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Yeah. 00:00:23
Wow, what a crowd. What a crowd. 00:00:47
Are we recording? 00:00:53
Yeah, what's what's wrong with over here? 00:00:57
All right. Welcome. 00:01:00
Welcome one person, 2 persons from the public who will call the City of Holiday Council meeting to order on November 21st and 00:01:04
we'll start with the pledge. 00:01:08
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:17
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:23
Thank you. OK, before we open up public comment, we have two public hearings on A1 is on a rezone. 00:01:31
On 2091 E Murray Holiday Road and the other is a public hearing on proposed amendment. So if you're here to address the council on 00:01:39
either of those issues, Please wait till we open up those public hearings. If you're here to address the council on other than 00:01:46
those two public hearing issues, now would be your time. Public comment is now open. Anybody for public comment? 00:01:52
There being none, will close public comment and move to item number 4. This is a public hearing on the proposed rezone of 2091 E 00:02:01
Murray Holiday Road from RM Residential Multifamily to Professional Office PO. 00:02:07
The packet is the report is in the staff report is in the packet. Carrie Marshall will be addressing us on that. I believe the 00:02:15
applicant is here. Mr. Neslin. OK. 00:02:21
We also have, I believe all the council members have received the addendum to the to the council staff report. This must be a a 00:02:28
tandem application. The PC heard this on Tuesday and voted 5, voted 5 O to favorably recommend the rezone application. Councils 00:02:37
all got that in in your e-mail. OK, then let's start with Carrie and we'll see. 00:02:47
Her hear her presentation and see what questions the council has. 00:02:57
OK so this is a rezone. There's one of several properties along Murray Holiday Rd. that historically were zoned as RM under Salt 00:03:03
Lake County zoning. That county zoning had a mix of uses with both office use and multi family use being permitted. In 2018 a new 00:03:10
zone, the Professional Office zone was created and all of the office uses were pulled out of the room zone and put into the new PO 00:03:17
zone with. 00:03:25
Additional uses for personal services, charter schools and medical dental just to give tenants or property owners more options for 00:03:32
tenants to include in those office spaces so when that. 00:03:42
New zone was created. Map was created that showed all of those properties that had historically been used as office buildings that 00:03:52
was included in your packet. 00:03:57
Those are the purple parcels and then the hashed overlay is all of the room zones, so you can see those offices that are in RM 00:04:03
zones. The expectation was that any properties that had historically been used as office space would then be able to rezone to PO 00:04:11
in an expedited fashion. So that is thus the same week with. 00:04:19
Planning Commission and City Council being able to get this application through quickly. 00:04:28
Just so that the property owner can expand those uses and be compliant with having some more options for their tenants. 00:04:34
Any questions from council on this application? 00:04:43
I guess the other part of that too with the PO zone is that some development standards were changed with various setbacks and an 00:04:50
increased building height. So if property owners were to redevelop in the future, it would be to those standards. 00:04:57
Closer front yard set back, further set back from residential areas and a 5 foot increase in building height. 00:05:05
So those would be available if the property owner in the future would ever wanted to redevelop. 00:05:13
Thanks, Carrie, Appreciate it. Did the applicant want to address the Council? 00:05:22
OK. 00:05:30
It's it's. 00:05:34
It's pretty straightforward application OK. 00:05:35
Yeah, come on up, name and address please. 00:05:39
Alan Gibson And to bring up the picture of the place again, I'm just north of the parking lot. 00:05:42
2080 E Elmont Drive. 00:05:50
There's my backyard, right? 00:05:54
Straight up from the parking lot. 00:05:57
Anyway, I'm in favor of it. I he's been a good neighbor. Although it's a business, it's always been a business. Why the business 00:05:59
people couldn't? 00:06:04
Redo their business license? I don't understand that part sounds like. 00:06:09
Something going on somewhere, and this is to clear up I guess that mess of whatever it was. Anyway, the part that I'm just 00:06:13
basically saying is this is what he said to us. There is no proposed new development of the building. I'm just asking to move the 00:06:20
