to maybe see if there's some sort of way that there 00:13:43
could be an allowance to let. 00:13:48
Situations such as mine exist, so I just appreciate that. 00:13:53
All right. Thank you. Thanks. Just a quick question. So John, you're familiar with, I'm sure you guys are familiar with this 00:13:57
particular home. 00:14:00
And the particular issue. 00:14:04
That he brings up will be addressed in the work session. 00:14:07
Where it differed from Planning Commission to staff. 00:14:11
So we'll be discussing that. OK. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. 00:14:14
Anybody else on for public input on the Adu issue? 00:14:21
OK. With that, we've got a lot of public comment, but I don't think we've got any further public comment. So I'm going to close 00:14:29
this public hearing. 00:14:32
And with that, we'll move to item number 5, this public hearing on proposed rezone at 6375 S Highland Drive from RM to PO. 00:14:37
And let's start this with. 00:14:46
The staff report and Kerry Marsh is going to review this with the Council. Give us an overview with the Council. 00:14:49
Before we move to the public hearing. 00:14:55
Great. Thank you, Mayor. 00:15:01
So this is a proposed rezone. Location is 6375 S Highland Drive. 00:15:03
The application is for a rezone to the PO zone or professional office zone from residential multi family. 00:15:10
This is a pretty standard property that's being used as office space under the Salt Lake County kind of remnant zoning that 00:15:17
allowed a mix of uses. 00:15:22
So it retained the RM zone when we created the PO zone in 2018. 00:15:28
Properties that were being used as office space were then told to rezone at the time that they wanted to redevelop to the PO zone, 00:15:35
so that is what this application is for. 00:15:40
The staff report details. 00:15:47
A review of the general Plan, so this is on Highland Drive, so that's included the analysis of the Highland Dr. Master Plan. It's 00:15:50
in segment C, which identifies this section as a commercial use. 00:15:57
Or commercial area? 00:16:04
While the PO zone largely addresses that, it is a less intense views than a commercial zone would be. Staff would support APO 00:16:07
zone. 00:16:11
Considering that it is a lesser impactful. 00:16:19
Use than a commercial would be, but ideally the general plan does identify as commercial so that is detailed in the staff report. 00:16:24
And I think that's the basics of the application. It's pretty straightforward. 00:16:35
With Ramppo, the conflict there is just in the general plan, but not an issue with rezoning it to a less intense use than. 00:16:40
Than it's called for in the General plan. 00:16:49
Any questions? 00:16:52
So I just had one question. So it sounds like you support the application for PO Zone, correct? 00:16:55
So why is it exactly that you feel like that the C2 zone is more appropriate? Because I feel like. 00:17:03
The PO zone, actually. 00:17:10
Is designed for this kind of scenario where it's a property that abuts residential and it kind of needs a buffer space and that's 00:17:12
kind of the purpose of the PO zone. So I'm just trying to understand. 00:17:17
Why you were saying that ideally it would be commercial because I feel like this is ideally a PO zone opportunity, right? 00:17:24
We're looking at the uses that are allowed in PO versus a commercial zone. PO zone does not involve any type of retail or 00:17:32
commercial uses at all. 00:17:36
So properties there where you have. 00:17:42
And I referenced the Ord zone where the hotel is which is a more intense zone and then further down on Highland Drive, the next 00:17:46
closest zone is AC2 zone. So both of those are in segment C and that's where it says, you know you should group your commercial 00:17:54
uses together. So it's kind of creating that unified use across Highland Drive that is commercial allows retail is a strong 00:18:01
economic base. It's a different use case than or different land use. 00:18:08
Than E office. So office uses are just limited to office space, so you don't have that same commercial use that would be allowed 00:18:16
in a in AC2 zone. 00:18:21
Other potential zones there that would be commercial would be like neighborhood commercial or C1. So those would be zones if. 00:18:27
The property owner wanted to apply for those in the future, those could be considered as well. 00:18:35
Thank you. 00:18:40
So Carrie, just to follow up on that then I'm assuming that it's the frontage on Highland Drive that would bear the bulk of the 00:18:43
impact from traffic coming in and out in that more intensive use, is that right? Right. And so in this case, we have residences 00:18:49
that are immediately behind like adjoining it, right, and and so on that backside. Can you just explain? 00:18:55
And where the hotel is, the hotel is considered a more intensive use than C2, right? The Ord is a more intensive zone than C2 00:19:03
building heights and there are 75. The hotel does have a did have a development agreement to reduce the height there so it is not 00:19:10
meeting the full intensity of the Ord zone. 00:19:16
And I believe the C2 zone does also have some of those buffering where you're looking at. 00:19:24
Neighboring residential, so you'll have some of those set back in or. 00:19:30
Distances they increase with residential, and that's the same with an Ord zone. If you're abutting a residential zone then there 00:19:35
are. 00:19:40
Factors taken into consideration to move things away from the residential zone and I think that's John, is that right in the C2 00:19:45
zone as well? 00:19:49
It's the same. So you still get that buffering between residential zones. 00:19:54
So to be clear, then, it's not necessarily the case that the C2 zone is intended to be. 00:20:00
Is is that there that it could could be considered a buffer zone? 00:20:08
A proper brought buffer zone to residential. 00:20:14
Right. Wait, how is the C2 zone a buffer zone? Because I I thought that the purpose of the PO zone was to be one of the purposes 00:20:16
of the of the PO zone was to be a buffer between the more intensive options in C2. Because C2 allows for things like bars and 00:20:23
retail and restaurants and all of those things that can be very disruptive to neighborhoods even with the setbacks in place. We 00:20:30
are dealing with high traffic flow and those kind of things. 00:20:37
So I guess I'm trying to understand how are you just talking about that there's more setbacks? 00:20:44
In the C2. 00:20:49
So with the PO zone, where it specifically addresses buffers between residential zones, most of that is in accordance with 00:20:51
setbacks. 00:20:55
The overall intent of that is. 00:21:02
I think in the kind of transition area between AC2 zone and residential areas. 00:21:07
I'm trying to think if that's going to be significantly different. Highland Drive is. 00:21:15
Different than context wise than what you'd be looking at on like Murray Holiday. 00:21:22
Or different segments of holiday or of Highland Drive. So even in the Highland Dr. Master plan, different segments of that. 00:21:30
Have different intensity or different uses that are. 00:21:38
That are designated for each segment. I think there's AB and C. 00:21:41
So that's kind of what it reverts to is that Highland Drive is in itself an intense use, so that's thus where those intensive uses 00:21:46
should be placed. 00:21:51
And where you have residential properties that back directly up to Highland Dr. there's not space there for. 00:21:56
Kind of multiple zones to transition back into into the residential area. 00:22:05
So we'll talk about this later in the work meeting. 00:22:11
Well, yeah, I mean. 00:22:15
Probably have the discussion, the work meeting. Anyway, we may be able to wrap it all up right here, but. 00:22:18
The way I kind of read the staff report was. 00:22:24
The HDMP segment 3 and the general plan would kind of indicate that it's that C2 might be the proper zone for these properties. 00:22:27
But APO zone was appropriate. 00:22:37
Based on. 00:22:39
I mean, the way I look at it, they're they're kind of unique parcels in there. They're really small. 00:22:42
And they have but residential to the. 00:22:47
And then you have the canal on the north. 00:22:50
And so though the. 00:22:53
And I don't want to put words in staff's mouth there with PC, but that. 00:22:56
Though the general plan and the HTMP may call for AC2 zone as being more appropriate that PL. is probably. 00:23:00
This isn't an inappropriate application, and PO would actually be maybe a more appropriate zone because it gives 10 more feet of. 00:23:09
Set back to the residential neighborhoods. 00:23:18
And I'm not sure how intense of it you should put on those small parcels anyway. 00:23:21
So that's what I kind of pulled out for, so I'm in support of the application. 00:23:27
Right. It's just clarifying the PO is a less intense use than what the general plan calls for. So This is why that that 00:23:31
application would be supported. But staff and PC didn't agree, didn't disagree that this is an appropriate rezone application. 00:23:37
It's just that. 00:23:42
The general plan may call for more intense, so yes. 00:23:48
It doesn't preclude something different in the future, but all it's being applied for now is PO and it's it's a perfectly fine. 00:23:53
OK. 00:24:01
All right. Thank you. All right. With that then we will open up the public hearing. 00:24:03
On item number 5, and let me just say that we've received a e-mail. 00:24:08
I hope I get this right. 00:24:16
Mehmet Akti. 00:24:18
Am I saying that right, Dan? Do you know? 00:24:20
6354 S Howie Drive. 00:24:24
And he does support the. 00:24:27
Application to PO and public hearings now open. 00:24:30
We know this guy. 00:24:36
Welcome back, Councilmember Gibbons. 00:24:38
Dan Gibbons, 6289 S Howie Drive. My House of 35 years is a Major League. 00:24:41
Home run from this building and in fact for six years I had my law office in this on the ground floor of this building. 00:24:48
So I'm pretty familiar with it. 00:24:55
I'll summarize my comment with a dad joke. 00:24:59
No one in the neighborhood I don't believe is going to be P owed as long as you see to it that C2 doesn't come into the 00:25:05
conversation and that's really. 00:25:10
That's really the gist of what I want to say is that I read the staff report as not opposing this. C2 really isn't on the table 00:25:15
before you. We have RM to PO, you're voting on, you're not voting on C2. So I I just didn't I wasn't super comfortable with the 00:25:23
way the C2 discussion in the staff report was sort of intermixed here and I believe the the C2 would be inappropriate. This again 00:25:30
as stated, this is a really shallow property. 00:25:37
And unlike the holiday crossroads zone to the north, there is a canal between. 00:25:46
Holiday Crossroads and the residential neighborhood which is, which is where my home is and that. But the the canal cuts under 00:25:54
Highland Drive at that point north of this property. So there literally is a back fence and kids playing in the backyard right 00:25:59
behind this property. 00:26:05
I think there are a number of I went through the the permitted uses in C2 and and my goodness, I'm thinking crematorium. 00:26:11
You know, minor, you know, sort of sort of light industrial uses that kind of thing, food things. 00:26:18
Maybe alcohol license? I'm not sure, but I just really think professional office is the way to go this building. In fact, this is 00:26:27
where I had my law office. This building has been in a professional office building. 00:26:33
For decades. And so there would be really no change to the neighborhood as far as the use one final point. 00:26:39
Honestly, the neighborhood is still a little bit shell shocked with what happened with the hotel property and the Ord rezone 00:26:47