PO zone to be in compliance with the city of Holiday so these tenants can get a current business license. They got plenty of 00:06:27
parking, so there's no parking issue with this place like there is with other places around the city where parking is a nightmare. 00:06:34
We won't mention Laney Lane. 00:06:42
Or fire trucks trying to get through there. Anybody else trying to get through that area? 00:06:47
When it's crowded. But all I'm asking is that yes, you go for it. 00:06:52
Approve his request. 00:06:58
But if there is a future, if anything, I would say keep the building the way it is. Don't we don't want to see a white big. 00:07:01
Building there like we had 30 years ago, where the fire station used to be. Oh yeah. So I'm just saying keep it low. 00:07:10
Keep the height low. 00:07:19
Even though I think I just heard that height was allowed to be increased in the future, I would say. 00:07:21
Put a restriction if anything. 00:07:28
Keep it the way it is. 00:07:31
So yeah, I think. 00:07:33
With resident, as long as there's residences behind it anyway. Other than that I have no other comments when someone has a 00:07:36
question for me. 00:07:40
All right. Well, thank you very much. 00:07:46
OK. With that then we'll open up the public hearing on this particular agenda item. Anybody for public input? 00:07:50
Where else? 00:08:02
Oh, that was public input. OK, I thought it was. 00:08:04
We'll take it as your public input. Before we opened up the public hearing, but now it's formally open. Anybody else for public 00:08:11
input? 00:08:15
Then we'll close the public hearing. I assume we will have this on the December 12 agenda for vote. That's our next council 00:08:20
meeting, so we'll post this for vote on December 12th. 00:08:25
All right. So that public hearing is closed. We'll move now to the proposed amendments to the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget. 00:08:31
In the packet and discussed previously before we open up the public hearing any other questions from Council with Christian here. 00:08:40
OK, there being none will open up the public hearing. Anybody for public comment on the 2025. 00:08:52
2024-2025 fiscal year budget amendments. 00:08:58
There being then we'll close the public hearing and I assume this will be also on the agenda on December 12th for approval. 00:09:03
Thanks, Christian. 00:09:07
Item number six is consideration of Ordinance 2024, Dash 19. This is amendment to the zone map. 00:09:13
For 5424 S Highland Drive from R121 to R210 public hearing was held at the last council meeting and follow on discussions in the 00:09:19
work session. Any final questions from Council before we take a motion on this zone change? 00:09:28
Mr. Mayor, I move approval of Ordinance 2024, Dash 19, amending the zoning map for property located at 5428 S Highland Drive from 00:09:39
R121 to R210. 00:09:44
2nd. 00:09:49
We have a motion in a second room, Councilmember Quinn, and we'll go to vote. Council Member Gray. Yes. 00:09:51
Councilmember Quinn, yes, Council Member Fotheringham, yes, Council Member Durham, Yes, Council Member Brewer yes and Chair Vote 00:09:58
Chess and that zone change is approved. Thank you, Council. 00:10:04
All right, And this one's been a long time in the works. This is the. 00:10:12
Amendments to the historical preservation ordinance. 00:10:19
And again, any questions or comments from Council before we take a motion on Ordinance 2024-20? Just one question first, 00:10:23
Stephanie. 00:10:28
Agenda has 20/24/20 and the. 00:10:33
So it is 20. So when we could take a motion? 00:10:38
20. 00:10:41
Well, this said 21. 00:10:46
OK if there's no comment. 00:10:52
Or question if there are any comments or questions. Mr. Mayor, I move adoption. Oh, would you? Maybe you should. 00:10:55
I move adoption of Ordinance 2024-20 amending various sections of Title 13 relating to historical preservation. Second. 00:11:01
Motion a second. We'll go to vote. Councilmember Gray Yes. Councilmember Quinn, Yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. 00:11:10
Councilmember Durham, Yes. Councilmember Brewer, yes. And chair vote yes. And Ty, thanks for your work with the Commission on 00:11:15
this. And thanks to the Commission, I know. 00:11:20
And a lot of back and forth trying to land at a good spot on this, and I think we did. 00:11:27
And thanks to staff for putting it all together too. 00:11:31
All right, consent agenda. This is September 19th minutes. 00:11:37
Questions. Edits. 00:11:43
Motion to approve the minutes from September 19th. 00:11:46
Second, all in favor say aye aye. September 19th minister approved. Thank you council city manager report nothing for me tonight. 00:11:50