there. Not so much with the rezone, but the fact that the street never lined up properly was 64 S. 00:26:55
And so I think the traffic issue. 00:27:03
Is a big one. I don't think we want to exacerbate that that prop that traffic issue by putting a more intense commercial use on 00:27:06
the property. So again I, I, I fully support the PO rezone. I just hope that the C2. 00:27:14
Conversation is not going to be raised, so anyway, good to see. Y'all, thank you. 00:27:23
Podium is open. 00:27:32
Tom Lloyd. 00:27:40
6284 Rent haven. But I do own the property behind where I have my grandkids and my kids. 00:27:42
I think. 00:27:52
What I'm here to discuss is that PO become permanent. 00:27:54
That seal was never in the conversation. 00:27:58
And it's. I have a lot of background. I also have about. 00:28:01
10 neighbors that told me I was speaking for them. 00:28:06
I've developed real estate for 45 years. 00:28:12
Commercial properties for the main I did a little bit on Audi Blvd. residential. 00:28:17
So I have a pretty good feel for. 00:28:25
What potential uses can be? 00:28:28
If it's sitting out there. 00:28:31
The master plan is taken from. 00:28:34
In this case, probably 25,000 feet in the air. 00:28:39
Where they could barely see Island Drive and determined that that was an arterial. 00:28:43
What? The little staff gal? Said Carrie. Sorry. 00:28:50
It's true about boss arterial places like Highland Drive, it's true. 00:28:58
But there's always issues. 00:29:04
Regarding specific two smaller parcels that you mentioned Mayor. 00:29:07
For this particular use. 00:29:12
What you don't want to do is what Dan said. 00:29:15
Create more traffic elements or potential elements to this little tiny site. 00:29:20
Right. 00:29:26
Two homes behind it. 00:29:28
I actually have. 00:29:30
At our side of our home there. 00:29:33
That my families in. 00:29:36
A pedestrian easement across that parking lot. 00:29:40
I actually have a gate that's always been there. 00:29:45
That allows our kids to walk through the parking lot to. 00:29:49
Go to the retail 7 or 711 or whatever, so they're hopefully not the bar. 00:29:53
Half a block down the street on that side. 00:29:59
Which C2 allows by the way. 00:30:02
And So what I'm trying to do. 00:30:06
Or and I don't have. I don't know what the process is and I've dealt with. 00:30:09
Getting commercial uses next to residential and I always had a buffer. 00:30:14
Always had a buffer in our developments. 00:30:20
You know, I did Union Park Center, I dealt with. 00:30:23
3 huggers for. 00:30:26
Five years. Getting that zoned to where I had it. 00:30:28
But we always had a buffer. Always. 00:30:31
And C2 isn't one. 00:30:36
That is not a buffer what you're buffering against. 00:30:38
So in this particular instance. 00:30:43
Being such a small site. 00:30:47
Right next to. 00:30:49
Messed up Inter. 00:30:51
That happened through you guys. 00:30:53
Somebody here? 00:30:55
And I know it was because the person had an easement, didn't want to give it up. 00:30:57
But it still is allowed to happen. 00:31:03
And you really, you have the site thing, so. 00:31:05
Really get a feel for that. 00:31:10
It doesn't outline that. 00:31:15
64. 00:31:22
Intersection here. 00:31:27
So it's already. 00:31:29
Top intersection. 00:31:33
Because it's a motel, these are strangers to that intersection every time they drive out of there. 00:31:35
Some new person using that. 00:31:41
Hotel but this access to this existing. 00:31:44
Side. 00:31:48
It's right next to that. 00:31:50
And so it's. 00:31:53
Unique but it is true. 00:31:56
It's a site that absolutely needs to be. 00:32:00
Dealt with in terms of an intensity intense use, let alone all the other elements that come with C2. 00:32:04
But intensity is part of it. 00:32:11
Always is. 00:32:13
And the reality is, nobody's going to knock down that $1,000,000 building. 00:32:15
To put a bar or a drive up window. 00:32:20
But the point is is. 00:32:23
That that it's even in the background. I think I well, I'm. 00:32:25
Talking to I absolutely approve the. 00:32:30
The application. 00:32:33
For peel but I've. 00:32:36
Wanted to be heard. 00:32:38
Get rid of the stupid masterpiece. I never dealt with the master plan that I didn't change. 00:32:39
In 40 years and that's. 00:32:45
Millions of square feet of staff. 00:32:47
So specific to this. 00:32:50
It's an easy call. 00:32:54
Leave it PO, leave it what the building is. 00:32:56
The applicant. All they want is that now I know the staff or somebody talked to me. Well, yeah, at least have the C. 00:33:00
As a potential and I said. 00:33:09
What I'm trying to do is get rid of this super potential. 00:33:11
Doesn't belong there. I know they. 00:33:14
They have their, they teach them in school and stuff, but I learned everything by. 00:33:16
Doing it. 00:33:21
OJT stuff. That's how I learned everything. 00:33:22
The reality is it's too small a site next to already problematic intersection on a major thoroughfare. 00:33:26
And right next to the freeway. 00:33:34
So get it off the master plan. 00:33:36
For the PPO. 00:33:41
Just get it off the master plan. 00:33:43
Than wanting there and never will boil in there. 00:33:45
That's it. If you've got any questions, be happy to answer. 00:33:50
OK. Thank you. 00:33:52
Anybody else for public comment? 00:34:09
You know, I failed to ask. Is the applicant here? 00:34:12
OK, so the property owner now is 6375 Highland LC. 00:34:16
So we understand that I. 00:34:25
The room zone currently could either be all residential or all commercial. You could have a an office that's your personal office 00:34:28
in that in addition to residential. Well, this is actually a piece of property that my parents have bought in order to. 00:34:36
Make the top four residential so that they can live. They're in their 70s and they have a house they live in. 00:34:44
Up in the hills and these last two winters have killed them. 00:34:51
Almost literally once, but they just want to. They need the rezone so that they can take the top floor, turn the top floor into a 00:34:54
residence for them, which will be their townhouse effectively. 00:35:00
We understand. We've talked with the staff, with the city, that the Highland Master plan and the. 00:35:08
General plan for the area both say that C2 is appropriate. We've also listened to the community and we understand that all of the 00:35:16
residences want this to be PO. Either one of them is fit for the purposes that we need, which is why we submitted the application 00:35:22
for PO try to be sensitive to the the residents there. 00:35:28
I think that's all that we have any questions that the Council has for us. 00:35:37
Any questions from council? 00:35:43
OK, thank you. Thank you. Public hearings still open. Sorry, I should have taken the applicant first, but. 00:35:46
Anybody else that would like to comment on this particular application? 00:35:53
My name is Dan Moss and I live at 6393 Sonoma Drive, right next to the property that Tom was talking about. 00:36:05
And. 00:36:13
I agree with what Tom said. You know, I don't have a problem with the PO. 00:36:15
But the C2 right? 00:36:20
That's going to turn into. 00:36:23
A bad thing, I think. 00:36:27
So I would urge you, you know? 00:36:29
Not to go along with. 00:36:33
You know, it seems like. 00:36:36
These things happen, and then eventually it turns into something else. 00:36:38
And that's troubling. You know, I've lived at that property for. 00:36:43
40 years and. 00:36:49
You know, it's always been a really good neighborhood. Now the hotels there. 00:36:52
And with. 00:36:59
More coming. 00:37:01
I think the C2 is a bad idea personally. 00:37:04
Thank you. OK. Thank you. 00:37:08
Anybody else for public comment on this rezone application? 00:37:17
OK, with that, I'll close the public hearing. This will be discussed in the work session, but for those that are present, I just 00:37:25
want to make sure. 00:37:28
There's no confusion on this. I think the C2 things got mixed up in this application. There's no application for AC2. 00:37:32
Rezone, I think all staff was doing. 00:37:40
Was clarifying what the general plan was stating. 00:37:45
But my recollection of the staff report is both the staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezone, correct, 00:37:49
John and Kerry. So just so that's clear, I don't want to be confused that there's some kind of pending application for C2. 00:37:58
All right. Thank you. So we if you're welcome to stick around, we'll be discussing this at some point during the work session. 00:38:08
And this will be. 00:38:14
This is pretty non controversial application in my opinion. This will be on the agenda for vote on the 25th. 00:38:17
Of April. 00:38:24
Thank you. 00:38:25
OK. Item number six, we've handled. So we're on to item number 7. This is a resolution approving an interlocal agreement with Salt 00:38:30
Lake County for TRCC park improvements. 00:38:34
Holly Smith is going to give us a quick overview on this one. 00:38:40
Yeah. Thank you, Mayor. Really exciting. We were able to secure another grant to improve our park Outback. So this program is a 00:38:43
program that Salt Lake County runs annually. We received several grant awards from it in the past and we're successful in securing 00:38:50
so for more funding to install some sports lighting as well as refurbish our Trellis columns. I think the council has talked about 00:38:57
in the past, we've been having some issues with the columns on the trellis for some time now. 00:39:04
So this would be replacing the fiberglass with some stone columns and that would be integrated into the new exhibits experience 00:39:12
that we're creating, which will be fantastic. So that's kind of the, the overview. The money that we'll be receiving is $125,000. 00:39:19
It's being matched with $30,000. Much of that is coming from the skate park lighting fundraiser that we did last year led by a 00:39:26
really generous Family Foundation locally, so. 00:39:32
Are there any questions about? 00:39:41
The agreement or how we'll be using the funds. 00:39:43
Questions from. 00:39:48
OK. Thank you. I just want to stay up there. Holly, take a vote. 00:39:49
I'll take a motion from council. 00:39:55
Mayor I. 00:39:58
That we passed Resolution 2024-13 approving an interlocal agreement with Salt Lake County on behalf of the Salt Lake County. 00:40:00
Sorry. 00:40:04
Wrong way 2024-12 Approving an intellectual agreement with Salt Lake County for the TRCC park improvements. 00:40:08
Second, OK, motion And a second council member Brewer. Yes, Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. 00:40:15
Councilmember Quinn, yes, Councilmember Craig and chairboat chest that that agreement is approved. And Holly, thanks for your work 00:40:21
on this TRCC application as well. Happy to do it. 00:40:27
OK, Now we are on item number 8. This is the interlocal agreement with Salt Lake County, the Salt Lake County Health Department. 00:40:34
And we'll take another overview from Holly on this one. OK. So back in January, Gina Chamna, City Manager, presented an 00:40:41
opportunity for the city to apply for a grant program that the county was running. And this was funded through the opioid 00:40:48
settlement that occurred nationally. So Utah got a portion of that settlement and then it was distributed to the counties. 00:40:55
And we asked the council at that time if you would be OK if we submitted an application that would allow us to hire a part-time 00:41:02
public health coordinator and also set up our public health program through Happy Healthy Holiday. 00:41:09
So this agreement is basically acknowledging a grant award make Bartley, who's our our public health intern right now, wrote that 00:41:17
grant application and it was really well received. So right now our award is $72,185 and then we have a local match. 00:41:26
Of 7000. 00:41:37