Count. Wow, we're cooking. 00:12:00
Emily, I don't have anything. Oh, somebody's gonna blow it, right? 00:12:04
Through pressures on. 00:12:10
So I've been to a couple of community council meetings recently. 00:12:15
At. 00:12:19
Unfortunately, there is still a problem at several schools with dog waste. 00:12:21
And I learned at that meeting that the. 00:12:27
The Granite District has allowed every school to close their campus to dogs for 30 days. 00:12:30
And so Drex is going to be doing that, dividing it between the Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. 00:12:39
So they are in the envious position of having they've been able to put gates on several their their fences. So the only way in or 00:12:46
out on those gates are locked is past the front of the school. They have had some people coming through the the neighborhood 00:12:54
openings that are now gates that can be locked. 00:13:01
That have been real problems. So that's that's a good thing. Unfortunately, dog owners, you know, you gotta you gotta. 00:13:09
Clean up after your dogs. Anyway, Sorry Churchill. An interesting discovery that we found is that Churchill boundaries go South of 00:13:19
45th South. And when we pulled up the safe walking route, it had the students walking across 45th South in a place where there was 00:13:29
no crosswalk. And that's, you know, a fairly busy Rd. So what we have we are attempting to do, of course, it is AU dot Rd. 00:13:38
So the city can't do anything on their own. So what we're trying to do is work with U dot. I've also contacted Granite District 00:13:49
and they're on board. They're going to write us a letter saying, hey, we really need, you know, would like to have a place for 00:13:56
people to, you know, students to cross so that they can go through the park and then to the overpass over the freeway. 00:14:03
The city actually did? A asked. 00:14:11
Excuse me? The city asked. You dot who? 00:14:16
Did a traffic study I think about two years ago without Gina Huall, the 215 construction was still going on and at that point they 00:14:20
said well you don't have enough people crossing, but we're hoping at this point in time now that the. 00:14:28
The construction is finished and you know, people want to cross to the park and I see I'm over there a lot. I see people crossing 00:14:37
with their dogs to go to the park. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed and we'll keep you updated on that. 00:14:44
Is that fast enough? 00:14:51
Drew's taking all the pressure off of everybody. 00:14:53
Nothing for me. 00:14:57
I just wanted to report that I went, I went to the Crestview Elementary Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, which was a great event. 00:15:00
I think they're planning on doing that as an annual thing that Clark Nelson from the school board was there and a lot of parents 00:15:08
and it was, it was really a good observation. And then I wanted to mention two things in connection with Happy Healthy Holiday. 00:15:16
They are Co sponsoring with some other partners a comfort drive for warm clothes and blankets and things for Huntsman Cancer. 00:15:25
And I think we have a collection point here in the lobby. So just wanted to make people aware of that. And then. 00:15:33
They're sponsoring a QPR training on December 9th from 9:00 to 10:30 here at City Hall. QPR is questioned. Persuade and refer. 00:15:42
Framework for helping people who are in crisis and might need referrals to suicide sources. 00:15:55
And so that's open to anybody who would want to attend. 00:16:03
That's all. 00:16:08
Thanks, Matt. 00:16:09
I'll just report I attended the WFRC. It's their visiting meeting that was I think Monday, as I recall Kerry was there as well 00:16:12
and. 00:16:15
Just the only I guess things of note, you know, our really holiday is relatively well planned and that, but we did add just as you 00:16:21
look towards the future some biking as I recall and carry maybe could refresh my memory. But I think just identified some areas 00:16:28
where it would be good from an active transportation standpoint to have biking along 23rd East, for example, a little bit more 00:16:35
formally and I can't remember which other areas and then the trail that went from 56. 00:16:43
South and Highland drive down towards the tie in to Murray's trail system that goes that goes down to Wheeler Farm that I think 00:16:50
Paul that we talked about a while ago. So we added those to their map and and then they had a UTA guy that one thing that was 00:16:56
interesting as we were looking at initially we're like Holiday has pretty good coverage as far as the buses go and he was saying 00:17:03