$219 that we'll be putting towards the program and this is a one year program that can be renewed up to two more times. So it 00:41:39
could potentially be three years of funding. And I know there were some questions when we came in January what this person would 00:41:46
be doing. So I included some of the job responsibilities that we'll be posting when we release that. 00:41:52
That call for applicants for this new position And then I just really briefly. 00:42:01
Outlined some of the different project costs that will be coming through the program and I wanted to make sure there weren't any 00:42:08
questions on that. And then real quickly too, because this is an annual renewal and for three years and it is evidence based, 00:42:13
community based programming, you're going to see a lot of data and you'll be able to make a decision as to whether you want this 00:42:19
to be a permanent position going forward. 00:42:25
Holly, with respect to the renewal, is that? 00:42:33
Will there be a judgment by the? 00:42:37
Grand Tour in the future as to whether we're still eligible or is that sort of at our discretion, we ask for the renewal. I think 00:42:40
it will be probably a combination in the agreement. It's written in there that we can have up to two renewals. So it's kind of 00:42:47
built into this award, but I think we're going to be meeting with the county monthly. So we'll be walking hand in hand with them 00:42:54
as we develop this program. So I think there will be a lot of confidence in giving us an additional year and our interest. 00:43:02
I think that alignment will happen kind of naturally. Thank you. So when's the? 00:43:09
So this will fund this part time position to accomplish what's in the packet till. 00:43:15
What's the difference between that and the renewal? So the amount of funding that's included is the total program cost for the 00:43:20
full year, so about $80,000 for one year of a part-time person and the public health program. So when we signed the agreement, 00:43:26
that will start the clock and it will last for a year. So this time next year, we'll have an option to renew and we'll get an 00:43:32
additional 72,000. 00:43:38
185 or whatever the the changes on that. 00:43:44
This 72,000 just gets us to March of next year, 2025. 00:43:48
What's the go ahead? Sorry, what's the criteria for the renewal? It was just a request or do we have to meet certain benchmarks 00:43:54
and that's why we're meeting monthly. And because it's written into the agreement, I think that their discretion, they would just 00:43:59
give an additional year of funding. So yeah, so we want to like reapply or or have to compete again for the money, it would be 00:44:04
kind of more built in. 00:44:09
To the program we have right now or we'll be establishing. 00:44:15
And then I don't know if that was a big deal, but your intention is to go after a part time employee as opposed to a contractor on 00:44:19
a limited basis where we know that there will potentially be a end to funding in three years. So it could mean a termination as 00:44:24
opposed to. 00:44:28
A discontinuation of a contract services, I guess, Right. Yeah. And this is exactly the same thing that happened when we hired our 00:44:34
Arts Council director. They had a similar program. But we can also let the person know when we hire them that this is kind of the 00:44:39
situation and. 00:44:45
There's a possibility after three years, the position will be in place. So I think we can be really straightforward about that or 00:44:51
we may find that merits continuation. And then and I know there were some questions in January of making sure that we had data 00:44:57
that showed the benefit of what it was being provided to and we're going to get that. So I think that will give the council good 00:45:03
information to make a decision. So thank you. 00:45:09
I'm not sure I understand. 00:45:16
So this funds it. 00:45:20
For a year, correct. 00:45:23
But we have two options to renew after that. 00:45:25
But we'll have to reapply for an additional 72,000. 00:45:28
I don't think we have to reapply. We'll just have to work with the county to get an additional year of funding, OK. So it we can 00:45:32
commit to three years, three years and then we would have to decide if we wanted to fund it internally or not, Okay. So again, 00:45:38
essentially with our match and the money we're receiving, it's an $80,000 program and we'll get 80,000, we'll have $80,000 three 00:45:44
times. 00:45:51
Right, gotcha. OK. So but we won't have to be hanging on whether we're going to receive the application just be our option to 00:45:57
renew it if we think it's. 00:46:02
Producing an outcome for the city and if the county agrees that we're doing a good job with our awards, so which we will, yes, 00:46:07
we're going to do a great job. 00:46:12
OK. Thanks, Holly. OK, thank you. 00:46:19
Mayor, I'd move adoption of Resolution 2024-13 approving the international agreement with Salt Lake County on behalf of the Salt 00:46:21
Lake County Health Department for Public Health second. 00:46:27
OK, we have a motion in a second Council member Brewer. Yes. Councilmember Durham, yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. 00:46:33
Councilmember Quinn, yes. Councilmember Gray, yes, and Chair Boat Chess and kudos to. 00:46:39
Megan for her application. I guess it was a very strong application and. 00:46:45
Obviously scored well, so good for her. 00:46:50
And good for the city. 00:46:53
All right. Thank you, Gina. 00:46:55
One thing tonight. 00:46:59
It is spring and Utah, so we're going to have some beautiful days like today where it's 70° and some days where we have a 00:47:02
snowstorm where it is snowing sideways and that makes it difficult for our park staff to respond. So I wanted to let the council 00:47:10
know just generally April is tough for us and we've we've had one resignation. We have a couple of medical issues, so we're trying 00:47:18