that the Holiday Blvd. bus. 00:17:09
Over sometime in the next 5 years will be dropping because they're I think they averaged 4 writers per day on the Hollywood 00:17:15
stretch there, which is but they're going to increase. 00:17:20
I call it rapid transit. I guess we had a service every 15 minutes or something, a couple of them molecule along Highland Drive 00:17:25
and at least up to Holiday Hills anyways and some others. So it was good and we were representative at least so. 00:17:32
That's all I've got. 00:17:40
Just three quick thank yous. 1 is. 00:17:41
A couple of members of the tree Committee showed up out at the Sandy mosque. 00:17:45
Is it Bob Stevens? Bob Stevens and Jeremiah Elder? 00:17:52
And his crew. And then another gentleman from the Tree committee whose name escapes me. 00:17:57
Anyway. 00:18:04
2 trees were donated and I cancelled it because I wasn't getting any response only to find out they had already been out and 00:18:06
removed the trees and had scheduled the trees to be planted. So I went out and met him there and they planted 2 nice new trees out 00:18:12
of the sandy mosque which I thought was really nice of those guys to show up and do that for him. The Imam was there and it was a 00:18:18
great event and just big thanks to the members of the Interfaith Council. We had our service at Olympus Junior High on Sunday. I 00:18:23
think we had about 500 there. 00:18:29
Chief and Captain Brown, thanks to your guys for coming out and supporting that event again. 00:18:36
And then of course, the Historical Commission and Megan, I thought they just did a fabulous job. Doug Wright and the crew on the 00:18:42
the 18 on Monday night for the holiday at 25 celebration is really great. You know, they put a lot of work into that and I thought 00:18:49
it was really, really nice. And again, just. 00:18:56
You know, kudos to our the committees that are working in the city, they're doing great stuff, so. 00:19:03
That's really all I have. 00:19:09
Confirm motion I am. 00:19:13
Mr. Mayor, we recess City Council and reconvene in a work meeting. Is that across the hall or no? Yeah. 00:19:15
2nd. 00:19:23
All in favor say aye aye. OK, we'll take a couple minute break and meet across the hall. 00:19:24
Hey man, if we didn't have a work session that would have been. 00:19:34
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Yeah. 00:00:23
Wow, what a crowd. What a crowd. 00:00:47
Are we recording? 00:00:53
Yeah, what's what's wrong with over here? 00:00:57
All right. Welcome. 00:01:00
Welcome one person, 2 persons from the public who will call the City of Holiday Council meeting to order on November 21st and 00:01:04
we'll start with the pledge. 00:01:08
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:17
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:23
Thank you. OK, before we open up public comment, we have two public hearings on A1 is on a rezone. 00:01:31
On 2091 E Murray Holiday Road and the other is a public hearing on proposed amendment. So if you're here to address the council on 00:01:39
either of those issues, Please wait till we open up those public hearings. If you're here to address the council on other than 00:01:46
those two public hearing issues, now would be your time. Public comment is now open. Anybody for public comment? 00:01:52
There being none, will close public comment and move to item number 4. This is a public hearing on the proposed rezone of 2091 E 00:02:01
Murray Holiday Road from RM Residential Multifamily to Professional Office PO. 00:02:07
The packet is the report is in the staff report is in the packet. Carrie Marshall will be addressing us on that. I believe the 00:02:15
applicant is here. Mr. Neslin. OK. 00:02:21
We also have, I believe all the council members have received the addendum to the to the council staff report. This must be a a 00:02:28
tandem application. The PC heard this on Tuesday and voted 5, voted 5 O to favorably recommend the rezone application. Councils 00:02:37
all got that in in your e-mail. OK, then let's start with Carrie and we'll see. 00:02:47
Her hear her presentation and see what questions the council has. 00:02:57
OK so this is a rezone. There's one of several properties along Murray Holiday Rd. that historically were zoned as RM under Salt 00:03:03
Lake County zoning. That county zoning had a mix of uses with both office use and multi family use being permitted. In 2018 a new 00:03:10
zone, the Professional Office zone was created and all of the office uses were pulled out of the room zone and put into the new PO 00:03:17
zone with. 00:03:25
Additional uses for personal services, charter schools and medical dental just to give tenants or property owners more options for 00:03:32