to staff up on our seasonal. 00:47:25
But if you can. 00:47:34
Have some patience with us. Over the next month we'll be getting to all the wedding and clean out. It's just going to take some 00:47:36
time. 00:47:40
That's all I had tonight. I don't know if you have questions for me. 00:47:46
Gina any? 00:47:52
Any concerns about the runoff this year? I know it's not as huge as last year, but there's still a lot of snow up there. Yeah, 00:47:53
nothing that I have heard so far. We certainly, we haven't been getting our weekly videos like we did last week or last year of 00:48:01
where the runoff was projected to be. So I think unless we have a warm up, which can always happen. 00:48:09
That would threaten. 00:48:18
Threaten our banks. I think we're in pretty good shape. 00:48:21
Last I heard, I think that the Big Cottonwood base was like 100 and close to 140% of normal or thereabouts, so. 00:48:25
So another good year. Not nothing like last year, but good for the Great Salt Lake though. Yeah, yeah. 00:48:32
OK. Thank you. 00:48:39
OK, Council reports. Emily, why don't we start with you and we'll move down the line, OK? I'm really excited. 00:48:41
To report that. 00:48:48
Wastage found waste and Recycling with their partner Momentum Recycling is expanding food Waste I. 00:48:51
Recycling to the City of Holiday just in the next couple of weeks. 00:48:58
So they're going to be doing a mail campaign, they're going to be doing door to door campaigns to allow people to opt in this. 00:49:03
It's obviously optional. 00:49:07
You don't have to have a contract, so you can decide to do it and then opt out anytime that you want, but it's essentially 00:49:11
curbside food waste. They all types of food waste are accepted, including animal products, fruits, vegetables, oils, everything. 00:49:19
They're taken. 00:49:26
A Wasatch Front waste and recycling facility and then they process. 00:49:29
They process all that waste. It's kind of like a almost like a mechanical stomach is the way they were describing it. But then the 00:49:34
byproducts, this is the part that's really cool are piped directly natural gas to heat our homes and then there's a bio based 00:49:40
fertilizer that they use. So it's it's a really awesome program that they're expanding throughout the county. One of the things I 00:49:46
think is really great is one of the reasons that Holiday was chosen as one of this first level of expansion is that. 00:49:53
Holiday had a high number of residents expressed interest. 00:50:00
In this program. And so that's where they were targeting first. So we're really excited. 00:50:04
It's like the banana and Back to the Future that they drop in the DeLorean, right? Exactly like that. 00:50:09
Thank you. 00:50:19
I don't know if any of you saw a Tribune article that came out a week or so ago about Rocky Mountain Power. 00:50:22
Every year Rocky Mountain Power is required to. 00:50:28
Publish an update of where of their ten year plan. 00:50:32
A year ago, they came out with plans to. 00:50:36
Retire early the coal plants. 00:50:42
In Emory County, two of them. 00:50:46
And they were going to build 2 nuclear plants in place of those two coal plants. 00:50:49
Unfortunately they have just come out a week or so ago with their update, their yearly update. 00:50:56
They have walked back those goals. The coal plants will stay with retirement dates of 2036 and 24 two. 00:51:04
And they no longer plan on any nuclear plants. 00:51:13
That is disappointing. Definitely. The reason I'm telling you all this is because. 00:51:20
This news makes the. 00:51:26
Utah Renewable Communities program that I represent holiday on even more important. 00:51:28
And. 00:51:35
Lots is going on with that. 00:51:38
Three additional cities. 00:51:42
Are thinking about joining, which is great because they're good sized cities and if we could get them on board. 00:51:44
That would expand the program quite a bit. 00:51:50
So keep your fingers crossed about that. I will. I will keep you updated. I also wanted to correct something I misspoke. 00:51:54
Last time we were here. 00:52:02
The grant application to the EPA. 00:52:03
Is that we're asking for 49 million, so if we can get that? 00:52:06
And that would be a huge jump start to the program. 00:52:12
That's it. So that just continues on and waiting for the next update or the next step? 00:52:17
I guess, yeah. 00:52:22
We're continuing to go. We're hoping to get the program before the Public Service Commission. 00:52:24
It keeps getting farther and farther, but hopefully sometime this summer. 00:52:29
OK. 00:52:34
A couple of items. It's just like it's budget season here. It's budget season with UFA. 00:52:37
And Finance Committee meeting is coming up Monday of next week. 00:52:43
But I think you'll find that the number is going to be. 00:52:49
Not astronomical, but perhaps a little higher than we've been accustomed to the last few years. But I think the last couple of 00:52:56
years, and correct me if I'm wrong, mayor, the last couple of years we've been in line or maybe even a little bit below inflation. 00:53:02
And while inflation has been high this year, as inflation's may be coming down overall nationally, I think we're gonna get a bite 00:53:09
that's maybe a little bigger than the current rate of inflation, just 'cause I think the UFA costs lag a little bit. They're not a 00:53:15
leading indicator, but maybe a lagging indicator. Also in the last few years there's an element of the cost allocation formula. 00:53:21
I'm sorry, this is getting into the weeds just a little bit. 00:53:27
Where? 00:53:34
You know and across the board sort of budget increase, but then each member city and the other. 00:53:35
UFSA organizations. 00:53:44
You know how each of us has a station or two in our city and they serve our city, but we also share. 00:53:46
The resources coming out of our surrounding cities, last couple of years we were on the. 00:53:54