tenants to include in those office spaces so when that. 00:03:42
New zone was created. Map was created that showed all of those properties that had historically been used as office buildings that 00:03:52
was included in your packet. 00:03:57
Those are the purple parcels and then the hashed overlay is all of the room zones, so you can see those offices that are in RM 00:04:03
zones. The expectation was that any properties that had historically been used as office space would then be able to rezone to PO 00:04:11
in an expedited fashion. So that is thus the same week with. 00:04:19
Planning Commission and City Council being able to get this application through quickly. 00:04:28
Just so that the property owner can expand those uses and be compliant with having some more options for their tenants. 00:04:34
Any questions from council on this application? 00:04:43
I guess the other part of that too with the PO zone is that some development standards were changed with various setbacks and an 00:04:50
increased building height. So if property owners were to redevelop in the future, it would be to those standards. 00:04:57
Closer front yard set back, further set back from residential areas and a 5 foot increase in building height. 00:05:05
So those would be available if the property owner in the future would ever wanted to redevelop. 00:05:13
Thanks, Carrie, Appreciate it. Did the applicant want to address the Council? 00:05:22
OK. 00:05:30
It's it's. 00:05:34
It's pretty straightforward application OK. 00:05:35
Yeah, come on up, name and address please. 00:05:39
Alan Gibson And to bring up the picture of the place again, I'm just north of the parking lot. 00:05:42
2080 E Elmont Drive. 00:05:50
There's my backyard, right? 00:05:54
Straight up from the parking lot. 00:05:57
Anyway, I'm in favor of it. I he's been a good neighbor. Although it's a business, it's always been a business. Why the business 00:05:59
people couldn't? 00:06:04
Redo their business license? I don't understand that part sounds like. 00:06:09
Something going on somewhere, and this is to clear up I guess that mess of whatever it was. Anyway, the part that I'm just 00:06:13
basically saying is this is what he said to us. There is no proposed new development of the building. I'm just asking to move the 00:06:20
PO zone to be in compliance with the city of Holiday so these tenants can get a current business license. They got plenty of 00:06:27
parking, so there's no parking issue with this place like there is with other places around the city where parking is a nightmare. 00:06:34
We won't mention Laney Lane. 00:06:42
Or fire trucks trying to get through there. Anybody else trying to get through that area? 00:06:47
When it's crowded. But all I'm asking is that yes, you go for it. 00:06:52
Approve his request. 00:06:58
But if there is a future, if anything, I would say keep the building the way it is. Don't we don't want to see a white big. 00:07:01
Building there like we had 30 years ago, where the fire station used to be. Oh yeah. So I'm just saying keep it low. 00:07:10
Keep the height low. 00:07:19
Even though I think I just heard that height was allowed to be increased in the future, I would say. 00:07:21
Put a restriction if anything. 00:07:28
Keep it the way it is. 00:07:31
So yeah, I think. 00:07:33
With resident, as long as there's residences behind it anyway. Other than that I have no other comments when someone has a 00:07:36
question for me. 00:07:40
All right. Well, thank you very much. 00:07:46
OK. With that then we'll open up the public hearing on this particular agenda item. Anybody for public input? 00:07:50
Where else? 00:08:02
Oh, that was public input. OK, I thought it was. 00:08:04
We'll take it as your public input. Before we opened up the public hearing, but now it's formally open. Anybody else for public 00:08:11
input? 00:08:15
Then we'll close the public hearing. I assume we will have this on the December 12 agenda for vote. That's our next council 00:08:20
meeting, so we'll post this for vote on December 12th. 00:08:25
All right. So that public hearing is closed. We'll move now to the proposed amendments to the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget. 00:08:31
In the packet and discussed previously before we open up the public hearing any other questions from Council with Christian here. 00:08:40
OK, there being none will open up the public hearing. Anybody for public comment on the 2025. 00:08:52
2024-2025 fiscal year budget amendments. 00:08:58
There being then we'll close the public hearing and I assume this will be also on the agenda on December 12th for approval. 00:09:03