Giving more than we took. 00:54:00
This particular year, we had to take a little more than we gave. 00:54:02
Primarily up in the northeast area. Drew your district again? 00:54:05
But but but every now and then there's it kind of can go back and forth you know where we get some benefit of that and then or we. 00:54:13
Panned with a little more so. 00:54:20
The combination of being a lagging, a lagging indicator of inflation or a lagging cost follower of inflation combined with being 00:54:23
on sort of the up slope of of that shared resource allocation, we're going to come in a little hotter than than inflation, but 00:54:29
it's still. 00:54:36
Quite reasonable, historically. 00:54:43
But we'll get, as those numbers get a little more solidified, of course, we'll be seeing those in our budget state session for the 00:54:47
city. 00:54:50
So like 6 ish 667 I think, I think it's 55 for everybody and I think our shared. 00:54:53
Cycle thing for using more than we put in. This time is a 1.2. 00:55:03
Which gets us at 6.7. 00:55:08
OK, next holiday arts. We talked about it briefly across the hall, but on Monday, 7:00 is the the dance concert. Olympus Junior 00:55:12
high 7:00. It's always a fun event and well put on. It's Ginger Guns annual dance show and it's super fun with a number of. 00:55:21
Dance companies from around holiday and neighboring cities that come and put on a great show. 00:55:30
Last night at Rotary, a couple of things came out of that. Our speaker was a guy who's kind of a one man. 00:55:36
Power of 1 sort of example. 00:55:46
He's a guy who has been creating YouTube videos and he's been sort of. 00:55:49
Harassing legislators and the governor about the state of our roadways and the amount of pollution. 00:55:56
That is on the side of the highways and that it's not being. 00:56:03
Maintained very well. 00:56:08
And I guess since Kovid, when previous to Covad there might have been more laborers out there, including even prison labor. 00:56:10
Picking up trash along the freeways. It's not been happening post COVID. And so he's noticed. He's been taking these videos. 00:56:17
You know, and then tagging UDOT and the governor and he's been getting a fair amount of traction, enough traction where the 00:56:24
governor's office actually called him and. 00:56:29
Ask them to be nicer. So anyways he came and spoke to Rotary and it was just more example that that when you we have a mission and 00:56:34
you're trying to accomplish something even you're a single person can can have an impact and and and that was his mission right 00:56:40
now was to try to to generate some his ultimate goal is to try to get the legislature to fund U dot a little bit more with a 00:56:47
specific mission of. 00:56:53
Making our roads not quite so trashy because it's difficult for volunteer organizations to be out by the side of a freeway. 00:56:59
They don't have the safety equipment to deal with that. It really needs to be you, Doc, who does that. And so he's been getting 00:57:07
some traction and that was kind of a fun discussion. The second thing that came out of Rotary was, as we know what the April 20th 00:57:12
Rotary is going to be volunteering in their annual cleanup of Olympus Pines Park. 00:57:17
I believe Rotary may be coming. 00:57:24
With an opportunity to share some funding for repairing the park signage. 00:57:26
Because I guess. 00:57:31
Over the years, lawn mowers and weed eaters whacking into the bottom of the sign have eroded it quite a bit and I think it even 00:57:33
fell over in a windstorm. So they would like to refurbish that sign and they will raise some money to facilitate that, but they 00:57:39
may need some. 00:57:44
We're talking about maybe. 00:57:50
1000 bucks, so nothing monstrous, but Rotary is thinking that they can raise 500 and maybe the city could pitch in. So Kathy from 00:57:51
Rotary maybe? 00:57:56
Coming knocking. 00:58:02
Let's see. 00:58:05
That is it. 00:58:08
I just wanted to mention a couple of tree committee things. First of all, we were really excited to learn that for the 14th year 00:58:12
in a row, we've been designated a tree city for the Tree City USA. 00:58:17
And that's just, I think mostly a reflection of the efforts of our tree committee and our city staff who? 00:58:23
Have adopted ordinances and undertaken activities that help us qualify for that award each year. So that's that was great. 00:58:29
Umm, this Saturday at the library at 10:30 there's a tree talk on forest bathing and. 00:58:37
There's been some confusion about what that's all about, but that's about being mindful of your environment in the forest. 00:58:43
And then on the 20th at Morningside Elementary, there will be an Arbor Day event, one of the things we do to qualify for our Tree 00:58:52
City USA status. It's going to be very student directed, but anybody is invited to attend. It'll be, I think at 2:00. 00:59:00
At Morningside Elementary. 00:59:08
Gina let in with its springtime out there and I'll echo that and on that topic of snowpack. 00:59:15
With as much water as we have it was interesting on the in the mosquito abatement district they were talking about the flooding 00:59:23
actually that is kind of happening was I think I think they said the Utah lake was 100% at this point and and so again for Great 00:59:30
Salt Lake this is this is great as that empties into that and but it's also some of the kind of marshlands and things and things 00:59:37
like that are are are flooding the summit. So they expect a more active year than normal as as relates to mosquitoes. 00:59:44
And just want to remind all of us as we speak engage with with residents that it's a resource that's I I personally use them even 00:59:51
prior to being on the board. 00:59:57
And they're fantastic like they they come out if you have like. 01:00:04
Water features or just any type of standing water, they're very interested and they basically they log it and they'll make it and 01:00:09
they'll work, work them at work your location into their annual trip and and and come out and they'll put either some fish that 01:00:14
will eat mosquito larva or they've got pellets and different things. And so I don't think anybody likes mosquitoes and and so we 01:00:20
just encourage people to take advantage of that. 01:00:26
And they also I talked to Lena, but we will it's probably timely to put something out in social media to that and then they'll 01:00:33
craft a message specific to holiday of the things that. 01:00:39
Would be beneficial for our residents to know, so I'll look at that with him. 01:00:45
On the historical Commission, a couple of things. 01:00:50
May 13th. And for the historical series, there's the gentleman, David Amit that will be speaking on the Bamberger, Dreyfus and 01:00:55
Walker Homes. 01:00:59
And then the month of May is preservation month. And for that the historical Commission has gone out and secured signs with QR 01:01:04
codes that they'll be placing at different places throughout the city so that people can scan the code and read the historical 01:01:10
kind of nature of that, of that location, which should be neat. 01:01:16
They've identified 10 Pioneer homes, 5 legacy businesses that have been here for 50 plus years. 01:01:24
And and so there are some of those kinds of things that you can look for. 01:01:33
On the on the Historical Commission, it's interesting they have. 01:01:38
It's been neat to get involved with them. They have some very passionate people, some of them the. 01:01:42
We do however need, there's some that our ordinances only allow for 2323 year terms to be served consecutively. And so they have 01:01:49
some people that would serve longer if they could, but they can't. And we have 3 vacancies. It could be three to five really, but 01:01:55
three vacancies that are coming up. And so I'd like to ask all of you to actually spend some time thinking of anybody that you 01:02:02
know in holiday that you think. 01:02:08
Being on the historical Commission might resonate with and that could contribute meaningfully or be interested in volunteering in 01:02:15
that capacity because it's kind of a high number that we need. And if you have anybody that you would consider if you could pass 01:02:21
your name on to me, I'd be glad to speak with them or have Sandy would we want to consider. 01:02:27
I hate to bring this up. 01:02:34
But would we want to reconsider that policy? I think that's an internal policy to the city. 01:02:36
And I guess the question would be, and we don't have to debate it here, but I'll just bring it up is. 01:02:43
Is that something we want to discuss? 01:02:48
It's not. It's not really that easy to get people to fill these positions, especially that are passionate about it and want to 01:02:51
stay. And it seems silly to me that we would. 01:02:55
Would ask them to leave if we don't have anybody to replace them when they want to continue to serve. 01:03:01
So anyway, it might be something we want to consider. It's been an issue on the tree committee as well, the same. 01:03:07
Time requirements. What I'm saying is maybe we make it. I mean, would there be an appetite to maybe just discuss? 01:03:12
Extending it to maybe it's three terms or whatever. 01:03:20
Yeah, that is certainly within the purview of the council. It's an ordinance that you have adopted, I think there would be. 01:03:24
Positives to. 01:03:32
To turnover in that you do give others an opportunity to serve and I think that's what the council originally was focused on, but 01:03:35
but it's certainly a balance between. 01:03:41
Recognizing those valuable and passionate voices and giving others a chance to serve their community. 01:03:50
Yeah, so it might. Maybe the thing to do is to bring this up with the individual committees. 01:03:57
You think and just ask. 01:04:02
How many people are out there or so knocking on the door? I think that is a decision of the Council and I was hesitate to delegate 01:04:04
that to the committees for discussion. I think that's more appropriately a discussion for the Council. In terms of the historical 01:04:14
Commission, we have planned advertisements in order to recruit new members, so I don't have a sense yet of how many. 01:04:24
How many applicants we might get from the the general public that would be interested? 01:04:34
Great. So maybe it's not bad as is and we'll see how that goes. And maybe. Yeah. Anyways, I'm just saying that's an option if we 01:04:40
run into a situation where it's like we're. 01:04:45
Out of options, having a hard time filling these positions and yet we're forcing people off that would love to stay on that are 01:04:50
doing a good job. 01:04:53
That seems. 01:04:57
A little counterproductive, but anyway great. 01:04:59
Let's see, I think. 01:05:04
Yeah, that's all I had. 01:05:08
Just quickly, we had a pretty good meeting. Well, we had a really good meeting. Umm. 01:05:11
On the public appreciation. 01:05:17
We can't say weak, right? 01:05:20
Leader. Anyway, we'll be celebrating all of our first responders in May Again, I think it's the. 01:05:22
Or through the 18th and. 01:05:30
All sorts of stuff going on and we look forward to celebrating their service to the city. 01:05:33
And it'll that'll culminate in that breakfast on the 18th at station 104 if you want to put those that on your calendar in May. 01:05:37
Other than that, I think we've covered everything so. 01:05:45
I would entertain a motion to recess for a few minutes and then meet across the hall. Mr. Moran, move or did you want us anything 01:05:48
about Crown Colony? Is that all? OK, Mr. Mayor, let's move to adjourn and reconvene in a work session across the hall. 01:05:55
Second motion. A second All in favor. Say aye, Aye, We're recessed. 01:06:02
Yeah, I'm just going to go over there at. 01:06:10
OK. 01:06:15
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