Thanks, Christian. 00:09:07
Item number six is consideration of Ordinance 2024, Dash 19. This is amendment to the zone map. 00:09:13
For 5424 S Highland Drive from R121 to R210 public hearing was held at the last council meeting and follow on discussions in the 00:09:19
work session. Any final questions from Council before we take a motion on this zone change? 00:09:28
Mr. Mayor, I move approval of Ordinance 2024, Dash 19, amending the zoning map for property located at 5428 S Highland Drive from 00:09:39
R121 to R210. 00:09:44
2nd. 00:09:49
We have a motion in a second room, Councilmember Quinn, and we'll go to vote. Council Member Gray. Yes. 00:09:51
Councilmember Quinn, yes, Council Member Fotheringham, yes, Council Member Durham, Yes, Council Member Brewer yes and Chair Vote 00:09:58
Chess and that zone change is approved. Thank you, Council. 00:10:04
All right, And this one's been a long time in the works. This is the. 00:10:12
Amendments to the historical preservation ordinance. 00:10:19
And again, any questions or comments from Council before we take a motion on Ordinance 2024-20? Just one question first, 00:10:23
Stephanie. 00:10:28
Agenda has 20/24/20 and the. 00:10:33
So it is 20. So when we could take a motion? 00:10:38
20. 00:10:41
Well, this said 21. 00:10:46
OK if there's no comment. 00:10:52
Or question if there are any comments or questions. Mr. Mayor, I move adoption. Oh, would you? Maybe you should. 00:10:55
I move adoption of Ordinance 2024-20 amending various sections of Title 13 relating to historical preservation. Second. 00:11:01
Motion a second. We'll go to vote. Councilmember Gray Yes. Councilmember Quinn, Yes. Councilmember Fotheringham, yes. 00:11:10
Councilmember Durham, Yes. Councilmember Brewer, yes. And chair vote yes. And Ty, thanks for your work with the Commission on 00:11:15
this. And thanks to the Commission, I know. 00:11:20
And a lot of back and forth trying to land at a good spot on this, and I think we did. 00:11:27
And thanks to staff for putting it all together too. 00:11:31
All right, consent agenda. This is September 19th minutes. 00:11:37
Questions. Edits. 00:11:43
Motion to approve the minutes from September 19th. 00:11:46
Second, all in favor say aye aye. September 19th minister approved. Thank you council city manager report nothing for me tonight. 00:11:50
Count. Wow, we're cooking. 00:12:00
Emily, I don't have anything. Oh, somebody's gonna blow it, right? 00:12:04
Through pressures on. 00:12:10
So I've been to a couple of community council meetings recently. 00:12:15
At. 00:12:19
Unfortunately, there is still a problem at several schools with dog waste. 00:12:21
And I learned at that meeting that the. 00:12:27
The Granite District has allowed every school to close their campus to dogs for 30 days. 00:12:30
And so Drex is going to be doing that, dividing it between the Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. 00:12:39
So they are in the envious position of having they've been able to put gates on several their their fences. So the only way in or 00:12:46
out on those gates are locked is past the front of the school. They have had some people coming through the the neighborhood 00:12:54
openings that are now gates that can be locked. 00:13:01
That have been real problems. So that's that's a good thing. Unfortunately, dog owners, you know, you gotta you gotta. 00:13:09
Clean up after your dogs. Anyway, Sorry Churchill. An interesting discovery that we found is that Churchill boundaries go South of 00:13:19
45th South. And when we pulled up the safe walking route, it had the students walking across 45th South in a place where there was 00:13:29
no crosswalk. And that's, you know, a fairly busy Rd. So what we have we are attempting to do, of course, it is AU dot Rd. 00:13:38
So the city can't do anything on their own. So what we're trying to do is work with U dot. I've also contacted Granite District 00:13:49
and they're on board. They're going to write us a letter saying, hey, we really need, you know, would like to have a place for 00:13:56
people to, you know, students to cross so that they can go through the park and then to the overpass over the freeway. 00:14:03
The city actually did? A asked. 00:14:11
Excuse me? The city asked. You dot who? 00:14:16
Did a traffic study I think about two years ago without Gina Huall, the 215 construction was still going on and at that point they 00:14:20
said well you don't have enough people crossing, but we're hoping at this point in time now that the. 00:14:28
The construction is finished and you know, people want to cross to the park and I see I'm over there a lot. I see people crossing 00:14:37
with their dogs to go to the park. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed and we'll keep you updated on that. 00:14:44
Is that fast enough? 00:14:51
Drew's taking all the pressure off of everybody. 00:14:53
Nothing for me. 00:14:57
I just wanted to report that I went, I went to the Crestview Elementary Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, which was a great event. 00:15:00
I think they're planning on doing that as an annual thing that Clark Nelson from the school board was there and a lot of parents 00:15:08
and it was, it was really a good observation. And then I wanted to mention two things in connection with Happy Healthy Holiday. 00:15:16
They are Co sponsoring with some other partners a comfort drive for warm clothes and blankets and things for Huntsman Cancer. 00:15:25
And I think we have a collection point here in the lobby. So just wanted to make people aware of that. And then. 00:15:33
They're sponsoring a QPR training on December 9th from 9:00 to 10:30 here at City Hall. QPR is questioned. Persuade and refer. 00:15:42
Framework for helping people who are in crisis and might need referrals to suicide sources. 00:15:55
And so that's open to anybody who would want to attend. 00:16:03
That's all. 00:16:08
Thanks, Matt. 00:16:09
I'll just report I attended the WFRC. It's their visiting meeting that was I think Monday, as I recall Kerry was there as well 00:16:12
and. 00:16:15
Just the only I guess things of note, you know, our really holiday is relatively well planned and that, but we did add just as you 00:16:21
look towards the future some biking as I recall and carry maybe could refresh my memory. But I think just identified some areas 00:16:28
where it would be good from an active transportation standpoint to have biking along 23rd East, for example, a little bit more 00:16:35
formally and I can't remember which other areas and then the trail that went from 56. 00:16:43
South and Highland drive down towards the tie in to Murray's trail system that goes that goes down to Wheeler Farm that I think 00:16:50
Paul that we talked about a while ago. So we added those to their map and and then they had a UTA guy that one thing that was 00:16:56
interesting as we were looking at initially we're like Holiday has pretty good coverage as far as the buses go and he was saying 00:17:03
that the Holiday Blvd. bus. 00:17:09
Over sometime in the next 5 years will be dropping because they're I think they averaged 4 writers per day on the Hollywood 00:17:15
stretch there, which is but they're going to increase. 00:17:20
I call it rapid transit. I guess we had a service every 15 minutes or something, a couple of them molecule along Highland Drive 00:17:25
and at least up to Holiday Hills anyways and some others. So it was good and we were representative at least so. 00:17:32
That's all I've got. 00:17:40
Just three quick thank yous. 1 is. 00:17:41
A couple of members of the tree Committee showed up out at the Sandy mosque. 00:17:45
Is it Bob Stevens? Bob Stevens and Jeremiah Elder? 00:17:52
And his crew. And then another gentleman from the Tree committee whose name escapes me. 00:17:57
Anyway. 00:18:04
2 trees were donated and I cancelled it because I wasn't getting any response only to find out they had already been out and 00:18:06
removed the trees and had scheduled the trees to be planted. So I went out and met him there and they planted 2 nice new trees out 00:18:12
of the sandy mosque which I thought was really nice of those guys to show up and do that for him. The Imam was there and it was a 00:18:18
great event and just big thanks to the members of the Interfaith Council. We had our service at Olympus Junior High on Sunday. I 00:18:23
think we had about 500 there. 00:18:29
Chief and Captain Brown, thanks to your guys for coming out and supporting that event again. 00:18:36
And then of course, the Historical Commission and Megan, I thought they just did a fabulous job. Doug Wright and the crew on the 00:18:42
the 18 on Monday night for the holiday at 25 celebration is really great. You know, they put a lot of work into that and I thought 00:18:49
it was really, really nice. And again, just. 00:18:56
You know, kudos to our the committees that are working in the city, they're doing great stuff, so. 00:19:03
That's really all I have. 00:19:09
Confirm motion I am. 00:19:13
Mr. Mayor, we recess City Council and reconvene in a work meeting. Is that across the hall or no? Yeah. 00:19:15
2nd. 00:19:23
All in favor say aye aye. OK, we'll take a couple minute break and meet across the hall. 00:19:24
Hey man, if we didn't have a work session that would have been. 00:19:34
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